Tennis racket stringing. How to choose strings for a racket and their tension How to tighten the strings on a racket yourself

drag the racket

If the strings on your badminton racket break, don't worry. You are able to tighten the new:e. Buy at sports store In the case of fishing accessories, a fishing line made of polyamide resin with a thickness of 0.8 mm. Preliminarily count the number of vertical and horizontal strings on the racket and multiply this number by the average length of the string (with a margin!). Will this be necessary? you the length of the fishing line.

Carefully inspect the racket and before removing the old strings, mark with a pencil the holes in the rim through which the outermost vertical and horizontal strings are passed. You will be guided by them in your work and will not make mistakes.

It is more convenient to start with pulling vertical strings. The racket is symmetrical. Once you've finished working on one half, you'll move on to the other. Keep in mind that the transition of the vertical string from the left half to the gravel half should be at the top (see Fig. 1). Knowing this, determine in advance the correct direction of pulling.

Having passed the fishing line through two adjacent holes, secure one end of it as shown in Figure 3. Tighten the knot more tightly. It is better to work in a leather glove so that you don’t have to touch your hand.

The second end of the fishing line will be your working one. Pass it through the adjacent hole, pull it well and guide it down. The tension progress is shown by arrows. Press the stretched end each time with the finger of your left hand against the outer surface of the rim.

It’s not easy to pull the fishing line; it slips. Therefore, at first, you can ask a friend to help you. Let him press the end of the line first. Eventually you will come to your senses and will cope with all operations on your own.

Having finished pulling the vertical rows, pass the free end of the fishing line through the hole in the rim from which you will start the horizontal rows. Firmly npi, squeeze his finger/l of your left hand and do not let go until you pull the vertical strings tighter. D/.I of this right hand Pull the first vertical string towards you. Then, without releasing it, use your other finger to pull the second string while releasing the first. Having thus reached the last string, pick up the slack.

Run your finger along the strings. They must sound. If the sound is low, repeat the strings again.

Stretch the horizontal rows using the weaving method, as shown in Figure 2. Do not forget to pull the woven row tightly each time. Fasten the free end of the last string as shown in Figure 3.

The quality of your restored Ranetka will depend only on your patience.

.">ignoramuses Yu. 4ECKOHOSA

We answer letters from readers

Dear editors!

We are going to triple the chart, and the drawings are i:er. If you sweep it away, please, npi lite the drawings and “-cover the apres N”gsgullich wioi-circles.

Group of fuck st. Novo-Elsnorovichi

Dear friends 1.

A go-kart is a sports car, so it can only be worth it if you have a team, a leader, and a place where you can compete in this sports car.

Imagine that you have built a car, but there is nowhere to ride it. After all, you can’t drive it through the streets and courtyards - it’s prohibited. Therefore, take the task of building a map very seriously.

As for map drawings, the editors do not have the opportunity to send them. The drawings of the map were published on the pages of the appendix more than once - in the third issue for 1973 and in the sixth issue for 1975. Of course, these numbers are not preserved in all libraries in the city, but nevertheless, at many stations and in clubs for young technicians you can get acquainted with them.

In addition, the drawing/map is in the specialized literature:

Eretsky M. Kart car at school. M, “Lrosvscheye” 1969

G h s l e r V. Do-it-yourself car. M., DOSAAF Publishing House, 1970.

That's Dorov M. Karting. M., Publishing house DSSAAO, 1979,

And one more message. Materials for the construction of the car can only be purchased through regional and republican DOSAAF committees at the request of collectives. These same committees will tell you the addresses of motorcycle clubs.

Don’t “ogly B,1 you 1 mistype the description of the VAZ-2.21 gas car?

Yura Khokh; from -Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

We advise you to get acquainted with the book “Create: (, invent, try.” This is a collection of paper models published at different times in the appendix to our magazine. It contains descriptions and drawings of such simple models as a fighter missile, racing car; more complex models - glider, dinghy, kart, excavator and replica models of modern machines - VLZ-2121, MiG-2"i, ::AMAZ-5320, K-700. The book was published in 1981 by the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye", and many children's libraries have it.



