Well done fun. Competition program. Scenario of the sports game "good fun" Scenario of good fun in the camp

Description of the presentation Games, good fun HORSE AND HORSEMAN on slides

HORSE AND RIDER There are two participants on each side - “Horse and Rider”. The goal is to knock opponents to the ground - at least the top one.

Good fun "Hats" Play this traditional game two guys. Each of them has a hat on their head. Based on mutual readiness, the players begin, sometimes indicating the beginning with some action, for example, “pile up”. The task is to use your dexterity and resourcefulness, using various tricks and feints, to knock the hat off your opponent’s head. There are variants of the game when you can not only knock off the hat with a blow similar to a slap in the face, but also rip it off. A hat falling to the ground is a sign of victory.

FIGHT WITH BAGS Two good fellows stand up or sit on a log, take a bag in their hands and, on command, begin to hit their opponent with the bag, trying to throw him off the log to the ground. To make it more difficult, you can keep one hand tightly pressed to the lower back and act with the other hand. Here the ability to move, feel the enemy’s movement, and use his inertia becomes more important.

Tug of War Two teams play tug of war, standing either facing or with their backs to each other.

Jump ropes Two children twist the rope, and those who wish should run up and jump over the rope. Everyone else counts how many times the player has jumped. The pace can be accelerated, the rope should not be raised high so that the child can jump over

Cockerels Boys love to bully, push, even fight - in a word, cockerel. But real boys' fights were not carried out in any way, but according to the rules. To play, a small circle was drawn and two players stood in its center. The rules were strict - the guys had their hands behind their backs, you couldn’t stand on two legs, only jump on one leg. Guys were allowed to push with their shoulders, chest, and back, but not with their heads or hands. If you manage to push your opponent so that he steps on the ground with his other foot or jumps out of the circle, you win.

cradle For this fun you need a rope 2-3 meters long. Two people hold the rope, or you can tie one of the ends to a tree. The rope is not twisted, but only swung above the ground at different heights - from 10 centimeters and above. Guys and girls, one by one (or in pairs), run up and jump over the swinging rope or start jumping different ways: with closed legs, on one leg, with crossed legs, with a turn when jumping, etc. They jump until they make a mistake. The one who made a mistake replaces one of those swinging the rope. Not only an unsuccessful jump, but also any brushing of the rope is considered a mistake.

Rip off your hat Rules of one of your favorites folk entertainment are simple: the leader waves a felt boot tied to a rope, and the participant must manage to rip off the leader’s hat.

Game Zarya Zarnitsa This fun outdoor game can be played with big company children. To play you will need a bright satin ribbon. Children stand in a wide circle, each with their hands behind their backs. The leader - "Dawn" walks with a ribbon in his hands around the round dance and sings: Dawn - lightning, Red maiden, Walked across the field, Dropped the keys, Golden keys, Blue ribbons, Entwined rings went for water! As soon as the last words of the song are sung, the driver puts a ribbon on the shoulder of one of the children in the round dance and runs away. The child must take the ribbon and run with it in the other direction. Each of them strives to take the vacant place in the circle. The one who managed to take his place remains in the circle, and the remaining one becomes “Zarya”.

Male-crippled First, a driver is chosen. The remaining participants in the game arm themselves with small sticks (no more than 30 cm in length) and say the following: Malechena - kalechina, How many hours are left until evening, until winter? When are the last words: “Before winter? " are pronounced, the players place the wand on any finger or palm. After all the players have installed the sticks, the presenter begins the countdown: “One, two, . . . ten" . The winner is the one who managed to hold the wand longer. Moreover, the players do not easily stand with sticks, but at the direction of the driver, they walk, squat, turn in different directions, etc.

