Narayana schedule. Our specialists. There are many schools for teaching Thai massage.

We invite you to yoga classes: Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Sivananda, Universal yoga, yoga in hammocks - Ari yoga. Beginner classes, advanced classes, morning classes from 7:00 for health and weekend groups. Baby yoga - mother + baby group (children from 3 to 18 months), children's yoga from 4 years. Step aerobics, Pilates (basic and advanced level), Zumba - fitness - exercise based on Latin American and world dances. Body Pump strength training+ stretching. Stretching. Yoga in dance is a dance therapy class. Indian dances - Bollywood - we dance like in the movies. Body ballet – classical and modern choreography. Qigong + Tai Chi. Air fabrics. Therapeutic massage, anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, honey, cupping, for children, acupressure, aromatherapy, Yu-meiho, sculptural facial massage (Tibetan techniques), Women's health massage, restorative postpartum massage. Thai massage. As well as head massage + hair restoration

Let me introduce you - His Majesty Thai massage is the king of oriental practices. There are many legends around this massage. But the fact remains that Thai massage is gaining popularity. Thai massage sessions solve most physical and mental health problems, as well as a person’s emotional background.

Thai yoga massage- this is not a massage in its classical sense: stroking and rubbing, but soft pressure and twisting in certain places to influence both muscle tissue, joints and skeletal system, and on the energy body.

Thai massage is a unique system practiced in a state of special concentration - “massage meditation”. Thai massage not only heals a person, it establishes psychophysical connections in the body, helps increase muscle elasticity, slowing down their natural aging. By removing mental blocks and muscle tension, vital energy is released and redistributed throughout the body, as a result of which the patient feels extraordinary lightness, joy and uplift for a long time after the massage.

Thai massage is the wisdom of centuries, and we have a unique opportunity to touch this knowledge.

There are many schools for teaching Thai massage.

  1. How not to get confused with such a large choice and choose your school?
  2. What should you pay attention to?

Teaching staff, certificates.

Ask questions so that you have a holistic picture of what you will come away with after training. You must answer them:

  • When and where were the teachers trained?
  • How much experience do the school's masters have as practicing massage therapists and how much experience do they have as teachers?
  • What will you receive after completing your studies?

In our school, training is taught by certified specialists - Ekaterina Klementyeva and Olga Rezanova.

Support after training.

Another important point. Are you ready to support you and answer your questions that you will certainly encounter in practice?

After finishing our school You will know:

  • History of Thai massage and modern practice;
  • Indications and contraindications for the use of Thai massage;
  • Conditions for practicing massage, requirements for the premises, massage therapist and patient;
  • Methods of influencing energy lines - meridians and biologically active points of the human body;
  • Thai massage techniques that allow you to effectively influence the human body;
  • Complex techniques for adjusting human energy, performed in a special state of energy collection and transfer.

Upon completion of training You will be able to:

  • Perform entry-level general Thai massage;
  • Independently find the causes of many ailments and eliminate them;
  • Impact the client’s muscles and joints with hands, feet, and legs;
  • Master the techniques of passive stretching and twisting, body rejuvenation techniques and massage meditation;
  • Remove energy blocks, muscle tension, increase the mobility of the spine, joints, ligaments and correct the figure;
  • Relieve stress, anxiety, cleanse the body and remove toxins and impurities and promote the overall health of the body;
  • AND of course - enjoy life!

Effect : Use the Narayan Kriya practice to heal your relationships. Meditate to mend all the holes in the fabric of your relationships.

Part 1

Pose: sit in simple pose. Lift and open a little chest. Press your elbows to the sides of your body, and bend your forearms at such an angle that your hands are at the level of your Heart Center. Hands in, palms facing up.

Eyes: open 1/10 and brought to the tip of the nose.

Take a deep breath and as you exhale say monotonously mantra :

Sat Narayan Hari Narayan Hari Narayan Hari Hari

Then take a deep breath again and continue.

Time: 11 minutes

At the end: Take a deep breath - hold your breath - exhale. Repeat 2 more times. While you hold your breath, imagine your relationships with people and mentally bless, forgive and accept.

