Pump up the inner thigh muscles for women. Secrets of beautiful and slender legs. Effective workouts at home

Sartorial muscle (lat. musculus sartorius) - muscle of the anterior thigh. It is the most long muscle human body.

The structure of the sartorius muscle

Starts from the superior anterior iliac spine. It goes obliquely downwards from it. Located on anterior thigh, the muscle spirals downward, moving to its inner surface, and then, rounding the medial back epicondyle, passes to the anteromedial surface of the leg.

The muscle passes into a flat tendon, which is attached to the tuberosity tibia, and a certain number of bundles are woven into the fascia of the upper leg. At the site of muscle attachment, 2-3 subtendinous bursae of the sartorius muscle are formed, which separate the tendon of the latter from the tendons of the gracilis and semitendinosus muscles.

Its upper part is the lateral border of the femoral triangle.

If in Russian, then the sartorius muscle is the only muscle, other than , that can be seen on the front surface of the thigh. Usually it is noticeably thinner than the four-headed bunches, but it can also grow to serious sizes.

Function of the sartorius muscle

Being biarticular, it produces flexion of the thigh and flexion of the tibia. Having a somewhat spiral course, the sartorius muscle not only flexes the thigh, but also supinates it. By bending the lower leg, she also pronates it. Thus, she takes part in throwing the leg behind the leg

This muscle can be clearly visible under the skin along its entire length with a bent, abducted and supinated thigh, as well as with an extended lower leg in the form of a cord between the quadriceps femoris muscle on one side and the adductor muscles on the other. The sartorius muscle can be easily felt in the upper thigh.

The question is how to pump up inner part hips, is quite complex and controversial. At different times, there were different opinions about which exercises really help. At the moment, experts agree that leg extension and abduction exercises, which have been popular for a long time, are actually not very effective. The most effective exercises For inside the hips were quite unexpected.

How to pump up the inner thigh?

To achieve results, it is important to perform exercises for the inner thigh muscles regularly, every other day or every day, depending on how you feel. In addition, it is important to perform them correctly, otherwise they simply will not give the desired effect.

In fact, you can pump up your inner thighs by doing just one exercise - but doing it correctly. This magic exercise– squats with a barbell, but not in their usual form, but in a slightly modified form. However, an integrated approach, as in any matter, gives more quick results, so if you add a few more approaches of other exercises to it, you will notice the effect much earlier.

How to pump up the inner thigh muscles: squats with a barbell

Let us examine in detail how to perform this basic exercise, which will quickly make your legs toned and beautiful.

  1. Stand straight, with your feet wider than your shoulders, your feet pointing outward at an angle of 45 degrees, your shoulders straight, and a barbell on your shoulders (but in no case on your neck!). The back should be perfectly flat along its entire length, including the neck (make sure that the chin is raised).
  2. Take a deep breath, slowly push your butt back as if you were trying to sit on an invisible chair, and move down, bending your knees to a 90-degree angle (your thighs should be parallel to the floor).
  3. Stay in this position for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position. Make sure your back remains straight and your head does not tilt down. Stay at this point for two seconds and slowly return to the starting position. After this, exhale.

Such squats should be repeated in three approaches, 15-25 times each. If this is too difficult for you, start with a load of 10-12 repetitions in three sets. Since strengthening the muscles of the inner thigh with this exercise is quite simple, because it involves the most different groups muscles, you will get a double effect: squats with a barbell or body bar actively work the muscles of the buttocks, giving the body in this area an elastic and attractive appearance.

How to pump up your inner thighs: an exercise for the lazy

To achieve the look of beautiful, slender, elastic thighs, in addition to weighted squats, you should use another exercise that can be performed lying down, for example, while watching a movie.

At correct execution Even these two exercises will be quite enough to give your legs a beautiful shape and pump up your inner thighs in a fairly short time.

While improving their physical fitness, many may have noticed that even with heavy loads, the inner thighs remain insufficiently toned. The solution to this problem will be special training, during which attention is concentrated precisely on this zone. Therefore, today we offer you an overview of the Top 7 most effective exercises for the inner thigh.

