Folk remedies for cleaning the pool. What are the best ways to purify pool water? Proper pool care

Any artificial pond in a country house needs periodic water purification, especially when it comes to swimming pools. Unwanted living creatures in a garden pond and debris in the form of fluff and pollen are to some extent regulated by the population itself - plants, fish, if any, microscopic crustaceans. But a swimming pool, and even an outdoor one, has to be cleaned independently and much more often.

Cleansing methods can be somewhat roughly divided into 3 groups. Methods must be combined to obtain good result. For example, mechanical methods based on the use of filters are recommended to be used constantly, and chemical methods are recommended in cases where there is severe contamination or the pool needs to be disinfected.

Mechanical methods

These include all manual devices and devices that are used to remove mechanical debris of any size and unwanted impurities. Cleaning using hand tools is carried out once every 2–3 days, it does not take much time:

  • brush– used to remove stains and accumulations of small debris on the surface of the water, including fluff, plant stems and other things;
  • garden net– it is even more suitable for collecting leaves; in addition, it allows you to collect foam;
  • special cleaning device (skimmer)- The principle of operation resembles a vacuum cleaner. It is equipped with a brush that collects small mechanical debris and removes it from the surface of the water. They are often used for swimming pools, and for artificial reservoirs. Pool owners often prefer intex pool skimmers.

About skimmers for pools Intex read on.

In the photo, do-it-yourself methods for cleaning pool water:

Large mechanical debris is removed regardless of how else the pond is cleaned. And filters are used to remove mechanical suspensions. The use of the latter involves installing a pump. The device must be operated for at least 6 hours to obtain a good result.

Types of filters

For water purification, including children's pools Several types of filters are offered:

  • Sand– the most affordable option, ensuring the removal of mechanical particles up to 20 microns in size, including removing excess iron impurities from water. The working medium is quartz sand - a completely neutral substance. The main disadvantage of the filter is the need to clean it weekly: the device is washed under running water with good pressure, which is not always possible in the countryside. Sand filters are recommended for use in small reservoirs, like inflatable ones, where the water changes frequently. Here you will find a description and instructions for.

  • Cartridge– is a system of cartridges that retain particles up to 10 microns. The filter is more efficient and durable, but costs more.

The cartridge filter also has to be washed, although less often.

Types of cartridges:

  • They produce disposable cartridges for swimming pools. After use they are simply disposed of.
  • Diatomaceous earth - the filter layer is diatomaceous earth - crushed plankton shells. Provides the most effective cleaning, removing particles up to 3 microns in size. However, it has a low resource and cannot be restored: it has to be replaced up to 4 times per year, which is quite expensive.

Find out what a manual pool bottom vacuum cleaner is used for.

Video: a system on how to clean a swimming pool at the dacha

The video shows a do-it-yourself pool water purification system:

Chemical methods

Chemicals involve purifying water from biologically and chemically active contaminants - bacteria, algae, fat, etc. In addition, only chemicals control and maintain the normal acid-base balance - pH at 7–7.4.

A pond, especially a small one, is very well heated by the sun. The latter benefits not only bathers, but also creates an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. To eliminate them and prevent their development, it is necessary to use drugs that contain a strong oxidizing agent.

Disinfection with chlorine

Chlorine preparations are quite affordable and are used both for long-term disinfection and instant disinfection - shock chlorine. Price – 600 rub.

Chlorination is not performed if one of the family members has an allergic reaction to halogens. For everyone else, the drugs are harmless, and the smell, due to the large area of ​​​​water, disappears quickly.

Preparations with bromine

Preparations with bromine– dibromantine, for example. There is no smell, the effect of the product is approximately the same. If you are allergic to bromine, which is also quite common, the drug is not used.

Disinfection with active oxygen

Preparations with active oxygen– or cavitation water purification. Its essence boils down to the initiation of oxidation reactions, but not with the help of halogen ions, as in the previous case, but with the participation of OH radicals and ozone. The effectiveness of the technology is explained by the fact that the drug itself acts as a starting point, while further oxidation is carried out due to oxygen dissolved in water. An undoubted advantage is the low concentration of the drug, guaranteed absence of allergic reactions. The downside is the cost. Sometimes the price reaches 5,000 rubles for a set of cleaning chemicals.