Part 2

Effect: This part will “seal” the impact of the first part of the meditation.

Pose: continue to remain in the easy pose. Hands - on the knees in Gyan mudra, or in Buddha mudra, lie relaxed in the groin.

Mantra :

Vahey Guru

Repeat, monotonously stretching out the sounds so that each of the three parts (Wa-Hey-Guru) takes the same amount of time.

Time: 3 minutes

Yoga instructors

Olga Yukhanova

Instructor of Spinal Yoga Therapy, Hatha Yoga

“I came to a yoga class for the first time in 2000 at one of the oldest centers of Denis Zaenchkovsky - Ashtanga Yoga Center in Moscow. ThenI realized that yoga is mine!

The practice of yoga gives a vision of another new realityand helps you learn to be aware of your body. From that moment on I was lucky enough to learnmany interesting teachersdifferent directions and styles at seminarsaccording to pranayama by Dr. Madhavan (India). Hatha yoga, pranayama and meditation with Denis Zaenchkovsky (Bronze medalist of the World Yoga Sports Championship (India, 2000)). Studied Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga series 1 and 2, practiced sushma-vyayama. I use the practice of marma-vyayam by Sergei Kulygin (Two-time world champion in yoga sports in 2003 and 2004). Completed trainingaccording to the training programs "Yoga-flow, Yoga-balance, Yoga-flexibility, Yoga-strength" in "Yoga class", as well as "Training course for teachers on adjustments and corrections of asanas inYoga Center "Prana" In the practice of teaching yoga therapy, I rely on the knowledge gainedon a certified course "Yoga therapy of the musculoskeletal system" at the "AcademyYoga therapy of Elena and Nikolai Prokunin", I also rely on the methodology of Artem Frolov. Studied in the tradition of Virashaivismat the Jangamvadi Math monastery (Varanasi), guru-parampara Veerashaivism - Master of Sri Kashi 1008 Jagadguru Dr. Chandrashekhar Shivacharya Mahaswamiji.I teach yoga in Zhukovsky in the traditional style of hatha yogausing safe techniques for mastering asanas.

In my practice I use basic pranayama and various types of yoga for the best effect on the body. My classes are designed for both beginners and those who practice yoga and seek to improve their practice through body awareness. The classes include pranayama practices, dynamic vinyasas, vyamas and static positions bodies,
as well as the practice of relaxation - Shavasana.

A class on yoga therapy for the musculoskeletal system in Zhukovsky is suitable for people with problems
in joints (arthritis, arthrosis), hernias and protrusions in the spine, can be used as a general strengthening complex for the whole body."

Elena Vastaeva

higher education. Practices yoga: since 2005, studied with Natalia Medvedeva at the TAPAS School of Hatha Yoga, Moscow, later adding independent daily practice. Since 2010, certified Hatha yoga instructor. She graduated from the Academy of Yoga and Yoga Therapy" in the course "Yoga Therapy: Musculoskeletal System." Elena constantly improves herself and attends training seminars for instructors at the PRANA Yoga Center. Classes are adapted to the group, basic class, intermediate level - medium-complex. Conducts seminars and intensive courses and classes on hatha yoga, yoga for pregnant women.

Marina Potapenko

higher education. He has been practicing yoga since 2006. Studied the basics of Hatha yoga at the PRANA yoga center. Member of the Russian Yoga Federation. Completed training at the YogaProfi school of instructors in the following areas: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga. . He has a certificate from the International School of Yoga in the Air in the direction of Air Yoga. Attends training seminars for yoga instructors and improves himself through independent practice. Leads Air yoga, yoga in hammocks in Zhukovsky

Kristina Bukharova

Certified Hammock Yoga Teacher. He has been practicing yoga since 2007. "Yoga is a huge world, and in order to get to know it, it is important to take the first steps correctly. With the group, we begin gently and correctly without feeling discomfort, work with the body and together, discover its new possibilities! Yoga in a hammock is a huge benefit for the whole body : all large joints are worked out, compression is removed from the spine, strengthened muscle corset. We learn to breathe correctly - one of the foundations of yoga. And, of course, we learn to completely relax, calm the mind and harmonize it with the body!

