Youth and beauty with the help of runes. Rejuvenating apples (eternal life, youth and beauty). Use of symbols in different countries

Rejuvenation apples (eternal life, youth and beauty)
author Nooma

Northumbrian runes
Eoh - eternal life
Bjork - eternal youth
Doug is in the prime of his strength, health and beauty

“This Russian Federation gives me eternal life and eternal youth in the prime of life, health and beauty.”

Feta (rejuvenation)
author Nooma
Хв (Slavic initial letter, not specified) - returns youth and beauty to the object
Soulo - youth and beauty (duplicate Xv)
Raido - returns (duplicate Xv)
which the subject had at such and such an age
Turisaz - and destroys the aging process of appearance and the body as a whole
Yera - constantly

“This Russian Federation makes me young and beautiful” (for young people) or “This Russian Federation makes me as young and beautiful as when I was so many years old” (for older ones).

You can apply it to the body, to a cucumber, to cream, to make a talisman.
There is an effect, the appearance really becomes younger and more beautiful.
Unfortunately, it is cleared of negativity by purges, since it blocks aging (which is perceived by them as closing roads or something similar). But perhaps this is my isolated case, since lately I have been cleaning myself a lot from everything.

Draw them in red on one part of the body.
You can also apply it on a photo or on a tube of cream with a disclaimer or read it visually.

Eternal youth


This is eternal youth...........
Everything is banally simple, Perthro rebirth, Hagalaz cleansing, Berkano growth, development, Ehwaz process engine...............
This is a palindrome, I use this principle very often in my work, it works like a clock...
palindromes work in all directions from top to bottom from left to right, as well as diagonally

Apply on a photo or on a tube of cream or simply on a piece of paper with data, I always stipulate “...until the result”

Based on practical experience in using Polyndrome Vech Mol orig. I advise you to use it no more than 5-7 days a month... you can specify the specific effect on certain areas of the body... the improved one is more predictable and its effect is less extreme...

You can wear the new eternal youth all the time... and not be afraid to look extremely younger))))....
Hagalases- cleansing from obsolete self
Perth- degeneration of the internal body
Evazy- process engine.

Tours- clear purpose of action, direction in the right direction
Hagalases- cleansing from obsolete self
Perth- degeneration of the internal body
Berkana- growth of new cells, flexibility, elasticity
Evazy- process engine.
Kano- obtaining health, radiance of health, attractiveness..
What's the best way to make a talisman on an apple tree?
It’s better to use the second option in communication and spell it out correctly... so that the action is clearly directed... to choose more radically the first, gently and without stress then the second..

Starting the change process
Purification, Revival
Up to 25 years of age
With a slender body and smooth skin
Aging programs are destroyed
Cleanses the body and consciousness
Attractiveness is reborn
Sexuality, flexibility, youth!

Runic Stav "Steps to youth"
author lov_ushka
Dagaz - Ignuz- go to a different state. Inguz- in general - steps, so here is the Winz step, i.e. back to the past.
Next come the dots - the number of years (in this case 5 pieces), the transition step by step five years ago.
ground floor:
Berkana- blossoming female beauty
WITHovilo- energy of beauty and health (specify everything you need)
Isa- freezing processes (aging, fatness, think of something yourself)
Inguz- getting to the level you need and consolidating there.
Secondary rune - yera- obtaining the desired result.

Eihwaz (1)– tightens and gives blood flow to the muscles;
Eihwaz (2)– activates the work and elasticity of connective tissues;
Eihwaz (3)– restores skin turgor;
Laguz lane mirror– removal from the old state of the body. Both in physics and psychosomatics;
Laguz– removal of what prevents the body from reaching a new state specified in the task;
Thurisaz mirror– elimination of fears and past conditions of the operator;
Thurisaz– prohibition of the operator returning to the old state of the body;
Nauthiz mirror– consciously forcing the body to change;
Nauthiz– the body’s need for change;
Ingwaz– the gift of rebirth on the physical plane;
Kenazinternal change on a psychosomatic level;
Sol (ex.)– gives energy to the stave;
Madr (ex.)– regeneration and restoration.

