New names, mottos and emblems of teams for sports competitions. Sports mottos How to name an aesthetic gymnastics team

Often, mottos for sports competitions are created in order to raise the spirit of competition, encourage and motivate the team to achieve a certain goal. The most striking and famous motto throughout the world is Olympic Games"Faster, higher, stronger!" It is the best of its kind, and contains the following features of a good slogan:

  • Sportiness and spirit are emphasized. Such a motto sets up a player or team for victory, and at the same time raises morale;
  • Brief, and all three words convey the essence sports competition. Long slogans tend to be neither attractive nor memorable;
  • Rhythm and dynamics are maintained. Good speeches should be pronounced without hesitation, quickly, clearly and rhythmically.

A team whose slogan is invented according to all of the above criteria can stand out among the rest in competitions, thereby attracting support from fans and spectators. However, groups do not always have good slogans, although it is not so difficult to come up with them.

Is it difficult to come up with a motto for a sports competition?

As says:

"A motto is a word or short phrase"that determines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization."

This happens in life when a chant can be composed completely by accident, for example, as a result of the insight of some fortunate events. However, in our time, thousands of different mottos have already been invented, and perhaps the one you created completely by accident is not unique, and someone has already come up with it before.
And yet, a unique motto for a team for sports competitions can still be created today, and in order for it to turn out better than others, you must be guided by the following:

  • Study the history of the team, if there is one, and create a chant based on this;
  • Analyze previously created mottos and select some words, individual phrases or replace them with synonyms;
  • To make the slogan clear, you should use verbs that encourage action;
  • The speech should not be long. Brevity is the soul of wit.

If you still can't come up with a motto, don't worry! Perhaps you will find something suitable here.

Best Mottos and Emblems for a Sports Team


Run in the morning, jump in the afternoon

What could be better than sports and lifting?

Always be prepared for any obstacles,

Everyone needs a sports drive.

The youth

Our team is very young,

You can't take it without effort.

Very fast and smart

We are a team - youth!


Run, hurry and jump,

Ready all day

To win a cup in sports,

We are not too lazy to work!


There's no need to fight at all

Let friendship reign in the world!


We have the best team in the world,

We are ready to play every moment

You don't need luck to defeat us,

No one will ever defeat us!


We arrived at the stadium

Let's kick the ball now.

We are a “champion” team!

We will confirm this.


Our team is always ready

Luck will never leave us

We are moving towards victory with a firm gait,

And we will definitely take first place!

Fast and Furious

Let's rush forward to victories,

Our entire squad is invincible,

We are not lazy to train -

We definitely won't overlook the prize.


Keep your head up, stand straight,

We entered the ring and meant to hold!

The Bears

So fearless

So dangerous.

That we will defeat everyone in a row without fear.


Forward, forward to victories

We will say no to defeat!

To us young athletes -

There are no barriers to victory.


Our team is brave,

Always ready to fight

And the most skillful

Any in the area.


Go forward and don't give up.

Our motto is: “Compete to the end”!


To be healthy and strong

Everyone needs to love sports

Swim, jump, harden -

Squat and do push-ups!


Sport is strength, sport is life,

For champions, victory makes sense

The main thing is to be ahead of the rest

Practice, try to be better than others.


We don't stand still

Making progress -

After all, in a sports theme,

There are no delays!


Bad weather is not a problem

There is always time for sports

Hormones play in the blood,

Victory is foreshadowed for snipers.


We are starting the relay race.

Just don’t scold me))) it so happens that my daughter has been going to gymnastics for three years, and I don’t understand it at all!
The child trained three times a week, and now five times.
But the children of her group (6-7 years old) perform in groups A and B.
Actually what is the question:

What are these groups? I didn’t find anything about them (maybe I didn’t search well?), on the Internet they only write about categories. In our sports school I have never seen information about categories. It’s difficult to find out anything from a coach (((she’s always in a hurry...
Can a child qualify for the category? If he plays in group B?

Wait..DID YOU go to competitions, did your daughter perform some kind of program? You can apply for a rank in the CG if you show a certain level of exercise at competitions of a certain level. Usually the coach is responsible for registering children for competitions, because the higher the rank, the higher the coach’s salary - well, if it’s a sports school... How about you?
Groups A and B are introduced from the evil one - in order to distinguish girls of obviously different levels in some local competitions and evaluate them differently accordingly... To assign categories, you need to get a certain number of points for a program of a certain level of complexity..
What does your girl perform with?

