The designation of a phraseological unit is like a fish in water. Sentences with the phrase “feel like a fish in water. What is effective glide

as if, as if, like a fish in water Razg. Only in decree. f. Free, relaxed, good. With verb. nesov. and owls kind: feel, feel... how? like a fish in water.

In the company of philatelists, he feels like a fish in water.

In a word, it was very fun, very noisy, and the cabin boy felt like a fish in water. (I. Likstanov.)

Timofey is like a duck to water in a working environment; he knows everyone and everyone knows him. (I. Popov.)

  • - Most salmon fish have flesh of varying shades of red-pink. But there are salmon, such as whitefish and nelma, whose meat is milky white...
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    A book about tasty and healthy food

  • - feel free, at ease, good...

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  • - as if, as if, like a fish in water Razg. Only in decree. f. Free, relaxed, good...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - as if, as if, like a fish in water Razg. Only in decree. f. Free, relaxed, good...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - 1) initial value....

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  • - vodeka, vodevo adv...

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  • - Use a pitchfork to write about the impossible, unsuccessful, doubtful. Wed. Is it enough for a father to vouch and answer what is on his adult girl’s mind? Soon you can write on the water with a pitchfork. Kokhanovskaya...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - See TRUE -...
  • - It’s not true that the arc is branchy: the ends are in the water, so the middle is out; the middle is in the water - the ends are out...

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  • - See CRAFT -...

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  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 9 in ka over there where over there here is where here here there...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 Venice...

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  • - freely, naturally, at ease,...

    Synonym dictionary

"like a fish out of water" in books

House on the water

From the book Diary 1931-1934. Stories by Nin Anais


From the book Before Sunrise author Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich

IN THE WATER Boys swim and dive. I'm digging on the shore. They shout to me: - Well, come on. Go boldly. Let's learn to swim. I walk slowly through the water. Cold. Goosebumps are crawling across my skin. - Dip right away, you idiot, seven times! - the boys shout. I dive up to my shoulders. The boys are screaming! - With your head

Baked fish and barbecue fish

From the book Living with Taste, or Tales from an Experienced Cook author Feldman Isai Abramovich

Baked fish and barbecue fish Baking fish is one of the most simple ways preparations. In the old days, fish was more often baked than fried, since baking in an oven is much more convenient than frying. In addition, baked fish has a special taste, juiciness, and according to modern

About water

From the book Losing Weight is interesting. Recipes for delicious and healthy life author Kovalkov Alexey Vladimirovich

On water

From book Everyday life European students from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment author Glagoleva Ekaterina Vladimirovna

By water The benefits and dangers of traveling by river. - Treacherous sea elements During long journeys, it was often necessary to use “blue roads” - rivers, which were sometimes even preferable to land roads: they did not have potholes and sucking mud, and

Like a fish in water

From the book Our Good Teenagers author Litvak Nelly

Like a fish in water, the Dutch and water are a separate poem. More than a third of the country is below sea level. If all dams, natural and artificial, are removed, The Hague, Rotterdam and Amsterdam International Airport will be under water. The Dutch have been building dams since the 18th century.

IX. About water

From the book Russian vegetable garden, nursery and orchard. A guide to the most profitable arrangement and management of vegetable and garden farming author Schroeder Richard Ivanovich

IX. About water Water (H2O) consists of a compound of two gases: hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) in a proportion of 1 to 8 by weight, and 2 to 1 by volume. This compound is extremely strong and decomposes only under the influence of strong agents, for example, by heaping iron or coal soaked in water, as well as

20.28. Fish cannot be found in water that is too clean

From the book Stratagems. About the Chinese art of living and surviving. TT. 12 author von Senger Harro

20.28. Fish cannot be found in water that is too clean “In ancient times, the king wore pearl pendants on his crown in front of his eyes in order to obscure his vision and a silk fringe in front of his ears in order to cover his hearing. After all, if the water becomes too clean, then there will be no fish there (“shui zhi qing jie wu yu”), and

Something about water

From the book Catch, Fish... author Makarali Viktor Mikhailovich

Something about water For all of us now, perhaps, nothing is more important than ensuring reliable protection of the environment and, first of all, such an important component of it as water. We will have a clean one, good water- we will be healthy, our children will be healthy and it will be,


