Shallow water seine. Fishing tackle and seine. Currently, there are several of the most common types of gear such as fishing nets

Consisting of mesh fabric and ropes, used for catching fish in large quantities in river, lake, coastal and sea (ocean) fishing. The principle of catching most seines is based on sweeping fish accumulations and pulling the net with the catch onto the shore or on board the vessel. The main difference between a seine and enveloping fishing gear, for example, a gill net, is that a seine is a movable fishing tool and the small mesh of the seine is intended for filtering water through it during sampling, and not for entangling (enveloping) fish in it with gill covers. When retrieving a seine, the caught fish remains on the netting cloth or is rolled into a special bag in the middle part of the seine - a motnya, or a codend.

According to the fishing method, seines are divided into four types - cast nets, seine nets, bottom seines And fixed seines- the most diverse group, which is classified as a special type of stationary coastal fishing gear - traps. According to the place of fishing, seines are distinguished river, lake And maritime .

Cast nets

They are among the oldest fishing gear and are used in coastal fishing, when the net is gradually cast from a boat in the form of an arc (with the top directed in the direction opposite from the shore), and pulled out (sinked) to the shore. Currently, cast seines are used mainly on inland water bodies such as rivers, lakes and reservoirs. IN winter time Cast nets are lowered under the ice through a large oblong ice hole - a moine - and then pulled through in an arc with the help of auxiliary small holes.

Flip seines

Mainly sea (sometimes lake) seines, used far from the shore and taken on board the vessel. The most primitive in design and fishing method are spreader seines, which are occasionally used for fishing in the shallow waters of seas and lakes. Their structure resembles a cast net. More highly productive active fishing gear among skein seines used far from the shore are purse seines, which include purse seines. The principle of fishing with a purse seine is to wrap a huge net wall around the discovered school of fish and then tighten the lower part of the seine like a purse or pouch. In this case, the caught fish remains inside the seine bowl. The net is then taken onto the deck of the ship, and the caught fish is poured into a special part of the net called the drain, or stash, from where it is then taken out.

Fixed seines

Set net is a stationary fishing tool, the operating principle of which is based on placing a stationary “wing” obstacle in the path of the fish, which directs it into the trap. The height of the side walls of the trap, as a rule, reaches the surface of the water. Wing length usually ranges from 250 to 100 m. Fixed seines are used in large reservoirs and coastal sea fisheries for salmon, capelin, herring, greenling, smelt, herring, etc. Fish caught in a fixed net remain undamaged and are kept alive inside the trap for a long time. In addition, fixed seines are used on muddy bottoms or for ice fishing, when the use of other fishing means is difficult. The main disadvantages of a fixed seine are the complexity of installation, the high cost of large seines and susceptibility to destruction in bad weather.

Bottom seines

Small seines used mainly for coastal bottom lake and sea fishing from small vessels or from the shore. This subgroup of seines includes muddy, or snurrevod, almost identical to them in design mechanized dredge and some other fishing gear. According to the fishing method, bottom seines belong to the second subgroup of straining fishing gear - trawling fishing gear, and in design and fishing technique they occupy an intermediate position between cast seines and bottom trawls, representing a net bag with short seine wings, a net and a codend in the center.

With a bottom seine, just like cast net, sweep a section of a reservoir from the shore or from the side of a ship, covering a large section of the bottom with a net with very long edges (warps). Then the seine is retrieved and pulled over the edges (sometimes reaching a length of 1500-2000 m) using a winch or under the vessel’s own power. The edges, moving along the bottom, stir up silt and sand (hence the name “mutnik”) and scare away the fish, which move to the center of the swept space.

Mutniks and mechanized dredges are used for catching gobies in the Sea of ​​Azov, snurrevods are used for fishing for flounder, pollock and cod far from the coast in

A fixed seine, as they write in books, refers to “passive fishing gear”, i.e., after it is installed, it “catches the fish itself”. The principle of operation is based on the use of the property of salmon to return after sea feeding to their native river. At the beginning of summer, salmon scattered in places where the sea gorge begins to gather in schools, and foolishly rush to their rivers. It is still not really known what kind of GPS the fish use, but the rivers where they were born are found thousands of kilometers away by salmon.

