Diet okroshka made with kefir. Recipes for dietary okroshka, diet menu for weight loss and reviews. Diet okroshka with tomatoes

The okroshka diet is one of the simplest and most effective diets, the preparation of which is quick and budget-friendly.

It makes it possible to get rid of excess weight, cleanse the body of toxins and significantly improve a person’s appearance. Okroshka has a pleasant taste, and the diet offers a wide variety of recipes.

Nutritionists point out the benefits of this dietary restriction for weight loss:

  • feeling of lightness;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • obtaining a general therapeutic health effect.
The effectiveness of the diet is confirmed by numerous results and reviews from satisfied people losing weight

Principles and rules of the okroshka diet

What must be observed Tolerance Strictly prohibited
Eat small portions 4 times a day.It is allowed to add 1 daily serving in case of severe hunger.Eat any high-calorie foods.
Prepare a new portion daily.Use it in the form of a salad, while washing down with the amount of liquid that is necessary while maintaining the proportion.Leave the uneaten portion for another day.
A smooth transition to a diet based on okroshka for weight loss, through the gradual elimination of high-calorie foods.With a small diet, it is allowed to leave the following products in the diet: apples, strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, watermelons, in the form of dessert.Don't overdo it additional products, do not abuse them.
Consume at least 1 liter. on the day of okroshka dressing, this is kvass, kefir, etc.The permissible maximum is 1 cup of any unsweetened drink per day.Drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
Follow a daily routine, eat at approximately the same time.If you wish, you can stop playing sports if they were practiced before the diet.Do not start training if you have not done it before, do not increase the load. Eliminate all stressful situations.

The basic principle of the okroshka diet for weight loss is to follow all recommendations, take the process seriously, and read the information about permitted and prohibited foods.

Advantages of the diet over others

  • Has a wide variety of recipes;
  • Contains only healthy foods, of natural origin, rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • Cooking does not take much time;
  • has high performance;
  • a diet based on okroshka for weight loss helps cleanse the body;
  • low calorie food option.

Okroshka is a tasty, low-calorie dish. Calorie counting using an example meat okroshka with kvass

What results can be achieved?

If there are sports activities at the same time, then about 1.5 kg will be lost. per day.

Indications for use

For greater effectiveness, nutritionists advise eating a small diet in summer time. This method of losing weight is suitable for people who have a heightened feeling of hunger.

Such a diet involves a large intake of liquid, which significantly fills the volume of the stomach and creates the effect of satiety and dulling hunger. And low-calorie content will not allow the body to become oversaturated.

Diet okroshka is excellent choice, for both women and men, this is the most universal way to lose weight.

This diet has no age-related contraindications, Experts recommend using it at any age, in the absence of direct contraindications.


Okroshka diet for weight losshas the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • metabolic disease.

The okroshka diet is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Possible side effects

Like any dietary food, the okroshka diet for weight loss can cause unwanted side effects. This happens quite rarely and depends entirely on the individual reaction of the body.

To possible side effects Diet applications include:

  • intestinal disorder (diarrhea, constipation);
  • flatulence;
  • dysbiosis.

Be careful! If there are any signs of discomfort or health problems, you should stop continuing the diet and consult your doctor for treatment recommendations.

Diet menu options on okroshka

The okroshka diet has a wide variety of recipes for preparing dishes for fast weight loss. The main recommendation of nutritionists is to prepare the daily diet strictly according to the recipe, do not deviate from it and observe all the necessary ingredients.

The most popular varieties of okroshka for weight loss are:

  • Kefir;
  • With kvass;
  • Vegetarian (vegetable);
  • Fish;
  • Meat.

Each of them has many recipes and cooking variations.

Kefir okroshka

A similar diet is followed for 10 days, during which time kilograms are significantly lost and the body does not experience any stress or discomfort. This diet is recommended for those who want to lose 10 kg.

The okroshka diet is one of the most attractive and delicious diets for weight loss.


  • Potatoes – 200 gr.;
  • Medium cucumbers – 3 pcs;
  • egg;
  • 1% kefir of any brand, about 200 ml. or 1 faceted glass.

Leave for half an hour in the refrigerator, no spices or salt are used.

Another option for cooking kefir okroshka for weight loss is to use whey instead of kefir.