I’ve never heard of groups A and B in gymnastics. But we, however, did not get to the competition, I may not know. IN figure skating Groups A and B are divided as follows: A is a competition for a level (category) corresponding to age, and group B is not appropriate. That is, if a child of 10 years old must complete 1 category, then 10-year-olds (and, probably, those who younger) by 1 category will compete in group A, and those who are older will compete in 1-category competitions in group B. (the age and ranks are from the bullshit). That is, in group B you can perform a discharge, but it will not correspond to age. And in figure skating, group B is not allowed to compete at the All-Russian level. That is, they can practice, they can receive ranks, but they will not be considered in “high sport”.
Maybe you have something similar? But you write that the age of the children is the same... Maybe the level is different?
In general, for normal sports results in artistic gymnastics (and it is very competitive), from the second year of training you need more than 3 times a week.. 5 is normal. Minimum 2 hours. With this we can at least move somewhere.

Group A - stronger, in B simpler program or beginners who perform 1 time. But I can’t say for sure about the rank, it seems to me that you can get a rank in group B, if some kind of 3 youth, I don’t know higher

We performed once at the sports school itself and without a subject. But these were precisely sports school competitions. I know for sure that there are outings, but mostly older girls go to them.

It’s just that before it was 3 times a week, so to speak, “without tension,” but now every day, + training camps, so I’m trying to decide what “threatens” us.

The nanny takes me to gymnastics, I don’t see the coach at all, and if I see her, she’s always in a hurry, explains quickly, so I wanted to approach her, but with some kind of knowledge. and so he will say - you are the 3rd!!! a year, and still don’t know (I understand my confusion, but still...)

So I’m trying to decide, if you do this a lot, then there should be results, and if there are no results, then you need to find something “for the soul” and do it less often... I’m ready to work hard for 6 hours every day, but We're going to school this year!!! That’s what I’m worried about.... should I translate it more simply or, conversely, review all the graphs...

Groups A and B (there are also B and C streams) differ in the degree of difficulty and the number of subjects performed (group B below, for example, at a certain age, competes only in BP) It all depends on the year of birth of the athlete and her skills. In the cards, depending on the group, elements and objects of a certain complexity are stated) For example, group A in 2008-2007 now performs two or three types: BP and optionally: hoop or jump rope or both hoop and jump rope. Further, more objects and elements are added in older groups. But for example, there are gymnasts who, even in G.R. 2006, still perform only 1 type (. Previously, such a division was only at commercial and club competitions, because children were allowed to participate in amateur sports (between SDYUSHOR), by definition, of approximately the same level. Now occurs at such competitions too

Alas, artistic gymnastics is such a highly competitive sport that 5 times a week for 2-3 hours is just a base. In this case, there will be not just “results”, it will be called “doing gymnastics”... And in order to have results that can be presented, you must first have a very strong desire for the child himself to do the splits at home and in his free time walked on the bridge. That is, 2-3 hours of classes will be only in the classes themselves, and the same amount at home... (+ fees..)
And secondly, he had good data... In particular, we need long legs.. I'm not talking about weight. Well, that's a plus good flexibility, naturally.
We did gymnastics for 2 years, 3 times a week + 2 individual, the child has good flexibility, we went through the summer training camp - and left safely. nothing at all. We are even in sports group they refused to translate, although we were head and shoulders stronger than our classmates. As we were told - “if you stretch out like carrots, come”... but I know for sure that we won’t stretch out... and why so much effort in artistic gymnastics, when the same efforts in other sports, less competitive, give normal results.. I am very pleased with two years of synchronized swimming... My daughter has a super-back now. In acrobatics they expected us and promised competitions... but it didn’t work out. And in gymnastics... And the attitude there was - “there are a hundred more like you... we can’t sneeze on you.”. In general, think...

Isn't synchronized swimming a more hellish sport than swimming?

