Cleaning personal space. Additional practice with Mantra

Literally translated as “God is everything.” However, the meaning of this mantra is much broader, it goes beyond understanding the meaning of these words. These are the names of God, that is, those who repeat this mantra turn to the Almighty, giving him their attention, strength, thoughts and soul. While repeating the mantra, a person himself becomes the embodiment of God, his qualities, his essence and his mind. He learns inner purity, and after time spent in solitude and meditation, he gains a clear understanding of what the state of enlightenment means. Krishna Himself, while teaching Arjuna, told him that by repeating Om Tat Sat, one can achieve self-realization and awakening.
By repeating the mantra Om Tat Sat, you can move to a disembodied, immaterial level of existence, go beyond the boundaries of your own mind and the stereotypes created by society. Of course, mere repetition of mantras, as stated in the scriptures, does not contribute to liberation, however, in the age of Kali Yuga, even 15 minutes of japa a day burns a colossal amount of negative karma and contributes to moving up the spiritual ladder.


(Om Tat Sat) This mantra is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita as being used by "disciples of Brahman" at the beginning of various undertakings and activities. "Tat" ("That"), pointing to Brahman, reminds the student of high motives, and thus helps him to discard everything that is unworthy of them. "Sat" ("creation", "being") reminds him of the Good that permeates everything that exists, and thus sanctifies and ennobles what the student does, and gives the action the character of isvara-pranidhana (q.v.).