There are many exercises that use your legs. However, not all of them “specialize” in restoring tone to the thigh muscles. At the same time, there are several very successful and effective exercises that help eliminate sagging and reduce the volume of the problem area for many women and men. We will talk about them further.

For those who are interested in how to pump up their thigh muscles and get their legs in order, it will be useful to know the structural features of the body. This will allow you to understand how effective one or another is.

The inner part of the thighs is designed in such a way that flexion and rotation movements are possible due to the work of the large, short and long adductor muscles, as well as the gracilis and pectineus muscles. They are the most important and extensive; they are activated when climbing or walking up stairs. At the same time, they are considered the weakest, since they are most rarely used by humans in Everyday life. And it was for them that a set of exercises was developed to restore the tone and attractiveness of the problem area. At the same time, during their execution, the muscles responsible for the excellent appearance of the legs, in particular the inner thighs and groin, are activated.

In addition, exercises designed to activate the adductors not only help strengthen muscles, but also allow you to get a lot of pleasant bonuses. Among the main benefits of such training:

  • Reducing the risk of injury, which is possible due to weakness of the thigh muscles;
  • Attractiveness and harmony of this area;
  • Improved coordination and stability while standing and while walking and moving around;
  • Attractiveness of gait;
  • Correct and beautiful posture.

You can experience all the charm and benefits of training if you approach the problem with responsibility and exercise regularly at home, outdoors or in gym. So, let's begin.

Exercise No. 1 – Plie

On the way to ideal forms Be sure to try plie squats, also known as sumo squats. It is very simple and accessible to many, and to increase the load it can also be performed with weights.

During this exercise, it is worth monitoring the work of the muscles in the problem area. It is very important that it is the inner thighs that are pumped. To do this, you need to perform squats from the starting position - standing with your legs wide apart and your toes turned to the sides. During a squat, you need to bend your knees so that they point in the same direction as your toes.

Having taken the starting position, straighten your back and clasp your hands at chest level. Slowly lower yourself as far as you can to feel the tension in your inner thigh. After a 1-2 second pause, smoothly return to i. p. You can start by doing 10-15 squats, increasing the number of approaches and repetitions in them. “Advanced” athletes can perform 2-4 sets of 20 squats each with additional weight.

When you are ready for more serious loads, you can use weights to enhance the effect of squats. When working out in the gym, you can use a kettlebell or dumbbells for these purposes, or at home you can use a bottle filled with sand. Holding the weight with both hands, perform a squat, smoothly lowering yourself until your knees form right angle, and also smoothly return to the starting position.

Exercise #2 – Scissors

Another very simple, but very effective exercise that allows you to thoroughly work out the muscles of the inner thigh - leg swings on an incline or simply “scissors”.

Starting position – lying on your back with straight legs and arms parallel to the body. Raising your legs approximately 45-50 cm from the floor (approximately 45⁰), spread them as far as possible, then bring them together and cross them. The next approach is the same, but when crossing, change legs. It is recommended to perform 2-3 sets and 15-20 approaches each.

This scissor variation is also useful because it uses this area well. As a result, you can improve not only the appearance of your thighs in the area between your legs, but also tighten your abs, which is very important for most girls. (Note - exercise is contraindicated if).

Exercise #3 – Side Lunges

As in the previous case, this exercise will help quickly restore elasticity to the leg muscles. It is performed from the starting position - standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands clasped at chest level.

Lunge with one leg to the side, keeping your knees and toes pointed in the same direction. Keeping your back straight, perform a lunge through the push with the other leg. Make sure your knees keep their correct position and did not go beyond the toe line. Such lunges will help pump up your inner thighs if you perform them for 2-3 sets and 15-20 repetitions.

Exercise No. 4 – Jumping

Jumping with legs crossed in the air is another exercise that justifiably takes its position in the TOP-7. It has brought a lot of benefits to many girls suffering from sagging and large thighs.

Starting position – standing straight with a straight back and tense abs. After jumping, lower yourself to the floor, crossing your legs so that your toes point in the same direction, but one leg is in front of the other, as shown in the photo. Next time you jump, switch legs. And repeat this 15-20 times for 2-3 sets.