Irina Kapranova

Higher education, specialization: pedagogy and psychology. certified teacher of the Yoga Alliance International (YAI). Completed training at the Russian Yoga Federation. He has been practicing yoga for more than 5 years.
I have Higher education. Moscow State University named after. Sholokhov. Specialization ''pedagogy and psychology''. Irina about yoga: “The endless ocean of the path to improvement, the harmony of soul, body and consciousness deeply describes my idea of ​​yoga. Yoga as a path to yourself. To your real self. To know yourself from the other side, to know the capabilities of your body and the capabilities of your mind, achieve harmony of soul and body. This is all yoga for me.
Practice makes it possible to feel and improve your body and soul, making us more beautiful externally and internally. I love yoga with all my heart,

Yulia Gorbatova

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga instructor - level 1. I became interested in yoga in 2009. In 2012-2013 she worked and studied at the Moscow Center “Yoga Federation”. Participated in a two-day training seminar by Roman Rokotel on Ashtanga Yoga. I tried different styles and chose Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga for my personal practice. Leads individual sessions according to Ashtanga yoga.

Natalia Popova

Directions: Hatha yoga and Yoga in the morning

Teacher of Hatha yoga, morning yoga and yoga for beginners. She studied at the Russian Yoga Federation and also has a higher education.

Ekaterina Balak-Kashchemirova

Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Studied at international school kundalini yoga Amrit Nam Sarovar, under the guidance of Karta Singh, a world-famous teacher, as well as such teachers as Alexander Kulikov, Marina Tsivileva, Oleg Makarov, Oksana Goncharova and others.
Kundalini yoga helped to live the transformation processes that had been launched at a qualitatively new level. After training, I began teaching yoga in Zhukovsky. In the past, a successful HR Brand manager in the largest companies in the IT and Nuclear industry, my main goal has always been for the people around me to be happy. I consider kundalini yoga a magical practice for the soul and body.

Dmitry Glotov

Teacher of Integral Yoga and Hatha Yoga for Beginners

Certified teacher, yoga teacher - teaching for 12 years
- Studied with leading teachers in St. Petersburg (Sergei Ivanov, Galina Menzhinskaya), with Doctor Rao, Swami Venkatesh in India.
Completed a Hatha Yoga course at the Yoga Institute in India, Tamil Nadu.
- Author of his own methodology of Integral Yoga. Certified teacher of the Russian Yoga Federation. Practices and teaches Hatha Yoga. Has higher education and primary medical education.
Dmitry about yoga: “I do yoga to maintain my health, improve my body and spiritual development. Personal Yoga Practice takes all myfree time. She gives me the incentive to develop and improve. Together with yoga, harmony came into my life, which I want to share with others.
The goal of my lesson is to bring the body, mind and spirit to unified harmony. In my classes I focus on the internal state of a person, and through improving the body we harmonize the internal state. The main tool for this is various breathing techniques (pranayama) and asana (posture), combined together! Integral yoga is a synthesis of hatha yoga, sound yoga, Taoist practices, as well as breathing techniques. The whole activity turns into a continuous wave, thanks to which
You will be able to feel and feel the flow of healing Energy, which has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body. Be healthy and happy!”

Olga Tara

P Lecturer of Sivananda yoga and energy practitioners

also a teacher of yoga therapy and facial yoga. Practicing for more than 15 years. She studied in Rishikesh, India (the world capital of yoga) and with master Mantek Chia (Taoist practices) in northern Thailand. Practice of Sivananda Yoga is a classic hatha yoga, designed in such a way that it engages all, even the most inaccessible, muscles of the body, and at the same time balances internal flows at a subtle level.The practice pays very serious attention to relaxation poses, as well as great importance has a class rhythm - clear, aligned and harmonious. The class is suitable for both beginners and those who have been practicing for a long time. The teacher structures the lesson in such a way that everyone is given their own workload that is feasible for them. this moment. Sivananda yoga classes are held in Zhukovsky on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Energy practitioners - uhthen a comprehensive system of exercises, breathing exercises, and work with the subtle body, aimed at the harmonious development of a person, and above all at restoring his vitality.
Practices increase the amount of vital energy, improve physical health, relieve stress, and ultimately teach you how to heal yourself and others.The complex is based on a system of Taoist practices developed in China thousands of years ago.