Quite often, small pools at dachas are treated with a 37% perhydrol solution. The drug's action resembles something between chlorine and active oxygen: in terms of chemical effects it is close to the cavitation mechanism, but in terms of concentration it is close to chlorine, since it is a participant and not a catalyst in the reaction.

Price – 1200 rub.

Coagulants and flocculants

In addition to the need to destroy bacteria and algae, pool owners are faced with another problem: large organic molecules, fatty, for example, which a mechanical filter cannot remove, but which contribute to the rapid accumulation of dirt and serve as an excellent breeding ground for both bacteria and algae. It is described in the link.

This problem is solved using the process of coagulation - combining small suspended particles into large ones. Preparations of this kind are called coagulants or flocculants. When added to water, the active particles that make up the drug envelop the smallest organic and inorganic particles and hold them. When a critical mass is formed, the compound forms a flocculent sediment and collects at the bottom. After the process is completed, all that remains is to remove this sediment. Read about purifying pool water with copper sulfate.

The most famous today is Aquadoctor. The drug is added directly to the water, preferably before filtration. During treatment, the pool and filter system must be inactive. The sediment is then collected and the water is filtered mechanically.

Electrophysical methods

These methods belong to the instrumental category: to clean the pool, it is not drugs that are needed, but equipment. Their cost, of course, is higher, but they guarantee the preservation of the original composition of the water.


Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent that destroys absolutely all microorganisms, ensuring sterile purity of water.

Ozonation is rarely used in summer cottages, as it requires the installation of rather complex equipment and communications.

Ultraviolet irradiation

Ultraviolet irradiation is a more accessible method based on treating a reservoir with ultraviolet radiation. For this purpose, special quartz lamps are used, which disinfect the water. Ultraviolet does not have a prolonged effect, unlike disinfection with chlorine or ozonation. The performance of quartz lamps is greatly influenced by the degree of water transparency. Therefore, ultraviolet irradiation can be carried out only after removing mechanical debris.

Water ionization

Ionization – the essence is the saturation of the water in the pool with silver or copper ions. The latter are produced by an electrolytic installation - an ionizer. Metal ions remain active for several weeks, disinfect water, destroying bacteria, and precipitate heavy metals.

Household ionizers are designed for pool volumes up to 60 cubic meters.

Must be used in parallel with the ionizer sand filter. The operation of the device becomes significantly more difficult if the water is not cleared of small mechanical suspensions and debris.

The best DIY comprehensive cleaning methods

Such a wide variety of methods is associated not only with the effectiveness or cost of the procedures, but also with the operating conditions of the pool. The material of the reservoir, the nature of the pool - outdoor or indoors, the number of users - all this affects the frequency of cleaning and the choice of products.

For outdoor pool

Such a body of water is the most vulnerable. Good heating by the sun provides an environment for bacteria, open space literally attracts mechanical debris, the accumulation of organic matter - the same plant debris, promotes the rapid proliferation of algae. Therefore, it requires comprehensive cleaning.

On the other hand, the pool is located in the open air, so such a danger as the accumulation of reaction products after chlorination, for example, does not exist here. Therefore, all methods are used to clean open reservoirs.

  • A combination of mechanical filtration with some chemical or electrophysical methods, without chemistry, is mandatory. The most affordable are cartridge or sand filter and chlorination.
  • It is advisable to periodically carry out cleaning using coagulants: this the best remedy to remove protein and fat molecules that serve as food for both microorganisms and algae.
  • In an outdoor pool, you need to constantly check the acidity level. With normal values ​​of 7–7.4, the risk of algae infection is minimal. If the indicator deviates, the risk increases. The adjustment is made by adding “pH-plus” and “pH-minus” preparations to the water, respectively.
  • It is not recommended to use ultraviolet disinfection, since quartz lamps, like any electrical device, should not be left in the open air for a long time.

