Mickey Ward is the main character of the film "Fighter", a boxer. Review of “Gatti Trilogy Fighter”

Die-hard Irish boxer Mickey Ward was born on October 4, 1965 in Lowell, Massachusetts. His childhood was not easy, and boxing was his main activity from an early age, since without it it would have been difficult on the streets. The main trait of boxer Mickey Ward was hard work and perseverance. This is what allowed him to overcome all difficulties.

Ward fought on the street from a young age, but was not respected by other fighters and was considered an underdog. One way or another, he won the Golden Gloves competition three times. This was Mickey Ward's first major achievement. This was a serious step in his life, allowing him to escape the captivity of poverty. But there were always difficulties - hand injuries often occurred.

Mickey was a good boxer, but throughout most of his career he did not see much money. However, he did not give up and continued to box.

Professional career

Ward's debut on professional ring there was a fight with David Morin in 1985. Mickey won this fight, knocking out his opponent in the first round. Then, until 1990, everything was quite calm, until he lost four fights in a row and decided to step away from boxing for a while.

The reason for this could be not so much the lesions themselves as problems with the right hand. During several fights, Ward damaged it, and he used the break to restore his health.

Upon his return to the sport, Mickey Ward scored nine convincing victories and achieved the title of welterweight champion. After that, no special incidents. He defended his belt in a fight with Louis Weder, fought for the world title with Vince Phillips, but did not succeed. A year later, a remarkable fight took place with Zaba Jude, which ended in the defeat of the Irishman. And in 2000, Ward defeated Shea Neary in London in a fight for the world title. After this comes the most interesting stage of Ward’s boxing career - three fights with a Canadian boxer

Fighting style

Anyone who watches Mickey Ward's fights will agree that he is a strong professional boxer, even if he does not claim to be a great fighter. But he's definitely on his feet, and his opponents should be wary of his punches. Particularly notable is the left hook to the body, Ward's favorite move. You can't deny him strategy either. You can often see "The Irishman" throwing a hook to the head, forcing him open, and then throwing quick kick along the body. He is generally considered one of the best body punchers. For example, he won against the Mexican Alfonso Sanchez.

Famous trilogy

These three fights are considered one of the best trilogies in boxing history. It is notable because the opponents themselves are not great boxers, but together they did something that eclipsed the fights of many boxing stars. More reminiscent of gladiatorial bouts than boxing matches, the first and third of the trilogy were recognized as the fights of the year.

First, a few words about Ward's opponent, Arturo Gatti. He is distinguished by his super-aggressive fighting style. Attacking furiously and quickly, he provokes his opponent to take careless steps. Either attacking with a hail of blows, or quickly dodging the blows, Gatti showed very interesting fights. In the person of the Irishman, he met a worthy opponent.

their fight took place in 2002, in May. Ward won this fight by decision of the judges. The fight was truly powerful and brutal - the opponents attacked each other with blows almost continuously. The Irishman made full use of his favorite techniques – hooks to the body. Gatti, tirelessly, like a gladiator, rushed at his opponent. The most memorable was the ninth round - a real chop.

The meeting took place in November of the same year. The victory went to Arturo Gatti. The fight, like last time, lasted ten rounds. There were no such things in this fight highlights, like in the first fight, but Gatti and Ward were still a great spectacle.

Took place in 2003. This was the fight that everyone expected from this couple. Both boxers are characterized by the fact that they are not at all afraid of receiving blows, and they attacked each other harshly and uncompromisingly. In the first half of the battle, the opponents were just warming up, and then it started real battle. Arturo Gatti won again thanks to a points advantage.

Interestingly, these two boxers were opponents only in the ring. The Mickey Ward - Arturo Gatti trilogy made them true friends. During fights, they sometimes exchanged smiles, which did not stop them from brutally hammering each other. After the completion of the trilogy, Ward became the coach and trusted friend of Arturo Gatti. One can imagine Ward's sadness that the death of the Canadian Thunder brought.

Gatti died on July 11, 2009. The cause of death was declared suicide, although few believed it. Later, private detectives and qualified criminologists proved that he was killed after all.

End of career

Throughout his career, boxer Mickey Ward won 38 victories, 27 of them by knockout, and was defeated 13 times. The third fight with Arturo Gatti was his last, and he left boxing. The film “The Fighter” was made about him, which received six Oscar nominations. Ward, as he did from the very beginning, lives in his hometown of Lowell, where he is the owner gym.

