A weekly set of exercises for all muscle groups. Fitness exercises - workouts for beginners. For back muscles

Our body consists of many muscle groups. IN training process they are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones are the chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms and abs. Each of them contains a large number of auxiliary muscles, which are included in the work along with the large muscles.

Professional bodybuilders can afford to devote one day to training one main group in order to work it out and achieve maximum proportionality in order to show themselves in all their glory in competitions. As you understand, pros train almost every day. For beginners or gym enthusiasts, daily training will not bring any benefit, since the body of an ordinary person will not have time to recover after training, which can lead to negative results. In addition, people who engage in bodybuilding at an amateur level have many everyday worries, such as work, study, etc. Because of this, a person is simply not able to fully devote himself to training. While the pros live from bodybuilding, this is their main income and because of this, athletes go to the gym as if they were going to work.

So you understand, professional bodybuilders resort to the use of pharmacological support in order to recover faster, improve anabolic processes in the body, etc. Therefore, they go to the gym every day, without harm to themselves.

In order to achieve maximum effect from training, you need to divide the training of the main muscle groups into separate days. However, this raises the question - which muscles should be trained together and how to combine them? Today, the three-day split is the most common among beginners and experienced athletes. That is, you divide the training into three days, say Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is an ideal option to build muscle mass as quickly as possible and completely restore the muscle. A little later, when you are more experienced, you can break the training into four days, dedicating one day, for example, to training your arms or shoulders. For more information on how to properly create a training program, see here.

There are several options, based on which you can understand which muscles to train together. Here is one of the most common examples today:

Example No. 1

This is a fairly widely used option, in which everything is quite simple and logical. Look, we're taking the basics muscle groups and divide them into three days: day 1 – chest; day 2 – back; day 3 – legs. After that, we add smaller muscles that are directly involved in training the main muscle, with the exception of the leg and shoulder combination. For example, take the same chest workout, which is based on repelling exercises. That is, take the same bench press or dumbbell press and so on. All of them involve pushing (squeezing) weight away from the chest, and as we know, the triceps are responsible for this function in the arm muscles. So he takes direct part in chest training.

The same goes for the back and biceps. If in chest training, we push (squeeze) the weight away from ourselves, then in back training, we pull the weight towards ourselves, and, as you know, not only the back muscles are responsible for this movement, but also the biceps, which helps to pull the weight and increase the amplitude movements.

As for the third day of training, the shoulders are not involved in leg training, but this is the only day that can be allocated for high-quality pumping of the deltoids. As you know, the deltoids consist of the front, middle and rear beams; if you want to pump up your shoulders, you need to train them together, in one day.

Thus, by combining training in this way, we tire out the secondary muscles quite well beforehand, and then work them out efficiently.

Example No. 2

The second option is less common, however, also has its fans. Many people believe that training the main muscle and the secondary one, which is directly involved in the movement, such as the chest and triceps, back and biceps, is at least stupid, since having first tired the secondary muscle (biceps or triceps), we will no longer be able to pump them properly . In principle, for some people this is quite relevant. Remember that everyone's body is different, and everyone may react differently to one or another type of training, so you can experiment and try both complexes to determine for yourself which one is right for you. In addition, the program still needs to be changed at least once every 1-2 months.


Many people believe that antagonist training is the most effective for building muscle mass, and this is true. Such training involves working out two antagonist muscles in one day. These are the muscles that are located parallel to each other, that is, back - chest, biceps - triceps, hamstrings - quadriceps. You can read more about training antagonist muscles here.

An example of such a training plan

Having trained according to this plan, I can say that this is a pretty good solution if you need to change the program, try something new. This complex is suitable for fairly experienced athletes, as it requires a lot of energy and strength to recover, but for a beginner it is better to train according to the first or second example.

Personally, I recommend training according to the plan presented below. He absorbed a little from the training of the antagonists and from the first standard plan. It can be used experienced athletes with at least 1 year of experience.