Cleaning without chlorine

Chlorination is a simple and effective procedure. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction to chlorine dissolved in water. In this case, any other chemical methods are used, always in combination with mechanical ones:

  • bromination;
  • preparations with active oxygen;
  • treatment with perhydrol solution.

For frame pools

The procedure for caring for it differs little from standard actions:

  • mandatory mechanical filtration of water - as a rule, the filter is included in the product package;
  • removing debris from the surface using nets or skimmers;
  • cleaning the bottom sediment, which is sure to appear in an outdoor pool. A bottom vacuum cleaner and means for removing plaque are used;
  • Disinfection by any suitable chemical method is mandatory.

Inflatable pools

The most popular models for summer cottages, as they are lightweight, easy to use and affordable.

Caring for them comes down mainly to disinfection.

  • Before filling with water, the inflated pool is treated with protective agents to prevent the appearance of mucus.
  • After filling, disinfectants are added to the water.
  • Drugs are added to water at least 1-2 times a week.
  • Once a week, it is advisable to drain the water and clean the pool bowl.

Complex means

Obviously, there is no such product or device that could ensure complete cleaning of the pool. In any case, a combination of mechanical and chemical or electrophysical methods is required. Read about a sliding pavilion for a polycarbonate pool.

The most universal products still include chlorine-based products. Modern automatic pool care systems include a chlorination procedure. The systems perform several functions:

  • monitors water purity using sensors;
  • chlorinates water based on their readings;
  • doses the drug depending on the specified conditions;
  • filters water according to sensor readings and according to a schedule;
  • cleans the bottom using a special bottom device.

Even in this case, mechanical debris from the surface must be removed manually.

Recently, preparations with active oxygen have also become widely used. In terms of versatility, they are not inferior to chlorine, and at the same time do not affect the composition of water.


These include all chemicals and electrochemical devices. They ensure the destruction of pathogenic bacteria - from 80 to 100%.

The exception is coagulants. They are classified as chemically active substances, but they purify water from particles – organic or inorganic. He will tell you about iron water filters for your dacha.

Coagulants have an indirect effect on the proliferation of bacteria, as they destroy their nutrient medium. Price – 200 rubles for 1.1 liter.

  • Methods that provide long-term action include chlorination, treatment with active oxygen, and ionization.
  • Short-acting methods include ultraviolet disinfection.

The presence of your own swimming pool on the site will no longer surprise anyone; it is not only an excellent decor, but also an opportunity to spend a summer weekend by the reservoir without going to the river. In addition, purified water is guaranteed to be free of harmful bacteria. To make swimming enjoyable, caring for a pool at your dacha is a mandatory procedure, and it is important to know how to do it. Therefore, in this article we will tell you in detail about maintaining your own pool: how and when to clean it.

Problems that arise during the operation of the pool

Muddy water

Over time, the water in the pool may become cloudy and you can no longer see the bottom. This indicates an imbalance in the acid-base balance, which reduces the effectiveness of chlorination. Cloudiness can also be caused by the accumulation of organic substances in the water, associated with a lack of chlorine or poor filter performance. This is dealt with by adding fast-acting chlorides or adjusting filtration.


Blooming is the phenomenon when water begins to acquire a distinct green tint. This means that the concentration of metals in the reservoir has increased due to an imbalance in acidity or flora has begun to actively develop. In this case, the acidity must be adjusted with special means, and then a shock dose of chlorine must be added, which will stop the development of algae. If the concentration of metals is exceeded, the pH balance is also adjusted, then a flocculant is added - it collects small debris into flakes, and they are removed manually.

Appearance of rust

The color of the water may turn rusty due to the oxidation of the iron contained in the water. This indicates increased acidity, so adjusting it eliminates the problem.


In essence, sludge is a colony of microorganisms that create organic substances from carbon, water, and inorganics. The occurrence of such a problem is dangerous, as it leads not only to contamination, but also to the development of infections, so cleaning should be carried out immediately.

Cleaning methods


Most often, before other types of pool cleaning, large debris is removed independently. Also, in some cases, you can not resort to chemicals, but use the methods described below on how to purify the water in a swimming pool at your dacha.