Mickey Ward lived his entire life in Lowell, a small town in Massachusetts. For local residents, the sluggish and painful poor life was something like good traditions. The young promising guy didn’t like it and Ward decided to take up boxing. He became a three-time winner of the Golden Gloves tournament, after which he confidently and quite successfully boxed as a professional.

Big ring

Ward's first professional boxing experience was not positive. He won several fights starting in 1985, after which he suffered four losses in a row and decided to stop boxing for a while.

Mickey Ward is back big sport in 1997. After losing to Vince Philips, Micky Ward had 9 successful fights and won the IBF world title.

The most famous fights in the life of “The Irishman” are with Arturo Gatti. They ended up meeting 3 times, each fight turning into a complete meat grinder. Win, lose and win, fights of the year according to Ring magazine. Unfortunately, the opponent dies, despite the hatred in the fight, Mickey offers his condolences on the day of Arturo's death.

On the personal front

In his personal life, Mickey was a street boy who went through criminal fights and injuries on the street, this is how boxing began, the sport helped him get out of poverty. Mickey Ward was married twice, his second wife being Charlene Fleming.

Mickey Ward was the younger brother of the talented former boxer Dicky Eklund. Dickie went downhill and began to take drugs, but, nevertheless, remained a loving brother and a very experienced trainer and second to Mickey.

Source: film "The Fighter" (2010)

Role played by: Mark Wahlberg

Mickey began to suffer one defeat after another. His manager was his mother, his brother was his coach, and on top of that he had a father and a bunch of sisters. It began to seem to Mickey that they were dragging him down (Dicky, for example, even went to prison for robbery and fighting) and he, succumbing to the influence of his girlfriend, decided to train on his own.

Despite a number of victories, he realized that without wise advice brother, he will not be able to achieve victory over a serious opponent. Therefore, in the most important duel, Mickey uses the battle strategy proposed by Dick. It worked.

Mickey makes peace with his family and, under the guidance of his brother, wins the title fight.

Not a bad film. Of course, Christian Bale played much brighter than Mark Wahlberg, and the fights in the film were simply terrible, but, nevertheless, the film was a success.

About real-life boxer Mickey Ward from Wikipedia:

Life and career

Ward was a three-time New England Golden Gloves champion and turned pro in 1985, winning fourteen bouts. However, his career went downhill, and after four consecutive losses, Ward took a break from the sport in 1990.

Break in performances

During a break in professional career Mickey had surgery on right hand, with which he had problems during several fights. The operation used some of the pelvic bones to strengthen the bone in the arm. His half brother former boxer Dicky Eklund, who had struggled with drug addiction and had just been released from prison on drug charges, was convinced that Mickey should take up the sport again.

Return to big sport

The return was successful, Mickey Ward won nine fights and became the welterweight champion. He defended the belt once, in a rematch against Louis Weder. Ward earned a shot at the IBF world welterweight title in 1997 against Vince Phillips, but did not win the championship as the fight was stopped in the third round due to cuts and Phillips won the fight. A year later, Ward failed again, losing on points in a 12-round fight to Zab Judah. In 2000, Ward traveled to London to fight Shea Neary for the WBU world welterweight title. Ward won TKO in the 8th round. In 2001, Mickey Ward defeated Emanuel Augustus in a 10-round fight, this meeting was recognized as the fight of the year by The Ring magazine.

Ward v. Gatti. Trilogy

The first fight of the famous trilogy between Gatti and Mickey Ward took place in May 2002 in Uncasville. In a spectacular fight, Ward was awarded the victory by majority vote. In November 2002, the 2nd fight between Gatti and Ward took place. This time Gatti won. In June 2003, the 3rd battle took place. Gatti was again stronger and won on points. All three fights were marked by unprecedented uncompromisingness, and resulted in a furious clash from the first to the last second. Their first and third meetings were recognized as fights of the year. The Gatti-Ward trilogy is rightfully recognized as one of the greatest trilogies in boxing history.

Personal life

Mickey Ward grew up as a difficult child. He lived in Lowell, a city where boxing was the key to surviving on the streets. Mickey's work ethic allowed him to overcome setbacks, poor management, repeated hand injuries and associated chronic pain to escape the trap of poverty and menial jobs that were common in Lowell to become the Junior Junior Middleweight Golden Gloves winner. . Ward participated in street fighting With early years and was always considered a loser among his opponents. But his incredible ability to drop his opponents with a sudden left hook proved otherwise. In 2005, Mickey Ward married Charlene Fleming, and they lived with Mickey's daughter from her first marriage, Casey.