From the book 100 Great Adventures author Nepomnyashchiy Nikolai Nikolaevich


1 What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?

From the book Rules of Life from Albert Einstein by Percy Allan

1 What does a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life? Self-discovery is an exciting story of love and discovery that lasts a lifetime. By understanding our emotions, we evaluate life situations with greater objectivity and make more reasonable decisions. So,

Fish in troubled water

From book 4.51 stratagems for Putin author Wasserman Anatoly Alexandrovich

Fish in muddy water Russia's main economic interest in Svalbard is seafood. Moreover, their reserves, unlike coal reserves, are renewable. And in the near future, many areas of the northern seas will be closed to fishing by offshore oil production. And Svalbard


From the book of the Forbidden Talmud by Yadan Yaron

246 FISH WITHOUT SCALES, IN WHICH STOMACH A FISH WITH SCALES IS FOUND; MERMAIDS The Torah prohibits the consumption of fish that do not have scales. According to the decree of the ancient sages, if such a fish swallows another fish that has scales and fins (and is therefore allowed to

31. I did not know Him; but for this reason he came to baptize in water, so that He might be revealed to Israel. 32 And John testified, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and remaining on him. 33. I did not know Him; but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me: on whom you will see the Spirit descending and remaining

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

31. I did not know Him; but for this reason he came to baptize in water, so that He might be revealed to Israel. 32 And John testified, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and remaining on him. 33. I did not know Him; but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me: On whom you will see the Spirit descending and

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

From the book The Secret of True Happiness by Frank Kinslow

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish In 1982, physicist Alain Aspect discovered that subatomic particles—such as electrons—interact with each other over vast distances of millions of light years. But what's truly surprising is that the interaction

Like a fish in water as if, as if, like a fish in water Razg. Only in decree. f. Free, relaxed, good. With verb. nesov. and owls like: , ... how? like a fish in water.

In the company of philatelists, he feels like a fish in water.

In a word, it was very fun, very noisy, and the cabin boy felt like a fish in water. (I. Likstanov.)

Timofey is like a duck to water in a working environment; he knows everyone and everyone knows him. (I. Popov.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what “like a fish takes to water” in other dictionaries:

    like a fish in water- freely, naturally, at ease, freely Dictionary of Russian synonyms. like a fish in water adverb, number of synonyms: 5 freely (8) ... Synonym dictionary


    Like a fish in water- Razg. Express Free, at ease, at ease (to feel anywhere). In a word, it was very fun, very noisy, and the cabin boy felt like a fish in water (I. Likstanov. The Adventures of a Cabin Boy) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    like a fish in water- Unforced, free... Dictionary of many expressions

    like a fish in water- (good for someone) Wed. I felt as good as a fish in water, and I would not leave this room for a century, I would not leave this place. Turgenev. First love. 4. Wed. What can I say about her! How a fish feels in its native element in this luxury... Markevich. Abyss... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Like a fish in water- Like a fish in water (good for anyone). Wed. I felt as good as a fish in water, and I would never leave this room, I would not leave this place. Turgenev. First love. 4. Wed. What can I say about her! Like a fish in its native element in this luxury of oneself... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    As if, as if, like a fish in water Razg. Only in decree. f. Free, relaxed, good. With verb. nesov. and owls kind: feel, feel... how? like a fish in water. In the company of philatelists, he feels like a fish in... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    As if, as if, like a fish in water Razg. Only in decree. f. Free, relaxed, good. With verb. nesov. and owls kind: feel, feel... how? like a fish in water. In the company of philatelists, he feels like a fish in... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    LIKE A FISH IN WATER- feel free, at ease, good. This means that a person, or less often a group of people (X), are confident in themselves, feel natural and simple, comfortable, as if they are in a familiar environment, and behave competently. speech... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Alexey Shchusev: Architect of All Rus', Vaskin Alexander Anatolyevich. Aleksey Shchusev was called many things during his lifetime - a poet, a philosopher, an artist, but he was, first of all, a talented architect. Hereditary Cossack, nobleman, gold medalist of the Academy of Arts,...