How old were you when you switched to synchronized training?
Is this a sports school?

it is less competitive if we discuss the age of up to 9 years.. And then it’s difficult for me to compare, I don’t know how much artistic gymnasts work hard to achieve something. Probably everyone plows the same way, 5 hours a day. Just artistic gymnasts in one direction, and synchronized swimmers in the other. But we're not talking about big sport, but “for health”, right?
We came to synchronous at the age of 5, studied for 2 years before school. They did rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 4 and 5 years. Figured from 5 to the present, that is, 3 years.
Synchronous yes, sports school. Now our group trains 5 or 6 times a week, 2 hours of water and an hour of gym. But a group of second-graders, 8-year-olds. We were younger than the group for a year, fell behind, got upset and decided to quit completely.
Moreover, all the other synchronized groups I know study much less than us, including a group a year younger... if for yourself, this is a great option, for my taste. There is also a strong commercial sports school where our friends train. We have already performed at competitions (also 2nd grade).

But SG, in the general opinion, is a very traumatic sport... Everything else is very interesting, as it turned out. And even in figure skating, jumping is not as traumatic as I initially thought.

At figure skating, the attitude towards boys is, of course, better, but there are not a million girls here. In figure skating, parents really look into their wallets, because classes are very expensive. And where it’s expensive, it’s not a million.
As for synchronized, it is so unpopular (compared to other girls’ activities) that there is rather a lack of participation, the attitude is friendly. And by the age of 4-5, people scatter, so only a few remain... those who survive to this age in a synchronous class will be appreciated. But, of course, you’ll have to work hard... I’ve heard that even swimmers are horrified by synchronized swimmers’ training. But this is not about first grade...
The best attitude and friendliness and prospects for competitions and in general are in pair acrobatics.. (from what we were involved in).

Thanks for the answer.

In FC, my son and I tried to enter CSKA... Really a million people came to the selection))))
They didn't take us. Now I sometimes meet the mothers of figure skaters from CSKA...2nd year of classes, but it’s terrible...One way or another, we are busy 5-6 days a week...4 official training sessions + tackles, additional choreography. The schedule is’s impossible to plan anything!
Well, it’s expensive, of course... And the competition is very high, everyone is shaking and going to tackles.
In general, it’s a great sport, I’m thinking of giving my daughter away... but I can’t stand this schedule ((((and financially, 25-30 per month is too much for us...
And there is no sports school closer ((((

I’m not considering SG...just maybe a couple of years to build muscle. The skaters walk just right.
For HG, our legs are short (((a girl I know, 7 years old, training 5 times or 6 times, even for 5 hours...
Synchronized swimmers, of course, train sooo much (((

I’ll watch the acrobatics again... but I don’t really like it myself... but maybe the child will like it))))

CSKA yes.. this is number 1 now... The load is there...
Classes are in the first half of the day, so you can easily plan - “the entire first half of the day is spent spending it at the skating rink”
I had a nanny who sat there with my daughter all morning... and after the skating rink, lunch and a synchronized
But we are not in CSKA, so we spent a lot of time at the rink, but little time on the ice, and the results are so-so...
To pump up your muscles, go for synchronous training. Believe me, it's worth it... you'll be training a lot when you leave there. My daughter is like a duck to water now... in all styles


Gymnastics- this is a sport that involves performing various gymnastic and dance exercises to the music without an object, as well as with an object (jump rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon).
All exercises are accompanied by music. Previously, they performed with a piano or one instrument. Now orchestral soundtracks are used. The choice of music depends on the wishes of the gymnast and the coach. But each exercise should be no more than one and a half minutes. Competitions take place on a gymnastics mat measuring 13x13 meters. Classic all-around (4 exercises) - olympic discipline. In addition to the all-around competition, gymnasts performing in the individual championship traditionally compete for sets of awards in certain types of exercises (except for the Olympic Games).

Rhythmic gymnastics is a relatively young sport; he owes his appearance to the masters of ballet of the famous Mariinsky Theater. In the short period of its existence, this sport has gained worldwide recognition and has numerous fans in all corners of the globe.

aesthetic gymnastics

Aesthetic gymnastics is a synthetic sport (rhythmic gymnastics, dance, acrobatics), which is characterized by the ability to convey the general character of music in motion and give the movements integrity, unity, freedom, grace and various emotional colors. This is a young, but actively developing sport in our country.