"So fasten the ksp"ec fishing line


Tennis rackets are made to withstand heavy use on the court, absorb sunlight, water droplets and cope with tennis ball, which hits the racket at high speed. The strings are the most important part of the racket, and if you take care of them, it will have a positive effect on the quality of your game and the longevity of the racket. Depending on your playing style and how often you use your racket, it is important to re-string your racket at least twice a year. In this article we will tell you how to learn how to prepare a racket for restringing and use correct technique constrictions.


Part 1

Preparing your racket

    Find a suitable stringing machine. In many sports clubs and sporting goods stores have machines that they use for restringing strings. It costs 1500–3000 rubles per racket. The machine itself, depending on the quality, costs from 15,000 to several hundred thousand rubles.

    • If you play tennis several times a week, buy racket strings for 500 rubles cheaper, and soon with the money you save you will be able to buy your own re-stringing machine. Gamma X-2 is a common model that is mounted on a table, with a two-point fastening system and tension from a falling load. This is the cheapest and highest quality machine for those who tighten the strings themselves.
    • If you play several times a year or just on weekends, there's probably no point in investing in your own stringing machine. Pay to have your strings re-strung when they get loose, or find a machine that will let you re-string yourself for free.
  1. Measure the strings. Start by cutting 10-12 cm of new string from the spool. To string a standard 237 square centimeter racquet with a standard cross-section, you will most likely need about 11 meters. It's usually better to cut more string and then throw away the extra string than to start tightening and then realize that the string is too short and need to start over.

    • The first time you re-strung, count how much string you needed for all the knots, and next time cut exactly as much as needed. Start with a string that is too long and then calculate the ideal length.
  2. Prepare the racket for restringing. After the strings break or you decide that they need to be replaced as soon as possible, use a sharp knife to trim the old strings. Start with the strings that are in the center of the racket and slowly move towards the outer strings.

    • Check the rubber bushings of the racket rim for wear and, if necessary, replace them with new ones.
  3. Attach the racket to the restringing machine. Depending on the machine you use, the mounting procedure will be slightly different. Secure the head and neck of the racket into the special mounting brackets and clamp the vise to securely fasten the racket. Adjust the string tension as prescribed.

    • The six-point mounting system distributes tension evenly throughout the racket, but whichever machine you use, you'll need to make sure all the clamps are securely attached to the racket. They should be tight enough that they don't move when you swing the handle, but not so tight that they bend the rim of the racquet.
  4. Stretch the crossing strings. When you have pulled the last line of the main vertical strings, tie it off and start pulling the cross strings. The intersecting strings run parallel to the longitudinal axis of the racket. Insert the string into the hole, usually the larger rings on the side, and pull it over the main string to the other side of the rim. Pull as tight as you tightened the main strings and secure the first string. Continue threading the strings until everything is tight.

    • If you are going to use two strings, tie the cross string to the main string at the head and then pull it back through the large eyelet at the edge of the rim. Usually they do this.
    • Try to keep the cross strings rubbing against the main strings as little as possible. If you put on the main strings and don't use them, the racquet and strings will last less.
  5. Tie the cross strings. Pull the last cross string back into the ring and tie it tightly to the main string. Tie using thin tweezers. Release the tension on the strings and trim off the excess string. Then remove the racket from the mount.

Part 3

Racket setup

    Decide what tension you want on the strings. Most rackets have a recommended tension value, which ranges from 23 to 32 kg. Within these limits, players will sometimes adjust the string tension to create a sweet spot on the racket that suits their individual playing style.

    • For greater control of the ball, the strings need to be tightened. Tight strings enhance contact and accuracy. For more strong blow Lighter tension strings are recommended. String the strings at different strengths and play both ways to see what suits your racquet and your playing style best.
  1. Use different strings. Experiment with different brands of strings until you find strings that are strong and have good springiness. Most tennis strings are made from a durable synthetic fiber, Kevlar. Zyex, due to its good springiness, is also used for tennis racket strings. The following materials are also available:

    Consider using shock absorbers and string protectors on your racquet. At the intersection points of the strings, you can insert small plastic plates so that they, like a barrier, protect the strings from friction and prolong the life of the racket. Players who frequently throw over the top curve balls benefit from force absorbers on the strings that increase spin on the ball and weaken the strings. Try them on the court and see what happens.

    Re-string your racket as many times a year as you play tennis every week. If one of the strings has snapped, it's obviously time to re-string, but what about doing it regularly? It can be helpful to restring the strings as many times a year as you play per week. If you play twice a week, re-string every six months and so on. For strong players and those who have heavy blow You'll likely need to re-string your rackets more often than regular players.