Manual garbage collection. If you decide to get a swimming pool, then the best purchase for it will be a large net with a long handle. In extreme cases, you can use a large sieve or a smaller version for aquariums. They need to regularly remove debris that falls on the surface of the water. Then the pool will remain clean a little longer, and debris will not fall to the bottom.

Filtration and types of filters. A skimmer connected to a filter pump will help remove debris from the surface of the water. In general, cleaning with a pump is the most common option. With a pump, maintenance of, for example, a frame pool becomes much easier. Thanks to the electric motor, water is conveyor pumped through filters that are easy to change:

  1. Sand. Cleaning occurs due to quartz sand grains located inside the pump. They trap debris, and clean water moves on. Suitable for continuous use, but require rinsing and do not retain the smallest particles.
  2. Cartridge. They are very popular among pool owners. They may be a little more expensive than the previous ones, but the price is justified. Cartridge plates trap even the smallest debris. Cleaning is easy and infrequent; there are also disposable cartridges that are thrown away after use and a new one is inserted.
  3. Diatoms. The latest development and therefore has an above average price. From the point of view of removing the smallest particles, this type is the most effective. The bottom line is that water does not pass through sand, but through crushed plankton shells. The downside is that the filter is difficult to maintain, since it is not always possible to clean it completely. In addition, filters that have become unusable must be disposed of correctly - their contents are considered a hazardous substance. To replace or clean such a cartridge, it is better to contact a specialized center.
Regardless of the type, the filter pump must operate at least 6 hours a day.

Automatic method, use underwater vacuum cleaners . Underwater vacuum cleaners are great for cleaning the pool bowl; they are equipped with brushes that effectively remove dirt from the surface. The vacuum cleaner is manually controlled using a handle and has a hose through which particles are sucked. It is important to walk over the entire area of ​​the reservoir, since even a minimal island of plaque with bacteria will provoke faster water pollution.


Once large debris and build-up have been removed, adjust the water's pH level and kill germs with pool-specific products to permanently solve the problem. No amount of physical cleaning can eradicate germs, so it is important to know how liquids are disinfected and how to clean the water in the pool.

  • Water disinfection is usually carried out with products based on chlorine, bromine, and active oxygen. The first option is the most common (for example, whiteness is used as a folk care product), but such liquids can cause allergies or irritation of the skin, dryness. Bromine preparations do not have such a specific odor, but you will have to pay extra for this quality. Oxygen preparations (hydrogen peroxide, also known as perhydrol) are also produced in tablets, powders, and solutions. The most effective option is oxygen, although it is more expensive, but the price is justified by its gentle effect.
  • Control of acidity level. This indicator is determined with a special device, but litmus tests can also be used. An indicator of 7–7.4 is considered normal for a person; the value should be checked once a week. You can adjust the level with special preparations, for example, “Equi-plus” and “Equi-minus”, which are added directly to the water.
  • Coagulation and flocculation. The same drugs that collect small particles into flakes, which are then easily filtered.
  • Algaecides. These drugs destroy aquatic vegetation and prevent water from blooming. They are used to treat the bottom and walls of the pool, add it to the water immediately after filling the pool or when it has already bloomed, according to the instructions on the package.


This modern method of care does not require the addition of special preparations to the water; it consists in the fact that microbes and contaminants are comprehensively removed with the help of UV lamps, ozonizers or ionizers.

General care and cleaning technology

Since, in order to care for a swimming pool at the dacha, you need to follow a clear sequence of actions, approximate instructions will be presented below to help beginners.

Selection and preparation of tools or equipment

The choice of equipment and cleaning products will directly depend on the type of pool and the existing problems. For example, to prevent the growth of algae, Algitin is used in the proportion of 50 ml of liquid per 10 tons of water. The loading dose at the beginning of flowering is 150–200 ml.

If the chlorine level is very low, add instant drugs, for example, Chloritex. It is used for shock action when dirty or before the first bath in a proportion of up to 200 g per 10 m 3. Children's inflatable pools can be washed by hand, but for large frame and stationary ones it is better to purchase a special vacuum cleaner that will remove plaque from the walls. The efficiency of such cleaning will be much higher, and you will not have to spend a lot of effort on caring for the pool.

