He is a pig and she is a horse. Horse Man - Pig Woman (Boar)

Probably only in early youth do people think that love can overcome everything. As people get a little older, they try to find out as much as possible about their loved one. The eastern horoscope will help you prepare for surprises. He will also tell you how compatible the partners are. What future awaits the Pig and the Horse? Compatibility of Pig and Horse - truth or myth?

Pig Man

This sign completes the 12-year eastern cycle, so it is believed that it absorbs all the best and worst traits inherent in other signs.

This guy is honest, decent and open. He has his own principled position on every issue, and he confidently adheres to it. The boar will turn out to be reliable, which is why everyone else around him feels like they are behind a stone wall. At the same time, this guy is not trying to impose his principles on others; he is tolerant of other points of view.

Balanced and calm, he also behaves in love. Heartbreaking passions are alien to him. Pig for healthy human relationships that bring happiness and pleasure. As soon as negativity begins to prevail, the Pig leaves his partner. In this regard, one can guess that he will not tolerate young ladies who involve him in games with unclear rules.

He also tries to enjoy his work. Usually he is a valuable employee who is also valued because he knows how to communicate with people. The field of professional activity can be any.

Horse Woman

This young lady is quite obstinate, a quality that is enhanced if the girl was born in the summer. Such a person believes in herself, is extremely ambitious, sets high goals for herself, on the way to which she often lacks patience, she wants everything at once. She is independent by nature, including from the opinions of people around her. She does not tolerate it when something is imposed on her or when they try to limit her in something.

If people respect her interests, she opens her heart to them. Woman of the sign:

  • friendly;
  • flirtatious;
  • loves to have fun, have fun;
  • loyal to friends.

This young lady doesn't know how to be an intriguer. She says everything head-on, directly, which is probably why it’s easy to build honest communication with her.

For this sign of the Eastern horoscope, the love sphere is very important. It is extremely important for her to love and be loved. If she sees that her beloved accepts her for who she is, for his sake she is capable of much. The girl will not give up anything in her life for the sake of her chosen one, but love gives her a new charge of energy: she will manage to do everything.

Pig Man and Horse Woman

A Horse woman and a Pig man are capable of building high-quality love relationships. They cannot be called an ideal couple, but they have common aspirations. Both are distinguished by charm, openness, and honesty. Both she and he really want to have fun. This girl will see the Pig man as someone she can rely on. Next to him she can be a little playful girl. What will finally win her heart is that the Pig will not try to limit her freedom at all.


The Horse woman and the Pig man, according to the compatibility horoscope, will be able to agree on their roles in the family. At the same time, both will honestly stick to their word, so conflicts are unlikely to arise on everyday grounds. Each will have their own territory, which the second partner will respect. Peace will reign in the house. Married relationships will be based on common hobbies, so they will have something to talk about in their leisure time, and interesting communication is an important factor in preserving the union.


Representatives of the signs have good sex. In bed, both are playful. The guy loves to please his partner, and the young lady knows how to accept affection and give love in return.

The complexities of the union

Difficulties in the union may arise if the Horse girl has a highly developed natural egoism and she openly demonstrates it to her partner. She really has an eccentric character, therefore (especially in her youth) she is capable of shocking her loved one. For a long time, the Pig guy will not tolerate such antics.

Horse Man

This guy is distinguished by his will, sensuality and humanity. Love plays a big role for him. Realizing himself as a loving man is important for him, but from time to time he presents his beloved with unexpected and not very pleasant surprises. At some point, for example, he may decide that he is not ready for the bonds of a long-term relationship and will begin to flirt with other girls. Of course, this may hurt the heart of his beloved.

In relationships, he likes to take a leading position. This is how she manifests herself both at work and in love. If suddenly someone does not want to obey him, then he suffers greatly from wounded pride. In this regard, it is unlikely that a strong and strong-willed girl will be next to him.

In a professional sense, the role of a leading official suits him very well. In these circles, a clear hierarchy is observed, where it is necessary to obey the boss unquestioningly.