Brook This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood that is cheerful and cheerful. The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. The clasped hands create a long corridor. The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream”. And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the stream moves

Boyars At the beginning of the game, it is necessary to agree on the time when the game will be over and the winner will be determined. The teams stand opposite each other in a line at some distance and join hands. One line approaches the first, all the players say in unison: “Boyars, we have come to you,” moves back with the words: “Young people, we have come to you,” and stops. Another line begins to approach the first with the words: - Boyars, why did you come, Dear ones, why did you come? Further by analogy: Boyars, and we came to you, Young, and we came to you. Boyars, why did you come, Young people, why did you come. Boyars, we choose brides, Young, we choose brides. Boyars, how sweet to you, Young people, how sweet to you. Boyars, this is dear to us, Young people, this is dear to us. Boyars, open the gates, Give us the bride forever. With these words, the selected player runs up and tries to break the clasped hands of his opponents, finding a “weak link” in him. If he fails, he remains in this team and takes a place between those players whom he tried to uncouple. The game starts over. Our regiment has left, Our regiment has arrived

The governor appears. Children in pairs - a girl and a boy stand at the entrance to the hall. The girls have helmets, balls and scarves in their hands.

Voivode: Good afternoon, young and old!
I'm very glad to see you!
Where is my friend?
I don't see any heroes.

I'll go gather my squad.

The governor goes to the entrance to the hall and gathers his squad.

Presenter: The hero was assembled by the military leader
Yes, a good squad for yourself,
Daring and good fellows,
Good fellows and clear

Their mothers' relatives dressed them
Yes, the damask armor is strong,
And to the violent and to the head
Mothers laid it down with a golden shell.
Yes by right and mother's hand
They gave me a heavy club,
A heavy club and a lead one.
And there was that club and a lead one
Yes, just 300 poods.

As the poem progresses, the girls dress the boys in helmets and give them balls in their hands.
Presenter: As in pure and in poles
Good fellows, yes, they were going to,
Good fellows and heroes
Brave heroes and mighty.
The fair maidens saw them off,
Beautiful girls and young women
For protection and sidelines,
To the defense of Mother Rus'.

The girls hold the heroes by the arm, in the second hand of the girls there is a handkerchief. To the music, the governor and couples walk through the hall. The heroes seat the girls on chairs that stand along the wall of the hall, and they themselves continue the circle of honor around the hall, stopping in the center of the hall in 2 columns. They perform a dance to the melody of the song “Our Heroic Strength.”
Presenter: Pre-dawn meadows,
There is dew on the grass.
Two troops opposite
got up...
The sun shines on the sharp
There is such silence
Even birds can't fly!
Warriors save their strength,
Everyone is waiting for the fighters.

As of this day, in the glorious village of Krasnaya Zvezda, good fellows gathered and clear falcons flew in. They gathered to show off their daring in a wide courtyard, boast about their brave strength, show off their intelligence and ingenuity.

Sometime in the Middle Ages
Knights lived everywhere.
And their life was not easy
In heavy ammunition.
The knights were proud of themselves,
With swords and armor.
Knights played with fate
And they went to tournaments.
And our hall turns
Excellent in the lists.
The trumpet calls to the whole world:
We are starting our tournament!

The melody of the song “Mother Rus'” sounds.

Host: It's time for the competition. Are the knights ready for the competition?

Voivode: My heroes are always ready for competitions.

Host: Let's conduct a baptism of fire. In Rus', fabulous heroes bravely overcame fire, water, and copper labor. You, brave heroes, need to overcome the same thing. Are you ready?
Participants: Ready!

Voivode: You need to run with fire along the winding path between the posts, put it in a vase on a chair, crawl through the hoop, take buckets of water and return to the squad, hand over the buckets of water to the second hero. The next participant runs with buckets to the hoop, puts the buckets on the floor, crawls into the hoop, takes the fire and runs along the winding path to the team, passes the fire to the third hero.

Presenter: Show, voivode, to all the heroes how to do it, so that they can understand.

The first competition is held, consisting of the following stages:
1.Running with the plumes along a winding path.
2. Getting into the hoop.
3. Return with two buckets of water.
The governor shows how to complete the task.

Presenter: Well, then, governor, take a broken bow, stretch the silk string and shoot a red-hot arrow. Where the arrow hits, you will be tested.

Voivode: Don’t be shy, good fellows, we’ll show you your intelligence and ingenuity.

The governor takes a bow and arrow and shoots at circles made of colored polished cardboard with tasks written on the back. The presenter takes the circle with the task, turns it over and reads the task.

