Online Olympiads in physical education. Physical Education Olympiads Motor skill is

Dear participants, after passing the Olympiad you will be able to order the production of a personal diploma. You can also order the production of a diploma using this link.

Currently, the result of the field of physical education is the creation of sustainable motivation for students to maintain a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle. Every student should want to improve himself, his body, his spirit. Physical education refers to the field of means of preserving and promoting health. This direction relates to the development of physical fitness, and the correct distribution of your free time. Physical activity proves not only to improve oneself as an individual, but also stimulates the growth of mental abilities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, high activity, and so on. In fact, physical education is not only running and jumping in place; it includes various programs and exercises that can affect the growth of certain muscles, strengthening muscles, joints, and so on. Properly studied programs allow you to improve yourself and give your natural body a brighter and more desirable look. Our portal provides an opportunity not only to prepare yourself for various physical education tests, but also to test your knowledge in this area.

Online Olympiads in physical education on the Sunshine portal

In this section, our pedagogical portal is pleased to welcome sunlight and is ready to offer you to look at examples of Olympiad tasks in physical education for grades 5-6. This section presents several Olympiads with varying degrees of difficulty. Each test has 10 questions that provide short and clear answers. The test tasks are not difficult, but they are in-depth, that is, in a regular school curriculum, you only go through half of the sections, so that you can pass the test well, you should go deeper into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis subject. The tasks can be used as preparatory tests for a real Olympiad, because they are as close as possible to those that can take place at a given time. Online tests 2016-2017 in physical education have answers hidden under the questions. To check the correctness of your answer, you should click on the check button, during which a table with the correct answer will open. Students can use our portal as a simulator for self-preparation for Olympiads.

Pass the Olympiads in physical education for grades 5-6

For some it may seem that the Olympiads in physical education are not as serious as, for example, the Olympiads in exact sciences, but nevertheless, one should not forget that physical development is also very important for a person. Moreover, it should be noted that brain activity works better with motor activity. That is, the more active a person is, the more he can develop mentally. Surely everyone has heard that movement is life, but not everyone grasps the essence of these words and not everyone understands how true this expression can be. In order to help students prepare well for the Olympiad in Physical Education, we have prepared several exciting tests with interesting and educational questions. Each student will be able to evaluate themselves while working on the test. By checking the answers you can immediately find out your result. Upon completion of the test, you can create your own personal diploma or certificate.

How to create a diploma on the Sunshine portal?

The pedagogical portal Sunshine offers the opportunity not only to independently prepare for physical education Olympiads, but also to receive a pleasant gift in the form of a diploma. Success in your achievements must be supported by something; at a real Olympiad they give out medals, diplomas and awards, but with us you can receive a diploma immediately after finishing the test. Check your capabilities, answer questions and add to your portfolio of awards on our Sunshine website.

This task is designed to be carried out school stage All-Russian Olympiad in physical education for students in grades 9 - 11 for the 2016-2017 academic year, at the request of the Center for Education of the Department of Education of the city. Khimki. Presented: - tasks in closed and open form; - tasks related to transfer and comparison; - tasks with graphic images. To make the work easier for teachers, here is an answer form; key for checking tasks; technology for assessing the quality of fulfillment of a theoretical and methodological task and the entire Olympiad as a whole (theory + practice), as well as instructions for completing tasks.



Theoretical and methodological tasks of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Physical Education for students in grades 9–11

Closed form assignments

1. A distinctive feature of physical culture is:

A – education of physical qualities and training in motor actions;

B – use of hygienic factors and healing forces of nature;

B – high results in educational, labor and sports activities;

G – motor activity organized in a certain way.

2. Basic physical education is primarily focused on providing:

A – development of reserve capabilities of the human body;

B - a person’s physical preparedness for life;

B – maintaining and restoring health;

D – preparation for professional activities.

3. The implementation of the basic principles of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports makes it possible to carry out physical training of a person.....

A – through the system of educational institutions.

B - through physical education and sports clubs.

B – continuously throughout life.

G – independently.

4. Physical exercise is:

A – such motor actions that are aimed at the formation of motor skills;

B – types of motor actions aimed at morphological and functional changes in the body;

B – such motor actions (including their combinations) that are aimed at implementing the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws;

D – types of motor actions aimed at changing body shape and developing physical qualities.