Pig Woman

This young lady has a pleasant, attractive appearance, she is smiling and friendly. She is also characterized by a cheerful disposition and openness, all of which she does not hesitate to demonstrate to those around her.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Pig woman is not afraid of difficulties either in her family or in her professional life. She easily establishes trusting relationships with others. She is able to forgive a person’s mistake if he sincerely repents.

It is important for the Pig woman to communicate with people, so she often chooses a profession related to this. In relationships with people, she values ​​lightness and fun. At the same time, it is very important for her to feel that there is a man nearby who is not afraid to express himself. The Pig is feminine and enjoys giving the initiative to a man.

Horse Man and Pig Woman

Horse man and Pig woman have quite high compatibility. The main thing they will agree on is their views on the distribution of roles in the family. It is very convenient for the Pig woman to give the role of head of the family to her man; she will not argue with this, but will only be glad that events are developing in this way.

People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) have good compatibility with almost every sign. But relationships in friendship, love and business develop differently. The horse is energetic and cannot waste time on long thoughts.

In any relationship, he values ​​comfort and will not allow the slightest oppression of his interests. So the fate of the union largely depends on the wisdom and ability to remain calm of the Pig. It will be extremely difficult for her to do this, but the initial difficult period of grinding in will bring truly valuable fruits - happy years of life with a loved one.

The horse creates all the conditions in everyday life for the family to live comfortably, and is kind to its soul mate. But in return it requires a lot of attention, care and openness. Keeping personal space between the couple is not encouraged. The space should be the same for spouses and their children. Therefore, partners know almost everything about the lives of their offspring and each other.

Compatibility in love and marriage

A man was born in the year of the Horse, a woman was born in the year of the Pig.

A couple with classic distribution of roles in the family. He creates all the conditions for a comfortable stay and is the breadwinner in the family. Leads the whole family, simultaneously helping friends and employees who need help and support.

She is the keeper of the hearth and makes staying in the house cozy and satisfying. Order, cleanliness and daily routine are considered the norm for a couple. Household chores bring real pleasure to the wife.

And caring for the spouse and offspring is considered obligatory. All guests appreciate the harmonious and friendly atmosphere, which the couple are proud of. An idyll reigns in the intimate life of the couple. The dominant role in bed is often given to the Horse. A sensual partner accepts all her husband’s rules in order to know herself and fulfill her husband’s fantasies.

The man was born in the year of the Pig, the woman in the year of the Horse.

A couple can also work out and live a long, happy life under one roof if they put their feelings above all else. Selfishness and prejudices will interfere to a greater extent. The Horse is considered the active figure in the pair, and this is the first thing the Pig will have to get used to.

You definitely need to talk to each other and hear opinions different from your own. If compromises are not accepted, the relationship will take a dictatorial form, which will lead to separation. A self-confident man will not tolerate constant harassment and listen to new conditions that his wife has come up with.

The couple has good compatibility, so happy children are born in families where love and mutual respect live. They become a powerful stimulant for spouses to work on their mistakes.

Disadvantages of the union

Neither the Pig nor the Horse are ready to forgive betrayal. Having cooled down, they will analyze the current situation, their guilt in what happened, but it is very difficult for them to forget the offense caused.

A horse has a moral influence on a partner and can cause terrible pain only with hurtful words. It’s quite difficult for a hardworking and devoted spouse to hear this, which is why quarrels often flare up between them.

The Pig has the gift of manipulation, but uses this tool more often for good, guiding the spouse in the right direction in business and career. Sometimes in such techniques the manipulator flirts, and the Horse feels the leash on itself, which drives it into rage.

A pig can often get unnecessarily abused by a partner. Jealousy on his part is often absurd, which offends and humiliates the chosen one. Conflicts based on jealousy are quite emotional, and the most dangerous words can be heard in the hearts, which cannot be taken back. The wounded heart of the Pig will no longer be able to fully relate to the union with the Horse.

Negative qualities of the Pig: vulnerability, touchiness.

Negative qualities of the Horse: egocentrism, irascibility.

