Museums parks estates how to participate. Rules of the Olympiad. In-person tour “Museum Whirlpool”

To organizers (Museums, parks, estates)

News for organizers

Preparations are underway for the 2019/2020 academic year Olympics!

We are waiting for all interested Museums (museums, parks, estates): state, federal, private, departmental and others!

The Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates" is a way to awaken among schoolchildren a truly keen interest in the history of the capital and its cultural life in the present (2019. Description of the Olympiad.pdf).

What to do if you want your museum, park or estate to be included in the list of Olympic venues?


  • Be ready to host Olympic participants.
  • Register the museum, thereby informing the Organizing Committee of your desire to participate until June 30, 2019.
  • Until June 30, 2019 create blocks of tasks (questions) for schoolchildren. If for some reason you do not make it by this deadline, be sure to notify the Organizing Committee.
    (see sections "Instructions" (for now only instructions are available last season 2018. Instructions.pdf and “How to write questions” (2019. How to write questions.pdf);
  • If you want to do assignments for preschoolers in a non-standard format (see instructions), you must inform us before June 30;
  • Send questions with answers to email organizing committee ( [email protected]);
  • Set aside at least 1 day a month when visiting your museum will be free for participants of the Olympiad.
  • Send the Museum logo before July 31, 2018 for the production of individual souvenir products with the symbols of the Museum. The logo can be replaced with another picture of the museum's choosing.

Museums open for participants on September 1. In the registration there is a field in which you can indicate the desired opening date of the museum. The possibility of opening the museum will depend on the availability of questions.

The government of Moscow


On approval of the Regulations on the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates"

In accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government of September 27, 2011 N 450-PP "On approval of the State program of the city of Moscow "Development of education in the city of Moscow ("Capital education")" for 2012-2018" and in order to form and develop students' intellectual and creative abilities, interest in creative and cognitive activities, satisfaction of their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement

I order:

1. Approve the Regulations on the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates" (appendix).

2. Recognize the order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated October 23, 2013 N 652 “On approval of the Regulations on the Olympiad “Museums” as invalid. Parks. Estates."

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head of T.V. Vasilyeva.


Application. Regulations on the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates"

to the order of the Department of Education
Moscow cities
dated October 6, 2015 N 2118

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and holding the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates" (hereinafter - the Olympiad), its organizational, methodological and financial support, the procedure for participation in the Olympiad and determining the winners and prize-winners.

2. The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are to identify and develop students’ creative abilities and interest in research activities, create the necessary conditions to support gifted children, achieve meta-subject results in mastering the main educational program, and increase interest in culture and art.

3. State, municipal and private students take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis educational organizations implementing basic educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education located on the territory of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations) and persons receiving education outside educational organizations (in the form of family education and self-education).

4. A participant in the Olympiad is a student of an educational organization, a person receiving education outside of an educational organization, or a group of students who have formed a team.

5. Participants in the Olympiad, regardless of the type of participation (individual or team), have equal rights.

6. An Olympiad participant has the right:

- participate in the Olympiad of any class not lower than the class in which he is studying;

- receive information about the procedure, places and times of the Olympics;

- receive information about the results of checking your work;

- file an appeal in accordance with the established procedure.

7. Olympiad participants complete tasks independently.

8. The Olympiad participant is obliged to comply with the requirements of these regulations and comply with the procedure for holding the Olympiad, which is communicated to the participants before the start of the Olympiad. In case of violation of the procedure for holding the Olympics, the participant’s result may be canceled, and the participant himself may be deprived of the right to participate in the Olympics.

9. The Olympiad includes the main stage and the final prize game. The final prize game is not a stage of the Olympics. The results of the Olympics are summed up based on the results of the main stage.

10. The organizer of the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics is the Moscow Department of Education with the participation of the Moscow Department of Culture, Department information technologies the city of Moscow, the Council of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of Moscow and the Moscow Region.