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Sentences containing the phrase “to feel like a fish in water”

  • It would seem that in Washington Square he should have feel myself How fish V water.
  • In big politics he felt myself How fish V water.
  • All this was seething with life and activity, everything dreamed and dreamed of discoveries, and Humboldt felt myself in this company How fish V water.
  • Unlike Manet, who felt in any society myself How fish V water, Degas was born a loner.
  • In politics Disraeli felt myself How fish V water, he was skilled, How diplomat, eloquent, How speaker.
  • In an atmosphere of strict discipline, he felt myself How fish V water.
  • So, you have to be born free in order to feel myself in America How fish V water.
  • But most importantly, I realized that here and only here I will feel myself How fish V water.
  • With a large crowd of people he felt myself as if fish V water and believed that the more people, the merrier.
  • Fish swam in water, the birds sang in the forest because it was allowed by the authorities.
  • Tall, thin, with excellent control of his body, the artist feels myself on the stage How fish V water.
  • Here Stalin felt myself How fish V water.
  • It was with him that I felt myself How fish V water.
  • And I realized that it was “bad fish"and that they didn't want her to end up in water, so we decided to get rid of it.
  • Pinel felt myself How fish V water and showed myself in full splendor among bohemia.
  • Berlusconi feels myself How fish V water.
  • Blue fish(anchovy, sardines, mackerel, tuna, bonito ( fish mackerel family), wild salmon).
  • Here Hitler felt myself How fish V water.
  • Steve felt myself Here How fish V water.
  • Considering my boxing experience, I was sure that I would easily get used to MMA, I would be there How fish V water and I will quickly become a champion.
  • By and large water, in spring, rises along the left tributary fish and remains until spawning in the lakes.
  • Then I undressed, climbed into the water and, up to my neck, water, found the dead bird by the vaguely blackening water her body.
  • And it’s even more curious that the theorist felt myself How fish V water in the world of money, and the practitioner represented complete helplessness.
  • On the contrary, I was brought up in “Gizhi”, had not yet gotten used to the demands of Kathleen Nesbitt, and therefore felt myself How fish V water.
  • I myself felt How fish V water: I'm from the very beginning early childhood I'm used to crawling.
  • However, Reed was famous for his free morals, and the hippies felt myself Here How fish V water.
  • Don't know, How Stalin succeeded, but Khrushchev, surrounded by enthusiastic crowds, felt myself How fish V water.
  • So they felt myself, How fish V water.
  • We do not notice its magical nature in the same way How fish doesn't notice that he lives in water.
  • In Leningrad, if you take the left from Vyborgsky, you will come to water, and if right, to water.
  • Edgar felt in such an atmosphere myself How fish V water.
  • He felt myself How fish V water How in the Pigalle area and on the Champs Elysees.
  • The thought occurred to me that it would be better to give myself for a married woman, yes How I feel like feel myself more free with it.
  • Or rather, he always felt myself How fish V water.
  • But he needs this money in order to realize myself, to feel myself with dignity and confidence myself at home.
  • Jerome felt myself at Camp Wigwam How fish V water.
  • Fish didn’t peck, and the food was muddy water, apparently, there was plenty.
  • In a transparent flow water shallow ponds fish everything was visible.
  • He seemed to be floating How fish V water, in this elegant living room.
  • The Egyptian does not suddenly go into the water and overcome myself, in order to start swimming, meanwhile How Nubian in water absolutely How at myself Houses.
  • I just stood there, opening and closing my mouth, remaining mute, How fish V water.
  • In the world of fiction I felt myself How fish V water.
  • Feels myself How fish V water when speaking, talking with people, negotiating, giving instructions.
  • Here in the courthouse she felt myself How fish V water.
  • Here he felt myself How fish V water.
  • Hitler felt it all myself How fish V water.
  • In spring, for the most part water, fish rises to lakes at the top of the river and its channels.
  • Yakov remained “his own” there, he felt myself, How fish V water.
  • Betty turned out to be a short and plump woman, very cheerful and lively, who felt myself in Paris How fish V water.
  • But in the end, I do everything for myself myself, to myself respect and feel myself comfortable with yourself.
  • The arrows disappeared for a second in water, and then swam to the surface, standing in water perpendicular.
  • However, the study of the catechism progressed slowly, while How in the Rotunda I already felt myself, How fish V water.
  • Why in Nizhny or Yaroslavl Orlov “would How fish V water“, it’s not difficult to guess.
  • This gives her some satisfaction and she feels myself in these situations How fish V water.
  • All on water and in water, and not simple, understandable water drinking, and in water mysterious, bitter-salty, attractive and inaccessible.
  • And Rose myself felt on stage How fish V water!
  • As for the fleet, here the British politician did not at all feel myself How fish V water.
  • If I may feel someone else's view, why not feel someone else's rumor?
  • In Batum this thought about water was especially natural, because Batum was really all in water and on water.
  • Richard felt in this situation myself How fish V water.
  • Maybe so, by this time I certainly had felt for several months myself in the Cairo crowd How fish V water.
  • When he first joined the national team, he felt myself How fish V water.
  • Still, he was really flirting, How girl, and in the company of girls I felt myself, How fish V water.
  • However, in this environment, SB Menatep felt myself How fish V water.
  • In a dynamic, changing world feels myself How fish V water.
  • In a cheerful way the artist feels myself How fish V water, and in boring, How is the same fish, washed ashore.
  • He felt myself Here How fish V water.
  • During this voyage on the shuttle, the hook, being dragged by a cord, water spins and imagines exactly running soon in water little raft or fish.
  • I felt myself How fish V water, because this is the very risk that I like, and I completely consciously take it.
  • He felt myself How fish V water in the intricate currents of highly intelligent conversation.
  • She was caught in a trap in water(the bait was live fish).
  • Gavrilova, How a former border guard, security officer, and operative was appointed intelligence commander, where he felt myself, How fish V water.
  • But on the school stage our hero felt myself How fish V water.
  • Yazid felt myself at Saint-Henri How fish V water.
  • Plato in the middlegame and especially in the endgame felt myself, How fish V water.
  • Absolute freedom feel So, How You want feel things, and do what you think is necessary.
  • Fish on the first, fish to the second, even to the third.
  • Tall, thin, with excellent control of his body, the artist feels myself on the stage How fish V water.
  • At the Central Research Institute I have long felt myself, How fish V water, at least in production issues, at least in social ones.
  • This means that the vessel must be equally comfortable feel myself in the air, on land and on water.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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Beginning fishermen are often interested in what pressure the fish bite at, because, according to most experts, this factor is very significant. Numerous studies confirm that atmospheric fishing pressure, just like air temperature and water conditions, have a definite effect on the behavior of most types of fish. What atmospheric pressure is best for biting and how to fish at low or high values?

