Male fire horse plus female water rat. Horse man and Rat woman. Business relationships

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Character of those born in the Year of the Horse

The leading quality of these people is independence. The horse strives for freedom and does not take into account any obstacles. She has a quick reaction, the ability to react to a situation with lightning speed. Horses like to be the center of attention and enjoy everyone's favor. It is very important for them that their efforts are appreciated.

Therefore, the Horse is too susceptible to flattery. Among all the zodiac signs, the Gemini Horse is considered the most active and temperamental. Astrologers are of the opinion that this is a fiery nature, although according to the zodiac it belongs to the air element. Any person born this year is ready to share his warmth with the world, is pleasant to communicate with, and strives for love.

Main qualities:

  • emotionality;
  • impetuosity;
  • sociability;
  • selfishness.

Character of those born in the Year of the Rat

The Rat is endowed with charm and outward charm. But behind the mask of cordiality lies internal tension, a readiness for aggression. They often use friends, trying to benefit from communication. But this does not stop them from caring for their loved ones and even making sacrifices for them. In general, the Mouse is endowed with practicality, perseverance, and sometimes cunning. A woman of this sign is distinguished by her thriftiness.

She will shop not to get something she needs, but to simply increase her supplies. If she was born under the sign of Pisces, then the mouse's restlessness will be combined with the mobility of this water sign. The result is people who are successfully engaged not only in personal affairs, but also in social activities.

Main qualities:

  • accuracy;
  • inner nobility;
  • vitality.

Compatibility between Rat men and Horse women

Since the partner in such an alliance can make the right decisions, the compatibility horoscope of a Horse woman and a Rat man is quite favorable, but complex.

A lady should try not to cling to her man over trifles, take more care of him, and not neglect his interests.

Compatibility between Horse men and Rat women

In this combination, the compatibility horoscope between a Horse man and a Rat woman is more successful than in the previous version. The partner here plays not only the role of a lover, but helps her husband in all other areas and supports him.

He should also meet her halfway and try to pay more attention. She can confidently follow a partner who is moving on the right course. The marriage of a Horse and a Rat is still doomed to conflicts, because both partners are impulsive and have different views on life.

In order for the weighing Rat and the reckless Horse to get along, they need to find common points of contact. For example, indulge in travel, go out more often.

They will not be bored in each other's company. By reducing the number of reproaches and increasing the number of pleasant surprises, they will be able to improve relationships and live happily.

Prospects for the development of relations

It is impossible to speak unequivocally about the future of such a couple. Some people believe that compatibility in marriage between Horse and Rat is very low. Others are of the opinion that the compatibility of Horse and Rat is good, because they successfully complement each other.

At the same time, everyone believes that this is a vector relationship, with the Rat playing the dominant role. Although it is definitely difficult to say who suffers more in such a union.

A married couple of a Horse man and a Rat woman will face many emotional difficulties. The two have completely different temperaments and cannot understand each other.

The Horse man requires more physical and spiritual freedom, but needs protection, stability and reliability.

The Rat woman, who pays great attention to detail, can become an excellent friend, a wonderful assistant and partner for the Horse man, who thinks very big and decides only on global matters.

In this case, these relationships will be very balanced. The Rat woman knows how to work and will happily follow a man who will take full responsibility. The Rat woman is not demanding, but she needs to be given at least a little attention and care. If the Horse man learns to take care of the well-being of his beloved, then this relationship will develop, and the Rat woman will do everything so that the Horse man understands what the highest pleasure and true happiness are.

Horse man and Rat woman – compatibility

The Horse man cannot stand lies. He always behaves sincerely and with utmost honesty with everyone. And the Rat woman can cheat, deceive, and behave two-facedly. The Horse man is alien to intrigue, but the Rat woman considers it part of her life. The Horse man is friends with people just like that, only because he likes the person, and the Rat woman views relationships only from the standpoint of personal gain.

Also, emotional outbursts occur due to differences in temperaments. The Horse man behaves impulsively and often thoughtlessly, behaves recklessly and often follows his inner impulses, while the Rat woman does everything without fuss and with caution, calculates her every step and takes into account the smallest detail, which irritates the Horse man with her pettiness. .As long as the Horse man and the Rat woman have not tied the knot, everything is going well. Their romance brings joy and satisfaction to both.