It is worth noting that this exercise may also be useful for the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle. In order to simultaneously tighten them, during jumps you can use the same technique to cross your arms extended in front of you.

Exercise No. 5 – Lying hip adduction

Leg raises while lying down are an equally effective exercise that activates the most deep muscles the inner thighs, helping to strengthen them. To perform it, you need to lie on your side on the floor, leaning on your elbow, as shown in the next photo.

The leg that lies on the floor must be left straight, and the other leg must be bent at the knee and placed behind. In this position, you should perform hip adduction with a delay of 2-3 seconds at the top point.

To obtain maximum effect from exercise and strengthen problem area hips, movements are best performed slowly. This will allow you to feel how each muscle group is pumped and understand whether you are reproducing the movements correctly.

Exercise No. 6 – Leg adduction with an expander

To perform this, you will need an expander, which can be purchased at any sporting goods store. Hook one end of the expander onto a stand or support at a distance of approximately 10-15 cm from the floor. Stand with your right side to the support and put the loop on your right leg. This leg will be the working leg, and the left leg will be the supporting leg.

From this position, stretching the expander, bring your working leg forward, trying to create a single line with the supporting leg (see photo). After completing 3 sets of 10 reps each, repeat the same with the other leg.

A similar exercise is performed by gym goers. Leg abduction in the exercise machine (crossover) is more convenient, because you have the opportunity to set and adjust the weight. Over time, the load can be increased, thereby increasing the effectiveness of training.

Exercise No. 7 – Leg abduction on the machine

Another exercise that is considered a favorite among many girls who visit the gym. It is performed on a special simulator and allows you to tighten the inner thighs.

To begin, go to the machine and set the required weight. Sit on the seat and press your straight back tightly against the backrest, while grabbing the special handrails with your hands. Position your legs so that your feet are on the pads and your inner thighs are firmly pressed against the bolsters. As you exhale, bring your legs together using the muscles of your thighs. Pause at the extreme point and return your legs under control to the starting position.


These are perhaps the most effective exercises that will help many to pump up and make their leg muscles stronger, as well as. The technique for performing some of them can be learned by watching the attached video.

And in order to enjoy the result to the maximum short term, keep in mind the basic rule: every workout for the inner thigh should begin with a warm-up and end with stretching.

Before you begin the main part of your workout, do a few warm-up exercises. Such exercise can consist of jumping, bending, swinging legs, etc. And after training, gymnastics should follow, aimed at stretching the adductor muscles.

A huge advantage of exercises aimed at developing the inner thighs is that they can be performed with own weight and in any conditions - at home or on fresh air. What’s even better is that this way you can increase the effectiveness of your workout by saturating your body with oxygen. Well, if you can’t exercise outdoors, try to thoroughly ventilate the room before practicing at home.

There are so many pseudo-specialists around who, after 2 bench presses and 5 squats, are already starting to teach you the technique of pumping up your legs. Find out how to pump up your thighs correctly!

Understand, having been around for a couple of months, you have not yet become such an experienced athlete that you forget about technique and give advice on how to properly pump up your thighs to a beginner. You have to shed gallons of sweat in the gym, go through a path of victories and mistakes before you understand everything yourself. In the meantime, soak it up useful recommendations from our expert!

Strong, well-built quadriceps thigh muscles are a sure sign of a beautiful physical fitness. Huge, developed ones can become the highlight of the program and set you apart from the crowd of bodybuilders. Just imagine the contrast between a balanced, aesthetically proportional body with sculpted legs and a pot-bellied man on thin legs. That's why a lot of guys work out in the heat in their pants, hiding their shortcomings.

Most likely, you won’t just build up your thighs like professional bodybuilders, but you have the power to make your quadriceps dense, strong, with a clear definition, meeting all standards. Observe correct technique and be persistent, then you won't need years to get beautiful thighs.

Why pump up your hips?

