About the Moscow Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Geology. Moscow Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Geology Olympiad in Geology

On February 15–16, the XXI Moscow Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Geology was held in Moscow, dedicated to International Year crystallography, announced by the UN General Assembly, and the 100th anniversary of the birth of academician V.E. Khaina.

The Olympiad was organized and hosted by the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University and the Moscow Children's Ecological and Biological Center of the Moscow Department of Education.

More than 370 young geologists from grades 1 to 11 from 14 regions of Russia competed in knowledge of general geology and paleontology, mineralogy and crystallography, historical and structural geology, engineering and environmental geology, mineral resources, and field geology.

The Olympiad tests included theoretical (written) questions from various areas of geology, as well as practical tasks on the identification of minerals and rocks, fossil organisms, the construction of geological sections, and the skills of a field geologist. Young researchers demonstrated their work in the direction of “Own scientific creativity.”

At all stages of the Olympiad, among others, there were tasks related to creativity and scientific heritage Academician V.E. Khain, and questions devoted to crystallographic topics.

For the first time, a team competition was held as an additional competition. intellectual game“Geological Pentagon”, in which about 40 teams (more than 150 people) took part.

Free sightseeing tours to natural science museums in Moscow are organized for Olympiad participants (mostly non-residents): the Museum of Geography of Moscow State University, the Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS, Paleontological Museum named after. Yu.A. Orlova RAS and others.

The Department of Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry of Moscow State University held a Day for all participants open doors with popular presentations, demonstrations of laboratories and special instruments.

During the Olympiad, a meeting of the leaders of the Children and Youth Geological Movement was held, at which issues of All-Russian and regional events for young geologists were discussed. It should be noted that the Olympiad participants represented 40 organizations of the children's and youth geological movement from all over Russia.

Based on the results of the Olympiad, 11 winners were awarded first degree diplomas, and 35 winners were awarded 2nd and 3rd degree diplomas. All teachers who prepared participants for the Olympiad received gratitude, and the winners in additional categories received certificates.

Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman awarded special certificates and samples of minerals to the participants who most fully answered questions related to museum topics.

From the history of the Olympics

The Moscow Open Olympiad for schoolchildren in geology is the oldest in Russia. The Geological Faculty of Moscow State University opened its doors for young geologists in Moscow for the first time in 1953. Then schoolchildren from the circles of Moscow State University, MGRI, and the Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Hills took part in the Olympiad. Gradually, the number of participants grew, and large organizations working with young geologists were formed in Moscow: the geological school of Moscow State University and the school department of the Moscow State Geological Institute. For children, participation in the Olympiad was a good opportunity to test themselves, demonstrate their knowledge, and measure their strength with peers from other clubs.

Since 1994, the Moscow City Station of Young Naturalists (now the Moscow Children's Ecological and Biological Center) began to organize the Olympiad and the Olympiad became Moscow open. In addition to young geologists from Moscow and the Moscow region, its participants included children from children's and youth geological organizations from all over Russia.

Interesting fact: the last Olympiad held was the XVI Moscow Open Olympiad, and if we were numbering from the first Olympiad held at the Faculty of Geology, it would be the 56th.

The Moscow Open Olympiad for schoolchildren in geology became the prototype of the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren in a set of subjects "Geology".


Goals and objectives

The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are to increase the interest of students in secondary (complete) general and additional education institutions in the study of geological sciences, to popularize geology as a science and its applied significance; testing the knowledge of students accumulated during classes in educational associations (clubs), expeditions, rallies and other geological events; identifying and developing students' creative abilities and interest in research activities, creating conditions for intellectual development, identifying and supporting gifted children, including assisting them in career guidance and obtaining higher education; attracting the attention of schoolchildren to the problems of geoecology and subsoil protection; improving the pedagogical qualifications of graduate students, students, and researchers taking part in the Olympiad.

Theme of the Olympics

The subject covers many sections that make up the complex of Earth sciences: general geology, paleontology and historical geology, environmental and engineering geology, mineralogy and crystallography, geochemistry, the study of minerals, space geology, geophysics, and evaluates the assimilation of knowledge contained in various general educational subjects : geography, biology, astronomy, ecology. A significant place is devoted to summing up the results of students’ research work, as well as testing practical skills in identifying samples of minerals, rocks, fossil fauna and flora, and working in the field.