  1. Fishing under high pressure

Every lover of sitting on the shore with a fishing rod should be aware that pressure for catching fish is a very significant indicator. Many fishermen are surprised why a few days ago the catch was simply excellent, but today the fish are not biting at all. Ichthyologists claim that sudden changes in behavior river inhabitants may just be associated with changes in this value.

That is why, in order not to sit by the shore with a fishing rod in vain and waste your time, you need to know what the behavior of the barometer needle indicates:

  1. If the atmospheric pressure is high, the weather will soon begin to return to normal, and the amount of precipitation will decrease several times. In winter when high rates The air temperature usually drops slightly, and in spring and summer, on the contrary, it becomes warmer.
  2. At low pressure in the atmosphere, the probability of precipitation increases several times. Due to the fact that the air becomes more humid in the summer, the air temperature drops by several degrees, but becomes warmer in the winter.

Fish biting for the most part depends not on the atmospheric value itself, but also on whether the fish has had time to get used to such changes.

While river inhabitants adapt to new conditions, fishing will be ineffective, since the fish’s interest in food is minimal.

What pressure is considered ideal and when does the fish bite best? Experienced fishermen warn that the chance to come with a good catch appears when the value remains within the normal range - about 750 mm. rt. Art. A deviation of a couple of divisions in one direction or another is also not considered critical and will not affect the bite in any way.

There is an erroneous common belief that fish are practically insensitive, they simply swim chaotically around the reservoir. This assumption is pure misconception. In fact, these creatures react quite sharply not only to pressure changes, but also to changes in air temperature. Depending on these values, the volume of the fish’s bladder will either increase or decrease, affecting the buoyancy itself. The influence of atmospheric pressure on fish biting is simply colossal, since, based on environmental conditions, even large individuals can either be dragged to the bottom or pushed closer to the surface.