11. Coordination of organizational, financial and methodological support for the holding of the Olympiad is carried out by the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional vocational education Moscow city "Center of Pedagogical Excellence" (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

12. Operator:

- approves the composition of the jury and methodological commissions of the Olympiad;

- coordinates the work of methodological commissions and the jury of the Olympiad;

- organizes and ensures the direct holding of the Olympics;

- organizes and controls the acceptance of work completed by participants;

- organizes the registration, recording and issuance of certificates to the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad from among the Olympiad participants;

- organizes registration, accounting and issuance of certificates to Olympiad participants from among the Olympiad participants;

- considers conflict situations that arose during all Olympic events;

- determines the procedure for considering appeals within the framework of the Olympics;

- determines the quotas of winners and prize-winners of the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics;

- resolves organizational and other issues related to the holding of the Olympiad, except for those referred to by these regulations as the functions of the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

13. The main stage and the final prize game of the Olympiad are carried out according to tasks (hereinafter referred to as Olympiad tasks) drawn up by methodological commissions with the involvement of scientific employees of organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture.

14. Quotas for participation in the main stage of the Olympics are not established. Quotas for participation in the final prize game are determined by the Olympic organizing committee.

15. The winners and prize-winners of the main stage of the Olympics are determined on the basis of the results of the participants in the main stage of the Olympics, which are entered into the final table of results of participants in the main stage of the Olympics, which is a ranked list of participants arranged in descending order of the points they scored (hereinafter referred to as the overall standings). Participants with equal scores are listed in alphabetical order.

Every year, the Operator sets threshold criteria for inclusion in the overall standings of the Olympics. The criteria are published on the Olympiad website (

16. The general management and organizational support of the Olympiad is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, one of whose tasks is to realize the right of students of educational organizations and persons receiving education outside educational organizations to participate in the Olympiad movement.

17. The composition of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics is formed from representatives of the Moscow Department of Education, the Moscow Department of Culture, the Moscow Department of Information Technologies, the Council of Rectors of Moscow Higher Educational Institutions, educational, scientific and public organizations and is approved by the Moscow Department of Education annually.

18. Organizing Committee of the Olympics:

- considers applications from participants if, during the Olympiad, the jury and the Olympiad participant were unable to reach a consensus on assessing the completed Olympiad task of the Olympiad participant;

- analyzes and summarizes the results of the Olympiad and submits a report on the Olympiad to the Moscow Department of Education;

- considers and makes proposals to the Moscow Department of Education for the improvement and further development of the Olympics;

- approves the requirements for holding stages of the Olympics;

- prepares materials for covering the organization and holding of the Olympics in the media;

- approves the schedule for the Olympics;

- determines the forms of conducting the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics;

- approves by decision the list of winners and prize-winners of the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics.

19. Methodological support for the conduct of the Olympiad is carried out by the methodological commissions of the Olympiad.

20. The composition of the methodological commissions of the Olympiad is formed by the Olympiad Operator from among scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students and students of educational institutions of higher professional education, and other highly qualified specialists who are not scientific and pedagogical workers.

21. Methodological commissions of the Olympiad:

- develop requirements for conducting the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympiad, establishing the form of conduct, and requirements for technical support, principles for forming a set of Olympiad tasks and summing up the results of the competition;

- establishes the requirements for conducting the registration procedure for participants, checking and evaluating completed Olympiad tasks, reviewing Olympiad tasks with participants and considering participants’ appeals;

- develop texts of Olympiad assignments, criteria and methods for assessing completed Olympiad assignments of the Olympiad.

22. The completed Olympiad tasks of the Olympiad are checked by the jury of the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympiad.

23. The jury is formed from among scientific and pedagogical workers, graduate students and students of educational organizations of higher professional education, other highly qualified specialists who are not scientific and pedagogical workers, the Operator of the Olympics.

24. The jury of the main stage and final prize game of the Olympics:

- evaluates completed Olympiad tasks;

- analyzes completed Olympiad tasks;

- determines the winners and prize-winners of the corresponding stage of the Olympics;

- submits analytical reports on the results of the relevant stages of the Olympiad to the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.

25. The working language of the Olympics is Russian.

II. The procedure for holding the main stage of the Olympics

26. The main stage of the Olympics is held by the organizer annually during school year. Specific dates for the main stage of the Olympics are established by a decision of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

27. To conduct the main stage of the Olympics, the Operator of the Olympics creates a jury for the main stage of the Olympics.