A Rat woman in love and a passionate Horse man enjoy each other's company. bright, independent and charming will definitely please the Rat woman, who, in turn, will easily conquer him with her charm and sociability. In addition, they are united by a love of society, a craving for noisy entertainment and communication with different people. But, sooner or later, disagreements in this couple cannot be avoided. Perhaps the Rat woman was looking for such a man, or almost such a man. The Horse man is hardworking, can provide for his family financially, loves his children selflessly and makes important decisions on his own. For a nervous Rat woman, it could become a calm haven, if not for moral contradictions.

A man born in Russia needs freedom; his unbridled nature cannot be contained. He needs constant impressions, change of places, travel. And the Rat woman dreams of locking him within four walls and completely enclosing his interests to herself and her family. Moreover, we can say that both are very fixated on themselves and their personal interests. They are used to only receiving, but do not want to give. Their perception is so narrowed that they do not notice the needs of their other half. A woman born under is inclined to lead a detached life, always pursuing her own interests on the emotional and material plane. What is most important to her in life is prosperity, a pleasant pastime, comfort and a stable rear. But the Horse man lives in large-scale categories and his egoism can generally grow to immeasurable proportions. The Rat woman is more realistic and pragmatic, while the Horse man often flies in the clouds and dreams. Often, he even begins to believe in his dreams and passes it off as reality, thereby greatly irritating the Rat woman.

It will not be easy for a Horse man and a Rat woman to come to an agreement, since each believes that he is right. If the Rat woman does not learn to give in, then a confrontation will begin in which she will begin to be cunning, and the Horse man will behave defiantly, which will further aggravate the situation. There will be more than enough contradictions and misunderstandings in this couple, therefore, some decide to separate and go their own way, while others try to find a way out and come to harmony in the relationship. And this, with mutual desire, is quite possible. In addition, a Horse man and a Rat woman can perfectly complement and help each other. The Rat woman is able to save the impulsive Horse man from many troubles thanks to her innate instinct and ability to predict future events. And the Horse man is able to teach the Rat woman to treat individuals and life in general more honestly.

Horse man and Rat woman - compatibility in love

Sexual relations in this couple are harmonious. In addition, in bed it is easier for them to agree and come to a compromise. So don’t miss the opportunity to bring physical joy to each other and improve relationships in the everyday sphere.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a Horse Man and Rat Woman couple

In order for the family life of a Horse man and a Rat woman to be harmonious and happy, the spouses must, first of all, agree, distribute responsibilities and divide the territory. And every time, planning your personal affairs, you need to take into account the interests of your loved one. After all, this is not at all difficult for a loving couple, but makes it easier family life essential. This applies to both women and men. Only on the basis of common concessions and taking into account the interests of partners, the Horse man and the Rat woman will be able to live happily ever after, overcoming all obstacles on their life path.

The compatibility of a Rat man and a Horse woman is a big question, their union is complex and ambiguous. But, since these two signs are completely opposite, there are two possible scenarios for the development of events.

Either these partners will accept each other, complement each other and form a happy and lasting union, or their contradictions and disagreements will never allow them to be together. What is important here is the determination of each of them and the confidence that it is with this partner that they want to overcome all life’s difficulties. Most often, the decision to be together or not to be is made. Although, it is worth noting that these relationships begin only thanks to the initiative of the Horse woman. She makes a decision - to win the heart of the Rat man, and embodies it, and he simply takes it for granted.

Rat man and Horse woman – compatibility

According to the eastern compatibility horoscope, the Rat man and the Horse woman are very similar. Both are active and impulsive. Often representatives of these signs are quite wealthy people and occupy a good social position. It would seem that the compatibility of this couple should be ideal, but not everything is so simple.

In the union of a Rat man and a Horse woman, opposite temperaments and outlooks on life collide. Both spouses are independent and active, but they express themselves in different ways. A man born. With his behavior, he often suppresses the romantic impulses of a restless and inconsistent Horse woman. It is difficult for both of them to understand each other and catch mood swings. Therefore, in this union, periods of passionate and stormy feelings are unexpectedly replaced by periods of sharp and deep cooling.

While the relationship is at an early stage, these signs look like an ideal couple. They do not hide their passion and love, and these two antipodes are really very interesting to be together. The Horse woman is admired by the thoroughness of the Rat man, and the Rat man is pleased to realize that he was able to win the heart of such a bright and extraordinary woman. But when everyday life begins, all the complexities of the characters of both partners emerge, which neither of them wants to put up with. The Rat man is reasonable and careful; he does not like to do something in a hurry, following a momentary impulse. A woman, on the contrary, is irrepressible, reckless and listens only to her desires and inner impulses. These qualities greatly irritate her thoughtful husband.