Training plan in gym


In this embodiment, you can combine all the muscles at the same time, only in a certain sequence. If you are a beginner athlete, you can use a workout that includes working all major muscle groups in one session. As you remember, at the beginning of the article we said, for beginner athletes the best option is to break the workout into splits, that is, train each major muscle group separately. As for a full-body workout, this is a fairly energy-intensive plan, but if you approach the process wisely, you can balance your activities.

Whole body training is needed in order to prepare a novice athlete, namely his muscles, for a further increase in loads, that is, to improve his overall physical fitness. The workout itself does not consist of twenty exercises, as you might think, it includes basic exercises, thanks to which we can pump up and use the main, secondary and various auxiliary muscle groups in the process. Training does not take much time if you train intensively, without half an hour of rest and hack work. You can find out more about full body training here

Most modern people prefer to study physical activity V gyms. This is due to the fact that at home many do not have the opportunity to install expensive equipment that will help keep their own body in shape. However, few people think about the fact that at first most of the shells presented in the hall will simply not be useful to them. The thing is that while you are a beginner, any trainer will advise you to lean on basic exercises that can, how to work on muscle mass, and on weight loss. Each exercise is effective, which has been tested by many athletes, and their effectiveness lies in simplicity, based on natural human movements. They are the ones who help to properly pump the entire muscular system.

If you still think that working out in the gym is better than at home, then it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with a set of basic exercises for all muscle groups. However, first you need to understand what a base is. When performing any action from the presented complex, a person will experience muscle fibers throughout the body, to a greater or lesser extent. The complex is basic due to the fact that all work on the body occurs in a complex. But after the basics have been mastered, you can begin to develop the ideal technique for performing exercises for each muscle group separately. So, let's get started.


The lower limbs must be in good shape because they support a person’s weight. To do this, you need to work on them. Muscles lower limbs consist of extensors or quadriceps, flexors or biceps, and calves or soleus muscles.

Exercises for pumping them up are as follows:

  1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - all groups work;
  2. Leg press – all groups work;
  3. Lunges – works the quadriceps and gluteal muscles;
  4. Deadlift with straight legs - works the hamstrings;
  5. Raising on your toes – works your calves.


If the legs are pumped up, but the upper part is not worked out, then an imbalance in proportions will be visible, so you must definitely work with the upper, lower internal and external muscles.

  1. Bench press (by adjusting the angle of the bench, you can shift the load while working on different muscles) – all groups work;
  2. on uneven bars – the lower and outer parts work;
  3. Dumbbell flyes – the inner and upper group works.


It is especially important to pump up this element for a man, then in the complex it will be possible to form a beautiful trapezoid. The back contains the vastus, trapezius and psoas muscles.

The pumping exercises are as follows:

  1. Pull-ups – work wide;
  2. Inclined barbell row – works wide and trapezoidal;
  3. Deadlift – all groups are involved;
  4. Hyperextension – works the lumbar.


The main elements of the biceps are a short and a long beam, and exercises to pump them up should be as follows:

  1. Lifting the barbell for biceps – forms the total mass of fibers;
  2. Lifting dumbbells for biceps – works the muscles hard;
  3. Exercise “hammer” - works the humerus and radius bones, and also lengthens the biceps;
  4. Curls with concentration – forms the peak of the biceps.


The components of this section are triceps, consisting of a long, lateral and medial bundle. It is better to use the following exercises to pump them up:

  1. Bench press with narrow grip– all groups work;
  2. French press - all groups work;
  3. Exercises on the uneven bars - everyone is involved, but the bottom to a greater extent.


The deltoid muscle has three parts - the posterior, anterior and middle bundle. To work on them, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Military press - everything works, but more in the middle zone;
  2. Dumbbell raises to the sides are identical to the first exercise;
  3. Raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you – the front zone works;
  4. Dumbbell rows lying on your stomach - works the back part.


The components of the presented muscle group are: flexors and extensors of the wrist, radial muscle.