Compatibility in other aspects

In bed, harmony and mutual understanding reign between Horse and Pig. One of the partners is considered a generator of ideas, the other obediently accepts everything. By pleasing each other, they are charged with positive energy.

The only thing that is unacceptable for the Pig is rudeness and tough games, which sometimes turn on a partner. In bed, a couple experiences complete relaxation if the relationship is built on deep feelings. Sometimes the Horse can be quite selfish towards its partner, forgetting that he also needs foreplay and affection, and new proposals do not always meet expectations.

In business, the couple finds many common points, but what unites them is primarily their hard work. Both do their work for their own pleasure, and only then for the purpose of material well-being.

The Pig is considered a generator of new ideas and developments, and the partner is happy to correct and push them forward. The work environment is relaxed but productive. There is a sense of distance between subordinates, and familiarity is not encouraged.

The Pig will become a true friend of the Horse and will be able to appreciate his devotion and ability to come to the rescue. They know how to sit and have a heart-to-heart talk, reveal personal secrets, and find a way out of a difficult situation. Personal information entrusted to a friend will never become public knowledge.

Both know how to keep secrets. The Pig may be offended by the Horse’s hot-tempered statements, but you should not pay attention to them, because the outbursts quickly pass.

Compatibility percentage

According to general indicators, the union is 90% compatible. An even larger percentage of up to 100 is allocated to love, and 80% of couples have a chance of becoming happy in marriage.

It is important what symbol the man and woman are in the family. Couples where he is a Horse and she is a Pig can create a happy and strong union. In many ways, partners are literally born for each other, even if they have to go through a difficult life period.

Loving hearts are only tempered by difficulties. But a couple with the opposite meaning of symbolism will have a little more difficult, because the Horse woman takes upon herself all the responsibility and organization of the family. It is difficult for a man to give up the furrows of government in female hands, so some contradictions arise.

Friendly relations also have good indicators of up to 80%. Partners will be able to find common ground and find a way out of the crisis situation.

  • Like every couple, the union of Horse and Pig will not be hindered by the ability to find compromises. It is worth working on selfishness. Caring too much about oneself sets boundaries between spouses.
  • The couple should understand that there is a natural difference between characters. Subjugating a person does not mean making him happy. Loving people change themselves for the sake of one unique and dear person and do this exclusively on a voluntary basis.
  • It wouldn't hurt for spouses to at least sometimes look at life through the eyes of their partner. This will help you understand his thoughts and desires more.
  • The Pig has a strong nature, but you shouldn’t boast about your strength, especially if it’s a woman. In principle, it is impossible to humiliate a Horse; it simply will not allow this to be done. But if such attacks become more frequent, the family will face collapse.
  • Tyranny on the part of either spouse will not protect the union from collapse. A partner who has escaped from under pressure will never forgive her offender. Therefore, in methods of manipulating a spouse, one should avoid despotism and physical humiliation.

In this topic:

The horse sets the rhythm

These are eternal wanderers and restless extroverts. Tremendous communication skills help out both in family life, and in public. Representatives of this sign instantly recognize falsehood: who else but them should notice that the relationship has cracked and try before it’s too late to find a common language.

Pig at the start

The Pig understands the value of communication in its own way. She strives to maintain a friendly atmosphere at all costs so that time in a warm company continues to go on as usual. Despite the fact that both the Horse and the cheerful Pig will not miss an opportunity to have fun, in their love for holidays and adventures they are unlikely to be able to catch up with the frisky Horse. In addition, she is not very keen, she definitely does not pretend to be a leader, she participates in incomprehensible undertakings only for the sake of maintaining peace.

One of the partners gravitates towards simple joys, preferably in a well-known circle, the soul of the other is eager to be free to meet all winds. The good-natured Pig is ready to put up with such a violent partnership for as long as she likes, still secretly hoping that this madness will someday end and life will return to a calmer and more familiar course.