Yoga Dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what OM TAT SAT is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SAT
    existence; being; reality; ...
  • OM in the Yoga Vedanta Dictionary:
    Pranava or sacred syllable symbolizing...
  • SAT in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Sat) Reality, Truth, Brahman, or God (see also Chit; Ananda; Sat-Chit-Ananda...
  • OM in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Om) The greatest mantra (q.v.), or word of power. Pronounced correctly by a sufficiently developed person, this word is an expression of divine power...
  • SAT
    - existence; being; reality; ...
  • OM in the Dictionary of Yoga and Vedanta terms:
    - Pranava or sacred syllable symbolizing Brahman...
  • TAT
    (Egypt.) Egyptian symbol: a vertical round post, tapering upward, with four crossbars at the top. Used as an amulet. Top part represents …
  • SAT in the Dictionary Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    (Sanskrit) One eternally existing Reality in an infinite world; a divine essence that exists, but which cannot be said to exist, so...
  • OM in the Dictionary Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    or Aum (Sk.) A mystical syllable, the most sacred of all words in India. It is "an invocation, a blessing, an assurance and a promise", and...
  • TAT in the Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms:
    See Murray-Morgan thematic apperception test...
  • OM in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Ohm) Georg Simon (1787-1854) German physicist. Established the basic law of an electrical circuit (Ohm's law). Works on acoustics, ...
  • SAT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a Moldavian word generally denoting a settlement, a populated place; attached to geographical names in Bessarabian...
  • OM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m., physical A unit of electrical resistance equal to the electrical resistance of a section of an electrical circuit at which a direct current of 1 ampere ...
  • OM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, gen. pl. ohms and when counting preferentially. ohm, m. Unit of electrical resistance. II adj. ohmic, -aya, ...
  • OM
    unit of electricity SI resistance; the resistance of a conductor, between the ends of which a voltage of 1V arises at a current strength of 1A. Indicated by: Om. Named after...
  • OM in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Ohm) Georg Simon (1787-1854), German. physicist. Installed the basic electrical law chains (O. law). Tr. in acoustics (acoustic law of O.), ...
  • SAT in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? a Moldavian word generally denoting a settlement, a populated place; attached to geographical names in Bessarabian...
  • TAT in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    ta"t, ta"you, ta"ta, ta"tov, ta"tu, ta"there, ta"ta, ta"tov, ta"tom, ta"tami, ta"te, ...
  • TAT
  • OM in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • OM in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (named after the German physicist Ohm (Ohm), 1787-1854) a unit of electrical resistance of the international system of units (si), equal to the electrical resistance of a section of electrical ...
  • OM in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [by name German. physics ohm (ohm), 1787-1854] unit of electrical resistance of the international system of units (si), equal to the electrical resistance of a section of electrical ...
  • TAT in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • OM in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
  • TAT
    m. see tats...
  • OM in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • -OM in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. suffix (as well as -ёm) A word-forming unit that stands out in adverbs with an adverbial meaning of time, place or manner of action - in ...
  • OM
  • OM in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Om, -a: law...
  • OM
    Om, -a: law...
  • OM in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    om, -a, r. pl. ohms, counting f. ohm and ohms (units...
  • OM in the Spelling Dictionary:
    om, -a, r. pl. `omov, counting. f. om and `omov (units...
  • OM in the Spelling Dictionary:
    om, -a: law...
  • OM in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    unit of electrical...
  • SAT in Dahl's Dictionary:
    ? Petersburg (isn’t it a sitovka?) plant., toad, kuga, sitovnik, ...
  • OM in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    SI unit of electrical resistance; the resistance of a conductor between the ends of which a voltage of 1V arises at a current of 1A. Denoted by Om, named after...
  • OM in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    oma, m. (physical). A unit of measurement of the electrical resistance exhibited by bodies to the current passing through them. Resistance of a mercury column with a cross section of 1 ...
  • TAT
    m. see tats...
  • OM in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    m. A unit of measurement of electrical resistance exerted by bodies passing through them...
  • -OM in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    1. suffix (as well as -ёm) A word-forming unit that stands out in adverbs with the adverbial meaning of time, place or manner of action - ...
  • TAT
    m. see tats...
  • OM in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. A unit of measurement of electrical resistance exerted by bodies passing through them...
  • -OM in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    I suffix; - -yom A word-forming unit that stands out in adverbs with the adverbial meaning of time, place or manner of action - in accordance with ...
  • TAT
    m. see tats...
  • OM in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. A unit of measurement of electrical resistance exerted by bodies passing through them...
  • OM in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. German physicist Georg Simon Ohm (1787 - 1854), who established his law in 1826 ...
  • -OM in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I suffix; = -yom A word-forming unit that stands out in adverbs with the adverbial meaning of time, place or manner of action - in ...
  • SAT-CHIT-ANANDA in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Sat-Chit-Ananda) Three characteristics inherent in Reality or Brahman - being (sat), knowledge or consciousness (chit) and unclouded happiness, joy, ...
  • "TAT TVAM ASI" in the Yoga Dictionary:
    (Tat Twam Asi) The famous saying: “That Thou Art.” First, the student meditates on "Tat" ("That"), which indicates Brahman,...

The Call, London. March 24, 1920 ... AUM TAT SAT, AUM.

I am you, you are I – particles of the Divine Self...


Song of Sanniasin (Swami Vivekananda)

Ring out the song! That song whose homeland is far away, where worldly vice can never reach - in the caves of the mountains, among the deep forests, the peace of which not a single sigh of voluptuousness, nor a thirst for fame and wealth has ever dared to disturb; where the stream of truth, knowledge and the next to both - bliss rolls... Sing loudly this song, brave Sannyasin: “Aum tat cam, Aum”!

Break your shackles that bind you to the base world, whether from shiny gold, or from dark base metal... From love or hate, good or evil, or anything else, but dual too... Know, a slave is a slave, whether they caress him or beat him, he is not free, since chains, even if made of gold, are no less strong than any other. So throw them off, brave Sannyasin, and say: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

Let the darkness disappear and those will-o'-the-wisps that only intensify the darkness with their flickering! Let your thirst for life fade away! It draws the soul from birth to death and from death to a new birth. He conquers everyone who can defeat himself. Know this and never give up, brave Sannyasin, and say: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