After finishing his boxing career

Ward, 45 (as of 2010), still lives in Lowell, where he co-owns a gym and also co-owns an outdoor hockey rink.

Today David O. Russell has already earned himself a name as a director who annually produces films that compete for prestigious film awards, primarily the Oscar. He, in the best traditions of Tarantino and Scorsese, calls on his favorite actors over and over again to give them the opportunity to claim those very coveted statuettes. Movie "Fighter" 2010, has become a kind of sip for many fresh air in the galaxy sports dramas . After thirty years with Rocky Balboa, we have two very decent, but predictable and textbook dramas. I mean Million Dollar Baby and . The story of brothers Dick Eklund and Mickey Ward is an example of how the absolutely everyday basis of family relationships can keep you glued to the screen for two hours. The first shots clearly show us a vulnerable image lost person, a drug addict whose knees twitch. And at this moment you lean forward a little so as not to miss anything from Christian Bale's benefit performance as former boxer Dick Eklund.

In terms of concept, namely difficult development of the main character , film "The Fighter" 2010 (The Fighter) is not particularly original. We see nice guy by name Mickey Ward(Mark Wahlberg) who long years remains a victim of circumstances and failures. His mother and drug addict brother Dick Ekluand (Christian Bale) are not happy best fights, the opponents are unexpectedly strong and heavy, the asphalt is very hot when laying, and the girl at the bar (Amy Adams) is too inaccessible to approach her and start a conversation. All this speaks not in favor of the main character, as a person who is not decisive, not ready to finally take fate into his own hands. He is a talented fighter and, it seems, a caring father, although it is unlikely that only his wife, who took away her daughter, is to blame for the destruction of his first marriage. Despite these comments of mine, the character Mark Wahlberg, Mickey Ward you really empathize, largely due to the fact that he is a typical simple guy from the people. Most of us are subconsciously drawn to such a story of a person who, despite not the most successful surroundings, manages to break out among people and become a famous person. This is one of the catchy leitmotifs of the film « Fighter » 2010.

Dick Eklund and Christian Bale

Almost everyone who watched the film « Fighter » 2010 intrigued and pleasantly surprised the complex image Dick Eklund performed by the magnificent Christian Bale. This is a vivid example of how a talented athlete with a future, who knocked down the legendary world champion, flushed his life down the toilet, as they say. As De Niro's character said in A Bronx Tale: "There's nothing worse than wasted potential". For fifteen years now he has considered himself a local celebrity in the town of Lowell (Massachusetts) and, in fairness, he is. It’s just that the attitude of those around him is completely different – ​​from approving pats on the shoulder to contempt behind his back and on camera for HBO. Local woman says Dick Eklund has got his reputation back Lowell thirty years into the past and certainly does not set a good example for the new generation. He constantly talks about his return, while the only training in last years All that remains is jumping from the window into the trash can so as not to collide with the mother. Dick spends time with friends, using heroin and weed, lying in oblivion most of the day, missing his brother's training. Christian Bale known for his appearance transformations, often fanatical weight loss for roles. The 2010 fighter became another reason for the actor to show his meticulous approach to getting into character - losing weight to 66 kilograms and being indistinguishable from an addicted drug addict.

Real Richard Dick Eklund (born 1957) was a rising star - he won 194 out of 200 amateur fights and turned professional in 1975. He performed under the name Dick Eklund, and “Dicky” was his pseudonym, which the boy was called by his friends and relatives. Eklund lost his first professional fight, and then won 10 in a row. That same famous fight with Sugar Ray Leonard took place on July 18, 1978 in Boston. In that fight, Dick ended up on the floor twice, and in the ninth round, a famous incident occurred, shown in the film The Fighter 2010. The referee officially recognized the incident - Sugar Ray slipped. Although in the video we can clearly see the impact before the fall.

Overall, Dick Eklund's professional career Dick Eklund) lasted 10 years, from 1975 to 1985. Overall result his fights – 19 victories, of which 4 by knockout, 10 defeats. After retiring from the stage, Dick Eklund began training his younger brother Mickey Ward, and was his coach for 26 fights in the ring. Dickie has two sons and one daughter. In 1995, a documentary film from HBO called High on Crack Street: Lost Lives in Lowell was released - it's about drug addiction and fall. former athlete. Today, including after the wave of fame thanks to the film The Fighter 2010, Dick Eklund travels with seminars around the country, together with his younger brother - they give motivational speeches to students of American universities. He is also a boxing trainer.