Atmospheric pressure surges are extremely important for fishing, since changes affect fish in the following way:

  • volume change swim bladder directly affects the functioning of the digestive tract. If the value drops, the bite will become worse, since due to the increase in the volume of the organ, the fish will have to eat less. With high rates, it is more convenient for almost all types of fish to be at depth; they will also bite closer to the bottom;
  • the dependence of the bite on pressure is also quite large, since changes affect the fish’s ability to navigate in space. Until the optimal pressure (stable) is established, you can forget about fishing. Each fish reacts sharply to such changes; it takes at least 3-4 days to get used to new environmental conditions;
  • atmospheric pressure also affects the bite because the density of water and oxygen content depend on the value. If the barometer needle crosses the 750 mm mark. rt. Art., the density of water will increase, and the oxygen content, on the contrary, will decrease. For most river inhabitants, lack of oxygen is an unfavorable factor that slows down most vital processes, including digestion.

But in fact, this reaction of fish is caused by the fact that they are not so comfortable moving around the reservoir due to the fact that the water practically does not mix with air. That is why you can count on a successful fishing It's just not possible in this weather.

At what pressure does the fish bite best? Before deciding on the ideal value and finding out which is the most good time for fishing, you need to note for yourself that another an important factor is the wind. Wind also affects the bite and pressure surges depend on it.

Every fishing enthusiast needs to remember these rules:

  1. When the north-west wind blows, crucian carp is caught very well.
  2. If the wind is south, carp and carp bite better.

You also need to take into account that if the pressure in the atmosphere is favorable, but the wind gusts are very strong and the direction is constantly changing, such weather conditions are considered unsuitable for fishing.

To catch best catch A few days before the planned fishing, you need to monitor the barometer readings. The pressure should be stable and normal (760 mmHg) for at least 3 days. If on the day of the intended fishing there is no strong jump in one direction or another (more than 8 values), fishing will certainly be necessary, since a good catch under such conditions is guaranteed.

The best atmospheric pressure in any case, regardless of the time of year, is 760 mm. rt. Art. This value is almost ideal; most fish species will show interest in complementary foods and baits.

Since so much depends on pressure, every experienced angler should be able to understand weather conditions, including predicting changes in atmospheric pressure without the use of related items (after all, a barometer is not always at hand). Many lovers of this pastime go into nature with fishing rods for several days at once, but if crucian carp and bream are caught well today, this does not mean at all that the situation will be similar the next day.

Normal blood pressure can drop or rise quite quickly; such changes can be predicted by the following signs:

  • early at dawn a very thick and dense fog appears;
  • cloudy weather changed to sunny in just a few hours;
  • the air temperature gradually began to increase (the nights also became warmer);
  • very little wind or no wind at all;
  • increased cloudiness;
  • A large amount of foam began to accumulate near the shore.

It has long been known how atmospheric pressure affects fish. However, experts assure that you can get a good catch at any value of this indicator. The main thing is to know what types of fish are best to catch depending on weather conditions. At low pressure, it is better and more expedient to catch river predators, but representatives that feed mainly on plant foods become inactive. Roaches and other small fish begin to sink to the bottom, provoking predators to rise closer to the surface for food.

Under such weather conditions, the likelihood of catching the following individuals increases significantly:

  1. Perch.
  2. Pike.
  3. Zander.
  4. Burbot.

But you must remember that low pressure must also be stable and last for at least 5 days, otherwise you may be left without a catch.

Fishing under high pressure

If high blood pressure persists for several days, it is recommended to go fishing for peace-loving fish. The probability of catching a large predator is practically zero, since in most cases they simply “lie to the bottom.” Ichthyologists say that predatory fish They do not tolerate sunlight and heat well, so they try to keep a low profile on clear days with high blood pressure.

But in such conditions it will be very good to catch fish with white meat.

If a fisherman selects a suitable fishing rod, assembles high-quality equipment and chooses the optimal fishing tactics, at increased atmospheric pressure it will be possible to catch:

  • roach;
  • saberfish;
  • carp.

There were exceptions when fishermen also managed to catch predators such as asp or pike perch. To create the most favorable conditions, it is better to fish early at dawn, when the sun has not yet fully risen and the air has not yet warmed up.

The success of the catch largely depends on atmospheric pressure, both low and low. That is why, in order to increase the bite, before going fishing, it is recommended to look at the barometer; you need to correctly decide on fishing tactics.