It is better to start choosing remedies not after the water becomes contaminated, but in advance, in order to minimize the likelihood of unpleasant symptoms.

Removing garbage

Large debris is removed using underwater vacuum cleaners and nets, while small debris remains in the filters. You need to remove garbage regularly, at least once a day, then you can avoid polluting the bottom and extend the period of water purity.

Water filter maintenance

Any filters wear out, so they also need to be replaced or cleaned regularly. Clean at least once a week, and the filter needs to be replaced every season.

Disinfection and disinfection

Chlorine is usually added to purify water. This needs to be done correctly, then there will be no pungent odor and swimming will be safe. Preparations like Longafor in tablets, which are placed in special cartridges and only then in water, are excellent. One tablet is enough for one to two weeks (20 g per 2.5–3 m3).

When is a water change necessary?

It is clear that you need to change the water regularly, but frequent changes are costly and unproductive. It will take too long for the water to warm up to a comfortable temperature, so the best option is to replace it at least once a season. It is usually recommended to change once a year, but smaller volumes (for example, in inflatable pools) can be updated once every few months.

Features of caring for different types of pools

Caring for different pools is similar. Each of them requires water disinfection, and the other procedures are also similar, they differ only depending on the size of the pool.


If you want to have a pool just for children, inflatable options are perfect. They do not take up much space, are mobile, and cleaning the inflatable pool is not difficult. Maintenance involves draining the water daily and removing plaque from the walls. If you want to leave the inflatable pool for more than a day, purchase special disinfectants that will keep the water clean longer.


Many site owners prefer frame models that can be installed in the backyard and used all season, after which they can be disassembled and stored until next summer. Cleaning a frame pool at home is not difficult, but it requires labor investment. Water filtration is carried out with a special device, which most often comes complete with the design.

They also remove all debris that has fallen to the surface of the water using a net or skimmer. Regular chemical treatment is required, as well as cleaning the bowl itself using a bottom vacuum cleaner. Caring for a frame pool is practically no different from maintaining a stationary one.

Stationary, in the ground

If you have a permanent pool, be prepared for careful and regular maintenance. You will care for an in-ground pool in almost the same way as a frame pool, but the best option is to purchase an automatic cleaning system. The high quality of cleaning and the unnecessary need for manual labor pay for the cost of the units. A water care system usually includes:

  • environmental cleanliness control sensors;
  • devices dosing chemicals;
  • the water supplies themselves;
  • filters and automatic vacuum cleaners.

As you can see, it will be more difficult to clean the water in a pool at your dacha yourself, but the game is worth the candle. You are guaranteed clean water and minimal effort to maintain an optimal environment.

Rules for performing work for winter conservation

Conservation of an outdoor pool is carried out at the end of the swimming season to reduce the activity of flora and protect it from heaving soil. The first thing to do is drain all the water, then rinse the surface of the bowl with DIY pool chemicals, then fill the bowl again with water and install water expansion compensators. The equipment is washed using reverse flows, all systems are dismantled, the surface of the pool is covered with tarpaulin and polycarbonate.

In fact, it is very simple to properly care for an outdoor pool - pay attention to this regularly, then everyone will be healthy. Our advice will help in this matter, and over time, cleaning the reservoir with your own hands will become a common procedure.

A swimming pool in a country house is the dream of many owners, if, of course, the space allows it. Some manage to install it even when the site does not allow it. They put it small, more for beauty than for swimming.

A pool in a summer cottage is undoubtedly a luxury. But in order for it to continue to please you, it needs care.

The pool really decorates the dacha area: the combination of bluish water with the lush green grass of the lawn and a bright sun lounger will delight any summer resident.

Proper pool care

If there are trees nearby the pool, it may become clogged with leaves.

In order for the painted picture to always remain bright and fresh, the lawn at the dacha must be periodically trimmed and watered, and the pool must be cleaned and the water changed; it must look aesthetically pleasing and be safe. Open pool(stationary or removable) is not so easy to keep in order; cleaning it with one net will not work.