Quadriceps make up a huge number muscle mass in organism. They force us to spend countless hours in the gym, shed liters of sweat, all in order to gain a few grams of muscle and still get toned thighs. And it's worth it: training the quadriceps muscles will allow muscles throughout the body to grow due to the natural production of growth hormone and testosterone.

Squats, for example, require the use of a huge number of muscles throughout the body to control the weight: quadriceps and hamstrings, back, trapezius, shoulders, etc. - all of which help move and/or stabilize the weight during the lift. As a result, all muscles will grow. This exercise will help properly pump up your thighs. You only have to ask yourself one question: Do I want this?

A quick anatomy lesson

If the answer to our question is yes and you really want to tone up your thighs, let's take a quick look at hip anatomy and function muscle groups, so that you can imagine how your body is working during your workout. The thigh consists of three muscle groups - anterior, medial and posterior.

The anterior thigh muscle group is the most popular among athletes as a target for pumping up. It consists of the quadriceps (and its four heads - rectus, medial, intermediate, lateral) and the longest of all human muscles - the sartorius.

Interesting fact!
The quadriceps is involved in the extension of the lower leg, and if it is paralyzed, the patient can walk normally on a level surface, but is unable to run and can only barely walk up steps.

The medial group of the thigh consists of three adductor muscles - long, short and large, as well as thin and pectineus.

The posterior thigh muscle group combines the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. Do you want to have powerful hamstrings? Try training from an expert on our website!

All quadriceps muscles support the knee joint. In addition, the rectus femoris muscle, due to its location, ensures flexion of the leg in hip joint. All this anatomical information must be remembered when performing leg exercises. For what? To understand how to properly pump up your hips and get results! Now let's get to work!

The best exercises for pumping up your thighs

Now that you've learned a little about hip muscle anatomy and function, let's dive into what makes a ripped quadriceps muscle. These exercises and training programs are designed to get the most out of every trip to the gym and quickly pump up your thighs. Remember to use technique and avoid lifting too much weight to avoid injury.


To properly and quickly pump up your thigh muscles, squat. It is on the back that is the main exercise in gaining muscle mass. Stand in the power rack under the barbell and place it comfortably on top part backs, on trapezius muscle. For stability, grab the bar firmly with your hands and step away from the rack. Feet stand shoulder width apart or slightly wider.

Extremely important!
The movement begins with bending the knees. At the very beginning, do not bend your hips or back, otherwise you may fall forward. Lower yourself until your hips touch or until you reach a comfortable range of motion. Lift the weight back up through your hips first and then your knees. At the highest point, the knees do not fully straighten.

Totally up to you. Working through a full range of motion is ideal for any exercise, but squats can cause knee and back pain. Lower yourself as far as possible and then return to the starting position. The main thing is to constantly expand your comfort zone. The squat is a tough exercise, but the results are worth it - you'll pump up your thighs into perfect shape.

To pump up the inner part of the quadriceps (medial vastus muscle hips), squat with more broad setting legs and feet turned out.

Deep squats with a barbell

To do this, stand under and place it on your chest opposite your deltoids. Cross your forearms—one on top of the other—and grab both hands. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor and your head up. Take the weight and step back, feet shoulder-width apart. The movement is the same as in a regular squat with a barbell on your shoulders. But here the back is held a little straighter. These squats are aimed at pumping up the legs and especially the quadriceps muscles, unlike regular squats, which involve more of the hamstrings.

If you're new to the front squat, start with the Smith machine first and then move on to free weights as you get more comfortable.

If you are very tall and lean forward too much, or your heels come off the floor, place 2 or 4 kg weight plates under them for added stability. This applies to all squat variations.

Hack squats

To work more on the outer side of the thigh (vastus lateralis) there is nothing better. With a weight that is comfortable for you, stand in the machine under the supports, with your feet on the platform shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself as far as possible and then return to the starting position. Do not make fast movements, so as not to add stress to your knees, it is better to work at a constant speed. Legs do not straighten completely.