28. The main stage of the Olympics consists of three rounds: an introductory round, an extramural museum tour and an in-person museum tour.

29. The main stage of the Olympiad is held in accordance with the requirements for conducting the specified stage of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the methodological commissions of the Olympiad.

30. Participants in the main stage of the Olympics who score the most points are recognized as the winners of the main stage.

31. In the event that the winners are not determined, only the winners are determined at the main stage of the Olympics.

32. The number of winners at the main stage of the Olympics is determined based on the quota of winners and prize-winners established by the Olympics Operator.

33. All participants in the main stage of the Olympics, following in summary table for the winners.

34. In the event that a participant in the main stage of the Olympics, determined within the established quota as a prize-winner, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, a decision is made regarding this participant and all participants who have an equal number of points. points, determined by the jury of the main stage of the Olympics.

35. The list of winners and prize-winners of the main stage of the Olympics is approved by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

36. The winners and prize-winners of the main stage of the Olympics are the final winners of the Olympics.

III. Procedure for the final bonus game

37. The final prize game is held by the organizer annually in April. The specific dates for the final prize game are established by a decision of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

38. To conduct the final prize game, the Olympics Operator creates a jury of the final prize game.

39. The final prize game is held in accordance with the requirements for the conduct of the Olympiad and according to the Olympiad tasks developed by the methodological commissions of the Olympiad.

40. Anyone from among the participants in the main stage of the Olympiad of the current academic year can take part in the final prize game within the established quota of the number of participants in the final prize game and the number of points scored by the participant.

41. Participants in the final bonus game who score the most points are recognized as the winners of the final bonus game, provided that the number of points they score exceeds half the maximum possible.

42. In the event that the winners are not determined, only the winners are determined at the final bonus game.

43. The number of winners in the final prize game is determined based on the quota of winners and prize-winners established by the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

44. The winners of the final prize game, within the established quota of winners and prize-winners, are all participants in the final prize game, following the winners in the final table.

45. In the event that a participant in the final bonus game, determined within the established quota as a prize-winner, has the same number of points as those following him in the final table, the decision for this participant and all participants who have an equal number with him points is determined by the final bonus game.

46. ​​The list of winners and prize-winners of the final prize game is approved by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the Olympics.

IV. Financial support for the Olympics

47. Financial support for the main stage and the final prize game of the Olympics is carried out at the expense and within the funds provided for the implementation of the state task of the organization appointed by the Moscow Department of Education as the Operator.

48. Collection of payment (in any form) for participation in the Olympics is not permitted.

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In the Museum of the East, the children got acquainted with everything that relates to oriental art- this is the art of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Central Asia, the Far and Middle East, Kazakhstan, Buryatia, Chukotka - the exhibition presents about 150 thousand exhibits! The exhibits are all very unusual, unusual to our eyes, but very interesting and bright. Having visited the house-museum of N.V. Gogol, students learned a lot not only about Gogol, but also about the traditions and habits of the 19th century. I really liked the Hall of Incarnations - all the best works were collected there, which can be seen on interactive screens, on the walls in the form of installations and drawings.

Students visited 12 objects - 7 museums, 1 estate and 4 parks. Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates" is The best way visit the most interesting places in Moscow and learn a lot of new things!

The literary museum tells about K.G. Paustovsky and his books. They help you immerse yourself in the world of works, feel and experience what you read. The exhibition of the Museum of Russian Estate Culture is dedicated to the history of the Kuzminki estate and its owners - the barons Stroganov and the princes Golitsyn.

The children learned a lot interesting facts about space. For example, at what distance from the Earth does a person feel weightlessness, what were the names of the first dogs that were raised to a height of 100 km. It was interesting to find out how the dogs were trained before the first flight, how much time it takes to train the astronauts. The guys were especially interested in how and what astronauts eat. The children were completely delighted with the excursion and answered questions from the Olympics quickly.

The museum was founded in 1856 by merchant Pavel Tretyakov. In 1892 it was transferred into ownership of Moscow. The children really liked that the paintings reflected different time periods and themes. Interestingly, each room has different lighting, which affects the perception of the paintings. During the excursion, students took a very exciting quiz, which helped them better study the paintings. It is impossible to describe in words the feeling you get when visiting this place.