5. Rhythm as a complex characteristic of physical exercise technique reflects:

A – the natural order of distribution of efforts in time and space, the sequence and measure of their change (increase and decrease) in the dynamics of action;

B – frequency of movements per unit time;

B – interaction of internal and external forces in the process of movement;

G – accuracy of motor action and its final result.

6. The load when performing exercises that cause an increase in heart rate to 140-160 beats/min is usually designated as:

A – small;

B – average;

B – large;

G – high.

7. Which of the proposed definitions is formulated incorrectly:

A – speed is a quality on which the speed characteristics of movements depend;

B – the speed of movement in space depends on the speed of the motor reaction;

B – strength is manifested in the ability to overcome resistance through muscle tension;

D – are all the proposed definitions formulated correctly?

8. A distinctive feature of a skill is:

A – non-standard parameters and results of the action;

B – participation of automatisms in carrying out operations;

B – stereotypical action parameters;

G – reduction in the time required to complete an action.

9. This saying: “At the Olympics, the main thing is not victory, but participation” belongs to:

A – IOC President Siegfried Edström;

B – US President Roosevelt;

B - Pierre de Coubertin;

G - Bishop of St. Peter's Cathedral.

10. In what year were the Olympic Games held in Asia for the first time:

A – in 1960;

B – in 1964;

B – in 1968;

G – in 2008?

11. What event happened in the field of physical culture and sports in Russia in 1934:

A – the physical training complex “Be ready for work and defense” (BGTO) has been adopted;

B – a new physical training complex “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” (GTO) is being introduced;

B – the honorary badge “Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports” was established;

D – is All-Union Athlete’s Day celebrated?

12. When the All-Union Council of Physical Culture approved the regulations on the GTO complex:

13. What role did the “Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR” complex play in the life of our country:

A – contributed to the activation of physical culture and sports work among the population;

B - increased the patriotic and labor enthusiasm of the Soviet people;

B – was an important measure in improving the health of the population;

G - interfered with the creation of a mass sports base?

14. The modern All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” includes:

A – 5 steps;

B – 7 steps;

B – 9 steps;

G – 11 steps.

15. The very first basketball match took place on December 21……… in the hall of Springfield College:

A – 1890;

B – 1891;

B – 1894;

G - 1895.

16. The first men's basketball world championship took place in 1950 in:

A – USA;


In Germany;

G – Argentina.

17. In which sports from the list above did women compete during the first Winter Olympic Games...

A – cross-country skiing;

B – speed skating;

B – figure skating;

G – biathlon?

18. What is the penalty if the goalkeeper, being within the penalty area, touches the ball with his hands outside of it....

A – corner kick;

B – free kick;

B – free kick;

G – 11-meter kick?

19. The first European football champion was the team:

A – Spain;

B – Italy;


G – Denmark.

20. What is the minimum number of players a handball team must have before it is allowed to play:

A – 3;

B – 4;

AT 5;

G – 6?

Open-ended tasks

21. The ability to withstand fatigue in muscular work that requires significant force stress is designated as ……….

22. Functional changes in the body caused by performing exercises are designated as training………..

23. The simultaneous performance of different tasks by several students is designated as ……………. way of organizing students.

24. Closed mechanical injury of soft tissues with a violation of their anatomical integrity as a result of the action of forces exceeding the elasticity limit of these tissues is designated as ………….

25. Periods of biological development, within which the most favorable conditions for improving individual properties of the body and human abilities are formed, are usually designated as ……..

26. The type of basic sliding step that leaves a characteristic pattern on the ice, used by skaters to gain speed or transition from one element to another, is called…………

27. Accented mastery of the elements of any sports discipline is designated as …………..

28. An increase in the range of motion under the influence of weights is called ...... flexibility.

29. Motor activity, ordered in accordance with a conventional “plot” for the assimilation of educational material by students, is called the ………… method.