Okroshka based on whey

This method is known as the express method, since you can get rid of up to 5 kg in 3 days. The entire diet lasts 3 days. This is an ideal option for those who want to lose weight before an upcoming holiday or reception.


  • Chicken breast fillet – 50 gr.;
  • Medium cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • Medium radish – 3 pcs.;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • A little greenery;
  • Pour in the whey until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

Leave the dish in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Okroshka for weight loss with milk

Okroshka for weight loss with milk is very effective diet. It is observed for 5 days, and alternates with salad and various fruits. This option is the most loyal, it is preferred by people who find it difficult to adhere to strict diets, because this the method makes it possible to eat some foreign foods.

These include apples, strawberries, oranges, lemons and even watermelons. Other fruits are not recommended, as are sugar and baked goods.


  • Boiled potatoes – 200 gr.;
  • Medium cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Greenery;
  • Fill with 200 ml. milk.

The soup is ready to eat without additional preparation.

Okroshka for weight loss with kvass


  • Medium potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Chicken fillet – 50 gr.;
  • 1 egg;
  • Radishes – 3 pcs.;
  • Greenery;
  • Pour 250 ml. kvass

Vegetable “cold soup” for weight loss

No eggs, no chicken, no dairy products are used in this diet, this diet completely excludes any protein content. An ideal option for cleansing the body, it relieves not only extra pounds, but also from toxins.

  • Boiled beets – 2 pcs.;
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • Greenery;
  • Radishes – 3 pcs.;
  • Cucumbers – 3 pcs.

All ingredients are finely chopped, the beets are cut into strips. Then mix thoroughly.

In one version, the resulting mixture is poured with kvass, in another version it is used dry (beets provide slight moisture). Nutritionists recommend sticking to this diet for 3 to 5 days.

Okroshka with seafood

Diet for weight loss using okroshka with added seafood.

The seafood nutrition system has great benefits for the body. In addition to its direct purpose, such a diet helps saturate the immune system with nutrients and vitamins A, E, D.


  • Any seafood (shrimp, squid, sea fish, mussels) can be alternated – 150 g;
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • Cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • 1 egg;
  • Pour 200 ml kvass.

Eat for 5 days.

Meat okroshka for weight loss

Stick for 7 to 10 days.


  • Lean beef or chicken – 50 gr.;
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • egg;
  • Cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • Greenery;
  • Pour 200 ml. kvass, milk, or kefir as desired.

Classic okroshka diet menu for a week

If your diet consists of milk okroshka, then you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • Breakfast - 1 drinking low-calorie yogurt or fruit;
  • Lunch – okroshka;
  • Afternoon snack – light salad or fruit;
  • Dinner – okroshka;
  • Late dinner – 150 ml. kefir or unsweetened tea.

Additional products during the “okroshka” diet

Allowed Prohibited
WatermelonsAny fatty foods
PearWhite bread and pastries

Individual menu

The individual diet of the menu depends entirely on the taste preference of the person losing weight, but with proper preparation, any characteristics of the body should be taken into account.

For example, allergic reactions to some foods, health status, age, lifestyle. Individual program recommended by nutritionists when weight increases sharply or standard diets do not give a positive result.

An active lifestyle is the key to maintaining a beautiful slim figure after leaving the diet.

General advice from experts for losing weight on a small diet comes down to the following tips:

  1. Drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day.
  2. News active image life, regularly spend time outdoors.
  3. Eat food in small portions, chewing it thoroughly.
  4. Eat only fresh foods and prepare meals daily, only in this case the food will retain its taste and be beneficial.

We wish you success on your path to beauty and health!

Useful video materials on the topic “Okroshka diet for weight loss”

How to prepare dietary okroshka for weight loss:

Tested on myself: okroshka diet from the first person:

On hot days summer days Cold soups become the basis of the diet for many. The leader among them is okroshka, which is based on vegetables and kvass, kefir, and curd whey. This dish, loved by many of our compatriots, is not only refreshing and tasty, but also healthy. Vegetables supply the body with vitamins and microelements and improve digestion. In addition, okroshka is a low-calorie dish: its energy value depends on the recipe, but rarely exceeds 60 kilocalories. In addition, dietary okroshka still contains proteins, which makes the “okroshka” diet balanced.