Dates and place of the Olympiad

The Olympiad is held annually on the first weekend of March at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University and at the MDEBC. The schedule and procedure for holding individual stages of the Olympics are approved annually in the Regulations.

Olympiad participants

The Olympiad is open to all interested students in grades 6-11 of secondary (complete) general education institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as other regions of Russia. The Olympics has interregional status.

To participate in the Olympiad, nonresident students must send an application in the prescribed form to the Organizing Committee within the time limits established in the Regulations. Nonresident Olympic participants arriving in Moscow must be accompanied by the heads of additional education associations (teachers, team leaders) or parents. Outside of competition, students in grades 1-5 from secondary (complete) general education institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region can take part in the Olympiad.

Conducted tests

The Olympiad is held in two rounds: written and oral. During the written round, Olympiad participants must give written answers to the questions asked. During the oral round, participants in the Olympiad must go through the appropriate rooms, in which members of the jury orally test the knowledge and practical skills of schoolchildren in the relevant geological disciplines. The number of questions in the written round and the list of rooms in the oral round are developed by the Methodological Commission and approved by the Organizing Committee. Typically, students are given a choice of several questions and rooms at their own discretion. The questions are designed in such a way that any student can answer them, using logic and intelligence and without having any special geological knowledge, which is very important!

Determination of the winners

The assessment of the knowledge of Olympiad participants is carried out taking into account the age of schoolchildren, separately in three age groups: grades 6-8, grades 9-10 and grade 11. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympics are determined by the maximum amount of points scored for all completed rounds in the corresponding age group. The winners are the participants awarded first degree diplomas, and the prize-winners are considered to be the second and third degree diplomas. The number of winners and prize-winners should not exceed 45% of the number of participants in the Olympiad. The lists of winners and prize-winners are approved by the Organizing Committee of the Olympics. The award ceremony is held on behalf of the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to award diplomas and incentive prizes to active participants in the Olympiad. All students receive a certificate of participation in the Olympiad. Associations (circles) of the children's and youth geological movement participating in the Olympics and their leaders may be awarded letters of gratitude and certificates.

Benefits for winners and runners-up of the Olympiad

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, students graduating from the 11th grade, have the right to appropriate benefits when entering specialized universities in Russia (as agreed by the universities). For example, in 2008 they were enrolled in the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University without exams. However, this has not yet become the rule, since geology is not a school subject, and not all universities are ready to count entrance tests in this case.

Cultural program

On the days of the Olympiad, free excursions are organized to the Museum of Geography of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Mineralogical Museum named after M.V. Lomonosov. A.E. Fersman RAS, Paleontological Museum named after. Yu. A. Orlov RAS, State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS and other natural science museums of Moscow.

In some years, a visit to the children's theater is organized for nonresident Olympiad participants. While waiting for the winners to be awarded, popular science films about geology, the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University are shown, exhibitions of minerals and fossils are organized, various games are held, evenings of bard songs and excursions to the laboratory are organized

In accordance with the plan of city competitive events in environmental and natural science education of the city action plan of the system of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow for 2017-2018 academic year and the state task of the State Budget Educational Institution of Education of the City of Moscow “Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism” within the framework of the City natural science program for developing the competence of students in the field of earth sciences “Stone Chronicle” and together with Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov held the XXV Moscow Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Geology on February 10-11, 2018.

In 2018, the Olympiad was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian mineralogist and crystallographer Academician N.I. Koksharov and the 110th anniversary of the birth of paleontologist and science fiction writer I.A. Efremova.

The purpose of the Olympiad is to identify and encourage students with knowledge in the field of geology and paleontology.

The Olympics are held as a city open competitive event and have interregional status. In 2018, more than 700 schoolchildren from 35 regions of Russia took part in the Olympiad. 655 participants passed the qualifying stage and were allowed to participate in the full-time competition. Young paleontologists and geologists came to Moscow from: Arkhangelsk region, Vladimir region, Vologda region, Ivanovo region, Irkutsk region, Kemerovo region, Kirov region, Krasnodar region, Krasnoyarsk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novosibirsk region, Orenburg region, Perm region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Kalmykia, Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Udmurtia, Rostov region, Ryazan region, Samara region, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk region, Sevastopol, Tula region, Tyumen region, Khabarovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Yaroslavl region.

