Nyasa is a traditional yoga nidra. Meditation for making good decisions

Nyasa - traditional yoga nidra

Word nyasa means "to place". This is a practice in which special mantras are “placed” and felt in different parts of the body. This is a traditional form of yoga nidra that has been used by yogis for centuries and is still practiced by almost all Hindus.

Nyasa is described in various traditional yoga texts, e.g. Brihad Yoga Yajnavalkya Smriti And Yogataravali, and also in many Upanishad and Tantra texts. Text Aruneya Upanishad(verse 5) recommends that all wandering sannyasins always practice nyasa - chant AUM and mentally place it in various parts of the body. In the text Mahanirvana Tantra More specific and ritual forms of nyasa are described, including the following:

Matrika Nyasa, in which the sadhaka places in various parts of his physical body letters of Sanskrit (matrika) while chanting the corresponding sound.

Hridayadi sadanga nyasa literally means placing the hands on six different parts of the body (sadanga), starting with the heart (hridaya). Wherein in the following way specific mantras are sung: when you touch the heart - namah; when you touch your head - matchmaker; at the crown lock - wasat, and so on.

Kara nyasa, in which mantras are placed on the fingers and palms and chanted. (Note: most forms of yoga nidra that we teach include this type of nyasa, but without mantras.)

Vyapaka Nyasa, all-pervading nyasa. A well-known practice is called anguinyasa (nyasa of the various limbs of the body). It is described in various traditional texts, including Durga Saptashati. Almost all Hindu worship - be it Kali, Durga, Shiva or Saraswati - begins with this type of Nyasa. Practitioners chant specific mantras and associate them with different parts of the body. The practice proceeds as follows using a special mantra for each part of the body:

Little finger - Aum Kannenstha Abhyam Namahe

Forefinger - Aum Anamikastha Abhyam Namahe

Middle finger - Aum Madhyama Abhyam Namahe

Ring finger - Aum Tarjanim Abhyam Namahe

Thumb - Aum Angushtha Abhyam Namahe.

This ritual has far-reaching beneficial effects. It is intended to induce pratyahara in preparation for dharana.

All these Nyasa methods are very powerful. They can be either external (bahir), where the practitioner physically touches parts of the body, or internal, where the mantra and awareness are mentally placed on the corresponding part. A large set of mantras is used, including AUM, PHAT, HRIM, KRIM, Gayatri and so on. Seed (biju) mantras of chakras - LAM, VAM, RAM, etc. can also be used. - with a circular movement of awareness through the six chakras. Chanting the mantra and Roundabout Circulation awarenesses harmonize nervous system, balance the flow of prana and make the mind concentrated at one point. Each part of the body is sequentially charged with the energy of mantras. The entire body and mind are purified and prepared for meditation.

Swami Satyananda adapted yoga nidra from traditional nyasa practices to the needs of modern man. He eliminated mantras so that yoga nidra could be practiced by all people, regardless of religion, language and tradition. Although devoid of mantras, Yoga Nidra is carefully designed to retain its ability to transform the personality and sensibility of the practitioner. The emphasis has been shifted from reciting mantras (nyasa) to circular movement of awareness (yoga nidra). However, if necessary, during yoga nidra, mantras such as AUM or the guru mantra can be recited at each center of the body. Both methods - nyasa and yoga nidra - have their advantages. Perhaps in the near future we will be able to reintroduce the practice of Nyasa with mantras and spread them on a large scale. This will complement the existing widespread practice of Yoga Nidra.

Student: Sometimes during hatha yoga classes, some students are allowed to do nyasa yoga. I wanted to ask, if we have taken a course in Nyasa Yoga, what is required to have “clearance”, i.e. at what point can I go and do nyasa yoga?

Vadim: Only with the direct instructions of your curators in exceptional cases when the curator has a direct instruction to do. Nyasa yoga is one of the most difficult yogas; it takes at least 10 years to study it. This is a very unobvious yoga, a completely unobvious yoga, where most of it takes place, let me tell you, in numerous exercises. There is not only theory, but practice. Literally today, when your scheduled lesson begins, you will come up to me one by one and “get your hands on” in Nyasa yoga. You will do gross nyasa, subtle nyasa, there is a lot, a lot... Because there is no other way. Previously, we generally tried to prevent people from approaching Nyasa yoga again. But, unfortunately, time pressure forces us to speed up some processes a little. This is my answer. This is yoga that is not obvious.

Irina Bayazitova (chatur): I have some doubts about nyasa yoga...

Vadim: Regarding what?

B.I.: Regarding how appropriate it is to do yoga to everyone who came to class, because perhaps the person came for the first time...

Vadim: What kind of yoga should I do?

B.I.: Nyasa yoga should be given to those who come to classes, perhaps for the first time. I just know that in psychology (there is “body orientation” in psychology), they are very careful about these things. Even if a client comes to therapy, he is asked: “Do you mind if I touch you?” Such a moment. And sometimes the client answers: “Yes, I’m against it,” and for a long time doesn't agree to this.

Vadim: I don’t understand anything. What does psychology have to do with this? What does yoga have to do with it?

B.I.: The fact is that there are people who are afraid of touch. It's very traumatic for them, let's put it that way.

Vadim: Okay. That is why in yoga teaching it is said to be very, very careful with your touch. And those of you who have completed yoga teaching know that there are relevant sections there, that it is better not to touch it again. But it’s true, unfortunately, there is a downside to the situation - nyasa yoga speeds up the processes that occur during yoga by 7-10 times. If you know for sure that the person came to you specifically for yoga, and not just for the sake of idle wandering, then you can try to speed it up. As for psychology, I don’t know what they have, what, why, and to be honest, I don’t really want to know. It is quite natural common sense that, indeed, if a person comes to you for the first time, it may not be entirely pleasant for him, understandable. But we don’t force you to do this.

B.I.: Well, why don’t we force you? The teacher comes up and does nyasa without asking.

Vadim: When and to whom does the teacher perform nyasa without asking?

B.I.: At his class he does nyasa to everyone who comes.

Vadim: Let’s say that in my classes, when I myself send people to do nyasa, it is entirely my responsibility. In some other classes, this is when the student more or less imagines “what, why, why.” Those. The issue here is quite delicate. On the one hand, there is a way to really speed up yoga, on the other hand, there is a certain limiting point. Fortunately, there is feedback: if a person doesn’t like something, he simply doesn’t come to the next lesson.

B.I.: Well, that’s it, he’ll run away and that’s it.

Vadim: But you see, there are many nuances here. I agree that nyasa cannot be forced. I agree that we need to approach this carefully. That's why she needs to study for 10 years. One must feel the delicacy of the situation when nyasa can be applied and when it cannot.

On the other hand, there is always a reasonable compromise between the opportunity to really help people and, for example, the danger that people will perceive it incorrectly.

But in particular - yoga mantra. I know very well that sometimes it’s worth telling you in class: “Mantra yoga,” as a large number of people who were somehow involved in one or another religious association, where they were “indoctrinated”: “Mantra is all obscurantism, this everything is bad,” they stop going to yoga because their religious spiritual leaders are against everything. So what now, don’t give work with your voice, with your thoughts? It’s not reasonable, because right away, it’s enough for a person to say a few words, and you can hear his tightness inside. It is useless to give him hatha yoga if he is psychologically pinching himself.