How to properly prepare dietary okroshka

People have come up with many recipes for okroshka, but not all of them are suitable for those who want to lose weight. When preparing this dietary dish, you must follow the principles healthy eating, choosing the most healthy and least calorie foods.

Dietary okroshka is prepared in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • An ideal serving consists of 120–150 g of vegetables and herbs, 200 ml of liquid, no more than one potato and one egg, and a moderate amount of fish or meat.
  • There is no place for smoked meats and sausages in dietary okroshka. Preference should be given to seafood, lean fish, and chicken breast, but they should be used in moderation. Vegetarian okroshka is the most useful for weight loss.
  • Okroshka got its name due to the fact that food is crumbled into it, that is, finely chopped or grated. When preparing a dietary dish, you should not chop it too much: the larger the vegetables are chopped, the more fiber they contain, which gives satiety and normalizes digestion.
  • Do not add mayonnaise to okroshka: it contains calories. As a last resort, you can add a small spoon of sour cream.
  • Dietary okroshka is made with kefir, curd whey, and unsweetened kvass. It is not forbidden to dilute the main liquid ingredient mineral water without gas.

Dietary okroshka can be included in the diet, even if there is no goal to lose weight. If weight loss - the main task, then you need to prepare in advance for the fact that for a week (no more!) you will have to eat only okroshka. This is fraught with diarrhea and, as a result, dehydration. To compensate for fluid loss, you need to drink at least two liters of regular water per day. It is better not to engage in sports at this time, since the body will receive little protein food these days. To maintain the results after finishing the diet, you need to continue to monitor your diet so as not to overeat, otherwise the weight will return and all the suffering will be in vain.

Recipes for dietary okroshka must be alternated so that the dish does not become boring and, most importantly, so that the body does not suffer due to a lack of any elements.

Vegetable okroshka with kefir

  • kefir 1% fat – half a liter;
  • radishes - half a bunch;
  • parsley, dill - half a bunch each.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the vegetables and herbs and let the water drain.
  • Chop the dill finely, the parsley a little larger, the cucumbers and radishes a little smaller than usual for a salad.
  • Place in a bowl, add kefir, stir.

If desired, you can add a pinch of salt to the dish, but there is no need for it: vegetables already contain enough of this element. Meat dietary okroshka is made in exactly the same way, only about 150–200 g of boiled meat (lean) is added to it: beef, tongue, chicken breast.

Meat okroshka with kvass

  • chicken breast (skinless fillet) – one;
  • cucumber – two medium-sized pieces;
  • radishes – 10 pieces;
  • boiled egg - one;
  • green onions– half of the beam;
  • dill - half a bunch;
  • wheat kvass – half a liter.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the breast in salted water until tender, cool, and cut into small pieces.
  • Boil the egg, peel and grate coarsely.
  • Wash the radishes and cucumbers, finely chop half and grate the other half. Grated vegetables will give more flavor.
  • Wash and finely chop the onion and dill.
  • Place them in a bowl, lightly salt them, and crush them so that they release their juice.
  • Place the remaining ingredients in the same bowl.
  • Pour in kvass, stir and serve.

You can exclude meat from this recipe if you wish, but then you need to take two eggs.

Vegetarian okroshka with kvass

  • radish - a bunch;
  • cucumbers – three small;
  • green onions, parsley, dill - half a bunch each;
  • green peas (canned) – 150 g;
  • kvass – 600 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the vegetables well and cut into small pieces.
  • Place on plates (you will need deep ones), dividing into three parts.
  • Place 50 g of peas in each.
  • Fill with kvass.

Legumes do not always have a good effect on digestion and can contribute to flatulence, so you should not lean heavily on this okroshka.

Okroshka with shrimps (according to Dukan)

  • chicken breast (fillet) – one;
  • boiled unpeeled shrimp – 200 g;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • cucumber – one medium size;
  • radishes – 5 pieces (large);
  • chicken egg - one;
  • kefir (1 percent) – half a liter;
  • still mineral water, very chilled – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the breast, egg, shrimp. Cool.
  • Finely chop the chicken meat.
  • Peel and chop the shrimp (if they are very small, you don’t have to cut them).
  • Finely chop the pre-washed radishes and coarsely grate the cucumber.
  • Remove the shell from the egg, cut it lengthwise into 4 pieces or in half.
  • Chop the onion and dill.
  • Mix all the vegetables and place on plates (for 2 servings).
  • Add shrimp and meat.
  • Mix chilled kefir with ice-cold mineral water. Pour into plates.
  • Place half an egg in each.