Leaving the pool unattended for 2-3 days, the owner of the dacha runs the risk of seeing it strewn with leaves, flower petals, pollen and dandelion fluff, insects and other small animals. For high-quality cleaning, you will need a whole arsenal of equipment, devices and tools, such as a water filtration pump, which should work at least 6-7 hours a day, chemical reagents, and means of monitoring the condition of the water.

To properly organize the pool care process, you need to understand a few important points. All mechanical debris that is heavier than water itself sinks. Everything that is lighter than water collects in the topmost layer. And this is 99% of all garbage. Water blooms also occur in well-heated upper layers.

Thus, you need to constantly remove the entire top layer of water up to 5 mm thick and add fresh water, then the water will be clear all season. Similar processes occur in natural reservoirs, where springs from below add fresh water to the lake, and the upper layer with garbage quietly flows into the stream.

In dachas where the pool is located on the lawn, this simple cleaning method that nature uses can also be used. You need to set up a slow supply of water from the bottom of the pool: fresh water will push the top dirty layer out. At the same time, the second task will be executed. Cleaning using this principle is used in professional overflow pools.

It is more difficult to apply this method if the pool is permanent or the structure does not allow water to be drained onto the lawn. There is another simple way: the experiment with a bucket lowered into a pool almost to the edge confirms the assumption that the top layer of water can be collected even like this in the old-fashioned way. Pollution willingly rushes to the bucket - the laws of physics apply.

The owner of the pool can build his own system for collecting the dirty layer along the waterline and adjust its pumping from the catchment so that it works constantly. The fresh water added in the morning will warm up by lunchtime, and you can swim. Or you will have to use special industrial-style cleaning filters.

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Disinfection of pool water

Collecting mechanical debris and constantly replenishing the pool with fresh water does not relieve its owner from using pool disinfectants. Use cleansers chemicals it will have to do anyway, because in sun-warmed water, pathogenic microorganisms have freedom to reproduce, they must be fought, but not to the detriment of themselves. The safest products for humans include those based on active oxygen.

Chlorine should be used extremely carefully to clean a home pool; it is better if it is slowly dissolving tablets in a floating package. Bromine is less aggressive, moreover, it is odorless and does not irritate the skin. If possible, instead of chemical cleaning, electrophysical cleaning is used, which is more expensive but safer. This is cleaning using ultraviolet light, ozone, silver and copper plates.

Natural materials shungite and silicon, which are placed in the pool, are also used for this purpose. Many people use a 37% solution of hydrogen peroxide and are delighted with the result: the water remains clear and odorless for at least a month after its treatment. And if plaque appears on the walls of the pool, algaecide liquids such as Dezalgin are also used.

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  1. Once a week, measure the acid-base balance of the pool with a tester. Optimal value Water pH is 7-7.4. If the pH is high, the water can cause skin rashes; if the pH is low, it will be acidic and unsuitable for bathing. Cleaning and disinfection products used for disinfection will be ineffective if the pH is not adjusted. To reduce it, you need to use a product marked “pH –”, and to increase it “pH +”.
  2. Monitor the water hardness with test strips, it should be in the range of 180-250 g/m3 CaCo3, use water softeners such as “Mineral minus”.
  3. If you use chlorine tablets, control the permissible concentration of free chlorine - 0.3-0.5 mg/l; if it is more than the norm, you will have to use the “Chlorine minus” product.
  4. Before swimming, you need to take a shower and enter the pool with clean feet.
  5. You should not allow your beloved animals into the pool.
  6. A swimming pool is a great place for children to play, but don't let them enter the pool without rinsing their feet in the basin.
  7. Disinfecting and cleaning your pool should become a habit like brushing your teeth.
  8. The smaller the pool, the faster it gets dirty.
  9. To fully clean a pool, you need a complex of several methods that need to be used regularly.
  10. Keeping your pool clean is easier than doing a full cleaning.