In the same way, according to the concept of Nyasa Yoga. A person comes and you begin to wonder what his problem is. “I don’t have a husband” or “I don’t have a wife and I can’t find one.” Or let’s say there is, but there is no understanding, there is complete discord in the family. You begin to analyze why all this is happening. But he has built a shell around himself and doesn’t let anyone in, i.e. No one offends him, but he has put himself in a prison of loneliness. So the question is, quit it? He’s suffering, so let him die, right? Or a simple touch, and suddenly something happened in his head that he needed to somehow open up to the Universe a little. This, friends, is a delicate question: to help or not to help people. To help humanity or not to help humanity...

Previously, just a few years ago, teachers were strictly forbidden to do nonsense. Categorically! Well, Basim won’t let you lie. If Mark had tried to do nyasa in class, sanctions would have come immediately. Then we suddenly realized that when those people who had been coming to us for a long, long time and suddenly found themselves in nyasa, they were brought to tears... They started asking us: “Guys, why haven’t you done this before?” And so I sit and think whether I should follow the instructions of psychologists who see manifestations of hidden eroticism in everything. You know, a mother is afraid to caress her child one more time, lest she be accused of sexual harassment, and as a result, children are like this. Or still show naturalness. You are walking, and then they pat you on the shoulder in a friendly manner, actually nyasa. What to ask now: “Can I pat you on the shoulder?” You see, everything can be taken to the point of absurdity. Some reasonable sense of harmony is needed here. And this is actually a difficult question.

B.I. It turns out that we do not give people the right to choose. Maybe he doesn't want this. But we don't ask him.

Vadim: Someone answer...

Student 1: And they might say...

Student 2: Actually, when we have yoga classes, if a student teacher comes, he warns: “Now I will do nyasa yoga.” If someone is against touching, you just need to say it in advance and that’s it.

B.I.: I’ve never heard anyone ask that.

Vadim: So what exactly – should I cancel nyasa or what? What do you want from me? Let me ban yoga. Someone read a psychoanalyst’s book and is now afraid of being touched, but now I shouldn’t be allowed to do yoga, right?

B.I.: We are talking about expression of will, that if a person does not want, then...

Vadim: Someone answer, because I’m already tired of answering such questions.

Nastya Goskova: I once had a girl tell me that she shouldn’t touch me. It's OK. She said, but she continues to come to me, I just don’t approach her, I don’t do Nyasa yoga. Even if she doesn't like being touched for some reason, that's not a problem at all.

Student: Well, a person initially may not even know whether he likes it or doesn’t like it. And one day he may like it, and another day he may not like it. Therefore, initially raising this question may not even be very appropriate.

Vadim: Friends! Psychologists bore me to death. You know, as we just read about the language of love, there too everyone gets smart, and then they die out because they outplay themselves. Friends, you and I are social creatures, we cannot live separately from each other. Strictly speaking, if you do not have any injuries on the surface of the skin, and you are afraid that they will touch you, know that this is already a diagnosis. Diagnosis by definition. This means that you need to be treated. Do you remember that yoga is intended for people who are practically healthy, as we say in medicine. If touching a person means the end of the world for him, I can just imagine what kind of life he has inside.

Student: Maybe before the start of the class, if you do nyasa in class, just get in touch and say: “If I approach you, don’t be alarmed, this is nyasa yoga, which enhances the effect of other yogas and directs your sensations in the necessary direction. That is, so that you can direct your consciousness to the place where it is necessary and appropriate at a particular moment in time.” That's all. We are not just stroking, and this is not some kind of massage, but this is like a part that enhances yoga, i.e. guiding your consciousness in the right direction. If you give this direction, just a few words. But not doing nyasa is not right.

Basim: Nyasa yoga is very difficult even for yoga teachers, and even yoga teachers need to study it for a long time. So these words won't tell people anything.

Student: I understand. Just to direct people’s consciousness to the fact that we are not giving them a massage or touching them in some way, but that this is part of yoga.

Vadim: Friends, now look, the situation is reversed. You just don't know. You can be clever from the point of view of psychology, what, why and why. But I have statistics. In Moscow, yoga centers were opening like mushrooms, a huge number of them, but of course they will not survive. Most of them. In some yoga centers, before hiring a person to teach there, those who run the yoga center give such unambiguous teaching conditions. And one very common condition that is incorrect is that a person must, while teaching, approach each person and correct him. Those. in fact, touch it. Do you understand? Therefore, nyasa yoga is such a borderline thing, either you correct your leg, or speed up the processes. It's very subtle, very delicate, but it's part of life.

Again. If people are afraid to be touched, be afraid of those people. Something is very wrong with them. Then you are with them, not on one side, but on the other you will get problems. You understand, yes, that of all the people who come to you to do yoga, there is a certain segment of people that you cannot help in principle. As a rule, statistics show that those who react in one way or another inadequately to such things as nyasa, or you just corrected the person, have some very dangerous mental problems going on. The kind you'd rather not come into contact with at all. After all, you work for the bulk of the still healthy part of humanity. If there is a natural screening of people who came, but they did not like nyasa, generally speaking, I do not see a crime in this. All I see is that you immediately dot the i's. You are showing people not to waste their precious time by attending your classes anymore. But it’s really better for them to go to a psychologist somewhere, let him tell them what “bells and whistles” he has in his head.

There is no need to outplay nature. We again: let's squeeze everyone, let's put a shell on everyone, so that God forbid, someone touches someone else. Humanity has already paid a serious price and is paying. Many psychologists, I beg your pardon, will go to hell, and that’s where they belong. Because before you run your mouth, you need to think a little about the consequences. It is good that the same psychoanalysis did not roll over our country of socialism and communism. They just didn’t recognize him here. And in the west it is serious injuries from generation to generation that are still going on. Now they are holding their heads. Authors that everyone here reads with a bang, no one reads them there anymore. There, to put it mildly, they are already trying to forget them, because they have done too much. And so let’s say this: psychology is psychology, yoga is yoga. Anyone who doesn’t like yoga should go to psychology. Although I believe that a true psychologist is “from God”, he is a yogi “from God”, and I do not see the difference. But unfortunately, a lot of garbage has now sprung up and a lot of myths and tales. And if you touch a person and he gets an electric shock, then this is not your client. Let us decide right away. And read whole lectures about how I’m going to touch you now... Then you’ll really stress a person out. He'll really think, God, what are you going to do with him? Every extra word plays more against than for. I respond to such things very emotionally, but believe me, I’ve had enough. I don’t know how we will get out of this situation, or ban Nyasa...

All: No! No need to ban!

Vadim: What should I do? What questions do you have for me then? I expressed my point of view.

Correspondence student: In the east, doctors could not touch the patient, it was a tradition. Now the time is different. But it used to be that the doctor had to diagnose a woman without touching her. This apparently comes from that. For myself personally, I can say that I didn’t know what it was, and I was horrified by going through the gauntlet... (everyone laughs) But the fact is that after going through this, I realized that these are such sensations that just looking at how everyone pass, I could not have imagined this. Either it’s psychological, or, as everyone says, it touches the Absolute, but one way or another, there was an effect. And before going through this practice, I would never have thought that touch could have such an effect on a person. And I, for example, am in favor.

Students: Did it have a positive effect?

Part-time student: Yes.