Dance instructors

Vita Suslova

Dance gymnastics instructor for children from 2 to 5 years old.

Master of Sports in aesthetic gymnastics. Multiple silver medalist (as part of a team)
in the Russian championship in aesthetic gymnastics. We visited many countries and showed good results.
In the "women" category they became winners in international tournament"Neva Stars" and also took a worthy third place at international championship in Italy.
Successfully works with children from 3 years old in Moscow

Alexandra Lukina

Choreographer, teacher with 20 years of experience. Graduated from the Novosibirsk Regional College of Culture and Art, Novosibirsk State University!
Teacher of choreography and dance for children from 5 years old.

Kameneva Maria

Dance therapist. Higher education - pedagogical. For more than 12 years he has been engaged in dance and meditative practices (5 rhythms, Mandala, Kundalini, etc.). At the moment, he considers his main task to be the study and development of a scientific approach to dance as a system of healing and psychophysical self-regulation of a person. She has been dancing and playing sports since childhood - she is a former category athlete: 1st category in rhythmic gymnastics(School Olympic reserve), 1st category athletics, winner and runner-up All-Russian competitions in athletics and all-around GTO.
She has training in classical choreography, modern jazz, flamenco, contemporary, Indian dance, contact improvisation. For several years she was a soloist in a sports and pop dance ensemble. Mother of four children. She studied at the National Aerobics Association in cardio-aerobics and modern jazz (teacher V.Yu. Nikitin), as well as at the Center for Integrative Dance and Movement Therapy (ITDT) by Alexander Girshon. Yoga and Dance Instructor.

Yulia Plugina

Children's choreography instructor. BODY instructor - Ballet, choreographer.

Mikhail Kuptsov

Zumba Fitness instructor.

Mikhail has been dancing for over 15 years, of which 5 years he has been teaching fun, dynamic, cool Zumba! Join our fiery class!

Anastasia Sochneva

Higher education. Certified aerial acrobatics specialist. Projectiles: pylon (sport) and Air cloth.

Silver medalist at Open Tournament Russia in pole and aerial gymnastics in the category "Aerials" (2017)
Silver medalist at the Russian Open Tournament in pole and aerial gymnastics in the category “Original apparatus: Chain” in 2018.
MPEI. Linguist-translator. Lived in England for a year. SAE Certificate
Successfully works with children and adults on the pole and aerial apparatus in Zhukovsky.

Pole Sport instructor (children/adults).

Anna Slastyuk

Aerial and Ring Instructor

Tatiana Redina

Instructor Pole Dance, Air Fabrics, Yoga in hammocks.

Daria Bondarenko

Aerial ring instructor - children's group

Nikita Rafalsky

Graduated from the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkina. She has been teaching poing since 2013 (Moscow). More than 10 years of experience in torsion of various props. Permanent member of the performing group Lando’s Band.

Poing School Instructor

Nadezhda Shportyuk

Certified BabyContact teacher (developmental classes for mothers and babies from 6 months in Zhukovsky) Eva’s mother.
Higher education - State University of Management, Moscow, specialty - organization management. She took courses in group interactions in Berlin and practices yoga and competitive swimming.

I started teaching classes for children in Zhukovsky after Eva and I had been on BabyContact for more than a year. The most amazing thing is that during the classes there is nothing too difficult to do, and after them you feel an unprecedented surge of strength. You begin to look at the child differently - she is alone with her mother, but with her peers she is completely different, this is surprising and very interesting at the same time! BabyContact also gave us the most valuable thing - like-minded people. We have developed a very friendly company, our communication has gone beyond the BabyContact activities and thanks to it we feel much less social deprivation.