30. In volleyball, each team can have a defensive player among its reserve players, called ………….

31. List the main means known to you that are used in the process of physical education.

32. List the elementary forms of manifestation of speed known to you.

33. List the types of strength abilities of an athlete.


A – Volitional quality, manifested in the athlete’s calm awareness of his capabilities in the process of mastering skills and an advantage over an opponent during performances in competitions

1 - Confidence

B – Personality property that determines a person’s readiness to assimilate, preserve, develop and use knowledge and experience, as well as to behave intelligently

2 - Intelligence

B – The desire to achieve the intended goal, energetic, active overcoming of obstacles on the way to achieving the goal

3 - Persistence

35. Match the name of the term with its content, write down the correspondence in numbers.

Name of the term

A – A complex of various human manifestations in certain motor activities, which are based on the concept of “strength”

1 – Strength abilities

B – Ability to withstand fatigue caused by relatively prolonged muscle tension of significant magnitude

2 – Strength endurance

B – Ability to accurately differentiate muscle efforts of various magnitudes and under unforeseen situations and mixed modes of muscle work

3 – Power Agility

36. Match the title with its content, write down the correspondence in numbers.

37. Compare the focus of the main varieties of physical culture and sports with their accepted designations, indicated by letters, by entering the corresponding numbers in the answer form.

38. . Match the title with its content, write down the correspondence in numbers.


A – A system of physical exercises with weights, aimed at comprehensive strength training and improving the physique through muscle development

1 - Aerobics

B – A system of cyclic exercises that require endurance and help improve the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems

2 – Athletic gymnastics

B – A system of physical exercises that include performing complex choreographic combinations of a dance nature to music

3 – Street jam

Graphics related tasks

39. Draw graphically:

A. Stand, arms forward to the sides.

B. Stand with legs apart, arms up.

B. Kneeling position.

G. Stand on the shoulder blades.

40. Draw graphically:

A. Sit at an angle, arms to the sides.

B. Lunge on the right, hands on the waist.

B. Lying position, right leg up.

D. Squat, hands behind your head.



SCHOOL STAGE 2016-2017 academic year


FULL NAME. ____________________________________ Class ________

Closed form assignments

Answer options

Answer options



Open-ended tasks

Transfer-related tasks





33. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Matching related tasks

34. 37.

35. 38.

Graphic image

39. 40.

Grade ( terms and sum)_________________________________

Jury signatures


Key for checking physical education assignments

9-11 grades

Closed form assignments

Open-ended tasks

strength endurance





herringbone A

To determine the winners of the Olympics, as well as the overall rating, we use100-point rating systemresults of the Olympic participants. The maximum number of points that a participant can receive for both rounds of the Olympics is 100 points.Credit points for the theoretical and methodological task - 30 points, for acrobatics - 20 points, 25 points for each other practical task.

The results of each test are evaluated using the formulas:

Theoretical and methodological tasks and gymnastics (formula 1)

where X is the test score of the i-th participant; K – the maximum possible credit score in theory (30 points), in gymnastics (20 points); Ni is the result of participant i in a specific task; M – the maximum possible or best result in a specific task. Theory - maximum score: (9-11 grade 63.5 points)

EXAMPLE: Theory: The established coefficient K = 30, the participant’s result in theory is 56 points (Ni) out of 63.5 maximum possible (M = 63.5.5). We substitute the values ​​in formula 1, we get: X = 30 x 56/63.5 = 26.34 points Gymnastics: The established coefficient is K = 20, the participant’s result in gymnastics is 12.5 points (Ni), the best result of a specific task (M = 20). We substitute the values ​​into formula 1, we get: X = 20 x 12.5/18 = 13.8 points

Sports games, athletics: (formula 2)


where X is the test score of the i-th participant; K – the maximum possible credit score in a specific task (40 points); Ni – personal result of the i participant in a specific task; M is the best result shown by participants in a specific task.

EXAMPLE: Set coefficient K=25. The best result shown in the tests was M = 44.1 seconds, personal result of the participant Ni = 53.7 seconds. We substitute the values ​​into formula 2, we get: X = 25 x 44.1/53.7 = 20.53 points To determine the best results of the participants in each competitive test, the results are ranked.

The participant’s personal place in the overall standings is determined by the sum of points. Obtained as a result of completing all the results.

X = 26.34 (task 1) +13.8 (task 2) + 20.53 (task 3) + 19.40 (task 4) = 80.07

The participant who scores the highest amount of points based on the results of all tests is the winner.

Technology for assessing the quality of fulfillment of theoretical and methodological assignments

Maximum points for closed-form assignments:

  • for grades 9-11 – 20 points

Correct solutions to closed-form questions with the choice of one correct answer are scored 1 point, incorrect solutions - 0 points.

Maximum points for open-ended assignments:

  • for grades 9 - 11 – 20 points

Correctly solving open-ended questions in which the correct answer must be completed is scored 2 points.