Student (Anastasia Minakova chatur): I absolutely agree. The fact of the matter is that you need to continue to do nyasa, as any yoga teacher was supposed to do, if he is allowed by the teacher. And here there will be two options: either we will help a person who was previously afraid of this, or we will rid ourselves of a very strong wrong student. And in the future we will not encounter any deeper psychological problem which may affect us. Either we touch a person, as in this case, and understand that it is not scary, that it helps, etc. Some kind of worst option This is unlikely to happen here. Either the person will leave us and go to some other yoga center, where they will not touch or scare him, or we will help the person and do a good deed.

Vadim: No. Owners of yoga centers, on the contrary, are interested in those teachers who touch. Why? Because more people goes, they get more profit.

Yoga course 242

Nyasa yoga. Yoga of touch. Yoga massage.

Step 7

Nyasa yoga. Seminar 04/14/2012 Part 2

So, friends, this is part 5 of the seminar “Nyasa Yoga - Yoga Massage” and now we will do some practices from Rita yoga, namely dance yoga.

So we raise our hands to those who don’t know what Rita yoga is, who have never practiced. Wonderful, a very short educational program, again for all the information on the appropriate yoga course. So, the most ancient sources of all knowledge that have reached us are the Vedas. One of the main ideas in the Vedas is the law or concept of Rita. What is the concept of Rita - this is when you make the most of your freedom and at the same time minimally infringe on someone else's freedom. Of all the actions that you can do in the universe, there is such a part of actions when you are happy and everyone is happy. You live your life to the fullest, and everyone around you is happy, because you don’t interfere with their lives, but on the contrary, you help them, and they help you live. This is, if it’s vulgar, in your own words, so mundane. Why is it vulgar, it’s even beautiful with the principles of freedom, Rita’s law. This phenomenon is best characterized by living in harmony through dance; when we start dancing, we accordingly tune in to harmony. But the fact is that we can’t just go and start dancing. We need to apply Anrita, that is, as soon as we feel that we care about how we look, how we dance, as soon as we feel that we want to please someone, an associative connection arises that makes us not free. And we must deliberately dance ugly, so as not to please anyone, that is, in this way we knock out a wedge with a wedge. Now we will practice Anrita in order to get rid of ideas about ourselves, about the opinions of others about ourselves, but dancing it is difficult and sooner or later you will move into Rita - a beautiful, natural state of movement, rhythm, music, thoughts, emotions, sensations, something that will allow you to understand this harmonious law of Rita. And in order to understand it even more clearly, we will then do Rita with elements of Nyasa yoga, that is, when someone appears near you in the dance, you will do Nyasa to him. That is, you are dancing and some living creature passes by you. You once made Nyasa pleasant for him, feeling it on yourself. That is, everyone is pleased with you, you are in harmony. That is, you do not push everyone else away with your elbows, do not bite and scratch and hit, but on the contrary, by doing Nyasa to another, you receive it yourself, but for more complete information I am sending you to the appropriate course.

Friends, today is April 15, 2012, my name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev. This is a seminar “Nyasa yoga. Yoga massage”, this is the seventh part.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Why are you all going to die, huh? Why doesn’t anyone ask me about the yoga of Falling in Love, about the yoga of sexual union? After all healthy men and women. Why does everyone ask about dying yoga? Are we expecting the end of the world soon? I understand that the moment of death is very serious, it is not very pleasant, it is the other side of life. Yes, there are practices, yes, I will give you everything I know, but why do you have such a paranoid interest? I would ask for some kind of love yoga Highest yogis. Any other questions, remarks, comments?

Question: Yesterday we did the “stream” practice with the addition of a mantra of consciousness, and I would like to clarify whether it can be considered that if we know the name, the form, then we know the object, and in this practice we combined the name - the mantra and the form - nyasa, i.e., extensive knowledge was obtained.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: This is a strong practice, this is the practice of fast powerful methods. And you can enter into fast methods no more and no less only in the status of the Absolute, in the status of Shiva and Sri. How can one acquire this status? Basic ideology quick methods such: the status is acquired in person. If you want to be the Absolute, be it! But you remember that the keys to hidden superpowers are in the society around us, this is how the psyche is made, this is how the structure of our body is made. If it were different, we as a species would have died out long ago. Therefore, when we receive an impulse from the outside, confirming the grandeur and greatness of our Higher Self, thereby we more easily open our grandiose. Sometimes it is very difficult to abstractly reveal the Higher Self, which is outside of form, outside of everything, and it is much easier to open through a certain bridge. Let's say a girl wants to be beautiful, we discover her through her divine beauty, through her absolute beauty. Do you want to be successful? As a result, we reveal to you your Higher Self through the super-success of your And, it turns out that we really, as it were, reveal, create gods, with all the ensuing abilities. So, in part, this can be interpreted in such a way that you and I unite the mantra together, we also bring that form to this, and we, in fact, make the person the incarnate Absolute, the incarnate deity and other people help to do this. This is the ideology.

Group "Astra" Olga Chasovskikh: Is it possible to approach goddess status by practicing the Goddess Sri mantra?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Do you mean the mantra of Sri Vidya? Of course, you can, and not only can you, but you will. You will become the Goddess Sri. Although, in addition to the mantra of Sri Vidya, there are many more mantras dedicated to the female aspect. There are such hymns as “One Hundred and Eight or One Thousand and Eight Names of the Goddess.” Strictly speaking, through any goddess name you can achieve goddess status.

As for the most powerful mantras like Sri Vidya with all the powerful syllables, there is a rule that first, it is highly advisable to practice for some time the mantra that removes obstacles - the Ganesha mantra. Then a mantra that gives four goals in life, such as Gayatri, then mantras that eliminate the dangers of death, such as Mahamrityunjaya, only after that approach such powerful mantras as Sri Vidya. Why? I once answered this question, you know, friends, you are sitting here now, and you have varying degrees of trust in yoga. Some completely trust, some, well, it’s interesting, we should try, some are not critical, and the next thing turns out, friends, that yoga enters our lives in the background, i.e., gradually improving our condition and well-being , the conditions of our lives, revealing our spirituality, so that we have time to get used to these changes. And at the same time, there are mantras that begin to fulfill your desires and change your life so quickly that you will catch yourself feeling afraid, you will be scared that everything has begun to change for you so quickly. And it’s good when a person says: “Oh, my everyday life is so gray, well, at least something would change there. Give me the strongest medicine, the fastest mantra, the most powerful.” This all ends instantly as soon as this mantra begins to take effect. And it’s reasonable to put particular emphasis on strong mantras, but when you mentally and internally prepare yourself, everything in your personal life can change in three seconds, absolutely everything. As a rule, we are not ready for this. That’s why they warn that there is a medicine that will heal you, but, say, in six months, and there is a medicine that will heal you in three days, it is strong. And you have to ask yourself, maybe you can spend these six months more fun? Although there are different situations in life, I must say that I very rarely met people who needed something very quickly. There is no point in shooting sparrows from a cannon. Therefore, friends, do you want to get Sri Vidya? You will get it sooner or later, there is no doubt about it, there are no barriers to it.