After the end of the swimming season at the dacha, the inflatable pool must be thoroughly washed, dried, deflated and packed for the winter. IN stationary pools the water is not drained, it is preserved with a product that prevents the formation and growth of algae. Frame frost-resistant pool models also do not need to be dismantled and the water cannot be drained. Before conservation, it is necessary to catch leaves and other debris from the water with nets or a water vacuum cleaner and level the chlorine and pH levels to normal.

If the pool had a heat pump or solar heater, the pump was connected sand filtration, all equipment and all removable tubes must be removed, washed, dried and stored in a warm place. The pool itself, if it is without a roof, must be tightly covered with a special plank. After careful preparation by winter, the spring re-opening and preparation of the pool for the summer season will take place without complications.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with your own swimming pool at your dacha. New technologies make it possible, without significant costs, to provide the opportunity to swim on a hot day without leaving the site. It can be a frame pool or an inflatable one, but in terms of its performance characteristics it is slightly inferior classic designs intended for public use. And the same goes for service requirements. Blooming water, the appearance of a putrid odor and strange mucus on the surfaces of the walls - all this indicates the need to clean the structure. Properly organized care of a swimming pool at the dacha is not only support for its sanitary and hygienic background, but also the key to the technical durability of the structure.

Causes and signs of pool contamination

A common factor in cloudy water is an imbalance of chemical elements, which usually occurs due to improper chlorination. If the water takes on a greenish tint, this already indicates the rapid development of flora against the background of an increase in the concentration of metals in the environment. Foreign structures can also cause contamination - for example, if elements of filtration systems or other functional devices made of ferrous metal were immersed in the pool. In such cases, there may be obvious traces of rust in the water. In advanced situations, organic plaque may form on the walls with the active development of microorganisms. As a result, even chlorination will not effectively clean such a pool. At the dacha, water care should also include the elimination of biochemical problems. They may occur due to soil swelling processes. The consequence of such troubles can be not just a change in the biological state, but also mechanical damage to the structure.

pH indicator and its function

Among the main indicators of the biological “health” of a pool, experts call pH - the weight of hydrogen. The intensity of chemical processes, the effect of introduced reagents and the transparency of water depend on this value. For example, an excess of pH 7 indicates that alkaline reactions predominate in the water. Conversely, a decrease in this level will indicate that the environment is characterized by high acidity. How should you care for a pool at your dacha to ensure optimal pH levels? To regulate the hydrogen weight, different chemical elements are used - for example, chlorine lowers this coefficient, and bromine increases it. But the fact is that there is no uniquely appropriate norm for all environments. If you need to focus on disinfection ability, then the optimal pH value is 8, and for the norm from the point of view of bathing people - 7.4. To monitor this value, including with the possibility of automatic regulation, special preparations are used, including “pH-plus” and “pH-minus”.

Mechanical cleaning

The basic solution for active pool cleaning. The mechanical method is implemented using filtration stations equipped with pumps. Most units of this type work with an electric motor, which allows them to be used in constant mode. Latest models have automatic control at the software level, so their operating mode can be adjusted in terms of time and productivity. On average, filters are capable of selecting foreign particles of about 10 microns in size from water. During operation, the station carries out “conveyor” pumping of the medium with the support of the circulation supply of force from the pump. The main working component of the equipment are filters, which will be discussed separately. Also, garden pool care products include easily accessible nets. With their help, foliage, algae particles and other unwanted objects on the surface are removed.

Types of filters

For a small pool measuring 2-3 m, it is recommended to use stations provided by them. They have the simplest design, and quartz sand is used as a cleaning material. Water is passed through it, leaving behind contaminants. Disadvantages of this solution include the exclusion of the ability to cope with particles smaller than 10 microns and stringent maintenance requirements. If you plan to care for a frame pool in a medium-sized country house, then it is advisable to use cartridge-type filters. They remove small particles of dirt, do not require frequent washing and are easy to replace. The most technologically advanced solution today is a diatomaceous earth filter. It is capable of purifying water with a selection of particles down to 3 microns in size. Diatomaceous earth, which is a crushed plankton shell, is used as a filtration material. The disadvantages of such devices include the impossibility of restoring the active material by washing, so it requires its complete replacement - approximately once a year. Nevertheless, it works effectively with pools whose capacity exceeds 20 thousand liters.