    Expert's answer

    “When should you re-string a tennis racket?”

Modern badminton is not only a game for professionals, but also a way to actively spend your leisure time. The game is simple and accessible to everyone, has similarities to tennis, but does not require much physical effort. The main attributes of the game are rackets and shuttlecock. A common problem faced by fans of this sport is the racket string breaking or the shuttlecock getting stuck.

You can replace the string on a racket yourself, just read carefully how to restring a racket at home. You will need simple things: an awl, scissors or wire cutters, a new string. The material for a new string, it is better to choose synthetic, diameter from 0.6 to 0.8 mm (depending on the design of the racket). The length of the thread-string is approximately 10 m for the string of one racket.

First of all, you need to get rid of the remnants of the old string. Carefully, we bite out the string with pliers, and use an awl to clear the clogged holes, while being careful, it is important to prevent cracking of the base, especially if it is wooden. Sometimes, after this step, the racket is cleaned and varnished, after which the holes are also cleaned.

We stretch a new string into the prepared holes. The drawing pattern must correspond to the original drawing; you can look at the whole racket or find a drawing on the Internet. The tension force of the fishing line should provide a good rebound. An insufficiently tensioned string causes the shuttlecock to stick; an overtightened string does not provide the required springiness. The tension force varies from 80 to 160N.

It is important to understand how to choose a badminton racket in order not to professional game. If badminton is just a hobby - choose rackets of a weight and size that is convenient for the player (weight can range from 75 to 95 grams), the manufacturer also does not matter, the string chosen is simpler, and the frame must be strong and durable. Knowing how to choose a tennis racket, it’s easy to navigate badminton.

Often, buying a racket is problematic, the required quality is not available, and the prices are too high. You can try to make rackets yourself, this will require special machines, patience and woodworking skills; the quality of such rackets is usually very high. But since not everyone can make a racket at home, it’s easier to restore an old one. Surely, in the attic or in the pantry, there is a badminton set that your parents played.

The quality of Soviet-made badminton rackets is much higher than that of Chinese consumer goods. Every child can figure out how to hold a racket correctly, regardless of the manufacturer of the racket. With patience and ingenuity, you can give old rackets extraordinary beauty; By plucking the string correctly, you will get great pleasure from playing.

Badminton and tennis are among the most precise sports. Experts say that the success of the game depends 50% on how the racket is tensioned. After all, with the correct stringing, you can increase the potential of a mid-level racket so that it will play better than the top one with the wrong tension. But if you choose the right racket for your playing style, be it a powerful doubles attack or a precise defensive game in singles, and string it with the right string, with the most suitable weight, a sharp increase in the level of play will surprise not only you!

All racquets have a recommended minimum and maximum draw weight. First of all, this ensures that the racket will not break during the game. But with such tension force it is often difficult to play. Either it is too small and does not provide the force of the desired blow, or, on the contrary, it is large, which has a detrimental effect on control. For example, the greatest tennis player in the world, Petros Sampras, better known as Pete Sampras, brought the tension weight of a natural string to 34 kg. Roger Federer, who prefers control and strong spin on the ball during serves and hits, pulls his racket no higher than 22 kg. and uses a combination of natural and synthetic string.

In badminton, the recommended weight is approximately 9-11 kg. But world athletes who want to maximize their striking power stretch their rackets up to 18 kg. which is prohibitive weight. As in tennis, control is one of the most important characteristics; with too much tension, it is lost. But too low a weight will lose both control and impact power, as well as too high a tension force, which an simply unprepared athlete may not be able to cope with. In 2013, adidas created the first combination badminton strings.

The combination of two types of strings gives high impact force, the highest control, and stability of the strings, minimizing the loss of elasticity taking the level of playing to a new level. A nice addition is the increase in service life.

It is very important for an athlete to play with a string that is customarily selected and tensioned, and what is even more important is that each tension be absolutely the same. It’s not for nothing that world athletes specially bring their own stringer (a master in stringing rackets) to all championships, who can tension each piece of string to a certain weight according to a special pattern, knowing which combination of strings his athlete prefers, down to the location and type of knot. Everyone knows what they need, and a professional stringer can select and identify the most suitable tension weight, string and tension pattern. Having fulfilled his role, he will give you the opportunity to think about the game during the rally, and not about how to adapt to the racket.