If you don't have a hack trainer?
Some halls don't, but don't despair, there is a way out. Simply place the barbell with the weight behind your calves (a type of deadlift, but with the weight behind your legs). The back is straight and the head is raised. Rise up until you are almost completely straight. The legs always remain slightly bent at the knees. Return to the starting position without the weight touching the floor. This thigh-toning exercise requires strict technique, so keep the weight light until you get the hang of it.

Leg press

Another great way to gain mass is at a 45 degree angle. Advantage: minimal load on the lower back, and maximum on the hips. Sit in the machine so that you can work through the full amplitude. Place your feet on the platform shoulder-width apart. Push the weight while keeping your knees slightly bent. Slowly lower the weight while controlling the movement. Go as low as possible and avoid half-range movements - you're just cheating yourself and not developing muscles. Proper execution is the key to ensuring that you build powerful thighs.

Leg straightening on the machine

There is nothing better for isolated muscle work while pumping up the thighs. Sit on the simulator so that the axis around which the movement occurs is knee joint, coincided with the axis of rotation of the load. The back is pressed tightly against the back. Place your ankles under the bolsters. Lift the weight at a moderate pace and squeeze your quadriceps at the top of the movement. Then lower and return to the starting position. Do not linger at the top so as not to create unnecessary stress on your knees and ligaments.

For a deeper pumping of the upper thighs, try this extension option. Perform the movement as above, but this time, lift your legs and lift your back off the seat so that your hips and torso are at 90 degrees or less. With this performance, take less weight, but believe me, the muscles will burn anyway!

Lunges with a barbell

– an excellent formative exercise. They give an attractive round shape and tie all the thigh muscles together. Despite the fact that lunges pump up the entire thigh, this article will only focus on the effect on the quadriceps.

Place a relatively light barbell on your shoulders as in a squat exercise. Step back from the power rack and step one foot forward. Bend your leg so that the knee of your back leg almost touches the floor. And remember: the knee should not go beyond the foot; if it does, take a larger step. As you come back up, push off with your working leg and return to the starting position with your feet together. Do the same with the other leg, this will count as one repetition.

A great alternative to lunges with a barbell is Smith machine lunges. Do the required number of repetitions with one leg, then the other. After each lunge, do not go back, but simply continue to squat with one leg. Then change.

Many instructors prefer walking lunges to pump up their legs and especially their hips. Make sure your gym has room for at least 30 lunges. Lunge with one leg. Pull up back leg return to the starting position and step further forward with the other leg.

Workout to build powerful thighs

Thigh workout

To work out your hips in more detail, use these training programs: for the inner and outside hips

If you want to tone your inner quadriceps, squat with a wider stance and feet turned out.

During training, imagine how the muscles of your legs are growing and how your hips are enlarged. Professional athletes claim that such visualization puts you in the right mood and helps you achieve exactly the result you dreamed of!

You've already done a great job, all you have to do is take a little leap and finish off your regular full-body workout with this thigh routine.

That's the whole secret of powerful legs and toned thighs - a super effective workout with correct technique! Monitor your body during each exercise and when you finish working in the gym, remember about healthy habits. Only comprehensive work on yourself will bring you the long-awaited result!

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Pumping your legs

Basic set

Extended set

Basic set

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Extended set

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2 capsules before and after training.

Ecology of consumption. Fitness and sports: Beautiful and slender legs can be achieved regardless of height and physique; all you need is to be able to work certain muscle groups correctly and well. ...

Beautiful and slender legs can be achieved regardless of height and physique; all you need is to be able to work certain muscle groups correctly and well.

Of course, it’s better to do this in the gym and devote separate workouts to working your legs (experts advise working out different muscle groups on separate days, doing the maximum number of approaches with the required number of repetitions), which will give the most visible results in a short period of time.

But the leg muscles, unlike all other muscle groups on our body, can be worked out perfectly at home - there are a huge number of exercises for this (running, squats, etc.). However, many people know very few leg exercises and do not know how to perform them correctly.

First you need to reduce your body fat to a minimum.

When working with legs, you need to get rid of the fat layer, otherwise even hard training will not give the desired result.