Healthy things can be very tasty - this postulate is proven by the dietary okroshka prepared according to this recipe.

Fish okroshka

  • boiled fish (fillet) – half a kilo;
  • hard-boiled chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • cucumber - two medium ones;
  • large radishes – 5 pcs.;
  • unsweetened kvass – liter;
  • fresh greens - a bunch;
  • “Russian” mustard – a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the fish fillet into small pieces.
  • Wash and dry vegetables and herbs.
  • Chop them with a knife.
  • Cut the peeled eggs in half, remove the yolks, and grind with mustard.
  • Cut the whites.
  • Mix proteins with vegetables, herbs and fish.
  • Dissolve the mustard-yolk mixture in kvass.
  • Pour pre-cooled kvass over the rest of the products.

This dish is necessary for those who are losing weight on okroshka, as it contains a lot of protein.

Okroshka on whey with beets

  • carrots – 100 g;
  • cucumber – 150 g;
  • beets – 100 g;
  • white cabbage – 100 g;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • whey – half a liter;
  • boiled meat, fish or mushrooms – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the meat in a blender (if you use mushrooms, just finely chop).
  • Finely chop the raw cabbage and crush it so that it gives juice.
  • Grate raw carrots and beets.
  • Chop the greens.
  • Mix everything, pour in the whey, put in the refrigerator. When it cools down, serve.

To improve the taste, you can lightly salt and sprinkle the beets with lemon juice before mixing them with other vegetables.

Diet okroshka with tomatoes

  • cucumber – one;
  • tomato - one;
  • green onions - 2 stalks;
  • parsley, dill - 3-4 sprigs each;
  • garlic – clove;
  • kefir - half a liter.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and cut the vegetables into medium-sized cubes.
  • Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Finely chop the greens.
  • Mix greens with vegetables.
  • Mix garlic with kefir.
  • Pour it over the vegetables.

This dish has a somewhat unusual taste for okroshka, but you quickly get used to it.

Okroshka - dietary dish, promoting weight loss. Thanks to the variety of his recipes, you won't get bored.

Prepared without heat treatment using vegetables, okroshka gives excellent weight loss results. It is prepared quickly, from a simple set of ingredients. The principle of its use is to serve it cold. Okroshka is not only tasty and healthy, but also a cooling soup.

In the summer heat, a bowl of okroshka will quench your hunger and thirst. The ingredients used are very diverse; it is prepared with kefir, kvass, mineral water and whey. Selection useful recommendations will help you lose weight on okroshka without feeling hungry.

Recipes will become especially relevant in the spring-summer season, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables and herbs on the tables.

Is it possible to eat okroshka while losing weight?

Okroshka can and should be included in the diet. An affordable and easy to prepare dish contains a minimum of calories. Fresh vegetables and herbs allow you to lose excess weight in just a couple of weeks.

Light food allows the body to cleanse itself of waste and toxins. By consuming okroshka already on the second day, those losing weight feel lightness and a surge of energy. Due to its low calorie content, a serving of okroshka quickly saturates the body and suppresses the feeling of hunger.

The okroshka diet is an ideal option for those who want to lose weight excess weight before the beach season. It can be used by vegetarians and raw foodists.

Being an excellent appetite suppressant, the beneficial components of okroshka accelerate metabolic processes in organism. Dressings for a refreshing dish contain virtually no calories and can be chosen to suit your taste preferences.

The okroshka diet is suitable for people suffering from diabetes. Many women admit that simpler than recipes does not exist, just chop the vegetables - and the dish is ready! The only disadvantage of the diet is that okroshka quickly becomes boring.

Therefore, it is worth experimenting with different variations of its preparation. Before you begin the small weight loss method, you should weigh all the pros and cons.

A simple recipe for beginners

How to prepare dietary okroshka for weight loss:

Okroshka with kefir - a recipe for weight loss

Required ingredients:

  • boiled beef - 300 g;
  • kefir 0% fat - 1 liter;
  • fresh cucumbers - 300 gr;
  • greens and salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 12-20 minutes.