Aesthetic gymnastics is a team sport; it does not use ribbons, balls and hoops, as in rhythmic gymnastics. As a result of training, the performance of each element is honed, and absolute unity with the music is achieved. Competitions in aesthetic gymnastics- this is a grandiose bright spectacle. Each competitive program is a small performance that combines sport, plasticity, grace, modern choreography, team spirit and expression.

The International Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics (IFAGG) includes national federations in more than 20 countries. In April 2002, the All-Russian Federation of Aesthetic Gymnastics was created. Russian teams have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of international competitions of the high level. The Federation's immediate plans include aesthetic gymnastics Olympic form sports

Strategic goal:
  • Create conditions for achievement sports categories candidate master of sports and master of sports of Russia.
  • To improve the system of nurturing the individual qualities of female athletes in order to prepare for successful performances at city, regional and all-Russian competitions.
Trainer's responsibilities:


  • Athletes achieving the rank of Master of Sports of Russia.


  • Apply in your activities the Methodology developed by the Gymnastics Federation of the Sverdlovsk Region for the education of effective gymnasts at the level of sportsmanship.
  • Ensure positive growth dynamics of the child.
  • Twice a year, take control standards for moving to the next training level.
Gymnast's responsibilities:


  • Fulfillment of the rank of Master of Sports of Russia.


  • Follow the trainer's requirements.
  • Use your full potential to achieve your goals.
  • Constantly improve your skill level.
  • Take personal responsibility for your health, intellectual and physical development, appearance, according to Olympic standards.
Parental Responsibility


  • Provide the child with a daily routine according to the trainer’s requirements.
  • Support your child on the path to their goal in their free time from training
  • Create comfortable conditions for physical recovery, as well as for the formation of a rich inner world of the individual.


  • Get acquainted with the Strategy;
  • Follow the trainer's recommendations;
  • Familiarize yourself with the rules of the daily routine and training process.

I think group exercises in rhythmic gymnastics are underrated. First of all, underestimated by me. I was never interested in competitions in the group championship. Of course, I came to the Sports Palace to watch them, but if they were Internet broadcasts, I almost never watched them. I remember that I was very surprised by my classmates, whom I met by chance at the Deryugina Cup, when they said that they were waiting for the group competition. Like, this is spectacular. I couldn't understand this.

Performances in group exercises seemed like chaos to me (and still sometimes seem like chaos). I especially felt this in 2012, when Irina Viner told me that she had formed new team, in which there are no identical “average” gymnasts, but there are five unique and strong individual gymnasts. The group leaders, Russia, were rushing around the carpet to disco music at a frantic pace, objects were flying somewhere, someone was catching them as if out of nowhere. The gymnasts raced around the site in colorful swimsuits and it was difficult to keep track of what and why. It is possible that I simply did not understand the beauty of these exercises. But I wasn't inspired. I was tired.

Although in fact, I always understood that group exercises in gymnastics are a strategically important form. Because it is at group competitions that you suddenly understand that we are not watching a battle of gymnasts from the countries of the former USSR, but after all, the WORLD Championship. In group exercises, not only Russia, but also Italy, or Spain, or Bulgaria can win. Even Japan could be in the top three. And Angola is capable of winning the hearts of viewers.

But only they were able to awaken my interest in this species. No, it’s not even them, she is one team. Team of Ukraine. Here, of course, you can accuse me of PR for my native team, of bias and praising only my own. You're welcome, but that's not true at all. The Ukrainian team is cool not because it is from Ukraine, but because it is a team.

To tell the truth, the Ukrainian team in group games, as far as I can remember, could never boast of any particular success. Once upon a time, in 2002, at the World Championships in group exercises (yes, there were even such events), the Ukrainian team, for which individual athletes Anna Bessonova and Natalya Godunko competed, won gold in one of the events.

There were no more high-profile victories. It was considered a pretty good result to qualify for the Olympics and reach the finals there.

The current Ukrainian national team, which includes Evgenia Gomon, Alena Dmitrash, Alexandra Gridasova, Alexandra Aslanyan, Valeria Gudym and Anastasia Voznyak, was able to attract attention last season. From various starts, the gymnasts began to bring medals and, more importantly, they conquered with their performances, their programs, and their presentation. And interest in them gradually increased.