When approaching their native shores and in search of their river, herds of salmon cling to the shoreline - this is where they are met with fixed nets. Along the shores of Kamchatka, if memory serves, about 400 sites for installation have been “cut” sea ​​seines. But, as in any fishing, there are sections to sections, there is a lot of discord... Naturally, the most “delicious” places are near the mouths of rivers - there the fish will never pass by. However, it is prohibited to place a seine closer than 2 km to the mouth, and the distance between seines must be at least 2 km.

The seine itself is structurally composed of a “wing” (a wall made of a net extending perpendicularly from the shore into the sea for about 1 km) and “traps” at the sea end of the wing (a “nipple” type system - a labyrinth with narrow entrances and walls and bottom from a continuous network with a mesh of about 30 mm).

The principle of operation is sickeningly simple - salmon walking along the shore encounters an obstacle (wing), begins to go around it... runs into traps and that's it... All that remains is to “sort out” the net, drive the fish to one end and “pour” it into the “slot” ( a barge without a bottom, covered with a net so that the fish can live there longer) or a “cage” (a solid fence made of the same net, adjacent to the trap). In the slots on the tug, the fish are handed over for processing - to their plant on the shore, or “at sea” to fish processing vessels. The steamboat, again, can be either its own (the owner’s) or left-handed, where the fish are delivered under an agreement. Depending on the “yield”, the price of the issue ranges from 60/40 (60% of the revenue from fish to the “getters” and 40% to the “receivers”), to the other way around - 40/60 (this is when the fish are like dirt and there is nowhere to put it ). It is considered fair if it is 50/50%.

Below are a few nasty photos from such a fishing trip the previous year:
View of the seine from the slot from the side of the cage. The iron boat on the right is a “sabunka” - it is used to monitor the situation (whether the fish have entered) and minor repairs to the nets. In the background is a “bulkhouse” on which a team of fishermen is sorting out a seine (driving fish to the blind end).

The seine bulkhead is nearing completion.

The bulkhead is completed and preparations are made for “filling” the slot.

Filling the slot.

The slot is filled.

The boss is in charge of the process.

Transportation of the slot to the receiving and processing vessel (floating base "Commonwealth")

View of the boat and the slot from the deck of the floating base.

View of the deck from the bow superstructure.

The simplicity of the “theory” of such fishing does not at all guarantee the same thing in “practice”... Only the installation of a fixed seine requires 2-3 weeks (subject to good weather and calm seas). In addition to delivering and “bringing into working condition” the shmurdyuk itself (nets, cables, ends, buoys, etc.), it is necessary to dig up and prepare in the fishing area about 2000 (two thousand!!!) sandbags for loading the guy ropes with which the entire structure of the seine is secured... Take these same bags from the shore to the sea and “drown” them, in “bundles” of no more than 50 pieces. at a time, because if there is more, the ship may capsize. And such cases, unfortunately, happened...

The seine itself needs to not only be installed, but also configured, almost like a piano - adjust the dimensions, height and dimensions of the “passages” and all that. Like any “delicate matter,” setting up a seine does not require great skill, if not talent... Therefore, good foremen responsible for setting up the seine and fishing are very highly valued and well paid.

However, catching a lot of fish, although this is a necessary condition, is not yet sufficient for successful fishing - all the fish need to be well disposed of (processed at your own factory or handed over to a receiver on favorable terms).

Just to “recoup” the costs of setting up the seine and at least pay the fishermen something, you need to catch at least 200 tons of salmon. But in general, the “performance” of such a seine, with good conditions(fish approaches, calm weather, etc.), allows you to take 1000 or even more tons for poutine.

And so... A team approached Kolpakov, with whom I was supposed to work under a scientific quota. At first glance, fishermen are like fishermen - all of them are seasoned in words (cooler, only eggs). The foreman, however, was a little embarrassed - he was a bit young... and somehow lacking in charisma... But the men arrived in a very nimble MRS-80 (small fishing seiner). They lived on it (7 people in the cockpit and 6 in the hold adapted for life), and they also served the seine with it.
Facilities from the stern, dining area on the hold lid.

They were based in the river estuary. Mikhail Nikolaevich (pictured below) often looked at the “light” and seal liver whites.