Every year the Olympiad is held in two streams - geological and paleontological, which differ in the thematic focus of the tasks. Students can take part in any of them of their own choice.

In 2018, the Olympiad was held for each stream in two stages:

  • qualifying stage - carried out in absentia using remote technologies;
  • the final stage is carried out full-time in Moscow at the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and in the State Budget Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism".

The assessment of the knowledge and skills of the Olympiad participants is carried out taking into account the age of the students, separately in four age groups: grades 1-5, grades 6-7, grades 8-9 and grades 10-11.

The qualifying stage of the Olympiad was held in the period from 00 hours 00 minutes on December 23, 2017 to 23 hours 59 minutes on January 15, 2018. To participate in the qualifying stage of the Olympiad, participants had to register using their personal account on the portal https://conf.msu. ru/.

After registering for the qualifying stage, during the period it was held, the participant was allocated 24 astronomical hours - a session to receive the task qualifying stage, executing it and sending responses. The participant chose the start time of the session independently. The results and correct answers of the qualifying stage are published on the official website of the Olympiad.

Main events final stage Olympiads include two rounds: theoretical (written) and practical (oral). Participants must take part in both rounds of the final stage.

  • February 10: written round of the Olympiad, held for both streams in the main building of Moscow State University (Leninskie Gory st., 3);
  • 11 February:
  • geological flow - in the main building of Moscow State University,
  • paleontological flow - in GBOUDO MDYuTS EKT.

The theoretical (written) round of the final stage of the Olympiad for the geological and paleontological streams takes place on the first day of the Olympiad in the main building of Moscow State University. Participants in the theoretical round of the geological stream are asked to give full, detailed written answers to four of the proposed 10 questions, and participants in the paleontological stream must answer all 5 proposed questions.

The practical (oral) round of the final stage takes place on the second day of the Olympiad in the main building of Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory (for participants in the geological stream) and in the building of the MDYuTs EKT (for participants in the paleontological stream). Before the start of the practical round, each participant personally receives a form for recording the results.

Participants in the practical round of the Olympiad must go through the classrooms corresponding to the given stream (five of their own choice for the geological stream and all for the paleontological stream):

for geological flow

for paleontological stream

geology of exogenous processes

taxonomy of invertebrates

geology of endogenous processes

vertebrate taxonomy

geological map

identification of invertebrates


definition of vertebrates

crystallography and crystal growth

paleontological drawing



field geology

Latin names



engineering and environmental geology


own scientific creativity
(only for students in grades 6-11)

Grand opening and the closing of the Olympiad took place in the large streaming auditorium of the Main building of Moscow State University. Leaders and representatives of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, MDYuTs EKT, the Russian Geological Society and other organizations of geological and paleontological orientation addressed the participants with a welcoming speech.

The jury of the Olympiad was formed from among professors, associate professors, employees of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, the Museum of Geology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS, teaching staff of the Geological School at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the State Geological Museum named after. IN AND. Vernadsky RAS, the Department of Natural Sciences of the Moscow Children's and Youth Center EKT and other specialized organizations.

All event participants received personalized certificates of participation. Certificates of honor were awarded to participants who were not included in the list of winners, but who showed particular success at certain stages.

The winners of the Olympiad were awarded certificates of honor and diplomas, sets consisting of books on paleontological and geological topics, tools and instruments for field and laboratory paleontological work, as well as samples of fossil fauna.

Students became winners of the Olympiad educational organizations: GBOU School No. 1293, OCHU "Znamenskaya Gymnasium", GBOU "Kurchatov School", GBOU School No. 1249, SUSC MSU, GBOU School No. 1530 "Lomonosov School", GBOU Gymnasium No. 45, GBOU School No. 179, NOU MSZD, GBOU School No. 1538, GBOU School No. 2101, MBOU Gymnasium No. 5, GBOU ZKNO, GBOU "School "Multidisciplinary Complex Bibirevo", GBOU School No. 1158, GBOU School No. 1376, GBOU School No. 998, GBOU School No. 1532, MDYUTS EKT, GBOU School No. 429, GBOU School No. 192, GBOU School No. 1543, GBOU School No. 1279, GBOU School No. 1543, GBOU School No. 1543, GBOU School No. 192, GBOU School No. 1543, GBOU School No. 1543.