To burn excess weight the so-called cardio equipment– orbitreks, Treadmills, steppers, etc. Regular or interval running at the stadium or on the street will also be a great way to burn extra calories and lose weight. If you don’t have excess weight and just want to gain slender legs with a beautiful, moderately developed relief, then you don’t have to worry about such simulators.

You can use cardio equipment before, during and after your workout. Even if you run more than you planned, this will not distance you from success.

Effective squat for the inner thigh

In order to pump the inner thigh as quickly and well as possible, you need to squat a lot with your legs spread wide apart. But everything is not so simple; there are many options for squats in the gym or at home. Let's look at the most popular and effective ones.

In the hall pump up your inner thighs Can in the Smith machine. To do this, you need to take a working weight or an empty bar, if you are just starting to exercise, stand under it so that it is at the level of your back and your buttocks do not extend beyond the structure. In this case, the bar must be carefully placed on the trapezium of the shoulders so that it lies comfortably.

The legs need to be placed wider than shoulder levels, or they can be placed close to the edges of the structure. The toes are spread out to the sides so that the foot is parallel to the bar. We begin to perform smooth squats.

The amplitude should be good, you need to squat down as far as possible, while working the muscles of the inner thigh.

If you squat low enough, there will be almost no effect. Squats using this technique can be performed without any equipment at all, using other sports equipment.

When squatting, your back must be perfectly straight, otherwise the load will fall on your lower back, back, and anywhere else but not on your inner thigh.

We looked at one option for working on the inner thigh in the gym, now let's talk about how we can work out the muscles we need at home.

At home, you can tone your muscles very quickly if you regularly perform the exercises described below.

Exercises for home workouts from Cindy Crawford

Many girls admire the appearance of the world-famous model and public figure - Cindy Crawford. However, not everyone knows that her secret perfect figure- This regular classes sports. She developed in collaboration with professional specialists and several very effective trainers training programs that anyone can do at home without any special equipment or exercise equipment.

Cindy works the inner thighs with several sets of specific reps. She performs three types of squats. The exercises themselves are very interesting and doing them will not be boring at all.

After a good warm-up, we begin to warm up the muscles of the legs and inner thighs. We perform sit-ups with our legs spread wide apart. Do 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions (depend on your strength, you shouldn’t be lazy, otherwise everything will be in vain, but if these are the very first workouts, don’t overdo it, otherwise everything will hurt very much the next day).

When will you achieve desired result(and this will certainly happen if efforts are made), then you will feel not only a surge of physical energy, but also self-satisfaction, self-esteem will increase and there will be a desire to develop, as well as to play sports.

Back to Cindy's squat series.

Warm up the muscles thoroughly let's move on to a very interesting and original exercise:

  • Our situation everything remains the same as in the first version of squats, but now, having squatted at the maximum possible amplitude, we do not stand on two legs, as we did before, but begin to lift one leg at a time, then returning to the lowest point.

This exercise is similar in execution to how sumo wrestlers squat and works very effectively. You not only work the inner thighs, but also do a little stretching for your legs, and the muscles need to be warmed up and stretched both before and after the exercises.

Work as hard as you can, but without fanaticism.

  • Then we do the heaviest squats. If you don’t feel comfortable doing them, then it’s better to warm up again.

We take our previous position, squatting with legs wide apart and toes turned out, smoothly lower ourselves to the maximum and jump slightly, straightening our legs a little, then smoothly squat down and again push ourselves out with the inner thigh muscles. At the same time, in order for the execution to be as effective as possible, we carefully monitor breathing, which in working on the muscles has great importance. When we squat, we take a deep breath, and when pushing out, we thoroughly exhale all the air from our lungs.

  • Our final exercise- This is jumping from one leg to another with a wide stance and crossing.

We get into the position in which we squatted all the time, but we can put our feet a little narrower, otherwise when jumping you can lose your balance or dislocate your leg. Then we move our right leg to the side and bring it behind the left. We swing our right leg in the opposite direction, making a jump at the same time. Then we immediately move the left one behind the right one and repeat everything in the same way only in the opposite direction. You must feel the right muscles inner thigh and try to work with them. published