Our seine site is the most “chocolate” - the first from the mouth of the river. Kolpakov to the north. The men installed the centerpiece and the frame for the net ahead of time - all that remained was to hang the “rags” (nets), which they did without any problems in a few days. The weather whispered - the sea was like a mirror.

As soon as the net was set out, the fish immediately began to fish. There was no blockage yet, but in a couple of days about 30 tons were herded into the cage. But there was tension with the delivery of the catch... The vessel, with which a joint work agreement had been previously concluded, had not yet arrived in the fishing area...

A live fish in a net can “live” normally for 2-3 days, and if it is not “cleaned up”, it dies and lies on the bottom, tightly covering the net with its corpses. If this happens, it is easier to cut the traps and sew them back together than to manually try to throw it outside.

There was no longer room to “delay” the delivery of fish, and the company representative decided to drag the slot to Sobolevo, or rather to the mouth of the river. Vorovskaya (the company has its own fish processing plant in Sobolevo). And the routes by sea are only from the mouth of the river. Kolpakov to Vorovskaya is about 60 km... As a rule, such slots are not carried further than 3-5 km... There is a wave in the sea... it will shake the fish, wash it... Again, the speed is with a slot on a leash, the speed is no more than 3-4 knots.

Since there was nowhere to go, we went to Sobolevo. We set off in the morning and around 7 pm we approached the mouth of Vorovskaya... but we couldn’t go in - the tide was low. We hung out opposite the mouth for another three hours, and when the water “came up”, we started to enter. By this time it was already dark, but in principle there was more or less visibility.

Overcoming the elastic countercurrent of the fairway, our MRS with a slot on a leash was slowly drawn into the river. And when it seemed that everything - the mouths had passed, trembling from the stress of everyone Horse power the little boat was shaken by a strong side blow (they almost fell off their feet)…!!!?

While they were trying to figure out the cause of the underwater “hook on the right” in bewilderment, men began jumping out of the hold and throwing their mattresses and belongings onto the deck. It turned out that the impact created a hole (the size of a boot), from which sea water gushed out with terrible force!!!
Before our eyes, the hold was filled with water, in which firewood, socks, clothes were mixed up floating... Not even a few minutes had passed before the men in the hold were already fussing about in waist-deep water... and it was coming...!!!

Attempts to stuff the hole with mattresses and rags did not yield any results, since it was impossible to get there because of the bunks and internal lining...

Fortunately, the 10 cm hole did not reach the adjacent engine room and the ship remained underway. They managed to call for help on the radio in time. An MRS-150 jumped up from the nearby pier and unfastened our slot with fish. Lightly and at maximum speed, we rushed to the shore. And when you could already touch the water from the deck with your hand - Thank God, we ran into a shallow.

PS. I apologize for the quality of the photo - camera"

Many people heard about this fisherman's tackle in childhood from Russian fairy tales. But not everyone fully understands what the word “net” means. The meager ideas that this is a fishing gear that involves catching fish in significant quantities do not provide a comprehensive answer. Let's try to figure out how it is used.

A little history

Fishing is an ancient craft of mankind. And the initial fishing gear did not bring much catch. As you know, fish were beaten with a spear, a relative of the modern pitchfork. A little later, rafts and boats appeared on the farm, which helped make difficult fishing easier. But when the network was invented, things got much better, people stopped starving.

With the advent of the seine - purse net - fish production increased significantly. A huge net was thrown into the sea or river and it dragged behind the fishing boat, capturing the fish that came along the way. When the net became full, it was pulled out onto the deck and the “purse” at the bottom was untied, dumping out all the fish for sorting and storage. The seine was used by both small sailing ships and more respectable vessels.

You can also fish with a seine not far from the shore.


The word "net" was inherited from the Proto-Slavic language of the prehistoric era, which is the progenitor of all Slavic languages ​​of our time. It was spoken by ancient tribes who lived in the area between the Dnieper, Vistula and Bug rivers. As a consequence of the common history, in Czech, Ukrainian, and Polish, “net” sounds almost the same, only with a difference in emphasis.

The modern meaning of the word “net” - surrounding from the outside, to capture without touching - is far from the original. The true authors of the word, when calling the net, did not mean encirclement and capture, they seemed to convey information to the fish so as not to scare it away - “we are not going to drive here.” Considering the way of thinking and beliefs of a person of that era, everything was quite logical and understandable.