He is a Horse, she is a Pig

Compatibility between a Horse man and a Pig woman depends on the ability to find a compromise. Do not confuse this with a one-sided game: if one of the partners begins to constantly give in, suppressing himself, sooner or later an explosion of accumulated negativity is inevitable. The oppressed will rush to freedom, waving his mane or showing his tail with a hook. Compatibility between a Horse man and a Pig woman is almost impossible if someone else's interests suffer.

We have to come to terms with differences in temperaments and accept each other as they are. In this situation, every trip or going out will turn into a joyful event for both and will never become a routine. Astrologers are encouraging that the intimate side of married life will more than compensate for any costs of this union.

Compatibility of Pig Man and Horse Woman

Compatibility between a Horse woman and a Pig man depends on the art of understanding and respecting each other's needs. Differences in temperament and views on family life make themselves felt. The horse finds it difficult to fit into the lifestyle of a spouse, a homebody and a conservative; her desire for change drives him crazy.

A woman will significantly defuse the situation if she warns in advance about her intentions, preparing the ground for the next bright shot in the kaleidoscope of events.

Openness as a way to strengthen relationships

It is desirable that the vector of relations take a course towards trust and openness. Both face a difficult task: to convey to their partner feelings and emotions previously unknown to him. To do this, you should learn to express feelings and experiences in words. The initially sensitive and extremely sociable Horse will cope with this task more successfully - it is better if it takes on the role of a mentor.

It would be a good idea to develop a respectful communication style that emphasizes the value and significance of the relationship. Fears about excessive officialdom are in vain: this is not a threat to this cheerful, easy-going couple.

The marriage of a Horse and a Boar, however, like any other, lies in wait for underwater reefs. The most dangerous are:

  1. Closedness and alienation;
  2. Neglect of the interests of the partner;
  3. Confrontation.

Both signs go into conflict only in extreme cases. Regardless of who emerges victorious, the unusual communication style will unbalance both. It is for this reason that spouses should avoid the use of force in any form. If they learn to communicate openly and meaningfully, the prospects for this marriage are brightest.

Compatibility between a Pig man and a Horse woman involves working on oneself and on relationships. At the stage of acquaintance and infatuation, they get along well with each other. Both he and she love social gatherings, a comfortable and beautiful life filled with pleasures. But over time, differences in temperaments will come to the fore.

A Horse woman and a Pig man may well get together and begin a romantic relationship. However, they will soon discover that they are quite different. The Horse Woman is an active, straightforward and easy-going lady who, in addition, also strives for leadership in a couple. The Pig man, on the contrary, prefers quiet family evenings to noisy companies of friends. He, moreover, is extremely wary of any changes, unlike his revolutionary passion.

In this pair, the partners simply need to communicate more openly with each other. The Horse woman will act very wisely if she slightly moderates her ardor, and the Pig man should loosen up a little. This couple may well create happy family, but you will have to put in a lot of effort.

Pig man and Horse woman in love

The difficult compatibility of the Pig man and the Horse woman is explained by the fact that in this pair everything is turned upside down: he is an energetically weaker sign, characterized by indecision, she loves masculinity, which means he will have to be in tension all the time and often step over yourself to maintain harmony.

The Pig man cannot be obeyed, although it seems that this is exactly what his assertive chosen one expects from him. She will never appreciate it if her partner loses his independence and waits for her to make a decision. It’s better to do something your own way and provoke her anger, but the passion will not subside. As for passion, for the Pig man this is an important aspect of life, and the Horse woman, who has inner strength, is an excellent partner for him.

She is too preoccupied with the implementation of her plans to pay attention to the feelings and problems of the Pig man. Therefore, if something does not suit him, you need to talk about it. Otherwise, understatement will worsen relations, and sooner or later all this will result in a serious conflict, after which there may be no turning back.

For the relationship between a Pig man and a Horse woman to be truly successful and long-lasting, both must have high social significance.

Boar man and Horse woman in a relationship

The Pig man in such an alliance will find himself in a position that is not very comfortable for himself, because the Horse woman will most likely want to solve many problems and take responsibility. Thus, a man of this sign should teach her to discuss all issues common to them and agree on joint plans. There is no point in cherishing your complexes and warily expecting decisive action from this girl, otherwise they will living together will turn into complete understatement, outright lies, a desire to take revenge or do something contrary to conscience and common sense.

