Galina Dubinina's technique. Galina Dubinina and her miracle facial rejuvenation gymnastics. For cheeks and zygomatic muscles

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Hello, today we are removing nasolabial folds, because they are the ones who show sadness, melancholy on our faces, and sometimes just tragedy. The exercises that will be presented are very effective and simple. It is recommended to perform this gymnastics every day.

We will need a mirror, we will need clean hands, so prepare either wet wipes or some other sanitization for our hands. Well, of course, this is a good mood, and everything will work out for us!

Exercises for nasolabial folds by Galina Dubinina

First, look at our face in the mirror very carefully. What would we like to fix? We looked at ourselves carefully. I’ll tell you that one of the first signs of age, that is, the first age-related change, is precisely the sagging of our cheeks. We develop nasolabial folds. Starting at the age of 25, imperceptibly, barely perceptibly, our cheeks begin to droop, and this is where creases begin to appear.

Gradually, the face sags, and then some even develop jowls or, as they are also called, “bulldog cheeks.” This is really a vicious circle: we look at ourselves in the mirror, we don’t like ourselves, we’re in a bad mood, but this doesn’t make our cheeks rise, but just the opposite.

We all know what a person consists of - the skeleton, muscles and skin. And now we will talk about all these components separately, only everything will concern our face.


Let's start with the skull, with the bone tissue. We know that our skull remains practically unchanged. We will talk to you about the smallest changes, but a little later, but now let’s go a little into the muscles, figure out what it is, what they consist of, and how they work.


The muscle tissue from which muscles are built consists of fibers elongated in length and capable of contraction, that is, we understand that the work of a muscle (any muscle) is its contraction. This means that the muscle contracts, which means it works. This is the main function of the fabric.

The muscles of the head are divided into 2 main groups - facial and chewing. How are they different from each other? Let's figure it out.


Chewing muscles, like all skeletal muscles, contract and move bones. The muscle contracts, the head turns, the leg rises. That is, they are attached directly to the bones.


But mimic ones differ in that they are attached with one end to the bone edge, and the other - into the soft tissue. Let's think about it together. This means that one end is attached rigidly, and the other softly. And what happens if we have a muscle contraction? Yes, wrinkles form.

Now let’s look at the picture and think a little together again. We understand that the contraction of the facial muscles causes the skin to shift, the formation of folds and the rapid change of wrinkles in various combinations.

The facial muscles are relatively thin, they do not have fasta, and are located directly under the skin in a layer of fatty tissue. Their strength is insignificant compared to other skeletal muscles and the muscles on our skull are distributed unevenly, they are located in groups around natural openings: the mouth, nose, ear, and determine the shape and movement of the lips, nostrils and eyelids.

Being subordinate to nerve impulses coming from the brain along the facial nerve, they are exponents of a wide variety of human emotional states. And you and I know that everyone’s emotions and contractions of facial muscles are so different that they cause different folds on our face. But, gradually we develop the habitual formation of wrinkles on our face. We now understand that the formation of facial folds is the work of our muscles, their contraction.

But let's now put a mirror in front of us and look carefully at ourselves. Here a nasolabial fold has formed. We have already talked to you - this is the cheek slowly lowering. How can you and I correct this situation? Let's think about it. The cheek needs to be raised somehow. Look at yourself in the mirror. Where will we lift the cheek so that the nasolabial fold is corrected so that it goes away? You can experiment on one side or the other. You see, just a small movement. Look at yourself.

Now let's figure it out. If we know what a muscle consists of and how it works, let’s think together, why did the cheek droop? What muscles are there that can lift our cheek?

Now look carefully at the picture again. Look carefully! Here is the zygomatic muscle. It is rigidly attached from the zygomatic arch and stretches to the corner of our mouth. Do you remember where it is located?

Now look at yourself in the mirror. The location of the muscle from the cheekbone to the corner of the mouth. Do you remember the picture? Now we will place our finger on the location of this muscle. Place it without lifting anything, just place your finger.

Look at yourself in the mirror, see where your cheek is. She rose up, and below the oval of her face became perfect. Due to the fact that this muscle does not work well, our cheeks droop.

This means that you and I must understand that this muscle holds our cheek. Shall we learn to work with it? And it’s very easy to work with! We need to smile more often with you. Let's smile quietly together now, slowly. Just smile, smile, raising the corners of your lips to the top of your ear. Look at yourself carefully in the mirror. Smile a little.