Maximum points for transfer tasks:

  • for grades 9 - 11 – 4.5 points

A fully completed task related to the transfer is worth 1.5 points, with each correct position worth 0.5 points. Each incorrect position minus 0.5 points.

Maximum points for matching tasks:

  • for grades 9 - 11 – 15 points

In matching tasks, each correct position is worth 1 point, and each incorrect position is worth minus 1 point.

Maximum points for graphic image:

  • for grades 9 - 11 – 4 points

A complete completed task associated with a graphical representation of elements and actions is assessed at 2 points, with each correct position - 0.5 points, each incorrect position minus 0.5 points.

The maximum number of points that a participant can score in the theoretical round is formed from the sum of the maximum possible points for each type of task.

EXAMPLE: 20 questions x 1 point = 20 points (closed form);

10 questions x 2 points = 12 points (open-ended);

3 questions x 1.5 points = 4.5 points (for transfer)

3 points + 3 points + 3 points +3 points + 3 points = 15 points (matching)

2 questions x 2 points = 4 points

Total: 20 +20 + 4.5 + 15 + 4 = 63.5 points.

This indicator will be necessary to obtain a “credit” score for each participant in the Olympiad in the theoretical and methodological task in grades 9-11.


Instructions for completing tasks

You are offered tasks that meet the minimum knowledge requirements for secondary (high school) graduates in the subject “Physical Education”. The task completion time is 45 minutes.

Quests are presented in the form of incomplete statements that may be either true or false when completed.

The statements are presented in:

  • closed form , that is, with proposed completion options. When completing these tasks, you must choose the correct completion from 4 proposed options. Among them there are both correct and incorrect completions, as well as statements that partially correspond to the meaning, as well as tasks,providing more than one correct answer. The selected options are marked on the answer form in the appropriate box:

Question 5

  • open form , that is, without proposed completion options. When completing this task, you must independently choose a word that, completing the statement, forms a true statement. The selected word fits into the corresponding column of the answer form. Records must be legible.
  • Matching related tasks, in which you need to match letters with numbers. Selected options are indicated by adding numbers to the appropriate field on the answer forms.
  • Enumeration related taskfactors, characteristics, etc. known to you. The jury evaluates each submitted position. Records must be legible.
  • Graphics AssignmentDisplay the corresponding pictogram next to the element description.

Read the tasks and suggested answer options carefully. Try not to guess, but to logically justify your choice. Skip unfamiliar tasks instead of completing them by guessing. This will save time for other tasks. You can later return to the missed task.

Be careful when making notes on your answer sheet. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer. Fill in the code: legibly

We wish you success!

Test questions according to the instructions for the assignment:

  1. Instructions for the test for me...

A. I understand.

b. Partially understandable.

V. Not completely clear.

d. It’s not clear.

2. Would you like to ask questions to clarify the assignment?

A. Yes. b. No. V . Don't know. G. Yes, but I'm embarrassed.

Sections: Sports at school and children's health

Our Olympiad is dedicated to the sacred Olympic Games in Hellas. Games in Hellas originated as religious holidays, as holidays of peace and friendship between individual city-states. The enormous scope of the Holy Olympic Games is understandable and explainable. Constant wars required the training of strong, hardy warriors, and the entire system of physical education of that time was subordinated to this. Warriors could show their strength, endurance, and ingenuity in a peaceful environment only at celebrations and festivities. Thus, the Holy Olympic Games over time became a kind of review of physical education in Hellas.

Ancient culture gave humanity the Holy Olympic Games - one of the creations of the genius of the Greek people.

Dear friends! We invite you on an exciting journey into the world of Olympic culture, a journey through time and space. On your journey, you will definitely have the opportunity to experience the joy of meeting whole and harmonious Hellenes, immortal and humanized gods, fearless heroes and courageous warriors, participants and winners of the Holy Olympic Games.

The tasks are presented in a closed form, that is, with suggested answer options. The selected options are marked by crossing out the corresponding letter on the answer form: “a”, “b”, “c” or “d”.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip tasks that cannot be completed immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the tasks, you can return to the questions you missed.

Read the tasks and suggested answer options carefully. Try not to guess, but to logically justify your choice. Skip unfamiliar tasks instead of completing them by guessing. This will save time for other tasks. You can later return to the missed task.

For each correct answer, 3 to 5 points are given.