The more open and honest the partners are, the better. It is important that both learn to talk about their feelings instead of making complaints. The Horse woman must show attention and respect to her man. Without respect and submission on her part, the relationship will collapse.

The Horse woman is active and very energetic. She has no time to think, she is looking for new experiences so that she can be filled with joy and delight, throw them out and move on. Often the first place in her life is external activity, in which she realizes herself. She enjoys traveling and a change of scenery. The Pig man prefers the comfort of home, a circle of close people and a stable relationship with his beloved to all trips. That’s why they have different ideas about family life.

Compatibility of Boar and Horse in marriage

In a marriage where the hearts of a Pig man and a Horse woman are united, not only spiritual values ​​are important. Spouses expect a stormy relationship in which everything is mixed - love, scandals and everyday problems. The Horse woman is a passionate nature, which is difficult for the carefree Pig man to perceive. If the wife cannot tolerate such a negligent attitude of her husband, then the compatibility of the Pig man and Horse women will be under threat. Not only love and a thirst for intimacy await them, but also huge disappointments. If she is more humble, her husband will endure a lot.

A person born in the year of the boar is lucky in matters of love. In terms of compatibility, it suits literally every sign. But this does not mean that he can create a family with each representative of a particular sign. Let's figure out how strong the compatibility of a pig and a horse is.

The relationship between a horse and a pig is complicated

Love between a horse and a pig

The relationship between a horse and a pig is quite complex. Why is this so? Here are the situations that make it difficult for them to understand each other

  • At the first stage of acquaintance, they feel very good together; the partners have the same desires and plans for the future, and there is harmony in bed. However, as further relationships develop, the difference in temperament of both partners comes to the fore, which complicates the compatibility of these signs.
  • The horse is very energetic by nature and tries not to waste time thinking before going on a journey. And the pig prefers a close friendly social circle and, instead of traveling, to lie in bed with a loved one.
  • The horse will not allow the horse to be forced to endure inconvenience in a relationship, so it will soon rush on in search of a suitable partner.
  • A pig who is not ready for drastic changes will also breathe a sigh of relief, because throughout the relationship she often suffers from her partner’s temper. It is quite difficult for a pig to adapt, but if she closes her eyes to all her experiences, she will be able to create a strong family with a Horse.

The horse tries not to waste time thinking before going on a journey

A woman is a horse and a man is a boar

In such compatibility of signs, if you try hard, you can achieve balance, but the Pig man initially finds himself in an uncomfortable position. A woman in such a union will take on too much responsibility and solve all problems; if a man can teach her to discuss issues together, then a harmonious relationship can result.

If the boar begins to unwind his complexes and fear the determination of his horse, he will turn his life into a ball of lies and the desire to take revenge on his beloved. Such a couple will only be preserved by the frankness of both partners. And a woman needs to remember that her husband needs care and attention.

The man is a horse and the woman is a pig

If the compatibility of the signs is this way, then achieving a pleasant relationship is much easier. A woman will be able to smooth out all the troubles in a relationship, and her husband, like a true man, will take responsibility for all serious matters. Also, his beloved should be ready to accompany him to all social events or corporate parties.

The boar will never forgive betrayal

In such a marriage, it is easier for a pig woman to influence her man in order to create a strong family. She is not a competitor for leadership in love relationships; she will be affectionate and caring. It will be easy for a woman in such a relationship if she accepts her man without trying to change him.

What are the dangers of this union?

The Pig man trusts his wife to such an extent that the latter finds out about her life. If this is the case, then the woman may feel cold in the relationship and go in search of new love.

The boar may not even suspect for a long time about his wife’s infidelities, but having learned about this, always patient and calm, turn into a real family tyrant.

The Pig will never forgive betrayal, he will hide his pain behind anger and cruelty towards his wife, he will not just leave her, first of all, he will destroy her morally.