Presenter: You, dear heroes, need to put on running boots (They are made of cardboard boxes), run to a basket of apples (fake apples, balls or balls), collect as many apples as possible and return to the team, put the apples in the basket, hand over the boots -Hurry up to the second participant.

A competition is being held “For rejuvenating apples in walking boots." The voivode shows how to do it.
Presenter: Well done, good fellows! Did a good job. Well, governor, take a broken bow, stretch the silk string and shoot a second red-hot arrow. Where the arrow hits, you will be tested.

The governor takes a bow and arrow and shoots at circles made of colored polished cardboard with tasks written on the back.

Voivode: Good! Fly, my red-hot arrow, forward, hit the target.

The presenter takes the circle with the task, turns it over and reads the task.

Presenter: In this competition, a more difficult task awaits you: you need to show both strength and dexterity. Try to squeeze this “barbell” as much as possible in 20 seconds. If the ball falls, you need to pick it up, put it on the “barbell” plate and continue squeezing again. Is everyone ready? Let's start!

Participants lift a “barbell” consisting of a rack. At the edges of the rail there are plastic disposable plates, on which inflated balloons are placed.

Presenter: Clever heroes and daring!
All this happened in the Middle Ages:
They taught the boys to shoot,
Hit the target exactly.
Hunt, fight with swords,
Fight, run, swim,
It's good to stay in the saddle
Increasing knightly glory.

Maybe you will be able to saddle a “horse” and gallop around on it deftly?

Voivode: My squad can do everything.

Host: That's good! But there are no fast and hot horses. Remember how in fairy tales Ivanushka called his heroic horse with a brave whistle. It's time to find out if you can do it too. I am announcing a competition “Who can whistle who?”

Voivode: My fellows can do everything! Well, my friend, let's show what we are capable of.

The “Well done whistling” competition is being held.

Host: Well, well done! So the “horses” came running to the whistle. Take part in the races, good fellows. You need to ride these “horses” to the “window” (The window is made of fiberboard and hung 0.5 m above the children’s eye level), take a lump (A round bag of sand or stuffed with cotton wool) and throw it into the window to the red maiden . As soon as you get through the window, mount your faithful horse and ride it to the stone. After going around the stone, go back. Show, governor, to all the heroes how to do it, so that they can understand.

Bows, arrows and balls are brought into the hall. The governor shows how to complete the task.

Host: Here comes the solemn moment of our tournament: the beautiful girls present flowers to the heroes.

The girls give the boys a flower.

Host: All this happened before, in distant, distant times. Now we do not have heroes, but we have defenders of the fatherland. These are the valiant warriors of our troops. Who can tell me what types of troops we have?
Children take turns naming the types of troops.

Host: On February 23, our country celebrates “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” So our boys became soldiers.

The boys put on their caps and sing the song “Good Soldiers.”

Host: Our soldiers always stand guard over the Motherland, protect our peace, and on holidays in Moscow they go to Red Square for a parade.

A march dance is performed to the melody of the song “A soldier is walking through the city.”

Presenter: We are guarded by soldiers, pilots, sailors,
They have machine guns and are not afraid of enemies.
The missiles are waiting for the order, and the border is locked.
With all this ready, we can sleep peacefully.
Today we are talking about our beloved army
And to her, the invincible, we say thank you.

Our holiday dedicated to our valiant defenders of the fatherland has ended.

Boys and girls in pairs take a lap of honor around the hall, wave: boys with flowers, girls with handkerchiefs, and leave the hall.


sports and entertainment program

"Young Games"

Music sounds (fairy tales).

Storyteller: Three maidens by the window

We spun late in the evening.

If only I were a queen -

One sister says

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast.

If only I were a queen -

Her sister says

Then there would be one for the whole world

I wove fabrics.

If only I were a queen -

The queen said the third

And for the father of the king

The best hero

I could find it without difficulty

I'd like to have some great fun now

In strength, in dexterity, in intelligence

They would compete.

I just had time to say……….

Tsar:And make fun in the kingdom

In my glorious state

You darlings are sisters

Get ready,

It's time for you to have some fun.

Queen:I will arrange great fun in the kingdom

In your glorious state.