To work on them thoroughly, you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Bending the arm with a barbell grabbed from above - works the biceps and brachyradialis;
  2. Zottman curls – work in groups, identical to the first exercise;
  3. Wrist curls with a barbell - flexors and extensors work;
  4. Bending the arms at the wrists with a barbell behind the back - muscles identical to the previous ones work;
  5. Rotating the handle with a load - all muscles work.


Most problem area almost every person. The abs consists of the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles, and to form them you need to do:

  1. Raising the legs while hanging on the bar - all muscles work, but more the lower ones;
  2. Crunches upper block– everything works, but more on top;
  3. Lying lateral crunches – oblique muscle.

At this point, the set of exercises for all muscle groups can be considered complete.


Now let’s study exercises for all muscle groups that can easily be performed at home. But remember that before any workout you need to thoroughly warm up your muscles, and only then start doing exercises, otherwise you may get injured.

The most favorite exercise from girls. And all because it helps to make the buttocks elastic and toned, accordingly, the gluteal muscle works here.

Also during the exercise the calves and thighs will be involved.

You need to stand straight and place your palms on your sides:

    1. As you exhale, you should take a wide step forward with your left leg, but at the same time keep your back straight and your torso vertical;
    2. The depth of the step should be such that the shin of the right leg and left thigh are perpendicular to the floor;
    3. As you exhale, you need to return to the original position.


Exercises for the Planck muscles and its variations work on muscle corset, but they shape the abs more. You need to lie on the floor, stretch your body and stand on your toes and forearms. It is important that there is a right angle between the forearm and shoulder, and that the legs are connected and the head is lowered to the floor. You need to stand in this position for at least 30 seconds (it seems simple, but it’s not, all the muscles are very tense). 5 repetitions are recommended.

Training with push-ups will help make your biceps beautiful and also increase arm endurance. You need to lie on the floor, place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, rest your palms and toes on the floor, and rise to your outstretched arms.

As you exhale, you need to bend your arms at the elbows, while inhaling, straighten your limbs. For best result you need to go as low as possible, ideally touching your chest to the floor. Do 10 push-ups and three sets.


Muscle training is aimed at the calves of the limbs. When performing, you must carefully listen to your body so as not to get injured. Starting position: standing and straight, then, gradually, you need to begin to lift your heels off the floor, rising onto your toes. Having reached the maximum, hold for a few seconds, and again you need to lower your heels. You need to do 30 lifts and two approaches.

The presented basic and home training set for all muscle groups will help maintain the beauty of your body and the health of the whole organism.

Effective (video)

In this section we will consider general purpose exercises, classification of exercises, as well as complex exercises for all muscle groups

Scrolling below, you will see these exercises for pumping up muscles, or exercises for pumping up muscles, whoever says it :)

Why do you need muscle exercises?

Everyone has long known that our body consists entirely of. Each muscle is attached to a bone by a tendon. Any movement of our body occurs through the contraction of one muscle or another, namely due to the contraction of cells.

In order for the cells to begin to contract, they must be given a command. This is what our brain and nervous system do.

The process of muscle training in general is stressful for the body.

The body fights such stress by giving the muscles a kind of stability and endurance. And the consequence of this is an increase in muscle volume, the muscles become larger and stronger.

Classification of exercises for muscles

All muscle training exercises can be divided into basic exercises and isolation exercises.

As you probably already guessed, isolation exercises for muscles involve one specific muscle group. In an integrated approach to pumping up muscles, such exercises are performed alternately.

Vector muscle exercises

Also, all exercises are divided by vector into pulling And pushing.

When pulling exercises, we have to pull something towards ourselves, or pull ourselves (for example, when)

In pushing exercises, we push away from ourselves some heavy weight or we push ourselves away (for example)

Basic exercises for training muscles by muscle group

Muscle exercise will give our back and neck strength and muscle mass

Large volumes of the arms “owe” primarily to the triceps muscles

Strong, big, healthy back can be achieved by doing these exercises

Who hasn't dreamed of a six-pack belly? flat stomach or just pumped up?