Calorie content: 62.2 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Disassemble the cooled and pre-boiled beef into fibers and finely chop.
  2. Add chopped herbs and cucumbers to the meat. If the cucumbers suddenly become bitter, you need to peel the skin from them. For greens, you can take young onions, dill, and parsley.
  3. Mix the chopped ingredients, add salt if necessary.
  4. Season with kefir from the refrigerator. The recipe is for 1 day. It is not recommended to sit on okroshka for longer than 7 days.

Mineral water okroshka with turkey

Required ingredients:

  • boiled turkey fillet - 250 g;
  • quail eggs - 3 pcs;
  • highly carbonated mineral water - 1 liter;
  • radishes - 150 gr;
  • green onion feathers, dill, salt - to taste;
  • fresh cucumbers - 150 gr.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 72.03 kcal.

Preparation of dietary okroshka for weight loss:

  1. Peel the boiled quail eggs and cut them into small slices. If necessary, quail eggs can be replaced with one chicken egg.
  2. Chop the turkey fillet, add chopped vegetables and herbs to it.
  3. Mix everything well. Add salt to a minimum or not at all. Since salt retains fluid in the body, it is better to avoid it when dieting.
  4. Pour the crumbled ingredients with cold mineral water before use.

Vegetable okroshka with kefir

Required ingredients:

  • jacket potatoes - 250 g;
  • radishes - 5-6 pcs;
  • fresh cucumbers - 150 gr;
  • greens, onions and salt to taste;
  • low-fat kefir - 900 ml.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.

Calorie content: 36.2 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Boil potatoes in their skins, or use pre-cooked ones. Cool, peel and chop into small pieces.
  2. Add chopped radishes and cucumbers to the potatoes. Mix everything, add salt if desired.
  3. Season with chilled kefir. Sprinkle plenty of herbs on top.
  4. For dietary soup, you can take any greens. Vegetables can be replaced with others.
  5. Due to the low calorie content, it is not recommended to follow this diet for a long time. It is better to use it as a fasting day.

Okroshka without eggs and potatoes

Required ingredients:

  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • dill and parsley;
  • red radish - 100 gr;
  • white radish - 100 gr;
  • cucumbers - 100 gr;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • homemade or purchased kvass - 500 ml.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie content: 25.8 kcal.

How to prepare a dish for weight loss:

  1. All vegetables must be soaked in water for 5 minutes. Thus, they will be cleaned not only of dirt, but also of chemical fertilizers.
  2. Finely chop radishes, cucumbers, and herbs. Mix everything. It is not necessary to add salt.
  3. Pour a plate of vegetables with kefir and mineral water in equal proportions.
  4. The aromatic and fortified soup contains very few calories. In order not to harm your health, it is better to use it occasionally for unloading.
  5. If you plan to combine okroshka with a balanced diet, you can prepare a dish with half the ingredients.

Okroshka diet for weight loss

The duration of the okroshka weight loss system should not exceed 7 days. After fasting days you need to take a break and repeat in a month. Judging by the reviews of those losing weight, you can lose up to 5 kg of weight with cold soup.

It is better to combine low-calorie dishes with vegetables and boiled meat so that the nutritional value is higher. It is not recommended to store for several days. healthier dish will be freshly prepared. If you still feel hungry, you need to increase the amount of fluid you consume.

Divide the daily portion into 5-6 parts. You can have snacks between meals. Apples are good for a snack. It will go away during the diet excess liquid from the body if not adhered to proper nutrition, the lost weight will return.

The popularity of the system is due to the quick preparation of healthy food from ordinary products. As soon as fresh vegetables appear in the markets, it’s time to prepare okroshka. In autumn and winter, radishes, cabbage, mushrooms, and broccoli are good options.

Throughout the week, you can prepare a fresh version of the cold soup. By replacing products, you will get a new dish every time. Traditional vegetables can be replaced with boiled mushrooms, olives, green peas or corn.

Instead of classic version with meat, you can crumble boiled fish or seafood. The main condition is that the products must be fresh or boiled. You can even refill with drinking water.

Principles for preparing dietary okroshka:

  • for people with high acidity, it is better not to put radishes in soup;
  • if the radish is bitter, first soak it in water;
  • the most delicious dish is chilled;
  • to reduce cooking time, it is recommended to have boiled meat, eggs, potatoes in the refrigerator;
  • It turns out very tasty with homemade kvass;
  • dressings can be combined with each other, adding mineral water to kefir.