After reconstruction in 2017, new modern infrastructure facilities appeared in the park: three children’s playgrounds For different ages, playground, a new stage, the first water and sand interactive playground in Moscow and a color and musical dry fountain. Paths and lawns were updated, new trees and shrubs were planted. Decorative apple trees were planted, the entrance lobby was restored and a green labyrinth of molded linden trees was planted. The iconic object of the park is the oak tree, which is more than 200 years old. The children really enjoyed the opportunity to combine answers to Olympiad questions with a walk in the park!

The students got acquainted with a literary exhibition covering the topic “A.S. Pushkin and Moscow,” which reflected the poet’s complex, diverse connections with the retired capital, with its way of life, culture, art, and its people. Of particular interest to the participants of the Olympiad were the “Pushkin Rooms”, in which A.S. lived from January to May 1831. Pushkin, filled with Empire style decor and memorial items of the poet.

The museum is located in an old house with a mezzanine, deep in Kuzminsky Park. The rooms of this fairy-tale house house the large and diverse creative World of Paustovsky. Interactive exhibition areas involved both adults and children. Everyone answered the Olympiad questions with enthusiasm. During the excursion they didn’t just talk about K.G. Paustovsky and his books, but helped to immerse himself in the world of his works, feel and experience what he read.

During the holidays, my team of 6H class, 4H class and I visited the Museum of Archeology of Moscow, the Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, the territory of "Lublino" MGOMZ (Palace of N.A. Durasov). Participants in the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates" worked like adults. And everything is in order. Museum of Archeology of Moscow - many different archaeological finds. There are coins from various eras that were found in the center of Moscow in past years, glass and porcelain items, shoes of citizens of past centuries, and household items. Moscow has secrets and legends, and excavations have made it possible to partially unravel the mysteries. We found and answered ten questions, and received magnets. The Zoological Museum of Moscow State University was also waiting for us with ten questions, which we quickly answered. Interesting world animals, fish, plants - everything is impressive and surprising. How interesting it is that animals and fish and all living things that surround us live and communicate with each other. The task was completed. Palace N.A. Durasova is always waiting for guests. Mirrors, beautiful lamps, photographs. The walls of the hall are decorated with paintings. Sculpture of Venus, late 19th century. A lot of dishes, luxury, everything is impressive. We got great pleasure from getting to know the Palace of Nikolai Alekseevich Durasov, answered questions from the Olympics, received magnets, photos as a keepsake, and we expect only positive results. The holidays were interesting! We're all in business!

As part of the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates" 2 "U" and 2 "F" classes visited the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Arts, the Moscow State United Art Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve N.A. Palace. Durasova in Lyublino. The children got acquainted with the architecture of the 18-19 centuries, with the works of M. Vrubel, A. Golovin, S. Konenkov and other masters and artists.

The excursion was very exciting and interesting. Part of the excursion took place in the dark. The children were shown how Moscow was illuminated in different historical eras. The children learned what types of lanterns there are and why, for example, gas ones did not catch on among the people. They were considered diabolical because the gas was not visible, and people avoided such streets. The children learned that the Kremlin star is illuminated by just one lamp. In another part of the program, the children had a master class on painting candles.

Students walked along the main street of Moscow - Tverskaya, visiting the Eliseevsky grocery store, and looking into the beautifully decorated alleys of the center. As part of the Olympiad “Museums. Parks. Estates" visited the State Museum - Cultural Center "Integration" named after. N.A. Ostrovsky, Goldenweiser Museum-Apartment, Prokofiev Museum. Every time children get better and better oriented in the center of Moscow, mark familiar places, and never tire of admiring the beauty of the streets and architecture of the city!

How are ocarinas different from pipes? Why are there no whistles with a human figurine? What are "blacksmiths"? Now we can answer these questions. The children got acquainted with Russian folk crafts, learned about folk toys and even painted their own whistle. We passed the “Parks” Olympics. Museums. Estates." Museums are great!

The museum is rich in exhibits and display cases that tell about the feat Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, their courageous struggle for barbed wire, a feat of arms of Russian soldiers today. In the museum you can see exhibits related to the war and the stay of Soviet people in fascist concentration camps. These are personal belongings, dishes, clothing, military uniforms, letters, weapons from the war, photographs, award badges and much more.