From the elbow to the hands, the muscles also need to be pumped, which will create the impression of arm power

These exercises are designed to give your legs strength and shape.

Who among the girls or boys has not dreamed of a strong big breasts? Exercises for the chest muscles.

Shoulder width is largely due to these armpits

The strongest and largest mouse in the hand. Beautiful biceps are a guarantee of attention

The butt becomes beautiful and inflated thanks to these types of exercises. Of particular interest

A set of exercises for all muscle groups at home for men , as well as for women, is the subject of careful searches and the reason for many hours spent on the Internet.

Many are looking for a way to achieve this.

We have good news: such exercises really exist!

All that is required from you is desire, ability to work, a little free time and space.

And no tedious journey to the gym and back, no monthly membership fees.

Train with Life-Reactor and you will see that achieving your goals is more than possible!

Circuit training is ideal for home fitness

The concept of circuit training is already quite old.

The system was first developed and presented to the general public in the now distant 1953 by prominent scientists from the University of Leeds.

The system was developed taking into account data obtained practically in laboratory conditions!

The number and duration of exercises - everything was subject to meticulous study.

Subsequently, circuit training was well received professional athletes and has become an important part for millions of people.

The main feature of such a system is its amazing simplicity: the exercises that it includes are (twisting, squats, push-ups, and so on).

We select perfect exercises for home studies

You don’t need any improvised means, and even a beginner who is familiar with the sport only from television programs can master the technique of performing the complex.

Circuit training helps strengthen and develop all muscle groups, as well as train the cardiovascular system at the proper pace of exercise.

At the same time, you can select exercises and the number of approaches at your discretion, acting on the principle of a designer.

You decide on the goal, select the exercise parts you need and put them together, resulting in a finished design!

Circuit training is suitable for absolutely everyone and can be easily adjusted to suit you:

  1. Yours physical form leaves much to be desired. Classic circuit training involves a chain of 8-10 exercises. If you feel that this is too much, reduce their number to 6-7. Optimal time rest for beginners: 40 seconds. The entire set of exercises should be completed in 45 minutes, no more.
  2. Your fitness is fine and you feel like you're underperforming. Perhaps you have been monitoring your health and there is no reason for high stress on your cardiovascular system. Then the classic circuit training can be somewhat complicated. Increase the chain of exercises to 12. Focus only on speed and forget the number of repetitions. Give yourself a time period of 30 seconds for each exercise and do it to the maximum. Between different exercises Either give up rest altogether or reduce it to 10 seconds.
  3. Your main goal is to lose weight, but your endurance is fine. Alternate between cardio and power training. If the complex includes walking in place, replace it with intense running. Perform each exercise for at least 30 seconds.
  4. Your task is to find beautiful figure like fitness models. Then strength exercises and stretching is your everything. Focus on squats and crunches.

A set of exercises from Life Reactor

If you are inspired by the ideas and can’t wait to get started, then start with the system we have developed.

It is equally suitable for both beginners and people with sports experience. As part of our circuit training you will be able to assess your strengths and achieve first results.

The complex consists of 8 quite, which will need to be done 20 times.

After completing a circle, rest for a few minutes and begin the next one.

In total you will need to complete 3-5 such circles. Let's get started.

Exercise one. Squats with half-toe raises

  1. Take your starting position standing. Your arms are relaxed and lowered along your body, and your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Start the exercise only while inhaling. Gradually bend your legs at the knee joints until they form a right angle. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms down.
  3. Exhale and at the same time rise to the starting position. When you reach the top point, rise up so that you stand on your toes.

Exercise two. Lunge and arm press

  1. Take your starting position. To do this, place your feet shoulder-width apart, then take a step forward with one foot, bend your knees slightly. Place your hands so that your palms are higher than shoulder level. Bend your elbows.
  2. Do the exercise while inhaling. First, squat down, as if squeezing out the space in front of you with your hands. The movements are similar to those performed during the bench press.
  3. Return to the starting position while exhaling.