It was last year that I realized that the Ukrainian national team is cool. When the gymnasts were given a program with hoops and clubs to Madonna’s Vogue, and ribbons to the music of Muse. And I, always indifferent to group exercises, began to watch them.

In the exercise with ribbons, the only thing I liked was how these five slender, tall, long-legged gymnasts came out onto the mat in a friendly formation, and then synchronously threw the ribbons back. Like a girl who throws back long hair. Effective, in short :)

Already at the European Games in 2015, I was rooting for them terribly and told my friends what a cool group we had - look at the synchronicity in the fouetté, at the staging, and most importantly, at the presentation of oneself! And although I drew my girls’ attention to the exercise with ribbons, they liked Vogue more.

Yes, the program with clubs and hoops was staged last season to Madonna's song Vogue. Many movements of gymnasts are taken from the famous video from 1990. And the movements in the video, in turn, were taken from dances in New York clubs, where dancers imitated the poses and movements of models from the covers of Vogue magazine.

So the gymnasts appear before us in the form of models. And these notorious plain black swimsuits suit them all incredibly. Personally, what captivates me in their performance is the refinement of movements, logic and ingenious simplicity of staging. No one is rushing anywhere, there is no dazzle in the eyes. The synchronicity (when, of course, they succeed, but lately they have caught up) is amazing. Their movements fit into the music and fully correspond to the uniform style of the program. And for me this exercise does not look easy. If, of course, I understand the group exercises correctly, considering that their purpose is not to confuse the viewer with fussy high speed.

Last year's program with hoops and clubs under Vogue was continued for the gymnasts this season.

This season the program with five tapes under Muse was replaced by fiery Brazilian tunes - samba. In general, many teams chose Brazilian music during the Olympic season. And only for the Brazilian national team it doesn’t look like sycophancy :) And so, of course, many countries should now be banned from performing one after another - samba on samba! Be that as it may, the new program of the Ukrainian national team is also successful. Although performing with ribbons is still more difficult for gymnasts and the Brazilian pace is not so easy to maintain, the exercise “looks good”, and that’s great. And yes, my favorite throwback tapes at the beginning of the program were also left :)

The Ukrainian national team will perform these programs in August at the Olympics in Rio.

The girls managed to qualify for the Olympic Games at qualifying championship peace. Although, in general, they did not succeed in everything at the World Cup, I expected more from them. But it is also worth noting that the Ukrainian team in group exercises qualified for the last Olympics only at the additional Test event. This time, too, everything was not without difficulties - the gymnasts took ninth place, and the first eight qualified. But they got an “extra quota”. Two OI licenses were reserved in case the top eight included only European countries. Then, in order to dilute the Europeans, these quotas would be given to the best non-European countries. But the national teams of Japan and China made it into the top eight. Thus, one reserve license was given to the United States, and the second, extra one, to number nine, that is, Ukraine.

Despite my admiration for the Ukrainian team and the medals they won, the gymnasts are getting rid of Irina Deryugina by critics. In her last interview, Irina Ivanovna mercilessly criticized the group members. Like, they have problems with weight, with motivation, they don’t want to be first - they should easily be in the top three! But I believe in them. I sincerely think they are cool. And my status, written in June last year under the impression of their performances at the European Games, from where they brought silver and bronze, is still relevant (if we reduce the degree of pretentiousness a little:):

“They're crazy cool. Not because they have the prohibitive complexity of collective entanglement and unraveling of tapes, no. They're cool because they blow your mind as soon as they step onto the set - very stylish in their jumpsuits, each one textured and special, but at the same time they are one unit, not five separate cool girls. They step onto the carpet, effectively throwing the ribbons back - a simple movement, but how chic it looks. They are special because they have their own style, character of presentation, and strong energy. They are one team - they match each other, long-legged, tall and slender - but they are not at all like any other team. Their music is not a background, and their synchronized fouettés are admirable. They deserve medals and to be among the elite of rhythmic gymnastics.”

Yes, they deserve to be among the elite. And confirmation of this is high marks and places at the last competitions.

Therefore, good luck to the girls in Rio!!! And for the audience, under no circumstances should they go to the kitchen for tea during their performances! And don’t switch to the news either! ;)

Ribbon exercise, European Games 2015.