They say: “he who sows must reap, and every cause must bring an effect: good - good, bad - evil. And no one will evade the law, but he who wears a uniform, whatever it may be, is forced to wear chains. This is the law... Immeasurably above all forms and all names is Atman, free forever. Know, brave Sannyasin, that you are That! and say: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

Everyone who dreams meaningless dreams does not know the truth - father, mother, children, wife and faithful friend... Oh, the genderless One who exists! Whose Father is He and whose child is He? Whose friend, whose enemy is He who has always been One and will forever remain One? He is all in all, and outside of Him nothing exists. And you, brave Sanniasin, you are the One! And knowing this, sing: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

There is only One - Free, Omniscient and Existing! Without name, without form and without color... In Him is Maya, who dreams these dreams, and He is their witness, manifested in the form of nature and soul. You're the one! Know this, brave Sannyasin, and sing: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

Where you think you will find freedom, neither this world nor that one can give it to you. Your searches in sanctuaries and books are fruitless. In your hand is a saving thread, drawing you to knowledge and freedom... Do not complain in vain! Give up everything that is holding you, brave Sanniyasin! And sing: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

Say to everyone: “Peace be with you! I do not threaten anything living. I am everything in everything, both in that which is above and in everything that crawls in the lowlands. I reject life both here and there - all heavens and earths , and hell itself, all fears and hopes..." So break, break your shackles, brave Sanniyasin! And sing: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

Pay no attention to whether your flesh lives or dies. Her task is over, and let Karma take her away. Let one place crowns on this form, another shower it with blows, but be silent and know that there can be neither praise nor blame, where the one who praises, and the one praised, and the blamed, and the one who blames him are One... So, Be calm, brave Sanniyasin! And sing: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

Truth does not come to that abode where greed, glory and voluptuousness live... Whoever looks at a woman as a wife cannot be perfect; neither the one who possesses even the smallest, nor the one who succumbs to anger... None of them will pass the gate of Maya. Give it all up, brave Sanniasin! Drop everything and sing: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

You don't need a home... Let no dwelling be able to hold you back! The vault of heaven is your unshakable roof, the grass is your bed; and food is what chance gives you. Whether it is well prepared or poorly, let it be all the same to you! There is no food or drink that could defile your “I” striving for self-knowledge... Be like the ever-running stream... Be like, brave Sanniyasin! And sing: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

Few know the truth... The ignorant will hate and mock you, great one! But don't pay attention to them. Go, free, from one place to another and help them emerge from the darkness of the veil of Maya, without trembling before suffering, without thirst for fleeting earthly joys. Be above them, brave Sanniasin! And sing: "Aum tat cam, Aum"! So constantly, day after day, strengthen the soul until the forces of Karma are exhausted... There is no more birth, no “I”, no “you”, no mortal, no God! I will become everything; everything will become “I” and unclouded bliss! Know, brave Sanniasin, you are the One! And sing: “Aum tat sat, Aum”!

Bhagavad Gita

23. “AUM – TAT – SAT” was every designation of BRAHMAN. From it arose in ancient times the “Brahmanas”, the Vedas and sacrifices.

24. Therefore, the word “AUM” begins the sacrifices, gifts and deeds of those who have known BRAHMA, as prescribed by St. Scriptures.

25. When the word "TAT" is uttered and without thought of reward, various sacrifices and feats are performed and gifts are offered by those who yearn for liberation.

26. The word "SAT" is used in relation to the real and to the good, O Partha; and also for praising righteous actions.

27. And constancy in sacrifice, feat and gifts is called “SAT”, as well as an action performed in the name of the Highest.

28. Everything that is sacrificed without faith, that is given without truth, be it alms, deeds or other action, is called “ASAT”, O Partha; It is something in here and in the future world.

Thus says the seventeenth discourse, called: THE YOGA OF DIVISION OF THE TRIPLE FAITH

Om Tat Sat

(Om Tat Sat ) This mantra is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita as being used by "disciples of Brahman" at the beginning of various undertakings and activities. "Tat" ("That"), pointing to Brahman, reminds the student of high motives, and thus helps him to discard everything that is unworthy of them. "Sat" ("creation", "being") reminds him of the Good that permeates everything that exists, and thus sanctifies and ennobles what the student does, and gives the action the character of isvara-pranidhana (q.v.).