Chemical cleaning products

Filtration units help get rid of mechanical particles and impurities, but they are ineffective in the fight against microbes. For such purposes, chemicals are used, which also regulate the pH balance. The most common active substances of this type include reagents that allow for comprehensive chemical care of a pool at the dacha. TO folk remedies This group includes chlorine. It is used both in free and diluted form along with other active elements. For example, in its pure form it can be used in a volume of 0.3-0.5 mg/l. IN severe cases shock chlorination concentration is used in doses of 3-5 mg/l. Another popular reagent is active oxygen. It has a gentle effect on humans and creates a favorable environment for water procedures. Oxygen is recommended for cleaning pools with a reduced level of pollution and at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Cleaning with bromine and hydrogen

Bromine is used as a disinfectant. It provides a less aggressive effect compared to chlorine, for which it is valued by many pool owners. But in price it surpasses the analogues listed above. As for hydrogen, its peroxide or perhydrol is used. The substance is available in the form of granules, tablets, solutions and powders. To accurately determine the volume of application, it is advisable to prepare a dispenser. For convenience, it is also recommended to use powder, which is dissolved in a ratio of 1:3. You should carefully pour the prepared mixture over the edges around the perimeter of the pool, after which the reaction of splitting the elements will take effect. In this way, disinfectant and disinfectant care for the pool at the dacha will be provided. Hydrogen peroxide does not give off a strong odor or emit gases, but at the same time provides an acceptable cleaning result.

Electrophysical cleaning

An advanced care method that does not require the use of chemicals. The cleaning process uses special equipment in the form of ozonizers and ultraviolet lamps. This equipment allows you to comprehensively eliminate dirt and germs. The only drawback of this method is the need for frequent maintenance of the device itself. For example, the surfaces of UV lamps should be free of deposits if they come into contact with hard water. It is also practiced to care for a swimming pool at the dacha using UV sterilizers. This is a more advanced modification of the electrophysical device, which, due to the propagation of acoustic waves, prevents the lamp from being covered with salt deposits.

Bottom cleaning

Caring for the pool bowl is no less important. This work is performed by special bottom vacuum cleaners, which are equipped with brush devices of various types - from compact narrow ones to wide-grip ones. The most affordable modification involves manual control. Such a unit can be equipped with a telescopic adjustable handle and a hose through which plaque particles are suctioned. It is important to consider that only complete coverage of the surface will ensure proper care of the pool in the country. Purifying water using chemicals in the future will not give the expected effect if even the slightest island with bacteria-infected plaque remains at the bottom.

Changing water

A prerequisite for comprehensive care is periodic water changes. Neither mechanical filtration nor chemical reactions will ensure the constant purity of a non-replaceable aquatic environment. The rules require changing the water at least once a year. But maintenance of an inflatable pool in a country house with a small volume can be carried out during a scheduled change and once every few months. By the way, such pools are often used seasonally, so once this procedure is completed summer time will be quite enough.

Pool conservation rules

Preservation is carried out before the winter season. This is a set of measures aimed at protecting the structure from unwanted biochemical activity of microflora and the effects of heaving soil. Preparation can begin already at a temperature of 12 °C. It will be expressed in draining water, washing bowl surfaces, cleaning equipment through reverse flows and dismantling functional systems. Also, caring for a pool at the dacha as part of conservation involves washing off the remaining reagents. On the contrary, manufacturers of hydrological equipment produce special chemicals for the preservation of inflatable and frame pools. With their help, surfaces are treated in order to maintain performance under the influence of frost and precipitation.


Organization of pool care is not limited to one or two products. It is important to consider that in aquatic environment Chemical and biological processes occur that can lead to physical damage to structures. Therefore, proper care of a pool at your dacha requires comprehensive, multifaceted protection. It uses both mechanical cleaning filters and a usage program chemical substances, as well as modern electrophysical equipment. You should not ignore the recommendations from the pool manufacturer. Manufacturers provide recommendations for the operation and care of a specific structure, taking into account the characteristics of the materials, their properties and protection requirements.