According to dictionaries, a seine is a means of catching fish, consisting of a net and a rope. It is used in large bodies of water: oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. The principle of working with a seine is simple: covering a concentration of fish and pulling the net onto the side of the vessel or coastal area. There are seines different lengths, magnitudes, frequencies of cells and of course differ by device.

How does a seine work?

A fishing seine is a long net, the wall of which is of different heights. This net is equipped with floats along the top rope, and sinkers along the bottom rope. A bag is sewn into the middle of the net, it is called “motnya”, where all the captured fish are collected. Side walls The nets are called wings; warps (cables) are attached to them, with which the net is pulled.

Unlike other fishing devices, a seine is a movable tackle, when used, the catch remains intact and therefore remains alive longer. The small cells of the mesh filter the water during excavation, and all the fish remain in the canvas.

Cast seine fishing technique

The simple design of this type of seine can be deceptive at first glance. It seems I walked along the shore and the bags full of catch are ready. But it's not that simple. Sometimes you can be left with nothing, even if the fish walks under your feet.

Before fishing, the seine must be checked on the shore for holes and damage, so that all the work is not in vain. A close-knit team of several people takes part in the catching process itself. One fisherman enters the water to the maximum depth, the second moves towards him at such a distance that the net is in a semicircle, and not tight. At the same time, they begin to move along the shore, trying to bring the seine as close as possible to the bottom. Another participant comes towards them, splashing through the water and driving the fish into the net. Then the first fisherman brings his edge to the shore in a circular arc, while the second one stands still. As soon as they catch up along the line, they begin to slowly move towards the shore. The net must be pulled very carefully so that it does not break. Its ends should be as close to the bottom as possible so that the fish does not slip under the net. Once the seine is on the shore, you can collect fish.

Types of seine

There are four types of seine, which differ in the method of fishing: set, bottom, throw, cast. Gear is also divided according to the place of use: river, sea, lake. The cast net has already been mentioned, let’s look at other types.

The fixed seine is considered the most passive to use. All you need to do is install it, it does the rest itself. This type of seine is common and varied. They are mainly used in coastal sea fishing for herring, salmon, Baltic herring and other fish species. The design of a fixed seine is very expensive and difficult to install.

A net seine is mostly a sea tackle, but in some cases it is also used on the lake. It is used far from land and then pulled aboard. Purse seines have particularly high productivity. The principle of operation is that the detected one is covered with a mesh wall.

Bottom seine is used for coastal sea or lake fishing on small vessels. Due to its small design, it is closer to a cast net.

Synonyms for the word "net"

As it turned out, seine is not alone in its definition and has related words that are close to it in meaning. Some dictionaries give up to 21 synonyms for the word “net”. jak, harva, stavnik, klovnya, mutnik, volokusha and others. A few words about frequently used ones.

Breden is a small seine designed for shallow water. Its design has two wings, drives and a motor, which can be conical or wedge-shaped. The conditions for effective drag fishing are the following: a large concentration of fish with low mobility and a flat bottom of the reservoir.

Mutnik has small cells for catching small fish. Scraps of nets are tied to its lasso, which contribute to clouding the water, hence the name of this gear. This is done in order to scare the fish and direct it in the right direction. Fishing with mudfish is especially successful on lakes.

The dragnet is the same drag, it is an ordinary seine, but unlike it, it is not thrown from boats or ships. It is only used in areas where people can pass. For this reason, the drag net is applicable in small lakes and rivers.

Thus, the seine is presented in great variety and various designs for one single purpose - catching fish in large quantities.

Today, interest in fishing is increasingly returning, not only as a trade. In this regard, the need for fishing nets, one of the integral attributes of this activity.


The purpose of cast nets is to cover a certain area of ​​the reservoir along with the fish located there and, reducing the swept area to a minimum, strain the fish.


Fixed seines from the group of traps are most common. Their principle of automatic fishing and the ability to keep fish alive attracts much attention from specialists.


The drag net has the same parts as the cast net. The usual dimensions of the nonsense are 10-25 m in length and 1-1.8 m in height.
The main and main difference between a seine and a dragnet is in the fishing methods and sizes.