How to properly follow the okroshka weight loss system

  • breakfast and lunch should be balanced, the rest of the time eat okroshka;
  • Avoid drinking alcohol during fasting;
  • completely give up bread and flour products;
  • You can drink a lot of water, green tea, coffee only in the morning;
  • if you feel weak, add to okroshka more sources protein - lean meat, fish;
  • when seasoning a dish with kefir, you should know that the lactic acid product has a laxative effect;
  • after unloading, adhere to a balanced diet, the daily norm is not higher than 1800 kcal;
  • provided that cold soup is properly combined with other dishes, you can achieve noticeable results in losing weight.

Step-by-step recipes for dietary okroshka for weight loss using kefir, water, sour cream, whey

2018-05-11 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

2 gr.


3 gr.

37 kcal.

Option 1: Classic dietary okroshka for weight loss

Okroshka is a cold vegetable soup that will help tidy up your figure. But to do this you will have to exclude some ingredients. There is no place for potatoes, fatty sour cream, or sausage in the dish. You also need to carefully review the fill. It is undesirable to use kvass, since it contains sugar, the drink promotes fermentation, and it does not fit into the diet. An excellent alternative is kefir. Here's the recipe for it.


  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 8 radishes;
  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 40 g green onions;
  • 30 g dill;
  • salt;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 0.5 lemon.

Step-by-step recipe for classic dietary okroshka

The longest part of this recipe is boiling the eggs. This is where we start. Fill with cold water, place on the stove and boil for eight minutes. Then put it under a cold water tap and cool. Peel the eggs from their shells and cut them into small cubes.

While the eggs are cooking, we prepare the herbs and vegetables. We wash and sort all this, cut off the ends of the cucumbers and radishes. We cut the greens in the usual way, preferably finely, large pieces look ugly. Cut the cucumbers and radishes into thin slices. Sometimes they are rubbed, which saves time.

We combine vegetables and eggs, add kefir, salt and dilute a little with water, after all, this is a soup. Extra fluid will also reduce calories. Mix the okroshka well, the salt should dissolve. Taste and add lemon juice to taste.

The calorie content of such okroshka will not exceed 40 units, but it can be further reduced. This is usually done using fat. We just take kefir up to 1% and use only egg whites, do not add yolks.

Option 2: Quick recipe for diet okroshka for weight loss

This okroshka can be prepared in five minutes. An excellent vegetable dish that will prevent overeating and help you give up junk food. The basis is only kefir and vegetables. You can use fermented baked milk or white yogurt diluted with water for dressing.


  • 1 cucumber;
  • 4 radishes;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • greenery.

How to cook quickly

Cut the washed cucumber and radish into small pieces, add chopped herbs to them. Salt, maybe pepper.

Pour in kefir, water, stir. If desired, add lemon juice or a little acid.

It is not necessary to cook okroshka with only onions and dill. Add other greens if desired. It also works great with parsley, basil, and lettuce leaves. Sometimes healthy beet tops are introduced. You can add chopped sorrel; it will give the cold soup a pleasant acidity.

Option 3: Diet okroshka for weight loss with chicken

Vegetable soups are tasty, but they do not satisfy your hunger for long. Diet okroshkas for weight loss with chicken are much more satisfying. If you use fillet, the calorie content will not increase much. In addition, protein is needed when losing weight, helps maintain muscles and significantly improves taste. Remove the skin from the bird immediately; it is not needed.


  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 12 radishes;
  • a bunch of onions;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt;
  • 700 ml kefir;
  • 500 g mineral water;
  • 0.5 lemon.

How to cook

Cooking chicken. Place the fillet in a saucepan and simply boil it in water. For taste you can add pepper, bay, onion. It is advisable to cool in broth. Separately cook the eggs. They also increase satiety and contain a lot of protein; three pieces for such a saucepan of okroshka will be quite enough.

After cooling, cut the chicken fillet and eggs into small cubes. Transfer the ingredients into a saucepan or tureen in which the okroshka will be diluted. You can take a large container.

We also cut the radishes and cucumbers. It is advisable to make small and thin slices so that large pieces do not float in the soup. Add it to the chicken next. Chop the greens and add them too. Mix the dry ingredients together.