We are now starting to work like in school, without rushing. First we draw small sticks, then small squiggles, and then we connect everything. Now we are smiling at the corners of our lips, take your time. Smile, don't get upset just yet if you develop wrinkles under your eyes and if your nasolabial folds deepen. We'll fix it all!

Exercise for the zygomaticus major muscle of the face

Now the first task is to find the zygomatic muscle. It is not very strong and if you already have or, you may not succeed the first time. But we are looking. We smile at the corners of our lips. To make sure there are fewer folds under the eyes, we won’t show the upper teeth, we’ll put a finger on them.

Rest. Did you see? Do the corners of your lips turn up? There is one mistake: some people smile while raising their sponge all the way up. And then you realize that the zygomatic muscle is not being worked. If someone wants, bite the upper lip directly, but if you want, just leave it again clamped with your finger. And now, if you see that the corners of your lips are rising, then let's add a little effort.

Our first task is to find the zygomatic muscle. If you feel the work of this muscle, we are complicating everything a little.

Faces can be funny! They can be very funny, but now you should not look at how you look, but feel how your muscle works.

Let's try to close our eyes altogether. We close our eyes and smile, we understand how you do it. Take your time! Corners of lips up. Pause, leave the corners of your lips up. And now we know the muscle has contracted, so we shorten it even more.

If the folds around the eyes scare you, you can hold them in place with your fingers. Place your fingers in advance and hold. You can keep your finger on your lip, and smile again, raising the corner of your lip upward. Now you should feel how you are doing.

Do you feel the muscle working? Now we’ve worked, the muscle is resting, we feel the flow of blood into our muscles, right? The muscle worked. Yes, such a difficult exercise!

When you get used to it and feel the muscles, we will complicate the exercise. In the end it should look like this:

So, the shape of the mouth is the letter “o”. This means our lips are together, and they really don’t want to be separated from each other. We stretch them to the side, look, and remain in this position. We can already see what is happening: the nasolabial fold is already smoothing out. You see?

And now we will also train the zygomaticus. When the mouth extends, there is muscle movement! I feel her very well and our cheeks rise. By the way, one of the signs of youth is chubby cheeks, apple cheeks, therefore, when the maximum volume of the cheek is in the upper third of our cheek (upper third) - this is youth, in the middle part - this is middle age, but when they go down, well, we won’t have this, so we won’t even talk about it. But if something has already happened, it is with these exercises that we can lift our cheeks. The volume is at the top, and the entire cheek is tightened.

By contracting, the zygomatic muscle lifts our cheeks, holding them in place. Just imagine, if we put on trousers with you, they are too big for us - we pull them up with a belt, we hold them in place. And it's the same here. The muscle did not work, and it was weak, it was stretched, and if it tightens, it will hold our cheeks.

To prevent expression lines from forming during exercise, there are 2 options for keeping them:

We place our ring finger on the wings of the nose, and the index finger in our eye section. And if you can't hold the sponge, put it on your upper lip. And now let's smile. We smile a lot, and you see: no wrinkles form, we were able to hold everything, and our cheeks rise. And now together. The ring finger is the wing of the nose, the index finger is the section of the eye and the little finger (on the lip). Ready? We work: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2 and quickly 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, more times 8-7-6-5-4-3-2 and quickly 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, 8-7-6-5-4-3-2.

You feel? Tired? Many people say they felt a burning sensation. This is good! This means your muscle was working. This means any sensation: maybe tingling, maybe heat, maybe like menthol or like electric current. You and I understand that this is precisely the work of muscles.

Next, we again turn to the drawing. Let's look at him carefully. What do we see? We have one muscle parallel to the other: we have the zygomatic major muscle, and we have the zygomatic minor muscle. We dealt with the zygomatic major, but there is another one that is parallel to it - this is the zygomatic minor. It is located just under the nasolabial fold. And look, if you and I pull our lips forward, our creases smooth out.

Lips forward a little, as if you and I were blowing a kiss: forward, but not too much. Place your finger in front of you, try: lip forward - relax, forward - relax.

There should be no folds on the lip. This is a very bad mistake! Please correct yourself! We don't need any extra folds! The tension should be under the nasolabial fold. Look at yourself in the mirror and do 8 counts.

And one more tip: you can do the same with your eyes closed. We push it forward, I don’t strain it, I don’t collect it or wrinkle my lip. This is just practice, there can be nothing else! Let's practice: try an air kiss - stretch your lips, and then half an air kiss - forward. If there are any folds, those that you don’t like, remember – we have fingers. If you don’t like something at the bottom, you put it at the bottom; if you don’t like it at the top, you put it at the top, and we continue to pull it out.