Yoga Dictionary. Ernest Wood. 2009.

See what “Om Tat Sat” is in other dictionaries:

    Cyrillization of the Korean language- use of Cyrillic letters to write Korean words written in Hangul. The Kontsevich system has been adopted as the standard for the transcription of Hangeul syllables, with the exception of the use of zh instead of j to describe the sound conveyed by the letter ㅈ in ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Sachchidananda) The essence of That (Tat) as different from This (Idam). This means everything that is in the realm of manifestation, both objective and subjective. The concept of sachchidananda is made up of the words sat, chit and ananda (see). See also Sat Chit Ananda...Yoga Dictionary

    ticket- a, m. billet m., German. Billett.1. A paper with an official order, order. Sl. 18. The cardinal and civil secretary Lercari recently ordered Mr. Rizz... to hand over a ticket in which he announces to him that without slowing down the road... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic- (Kazak Sovetik Sotsialistik Respublikasy) Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan). I. General information The Kazakh SSR was originally formed as the Kirghiz ASSR as part of the RSFSR on August 26, 1920; On December 5, 1936, the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was transformed into... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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    List of abbreviations- This is a service list of articles created to coordinate work on the development of the topic. This warning does not apply to information lists and glossaries... Wikipedia

    GOST 7.67- “Country name codes” state standard Russian Federation(GOST) and a number of other countries, which establishes alphabetic and numerical designations of country names in coded form, uniform for various information processing systems, its ... ... Wikipedia

    Jaroslav Hasek- Jaroslav Hasek Date of birth: April 30, 1883 (18830430) Place of birth: Prague, Austria-Hungary Date of death: January 3 ... Wikipedia

    Cantopop- (Cantopop) cant. trad. 粵語流行音樂, ex. 粤话流行音乐, yutphin: yut6 yu5 lau4 hang4 yan1 ngok6, cant. Rus: yutu lauhon yamngok is a general term for popular music in the Cantonese language (dialect). Cantopop is also called HK pop, Hong Kong... ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia:Cantonese-Russian transcription- This transcription is used on Wikipedia for the Cyrillic recording of Hong Kong proper names of Cantonese origin. For more details on naming articles about Hong Kong names and personalities, see Wikipedia: Articles about Hong Kong. For... ... Wikipedia

There is nothing more valuable than peace. Almost every person living on earth now feels, to one degree or another, internal anxiety and tension. There is no righteous and pure life - and therefore there is no peace, and simply convincing myself that everything is good, and everything that I do is wonderful, this problem is not solved. It can only be solved by clearing personal space of all the negative things that have been accumulated over many years of life and nothing else. In other words, first of all, you need to recognize the fact that you have done negative things in your life, and secondly, repent of this, consciously and sincerely. But you need to do this in the right way, just cry and pray to someone incomprehensible, located incomprehensibly where - a meaningless activity that does not change anything significantly. Imagine a person saying something in his sleep. Do his words have any value? No. Likewise, repentance without self-awareness and awareness of this action is like a person talking in a dream.

Description of practice

  1. Wait for the program to load on the next page of the site (you will know this by the “Start” message that appears, and the download percentage will be shown as the download progresses).
  2. Next, put on headphones, as the program has sound.
  3. And after that, look at the screen, relaxing and, if possible, not thinking about anything.
  4. It is advisable to watch the program several times (it is deliberately made for automatic repetition, so as not to distract).
  5. In total, it is advisable to practice for at least 1-2 weeks together with the following mantra, the description of which is given by me below. It is advisable to practice the following mantra for 10-20 minutes a day (longer is possible).
  6. Also get rid of the use of any swear words in speech (external and internal). If you can’t do this, then set aside 30 minutes to focus intensely on monitoring yourself for the presence of curse words in your speech (external and internal) - as soon as you feel that they are ready to “break out” of you ( and this will become possible in these special 30 minutes) - immediately interrupt this opportunity mid-sentence. When the result is achieved in these 30 minutes, increase them to one hour, etc.

