Is it possible to increase the volume in the chest? Basics of skeletal extension training - Street Workout - bodyweight training. Features of training for chest expansion

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Many men dream of athletic figure: broad shoulders, pumped up abs, strong legs. But massive shoulders look ugly on a narrow chest. Before training, future athletes should learn how to expand their chest. The upper shoulder girdle increases not only due to muscle mass, but also thanks to cartilaginous and bone tissue.

The process is effective at a young age. Mature men can also have their breasts enlarged, but they will have to spend more time and effort.

What does anatomy say?

The rib cage includes the ribs and costal cartilages. They are connected to the sternum. The muscles of the torso are attached to the chest. Cartilage is elastic and can stretch. They are able to increase the length of the arch of the ribs and expand the chest. In guys, cartilage finally ossifies when young people turn twenty-five.

Between the ribs are the intercostal muscles. Increasing in size, they significantly expand the upper shoulder girdle. You can rock them even after 25 years. Often, adult men enlarge their breasts by swaying the intercostal muscles.

How to use equipment

Exercises that expand the chest are limited to a few types. To perform them, special equipment is required. Classes take place in the gym, but they can also be done at home if you have the necessary equipment.

  1. The main exercise - or dumbbells. Stand up straight, grab a barbell or dumbbells, but don't chase the scales. Select such a mass that you can comfortably do the exercise. Squat down while inhaling, rise up while exhaling. Between each squat, take one deep breath and exhale forcefully. Repeat 5 times. Take two deep breaths between five squats. Then 3 breaths, 4, 5 and 6 breaths for every five squats. Having finished this exercise, you need to immediately proceed to the next one.
  2. Second important exercise called . It helps stretch the chest. Lie down on a bench or lean your shoulder blades on it. Lift dumbbells (choose light weights) and place them behind your head. Lower the dumbbells slowly, while inhaling, hold for a few seconds. Then exhale sharply and lift the dumbbells from the bottom point with a sharp jerk.
  3. . The exercise is done while lying on a bench. In the hands of a barbell taken wide grip(20 centimeters wider than shoulder level). Inhaling, lower the equipment until you touch the bar to your chest. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds, and while exhaling, return to the starting position.
  4. – grab the horizontal bar so that the distance is 20–30 centimeters wider than shoulder level. Hang on the horizontal bar for a couple of seconds, inhale and slowly pull yourself up. Elbows should remain at the same level. Pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar. Lower yourself as you exhale.
  5. . Stand straight with your feet scissored as if you were preparing to squat with a barbell. Take the barbell from the trapeze, step back a little, scissor your legs again. Push the inventory up sharply. Smoothly lower the barbell behind your head to ear level. At this time, inhale the air. Then push the barbell out again while exhaling forcefully.
  6. . Squat under the barbell, stand with it (the equipment should be located on deltoid muscle). Make sure your back is arched and your head is raised up. The toes of the feet are parallel, and the center of gravity is on the heels. Sit down slowly, then stand up with a sharp push.

Exercises at home

There are two exercises that do not require special equipment. They are made at home, between strength training. They are designed to stretch chest.

  1. - This is a unique type of pullover, but it is performed while standing. The exercise is done at home, since no equipment is needed. Go to the corner of the wall, lean your palms on it, placing them above your head. Stand so that your back is arched in the lumbar region, and move your buttocks back. Then relax your abs, straightening your chest. Reach down, stretching the pectoral cartilage. Ryder's exercise is included in chest stretching sets and other training complexes.
  2. The sun is an exercise for stretching the pectoral muscles. It is done using sticks, bars or ordinary rubber bands. Take the equipment with a wide grip. Lift it above your head, twist your arms behind your back. Inhale while scrolling, and exhale while returning to the starting position.
  3. Breath holding - exercise is done for a long time every morning. Optimal time is three months. Stand straight, clasp your hands at waist level and inhale as deeply as possible. Hold your breath and at this time raise your clasped hands, stopping them at chest level. Try to move your arms to the sides, at this time you should feel the resistance of your hands. Hold this position for a few seconds, exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times.

How to make a complex

Training sets should be performed every other day. While resting, do Sun and Rider rows. They can be performed both in the morning and in the evening. Repeat three training cycles (4,6 and 8 weeks), the break between them is 1 month.

An example set looks like this:

  • squats with deep breathing;
  • pullover;
  • wide grip pull-ups;
  • wide grip barbell press.

Pull-ups and wide-grip barbell presses can be replaced with front squats or standing barbell presses.

All exercises should be done 15 to 30 times. Repeat 6 – 10 approaches.