But the next thing is some kind of mysticism, I already talked about it. There are several texts, analogues of Tantra and so on, here they are and they need to be translated, not from Sanskrit, no, from English. And I already have some kind of superstitious fear, I let someone translate - student or not - he disappears, well, not in terms of the fact that he dissolves, but in the sense that he has something in his life, one thing or another , third. Either he had a sharp career growth, or he moved and, as a result, translated three lines and disappeared. I give it to the second one – the same situation. The third one has the same situation. It’s not that there’s anything bad in their lives, no. And I’m already afraid to let someone translate these texts. Because I think that now I’ll give it to a student, but the student will disappear, he won’t make a teacher, no, that won’t work. Of course, all this can be explained in terms of cause and effect. There are more than enough reasons to explain these mechanisms from a logical perspective, but on the other hand, this makes me think - if you are not yet ready for these too strong vibrations, why run ahead of the locomotive, let everything come beautifully. I prefer that you all achieve the highest not through the yoga of dying, but through the yoga of falling in love.

Question: Question about the yoga of Love and Nyasa yoga. Let's say people lived together for a long time, they were in intense love, but then a cooling set in and somehow we need to work with it. How can Nyasa help with this?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: You see, attraction, likes and dislikes are such a deep-seated property of a person. We have a Triad - three yogas: the yoga of Love, Tantra yoga and the yoga of sexual union, and there they sort it out and sort it out, but everything is complicated there. And Nyasa is, of course, used as one of the tools. But the problems that open up during the interaction of men and women are truly cosmic, transcendental problems, and it is impossible to solve this way with Nyasa alone, although Nyasa practices are included in component Yogis of the Triad and help to overcome the so-called second stage of the yoga of falling in love, when the novelty of the relationship disappears.

Question: What mantra is used for lip nyasa?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: And the same one that is used for nyasa with the hands, there are a lot of them and they are very different. There is a bija mantra, there are longer mantras, depending on the purpose. For example, the mantra “hrim”.

Question: At one of the lectures on the Triad, we drew a diagram and said that in the Triad, interacting with partners, we gain prana, then in the husband or wife you can see the Absolute, and the husband or wife are considered these fourth and fifth partners or are they in addition to these five partners?

Continuation of the question: And if in a couple one person practices, and processes are going on for him, can he discover the Absolute in someone who does not practice?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: He will be able to see the Absolute if the Absolute appears. If the Absolute wants to show itself through another, it will see it. But if the Absolute doesn’t want it, then no one will see anything. Friends, the Absolute is not such a simple thing that you can see or not see at will. If the Absolute appears, you will see it; if it does not appear, then even if you redo all the practices of the Triad, you will not see anything. Whether another person knows about it or not, whether he practices or doesn’t practice, it doesn’t matter. If the Absolute wants to manifest itself, even through a person who does not know any yogas, it will manifest itself for you. And vice versa, you can do all the yoga, but the Absolute will still look, and you will not force it, because the Absolute is free.

Question: How can one establish the appearance of the Absolute, which desired to manifest itself? Is it at the level of feelings, sensations?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: How to recognize the Absolute, how not to miss, how not to be deceived by the Absolute or not the Absolute? All students of the Open Yoga University who have completed the axiomatics can answer this question themselves. Is anyone ready?

Answer from the audience: The fact is that there is NO Absolute, everything is Absolute, and it manifests itself through everyone and everything. Everywhere there is a manifestation of the Absolute, we just don’t always see it, due to our ignorance, but in some ways we notice it, but in general everything is harmonious and everything is the Absolute. Just as we, having free will and brahmanical abilities, can always see this Highest in what is, we do not have to wait until it manifests itself. The Supreme is around us, we don’t see it, because we are not harmonious.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Here is a test just for yourself. So I either see him or I don’t see him. The fact that he is everywhere is clear.

Student of the Astra group: The axiomatics say, and I can add, that personal experience It has been verified that if the Absolute is revealed to you through a person, then you instantly fall in love with him, and you will not confuse this feeling with anything.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Bravo! Friends, if feelings open into the Absolute, you will not confuse it with anything. If the Absolute has been revealed to you, then you cannot have suffering. Because sometimes they say: “The Absolute was revealed to me in him, I fell in love with him and am suffering,” as soon as the question of suffering, then it’s something else: attachment or something else, very strong, in fact, a feeling, sometimes desire to possess. And sometimes it’s a feeling of loneliness, and at least somewhere there looms at least some hypothetical chance for you to stop being alone. This is not a state from zero to infinitely positive, it is rather a state that you were at a temperature of minus two hundred and fifty-three, but now the sun has loomed, and it has heated you up, maybe to minus ten, and that’s already good. But the thought that the sun will now go away and you will again slide into this cold, it in itself causes suffering.

Question: In itself, the desire to touch someone, is this the encouragement, the inspiration that you experience when cognizing the Absolute, when it reveals to you?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: It is your natural state of being to interact with the living Universe around you.

Continuation of the question: When you are in love, you somehow want to touch a person in a special way, as if to touch his soul.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Friends, it’s difficult for me to answer this question, well, here’s a little dog running, my hand reaches out to scratch it behind its ear, and this is quite natural, a feeling of belonging.

The next thing we need to come to is. Now we will do a few exercises - nyasa with the lips. This strong exercise and before we go to implement them, a few basic words.

If you have a husband or wife, do not deprive them of affection, even if you have been tired of them for a long time, do not deprive them of touches, do not deprive them of kisses, even if you decide to divorce them. Do you remember the basic ideology of yoga: make a God or Goddess out of the one who is nearby, whether you stay with him or another one comes. If you have the karma to give them some tactile touches, caresses, etc. - go ahead, don’t be stingy. And lip nyasas are very good for a husband or wife, especially after hard work. Especially for a modern person, this is the neck area, the back area. And now we will try to do a few simple exercises. Well, in general, the whole body can be done with mantras. You can take your hand, whisper a mantra there, barely touching your lips, and sometimes not even touching your lips, and this breath of warm air begins to feel like an ultra-light nyasa, you can not even touch your body with your lips, but the sensations will be as if you were receiving an electric shock it struck. Sometimes curious things happen when nyasa is done - biting lightly, but of course it doesn’t hurt. The practices that we did from cleansing procedures - sometimes there is such a practice: biting out the grains of karma. Have you seen how monkeys bite insects out of each other's fur? From about the same series, the analogy is as follows.

You remember the ideology of quick methods: followers, leaders and spectators, and to top off the seminar, you remember that there are those who participate in the practice, there are those who conduct the practice, there are spectators. So, those who carry out the practice, as a rule, go into consciousness to a greater extent, go away very much. Because you can’t be distracted by your body, your thoughts, you can’t think about something, you have to make sure that the practice goes well. And the leader gets extremely overheated, and this leads to the fact that after long practices you come out, and to say that you are no good is to say nothing, you don’t think about anything, you stop taking care of your body. You are consciousness, you took all your prana, pumped it into consciousness and spent it on practice. Accordingly, your body is left without the protection of this prana. Especially if the load is tough, then the presenters are required to have bodyguards. Not in terms of those who walk around with pistols and protect some rich oligarch from others, no. And in terms of those people who work on the leader’s body, until he returns his consciousness back to prana and redistributes it throughout the body. This is a very important thing, friends, and if you neglect it, you will never become a leader. Even the practice of conducting a seminar, pay attention to me, I am the presenter, I must go into consciousness, I cannot practice anything with you, even if I practice something with you, then still part of my consciousness keeps the situation under control so that you could relax, not think about anything. Then, of course, a reaction occurs, the body cannot be used like that for a long time, and in this sense, bodyguards are prescribed, those who then return the leader to a normal state. By what methods? First of all, this is nyasa - rough, subtle, different. These are elements of technology and you have to remember them, but in general, if Mark hadn’t fed me, I probably wouldn’t have eaten, because you go completely into practice.