When performing a creative task, you must have colored pencils with you.

The creative task is assessed as follows:

  • One drawn symbol in color – 3 points.
  • Two drawn symbols in color – 4 points.
  • Three drawn symbols in color – 5 points.

Monitor task completion time.

The task completion time is 20 minutes.

We wish everyone good luck!

Question No. 1. Where were the Sacred Olympic Games born?

A. In Ancient Greece

B. In Ancient Rome

B. In Ancient China

G. In Ancient Rus'

Question No. 2. In which city of Ancient Greece were the Holy Olympic Games held?

A. Megalopoli

B. Olympia

V. Smyrna


Question No. 3. Who was the main god of the Olympians?

B. Poseidon

Question No. 4: Who had the right to participate in the Holy Olympic Games?

A. Women

B. Men

B. Women and men

Question No. 5. What is the frequency of the Holy Olympic Games?

A. Once every 2 years

B. Once every 4 years

B. Once every 5 years

D. Once every 7 years

Question No. 6. What were the winners of the Holy Olympic Games called?

A. Orchestrikami

B. Palestrikami

V. Olympionists

G. Champions

Question No. 7. What were the winners of the Holy Olympic Games awarded with?

A. Wreaths from apple tree branches

B. Wreaths from plum branches

B. Wreaths of sacred olive branches

G. Wreaths from pear branches

Question No. 8. What were the judges called at the ancient Olympic Games?

A. Ellanodikami

B. Consuls

V. Legists

G. Erasistrators

Question No. 9. Who was the first winner of the Holy Olympic Games?

A. Voroibos

B. Moroibos

V. Koroibos

G. Soroibos

Question No. 10: Who was the last winner of the Holy Olympic Games?

A. Varazdat

B. Marazdat

V. Sarazdat

Question No. 11. What was the name of the pentathlon in Ancient Greece?

A. Pentattle

B. Triatl

B. Eptatol

G. Decathlon

Question No. 12. What were the names of the special premises for preparing athletes for the ancient Olympic Games?

A. Gymnasium

B. Palestra

V. Palaestra and Gymnasium

G. Ristalische

Question No. 13: What traditions of the Sacred Olympic Games are used in the modern Olympic Games?

A. Lighting of the Olympic flame

B. Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Games

B. Pronunciation of the oath by athletes and judges

D. All of the above

Creative task. Choose the symbols of the Holy Olympic Games from the proposed list, draw and color them with colored pencils?

A. Olympic flame

B. Sacred Olive Wreath

B. Olympic fireworks

Answer form

Question No. 1 A B IN G
Question No. 2 A B IN G
Question No. 3 A B IN G
Question No. 4 A B IN G
Question No. 5 A B IN G
Question No. 6 A B IN G
Question No. 7 A B IN G
Question No. 8 A B IN G
Question No. 9 A B IN G
Question No. 10 A B IN G
Question No. 11 A B IN G
Question No. 12 A B IN G
Question No. 13 A B IN G
Creative task Students can draw one symbol of the Holy Olympic Games, or several.

Answer key

Question no. Correct answer Issue cost
Question No. 1 A 3
Question No. 2 B 3
Question No. 3 A 4
Question No. 4 B 3
Question No. 5 B 3
Question No. 6 IN 5
Question No. 7 IN 4
Question No. 8 A 5
Question No. 9 IN 5
Question No. 10 A 5
Question No. 11 A 4
Question No. 12 IN 5
Question No. 13 G 4
Creative task

One drawn symbol in color – 3 points.

Two drawn symbols in color – 4 points.

Three drawn symbols in color – 5 points.

The harmonious development of modern man largely depends on physical education lessons, which imply not only practical, but also theoretical study. Teachers should pay special attention to how they are absorbed by students and constantly test the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren. This can be done using our website “Aida”, which regularly hosts physical education Olympiads for schoolchildren.

Testing knowledge in physical education through online Olympiads

Online Olympiads on our website are free for participants, are ongoing, and can be completed at any convenient time. Online Olympiads are tests that include fifteen multiple-choice questions. Students are asked to choose the correct option. The more of them there are, the more successful the Olympics will be. Its results appear immediately after testing is completed. This can be first, second, third place, a laureate or a participant.

Olympiads in physical education involve the acceptance of works with practical recommendations, which are created by students under the guidance of a teacher. They are reviewed by the competition jury for two days after receipt, and then the authors of the works also receive first, second, third place, and become participants or laureates.