The narrow chest in men will gradually expand. But this is a long process, even among young men. Trainers advise taking breaks between cycles, during this period of time you should pay attention to standard exercises, then return to pumping the chest and stretching the cartilage.

This algorithm is the most efficient. Sometimes, as a result of changing training, there is a low percentage of muscle loss, but the final result is worth it.

Many people want to expand their breasts. The main reasons are attractive appearance and maintenance sports uniform. Besides regular workouts improve health.

  • Start and carefully record the exercises you perform. This will increase self-control. The key to success is systematic and regular training.
  • Be sure to monitor your breathing during the exercise. Proper breathing - important condition any workout. During relaxation, inhale, and at maximum load, exhale.
  • Don't forget about rest. In the early stages, it is best to train every other day to allow your muscles to relax.

Nutrition rules

For intensive breast growth, you need to eat right. Young people should use healthy foods, which are “construction” materials.

  • Include food in your diet rich in carbohydrates. But we're talking about complex carbohydrates(cereals, durum pasta, legumes). , baked goods, sugar will not help.
  • Include fats in your menu - vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, etc.
  • Basic construction material- proteins. Every day you should consume at least 400 grams of protein foods: meat, seafood, fish, eggs. It is also worth including fermented milk products in your diet.

Don't forget about fresh vegetables and fruits. The fruits are rich in vitamins and mineral elements. They will help support the body during heavy strength loads.

How to expand breasts at a young age

The effectiveness of young people’s training is proven by their photos before and after regular exercise:

Expansion of the skeleton occurs easily in adolescents. Age up to 18 years – best time for bone growth and skeletal development. In subsequent years, bone growth slows down. If you perform the whole set of exercises, the effect will be, but not so pronounced. Young people can also build muscle. Fiber hypertrophy occurs within two years. But the muscles deflate in the absence of training, and the width of the bones remains forever.

A teenager should perform a set of exercises to expand the chest, but select light weight dumbbells or barbells. Initially, it is recommended to choose a weight of 5 kilograms, then increase it to 10 kilograms. During training, pay close attention to your breathing technique and fully follow the trainer's recommendations. Over three complete cycles, young people under 20 years of age can expand their shoulders by 4–6 centimeters.

What to do after 25 years

It is believed that cartilage tissue hardens with age. The optimal period during which the chest expands easily is up to 20 years. From twenty to twenty-five years old the process becomes more difficult. But after a quarter of a century, it is no longer possible to pump up the chest by stretching the cartilage tissue. But it is possible to build up the intercostal muscles and shoulders. Due to the volume of muscles, the width of the chest will increase.

Men are recommended to choose a set of exercises that will help build muscle mass. It is advisable to seek help from a trainer; he will select a suitable set, guide breathing and tell you about the intricacies. You can choose the complex yourself, focusing on the expected results.


A wide chest and pumped shoulders are the dream of many men. It is better to start training at a young age. Up to the age of 20, you can easily expand your breasts. After 3 full cycles, the volumes increase to 6 centimeters. From 20 to 25 years of age, growth processes slow down. At a later age, cartilage hardens and cannot be stretched. You can expand your chest by building muscle mass.

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Aksinya Popova

Enlargement of the chest is a task that both men and women often set themselves. Working out the pectoral muscles literally transforms the figure: the shoulders become more developed, the relief of the torso becomes beautiful and clearly defined.

For a girl, developed muscles in this area help to visually enlarge her breasts and improve their shape due to greater firmness. If, along with the muscle mass of the chest, its working volume is developed and increased, another important goal is achieved: the body becomes more resilient, strong and mobile, and the lung capacity increases. The larger the lung capacity, the literally easier it is to breathe: asthmatics, allergy sufferers and smokers will certainly appreciate this advantage.

There are sports that allow you to noticeably enlarge and beautifully shape your chest muscles, as well as certain sets of exercises aimed at expanding the chest and increasing lung capacity.

In a few months active activities you can achieve an expansion of 2-4 cm: for an adult this is considered a good result, since the skeleton develops most intensively before the end of adolescence.

How to visually increase the size of the chest?

To answer the question “how to enlarge the chest by exercising at home?”, we must first understand what goals we are pursuing. If we are talking only about visual magnification muscles, achieve good results Everyone (including a fragile girl and a thin teenager) will benefit from regular training, consisting of a series of simple exercises.

Remember that it will not be possible to effectively develop this part of the body by exercising until the muscles completely fail: their strength and endurance will increase, but the rate of growth due to overload, paradoxically, may slow down.

Therefore, train in a comfortable mode, without forcing things: perform the required number of repetitions and approaches, but do not bring yourself to complete exhaustion. And you should start with push-ups - the simplest and most accessible exercise that does not require special equipment or training.