Quote: Such a small but effective enhancer for the cream that we use for the face against wrinkles.

I used a picture from the company of my favorite cream, which I applied to.

I will not say that using this stav, you will not need Botox or it will replace any plastic procedure.

No, this is not true, but what a pity that there is still no such panacea.

Its action is based on enhancing the action of the cream. That is, the cream penetrates deeper, nourishes more and, naturally, the result is visible.

The face looks fresher and more toned, fatigue is not visible (you know those bags under the eyes and sagging cheeks - I’m actually surprised where everything comes from!)

One thing I can say with confidence, after the effect of the condition for a week, I stopped using foundation - there was no longer a need.

(For skeptics, I have been using creams from this company for 10-15 years, so I am familiar with the main capabilities of the cream firsthand)

Having become, I stipulated the runes, specifically indicating the action of each rune. She added that its effect begins at the moment of contact with the skin of the face; at other times, the runes accumulate their energy. I applied it directly to the jar, so that when I picked it up I could see the skin itself. Every time I say, “Well, let’s get younger!”

She activated it with her breath, plus she clarified that the words “getting younger” will work as a switch for the runes.

In an effort to be as attractive as possible, both ladies and men resort to a wide variety of means, sometimes not entirely traditional. But those who understand magic are well aware How powerful can some systems of magical symbols be?. They are widely used to participate in fate, fortune telling and help in a variety of issues.

Runes are especially powerful, one of the most ancient signs that have survived to this day. The power of runes is used to solve a variety of life issues. For those who are concerned about enhancing their own attractiveness, runes for weight loss, tested with a pattern, and runes for beauty and sexuality will help.

Runes are nothing more than symbols of the ancient alphabets of some peoples of Scandinavia and parts of other European countries. The Druid runes are best known to the general public. Their writing system consisted of 28 runic characters. Another popular alphabet is the Germanic alphabet, which includes 24 runes. Otherwise, he is called the Elder Futhark.

There were a lot of runic alphabets. There were 5 Scandinavian alphabets. 2 belonged to the peoples living in the modern territory of Denmark. Another 5 were used jointly by the Swedes and Norwegians. All these runic alphabets - Scandinavian, Danish and Norwegian-Swedish - are also called the Younger Futhark.

How to use runes correctly?

It is the Elder Futhark that is considered magical and the most effective. Alas, out of 24 runes, only a few have survived to our time, so now the runes of the Younger Futhark are in use. According to ancient legend, the runes were given to the supreme god Odin at the moment of his meditation and high insight. For this reason, runic signs have been considered since ancient times:

  • something divine
  • endowed with supreme power,
  • magical.

Many centuries ago, they were painted on stone or wood and carried in a special canvas purse (small bag). Trying to find out their future, they were taken out of the wallet at random one at a time and a special layout was made.

Now there are runes on both the stone and the tree. But you can simply depict—“write”—runes on paper or even on your body.

Have special power runograms- magical talismans that are made individually for each person and life situation. Runes can be depicted on various things that you want to endow with magical powers or protect from an evil eye.

For example, on the front doors of the house, on some of the child’s things, or even on your own body. If you want to lose weight, then write runes either directly on your body or on a small piece of paper that should always be with you.

To draw runes, it is better to have a special marker (or gel pen) in red, black or blue. It should only be used for these purposes and nothing else. Hide this marker and do not let anyone use it. It will be a “sacred instrument” only for inscribing runescripts.

Runes can only be drawn on the body in places that a stranger cannot see. that are hidden under clothing. It could be the stomach or inner side shoulder If you use runes for beauty and attractiveness or weight loss, then it is best to draw them on the stomach.

How to draw runescripts correctly?