The guys visited the museum - N.S.’s apartment. Golovanov - the great conductor of the Bolshoi Theater, composer and pianist. We got acquainted with his work, saw his office, bedroom, and dining room. At the Zoological Museum, children saw exhibitions of insects, fish, reptiles, as well as birds and mammals. The event was interesting and educational.

While completing the tasks, the children learned a lot of interesting things. First we walked along the Walk of Fame - this is an amazing place where you feel proud of your country, admiring the sculptures of legendary athletes. Then we examined a memorial sign in the form of a double-headed eagle, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the 1980 Olympics. The eagle holds two bears, white and brown - symbols of the continuity of the Moscow and Sochi Olympics, on the reverse side there is the inscription “Russia is a sports power!”

The children looked with interest at two halls with minerals brought from all over the world. In one of the halls there is a huge globe, which the children twirled with pleasure. The guys got the opportunity to take part in the excavations. Students enthusiastically found answers to the questions of the Olympiad.

At the museum the guys saw modern views animals, all fossil remains. In the lower hall we got acquainted with a collection of fish, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, and in the upper hall - birds and mammals. We also saw unique objects: the skeleton of a Steller's cow and a stuffed passenger pigeon, a stuffed giant panda and a collection of rare tropical butterflies and beetles. Children walked with interest from display case to display case, guessing the names of animals from the skeletons, marveling at the diversity of animals. Much was new and interesting for them. After visiting the zoological museum, the children were left with only positive emotions and a great mood from viewing the exhibits presented in the museum.

We saw authentic items from the museum’s collections, allowing us to get acquainted with landscape gardening motifs of the 19th – early 20th centuries: silver and porcelain dishes, ancient books, light paintings for a magic lantern and much more.

On November 17, as part of the “Museums. Parks. Estates” Olympiad, students preparatory group The “bees” of building 13, together with teachers and parents, visited the museum of Russian estate culture “Estate of the Princes Golitsyns Vlakhernskoye-Kuzminki”. Children learned the history of the estate, saw toys of that time, and examined the flora and fauna of the park.

This time our team visited the small but cozy Tagansky children's park, which for many years has been considered a cultural and leisure center, as well as the sweetest and most fragrant “Gingerbread Museum”, where the children learned the history of the creation of their favorite delicacy, saw the work of gingerbread masters, and became the creators of a unique culinary masterpiece.

On November 16, as part of the “Lesson in Moscow” project, students 2 “B” and 3 “A” with parents and class leaders V.N. Dremkova. and Eshtokina O.V. We visited two museums at once - the State Museum of Oriental Art and the House of N.V. Gogol. While completing the tasks, the children learned a lot of interesting things!

Through the efforts of active teachers, thanks to the curiosity of students, as well as with the support of their parents, it was possible to achieve such short time implement the program of this exciting urban project. Olympics “Museums. Parks. Estates" is truly the best way to visit the most interesting places in Moscow and learn a lot of new things! The teachers express their gratitude for the participation of parent groups in developing cognitive skills in students who have embarked on the path of competing for prizes in the “Olympiad Movement” for the first time! Our every small step is the beginning on the path to great success!

Students got acquainted with the “Labyrinth of History” - a permanent exhibition of this creative space, immersing themselves in the main events of the first century of Russian cinema. With the help of new technologies and figurative means, everyone was able to feel the atmosphere of the creation of one of the most popular arts - the art of cinema.

In the interactive museum, children got acquainted with various natural phenomena and scientific and technical achievements of mankind in a fascinating way. The highlight of the program for the guys was the Tesla transformer, which produces lightning to the music of Vivaldi! It was beautiful, unusual!

Located in Moscow, in a house on Borisoglebsky Lane, where Tsvetaeva lived with her family from 1914 to 1922. The opening of the museum took place in 1992 on the initiative of cultural figures. Currently, the museum collection contains more than 45,000 items: archival documents, photographs, antique furniture and personal belongings of Marina Tsvetaeva.

These places are symbols of the people's memory of the tragic and heroic pages of the history of our Motherland. Everyone who visits the historical park feels connected to the generation of winners, paying tribute to all the defenders of the Fatherland.