The training program should include not only classic push-ups, but also other exercise options:

  • push-ups with arms spread as wide as possible - with this positioning of the arms, the load on the middle and lower sections of the chest increases;
  • deep push-ups with your torso touching the floor;
  • push-ups with your arms brought together as close as possible, when your hands almost touch each other, and the maximum load falls on your forearms and shoulders.

To begin, do three sets of 30 push-ups, alternating different types push-ups. If this load is too easy for you, load your shoulders so that 30 repetitions per set are performed with effort and noticeable tension.

Many trainers, telling how to enlarge the chest, advise not to ignore pull-ups. Good effect give pull-ups with a wide grip: in one workout it is advisable to do at least 10-12 pull-ups. Due to constant (preferably daily) training with a gradual increase in the number of pull-ups, as a rule, even a non-athletic girl can enlarge her chest.

If you have dumbbells, be sure to use them in your workouts.

Do you know how to quickly enlarge a teenager's chest?

Just do the exercise "Dumbbell fly", as simple as two and two, and extremely effective. To do this, you will need a narrow bench: lie down on it and, hanging your arms with dumbbells at your sides, begin to bring them together and spread them apart. at a relaxed pace, smoothly and without jerking.

Select the weight of the dumbbells so that you cannot do more than 15-20 repetitions in one approach. In one workout you need to complete 2-4 approaches.

A universal exercise for developing and expanding the chest is a pullover (pull over - the so-called “pull back”). During its execution, if everything is done correctly, the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen are well worked out, latissimus muscles back, pectoral and intercostal muscles, as well as the anterior serratus muscles, which are located on the sides of the body.

Before you start training with weights, learn to feel the work of your body: stand straight and stretch your arms in front of you, smoothly lift them vertically up, and then just as smoothly lower them.

Did you feel the tension?

Remember this feeling and move on to training with weights. Pullover can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell. Heavy weight not required here, since stretching, not loading, is important for proper body function. You need to lie down on a bench or fitball, pick up a not too heavy implement and smoothly stretch your arms back from the position "perpendicular to the torso", and then just as smoothly return them to their original position, without twisting your wrists and moving as measuredly as possible.

How to increase the working volume of the chest?

Breathing power and lung capacity can be developed even in adulthood by special training, which must be systematic to achieve maximum effect.

This will also help with sports that involve serious aerobic exercise, in particular:

  • skating;
  • skiing;
  • yoga;
  • swimming;
  • running and race walking;
  • rowing;
  • Biking.

The loads typical for the above sports not only increase lung capacity, but also help strengthen the cardiovascular system. When swimming, athletes also train to breathe rhythmically and hold their breath correctly, which has a beneficial effect on lung function and keeps the torso muscles in good shape.

Good, very effective isolated exercise to increase chest lung volume at home - breathing with resistance. To do this, you need to inhale air as usual, through your nose, and exhale through a tightly closed mouth, leaving a small gap (so that the air comes out with noticeable resistance). This procedure must be repeated as often as possible so that the lungs get used to holding air and gradually increase in volume.

Even though most men lead a sedentary lifestyle and don't go to the gym, most of them want their muscles to stand out and their chest to be strong and firm. The modern way of life, where there is very little time left for ourselves, dictates its conditions to us, as a result of which visiting gym not always possible. However, you shouldn’t despair, because to keep yourself in good physical shape, you can and should exercise at home. How to increase it and what exercises need to be done for this?

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with some rules for performing exercises for the chest, if you follow them, you will be able to strengthen them as much as possible in the shortest possible time:

Rule 1. You should develop a study schedule and keep a self-control diary. The main thing to remember is that systematic training is the key to your success.

Rule 2. The wider the grip in front of you, the more involved external muscles chest

Rule 3. The higher your arms are raised above your head, the more the upper chest is involved.

Rule 4. Watch your breathing. Remember, inhale when relaxing, exhale when performing the strength part of the exercise.

Rule 5. Give your muscles a rest. When starting training, it is best to do it every other day.

Now we should briefly talk about the physical structure of the human pectoral muscles, since without knowledge of the theoretical part it will be difficult for a person to understand how to enlarge the chest and what exercises to use for this. The pectoral muscle is one of the widest in the human body, so to strengthen and develop it you should use different exercises. As a rule, in an ordinary person, the internal ones are poorly developed, as a result of which a small depression forms in the middle of the chest. This occurs due to the fact that, objectively, the external muscles of the chest are trained automatically, since they are involved in performing various physical work. That is why for proportional addition you should train all the muscles of the chest.