Even on your own body (and especially on him!) runes must be applied correctly. They must be written in such a way that they can be read correctly by a certain virtual observer, the one who is standing in front of you. In no case in a mirror image! Of course, you don’t need to show the signs you wrote to anyone.

Runes for weight loss are best applied to the stomach. This is the area of ​​the so-called lower chakras, which are responsible for the physical. Symbols applied to the anterior abdominal wall enhance attractiveness, correct some personal qualities and even protect from negative energy from the outside.

Runes can be depicted in a column or in a line. When writing, it is important to specify the desired duration of the runes. If the runes are slightly worn out, and the result you need has not yet been obtained, then you can just circle them again. After the symbols you have written have had the desired effect, you can wash them off, and do this with a simple makeup remover or even alcohol. The removal tool does not play a special role.

The main thing is to remember that even after the runescripts have been erased from the body, they will still have an effect on it for 2-3 days. If you are not ready to use your body as a notebook, simply write runes on a piece of paper with the same red marker. Always carry it with you, keep it carefully from prying eyes and burn it when the signs have their effect. When washing runes from your body or burning a sheet with their image, you should be sure to respectfully thank them.

To lose weight and stabilize weight, several combinations of runes are used. The most effective magic formula that will help you lose weight quickly and with pleasure is this:

Uruz - Dagaz - (write your name here) - Laguz - Kenaz - Isa

The runes should be drawn on the middle of the abdomen and on the left palm. On the stomach, runescripts are drawn from left to right, on the hand - starting from the wrist towards the fingers. It is better to draw the magic formula with a blue or black marker and it must be updated every day. This is a must!

You need to draw runic signs exactly as they are shown in the illustration, in no case turning them upside down, otherwise the result will be exactly the opposite of the desired one.

So, on the stomach we write the magic formula from left to right, the top of the runes is where our head is, the bottom is where our legs are, respectively. We begin to write on the palm from the wrist (we also depict the runes straight, and not upside down). The last rune should be inscribed at the base of the fingers.

There are also several runic combinations that are consonant in meaning. For example, in order to make it easier to tolerate refusing food or reducing the volume of regular portions, you can use the following runes:

Mannaz - Berkano - Fehu - Vunyo

They will help you think less about feeling hungry, don’t obsess over it and get satiated with much smaller portions. The magic formula works especially well in the first few days, when the diet is especially difficult. Gradually, the body gets used to this diet and copes more easily with a reduced diet.

Another formula will help you survive the period of fasting well, without loss in terms of health:

Isa - Kano - Dagaz.

If the first two runes are rearranged and the result is the formula “Kano-Isa-Dagaz”, then this combination will contribute to the active burning of fat in the body and the renewal of all processes, and therefore general rejuvenation.

The rune “Kano” means “fire, burning, combustion”; “Isa” helps ensure that the combustion process lasts over time and is not a short-term phenomenon. The “Dagaz” sign symbolizes transformation, changing oneself.

Any of the three indicated combinations of runes are applied with a red marker on the left forearm, as always, from left to right, “head” up.

Another formula - "Yera - Sovelu - Hagalaz - Sovelu - Yera"- will help to significantly reduce appetite, but at the same time increase energy and give strength. This combination is framed by the Yera rune, which helps restore normal, natural metabolism and regulate the hormonal balance of the body.

Runograms should be applied in the morning, before meals. The formula should also be updated every day, as many days as necessary to achieve the desired effect.

Runograms of female and male charm

Runograms are successfully used to enhance female and male attractiveness. Moreover, each gender has its own separate symbols. For example, runes for female attractiveness are as follows:

Berkana - Berkana

Moreover, one symbol is drawn on the left wrist. The second “Berkana” is depicted on the right. After applying these runes to the body, a deep, unconditional femininity awakens in a woman, which men simply cannot resist.