Exercise three. Push ups

  1. Nothing complicated. Classic push-ups, familiar to everyone from the school physical education course. Take the starting position: lying on your palms and toes. Your body should be absolutely perpendicular to the floor.
  2. As you inhale, lower your entire body at the same time. Try to keep your chest touching the floor.
  3. As you exhale, lift your body to the starting position. The work is done through the triceps, pectoral muscles and elbow joints.

Exercise four. Reverse push-ups

  1. Starting position: sit on a chair. Its seat should be large enough so that you can place your palms on the sides of your hips.
  2. As you inhale, move your pelvis forward and squat as low as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Use your elbows as leverage.

Exercises five. Crunches

  1. Lie on your back and place your hands behind the back of your head. Interlace your fingers together. Bend your knees and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. As you exhale, lift your shoulders off the floor, remembering to tense your abdominal muscles, and then return to the starting position.

Exercise six. Diagonal crunches

  1. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise.
  2. As you exhale, again lift your shoulders away from the pelvis, tighten your abdominal muscles, but now stretch your left shoulder towards your right leg.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the twist, only this time in the other direction.

Exercise seventh. Leg and arm raises

  1. Take the starting position lying on your stomach. Stretch your arms in front of you.
  2. Lift your legs and arms off the floor at the same time. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position.

Exercise eight. Plank

  1. One of the most effective exercises, which is necessarily included in the training program of representatives of a wide variety of sports. So, the starting position is a lying position. Use your elbows and toes for support.
  2. You need to hold yourself in this position for 45 seconds.

Perform the exercises sequentially one after another. Work at the same pace and monitor your heart rate.

You should not suddenly change from one speed to another. Remember, technique and pace are everything.

Without them, circuit training will be a regular morning workout..

A little about the iron corner and why it needs to be equipped for better sports results

The results of circuit training can have a very unexpected effect on you.

If you previously treated fitness room visitors with a skeptical look and a condescending smile, now you can imagine yourself in their image.

Chances are you'll like it. Then there will be an irresistible desire to move from dreams to action.

You have almost everything for the perfect workout at home

What is needed for this?

Of course, the most obvious solution is to purchase a membership to the nearest gym, buy comfortable leggings and get ready for work.

However, if you don’t have time or desire to go to the gym, then it doesn’t matter. Training at home is absolutely possible!

Here's what you'll need for this:

  1. Dumbbells with the ability to add weight
  2. Barbell with a set of weights
  3. Bench

It may sound menacing, but in reality such a set will not cost that much, and you can arrange all this at home quite compactly.

If you want to try yourself as an amateur athlete, you cannot do without this equipment.

Your own weight is only enough up to a certain stage, there will be no further progress.

Very often a person does not know which group muscles, he trains exercise.
In this article we will look at the main muscle groups. Where are they located, how do they work and what exercises train them.

Read this article and you will see how simple it is.

Exercises and muscles

We will not delve into anatomy and physiology. Let's look only at those muscles which you will need to know for training in the gym.

Let's start from the bottom.

Calf muscles

The calf muscles are usually the least favorite muscles among athletes. Unloved not because they are ugly, but because they are difficult to train and practically do not grow. Although this is true, I advise you to train your calf muscles once a week. Maybe they won’t increase visually, but they will be stronger, that’s for sure.

As you can see, the shin consists not only of calf muscles. But we only need the calf muscles. Other muscles of the lower leg are not specifically trained.

What is the function of these muscles? Very simple, they lift our body up, lifting the heel off the floor and lower it down. The largest amplitude of movement occurs when a person stands with his toe on a rise or step and you can still go lower than the toe.

Common ways to train the calf muscles are: standing calf raises or sitting in the gym. You can also train your calves with a barbell or dumbbells while standing on a stand.

If you do this exercise with toes inward - the outer part of the calves is trained more. If your toes point outward and your heels are closer, then you train more inner part calf muscles.

Biceps femoris

Biceps femoris, or also called the biceps femoris muscle. It is located on the back of the thigh. Below the buttocks. The work of this muscle is to bend the leg in knee joint. Only this function.