But the main problem is that neither the Rat man nor the Horse woman want to concede anything, because each of them is sure that he is the one who is right. And then a fierce struggle for leadership begins, where the spouses use their worst skills, which, naturally, only destroys the relationship. The Rat man begins to be cunning, dodge, and indulge his base desires, and the Horse woman goes ahead, completely forgetting about her feminine nature. She directly suppresses and acts defiantly, which only increases the tension in communication and pushes the Rat man to even more rash actions. In order for the marriage to be happy, the Horse woman must admit that the head of the family must still be a man and give him this right. In this relationship, she will have to sacrifice a lot, for example, not pay attention to the pettiness, prudence and excessive caution of the Rat man. It is difficult for them to find a compromise, since the Rat man never acts in a hurry and does not give in to momentary impulses, while the Horse woman, on the contrary, listens only to her inner desires and often acts recklessly.

In this pair, the undisputed leader will be the Rat man, and he will even, in a sense, suppress his partner. If such a marriage takes place in an eastern family, then such a family will exist happily ever after, since in the east women are taught humility from childhood, regardless of the sign of the year of birth. In another case, such relationships can be difficult and painful. Relationships built on scandals and reconciliations can over time crush a Horse woman and put her into a depressed state.

When marrying a Rat man, a Horse woman should remember that he loves home comfort and will demand this from her. She will have to devote more time to home and housekeeping, cooking and creating comfortable conditions. If they cannot come to a resolution to this issue, then the relationship will not last long. In general, everything depends on the desire, wisdom and tact of both. But what the Rat man will have to come to terms with is the dreaminess of his wife. There is no escape from this. Let her soar in the clouds and enjoy imaginary events, because no one has ever felt bad from this. Also, the Horse woman loves to spend the money that the Rat man so diligently saves. It is also necessary to agree on this issue and find a solution that would suit both.

Spouses may well run a business together, since both are characterized by business activity and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the plans and dreams of the Horse woman are easily realized due to. True, there may be problems lurking in this area too. The Rat man, with his isolation, gives the impression of a cunning and deceiver. Therefore, without openness and trust, business relationships may fail.

Rat man and Horse woman – compatibility in love

In order for relationships in the sexual sphere to bring joy and satisfaction, the Horse woman will have to give in to her lover. If she does not tame her ego, the couple may face serious problems. Intimacy plays a big role in the life of a Rat man. Sex serves as an outlet for his emotionality, and if he suppresses his emotions, it will make him very unhappy. So, dear women, submit, give masculinity its due, and both will benefit from it.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Rat Man and Horse Woman couple

The Horse woman has every chance to build a harmonious relationship with the Rat man; she has the potential for making the right decisions. She should not infringe on the interests of the Rat man, take more care of him and argue less over trifles.

For the harmonious development of relationships, it will be good if both partners learn to hear each other and show tolerance. A Rat man should not find fault with his chosen one over trifles, and a Horse woman should not reproach her man for fuss and grumbling. And if the Rat man gives his Horse woman the opportunity to prance a little from time to time, then this union has every chance of becoming strong, happy and highly intelligent. Because no other zodiac sign compares to the intelligence of the Rat and the Horse. That is, this couple has two options: either complement each other, or live in constant contradictions and misunderstandings.

To make family life happy, spouses need to divide territory and responsibilities, as well as develop a system of concessions. And common family values ​​will help stop the confrontation.

In fact, the Rat man and the Horse woman have a lot in common. Both have a lively mind and developed intellect, and occupy a good social position in society. Both love travel and need new experiences. Together they are never bored, and their romance is full of many bright events that will never be forgotten. This couple really has a lot of common ground - the main thing is to devote more time and attention to what unites them, and spend less energy on arguing and the desire to prove something to someone. Family relationships will be more successful the more you want to please your partner and make a pleasant surprise. Visit more often, communicate with friends and travel, go hiking, conquer mountains, etc.

How often does a horoscope save you from marital strife, love triangles or dubious meetings without hope of continuation? Often. Numerology, oracle, personal compatibility horoscope are rapidly developing and improving day after day. All more people resort to the advice contained in the compatibility horoscope. But you should not think deeply about divorce if the predictions show a not very positive union of two loving hearts.

It is better to take care of overall comfort by talking with your other half.

Men and women are equally smart and stupid; anyone can do reckless things, regardless of gender and age. But, if true love has broken out between you, no horoscope can stop its flow and development.