Ribbon exercise, World Cup, Lisbon 2016.

Exercise with clubs and hoops, World Cup, Pesaro 2016.

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How to come up with a team name and motto for a sports competition

The name should correspond not only to the type of competition, but also to the nature of the group as a whole. It should lift the spirit and unite the competitors. The motto helps the team show its advantages to others.

  1. Initials.
  2. This is an ideal option for those whose team consists of both men and women. As a rule, such a name not only reflects the character of all participants, but also makes everyone feel needed and contribute something of their own to the game. The motto can be all names with a general addition at the end or beginning.

  3. Celebrity names.
  4. More than once one could meet such squads of “stars” who definitely felt confident. Now this idea has died out a little. If you decide on such a plan, then remember, you need to choose a celebrity specifically in your sport or industry, since the team will “follow” its example. The ideal slogan would be a quote from a chosen famous person, but in most cases there is none and teams are forced to simply take an interesting statement about their sport.

  5. Advantages.
  6. If you are thinking about how to unite athletes using a name and chant, then pay attention to the advantages of the team. Give each participant a piece of paper and a pen and have him write down his own or someone else's merits. Choose the most interesting ones, arrange them in an attractive order, leave only the first letters - the job is done. A motto can be an explanation for acronyms, so make sure the team's description rhymes well.

  7. Vice versa.
  8. If you've already seen a name suitable for a team, but it's already being used by rivals, don't frown. Find the common command names and read them backwards. Of course, you can’t read the motto the other way around, so you have to invent it yourself.

  9. Captain.

Since the captain is a leader and role model, it is quite possible to use his last name as the name of the team. The chants of such teams can be different: both comic and serious.

Gymnastics. Description, development history

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which various gymnastic and dance exercises are performed to music without objects or with objects (ribbons, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, balls).
Recently, performances without an apparatus are not held at world-class competitions. During group performances, either two types of objects are used simultaneously (for example, hoops and balls) or one type (five balls, five pairs of clubs). The winners are determined in the all-around, individual events and group exercises.
All exercises are accompanied by music. Previously, they performed with a piano or one instrument. Now orchestral soundtracks are used. The choice of music depends on the wishes of the gymnast and the coach. But each exercise should be at least 1 minute 15 seconds and no more than one and a half minutes. Competitions take place on a gymnastics mat measuring 13x13 meters. Classic all-around (4 exercises) is an Olympic discipline. In addition to the all-around competition, gymnasts performing in the individual championship traditionally compete for sets of awards in certain types of exercises (except for the Olympic Games).
Performances have recently been assessed using a twenty-point system. One of the most spectacular and graceful sports. In the USSR, rhythmic gymnastics as a sport arose and took shape in the 1940s. Since 1984 it has been an Olympic sport. Until recently, exclusively female appearance sports, however, since the end of the 20th century - thanks to the efforts Japanese gymnasts Competitions began to be held between men.