Experienced fishermen also advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. At high blood pressure do better fishing early morning. During the night, the water will have time to cool slightly, which will create favorable conditions for fish to rise to the upper layers of the reservoir. Such behavioral features are also due to the fact that a large amount of oxygen accumulates at the surface of the reservoir.
  2. If the pressure drops, it is better to replace the fishing rod with a spinning rod or feeder and go fishing for a large predator. But you need to remember that it is best to look for fish in deep-sea areas, also under snags and in thickets.
  3. The well-being of fish is affected not only by pressure, but also by the period of the year. In summer and late spring, peace-loving fish species are much better caught, but in autumn and winter you can try to catch a predator.
  4. If a reservoir is full of small fish, as well as roach and crucian carp, then it probably also contains predators, such as pike perch and asp. It is recommended to wait until the atmospheric pressure drops and try to pull out the river predator. It is, of course, better to fish at night or just before dawn.

Many anglers make a common mistake and, when going fishing, start only from a certain point. In fact, the behavior of fish depends on many different factors, and atmospheric pressure is only one of them. It must be remembered that clear or cloudy weather has a much greater impact on river inhabitants than pressure changes. In addition, it is necessary to take into account in which body of water the fishing is carried out. If the lake is located near a populated area, the probability of catching fish there is low, since the fish will be well-fed and are unlikely to want to rise to the surface in unfavorable weather conditions.

A true fisherman who loves real fishing will not catch fish with nets and net gear (ventirs, ohanas, etc.), as well as all sorts of poaching methods.

He will be able to force the fish to come to the place where he decided to settle for fishing.

The ability to attract fish to a certain place and time, often luring it from afar with the smell and taste of the bait, requires knowledge of the life of fish, what they eat, etc.

Attracting fish is achieved through skill and perseverance - qualities that are mandatory for every athlete.

The whole significance of bait and bait is to be able to catch fish where its presence is beyond doubt and the fishing itself is most convenient, but to catch more or less depends on the fisherman’s training and experience. None of those who object to the use of bait and bait will fish themselves where there is none. The ability to force it to appear in a certain place at a scheduled time not only does not in any way reduce the sporting essence of fishing, but on the contrary, it increases it. Privada is called:

a) food thrown in advance for the fish in the places of intended fishing so that the fish gets used to this place as a permanent place for their feeding at a certain time of the day;

b) creating an artificial environment at the bottom of the reservoir that attracts fish.

3-4 days before fishing, the bait is thrown into the intended place of the reservoir, previously cleared of snags, excess grass etc.

The bait must be cast at the same time, approximately 1 1/2 hours before the start of fishing, otherwise the effectiveness of its use is sharply reduced.

At one time, the total weight of the bait thrown should not be more than 1 kg.

As a rule, the bait should always be fresh, not sour, smelling good and definitely less tasty for the fish than the bait on which it is intended to be fished.

The main amount of bait is thrown to where the hook with the nozzle will subsequently be located. Around this place, along radii extending from it, you should also throw a small amount of bait.

If you plan to fish in a fast current or, conversely, in very quiet water (pond, river backwater), then the bait is thrown in bags made of thin fabric, gauze or in closed tin boxes with small holes in their walls.

Bags and boxes are lowered on a strong cord, with which they are pulled out during fishing hours and to renew the bait.

In a fast current, bait such as chopped or small worms, maggots, small bloodworms, various grains, etc. can be mixed with clay, which is not very viscous, and thrown into the water in the form of large and small balls.

The current, eroding the clay of these balls, thereby washes away the bait from it. Therefore, the fish is drawn towards the balls, which gradually release food for it, and stands near them until the bait becomes more effective.

Privada is made from various grains, as well as all kinds of cereals, bread, chopped worms, bloodworms, etc.

Dry grains for bait are used only in steamed form. They need to be pre-soaked in cold water for 24 hours, and then, after adding a little cold water and salting it a little, keep the pot or cast iron on the fire until the water boils. After this, having covered the pot well, it is placed in a Russian oven or oven for 2-3 hours, as a result of which the grains become soft and ready for seasoning.

A very good condiment is porridge - millet, pearl barley, rice, oatmeal, etc. Porridge should be cooked as steep as possible. Cake - hemp, sunflower, flaxseed - is very often successfully used as bait, as it has a specific smell that is detected from afar by all fish. It is very convenient to put the cake into the water in small pieces with pebbles tied to them.

Fish are very sensitive to smell, and therefore baits are often flavored with various kinds of odorous substances - anise or mint oil, camphor, etc.

Good bait, especially for bream, is steamed peas, maggots, corn grains, porridge, and dough.