The program file size is 2.73 Mb - it takes about 1-3 minutes to download when average speed Internet.

Carry out this shadowing practice every day for a week for at least 10-15 minutes. Don't strain your eyes when looking at the screen - look calmly, be relaxed and in a state of "here and now" with full awareness of yourself.

Additional practice with Mantra

The story behind the creation of the following mantra is quite unusual. I didn't plan to write it. I simply decided to give you various mantras and prayers from different Teachings that would have one goal - to help you cleanse yourself and improve your life and elevate your consciousness. And when I had formed in my mind the basic information on the main cleansing mantras and prayers and I was ready to begin presenting them in a clear and accessible way for you, suddenly all these mantras and prayers in my mind began to strangely combine into something single. and holistic. It turned out quite beautifully and the most important thing is that I began to feel that there was a certain power and strength inherent in all of them at the same time, but combined into one whole. Everything “came together” into a single mantra quite quickly, and when I read it for the first time, I realized that apart from this there is no need to give anything, this has everything that is needed and even more - one strengthens the other and complements the other in its unity and integrity .

The mantra also allows you to combine all Teachings (and religions) into one whole in your consciousness. Those. if someone still believes that there is, for example, a Christian God, a Muslim or a Buddhist God, etc. - then this mantra will allow you to feel that the Almighty is actually one and can be neither “mine” nor “yours”... He is alone.

The mantra has many functions. Basically it is a purifying, protecting and giving grace mantra, consisting mainly of indications of the most significant aspects of the Absolute (God). I called it Universal, since it contains the vibrations of so many mantras and prayers. It is very simple to study it - to do this, download the sound file from the link below, put it on auto-repeat in the player and simultaneously listen and read the text of the Mantra. After some time, you will learn it and be able to repeat it without my recording - this is the best option, just find your own way of pronouncing this mantra.

OM Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
OM Amitaba Sri Krishna Hari
Sri Vajra Guru Maha Prasad
Om Mani Padme Aum Tat Sat

OM Bhagavan Shanti Devo Matchmaker
Sat Chit Ananda Namo Namaha
Nomine Patrice Svarog Sita Ram
Isis Osiris Tao So Ham

OM Parashakti Sri Yantra Aum
Boddhi Nirvana OM-a-Hum
Spiritus Sancti El Amritam
Buddha Christ Dharma Paramam

Download Universal Mantra

Someone already sees something familiar and “own” in this mantra, and also to some extent understands the meaning of certain parts of it. To make it a little more clear, below I have given small interpretations, which of course do not fully reveal the meaning, since it is impossible to do this in words.

Basic meanings of Mantra fragments

OM (Aum) - vibration of the Absolute, pronounced by all yogis to attune with the Primordial and Eternal Consciousness.

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim - an approximate translation sounds like this: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.” This phrase is also the Name of the Almighty. As you know, He has 3000 names. He sent down 1000 names to angels, 1000 to prophets, 999 sacred scriptures and he left one name for Himself (He did not reveal this name to anyone). And after that, He enclosed all His names in three names “Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim”, the utterance of which is equivalent to the utterance of all 3000 names of Allah. Also, the most important sutra in the Qur'an is "Ayat ul-Kursi" and it begins with the most important phrase in it with "Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim", therefore, it is the most important line in the Qur'an... Its importance cannot be overestimated perhaps that is why the importance of this line is incredibly great.


Amitaba - Buddha Amitabha, Buddha of Limitless Light. One of the main Buddhas revered in Tibetan Buddhism. His mantra "OM Amitaba Hri" is a mandatory preliminary practice before undergoing one of the most important Tibetan practices of Phowa.