Mickey Ward

The story of American boxer Mickey Ward was conveyed on screen quite accurately. The athlete himself responded that he really liked the 2010 Fighter and praised David O. Russell. Mickey turned professional in 1985, at age twenty. The start of his career was quite successful - the first fourteen fights brought confident victories, and Mickey Ward’s coach was his older brother (they had different fathers). In 1991, Mickey interrupted his career after a series of failures. He was able to save money for surgery on his hand, which had previously caused problems - it was transplanted bone from the leg.

In The Fighter 2010, Mickey's return to 1994 is understandably compressed in time. He fought as many as ten successful battles, and after that there was a series of victories and defeats. So in reality, before the fight with Shane Neary, shown in the film, Mickey Ward had fifteen professional fights. This fight, featured in the movie The Fighter, took place on March 11, 2000. Thus, it is clear that the chronology in the movie is very shortened, as if all the events of the plot take place over the course of a couple of years, and not a decade.

By the way, your next fighter, Mickey Ward lost. After, before the fight with Arturo Gatti, there were three more fights - one defeat and two victories. The last three professional fights in Mickey Ward’s life were the famous trilogy with Arturo Gatti. In the first fight, Mickey won, and after two rematches he lost. However, Mickey’s earnings for all three fights amounted to only about $3 million. Today, Mickey Ward still lives in Lowell, Massachusetts, where he owns a boxing gym and hockey arena. In 2005, he married Charlene Fleming (played by Amy Adams in the 2010 film The Fighter). In the film The Fighter 2010, the role of Mickey Ward was perfectly played by Mark Wahlberg.

HBO Documentary

An important event within the plot of the film « Fighter » 2010 remains a documentary that shows the ugly side of Dick Eklund's life. Its original name. Filming took place in poor areas of the town of Lowell, Massachusetts - once the cradle of the industrial revolution. Filming took 18 months, most of which took place in 1993. One of the project's three directors, Richard Farrell, is himself a Lowell native and former drug addict.

For those who watched the film « Fighter » 2010 It will be interesting to know that the documentary does not focus on boxing and Dick Eklund. Three Lowell residents became his heroes. Pregnant prostitute Brenda, who is forced to continue to earn money with her body in order to buy new doses. She collects $395 for an abortion, but spends it on drugs. The second participant is her boyfriend, who is the father of the child. By the end of the film, Dick is in prison and Brenda dies of an overdose shortly before High on Crack Street airs on television. The documentary film was released in 1995.

Domestic drama

Most of the film “The Fighter” 2010 talks about family vicissitudes, which are usually called simply "household". Two brothers quarrel with each other, sort things out with their mother, a police coach and boxing functionaries. Mickey Ward tries to win over a local bar girl and spend more time with his daughter during agreed upon weekend visits. The boxing fights themselves, including the main one towards the end, have only nominal significance, and it is much more interesting to simply watch the relationships between the heroes. The team of screenwriters for the film The Fighter 2010 managed not only to fit ten years of life into two hours of time, and it creates the illusion that only about a year has passed. They filled a story that was simple in concept with dozens of fascinating little details that literally keep you glued to the screen. Personally, I have already watched The Fighter for the sixth time and will continue this glorious tradition next spring.

// Ward, MickeyContents:
1. Ward, Mickey
2. Return to big sport
3. Ward v. Gatti. Trilogy
4. After finishing his boxing career

"The Irishman" Mickey Ward professional boxer and former WBU world champion from Lowell, Massachusetts. He is also popularly known as main character The 2010 feature film The Fighter, based on his career as a character on the Dropkick Murphys' album The Warrior's Code, and his trilogy of fights with Arturo Gatti featured in the sports simulator Fight Night Round 3.

Life and career

Ward was a three-time New England Golden Gloves champion and turned pro in 1985, winning fourteen bouts. However, his career went downhill, and after four consecutive losses, Ward took a break from the sport in 1990.

Break in performances

During a break from his professional career, Mickey underwent surgery on his right hand, which he had problems with for several fights. The operation used some of the pelvic bones to strengthen the bone in the arm. His half-brother, former boxer Dicky Eklund, who was struggling with drug addiction and had just been released from prison on drug charges, was convinced that Mickey should take up the sport again.