Now add kefir and salt. Stir. At the end, add mineral water. You can add it to your plate to retain gases. Add lemon to taste if kefir contains little acid.

It is not necessary to use specially prepared fillet for okroshka; you can take a piece of baked chicken or prepared for another dish. Just remember to remove the skin and other visible fat. They are high in calories and don't go well with cold soups.

Option 4: Diet okroshka for weight loss with sour cream

You can prepare okroshka not only with kefir, but also with sour cream. If you take a product with low fat content, you will get a completely dietary dish for losing weight or maintaining your figure. Another vegetable recipe, but with the addition of pepper and tomato. It turns out incredibly tasty and aromatic.


  • 160 g sour cream 10%;
  • 3 cucumbers;
  • 1 bunch of onions;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • tomato;
  • 10 radishes;
  • Bell pepper;
  • 700 ml water;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • lemon or dry acid.

Step by step recipe

Boil and cool the eggs, cut into cubes, you can take only the whites, do not use the yolks. Pour into a bowl, add chopped onions and fresh dill. Finely chop the cucumbers and radishes and add.

Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into small cubes. Using a sharp knife, cut the tomato. Add to the rest of the ingredients. Mix the vegetables together.

Add sour cream, salt, squeeze lemon juice or throw in a couple of pinches of acid. Dilute the okroshka with chilled boiled water. You can use mineral water for it.

If you need to preserve the okroshka for two days, then simply do not mix the chopped ingredients with the liquid. We chop the vegetables and herbs, put them in a container and put them in the refrigerator. At any time you can pour a little mixture into a plate, dilute and season with spices.

Option 5: Diet okroshka for weight loss using whey

Whey makes not only tasty, but also very healthy okroshka. This ingredient contains very few calories, is excellent for dietary nutrition, and is sold in grocery stores. Recipe with chicken and sorrel.


  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • a bunch of sorrel;
  • 2 eggs;
  • liter of whey;
  • a bunch of onions;
  • 7-8 radishes;
  • sour cream to taste.

How to cook

Cook the eggs and fillet. We do this in different saucepans. After cooling, finely chop and combine.

We wash the greens and vegetables. Cut the cucumbers and radishes into thin slices. We chop the greens. The ingredients list only onions and sorrel. But if desired, we also add dill, you can add a few sprigs of parsley, but no more. Otherwise, it will interrupt the taste of other components.

Combine everything in a saucepan, add whey and add salt and pepper. Sometimes a spoonful of mustard is added to this okroshka. Divide the diet soup into bowls, add a little low-fat sour cream or a spoonful of white yogurt.

It is not necessary to cook okroshka with chicken fillet. You can take other lean meat, beef and rabbit are great; turkey makes a tasty and nutritious dish.

Option 6: Diet okroshka for weight loss with shrimp

Dietary, but very tasty okroshka with delicacy. For cooking, you can take even the smallest shrimp; they are perfect for soup. This recipe is also made with kefir, but if desired, use a different filling from the recipes above.


  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 150 g shrimp;
  • 5 onion feathers;
  • 5 sprigs of dill;
  • 280 ml kefir;
  • 250 ml mineral water;
  • 2 slices of lemon;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 tsp. mustard.

How to cook

Slice cucumbers with herbs and boiled eggs. We put it all in a saucepan or immediately distribute it onto plates.

If the shrimp are fresh, then boil them. If the shellfish are boiled and frozen, then simply pour salted boiling water over them for five minutes. Then we take it out and clean it. Add to other ingredients or scatter into portions.

Mix kefir with mustard, add salt and mineral water. Pour okroshka with shrimp, stir. Throw a slice of lemon into each plate.

You can cook okroshka with any other seafood. There are a lot of interesting fish recipes. Just choose good views with a small content of seeds.

Effective weight loss

Victoria Vysotskaya especially for website

Proper preparation of okroshka makes this dish truly low-calorie, which allows you to successfully lose weight without feeling hungry. There are many recipes for this dish, so you can easily choose the option that suits you. We recommend you the top 5 most best options preparing this popular okroshka soup, which will definitely take a special place in your diet.