Congratulations to the children, their teachers and parents!

Natalya Vladimirovna Monakhova, Director for the Development of Educational and Excursion Programs of the Skazka Park, spoke at the awards ceremony for junior schoolchildren at the Children's and Youth Center EKT. Natalya Vladimirovna spoke about the activities of the park and presented invitation cards to all participants of the Olympiad (paleoflow). The family theme park "Fairy Tale" opened with the support of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow in the Natural and Historical Park "Moskvoretsky" in Krylatskoye. Part of the park’s territory is located on paleontological layers; it is on them that the open-air museum “Geological Park” is located, with educational interactive programs “Tales of the Jurassic Period”, which contains exhibits of the most interesting geological places in Russia, including the volcanic bomb of the slope of the Maly Semyachik volcano (Kamchatka). In addition, guests of the park are welcome in “Husky Land”, on a Ferris wheel with a panoramic view of Serebryany Bor and Zhivopisny Bridge, modern attractions, rope park, multi-level climbing walls, a petting zoo, and many other entertainments. All young dinosaur lovers and aspiring paleontologists received invitations to

In accordance with Schedule city ​​public events for the 2014-2015 academic year and the state task for 2015 GBOUDO "Moscow Children and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism" (MDYuTs EKT) together with Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (MSU) held the XXII Moscow Open Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Geology on February 14-15, 2015.
The Olympiad was held in person on February 14 and 15, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University and at the Medical Youth and Youth Center EKT at the following addresses:
119991, Moscow, Lenin Hills, main building of Moscow State University.
117303, Moscow, Odesskaya, 12A, MDYUTS EKT.
In 2015, the Olympiad was dedicated to the 260th anniversary of the founding of Moscow University and the 165th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian geologist I.V. Mushketov.

The Organizing Committee of the Olympics includes:
Pushcharovsky D.Yu. - Dean of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee;
Morgun D.V. - Director of the Moscow Children's and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism, Ph.D., Ph.D., co-chairman of the Organizing Committee;
Garanin V.K. - Director of the Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS, professor at Moscow State University, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, deputy chairman of the Organizing Committee;
Alekseev A.S. - head of the laboratory of PIN RAS, professor at Moscow State University, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, deputy chairman of the Organizing Committee;
Filimonov S.V. - Head of the Center for Pre-University Training of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee
The purpose of the Olympiad is to identify and encourage students with knowledge in the field of geology and paleontology.

formation among students full complex knowledge and skills in environmental conservation for rational and competent development of the environment and the implementation of a wide range of natural science knowledge and research skills;
increasing the interest of students in secondary (complete) general and additional education institutions in the study of Earth sciences;
popularization of paleontology and geology;
testing students’ knowledge acquired in classes in educational associations (clubs), expeditions, rallies and others mass events geological direction;
identifying and developing students’ creative abilities and interest in research activities;
creating conditions for intellectual development;
identification and support of gifted children, including assistance to them in vocational guidance and higher education;
attracting the attention of students to the problems of geoecology and subsoil protection;
advanced training of graduate students, students, researchers and additional education teachers taking part in the Olympiad;
students' mastery of applied research skills based on an interdisciplinary approach;
instilling in students the moral and aesthetic principles of the natural science worldview;
stimulating students' broad cognitive motivation in the field of natural sciences.
The event is divided into two sections – “Geology” and “Palaeontology”. The written section of both streams is held on the first day of the Olympiad at the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University. The oral section of the paleontological stream of the Olympiad is held annually on the second day of February 15, 2015 on the basis of GBOUDO MDYuTs EKT.
The Olympics has interregional status. 1352 people took part in the Olympiad. Of these, 476 are students of general education organizations and additional education organizations in Moscow and from the regions of the Russian Federation (Arkhangelsk region, Bashkortostan, Irkutsk region, Kaliningrad region, Lipetsk region, Moscow region, Perm region, Ryazan region, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk region, Tatarstan, Tula region , Yaroslavl region).
The jury of the Olympics was formed from among professors, associate professors, employees of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, the Museum of Geology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS, teaching staff of the Geological School at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, Federal State Budgetary Institution State Geological Museum named after. IN AND. Vernadsky RAS, a structural unit of biology, natural science and cultural studies of the MDYuTs EKT and other specialized organizations.

