Official opening of the Winter Olympics. But our fans meet our team

The opening ceremony took place last Friday. Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. Its budget was about $65 million.

“It was difficult to compete with previous ceremonies, but we are a small country and, despite the small budget, we put on a spectacular show.”

(Photo by Brendan Smialowski):

2. If you compare it with, then there it lasted three hours and consisted of 13 parts, the Koreans completed it in just two and managed with a minimum number of artists - a total of about 2,000 people. This is less than at any other Olympics in the 21st century and 6 times less than in Sochi - there were almost a thousand gymnasts alone, but the total number of performers exceeded 12,000. (Photo by Kirill Kudryavtsev):

3. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, an earthquake of magnitude 4.6 occurred 160 km from the Olympic venue. However, it is claimed that the facilities for the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang 2018 were built taking into account seismic activity and are capable of withstanding a magnitude 7 earthquake. (Photo by Jae C. Hong):

4. “The opening ceremony of the Olympics took place in a pentagonal arena with a diameter of 72 meters. In the East everything makes sense. Five stands, located at a certain angle, symbolize ecology, culture, peace, economy and a focus on the forefront information Technology. (Photo by Sean M. Haffey):

5. As expected, the host side of the 2018 Olympics tried to show national traditions, the history of the country and convey all this spectacularly. Here the production designer used an ancient myth. Five children find themselves in a cave and meet mythical animals and birds. (Photo by Wang Zhao):

6. The main idea of ​​the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang 2018 was the theme of peace and unification. The main characters, children, from ancient times find themselves in a modern, futuristic world, which they, in fact, have to build. (Photo by Toby Melville):

7. The entire Olympic stadium was turned into an LED screen. You can write and give pictures around the entire perimeter of the stadium. This was the first time this had been done. (Photo by Mark Ralston):

8. (Photo by Ian MacNicol):

9. Dancing with fire is always spectacular. (Photo by Michael Sohn):

10. (Photo by Kai Pfaffenbach):

11. Korean soprano singer Hwang Soo Mi. (Photo by Kirill Kudryavtsev):

12. In general, everything was quite traditional - both the figures of mythical animals and life-size dolls. Modest, but with deep meaning. (Photo by Jae C. Hong):

13. (Photo by Christophe Ena):

14. Team of Kazakhstan. (Photo by Rob Schumacher):

15. Team of the Pacific state of Tonga in Polynesia. (Photo by Jae C. Hong):

16. Ours. A Korean woman carries a sign that says “Olympic athletes from Russia.” The same is written on the clothes.

17. Her outfit was apparently made according to the principle “I made it out of what I had.” (Photo by Jae C. Hong):

18. The American edition of The Wall Street Journal considered Russian athletes the most stylish at the 2018 Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. The same author of an article from The Wall Street Journal also criticized the American uniform: “Fancy gloves, sweater, hat, belt, bandana for $125 - they looked like a typical tourist who goes on a ski resort in full dress, but at the same time he gets on his skis just to show off.”(Photo by Matthias Hangst):

19. An interesting incident occurred on the podium during the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang - a fan from the United States unfurled the Russian flag. He explained his action this way:

“I want to support Russia because it was not allowed to send many strong athletes to the Olympics, such as Viktor An and Anton Shipulin. I think they should have performed here. I would like to “put politics aside” and simply express solidarity with Russian athletes.”

20. Carrying a torch. (Photo by Petr David Josek):

21. (Photo by Matthias Schrader):

22. (Photo by David J. Phillip):

23. The champion of the 2010 Games, South Korean figure skater Kim Yuna, was entrusted with lighting the fire of the Games. (Photo by Franck Fife):

25. (Photo by Mark Ralston):

26. (Photo by Vadim Ghirda):

27. By the way, this stadium is disposable; after the Olympics it will be dismantled. And here is the bowl olympic flame will remain untouchable. No wonder it was moved outside the stadium. (Photo by Aris Messinis):

I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. All the most interesting things are in our text broadcast.

19.08 The Olympics are officially open! Good luck to the athletes!

Photo by REUTERS

Photo by REUTERS

18.52 Some more photos from our correspondent

18.48 Beautiful!

18.43 Firework! Children light a fire

18.39 President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach speaks

18.28 There is a performance, a lot of light, technology and so on.

18.15 Kazakhstanis took their places in the stands

18.14 South and North Korea came out under one banner, one team!

18.11 Already a legendary standard bearer from Tongo!

18.09 And here are our fans meeting our team:

Photo taken on HUAWEI P smart

18.04 Abzal Azhigaliev carried the flag of Kazakhstan

18.01 We came out after the Chilean team, after us Canada

18.00 Kazakhstan!

17.56 They showed Iran, Italy, Ukraine. We are waiting for Kazakhstan!

17.53 Police monitor security

Photo taken on HUAWEI P smart

17.52 Kazakh fans are waiting for our team to come out.

Photo taken on HUAWEI P smart

17.47 Sweden

17.42 Girls from Belarus!

17.40 The largest team is the USA! 242 athletes came from this country

17.38 Probably the most famous Korean song is playing at the stadium - Gangnam Style

17.36 We are waiting for Kazakhstan to come out. Bye Montenegro

17.32 Germany, some experts predict first overall team place

Photo taken on HUAWEI P smart

17.30 Thomas Bach and Moon Jae-in

17.28 Here's Nigeria. This is how it all looks from the stands:

Photo taken on HUAWEI P smart

17.27 There is a parade of participating countries. Always start with Greece

17.18 They take out the flag South Korea

17.15 Fans from Kazakhstan with a flag

17.09 While we are shown national dances, a tiger, a dragon, a fairytale bird. And surprised Korean children.

Photo taken on HUAWEI P smart

17.04 These young Koreans greet the Russians

Photo taken on HUAWEI P smart

17.03 And this is what the stadium looked like 20 minutes before the start of the ceremony.

We asked our correspondent in Pyeongchang to take photographs of Kazakh fans.

This is Karlygash-apa. I came to cheer for our team. Especially for speed skaters and figure skaters.