For chub, ide and other fish, a bait of ant eggs, bran, coagulated animal blood, cakes, and boiled pearl barley is very good.

Burnt crusts of bread, bread with hemp, linseed or sunflower oil attract various fish.

With a flat and clean bottom of the reservoir, snags and even entire trees, specially lowered with a heavy load, serve as an excellent bait for many fish. The fish loves to stop near them, and the angler who is not too lazy to make such a bait catches fish near them with great success.

Groundbait is a bait that is thrown into the water before or during fishing.

It consists of the same substances and products that are used for fishing, while bait, as a rule, always consists of other substances and products that are less tasty for fish than bait.

In conclusion of the review of baits and bait, it should be said that it is useful to put them into the water not too crumbled, since in this case they are very quickly eaten by small fish.

True, for small fish A large one will also come, but it will not catch the bait and, having dispersed the small fry, it will go off in search of another cluster of them. There will no longer be any large fish to be caught in the intended place, and you will have to wait for their random appearance here.

Video about bait and bait

  • General information about fish ⇩
  • Appearance ⇩
  • Habitat ⇩
  • Lifestyle ⇩
  • Reproduction ⇩
  • Food ⇩
  • Economic importance of fish ⇩
  • Conservation status of the common sculpin ⇩

The sculpin is freshwater species fish, which can often be found only in rivers and lakes with clean water enriched with oxygen. Also, it can be found in small streams with a rocky bottom. This fish is small in size, slightly reminiscent of a goby in appearance.

General information about fish

This fish is also called broadhead or sculpin goby. Belongs to a species of ray-finned fish of the slingshot family. It is often confused with the common goby, although they are completely different species.

In general, there are quite a lot of sculpins different types, but the most similar to it are:

  • Pied-footed sculpin
  • Siberian sculpin
  • Sandy shrew
  • Chersky's sculpin
  • Sakhalin sculpin
  • Amur broadhead
  • Slimy Sculpin


This fish grows small, reaching a length of 12-20 cm. The head is large and slightly wider than the body, the mouth is large with large lips. The eyes are large and red in color. The body, unlike other fish, is not covered with scales; it has different protection - small spines throughout the body. This is guaranteed to protect him from hunting, because few predators would want to feast on such prickly prey.

Its pectoral fins are very long, covered with small dark spots. Near the gills there are small shields covered with spines. The sculpin's back is gray-yellow with brown spots and stripes, and its belly is white. Sometimes the color can be green and yellow. This color allows it to camouflage perfectly among stones.


The sculpin is common in fresh water bodies of Europe, Asia and North America that are above sea level. It prefers cool bodies of water with clean water and plenty of oxygen. It loves rocky bottoms, where it camouflages itself with great success due to its color.


This fish can rarely be found in fresh water bays. Often found in small rivers with weak currents and rocky bottoms. It constantly leads a solitary lifestyle, does not migrate, and always tries to stay in its territory.

During the day it almost constantly hides under stones, which is why it got its name. In the evening he goes hunting. It is very difficult to notice, because its color practically merges with the bottom topography.

The sculpin is a very lazy fish, it swims very little and does not like to do so, so it seems very motionless. But, at the moment of danger, the behavior changes radically, it can develop enormous speed, although not over long distances, to the nearest hole or stone, where it can wait out the danger. The main enemy of this fish is considered to be trout, which loves it very much and considers it a delicacy.

In a reservoir it can be found on the rifts in a shallow place. When the spawning period comes, it fiercely defends its territory.


At about four years old, the sculpin is ready to mate. There are many more males than females, so there is quite a lot of competition. The spawning period depends on the location of the reservoir. But mostly this happens in late April early May.

The males thoroughly prepare before the mating season - they dig a small hole, and while waiting for the lady, they protect the territory from the encroachments of other individuals. Moreover, fights often arise between males for territory or a female.

The female can lay 100-300 eggs at a time. They are quite large in size and have a yellowish-pink color. The female can create several clutches from different males, who protect their offspring until the fry appear. The fry appear in about 3-4 weeks, but it all depends on the temperature of the reservoir.

The female lays eggs under a stone, gluing them to it. The male, after fertilizing them, begins to take care of them, removing dust and dirt, fanning the clutch with his fins.


The sculpin ambushes its prey not far from its place of residence.