Based on the results of the Olympiads, students and teachers can receive diplomas that cost 89 rubles. They include the last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher and student, the results of the Olympiads, and their date. Diplomas are assigned an individual number. They are issued a few minutes after payment is received electronically, then, if necessary, printed on paper.

Certification of physical education teachers

Teachers can use the diplomas that schoolchildren receive after Olympiads in physical education to improve their qualifications. They are attached to the portfolio and shown together with it to the certification commission. This will help speed up the process of advanced training, resulting in a significant increase in salary. The more active the participation of schoolchildren in physical education Olympiads, the more diplomas their teacher can receive. And the sooner it will be assigned a new, more promising category.

In this section you can view examples of Olympiad tasks in physical education for the 6th grade. This set includes 10 test tasks and 5 open questions that require detailed answers.

These tasks can be used both for conducting the Olympiad and for preparing for it, because they are as close as possible to those that students encounter directly at the Olympiad in physical education. Students can also use these assignments for self-study, as the correct answers are included with both the tests and open-ended questions.

Test tasks

1. Name the heart rate (pulse) at rest
healthy person:
A) 50-60 beats per minute
B) 60-80 beats per minute
B) 90-100 beats per minute
D) 25-30 beats per minute

2. How many field players are on the basketball team?
A) 5
B) 6
AT 7
D) 8

3. The game “Volleyball” appeared in:
A) in Great Britain
B) in the USA
B) in Italy
D) in France

4. Emergency braking on skis is carried out:
A) plow
B) in cash
B) controlled fall
D) lateral sliding

5. To determine the flexibility of schoolchildren, the physical education teacher uses the standard
A) pull-up on the bar
B) 30 meter run
B) bending forward from a sitting position on the floor
D) 100 meter run

6. The distance between two athletes standing in line is called;
A) column
B) interval
B) line
D) line

7. When were the first Olympic Games held in ancient Greece?
A) 778g. BC
B) 776 BC
B) 876 BC
D) 1896 AD

8. At what age can you start hardening?
A) from 5 years old
B) only from 25 years old
B) at any age
D) hardening is harmful to health

9. The emergence of physical exercise is historically due primarily...

A) the level of development of primitive people
B) the development of humanity
C) the nature of labor and combat operations
D) geographical location of people's habitat

10. Is this darts?

A) type of sport
B) sports title
B) a type of exercise
D) a type of ball

Open questions

Question 1
What does the word “athletics” mean in Greek?

Question 2
What is a foreign player on a team called in football?

Question 3

In what year and in what city did the tradition of lighting the Olympic flame in the stadium begin?

Question 4
What device is used to determine the functionality of the respiratory system (vital capacity of the lungs)? What can you tell us about how the measurements take place?

Question 5
What is fatigue in sports?

Answers to tests

Test № 1 № 2 № 3 № 4 № 5
Answer B A B IN IN
Test № 6 № 7 № 8 № 9 № 10
Answer B B IN B A

Answers to open questions

Answer to question 1:

The Greek word “athletics” means “struggle, exercise.” In ancient Greece, athletes were those who competed in strength and agility. Currently, athletes are called physically developed and strong people.

Answer to question 2:

A legionnaire is an athlete who plays under a contract for a foreign club team.

Answer to question 3:
In modern times, the Olympic torch relay was resumed in 1936 during the Olympic Games in Berlin (Germany). Then the first modern athlete to start the relay was the Greek Konstantinos Kondylis, and the German Fritz Schilgen to light the torch at the stadium in Berlin.

Answer to question 4:

Vital capacity (VC) is an indicator that reflects the functionality of the respiratory system and is measured using a spirometer. A person standing takes a full breath, pinches his nose and, wrapping his lips around the mouthpiece of the device, exhales evenly and as deeply as possible, while trying to stay straight and not slouch. 2-3 measurements are made, and the greatest result is recorded with an accuracy of within 100 cubic centimeters.

Answer to question 5:

Fatigue is a state of the body characterized by a disruption in the flow of physiological processes and resulting from very intense or very long work. Fatigue leads to decreased performance. In case of severe physical fatigue, mental activity also deteriorates, and, conversely, after mental stress, the ability to perform work that requires physical effort decreases.

Other classes

  • Olympiad in physical education 6th grade
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