It's time for you heralds

Call people here.

Heralds: Hey honest people

Come forward!

Today is our holiday.

Hey honest people

Come forward!

Show Russian strength

Brave your brave soul.

Queen:Should we send a messenger?

Daring fellow

Spread the word around the world

About fun in the kingdom

Glorious state

Messenger:In the hall at this hour

I will read the decree now

Oh, you guys are honest

Hey guys, smart guys.

Get together, friends

It's time for you to have some fun.

Measure dexterity, strength, dexterity.

And so that we all have fun, friends

We are waiting for you all; It's time! It's time!

Music sounds, the sound of the surf.

The heroes and uncle Chernomor enter.

Chernomor: Hello, red maiden.

I brought my fellow brothers to show their Russian strength and bravery.

Storyteller: You come up, come up, red sun

Rise above the mountain, above the high

Rise above the oak tree, above the green

Warm up the good fellows

Give them more power

You give them more daring

Help in difficult trials

Difficult but valiant trials.

Presenter ( The best reward for the well done guys was a kiss from a girl. Which of the heroes will collect more kisses - tokens)

Presenter: Good fellows, you have come

Who else did you bring with you?

(children in costumes come out fairy-tale heroes)

1.Competition: Find out which fairy tale the hero is from.

Herald: Hey, well done, honest

Come forward!

Show Russian strength.

2. Competition: Lifting each other off the ground.

Herald: Hey daredevils, come out

Show off your dexterity.

3. Competition: Walking on stilts.

Herald: Hey heroes, come out

Show your accuracy.

4. Competition:Throwing a dart at a balloon.

(in the balls there are tasks based on fairy tales; the last task will be: Who did the imp run the race with?)

5. Competition:Running in sacks.

Herald: Hey, good fellows, come out

Show me your skill.

6. Competition:Pillow fight.

Herald:Hey, handsome young men, come out

Show your fortitude.

7.Competition:Inflating balloons.

Herald:Hey, you knights, come out

Show your strength.

8.Competition:Lifting a weight.

Herald:Hey, heroes, come out,

Show your strength and agility.

9.Competition:Tug of War .

Music is playing.

Storyteller:Here she is, flapping her wings

Flew over the waves

And to the shore from above

She sank into the bushes.

Started up, ……………

AND ……………… ……………..

(continue to the heroes)

The Swan Princess comes out

Music is playing.

Storyteller:There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,

Golden chain on the oak tree



(continue to the heroes)

The cat comes out

Herald:Hey guys, come out

Show me your prowess.

10. Competition: Dance with the Cat, the Swan Princess.

The king invites you to a feast.

11. Competition: Drink a jar of kvass.

Announce who got the most kisses.

Tsar:Good fellows, nice people

Herald:Our land has not become depleted of strength

Storyteller:No, the Russian heroes have not disappeared yet.

Galina Zvereva
Family sports game-quest “Well done fun”


Educational role and significance sports Games for shaping a child's personality and development are undoubtedly very important.

Many sports games have been around for a long time. Over time, games are adjusted, improved, and become more interesting for children.

Movable sports games come from natural movements person: jumping, climbing, running, throwing, walking, etc. In other words, these types of games are very close to children, they discharge negative emotions and static behavior of the child, as well as improve the health of his body.

The most important thing is that the children have fun! And if it’s interesting, there will be results.

Goals and objectives:

1. Organization of healthy recreation for children. Organize leisure time for children and parents.

2. Develop a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun and have fun.

3. Instilling in children an interest in activities physical culture And sports.

4. Development of dexterity, strength, activity, ingenuity and attentiveness.

5. Fostering a sense of collectivism, goodwill and mutual assistance.

6. Nurturing the need for games.

Progress of the game:

The event takes place on sports field(the hall where sporty-game props and equipment, Sports Equipment : transfer

Leading: We welcome you and are glad to see you at our family-sports quest« Well done fun» . It’s so good that we all gathered together, putting aside many urgent matters and worries for a while.

Our families will take part in various competitions today. These are the friendly and wonderful families that are participating today, let’s applaud them.