Diet okroshka with kefir

PP okroshka with kefir is one of the most favorite recipes for everyone losing weight. So, to prepare it you will need:

  • 1 liter of kefir. You can use kefir 1% fat or 2.5% fat. The difference in calorie content is approximately 20−23 calories. Most people who are losing weight prefer low-fat kefir, but since the calorie content of okroshka is quite low, you can safely use regular kefir.
  • 2 boiled eggs. You can use only the white if you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, or 2 whites and one yolk.
  • 2 fresh cucumbers.
  • 5-6 pieces of fresh radishes.
  • Greenery. Usually green onions and dill are added to okroshka made with kefir. However, you can always substitute these ingredients to suit your taste.
  • Salt and pepper.

The step-by-step preparation of crumble with kefir looks like this: chop eggs, cucumbers and radishes, pour cold kefir and sprinkle with herbs on top.
Diet okroshka with Activia is prepared according to the same principle, only we use Activia instead of kefir.

Low-calorie okroshka for weight loss

This recipe for okroshka with chicken is not only low in calories, but also high in protein, so it’s great for weight loss. To prepare okroshka you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of kefir. If desired, you can always replace with natural yoghurt or Activia
  • 200 grams of boiled chicken fillet. Per 100 grams of boiled fillet there are about 30 grams of protein and only 3.5 grams of fat, so this version of okroshka is ideal for weight loss.
  • 3 boiled whites. Since our okroshka is low-calorie, we will use only proteins.
  • 3 medium cucumbers.
  • Any greens. For greater benefit, you can add not the usual onions and dill, but celery and any kind of lettuce.
  • Salt and pepper.

PP okroshka with chicken is easy to prepare. Finely chop the boiled chicken fillet, egg whites and cucumbers. Fill everything with kefir or activia, sprinkle generously with herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Diet okroshka with kvass

PP okroshka with kvass is another great recipe that will help you lose weight. For this okroshka you will need:

  • 1−1.5 l. kvass In principle, you can cook with both homemade and store-bought kvass. If you want a richer taste of okroshka, then use dark kvass, it is made from rye malt, and white kvass is made from wheat malt.
  • 200 grams of boiled mushrooms. We recommend adding boiled mushrooms to dietary okroshka made with kvass. They contain a minimum of calories, but are quite nutritious.
  • 2 green cucumbers
  • 3 boiled whites. To reduce the calorie content of our dish, we use only protein.
  • 2 tablespoons of any natural low-fat yogurt. Thus, we are replacing the sour cream that is put in okroshka with kvass with a more dietary and low-calorie product.
  • Greens to taste.
  • Salt and pepper.

How much kvass to put in this okroshka depends on your preferences. For thicker okroshka, use a liter; if you like it thinner, you can use 1.5 liters. Cut mushrooms, cucumbers, and whites into pieces. Mix chopped greens with yogurt. Mix everything and fill it with kvass.

PP okroshka on kefir with beets, dietary

Okroshka made with kefir and beets will easily help you lose weight. To prepare this okroshka, take the following ingredients:
  • 1 liter of kefir. Remember that you can choose the fat content of kefir yourself, and, if desired, replace it with natural yogurt.
  • 2 boiled medium beets. As you know, beets are very often used in dietary nutrition to cleanse the body. This product acts as a “brush” in our intestines, helping to remove toxins and harmful substances.
  • 2 green cucumbers.
  • 2 eggs. Use only protein if you want to reduce calories.
  • Greens to taste. Try adding a little spinach to the greens, this will give the okroshka a special taste.
  • Salt and pepper.

Grate the beets and cucumber, add chopped eggs to them, pour in kefir and sprinkle generously with herbs!

Photo: leonova_cooking

How to make dietary okroshka using mineral water

Another common recipe that will undoubtedly help you gain slimness is okroshka mineral water. So, you will need:
  • 1 liter of mineral water. You can use either sparkling water or regular mineral water.
  • 0.5 liters of kefir or natural yogurt. Regular recipes use sour cream or even mayonnaise, but we always replace them with dietary and healthy products.
  • 3 fresh cucumbers.
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • 200 grams of lean meat. You can always replace chicken fillet with lean veal or turkey.
  • Greens to taste.
  • Salt and pepper.
Chop meat, cucumbers and eggs, pour yogurt or kefir, mix, add water and herbs!

As you can see for yourself, recipes for making okroshka are extremely easy to prepare, but at the same time you get an excellent dietary dish that you can safely include in your healthy diet.