To rejuvenate the body, you can use the following combination: Yera - Pertre - Inguz - Berkana

And in order to promote skin regeneration, rejuvenation and elasticity of the skin, you should draw a runogram on the body: Algiz - Laguz - Pertre - Sovelu

The combination will help you become more feminine, self-confident, but not aggressive, but soft: Laguz - Berkano - Gebo - Soulo This runogram is also a very powerful love amulet.

There are also special runes for male attractiveness, endowing representatives of the stronger half of humanity with courage and charisma, which especially attracts ladies. The runic formula of masculinity and attractiveness is as follows: Teyvaz - Gebo - Uruz - Soulo

Applied to the body, this runogram will help attract the attention of ladies, create harmony in personal and sexual relationships, give the bearer a symbol of sexuality and even help increase potency. Each rune in this formula has its own meaning and direction. For example, the first one - “Teyvaz” - is the rune of determination. Once upon a time it was used by warriors to help and gain power in competitions and battles on the battlefield. Now she will help you reach career heights.

The second rune - "Gebo" - symbolizes partnership. It will help you find harmony in both love and business relationships. The third - "Uruz" - is intended exclusively for increasing male power. If a man has problems with male health, then this rune is especially indicated for him. It will help restore youth and potency. The fourth rune - "Soulo" - is a very powerful symbol of power. In ancient times, it also meant the sun.

A powerful runic symbol for male attractiveness and good luck in love affairs can also be drawn using the following runes:

  • “Teyvaz”, “Inguz” - runes of masculinity;
  • “Soulo” - will especially highlight the bearer of the runes among other male representatives;
  • “Vunyo” - this rune is in the background in meaning and is aimed at ensuring that the upcoming date brings a lot of joy;
  • the rune “Kenaz” gives passion;
  • "Berkano" symbolizes a woman who needs to be attracted.

Runes are magical symbols that are used in one or another difficult life situation. They are used to protect home and property, as well as people from illness and adversity. But many women successfully use runes for weight loss. However, not every symbol can be used without certain preparation and knowledge of staves and their application to the body. Otherwise, the result may be completely unpredictable.

Features of the use of runes

Since ancient times, runic symbols have been considered something mysterious and extremely mystical. After all, there is an ancient legend that the great Scandinavian god Odin received symbols during meditation and great insight far from the whole world. Since then, they have been used to attract the right event into a person’s life or to protect him from something.

Most often, runes are drawn on wooden or stone tablets, as well as on one’s own body. If the symbol was depicted on a tree or stone, then the amulet had to be constantly worn on the person’s body.

It is customary to attach special power to staves or runograms, which are created specifically for each specific case. Such staves can be depicted on any object that must be endowed with magical powers or must protect a person:

  • on the door of a house or apartment;
  • on the baby's crib;
  • on a wallet or coin;
  • on clothes or shoes.

If runes are used to lose weight, then they should be applied directly to the human body or on paper, which will be constantly next to those who want to lose weight. To apply symbols, you need to buy a separate blue or red marker, which will not be used for any other purpose. It is also not worth giving it to anyone.

Symbols must be depicted in such a way that no one close to them can see them. Most often used for this inner part thighs, arms or stomach. If you want to find beauty and slim figure symbols should be applied to the stomach.

Rules for applying runes

In order for the runes to take effect, they must be applied correctly to the body. There are a number of rules that must be followed:

  • symbols should not be applied in mirror image;
  • they must be applied in such a way that others cannot see them;
  • all symbols are depicted in a form in which higher powers can read them.

The best option would be to depict runic symbols in the abdomen. This place belongs to the area where the lower chakras are located and is responsible for the carnal and base desires of a person. If you apply a runic script on your stomach, then You can get the following positive effects:

  • lose extra pounds;
  • increase beauty and attractiveness;
  • adjust some character traits, making him more flexible and soft;
  • protect yourself from negative energy from the outside.