  1. in the usual way. Hands are placed slightly wider than shoulder level, legs are closed, breathing is even. It is performed in the following way: smoothly lowering the body down, after which we sharply squeeze our arms and straighten up. It is advisable to perform 18-20 times in a row for 3 approaches.
  2. To enlarge the chest, you can use push-ups, in which your legs are higher than your head. By performing this exercise efficiently, you will quickly be able to pump up both internal and external pectoral muscles.
  3. Deep push-ups from chairs with stretching. In order for muscles to grow, it is necessary to perform stretching exercises. We lie down in the starting position, leaning our arms and legs on chairs, after which we perform push-ups for 15 times, deeply bending our whole body down.

By performing this simple set of exercises for 3 months, you will immediately feel significant changes in your body. At first, the muscles will become elastic and strong, after which their gradual growth will begin. Thus, everyone who has become familiar with the basic rules of performing exercises will be able to answer the question of how to enlarge the chest at home.

In conclusion, a few more words should be said about proper nutrition, which is very important when pumping up muscles. Try to arrange your diet in such a way that your menu contains a large amount of protein foods, as well as fruits and berries. In addition to this, you should also eat porridge, since carbohydrates will have a positive effect on your body.

Knowing the cage, every man will be able to tighten his muscles and improve physical fitness bodies. The most important thing is to keep your studies systematic and systematically move towards your goal.

How to expand the chest

Many highly qualified trainers believe that by doing certain exercises, you can achieve chest expansion. This is usually done by performing two exercises in combination. Such exercises are breathing squats with a barbell and pullovers with dumbbells on a cross bench. By systematically performing these exercises, along with a progressive increase in working weight, the trained athlete can achieve an enlarged chest.

Exercises to expand the chest

Breathing squats with a barbell

First, “breathing” squats are performed with a barbell on the shoulders. The technique of this exercise is no different from the classical analogue, with the exception that at the end of each exercise (in a standing position) you inhale and exhale as deeply as possible, after which you need to slowly move to the lowest point, and exhale slowly as you rise.. Every 5 repetitions can be performed not one, but 3-5 deep breaths, and then continue. To expand the chest, many recommend increasing the number of repetitions to 15-20 in one set. Another scheme is also proposed:

Reps 1-7, take 1 deep breath

Reps 8-13, perform 2 breaths

Remember to take an extra slow breath as you go down and exhale slowly as you go up. Don't hold your breath. Barbell squats can be periodically replaced with hack squats or deadlifts.

After the approach breathing squats you need to start pullovers with dumbbells on a cross board. Sometimes they are also called “breathing” pullovers, since they use the same breathing method: 1 breath for 1-7 repetitions, 2 breaths between 8-13 repetitions and 3 between 14-20 repetitions. Just like during squats - do a new one inhale during lowering and exhaling while lifting the dumbbell.

The total number of repetitions can be reduced to 15 or 12. Try to arch your back more, so as to create conditions for maximum expansion of the torso. As a rule, for high-quality and safe performance, insurance is required. Pullovers can be periodically replaced with Raider chest pulls.

Remember that the key to success is a progressive increase in weights (5-10% more each workout).

General training scheme

You can start with breathing squats, and from pullovers. On average, it is enough to perform three alternating approaches. Optimal frequency training to expand the chest is 1 time every 1-2 weeks.

Efficiency mark

The ribs are anatomically connected to the spine at the back of the torso. In front, they are attached with cartilage to the sternum. Various sources in the past have cited the possibility of "stretching" the cartilage as a rationale for chest expansion. However, in practice it has been proven that the length of cartilage remains unchanged, regardless of how much and what types exercises are performed. No amount of deep breathing or stretching can change this cartilage structure. Secondly, even if it were possible to stretch the cartilaginous bridges of the ribs, this would inevitably lead to a change in their functional and anatomical connection with the spine. In other words, if the angle of attachment of the ribs to the spine changes, then all motor function will be disrupted.

How to explain the existing data on the positive effect of training and, in some cases, significant expansion of the chest cells? In fact rib cage does not expand. A positive effect occurs as a result of hypertrophy of the torso muscles. This gives the impression of a wider chest.

Is it worth practicing according to the scheme described above?

The described scheme is based on the recommendations of Stuart MacRobert with minor modern modifications. However, it has several significant disadvantages. Firstly, it is based only on theoretical reasoning, and since modern data tells us that expansion of the skeleton is impossible, it is better to use classic exercises, which better work the pectoral muscles, latissimus dorsi and deltoids (for visible broadening of the shoulders). It is recommended to go swimming periodically.