Your task is as follows. Go through all the stations, answer various questions at each station, complete sports task, get a letter, reach the finish line, add a word ( youth, take a photo as a souvenir and receive a medal.

Let's remember that it will be easier for you and me to overcome life's difficulties if we are together. We wish everyone success!

Leading: To begin with, I suggest a small warm-up (for everyone families, then family teams travel to stations in any order, where they are met by volunteer presenters).

From time immemorial, Russian people have been healthy and strong - this helped them endure all hardships and difficulties. Besides, they have always been strong. For someone strong people- these are those who have discovered harmony within themselves; for some, they are honest and noble people who are able to come to the aid of others. There are many proverbs about health in the Russian language. Let's try to remember them.

Take care of your dress again and your health from a young age.

If you lose your health, you won’t be able to make up for it.

Live with reason, and you don’t need doctors.

If you want to be healthy, toughen up.

If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy, take care.

Leading: Great, well done! Let's hit the road.

Volunteer presenter: And so the competition "VOLLEYBALL".

You know that berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals.

Most vitamins enter our body only with food. That's why berries, vegetables and fruits should be included in your diet regularly.

Exercise: Determine which vitamins we are talking about, then throw the ball over the net. For every correct answer and accurate throw the team receives a token with a letter.

1. This vitamin is for growth. It also helps our eyes see well and preserve vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, green onions.

(Answer : vitamin A)

2. This vitamin is hidden in garlic, cabbage, onions, and in all vegetables, fruits, and berries. “Whether in the garden or vegetable garden you will find me. And whoever goes to the forest in the summer will bring us in a basket!”

(Answer : vitamin C)

3. This vitamin preserves our teeth. Without it, a person’s teeth become fragile and soft. It can be found in milk, fish, cottage cheese. When we sunbathe in the sun, we also get it.

(Answer : vitamin D)

Volunteer presenter: And now a competition for our teams "CATERPILLAR".

1 person (can be an adult or a child) walks in a ring "Caterpillar", and the person walking next to you is asked a question.

1. Who is a caterpillar?

*Mosquito larva

Butterfly larva

Dragonfly larva

2. Where are the caterpillar's eyes located?

On the sides of the head

on the back of the head

no eyes at all

3. How many pairs of legs do most caterpillars have?

4. What do caterpillars not eat?



5. How many muscles does a caterpillar have?

About 10000

6. How long can the silk thread of a silkworm reach?

Up to 100 meters

Up to 1500 meters

Up to 500 meters

7. Are caterpillars able to live in winter?

8. What type of caterpillar does not exist?

Caterpillar "burning rose", Caterpillar-coquette, Caterpillar-charming

9. Can caterpillars bite?

10. What do some types of caterpillars look like?

On a palm tree

On a cactus

Volunteer presenter: Next competition "BOATS".

For a long time, a family consisted of more than one generation. There were grandmothers, grandfathers, mother, father, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They lived together and helped each other. Some kept up with the housework, others worked in the fields, older brothers and sisters protected young.

We lived cheerfully, we respected old age, youth were protected. The families were large and strong. We found a lot of evidence of this. Let us at least remember the popular proverbs. So "Proverbs".

It's time to read part 1 of the proverb, the participant continues part 2 of the proverb about family, gets into the boat, runs to the finish line, returns. The second team member must continue the following proverb to get into the boat. The two of them run to the finish line, return for the next one, etc.

And so they began...

*Family in a heap – (not even a cloud is scary)

*No treasure needed - (when there is harmony in the family)

*House to lead – (don't shake your beard)

*When the family is together - (and the heart is in the right place)

*In the family and (the porridge is thicker)

*Alone in the field (not a warrior)

Volunteer presenter: The next competition is called "CUBES" (modules).

You need to build in one minute "tower", who has higher, but first you need to guess the riddle. I guessed right, put the cube, etc.

The team with the tallest and most stable wins. "tower" (teams compete).

And the riddles will be about family. After all, Family is the most important thing we have.

Riddles about family are always interesting, because they tell about the people closest to you, their characters and moods. After all, mom and dad, grandparents, sister and brother are, first of all, our best friends who should not offend each other.