Description of practice:

We break into pairs, one of the people lies on his stomach and frees the neck area. At first you can simply do nyasa of the central channel so that the person gets used to you. Now let’s try to do nyasa with the help of the “hrim” mantra without touching the neck, and begin to pronounce the mantra “Hrim, hrim, hrim, hrim...”. We touch the area of ​​the upper back, neck area as much as possible. We approach, but do not touch, we pronounce the mantra barely audibly, so that there is movement of the lips and a slight flow of air up and down. We try to make it as close as possible so that a person feels that something is happening there. Now, if possible, if it is convenient, we barely touch the neck with our lips.

Great, now we’ll give it time to lie down a little and digest the situation. And then we change places and do nyasa again. You can lie not only on your back, but also on your side, if that is more comfortable. We pronounce the mantra “khrim”, then begin to barely touch with our lips - everything is the same as the previous time. We come to our senses. Let's sit down.

These are the practices, friends, quite strong and powerful. You can do this nyasa along the entire spine, you can do the back of your arms, etc. One of the best places when you lie on your back is the point between the eyebrows.

Question: Is it possible to pronounce a mantra in the name of the person we are doing it for?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Of course yes. You can say: “You are a Goddess,” or you can say: “Sveta, you are a Goddess.” And when a person hears his name, of course, his mind will immediately perk up, and the mantra that you say will be better understood. You can do nyasa with your lips in the same way and say: “Sveta, you are a Goddess.”

Question: Is there any specific impact on the centers?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: In the sense of a connection with the structure of our body, of course, there is. You remember that the connection of our manifestations to certain chakras in the theory of yoga is quite unambiguous and clearly spelled out. If you influence this area, then everything connected with the chakra of this place, willy-nilly, the power of your consciousness is directed there.

Friends, we have areas in our body that are always tight, twenty-four hours a day, even when you sleep, they don’t relax. Sometimes you can relax a person with such nyasa that he instantly falls asleep, simply passes out, as if you pulled him out of his body. By the way, the throat area is responsible for the process of falling asleep and sleeping. There is also an interesting connection there. And when you do it yourself, you feel another person as if in a reflection. And you remember, we are social creatures, and we are more happy when we do something that brings joy to another. Let’s say you have a hundred rubles, you can spend them on yourself and be happy, or you can spend them on another person, and if he is happy, then it’s as if you spent a thousand on yourself. It's about the same situation here. When we see, feel, realize a person, we look, he is in tension, and then once - once the shackles fall off him, fall off, and you remember that when you do nyasa to another, you do nyasa for yourself, and you loosen up an order of magnitude more. This is a very strange effect of Nyasa - to abstract oneself extremely from everything.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev

Term nyasa means placement and is associated with tantric rites in which the adept touches various parts of the body, reciting mantras and visualizing the devata (deity responsible for that part) or bija mantra. It is believed that nyasa deifies the body of a yogi. There are many types of Nyasa; The types of nyasa that the student encounters most often in tantric ritual are Rishi-nyasa, Kara-nyasa, Matrika-nyasa and Shadanga-nyasa. Each mantra is associated with a specific rishi who first uttered it.

Matrika Nyasa is a form of worship in which the 50 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet are placed in the body. During this ritual, the adept performs various mudras (gestures). The letters are preceded by OM and completed by NAMAH. Shadanga-nyasa uses bija mantras associated with the long vowels of the Sanskrit alphabet. Tantric protection (nyasa) should be performed before performing any ritual; she is herself certain ritual. Nyasa is performed according to these rules.

Touch different parts of the body, identifying them with gods and goddesses. Thus, you will fill them with Divine energy. Start with thumb right leg, then move to the feet, calves, knees, thighs, buttocks, yoni/lingam, nipples, chest, palms (place the index and middle finger on the palm), elbows, forearms (squeezing them with crossed arms) , shoulders, lips, nose, closed eyes (touch with your index and middle fingers), forehead (touch with four fingers) and crown (make a fist and touch the crown with your thumb). The left side of the body should be sanctified in reverse order: crown, forehead, eyes, nose, lips, forearms, shoulders, elbows, palms, chest, nipples, yoni/lingam, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, feet . Touches are accompanied by reading protective mantras. During the protection ritual, you need to visualize the flow of Shiva’s creative energy enveloping the body. The Shiva Samhita says: “The worshiper of Shiva is courageous, enterprising, devoid of blind passions, skillful, persistent, talented, satisfied and unshakable in judgment.”

The Christian cross that a person places on himself (that is, when someone is baptized) is also nyasa, which has powerful spiritual potential.


    AYM HRIM SHRIM HRIM SHRIM SAUKH Salutation to Chak-re, destroyer of all diseases (all members)

    AYM HRIM SHRIM AM AM IM UM UM RM RM LM LM EM AYM OM AUM AM AX BLOOM Greetings Vashini, devate Speeches ( Right side chin)

    AYM HRIM SHRIM KAM KHAM GAM GHAM NAM KLHRIM Kameshvari (right side of the throat)

    AYM HRIM SHRIM CHAM CHHAM JAM JHAM NAM NVLIM Modini (right side of the heart)

    AYM HRIM SHRIM TAM THAM DAM DHAM NAM YLUM Vimada (right side of the navel)

    AYM HRIM SHRIM TAM THAM DAM DHAM NAM JMRIM Aruna (left side of the navel)


    AYM HRIM SHRIM YAM RAM LAM VAM JHMRYUM Sarveshvari (left side of the throat)

    AYM HRIM SHRIM SHAM SHAM SAM HAM KSHAM KSHMRIM Kaulini (left side of the chin)

    AYM HRIM SHRIM HRIM SHRIM SAUKH Salutation to Tri-pura Siddha, Lady of the Chakra, destroyer of all diseases (heart)

Nyasa. This word, derived from the root "to place", means to overlap the fingertips and palm of the hand. right hand on various parts of the body, accompanied by special mantras. Nyasas come in different types250. Jiva-nyasa251 follows bhuta-suddhi. After cleansing the old, “earthly” body and forming a new, “heavenly” one, the sadhaka begins to fill the body with the life of Devi. He does this through jiva-nyasa. Hand on heart, he recites the mantra “soham” (“I am He”), identifying himself with Devi. Then, placing the eight manifestations of Kula-Kundalini in their respective places, he recites the following mantra: “Am krim krim yam ram lam vam shash sham sam kom haum hamsah. The vital breaths of the most highly blessed and good Primordial Kalika are now here.”252 “Am (etc.). The embodied spirit of the most highly blessed and good Primordial Kalika is placed here.”253 “Am (etc.) - All the feelings of the most highly blessed and good Primordial Kalika are placed here”254; and finally “Am (etc.). May the speech, mind, sight, hearing, smell and vital breaths of the most highly blessed and good Primordial Kalika who come here always abide here in peace and happiness. Matchmaker"255. Following this, the sadhaka becomes devata-maya. Subsequently, after the dissolution of the sinful body described above, having created a new, divine body for himself and filling it with the life of Devi, he moves on to matrika-nyasa. Matri-ka is the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet; just as one is born from an earthly mother, so the world comes from matrix, or sound. Shabdabrahman, "Sound", "Logos" or "Word" are all the Creator of the worlds of names and forms.