Over the course of two days, participants completed the following tasks:
Written work (5 theoretical questions);
Systematics of vertebrates (orally);
Systematics of invertebrates (orally);
Identification of vertebrates (oral);
Identification of invertebrates (orally);
Paleoecology (oral);
Stratigraphy (oral);
Paleontological drawing (drawing);
Paleontological terminology (written);
Latin language (written).
The Olympiad was held in two rounds: written and oral. During the written round, Olympiad participants must give written answers to the questions asked. During the oral round, participants in the Olympiad must go through the appropriate rooms, in which members of the jury orally test the knowledge and practical skills of schoolchildren in the relevant geological disciplines.
Excursions to the Museum of Geography of Moscow State University named after M.V. were organized and conducted for the participants of the Olympiad. Lomonosov, Mineralogical Museum named after A.E. Fersman RAS, Paleontological Museum named after Yu.A. Orlov RAS, State Geological Museum named after V.I. Vernadsky RAS and other natural science museums of Moscow.
The Olympics are held as a city open competitive event with all-Russian participation. The grand opening of the Olympiad took place in a large streaming auditorium at Moscow State University. Leaders and representatives of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University, GBOUDO MDYuTs EKT, the Russian Geological Society and other geological and paleontological organizations addressed the participants with welcoming speeches.
All event participants received personalized certificates of participation. The heads of out-of-town educational associations were awarded letters of gratitude.
To organize the waiting time for participants with accompanying adults, the staff of MDYuTs EKT conducted a special leisure program - a quiz “ Olympic Games" This is a team game where participants had to answer questions about the ecology of the Moscow region. All participants became “Olympic medalists” and were awarded “ Olympic medals».
Certificates of honor were awarded to participants who were not included in the list of winners, but who showed particular success at certain stages of the Olympiad.
The winners of the Olympiad were awarded certificates of honor and diplomas, sets consisting of books on paleontological and geological topics, tools and instruments for field and laboratory paleontological work, as well as samples of fossil fauna.

The following students became the winners of the paleontology stream of the Olympiad:

10-11 grades
1. Solovyova Sofia
2-3. Not we

8-9 grades
1. Dadykin Ivan
2. Melnikova Anastasia
3. not us

6-7 grades
1. Neverov Alexander
2. Kulagin Vasily
3. Slobodyanik Bogdan

1-5 grades
1. Presnyakov Ian
2-3. Not we

Certificates for top scores the following of our people received the stages: Smirnov Georgy, Belyavsky Matvey, Slavetsky Artemy, Mazhaev Dmitry, Russian Alexander, Oberemok Fedor, Krainev Evgeny and 1 time not us. Golden diploma from the foundation with a very complex name for the “best teacher” Shmakov.

Congratulations to all the winners!!

From the history of the Olympics

The Moscow Open Olympiad for schoolchildren in geology is the oldest in Russia. The Geological Faculty of Moscow State University opened its doors for young geologists in Moscow for the first time in 1953. Then schoolchildren from the circles of Moscow State University, MGRI, and the Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Hills took part in the Olympiad. Gradually, the number of participants grew, and large organizations working with young geologists were formed in Moscow: the geological school of Moscow State University and the school department of the Moscow State Geological Institute. For children, participation in the Olympiad was a good opportunity to test themselves, demonstrate their knowledge, and measure their strength with peers from other clubs.

Since 1994, the Moscow City Station of Young Naturalists (now the Moscow Children's Ecological and Biological Center) began to organize the Olympiad and the Olympiad became Moscow open. In addition to young geologists from Moscow and the Moscow region, its participants included children from children's and youth geological organizations from all over Russia.

Interesting fact: the last Olympiad held was the XVI Moscow Open Olympiad, and if we were numbering from the first Olympiad held at the Faculty of Geology, it would be the 56th.