The guys saw the Vyazemsky-Sheremetev country estate, which was the literary center of Moscow. The estate was visited by A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, A.S. Griboyedov, and also N.M. lived and worked in it. Karamzin, who wrote eight volumes of “History of the Russian State.” A walk through the museum and park with linden alleys, a birch grove and a pond was interesting and exciting.

The museum displays magnificent exhibits, made very realistically. Also impressive is the interactive exhibition, which introduces children to the world of wildlife through play. The Olympiad tasks were difficult, but they were quickly completed thanks to erudition and ingenuity.

For the students, this excursion turned out to be exciting and educational. Having examined the interior decoration of the palace N.A. Durasova, the guys visited the wonderful world of the past, enjoyed the beauty, unusualness, and mystery of those distant years and answered questions from the Olympiad.

The museum’s icon collection is one of the most famous and numerous in Russia, thanks to which students were able to see rare iconographic images and works of amazing icon painters of the Rostov, Novgorod and Moscow schools.

Museum N.V. Gogol. Nikolai Vasilyevich lived and worked in this house until his death. Six small halls greeted us. The best works that can be seen on interactive screens have been collected. And most importantly, 10 questions awaited us. The Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is interesting for adults and children. Large exhibition, learned a lot of facts, visited 23 halls! From the history of the Russian army and navy until 1917 to the present day. Powerful, everything is impressive, equipment, orders and medals, exhibits, reliable weapons - important condition Victory. They answered 10 questions very quickly and received magnet gifts and photos as souvenirs. Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia at Presnya. The main exhibition "History of Russian everyday life. 20th century" shows how everyday life people under the influence of global historical events. Here we saw the office of a leading party worker, a communal apartment, a pioneer room, and a small apartment from the 1960s and 70s. and much more. In the hall in front of the diorama "Heroic Presnya. 1905" there is an exhibition dedicated to the First Russian Revolution. Here we saw photographs, documents, weapons and personal belongings of the participants in the events.

As part of their participation in the "Museums. Parks. Estates" Olympiad, students of grade 3 "H" visited Victory Park - one of the largest memorial complexes in Russia and the world, which is dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War, as well as the Victory Museum - a cult place, a symbol people's memory of the tragic and heroic pages of the history of our Motherland. The museum unites all generations of Russians. This is where the past meets the present. Here they carefully preserve the memory of that great and terrible war that affected every family in our country. The excursion participants vividly felt their connection with the generation of winners and paid tribute to all the defenders of the Fatherland. The museum is very interesting, lively and modern, it made a great impression on children and adults!

First-graders were able to feel the atmosphere of the mid-19th century and become familiar with the history of this wonderful estate - to touch the beauty! The guys learned a lot of new things for themselves. The excursion turned out to be fascinating, and the children left in a great mood with the desire to return here again.

Team 2 "F" class "Altair" visited the gallery of Ilya Glazunov as part of the Olympiad "Museums. Parks. Estates". The gallery's exhibition is a huge world of images created by the artist during the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries. All tasks have been successfully completed! Our team also visited Neskuchny Garden. Neskuchny Garden is a landscape part of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after. M. Gorky. It was formed in the first half of the reign of Nicholas I from noble estates that previously belonged to the Trubetskoys, Golitsyns and Orlovs. The children enjoyed learning about the architecture and history of the park.

In the miraculously preserved building of the majestic palace, we visited rooms dedicated to the life of the nobility of the 19th century: we saw furniture and interiors of that time, wardrobe items and ancient souvenirs, dishes and much more. The students called the “Pink Hall” the brightest hall, where famous representatives of noble families played music on the piano, held balls and held small talk. The entire atmosphere of the museum and its surroundings immersed students in the atmosphere of the 19th century, and the questions of the Olympics complemented this historical excursion new knowledge.

As part of the meta-subject Olympiad “Museums. Parks. Estates" students of 2 "B" and 3 "A" classes, accompanied by parents and class leaders V.N. Dremkova. and Eshtokina O.V. We visited 2 objects at once - the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and Catherine Park. The Central Museum of the Russian Armed Forces is one of the largest military-historical museums in the world. Having visited it, the guys learned a lot of interesting things about the history of the country's Armed Forces from the beginning of their appearance to the present. A walk through Catherine Square turned out to be educational.