1. Who never gets tired of loving,

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours. (grandmother)

We put the cube.

2. I’m not alone with my mother,

She also has a son

I'm too small next to him,

For me he is the eldest. (Brother)

We put the cube.

3. He did not work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he is old and gray -

My dear, beloved. (grandfather)

We put the cube.

4. Who's with mom's sister?

Does he come to us sometimes?

Looking at me with a smile,

Hello! - he tells me. (uncle)

We put the cube.

5. Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I'll answer the question directly:

Ours is the cutest of all. (Mother)

We put the cube.

6. The school has a difficult program,

But it will always help. (dad)

We put the cube.

7. She works during the day,

In the evening she is the wife,

If it's a holiday, she's a lady

Who is this? My. (Mother)

We put the cube.

8. The photo is worth

In a golden frame,

Whose gaze warms the sun?

The look of a loved one. (grandmothers)

9. Without what in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friend. (family)

We put the cube.

10. Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,

And scratched my knee,

Don't cry? Certainly. (dad)

Volunteer presenter: Great well done, we see that in your families everything is in order with intelligence. Then let's continue. And now the competition "Ring throw - cactus". I name a word from famous fairy tales, and you must complete the statements and throw the ring.

“Mouse - (norushka”)

"Princess Frog"

"Sivka - (burqa)»

"Little guy - (from the nail)»

"Horse - (hunchback)»

"Boy - (with a finger)»

"Tablecloth - (self-assembled)»

"Ivanushka - (fool)»

"Carpet - (airplane)»

"Baba Yaga - (bone leg)»

"Wand - (lifesaver)»

"Snake - (Gorynych)»

"Boots - (fast walkers)»

"Vasilisa - (Beautiful)»

Volunteer presenter: Are you in a good mood today? They say that « Good mood- half health!.

We are very glad that everything is fine with you! among the people They say: "IN healthy bodyhealthy mind» , “Everything is great for a healthy person”.

A healthy person is handsome and pleasant to talk to, easily overcomes difficulties, and truly knows how to work, study, and relax.

And so we go to "FISHING".

Your task is to be very careful when conducting this competition, because numbers will be heard here.

I ask a riddle, you name the answer, and only then, using a fishing rod, you need to catch as many fish as possible in one minute.

1. We went to the market.

Selected goods there:

3 carrots, 2 parsley,

Pumpkin, beets, celery.

How many vegetables will there be? (8)

2. Four laughing mice

Very friendly girlfriends

We went out into the field for a walk.

Five more came running.

They sang very amicably,

There were all of them exactly... (9)

3. Five kittens are digging sand,

Three are sunbathing in the sun,

Two swim in the water

How many are there? Tell me? (10)

4. So the hedgehog planned to make friends

Invite to the anniversary.

I invited two bear cubs,

Three squirrels and five hares.

Count quickly

How many friends does the hedgehog have? (10)

5. We all know the fairy tale "Turnip".

We'll try, guys.

Name all the heroes for you:

Granddaughter, Bug, cat,

mouse. grandfather and grandmother are with him.

Well, try it guys

Call everyone the same number? (6)

Leading: Now our competitions are over, it’s time to sum up the results, and I introduce the floor - the jury.

Leading: Ours is over sports festival . And may the world of movements give you vigor, health, happiness from everyday communication with physical education and sports.

Compiled by the teacher-organizer


Hello, guests, good guests!

Let me greet you,

Yes, with all my heart in our kindergarten,

In our kindergarten, and in “Luchik”.

Thank you for not passing by,

They came to visit us!

We welcome everyone, we warmly welcome you!

Musical beat: 1. "Epic"

As they said in Rus', our mother earth will feed us all with warm bread, give us spring water to drink, and surprise us with its beauty. And she just can’t protect herself.

It has been this way for a long time: as soon as an enemy came to our land, all Russian people, both old and young, rose up to fight. Russian warriors have always been famous for their courage and bravery. Everyone knew how to protect themselves and their land from the evil enemy. And we are confident that when our boys grow up, they will also become worthy defenders of the fatherland.

Meet our good fellows!