Secondly, active breathing (hyperventilation) may not be tolerated. This causes dizziness and darkening of the eyes. In addition, pullovers with dumbbells are very dangerous. Quite often the back and shoulder ligaments are injured.

There is also an opinion that similar exercise give a positive effect only when performed at a certain age, namely up to 25 years, later the growth zones in the bones close and the training is ineffective.

Every man dreams of becoming the owner of broad shoulders. But then a problem arises: broad shoulders look ugly against the background of a narrow chest. This means that it is necessary to expand the chest and shoulder bones. There is an opinion that expanding the upper shoulder girdle This is possible not with the help of muscle mass, but with the help of cartilage and bone tissue. In this article, you will learn all about how to expand your chest.

The main expansion of the chest occurs due to the stretching of the cartilage that, in the front of the torso, attaches the ribs to the sternum. But many experts believe that sternum-expanding training is ineffective. But it is noted that in young people under 25 years of age there is a positive effect of bone growth. And also in men after 25 years, a positive result is noticeable due to hypertrophy of the torso muscles, therefore creating the effect of a wider chest.

Since our bones grow throughout our lives, we just need to help them a little. Bone growth depends on many biologically active substances, one of which is growth hormone, secreted by the pituitary gland or artificial. Accordingly, it can be noted that physical exercise help active bone growth, therefore, by increasing the load on the skeleton, you actively promote bone growth and trigger renewal processes. This is why sternum-expanding training is more effective for young people between 20 and 25 years old. Because their chest shape is still changing.

In order for the bone to become thicker, it is necessary to perform strength exercises. Why? Since it is precisely because of the division of cells on the inner surface of the periosteum that new layers of cells and intercellular substance are formed. Which, in turn, makes the bone thicker. Therefore, bones grow in width throughout a person’s life, but in length - only up to 25 years, since bones can grow in length only as long as the shape of the chest is formed. Accordingly, if you want to achieve an expanding effect on the chest, then do it at a young age. Therefore, your chances of expanding your core will be less and less.

What determines the effect and rate of bone growth?

If you want to expand your shoulder bones, you first need to increase the length of the bones. To do this you need to provide good hormonal background and physical stretching of bones. A special one will help you with this strength training. Using chest expansion exercises, you can provide a stretching effect on the bones and also trigger the release of growth hormone. Many athletes inject artificial growth hormone to improve the process of expanding the width of their shoulders and chest.

But let us repeat once again that the effectiveness of chest-expanding training depends on:

  • Firstly, it depends on age. This should be done before the age of 25, after which it is completely pointless;
  • Secondly, the more growth hormone in your blood, the more effective the training will be on you;
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to properly organize the training and perform special exercises. You should feel that moment that your bones are “stretching”;
  • Fourthly, to increase your shoulder bones, organize your nutrition and rest. Sleep at least 8 hours, as growth hormone is produced during sleep. And your diet should be rich in potassium and other nutrients that play a key role in the formation of bone and cartilage tissue.

Exercises to expand the chest.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to expand your chest, then you need to include the following exercises in your strength training:

  • Breathing squats. While performing this exercise, you should do a lot of squats with moderate weight on your shoulders. Between the first five repetitions, take 1 deep breath. Between 5-10 repetitions - 2 inhalations and exhalations, between 10-15 - 3 inhalations and exhalations, and so on;

  • Pullovers - effective exercises to expand the chest and shoulder bones. It is best to do it immediately after breathing squats. Starting position: lie on a bench and take a barbell or dumbbells weighing about 10 kg. Performing the exercise: fill your chest with air and lower the barbell or dumbbell behind your head, this must be done slowly and without straining abdominal cavity. At maximum lowest point stop for a second. At the exit, return to the starting position;

  • The Rader Row is a pullover variation performed while standing. The advantage of this exercise is that you don't need Sports Equipment. Starting position: Grab a corner or door frame that is just above the top of your head and step back. Performing the exercise: Taking a deep breath, pull your arms down and inward. Do not tense your abdominal muscles while doing this.

To expand your chest, also perform wide-grip bench presses and wide-grip pull-ups. Remember that when performing all exercises, it is not the working weight of the weights that is important, but the total number of repetitions.

Your chest expansion workout should look something like this:

  • 6-10 sets of 15-30 repetitions of breathing squats;
  • 6-10 sets of 15-30 repetitions of pullovers;
  • 6-10 sets of maximum reps of wide grip pull-ups;
  • 6-10 sets of 15-30 reps of wide-grip bench press.

Do this training complex necessary every other day. On rest days, do only Rader rows. Your training should consist of three cycles: 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks. There is a 1 month break between cycles.