Bodies Nine/ consist of fifty signs of the matrix. Therefore, the sadhaka first mentally places (antar-matrika-nyasa) the letters of the alphabet in the corresponding places in the six chakras, and then on the external plane, through physical action (bahya-matrsha-nyasa), places them as representing and forming various parts of the body Devata, which is thus created within the sadhaka himself. He places his hand on various parts of the body and at the same time clearly pronounces the matrix corresponding to that part of the body.

The mental arrangement of the matrix in the chakras is as follows: in the lotus ajni - ham and ksham (each letter in this and subsequent cases, as they say, is followed by the mantra nomah)256; in the lotus vishuddhi - am, am and other vowels; in the lotus of anahata - kam, kham, etc. to tham; in the lotus of manipura - dam, dham, etc. do pham; in the lotus of svadhisthana - bam, bham, etc. to lamas; in the lotus of muladhara - to you, sham257, sham 258, yourself. This is followed by external placement. The vowels in their usual order with anusvara and visarga are placed on the forehead, face, right and left eyes, right and left ears, right and left nostrils, right and left cheeks, upper and lower lips, upper and lower teeth, head and inner mouth . The consonants from kam to vam are placed on the base of the right arm and elbow, on the wrist, bases and tips of the fingers, on the left hand, on the right and left legs, on the right and left sides, on the back, navel, stomach, heart, on the right and left shoulders , in the space between the shoulder blades (kakuda), and then from the heart to the right palm, the first sham is placed, and from the heart to the left palm - the second sham; from the heart to the right foot - himself; from the heart to the left foot - ham, and finally from the heart to the belly, and from the heart to the mouth - ksham. In each case, Om is pronounced at the beginning and “nomah” at the end. According to the Tantra-cape, Matrika-nyasa is also divided into four types, performed for different purposes, namely: Kevala, where the syllables of Matrika are pronounced without bindu; bindu-samyuta—with bindu; samsarga—with visarga; and sobhya - with visarga and bindu.

Then follows Rishi-nyasa to achieve chatur-varga259. Mantras are applied to the head, mouth, heart, anus, both feet and the whole body as a whole. The following mantras are usually used: “In the head - a greeting to the Rishi (the Seer who gives the Revelation) to Brahma260; in the mouth - salutation to the Gayatri Mantra261; in the heart - greetings to Devi Mother Saraswati262; in the covered intimate part - greeting bije, consonant264; greeting shakti, vowels - at the feet264; greeting visarga, kilaka - throughout the body265.” Another form of nyasa that uses bija is known as Adya (Primordial) nyasa. It is mentioned, but not given, in chapter V, verse 123: “In the head is a salutation to Brahma and (all) brahmarshas266; in the mouth - greeting to Gayatri and other forms of versification267; in the heart - salutation to the primordial Devata Kali268; in the covered intimate part - greeting bije krim269; in both feet - the greeting shakti hrim270; throughout the body - a greeting to Kalika. Shrim"271.

Then comes anga-nyasa and kara-nyasa. Both of them are forms of shadanga-nyasa212. When shadanga-nyasa is performed on te-aya, it is called Hridayadi-shadanga-nyasa, and when it is performed only with the five fingers and palms of the hands, it is called angushthadi-shadanga-pyasa. The first is performed as follows: the short vowel “a”, the consonant group ka-varga and the long “a” are pronounced with “hrida-yaya lamah” (“namah, or greeting, to the heart”). The short vowel “i”, the consonants of the cha-varga group and the long “i” are pronounced with “shirase svaha” (“svaha - head”). The hard consonants of the ta-varga group, together with two vowels “u” (short and long), are pronounced with “shikhayay vashat” (“vashat - to the crown of the hair”). Similarly, the soft consonants of the ta-varga group, together with the vowel “e” and the diphthong “ai”, are pronounced with “kawachaya273 hum”. The short vowel “o”, the group of consonants Pa-varga and the long “o” are pronounced with “netra-traya-vau-shat” (“vaushat - to three eyes”)274. Finally, the consonants from “ya” to “ksha” along with bindu and visarga275 are pronounced with “kara-tala-prisht-habhyam astraya phat” (“phat - to the outer and back of the hand”)276.

Shadanga-nyasa mantras on the body are used for kara-nyasa, in which they relate to thumbs, "threatening" or index fingers, middle fingers, ring fingers, little fingers, as well as the outer and back sides of the hands. These actions on the body, fingers and palms also stimulate the nerve centers and the nerves in them.

In numxa-nyasa, the place of the matrix is ​​taken by the pithas. Pitha, in the common sense, is Kamarupa and other places, a list of which is given in the Yogini Hridaya277.

Nyasa is a great helper in achieving such a state when the sadhaka feels that the bhava (nature, state) of the Devata fills him with its presence. In this case, nyasa is likened to wearing precious stones, which the sadhaka places on different parts of the body. These gemstones are the bijas of Devata. By Nyasa he places His Abhishta Devata in these parts and by Vyapaka Nyasa he spreads His presence throughout himself. He is saturated with It, losing himself in the Divine Self.

Nyasa is also used for the proper distribution of shakti throughout the human body system by directing it to the proper places. This is done to avoid the occurrence of internal imbalance and distraction during worship. Nyasas, as well as asanas, are necessary to achieve the desired state of mind and its purification (citta-suddhi). “Das denken ist der mass der Dinge”279. Transformation of thinking is transformation of existence. This is the most essential principle and rational basis of all this and similar tantric sadhanas.

First principle of yoga states that we must not harm any living creature unless absolutely necessary. If there is no possibility of not causing harm, then we should act as our duty tells us.

Second principle of yoga says that we must not waste our time and energy in vain. This principle of yoga is also very interesting and to some extent contradicts the first principle. The second principle of yoga is not wasting your energy and time in vain, it is efficiency in life, in work, in study, in yoga, in anything. This principle tells us that we should not waste our time on trifles, that we should direct our lives towards achieving our GOAL.

How to connect these two principles? How to use them? Both without the first and without the second it is very difficult to achieve anything at all. These two principles are like a test. Any teaching that calls itself yoga can be checked by them - if it diverges from the principles, then it is not yoga.

The first principle says - minimum harm, the second principle says - don’t waste yourself on trifles. For example, the second principle recommends: “Here, you want to become rich. You don’t have to think long, here’s the bank opposite. You don't need to work for 20 years. Why waste time? Take dynamite, go and blow up the safe, steal the money (or, as in our country, “privatize”). The second principle develops logic and, it would seem: “Yes, indeed, why should I work like Papa Carlo if everything is done so simply here?” And the first principle says: “No! Because if you steal from someone, it means that someone will suffer, someone will be dissatisfied.”

Therefore, these two principles collide with their heads and the whole life passes along a narrow path between the two principles. On the one hand, I must achieve something effectively, but on the other hand, if this most effective thing causes harm, then from a higher point of view it is not the most effective. This is a very tricky game. Here is another point that you must remember for yourself and for the analysis of all other yogas: Only two of these principles can be applied at the same time.

And only when these two principles are observed and work, what is called DHARMA opens up for you - the path of your life. You have KARMA, you were allowed into such a corridor, it is wide enough, but you can go from left to right, from right to left, you can go in zigzags, with twists, and this is not obvious. If these are mountains, then you need to go along the hollow between the mountains, not climb and descend, and if it is a plain, then of course you have to go straight. Those. elementary logic plus super logic. Logic is, if you set a goal, then consistently achieve it, but not at any cost, but only in compliance with the first principle of kindness and non-harm

Third Principle of Yoga- I will do my best to help all living beings in overcoming suffering, if I am able to help them, and if they wish to do so. And I will work with all my might to eliminate the suffering within myself.