And therefore exercisesto practice thismuscles A little. This lying leg curl in a machine. Or straight leg bends with barbellon shoulders. Although they say that your legs are straight, you need to bend them slightly at the knee joint when bending over.

Quadriceps femoris

The quadriceps femoris muscle is located directly opposite the biceps femoris, on the front surface.

Consists of four heads. Function of this muscle extend the leg at the knee joint In fact, this muscle has more functions, but we take what we need for training.

Accordingly, all exercises that extend the leg at the knee joint are suitable for training.

These are exercises straightening legs while sitting on a machine, squats And bench presses in various machines. , lying leg press simulator. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders.

We are not talking now about which simulators are better or worse. The goal of this article is to make sure that you can easily navigate exercises and knew what muscles they were training.

Gluteal muscles.

The gluteal muscles are located you know where. They extend the leg at the hip joint. They work when you take your leg back, or take your leg bent at the knee and brought it to your stomach.

In other words, the leg is pressed to the stomach. When the leg straightens, it extends in two joints: the hip (the buttock works) and the knee (the quadriceps femoris works).

Exercises for the buttocks: plie squats(squats with legs wide apart). Taking the leg back standing in the gym. Regular squats on shoulders. In order for the buttocks to work in this exercise, you need to go as low as possible. Hack machine, Smith machine.

The bench leg press machine weakly trains these muscles.

Rectus abdominis muscle

Our favorite abs. The press bends the torso inward. The sternum reaches towards hip joints and vice versa. And this is very important. If you do lower crunches without lifting your lower back from the back of the machine, then you are working your thigh muscles, not your abs.

Likewise, don't just fold in half when performing an overhead crunch. Watch the video below for more details.

Exercises for ab workouts came up with a lot. The main thing is not to fold in half, but to slouch, pulling the pectoral muscles towards the pelvis. And remember to concentrate. Concentration is the additional tension of the muscles by willpower at the moment of the greatest contraction of the abs.


I believe that the oblique and serratus abdominal muscles do not need to be trained; fat does not decrease from this training. The muscles are very small in size, so you can’t increase them significantly. In general, you will only lose training time.

But this does not mean that I categorically do not advise you, if you like it, then do it - please.
It is absolutely certain that these exercises will improve your work internal organs. Gastrointestinal tract.

Rectus dorsi muscle

The rectus dorsi muscles are two bands that start from the tailbone and reach the top of the spine. These muscles help us straighten and bend forward. Only a small part of them is visible in the picture. Called the spinal extensor muscles.

Exercises for the extensor muscles, you need ones that will straighten your back.

, downward bends with a barbell on the shoulders. This muscle also actively works when performing deadlifts: , bent over barbell row,. When doing squats with a barbell on your shoulders, the rectus dorsi muscle also helps other muscles support the spinal column.

I also want to say that our muscles do not work individually. You've probably already noticed this. When movement occurs, entire muscle groups are involved in the work. Training is based on this principle.

We try to do not, but This way we save time. Improving the quality of training. (we work the muscles better and more efficiently). And we get better result, if we do not train with isolated exercises.

Latissimus dorsi muscles

The latissimus dorsi muscles are one of the most large muscles upper half of the body. This strong muscles and respond well to training. In our youth, the guy who had a triangle of his back looming from behind was considered strong. This triangle is precisely defined by the two latissimus dorsi muscles and the shoulders.

The work of the latissimus muscles is that they pull the arm towards themselves. And the raised hand is lowered down. Based on this, it turns out that for training these muscles, the following will suit us: And, traction bent over barbells.

Pull-ups make the muscles wider, and pull-downs (except for lat pull-downs) make them thicker.

Trapezius muscles of the back

The trapezius is also located on the back; it is partially superimposed on top of the latissimus dorsi muscles.
It has three heads, lower middle and upper. The lower one pulls the shoulder blade down, the middle one brings both shoulder blades together, and the upper one lifts the shoulders up.