Stringing rackets is a complex and painstaking job that requires extensive experience and a responsible individual approach. The equipment on which the tension is carried out also plays an important role. A professional machine with a correctly calibrated linear rotor will provide an accurate tension force, the floating head of the tensioner will not allow even the slightest error when tensioning, a special platform with fasteners and technological attachments will accurately and firmly fix the racket, allowing high tension without microcracks in the rim.

Our stringer can work closely with you to select and identify the string with the optimal weight.

Modern badminton rackets made from graphite-based polymers have a thin rim section. This circumstance often leads to the fact that if the strings are not properly tensioned, the rim becomes deformed and breaks.

We offer beginner stringers [from English string - string] a number practical advice, which will allow you to avoid mistakes when stringing strings and associated material losses.

Preparing your racket

The racket should be freed from the strings being replaced, wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt, inspect the rim and shaft to detect chips and cracks. Replace damaged cambrics with new ones.


Rackets should be strung with strings from leading foreign companies; YONEX, FUKUDA, ASHAWAY, BABOLAT, etc. Strings vary in properties and diameter (from 0.65 to 0.85 mm). One racket requires about ten meters of string.

String interweaving

You should intertwine the strings while holding the racket in your hands. Measure 3.5 m of string and thread it through the first hole from the rod, pass it through the center holes at the top of the rim and pull it through the first hole on the other side of the rod. Use this piece of string to stretch 11 longitudinal strings. Pass the last string into the 12th hole from the center and secure it by passing it through the 9th and then through the 8th hole.

Use the remaining end of the string to symmetrically pull 11 longitudinal strings on the other side of the rim and, having threaded the string into the 10th hole, begin to pull the transverse strings, intertwining them with the longitudinal ones.

Up to the 11th hole. The longitudinal and transverse strings should be tensioned lightly, by hand. In this form, install the racket on the machine.

String tensioning machines

Leading manufacturing companies sports equipment For badminton, a large number of models of string tensioning machines are produced: portable and stationary, manually driven and electric, as well as with various devices for gripping and tensioning strings. However, all the machines known to us have one common serious drawback - they do not have reliable fastening of badminton rackets to the faceplate of the machine at least at six points. We recommend using machines from the Swiss company SWISS POINT for stringing badminton rackets with a device we have developed that eliminates this drawback. In addition, SWISS POINT machines have simple and reliable bottom clamps and string clamping with a pulling device. The machines of this company have an electric drive, which ensures high accuracy of string tension. Our further advice involves working on machines of this type, equipped with the devices mentioned above.

String tension

Place the racket with pre-threaded strings on the working surface of the device, bring the central stops until they come into contact with the inner surfaces of the racket rim and press the racket tightly with 6 clamps. Using an awl, move the end of a piece of string 3.5 m long to the center of the rim, forming two loops on both sides of the rod. Fix one central string in the lower part with a lower clamp, and tighten the other central string with a given force and fix it with a second lower clamp. The tension force of the strings is set at the request of the player in the range from 9 to 12 kg, depending on the quality and condition of the racket, the skill of the player and the type of shuttlecock used by the player. It should be remembered that the force of the transverse strings should be 0.5 - 1.0 kg more effort, installed for longitudinal strings.

Consistently tensioning the longitudinal strings to the left and right of the racket axis, reach the outer eleventh strings, after which pass the free end of the string through the 9th hole from the bottom, intertwine it with the transverse strings and pull with force for the transverse strings. Having passed this end of the string through the 8th hole, tie it with a double knot around the transverse string and bite off the excess part of the string with a side cutter. Next, we stretch the transverse strings, starting from the 10th from the bottom to the 11th from the top, and then the remaining four transverse strings to the 7th, intertwining them with the longitudinal strings. We pass the end of the last string into the 6th hole and tie it with a double knot around the longitudinal string. Cut off the end of the string with a side cutter. Release the racket from its fastening on the working surface of the machine and remove it from the machine. At the customer's request, apply the logo of the racket manufacturer to the string surface of the racket.

Radiy Okunev gave advice,
multiple champion of Russia
among veterans, Republican judge
category, one of the best stringers in Russia.