No one and nothing has the right to impose suffering on me!

You can approach the third principle of yoga only before you have at least begun to try to observe the first two principles.

The third principle of yoga will simply hang in the air if the first two are not followed. The platform for the third principle of yoga will have to be built using the first two principles of yoga, using classical methods.

Yoga is a holistic system of preparing the body for childbirth. Using specially selected asana complexes, you will discover a pleasant source of increasing the strength and elasticity of your muscles and joints, strengthening the spine, and eliminating back pain.
* Master breathing using yoga techniques, and you will not have difficulties controlling your breathing during contractions;
* Help your body cope with the double load during pregnancy. By doing this, you will not only help your child to be born healthy and calm, but also preserve beauty and health, preventing excessive weight gain and such unpleasant consequences as hernia and varicose veins veins;
*Prevent possible complications during pregnancy - facilitating the process of childbirth, easy restoration of the body and figure after childbirth;
* Find harmony with yourself and your baby even before his birth!

1. Lay a strong foundation for your baby's physical and emotional health. While still carrying a child, you become a conductor of states, emotions, and mental stability for your baby. Practicing yoga during pregnancy will make the baby more balanced with a more stable psyche. Yoga during pregnancy is not only about your health, but also about the health of your baby, improving his well-being and preventing birth injuries. During the lesson, you communicate with your baby - this is time that belongs only to you. This is a rapport with your child that you establish from the very beginning.

2. Find psychological comfort. Yoga will give you relief from emotional fatigue and tension, depressive states - the consequences of pregnancy. Finding inner balance and harmony with your loved ones. You will be able to fully psychologically prepare for the appearance and presence of a new person in your life.

3. Prepare your body for childbirth. Yoga is an anchoring muscle corset, increasing muscle elasticity, stretching in less than 2 months regular classes. Preparing the pelvic and perineal muscles for childbirth, developing the skill of pushing and relaxing, controlling your body during childbirth, preventing ruptures. Unloading and strengthening the spine, eliminating pain and discomfort as a result of a shift in the center of gravity in the spine, preventing the appearance of osteochondrosis. Yoga breathing practices closely correspond to breathing during childbirth. Correct breathing provides up to 30% increase in oxygen supply to mother and child. Proper breathing will also help to avoid hypoxia in the child. Strengthening the immune system - those who practice yoga are at risk colds decreases by 75%. Work incentives internal systems body - cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, excretory, etc. - ensures a favorable course of pregnancy and relief from the unpleasant consequences of pregnancy, such as back pain, swelling, toxicosis, varicose veins, depression. Absolutely safe maintenance of the body in good shape during pregnancy, prevention of gain excess weight, fast recovery figures after childbirth and return to prenatal physical activity. Attunement with your body helps you better manage it during childbirth. Yoga helps the correct positioning of the fetus, which helps ease the course of labor.

A woman can begin training according to a special program, starting from the first month, as soon as she finds out about pregnancy. If there are any complications or health problems, or there have been miscarriages, then it is especially important to study in a special class under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

If it is not possible to attend a class for pregnant women, come to the women's class, notifying the teacher. If you are going to attend a general class, then choose a woman teacher, and be sure to let her know about your condition before the lesson.

During the exercise, carefully monitor your well-being and if discomfort occurs, leave the pose.

In general, practice during pregnancy is completely different from usual. The very message for the practice is different - without complete dedication and striving for the intensity of the pose.

During pregnancy, you can and should do inverted poses, as they normalize hormonal balance. These asanas are not performed during menstruation, but are mandatory during pregnancy.

Inverted poses are useful to include in practice from the first to the last day. True, in the last days of pregnancy you have to give up some asanas, since doing them becomes physically very difficult or uncomfortable. Such poses, for example, include Headstand.

But Viparita Karani Mudra can be performed until victory. Seated and supine poses such as Baddha Konasana and Supta Baddha Konasana can also be practiced throughout pregnancy. They help increase the space between the pelvis and the diaphragm, thereby making breathing easier and improving overall well-being. But we must remember that many women already in the second trimester begin to experience discomfort when lying on their back. Therefore, poses such as Supta Baddha Konasana are performed primarily in a half-sitting, half-lying position, with support under the back. You can also do passive backbends, for example Viparita Dandasana on a special bench or bolster. In the second and third trimesters, it is very good to include standing poses in your practice. It is advisable to perform them at a support. Standing poses help control weight, strengthen the body as a whole, develop self-confidence, reduce the likelihood of cramps and swelling, improve blood supply to the fetus, and keep the spine healthy and strong. You can also do gentle twists, such as Bharadvajasana on a chair.

Now about what you absolutely cannot do. During the entire period of pregnancy, you should not do backbends from a lying position on the floor (this includes, for example, Shalabhasana), complex balances (such as Bakasana), closed twists (for example, Marichiasana III) and abdominal poses(for example, Navasana). In addition, jumping should be excluded from classes.

In all asanas where we usually join the legs together, such as Dandasana, including inverted poses, the feet should be spread out to the width of the pelvis. In the second and third trimesters, you should not perform deep forward bends. These poses should look more like an upward stretch while sitting. Savasana during this period is best performed lying on your left side. As for pranayama, you can do simple options Ujjai and Viloma in a reclining position on a support or sitting.

Particular care should be taken during the 12th, 13th and 14th weeks of pregnancy. During this period, only supine and inverted poses should be included in the practice. The program should be as gentle as possible, since during this period hormonal changes occur in the body.

General information for independent practice when there is not an abundance of materials:

Perform all standing poses with support, use a wall instead of a horse.
- all sitting poses are performed on a high support, for example on a bolster or several folded blankets.
- forward bends are not performed, only upward stretching
- no bending or prone positions are performed
- do not do all postures that strain and compress the abdomen (abdominal twists)
- pranayama is best performed in a reclining position or sitting on a chair, but if other positions are comfortable, then you can breathe in them. Just do simple types pranayama, such as Ujjayi on inhalation, exhalation, inhalation and exhalation, or Viloma on inhalation, exhalation.

What is Yoga

You have heard the mysterious word “yoga” many times, firmly decided for yourself that this system will be useful for you, and now, finally, you are ready to do yoga for the first time. Or perhaps you just feel the urgent need to stay in good physical shape, but have not yet decided whether to take up yoga, Pilates, dance or some other sport. One way or another, the word “yoga” already arouses your interest, and you want to learn more about this system. Very often, people who decide to take up yoga for the first time ask the question - where to start? Is there yoga for beginners? What results does yoga provide and how soon can I expect these results? Will yoga give me healthy slender body? Will it help strengthen the immune system and get rid of colds?

The first thing you need to know about yoga if you seriously decide to take up this science is – what is yoga? Yoga is a very holistic and harmonious system of self-knowledge, which has a long history, coming to us from India and other eastern countries. There are more than 20 types of yoga, each of which works with one or another aspect of our life. A person who regularly practices yoga receives absolutely amazing results - physical and mental health, development of all intellectual abilities, gains inner balance and resistance to stress, and becomes support and support for other people. Let’s list the most popular “myths” about yoga, which, in our opinion, only prevent a person from taking the first step on this path.