Rhythmic gymnastics is a fairly young sport that owes its appearance to the ballet masters of the famous Mariinsky Theater. In the relatively short period of its existence, this sport has gained worldwide recognition and has numerous fans around the world.
In 1913 at the Leningrad Institute physical culture A higher school of the artistic movement was opened named after P. F. Lesgaft. Her first teachers were Rosa Varshavskaya, Elena Gorlova, Anastasia Nevinskaya, Alexandra Semenova-Naipak. All these teachers, before coming to the VSHG, had their own experience in teaching: “aesthetic gymnastics” - Francois Delsarte, “ rhythmic gymnastics" - Emile Jacques del Croz, "dance gymnastics" - Georges Demini and "free dance" - Isadora Duncan. The merging of all these areas of gymnastics contributed to the emergence of this elegant sport.
In April 1941, the first Leningrad championship in rhythmic gymnastics was organized and held by graduates and teachers of the school. In the 40s, the development of rhythmic gymnastics, as well as all Soviet sports, practically stopped due to the Great Patriotic War.
In 1948, the first USSR rhythmic gymnastics championship was held. In 1945, the All-Union Section of Rhythmic Gymnastics was created, transformed in 1963 into the USSR Federation. In the late 1940s, a classification program and competition rules were developed. And then the development of this sport proceeded with extraordinary speed, covering an increasing number of young participants.
Since 1949, USSR championships have been held annually, since 1965 - competitions for the USSR Cup in rhythmic gymnastics, since 1966 - all-Union children's competitions. The first champion of the USSR in 1949 in Kyiv was Lyubov Denisova (coach Yu. Shishkarev). And in 1954 the first masters of sports appeared. Gymnastics begin to travel outside the USSR with demonstration performances in Belgium, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.
After this, rhythmic gymnastics was recognized as a sport by the International Gymnastics Federation. In 1960, the first official international meeting was held in Sofia: Bulgaria - USSR - Czechoslovakia, and 3 years later, on December 7-8, 1963, the first official international competitions, called the European Cup.
Summing up, it was discovered that gymnasts not only from Europe took part, and then it was decided to consider these competitions the first world championship, and its winner, Muscovite Lyudmila Savinkova, the first world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. In Budapest, competitions were held according to the rules adopted in the USSR, but only in the free program.
In 1967, a fundamentally new concept appeared in world rhythmic gymnastics. team appearance- group exercise competition. In 1967, the first World Group Exercise Championships took place in Copenhagen. At the same time, the Soviet team won gold medals. European Championships have been held since 1978. In Madrid Soviet gymnast Galima Shugurova becomes the owner of the European crown. Between 1963 and 1991, the World Championships were held every two years in odd-numbered years, and the European Championships were held in even-numbered years from 1978 to 1992. Since 1992, the World and European Championships have been held annually.
1980 became a turning point for rhythmic gymnastics. After the completion of the Olympic Games in Moscow, the IOC Congress decided to include this sport in the program of the Olympic Games. The Olympic history of rhythmic gymnastics begins in 1984 when the first Olympic gold Canadian Laurie Fung won in Los Angeles.
Four years later Olympic champion Marina Lobach won in Seoul, Alexandra Timoshenko won in Barcelona, ​​Ekaterina Serebryanskaya won in Atlanta, Yulia Barsukova won in Sydney, Alina Kabaeva won in Athens. Since the Olympic Games in Atlanta, rhythmic gymnastics has been represented entirely by two sections: competitions in individual and group exercises.

Grading system and judging

The International Gymnastics Federation changed the scoring system in 2001, 2003 and 2005 in order to emphasize technical elements and reduce subjectivity in scoring. Until 2001, the rating was given on a 10-point scale; in 2003 it was changed to a 30-point scale and to a 20-point scale in 2005.

It should be noted that assessing the results of performances in this sport is an extremely subjective thing. Serious scandals and even disqualifications of judges have arisen more than once due to unequal treatment of athletes.
One of the most notorious incidents occurred at the European Championships in Zaragoza in 2000 with Elena Vitrichenko. Because of this, questions have been repeatedly raised about changing the judging procedure or removing this sport from the Olympic program.
Rhythmic gymnastics is not spared the problem doping drugs. They are not taken to improve endurance or increase muscle mass. The main problem of gymnasts is excess weight. Therefore, the main drugs used are diuretics, which, in turn, are prohibited by the Anti-Doping Committee.

Features of rhythmic gymnastics classes

It is advisable to begin the first steps in rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 3-5, since the child’s body at this age is much more susceptible to the development of flexibility, coordination and speed of movement. The main qualities of a gymnast are willpower, endurance and plasticity. As a rule, already at the age of 14-16, many athletes have to part with gymnastics or switch to sports ballet. Only a few gymnasts continue sports career up to 20-22 years old.
If we compare rhythmic gymnastics with gymnastics, then artistic is a safer and more accessible sport. However, quite high demands are placed on the appearance of athletes. More recently, rhythmic gymnastics began to transform into aerobics and fitness, so many athletes can continue their lives in sports. IN sports aerobics Most of the participants are former gymnasts. Rhythmic gymnastics develops flexibility, endurance, agility, disciplines a person, improving his body, teaches him to control it beautifully and gracefully, and strengthens a sense of self-confidence, which is very important in today’s world.
Find a rhythmic gymnastics section in Moscow, St. Petersburg


Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most spectacular and graceful sports, the essence of which is to perform gymnastic and dance exercises. Exercises can be performed both with the use of objects (hoop, ball, jump rope, ribbon, clubs) and without it. Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport.