Sri Krishna - The Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are a huge number of believers in Him, especially in India (bakti yoga).


- a very famous Tibetan mantra.

Aum Tat Sat

Aum Tat Sat- these three words indicate the Absolute Truth and are extremely highly valued by the Indian brahmanas.

Bhagawan Shanti Devo Matchmaker

Bhagawan Shanti Devo Matchmaker - “Bhagavan” is a divine personality (since this word is mentioned in relation to God, it becomes His name). "Shanti" - calm, peace. "Virgo" - God. “Matchmaker” is somewhat similar to the word “Hallelujah” (Glory).

Sat Chit Ananda Namo Namaha

Sat Chit Ananda Namo Namaha - "Sat Chit Ananda" - eternity, knowledge and bliss. "Namo" is a name. "Namaha" - respect.

Nomine Patrice

Nomine Patrice - translation from Latin - "Name of the Heavenly Father."


Svarog - Old Russian, one of the most revered, Supreme God.

Sita Ram

Sita Ram - this is very ancient history about God, who played the role of the King (with his wife Sita) and Hanuman - an example of devotion. Hanuman (half man, half monkey) is one of the favorite heroes of Indian folk tales.

Isis Osiris

Isis Osiris - very famous and most influential Gods (as if in two aspects - wife and husband) of ancient Egypt.

So Ham

So Ham - an ancient mantra. You can read about it on the website.

Parashakti Sri Yantra

Parashakti Sri Yantra - "Parashakti" - Highest Energy. "Sri Yantra" is the most used and revered yantra, which is a graphic image of the Higher World.

Boddhi Nirvana

Boddhi Nirvana - "Boddhi" - enlightened mind. "Nirvana" is a world where there is no suffering, where complete freedom from all material things reigns.

- a very powerful Tibetan mantra, characterizes three vajras - body, speech and mind, which it intensively cleanses.

Spiritus Sancti

Spiritus Sancti - translated from Latin - “Holy Spirit”.

El - "God" in Arabic.


Amritam - nectar of immortality.

Buddha Christ Dharma Paramam

Buddha Christ Dharma Paramam - “Buddha” is a state of complete Enlightenment (or one of the names of God). "Christ" - the Son of God (having a mission to save and help). “Dharma Paramam” is the highest spiritual Abode of God (Higher World), above which there is nothing else.


This practice also cannot be underestimated - for example, it is one of the main ones in Tibetan Buddhism. And there is simply nothing to replace it with, since it is unique. Of course, this practice in one form or another is found in almost every Teaching, but I will describe it as more similar to the Tibetan version. In Tibetan Buddhism there are different versions of it, and a particularly complex one is full prostrations, when the body is fully straightened on the ground with arms extended forward. Many Lamas do not talk about the obligatory nature of this particular type of prostration and point to the complete sufficiency of prostration in which the body is lowered to five points - knees, hands and forehead.

Description of the strike

  1. Stand up straight. There should be some free space in front of you to prostrate.
  2. Imagine that you are standing in a beautiful place where everything around you is made of light.
  3. Imagine that in this place you seem to be divided into millions of copies of yourself. Those. You are not standing alone, but around you, like a projection, are millions of yourself, who are also standing here in order to prostrate synchronously with you.
  4. Such visualization of yourself in millions of copies will strengthen this practice millions of times. Those. for example, in Tibet such prostrations are done many thousands of times - you will get from just one prostration the result of a million (of course, depending on the degree and quality of visualization, but in any case - even an attempt to think that there are many of you already increases the result of the prostration many times over ).
  5. Next, fold your hands with your palms into a “boat” (that is, your palms are not pressed against each other, but there is space between them, as if you were holding something inside between your palms, for example, a table tennis ball).
  6. Touch the top of your head with your “boat” (this roughly corresponds to the base thumbs). And say the mantra "OM".
  7. Next, lower the “boat” and press it to the base of your throat. At the same time, pronounce the first syllable of the word “Matchmaker”,