Most often, runic symbols are applied in one line or column. It is important to pre-determine the duration of each sign. If the inscribed symbols are erased, and the result that was intended is not obtained, you need to circle the runes again. Only after the result has been achieved - weight loss - can the symbols be washed off. But you should not hope that after removing the inscription it loses its effect. For several more days after removal, the symbols will continue to have their effect on the human body.

But not every person will decide to draw strange signs on their body, so you can use a sheet of red paper. The rune of beauty and youth is written on it, after which the piece of paper should always be with the person who plans to lose excess weight. After the runes have the desired effect, the piece of paper must be given to fire or water with gratitude for the work done.

There are many formulas that are used for weight loss, but most often they use this formula for weight loss, proven and strongest - Uruz + Dagaz + person’s name + Laguz + Kenaz + Isa. This formula is considered the most effective.

Most often, the inscription on the stomach is done from right to left. As esotericists and knowledgeable people say, symbols can be applied not only to this area, but also to the palm of the left hand. On it, letters should be written from the wrist to the fingers. Each rune must be traced daily. But the main thing in writing a runescript is to correctly rewrite each character without turning it over. Otherwise, a person can expect a disastrous result. And the smallest thing in this case will be gaining a few extra pounds.

Use of symbols in different countries

Most often, runes of Scandinavian origin are used to lose weight. They are considered the most ancient and effective, because Odin is a Scandinavian god, and it was he who first brought runes to people.

Most often, the following formulas are used to acquire female beauty and confidence:

But not only the Scandinavians have runes - they are also found in Slavic mythology and writing. In order to rejuvenate the male or female body, as well as get rid of excess weight use the Rtsy rune. This sign helps to spread the law of Svarog and achieve unity of body and spirit.

Gaining excess weight is a problem not only of a physiological nature, but also of a person’s mental balance.

The main effect of the Rtsy rune is to bring chaos into balance, and it directs a person to true path health and balance.

Runic staves and their meaning

Knowing how to correctly apply runes to the body, you can achieve rejuvenation of the body and increase the number of beautiful and confident people in the world. But not all formulas are effective. Today in the world of magic it is customary to use the following staves:

Each of these formulas should be used in individual cases and strictly under the supervision of a specialist in rune magic. It is possible to select a runic pattern on your own, but only if a person is completely confident in his own abilities and that he can cope with the consequences of their use.

But there are also runic staves that help restore the body’s strength, rejuvenate it and make a person more attractive to others. There is no point in writing symbols. It is enough to know how to write runes correctly and where to place the symbol for it to start working.

Most often, a glyph or symbol such as Berkana is used for this. It helps relieve fatigue from the body and achieve your goals.

You need to draw this rune on your shoulder and hide it under your clothes so that no one around you can see it and ruin your mood with envy. After all, it is impossible to explain for what purposes the symbol is applied even to the closest people.

The Uruz and Kano runes will help make the skin more elastic and a person more attractive to others. They are kind of love potion for all. But they should only be used as a last resort. After all, runes are magic, and it must be taken very seriously.

Among several of my new works, I want to put to the test a complex whose action should replace us going to a beauty salon at a minimum and to a plastic surgeon at a maximum.
I ask everyone who wants to take the test to report their results.

Beauty saloon

IMHO the components of beauty are thick hair without gray hair, so that it doesn’t fall out))),
The skin is fresh and elastic, without wrinkles, bags under the eyes and all sorts of “Shar Pei effects”, of course, a sparkle in the eyes. Let's go down below: beautiful, elastic breasts and, preferably)) a flat tummy without stretch marks, naturally weight balance, toned muscles, no cellulite.
And most importantly, self-confidence! Otherwise we know beauties who see kikimora in the reflection of the mirror
The project is long-lasting, quick results You shouldn’t wait, BUT in 2-3 months you are a goddess)))
Well, now in more detail:

Starting position, I called him “Sculptor”, we start the process of transformation
Mannaz - operator
Yera (2) launch
Ingvaz - the process of rebirth (restoration) to
Uruz - healthy
Vunyo - comfortable condition
Fehu - by right
Dagazy (3) - transform on three levels
Soulo - energy and confidence
Background 2Kano - the embodiment of the plan

Growth, strengthening, beauty and protection of hair, but this also includes eyelashes
Uruz - strength and density
Fehu - formation of bulbs
Vunyo - absolutely comfortable
Soulo - energy
Algiz - protection of hair from loss
Ingvaz is the energy of rebirth on the physical plane;
Yera(2) - getting results and constantly launching the stave

Removing gray hair
Eyvaz - activates the process
Dagaz - turns gray hair into its opposite, rejuvenation
Fehu - promotes the process
Nautiz - forcing the body to change
Vunyo + Yera = positive result

Let's move on to the face

Perto-hormonal balance
Uruz - muscle and tissue tone
Gebo - “mutual understanding” between the body and the operator’s body
Laguz - deep penetration action
Ingvaz - balance and recovery
Yera - starting the process and getting the result
Algiz - operator protection
Perto + Berkano = tissue and muscle regeneration
Eyvaz (2) - activation of processes, tightening and blood flow to muscles
Secondary Kenaz - speeds up the process

"Beauty injection"
Turisaz - syringe
Magyar TPRU - anti-wrinkle drug (hyaluronic acid)
Isa - fixing the result

Let's make a small transition from physical transformations to psychosomatics and make the young lady's eyes sparkle

Mannaz is a young lady, that is, our operator
Dagaz - blossoms
Berkano - a Woman and her eyes wake up in her
Kano - glow
Vunyo - happiness, and in
Perto - reigns over the soul
Gebo - harmony

Let's move on. Getting your chest in order

Perto + Ingvaz = restoration of forms
Eyvaz (2) - tightens, restores, makes a transition from one state to another
Fehu - direct and mirror - embodiment, materialization
Nautiz - forcing the body to change
Yera - getting the result
Gebo - “friendship” between the body and the body

Well, in relation to the mortal body, in general we use

Hagalaz - destroys toxins
Kano + Soulo = burns excess
Fehu - fat)))
Dagaz - the body is transformed
Laguz - displays excess liquid from the body
Yera + Ingvaz - the process of restoration and regeneration to
Vunyo - comfortable
Algiz + Uruz = healthy state + these three Runes give a surge of energy
Uruz + Soulo = healing effect
Algiz+Laguz+Perto+Ingvaz = regeneration, tightening,
Yera - enhances and guarantees results
Yera + Perto = rejuvenation
Evaz - transformation engine
Ansuz - allowing ourselves to change
Kano + Perto + Ingvaz - for stretch marks
Isa - fixes the body in this state
Kano + Perto + Ingvaz - healing Runes
Secondary Berkano - softens the process, making it less painful

And consolidate the awareness of our new state

"Mary Poppins"
Mannaz - I (cameraman)
Gebo + Vunyo = charming and attractive
Laguz - alluring
Kano is sexy
Uruz+Berkano = feminine
Teyvaz + Uruz + Soulo = causing great interest (i.e. profuse salivation))) in men
You can discuss it one by one, and then give a task to each position in something like this:

This Runic Stav produces actions in the operator’s body to renew, rejuvenate and restore physical level: skin, muscles and connective tissues of such and such a part of the body
This Runic Stav works absolutely comfortably for the operator, without any blocks, side effects or irritations
This Runic Stav misses any influences that benefit the operator.
It's said! Made! Let it be so! This is true!
Wearing everything at once, despite the fact that the staves seem to be formed from one another and, in principle, should be in harmony, I think it will be a little difficult. For this reason, they should be divided into several stages
We apply staves to creams, gels, shampoos, etc.
“injection” on the pipette and precisely on the places where such injections are made,
“firefly” on the day cream around the eyes and can be duplicated on yourself, paper, or a talisman. "Mary Poppins" also on itself or the carrier