Andrei Bely (real name - Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev; 1880-1934) was born and lived here for the first 25 years. A symbolist poet, writer and thinker, he was one of those few who, in the eyes of his contemporaries, seriously laid claim to the status of a genius. He has written about 50 books and several hundred articles, sketches, and essays. His works had a huge influence on Russian and world literature, on the style of thinking and worldview of modern man. The guys enjoyed walking through the poet’s rooms and immersed themselves in the atmosphere of Andrei Bely’s life a hundred years ago. By answering questions at the Olympiad, seventh-graders learned a lot of new things.

The timing of inspection of works depends on the museums. As a rule, verification and processing of work forms is carried out within 2 weeks from the date of visit, however, the period for publication of results may be 3 or more weeks.

2 weeks are allowed for verification of title photos and confirmation photos.

  • The results of visiting museums, parks and estates are published on the My results page.

2 weeks are allowed from the date the response is sent to check the answers and confirmation photos for the parks. Important: Park confirmation photos are not verified until park responses are uploaded.

The results of the correspondence tour of museums and estates appear immediately after completing the tour.

The participant can submit an appeal through the form in the Personal Account within 3 weeks from receiving the result in a museum, park or estate.

Accrual of points

Points are awarded for completing the correspondence museum and full-time museum tours:

  1. Correspondence museum tour - up to 5 points for each block of tasks. Points for the correspondence round are given only if the tasks are successfully completed on the first attempt. The completion is considered successful if at least 4 questions are answered correctly. Points for an absentee tour are added to the total amount of points for a museum or estate only after the publication of the results of an in-person tour for this object.
  2. In-person museum tour - up to 50 points for each museum, park or estate.

Bonus points (coefficients that are applied to the points of the full-time round) are given for:

  1. Some Museum points may come with an increasing coefficient (the maximum coefficient is 2).
  2. Visiting bonus Museums (periodically published on the website).
  3. Visiting those Museums that received the smallest number of participants during the previous period of publication of the TOP-20 museums. The TOP 20 museums are determined and periodically published on the website (the date of publication and the date of the next publication are indicated).
  4. Visiting the Museums that received the smallest number of participants during the current period (see TOP-20) (the list of Museums is unknown in advance, that is, the participant can, based on the list of least visited Museums for past periods, guess which Museums few participants will go to).


Nominations are various ways adding up points scored by participants in museums, parks and estates. A large number of nominations (more than 30 in total) gives all participants the opportunity to show themselves in the area that is most interesting to them.

Super winners are determined in the following categories:

  1. Most active participant (participant who visited the largest number of objects).
    The number of museums, parks and estates visited by the participant is taken into account (objects can be of their own or older age categories).
  2. The most active participant on the network (for actively completing correspondence museum tours).
    In this nomination, points for all correspondence tours for museums and estates are summed up of your age category. The results of correspondence rounds of older age categories are not taken into account.
  3. Amateur fresh air (for visiting the largest number of parks and estates).
    This category counts the number of parks and estates visited of your age category. Visits to parks and estates for older age groups are not taken into account.
  4. Active competitor (for participation in the largest number of competitions).
  5. Park Connoisseur (for the most points for tasks in the parks).
    In this nomination, points for all parks are summed up of your age category. Results of visiting parks intended only for older adults age category, are not taken into account.
  6. Estates caretaker(for the most points for tasks in the estates).
    In this nomination, points for all estates are summed up of your age category. The results of visits to estates designed only for older age categories are not taken into account.
  7. Categorical (for the best knowledge of museums (the highest number of points) of a certain category, for example, for literary, historical museums, etc.). If a category includes less than 3 museums, then the results for this category nomination are not summed up. In addition, there may be exception museums that are not taken into account in the results for the “Category” group nominations (information about this is posted in the Features of visiting museums).
    In this nomination, points for all museums are summed up of your age category. The results of visiting museums intended only for older age categories are not taken into account.
  8. Route (for completing a certain route with the most points). .

New nominations will appear in the future.


In addition to summing up results directly from participants’ visits to museums, competitions on various topics are held (art, literary, photo competitions, etc.).

The results of competitions are summed up at least once a month (for long-term competitions) and at the end of the competitions.