Usually only the upper trapezius is trained specifically. The middle and lower trapezius are trained in the same way as in latissimus muscles various tractions.

And the upper trapezius is well trained squats with a barbell on the shoulders And deadlift. If you do at least one of these exercises, then the upper trapezius is guaranteed to you.

Pectoral muscles

The pectoral muscles know everything. They have lower, middle and upper beams.

Function of the pectoral muscles: move the arm moved to the side to a position in front of you.

They usually train with bench presses. Dumbbell Bench Press, . . Dips.

If you do presses and flyes lying on your back with your head down. Then it works more Bottom part pectoral muscle. And when doing push-ups on parallel bars, the lower bundles also work more. If you do bench presses and flyes while lying on your back with your head up, then top part muscles.

Because the emphasis on the chest muscles (both head down and head up) is very slight. I recommend training your muscles in a normal horizontal position.

Shoulder muscles

Shoulder muscles - Deltas. They are divided into three bundles: anterior, middle, and posterior.

The one in front raises his hand in front of him. The middle one raises his hand from below through his side to the top. The rear hand extended forward is pulled back across the side.

Based on what was written above, the following exercises are suitable for training the deltas: front dumbbell raises- front bundles.

Lateral dumbbell raises- middle beams work. Breeding dumbbells through the sides up, the torso is tilted horizontally to the floor face down - rear deltoids.

Presses with dumbbells or barbell while sitting or standing. The front and middle bundles of deltas are worked out. We lower the barbell in front of us; if we lower it behind our head, then our shoulders will not work.


Biceps - biceps shoulder She bends her hand elbow joint and turns the palm up (supination). Consists of 2 heads, external and internal.

I would like to dwell separately on the moment of supination. Here you stand with your hands down. Bend your arm at the elbow joint, and then turn your palm up. What happens? If you did everything correctly, your biceps will shrink (strain) even more.

Now knowing this point, you will understand why biceps need to be trained only with a straight barbell.

Z-bars, curved bars and racks are not suitable for training biceps. Yes, it is more convenient to hold the barbell in them, but there is no full muscle tension due to the fact that there is no supination (turning the palm up). And the muscle does not tense completely.

Exercises for training biceps: standing biceps curl, lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing or sitting (with supination), Larry Scott bench, seated concentrated dumbbell curls, pull-ups reverse grip. In any exercise where the arm is bent at the elbow joint, the biceps work.


We continue our lesson about which muscles work in the exercises you did. The triceps is opposite the biceps on the back of the humerus.

It has three heads: outer, middle and inner. The work of the triceps is to extend the arm at the elbow joint and pronate the palm(put your palm down). Therefore, all presses and lowering of the arms on the triceps should be done in the same way as the biceps on a flat barbell. To perform pronation. This way the triceps are better tensed. Better quality.

Exercises to train triceps: Bench press, close grip bench press. Dips. Lowering the block on the triceps machine. All with a barbell or dumbbell.

In general, the triceps will work in any bench press. For example, standing barbell press. The triceps work together with the shoulders. But training the triceps with this exercise is not convenient. And they don't get the extra workload.

Forearm muscles.

The muscles from the elbow to the hand are called the forearm muscles. They are responsible for the work of the brush. All rotational movements, up and down, left and right with the hand, are performed by the muscles of the forearm. And the forearms are also responsible for the grip strength of the hand.
There are more than 8 muscles in the forearm, so there is no need to remember the names.

Exercises for the muscles of the forearm. Heavy grips. Those. All exercises in which you have to hold a barbell or horizontal bar. Exercises such as: Pull-ups, hanging on the bar for a while, deadlift without belts. Almost all arm exercises you do work the forearm muscles.

You can specifically train the forearm muscles by doing hanging on a horizontal bar, wrist curls with a barbell while sitting on a bench with your palms up, and wrist curls with a barbell while sitting on a bench with your palms down. Rotating exercise machine for the forearms, rotation from yourself, then towards yourself.