It feeds:

  • Beetle larvae
  • Fish caviar
  • Frog caviar
  • Tadpoles
  • Fry of other fish species
  • Dragonfly larvae

Among fry it prefers minnows, trout and stickleback. He is an excellent hunter. Before sitting down to wait for prey, it stirs up the water so that the rising debris falls on top of it, thus covering it and further camouflaging it. As soon as the fry notices it, it rushes with lightning speed and swallows it.

Economic importance of fish

This species is quite common in the northern part of Russia. And it occupies an important place in the diet of such predators as:

  • Perch
  • Burbot
  • Grayling

Conservation status of the common sculpin

Since this species is one of those fish that prefer cold, which also really need a high oxygen content in reservoirs, it does not tolerate heat and river pollution very well. Therefore, recently its numbers have decreased significantly due to the fact that agricultural waste is increasingly being poured into rivers, which pollutes the water.

When the weather gets too hot and dry in the summer, sculpins almost completely disappear from many bodies of water. And the numbers are restored quite slowly, only after several favorable seasons. Therefore, this fish is listed in the Red Book of Russia, and is also classified as a rare fish species in Europe.

Despite the fact that this species is not very valued by fishermen, at the same time, it is a frequent object of recreational fishing. Due to its unusual color, it is very difficult to notice against the background of a rocky bottom. This allows him to be a master of camouflage, which not only helps the fish hunt, but often saves lives. Recently, the population has been rapidly decreasing due to water pollution and hot climate, so the fish is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Common sculpin - description of the fish and its habits Link to main publication

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In all languages ​​of the world there are many phraseological units, stable semantically dependent combinations of words. You can find another name for them - idiom. Each word, taken separately, cannot convey the full meaning inherent in the meaning of a phraseological unit.

Some examples of phraseology

Let us consider, for example, the meaning of the phraseological unit “like a fish in water.” Let us note that this phrase is used in the same sense in many languages ​​of the world, although we are accustomed to consider it our own. The English, French, Spanish, and Germans use this idiom. If you set a goal, most likely, analogues can be found in other languages. What does it mean?

Fish is an animal that lives in water. In another space their existence is impossible, but in their habitat she feels great. The meaning of the phraseological unit “like a fish in water” indicates a comfortable, natural state in the environment.

Using the idiom “like a fish out of water”

In Russian speech this idiom is used very often. The meaning of the phraseological unit “like a fish in water” is clear without unnecessary explanation. Let's see what this looks like with examples.

“In the bustle and noise of the carnival, Alice was like a duck to water.” - Alice felt good, comfortable, she found her way around easily.

“Peter was a great mechanic, so when he lifted the hood of the car and glanced at the mechanisms, he realized that here he was like a duck to water. The hands themselves found the necessary nuts and screws, the fingers began to dance, groping, unscrewing, looking for a malfunction.” - Peter was a master of his craft, so he was well versed in the structure of the automobile mechanism.

“Matvey was not in a cell for the first time, so he was not frightened by the stern, suspicious faces that surrounded him. He was here like a duck to water, settled down on a bunk, lit a cigarette and looked around.” - Matvey felt free in the cell environment, he knew how to behave and what to expect.

It turns out , the meaning of the phraseological unit “like a fish in water” is easy to guess. But is this always the case with idioms?

The next phrase is “fishing in troubled waters.” The meaning of phraseology indicates someone who is trying benefit from another's difficulties.

Here you can’t do without knowledge of fishing subtleties. For many centuries, fishermen have used turbidity in the water for successful fishing. This created difficulties for the fish to navigate in space. It is difficult to say when exactly the expression originated, but the famous Aesop wrote in a fable about a cunning man who, wanting to annoy his neighbors, muddied the water in the river in order to catch more fish.

Using the idiom “fishing in troubled waters”

“You want to catch fish in troubled waters. This is not friendly." - It is wrong to use confusion and turmoil in your social circle to achieve your goal.

“Don't try to fish in troubled waters. You won’t be able to do that here.” - Don't try to take advantage of the predicament of others. I'm in control.

Having looked at just a couple of examples, we can say that there are expressions that do not require special knowledge to decipher, while others are not easy to understand without specifying the characteristics of their origin. If you have no idea about the exact use of a stable phrase, it is better to use special dictionaries, otherwise you may get into trouble. It is also worth noting that studying the dictionary will bring real pleasure to language lovers, since interesting stories are hidden behind every phraseological turn.