Fitness instructors

Milena Brueva

Certified instructor,Master of Sports in Aesthetic Gymnastics.
Two-time winner of the World Championship in the team competition, finalist of numerous stages of the World Cup, European Championship and World Championship. Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship, winner of the Central Federal District Championship of the Russian Federation. Two-time winner of the Central Federal District Championship of the Russian Federation, bronze medalist at the Mediterranean tournament. Multiple silver medalist of the Russian Championship. Winner of numerous internal competitions.

Conducts Pilates classes in Zhukovsky, and children's groups from 3 years old in dance gymnastics and acrobatics.

Evgenia Pakhomova

Higher education, CMS in rhythmic gymnastics, completed training in the Aerobics and Pilates program at the Russian Aerobics Federation. Pilates instructor.

Blokhina Ekaterina

Step aerobics instructor.

Massage therapists

Denis Filimonov

Massage therapist, osteopath. Medical education.
Practicing massage since 2011. Specializes in healing massage techniques.

Proficient in the following techniques:
- Classic massage
- Wellness massage
Including injuries
- Works with scoliosis of various degrees
- Anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage
- Cupping massage
- Ladka techniques, Rule

Yumeiho massage (relieves tension, back and neck pain, straightens the spine, corrects posture, completely relaxes the body).

Massage Certification: Amir Gumerov's recovery system
- Postisometric relaxation in massage
- Osteopathic mobilizations
- Express recovery for injuries
- Training massage
- Theory and practice of short-term systemic therapy based on the approach of Bert Hellinger "First Professional Institute of Aesthetics"

- Relaxation body massage
- Anticellulite massage. wraps
- Children's massage
- Classic massage
"School of Modern Massage"
- Classic massage

Marina Mineeva

  • She has a medical education, a valid certificate in health massage, and has completed training in microkinesitherapy (modules A, B, C).
  • Microkinesitherapy is a unique method that reveals the essence and cause of diseases. It has no contraindications and side effects. Combines with all other methods as part of complex therapy.

Proficient in the following techniques:

Wellness massage (for scoliosis, osteochondrosis, flat feet, recovery from injuries, fractures)

Restorative massage for children from 3 months and adults

Sculpting facial massage

Anticellulite massage

Lymphatic drainage massage

Specializes in Microkinesitherapy and restorative massage for adults and children from 3 months

Some massage certificates:

Anastasia Martynova

Certified massage therapist with primary medical education. Work experience - 7 years, including in a rehabilitation center with children with cerebral palsy. Constantly develops and improves itself.

Proficient in the following techniques:

Sculptural facial massage

Classic massage (Full - whole body, segmental - CVZ, Back, Legs + Hips, etc.)

Anticellulite massage

Cupping Massage

General massage

Lymphatic drainage massage (French system)

Sports massage, etc.

Specializes in figure correction.

Massage Certification:

From the master: "My massage practice helps me unite the soul and physical wellness and direct it for the benefit of people. Massage is a universal procedure that not only gets your body in shape, but also puts your thoughts in order. With the help of massage you can relieve stress, eliminate muscle spasms, and just take a break from everyday worries. I carry out all procedures using my hands."

Dmitry Glotov

Master of Thai and Ayurvedic massage.

She has been practicing massage for more than 5 years. Studied in India with Ayurveda masters.

Ayurvedic massage based on deep work with soft tissues(skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and internal organs). Active stimulation of blood and lymph occurs, the energy flow increases, toxins that have accumulated in the muscles are released and washed away by the blood flow.

Besidesgeneral healing and relaxing effect:
- The body is saturated with vital energy.
- The level of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) increases.
- The production of cortisol (stress hormone) is suppressed.
- Blood microcirculation improves.
- The layer of subcutaneous fat decreases.
- Improves sleep quality
- Indicated for migraines and osteochondrosis
Yes, another equally important effect of massage is a clear head.