A large mesh net is a necessary tool when catching large fish. It is manufactured using modern equipment and can be punched with different cell diameters, ranging from 30 to 200 mm.


The lifting net is a rectangle made of lightweight steel, which is lowered to the bottom and after a while raised, capturing the fish that is at that moment above the net.


Fine mesh seine - a type of seine for fishing small fish. He may have various modifications: (bottom, throw-in, overflow). A popular type of permanently installed seine is a fixed seine.


Some products are prohibited for use in recreational and sport fishing in Russia. Produced for research institutes, fish breeding farms and for regions of the Russian Federation where the use of this type of product is permitted.

Much to the happiness of anglers in our time, the choice of fishing gear is simply replete with variety and amazes with the range of all possible options.

This is no longer the time when improvised materials and inventions of avid fishermen were used as equipment for fish farming. The tradition of buying fishing gear in bulk has become especially relevant, because real fishermen know how expensive it can be to purchase equipment individually.

And the point here is not only the price; quite often small sellers do not control the quality of the goods they sell, allowing defective gear to be sold. That is why fishing enthusiasts prefer to buy fishing gear in bulk from trusted dealers, instead of purchasing from rather dubious retail chains.

Market conditions for equipment for fish farming:

The market is so vast and multifaceted that it is easy for an unenlightened fisherman to get lost in all the variety of manufacturers of this equipment. Only one thing is true: a conscientious manufacturer will always remain true to its quality, and cooperation will be carried out mainly through wholesale networks. Only wholesalers are able to provide truly high-quality equipment that meets the highest requirements of all standards. Here you can find:

  • floats and floats;
  • twine and sinkers;

Fishing tackle wholesale from the manufacturer: the right choice for a fisherman.

Purchasing high-quality equipment for fish farming from a manufacturer is now not a big problem. In modern market conditions, wholesale suppliers who are able to provide exactly the products that a real fisherman dreams of have an undeniable advantage. You can buy fishing gear in Moscow from many suppliers, but here you will find consistently high quality fishing gear, low prices for products and pleasant, unobtrusive service.

Our wholesale network is aimed not only at professional fishermen; our clients include many amateurs fishing. It is our wholesale network that can provide you with the best fishing equipment, and pleasant moments of fishing with the help of our gear will leave in your memory the brightest memories of a pleasant time spent.

As you know, in order to catch large quantities of fish in a relatively short period of time, it is worth using a fishing net.

A fishing seine is a large net that is used for catching fish in various bodies of water. Fishing seines allow you to fishing large quantities in sea and ocean fisheries.
This gear is a large-sized net with ropes, the principle of which is based on stopping fish that is in motion and directing it into a special device or pulling the net with the catch out of the water.
Fishing seines have been known to mankind for decades. Their primitive predecessors were used in ancient times, since they were the ones who helped the fisherman return home with a solid catch.

Currently, there are several of the most common types of gear such as fishing nets.

Among them it is worth highlighting:
  1. casting seine;
  2. oblique;
  3. bottom;
  4. fixed seine

The fish seine is the oldest type of seine.

It is used for shore fishing fish. This fishing tackle is thrown into the water from a boat that moves along the pond, and then pulled towards the shore with the catch. This seine is perfect for river or lake fishing; you can also fish with it in winter.

If you need nets for sea fishing, then you should buy a net seine.

This type of fishing gear allows you to fish far from the shore, pulling the prey aboard the vessel. With this device you can catch entire schools of fish, which can never be done with a conventional spinning rod.

Bottom seines allow you to fish both in lakes and in the sea.

They are used for bottom fishing. Fishing with this type of seine can be carried out both from a small vessel and from the coastal zone. Its principle is very similar to the principle of cast net fishing, only the first, unlike the second, covers the bottom of the reservoir.

There are also stationary fixed seines.

They are usually used for industrial purposes, for catching salmon, trout, capelin, herring and the like. A fixed seine is used where fishing with other fishing gear is impossible. But this type also has its disadvantages: high cost, large size, difficulty of installation and the risk of destruction in bad weather conditions.

If you are counting on big catch or want to engage in fishing in professional level, then don't forget fishing net buy. Remember, this tackle is an indispensable assistant for every avid fisherman.