Numerological calculations, zodiac signs and the Chinese horoscope together are not all that can tell you in detail about the person you are interested in. The time when a person was born, the place, the circumstances are very important. It takes into account how he was born and what his parents wanted to call him. Many factors become dominant over the character traits that a personal compatibility horoscope describes.

Thus, a horse man, a freedom-loving, bright and kind person who cannot stand pressure, lies, and family ties, acquiring the zodiac sign of Taurus, Aquarius or Virgo, becomes a confident businessman with age. A faithful husband for his chosen one, an excellent father for children in whom he dotes and does not take a step out of the house without his life partner of his own free will.

The Rat woman, a cunning, greedy nature, who knows how to seduce, persuade, and turn almost any situation into her own direction, is endowed with highly moral principles, complicity and kindness, love for her family and the desire to live brightly, if she is born under the sign of Virgo, Taurus, Gemini.

You should not definitely focus on just one year for compatibility or ask the starry sky about marriage. First of all, feel and think with your head. And the horoscope will help you find out the bright character traits of your beloved half, which you can come to terms with, overcome, or leave as is.

Horse man

The main character traits that the Chinese horoscope gives to a man under the sign of the horse are independence, fortitude, and strong energy. The biofield of a young stallion can treat people from blues, migraines, and apathy. Often a horse man becomes a lawyer, surgeon, psychologist. Thanks to his innate charm, he has no problems with the female sex and gladly takes what he likes without giving back. But, if someone with whom he is truly interested appears on the horizon, others simply cease to exist. The stage of merciless comparison of ideals begins, as a result, the life partner becomes the only object receiving all his attention.

What should a woman be to be noticed by a horse man?

The compatibility of a horse with all signs is ambiguous. It is very difficult for him to prove coincidences and discrepancies depending on the horoscope. Especially if you are already married, even if in a civil marriage. The horse man is completely confident in his choice and also decided for himself that he has studied you inside and out. And he takes your natural habits, given to you from the horoscope, as whims, which he either tolerates or tries to change.

A woman for a “stallion”, with whom she is ideally compatible, smart; beautiful, but not pretty (or, as he likes to describe it, purebred). Witty, well-spoken, engaged in a useful business, hobby, hobby that generates income. If a woman joins his company, then compatibility is 80% checked, the remaining 20% ​​will be checked when meeting the parents. A horse man chooses a partner to live with in marriage for a long time, although in public he may never show his affection for one woman.

Rat woman

The Rat woman has minimal compatibility with a horse, but she knows how to remain a wife and mother of his children all her life, without knowing quarrels and sad thoughts that she once made a mistake by getting married. "What does it mean?" - you ask. The fact is that the Rat woman likes to select horoscope compatibility, but does not practice it. She is interested in everything interesting, but not everything in a row. If it’s shiny, it’s not necessarily diamonds, if it’s yellow, it’s not necessarily gold, if a man isn’t the hunk from the picture, showering her with rose petals... and she often doesn’t need roses themselves.

The rat will be compatible in marriage with the person with whom she is warm, pleasant, and funny.

The rat does not allow anyone near its body, be it a horse, a rat, a dog... an angel. ..She is seduced by the compatibility horoscope as something secret and something that can be researched and analyzed. But to give oneself even under personal experiences the rat woman does not intend to. She will be drawn to the man from whom she feels her native biofield, and if this man was born in the sign of the horse, the woman will not worry about his character. Having thoroughly studied all possible horoscopes for marriage compatibility, she will select the right key to his heart and at first will be the way he wants to see her. Next, it’s a matter of habit: they get used to each other, experiencing family adjustment. Or, both rats get tired of pretending.

When everything is the other way around: rat is a man, woman is a horse

In the history of a marriage where the man is a rat and the woman a horse, there are no more pleasant moments, no less. Because the set of qualities given by the Chinese horoscope is a war of views on life. They will have to be overcome in the same way as a horse man and a rat woman. A cunning rat can hide his salary, which is extremely incompatible with the wishes of the horse’s wife, although the rat’s wife would not make a scandal about this. A horse woman can easily plan her vacation in such a way that her husband, a rat, will not be there, motivating her desires with an individual space or a mini-bachelorette party, which she has long wanted to spend with her best friend in the United Arab Emirates. The horse's wife will not accept any words of objection. But even in the world, such couples live often and with pleasure. They can agree on the freedom of two individuals, on raising children, on who will bring into the family and how much. In front of friends, the couple behaves with restraint and does not wash dirty linen in public.