Myths about yoga:

To start doing yoga, I must already be flexible/slim and have at least some physical fitness. Sometimes a person is afraid to start doing yoga because he considers himself overweight, unathletic, and without any physical training. This typical misconception. You can safely start practicing yoga at any level of your physical fitness and gradually acquire all the qualities you dream of - slimness, flexibility, physical endurance and strength. There is a special yoga for beginners.

I am interested in deep issues of spiritual development, and yoga only works with the physical body. Indeed, the most popular look yoga in the west is hatha yoga (static asanas), and you may get the impression that this is all yoga. In fact, yoga is a much more serious and in-depth system of spiritual self-knowledge, which gives colossal results in all areas of your life.

Yoga classes take a lot of time, and I am very busy at work/school right now. You can start studying at least once a week in a group, or, if you don’t have time even for that, 5-10 minutes at home every day. Some time will pass and you will get the first effect of yoga - you will start to have enough time for everything.

Yoga classes will require a lot of money, which I don’t have. Sometimes a person believes that to practice yoga he must purchase a special mat, a yoga uniform, and must spend a round sum of money on classes every month, and this stops him completely in vain. There are centers where yoga classes are quite inexpensive; as a last resort, you can start doing yoga at home - absolutely free.

Yoga is a type of religion, and I am a Christian (Muslim, atheist, etc.) and do not want to be associated with any Eastern religion. In fact, yoga is not a religion; a representative of any faith or an atheist can equally successfully practice this system. Of course, in some types of yoga, for example in mantra yoga, you can find mention of some Hindu deities, but this is just a tribute to tradition - so, if the knowledge of yoga was preserved in our country, there could be a mention of Koshchei the Immortal , Ivan Tsarevich, Yarila, Perun and other Slavic deities.

Yoga classes will be an additional burden for me now, and I don’t have enough strength for anything. If you start practicing yoga under the guidance of an experienced instructor, yoga classes will not only not tire you out, but will also be an excellent source of rest and relaxation for you. Yoga classes will give you strength, you will be able to relieve accumulated fatigue and tension, and feel rested and invigorated.

Yoga is for young people, what kind of yoga do I have at 60 years old?! A person can start practicing yoga at any age; if you cannot work with the physical body, you still have a whole range of other types of yoga that will help you overcome any difficulties - meditation, visualization yoga, dream yoga, mantra yoga and many others.

Yoga is just one of the sports, so it makes no difference whether I do yoga or shaping, Pilates, dancing, swimming in the pool. Yoga is not only work with the physical body, it is a much more profound and comprehensive teaching. If you started doing yoga to keep yourself in good health physical fitness– great, you will achieve this goal, and in parallel with it you will receive many more wonderful results that ordinary sports do not always give.

Open Yoga

Open Yoga is a style of yoga that provides an alternative approach to the practice and theory of yoga to most schools. This method is based on the fact that the instructor helps people find their own way to correct execution exercises because In the school of Open Yoga, it is believed that there is only one criterion for the correct performance of asanas - a person’s inner harmony and a feeling of comfort and joy during practice.

Therefore, we do not force anyone to twist themselves into 3 knots and stand on their ears; moreover, we do not set this as a goal in practice. All this and much more comes naturally in the process of comprehending yoga, if you apply the methods and principles on which all classes are based. Open Yoga.

Yoga is natural! It is inherent in us by the very structure of our body. Without a feeling of inner harmony, without the desire for this feeling, yoga classes are meaningless. This is a harmonious system of self-knowledge that expands human freedom.

* All external performance criteria (and technical features) become meaningless, because do not lead to the revelation of our inner freedom, but, on the contrary, violate it, forcing a person to accept positions that are unnatural for him.

* Only this approach to practice brings a person to a meditative state, a state of thoughtlessness. (According to Patanjali, all physical exercise in yoga they are needed only to prepare the body for meditation).

The path in yoga begins small, namely with introductory classes. These are introductory yoga lessons aimed at introducing students to the basics of yoga practice, teaching basic principles work with the body in poses, pay attention to the physiological characteristics of each student, introduce terminology. A considerable part of the introductory sessions is occupied by questions and answers, because It is in these classes that the theoretical part is covered to a greater extent. After completing the introductory classes, the student masters the basic skills of yoga practice, and can practice in groups at the “Initial” level.

1. Let go of fear and anxiety

All fears and anxieties pass with experience! And with it comes self-confidence, flexibility, strength, the ability to relax and focus on the right thought. if something is not clear and the body is not currently ready to perform some exercise, they will tell you and show you how to do it, or they will offer you to do a simpler exercise.

2. Take care of comfort.

In order for the practice of yoga to bring you benefit and pleasure, take care in advance that you feel comfortable doing it. wear comfortable clothes, preferably natural and elastic, that will not restrict movement.

3. Exercise regularly!

In our lives we begin many good and useful things, but not all of them are destined to become part of our everyday life. Sometimes we get disappointed in a new business or hobby, and that's normal. But often we give up important things without a serious reason - just like that, because “it didn’t work out.” And if you look deeper into the essence of the problem, it turns out that the main obstacle to good changes was... the irregularity of classes.

Indeed, any habit must take root - both on the physical and mental level. If, for example, you have never practiced yoga, then at first your body will get used to new movements, to new dynamics. And you will not feel dramatic changes in your condition immediately, but after several weeks or even months of regular exercise. It is then that you will feel a real, sincere desire not to miss a single workout - no matter what. And, perhaps, you will start doing extra training at home - because you want to, because you need it.

Yes, indeed, the ideal schedule for yoga is a daily practice. And if you study seriously, you will definitely come to this. But even two or three workouts a week can change your life for the better. The main thing is not to miss classes and systematically consolidate positive results - time after time.

Regular yoga practice is especially important for beginners also because at each subsequent training in your group new asanas, types of breathing and concentration, and methods of meditation will be studied. The teacher will give recommendations on how to perform movements and coordinate them with the rhythm of breathing. By missing classes, you will miss out on valuable information that is designed to improve the effectiveness of your practice. The more regularly you practice, the faster you grow in yoga, and the stronger the positive impact of yoga on your life.

Regular classes have another positive side - they organize your life. A clear daily routine, drawn up taking into account the practice of yoga, will help you improve your affairs in other areas - business, creative and family life. If you were less organized before, then with the advent of yoga in your life, you will definitely learn how to effectively plan your time - in order to be on time for training, as well as in order to be successful in life.

Group classes on Open yoga – these are classes attended by 2 or more people. When conducting group classes, the teacher works with the entire room at the same time, but also, if possible or if necessary, pays attention to each participant in the practice individually.

Group yoga classes will also help you will overcome many complexes associated with your physical body
From the point of view of yoga, the flexibility of the physical body is of the most secondary importance in practice, but for many this is a rather serious obstacle on the path to yoga that must be courageously overcome. And we will help you with this!
Among other things, attending group yoga classes contribute to finding like-minded people, which is no less important on the path of spiritual development of every person. After all, as they say, there is no man alone in the field!
Each group lesson takes place in a very friendly atmosphere.

The teacher offers universal methods of performing certain exercises so that each participant can choose the method that will be most pleasant for him and will be in harmony with his physical and emotional state at the time of practice. Thus, each participant group lesson in yoga, in any case, he will be able to immerse himself in practice and get the desired result.
Come without hesitation, we will welcome everyone!

We invite you to group classes!