The Moscow Open Olympiad for schoolchildren in geology became the prototype of the Lomonosov Olympiad for schoolchildren in a set of subjects "Geology".


Goals and objectives

The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are to increase the interest of students in secondary (complete) general and additional education institutions in the study of geological sciences, to popularize geology as a science and its applied significance; testing the knowledge of students accumulated during classes in educational associations (clubs), expeditions, rallies and other geological events; identifying and developing students’ creative abilities and interest in research activities, creating conditions for intellectual development, identifying and supporting gifted children, including assisting them in vocational guidance and obtaining higher education; attracting the attention of schoolchildren to the problems of geoecology and subsoil protection; improving the pedagogical qualifications of graduate students, students, and researchers taking part in the Olympiad.

Theme of the Olympics

The subject covers many sections that make up the complex of Earth sciences: general geology, paleontology and historical geology, environmental and engineering geology, mineralogy and crystallography, geochemistry, the study of minerals, space geology, geophysics, and evaluates the assimilation of knowledge contained in various general educational subjects : geography, biology, astronomy, ecology. A significant place is devoted to summing up the results of students’ research work, as well as testing practical skills in identifying samples of minerals, rocks, fossil fauna and flora, and working in the field.

Dates and place of the Olympiad

The Olympiad is held annually on the first weekend of March at the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University and at the MDEBC. The schedule and procedure for holding individual stages of the Olympics are approved annually in the Regulations.

Olympiad participants

The Olympiad is open to all interested students in grades 6-11 of secondary (complete) general education institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as other regions of Russia. The Olympics has interregional status.

To participate in the Olympiad, nonresident students must send an application in the prescribed form to the Organizing Committee within the time limits established in the Regulations. Nonresident Olympic participants arriving in Moscow must be accompanied by the heads of additional education associations (teachers, team leaders) or parents. Outside of competition, students in grades 1-5 from secondary (complete) general education institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region can take part in the Olympiad.

Conducted tests

The Olympiad is held in two rounds: written and oral. During the written round, Olympiad participants must give written answers to the questions asked. During the oral round, participants in the Olympiad must go through the appropriate rooms, in which members of the jury orally test the knowledge and practical skills of schoolchildren in the relevant geological disciplines. The number of questions in the written round and the list of rooms in the oral round are developed by the Methodological Commission and approved by the Organizing Committee. Typically, students are given a choice of several questions and rooms at their own discretion. The questions are designed in such a way that any student can answer them, using logic and intelligence and without having any special geological knowledge, which is very important!

Determination of the winners

The assessment of the knowledge of Olympiad participants is carried out taking into account the age of schoolchildren, separately in three age groups: grades 6-8, grades 9-10 and grade 11. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympics are determined by the maximum amount of points scored for all completed rounds in the corresponding age group. The winners are the participants awarded first degree diplomas, and the prize-winners are considered to be the second and third degree diplomas. The number of winners and prize-winners should not exceed 45% of the number of participants in the Olympiad. The lists of winners and prize-winners are approved by the Organizing Committee of the Olympics. The award ceremony is held on behalf of the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to award diplomas and incentive prizes to active participants in the Olympiad. All students receive a certificate of participation in the Olympiad. Associations (circles) of the children's and youth geological movement participating in the Olympics and their leaders may be awarded letters of gratitude and certificates.

Benefits for winners and runners-up of the Olympiad

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, students graduating from the 11th grade, have the right to appropriate benefits when entering specialized universities in Russia (as agreed by the universities). For example, in 2008 they were enrolled in the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University without exams. However, this has not yet become the rule, since geology is not a school subject, and not all universities are ready to count entrance tests in this case.

Cultural program

On the days of the Olympiad, free excursions are organized to the Museum of Geography of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Mineralogical Museum named after M.V. Lomonosov. A.E. Fersman RAS, Paleontological Museum named after. Yu. A. Orlov RAS, State Geological Museum named after. V.I. Vernadsky RAS and other natural science museums of Moscow.

In some years, a visit to the children's theater is organized for nonresident Olympiad participants. While waiting for the winners to be awarded, popular science films about geology, the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University are shown, exhibitions of minerals and fossils are organized, various games are held, evenings of bard songs and excursions to the laboratory are organized