Gymnasts must have good flexibility, stretching, high push, slim figure, good coordination of movements. But even if a gymnast does not have all these qualities, almost everything can be achieved by regular training and under the supervision of a good trainer.

International Gymnastics Federation (French Federation Internationale de Gymnastique, FIG or English International Federation of Gymnastics, IFG) - federation gymnastic types sports, including rhythmic gymnastics. This organization develops regulations and rules for performances in rhythmic gymnastics, and also unites national federations (official website of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics).

History of the origin and development of rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is considered a young sport; it appeared thanks to the masters of the Mariinsky Theater. In 1913, at the St. Petersburg Institute of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgafta was opened graduate School artistic movement. All teachers of this school, before joining it, had their own unique experience in teaching aesthetic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, dance gymnastics or free dance. The combination of all these styles into one gave a powerful impetus to the emergence of rhythmic gymnastics.

In 1941, the first Leningrad rhythmic gymnastics championship was held. Later the whole soviet sport and rhythmic gymnastics faced stagnation in development due to the Great Patriotic War. But already in 1945, the first rhythmic gymnastics section was created, later transformed into the USSR Federation. The further development of rhythmic gymnastics occurred at incredible speed, involving more and more participants.

In 1948, the first USSR rhythmic gymnastics championship was held. Since 1949, these championships have been held annually. Later, the USSR Cup (1965) and all-Union children's competitions (1966) appeared.

After gymnasts began to travel outside the USSR to perform, rhythmic gymnastics received recognition from the International Gymnastics Federation and officially became considered a sport.

In 1960, the first official meeting took place in Sofia: Bulgaria - USSR - Czechoslovakia, and 3 years later the first official international competition, called the European Cup, took place in Budapest.

In 1967, a fundamentally new team event appeared in world rhythmic gymnastics - group exercise competition. In the same year, the first World Group Exercise Championships took place in Copenhagen.

1980 was a turning point for rhythmic gymnastics; after the completion of the Olympic Games in Moscow, at the IOC Congress it was decided to include this sport in the program of the Olympic Games. Starts in 1984 Olympic history rhythmic gymnastics.

Rules of rhythmic gymnastics

As mentioned above, performances can be performed with or without apparatus, but in recent years, performances without apparatus have not been performed at world-class competitions. In group exercises, one or two types of objects should be used simultaneously.

All exercises are accompanied by a soundtrack. The choice of music depends entirely on the wishes of the gymnast and coach. But each exercise should last between 75 and 90 seconds. Rhythmic gymnastics competitions take place on a gymnastics mat measuring 13x13 meters.

Rhythmic gymnastics performances are graded on a twenty-point system. Three teams of judges evaluate the performances:

  • Difficulty (D) is assessed by two subgroups of judges - D1 (2 judges, evaluate the technique of execution) and D2 (2 judges, evaluate the technique of working with the subject). When calculating the score, the arithmetic average of teams D1 and D2 is taken into account.
  • Artistry and choreography (A) are assessed by 4 judges.
  • Execution (E) is assessed by 4 judges. They deduct points for mistakes.

At any competition there must be a coordinating judge who monitors the formal side of the performance.

The final grade is calculated using the formula: Grade = (D1+D2)/2+A+E

Apparatus for rhythmic gymnastics

Rope for rhythmic gymnastics. There are hemp or synthetic jump ropes. The rope should be proportional to the height of the gymnast and should not have any handles; instead, one or two knots are tied at the ends.

Hoop for rhythmic gymnastics. There are wooden or synthetic hoops. The internal diameter should be from 80 to 90 cm, and the minimum weight should be 300 g.

Ball for rhythmic gymnastics. There are rubber or synthetic balls. The diameter of the ball is approximately 18-20 cm. The weight should be at least 400 grams.

Clubs for rhythmic gymnastics (chakot clubs). They are made of plastic or rubber (previously gymnasts used wooden clubs). Velvet handles are allowed on clubs. The length of the clubs should be between 40-50 cm.

Ribbon performance in rhythmic gymnastics. The ribbon itself can be satin or another similar material. Length at least 6 m (made from one piece). Weight not less than 35 g. The stick can be made of wood or plastic. Its length should be from 50 to 60 cm, and its diameter should be 1 cm at its widest point.