Rat and horse are together forever

The rat woman understands caring for herself

A horse man, unlike a rat's wife, does not pretend, but says what he thinks at the moment. If at the beginning of the meetings he can calmly and calmly explain to the passionately in love rat that she is not the one with whom he would like to wake up every morning and thereby break her vengeful heart and dreams of marriage, then after a couple of weeks he introduces her to his parents as a common-law wife . And he can calmly explain that two weeks ago he spoke seriously, but some act of a woman made him change his mind and reconsider his plans. In sexual behavior and in relationships, the rat is wiser: it does not say “I love you” until it is sure of it. She doesn't promise until she's ready for anything and she only talks about breaking up once. “If you behave like this, I will leave you.” A family where the woman is a rat experiences a version of leaving 5-7..8 times, but in the end the rat leaves forever, turning off phones and changing addresses, closing her heart irrevocably. For the second or third time, the horse man, unlike many other signs, is able to understand this for himself and, like a man, take the situation into his own hands, become a friend, senior assistant and a good lover in bed for the rat. It is at this moment that a real strong family is created, where two different signs stand up for each other and no one can break their trust in each other. The horse man receives double returns for his efforts and is also satisfied with life, confirming every day that his choice was correct.

Should you rely on your horoscope?

The compatibility horoscope is one-sidedly truthful. Everything is in your hands and hearts. The desire to live in marriage with the one and only person you love sometimes works unearthly miracles, including healing from a hopeless illness. Needless to say, you can create your own family horoscope yourself. Love each other and do not let anyone offend your soulmate. Respect and participation in each other's lives will help you maintain the warmth and joy of sex in your marriage until your last days.

The relationship between Horse and Rat is very ambiguous. They have different characters and desires, but this does not always become the reason for their separation. On the contrary, they see such a difference as getting new experience. The differences between them will be quite significant, and everything will depend on the wisdom and experience of the couple, who will decide whether to stay together or separate. Usually the initiative to preserve the union belongs to the Horse.

Horse man and Rat woman compatibility = 30%!

In love = 30%: At the beginning of a relationship, everything may seem idyllic between a Horse man and a Rat woman. However, over time they will begin to face difficulties. And then confrontation will begin, since none of them is ready to compromise. All you need to do is come to an agreement in order for the relationship to survive. But they begin to use their negative character traits, making the relationship unbearable, slowly moving towards a breakup.

Married = 30%: If this couple crossed the line of disagreement and still decided on an alliance, this means that they were able to devote more time to those character qualities that can unite them. The Rat woman will deal with small matters, and the Horse man will be able to devote his time to large-scale projects. As a result, their relationship will be completely balanced. You just need to spend a little effort to make everything harmonious between them.

In bed = 30%: This couple will have to study a lot and for a long time. First of all, the Horse man should take more care of his chosen one, since it is impossible not to pay attention to her. And in return she will try to do everything so that he understands what the highest pleasure is. This couple can finally feel complete unity if he pays more attention to her person. And she will try to bring more novelty and romance into intimacy.

Rat man and Horse woman compatibility = 33%!

In love = 30%: The relationship between a Rat man and a Horse woman begins on her initiative. She makes a decision and implements it, and he simply takes everything for granted. But when making decisions, she should not infringe on his manhood. If they can each balance their egos, then the love relationship between them will become more harmonious. However, most often they are so self-absorbed that they do not see the needs of their partner.

Married = 30%: Having created a serious union, this couple may encounter various difficulties. The Horse woman will have to devote more time to the house, which is not always interesting or pleasant for her. And the Rat man will expect coziness, comfort and order in everything from her. It is necessary to agree on this issue immediately. If they cannot come to the right decision in this matter, their relationship could quickly fall apart. It all depends on their desire, tact and wisdom.

In bed = 40%: In this area, the Horse woman must yield to the Rat man. If she does not pacify her ego, then the relationship is unlikely to bring joy. It is worth paying tribute to his masculinity and submitting, otherwise he will not receive the necessary satisfaction. Intimacy for the Rat man serves as an outlet for his emotionality, and if he suppresses emotions, he will not become happier. She should remember this every minute.

Relationship forecast!

The combination of Horse and Rat is not always hopeless, as it seems at first glance. They may well stay together if they decide that it is necessary. They have a lot in common despite their different personalities. They may be interested in the same things, so it is worth emphasizing this quality. Tact, wisdom and the desire to be together will help them fulfill this difficult desire. Otherwise, we can say that the union is impossible.