Musical beat: 2. “Our heroic strength”

Musical beat: 3. “Alarm”, knock on the door

Voivode. Trouble, trouble!

Leading.What happened, who are you?

Voivode.Woe! Koschey kidnapped the Russian beauty, Vasilisa the Beautiful. And I am the Voivode, I am gathering a glorious squad, I want to go to battle with Koshchei, to free Vasilisa! Oh, yes, I see you have a lot of good fellows here - a lot. Would you like to join my squad? (Answers)

Leading.But, Voevoda, agreement alone is not enough. Let's first test everyone's strength, dexterity and ingenuity. Please sit down and judge for yourself whether our fellows are worthy of being in your squad.

Well, time for business, time for fun.

Team first - to the right, (kindergarten)

Become second here (first class)

The competition has begun!

First, it is necessary to conduct reconnaissance, but in order to do this unnoticed, the scouts need to disguise themselves.

Relay "Scouts"

( participants of both teams take turns putting on a skirt, a headscarf, taking a basket, running to a landmark, returning, passing the baton to the next one)

Now let’s test our youngsters’ dexterity

Who's the smartest among us?

We will now find out

Daring heroes

We invite you here!

And here's your first task:

Here is a log, and here are bags,

Come out, brave souls!

Who will hit whom with a sack,

The most dexterous one will be the one.

(2 boys)

Task: knock your opponent off the log (bench)

Second task:

“Cockfighting” (standing in a hoop on one leg, hands behind your back, try to push your opponent out of the hoop)

Third task “Pull - Push”

(opponents stand in a hoop, resting their hands on each other’s shoulders, and try to push each other out of the hoop)

Leading.The time has come to check whether our fellows are strong.

Good job, guys.

We call you to the rope.

Here are 6 on the right, here are 6 on the left -

Only the muscles are cracking!

Competition "Tug of War"

Leading.I suggest the fellows take a break before a new test, and the beautiful girls will now start a round dance for you.

Musical selection: 4. Round dance “On the Mount of Viburnum”

Leading.Now we can further test our fellows.

Everyone knows that Koshchei cannot be defeated alone. All the heroes in Rus' knew: “Alone in the field is not a warrior.” So let's see how friendly you are. Imagine that you need to go unnoticed and not leave any traces. For this purpose, such a device (bags) has long existed.

Well, the enemy, not suspecting anything, is only surprised:

“What a miracle, hop, hop, hop.

Look, the bag is jumping.”

Relay race "Sack Run"

Leading.I see immeasurable strength in our kids, and great courage! But how will you, heroes, fight Koschei without your zealous horses?

Can't hold back the heroes

They immediately jumped on their horses!

One, two, three - jump!

Relay "On horseback"

Leading.Well done, how deftly everyone stayed in the saddle!

Leading.It's time to stop. It used to be that good fellows and beautiful maidens would sit on the green grass and sing and sing a beautiful song about the Motherland (everyone sits freely on the carpet)


Sing a song together

And glorify Russia!

Musical beat: 5. “My Russia has long braids”

Leading.Whose soul is not narrow,

Everyone who loves Russian dance,

Come out without further ado -

Musical beat: 6. Competition of dancers!

Leading.Well, Voevoda, are our fellows good enough for your squad?

Voivode. Well done! Strong, dexterous, real heroes! And that’s what I decided: I’ll take both detachments into my squad. All together we will definitely defeat Koshchei and free Vasilisa the Beautiful.

(A lot of noise is heard - you might drop the hoops outside the door)

Vasilisa the Beautiful enters and bows to everyone.

Vasilisa the Beautiful. Thank you, good fellows, for saving me from Koshchei the Immortal. Koschey heard that a whole squad of Russian heroes was coming towards him, he was so frightened that he was struck by a blow, and so strong that Koschey fell dead, only his bones rattled! I know that now the enemy will not trample the earth - mother, there are still many heroes on the Russian land!


Yes, don’t let your enemies gallop across our Russian land,

They will not outshine our red sun,

The defenders of our land are growing up,

Russian heroes, good fellows!

Beautiful maidens bow to the good fellows

Because the sun shines on us, because there is no war

Thanks to everyone who protects the peace of their native country. ???