Everything is in your senses, you feel the development of muscle tissue, it strengthens, your cheeks rise, nasolabial folds smooth out. Yes, this exercise is difficult. You can do it all the time, train. This exercise can be done constantly, daily.

Okay, now we need our clean hands. And now let's just smooth it out together, look, everything is very simple. You and I will now place our thumbs under the nasolabial fold. If we have wrinkled clothes, we take them and iron them, right? And the same thing happens here. This constantly forming fold of ours is becoming deeper, deeper and deeper. And there we first have a crease in the muscle tissue, and then a crease forms on the skin. That is, in order to smooth it out, it is necessary to smooth out the muscle tissue, because the skin is just like our knitted clothing, it simply follows our muscles.

So, we place our fingers under the nasolabial folds, carefully, look at me. Mouth in an “o” shape, fingers under the nasolabial folds, try it. This means the bases of the palms are together. There should be no folds under the eyes. If you raise your fingers high, you will develop creases under your eyes.
Now for each count, it’s as if we were saying the letter “o”.

If you want, you can do it with sound: 1-2-3-4, another 5-6-7-8 and hold. Hold the letter “o”, hold it as long as you can. And again in dynamics: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2, hold and press from above, now we will smooth out this nasolabial fold.

We smooth it with point movements, you can use the phalanges of your fingers, you can press it from above. Your nasolabial fold may initially be a different color, like the adjacent layers of skin: it may be red, it may be white. We understand that this is already a change in color, due to a change in our inner layers, our muscle tissue, so we do not allow a fold to form.
We have learned to smooth out the nasolabial fold, that is, each time it will change color all the time, and then it will be exactly the same color as our facial skin in our neighboring sections.

Exercise for the muscles of the wing of the nose

We have another secret - this is the muscle that lifts the wing of the nose. Look at the picture, see where it goes: from our nose bridge and weaves into the wing of the nose. When it contracts, what does it do? Raises the wing of our nose. And at the same time, an overhang is formed, which gradually becomes overgrown with layers of fat; we must smooth out this hard roller with our exercises.

Now we understand that all the muscles of the body, as well as the muscles of the face, need to not only be pumped up, but also stretched. We know there are always strength exercises and stretching. Now we will work on the muscle that we need to increase in length, we will stretch it and not allow it to shorten.

And again the lips are in the shape of the letter “o”. Pull the top lip upward firmly, as if you were trying to close your teeth. Happened? Feel the stretch of the muscle that raises the wing of the nose, and in dynamics we will make the sponge even lower, we will lower it down. We work: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2 and freeze, feel this stretch, close your eyes, feel this muscle. Here, thought-images will also help you, yes, we feel how our muscle is stretched, and again in dynamics: we pull down, the upper lip wants to touch the lower one 6-5-4-3-2.

Reinforcing the exercises

Now let's combine and consolidate all the exercises for nasolabial folds. Today we understood why the nasolabial fold is formed: the cheek droops and there is an overhang.

  • We must first train the zygomatic muscle. The upper lip, remember, is behind the teeth, you can hold it with your finger and smile: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2 and quickly shorten it. Repeat 8 times. Pull the corner of the lip towards the top of the ear, again quickly for 8 counts. Great!
  • The next exercise is the zygomatic minor muscle, it is located a little higher, remember: lip forward, stretch and push forward like a duck. For 8 counts. If it doesn’t work right away or folds appear above the upper lip, do it half-heartedly. And we work again: 8 times slowly and 8 times quickly.
  • Fingers up, mouth shape like the letter “o”, upper lip pressed tightly: count to 8 and smooth it out. Once again in dynamics. We froze and smoothed it out with our fingers again. For those who have a deep seat, knead it properly. For those who don’t have a deep mouth, you can simply make your mouth into an “o” shape, and everything will be fine.
  • And the muscle that lifts the ala nasi. We close our eyes, pull the upper lip towards the lower lip, feel its extension. Down even further, count to 8 and relax.

It is better to finish the exercises with a bioenergetic massage.

Bioenergy facial massage after exercise

Bioenergy facial massage is a very effective rejuvenation practice. The results are very impressive. We recommend finishing all exercises with this massage.

Let's put our hands in front of us, as in prayer, and feel how one hand penetrates the other. Close your eyes and feel the penetration: how the skin of your right hand flows into your left, then the muscles connect with each other. We feel warmth from one hand, the other is our energy. You should feel the distance between your palms disappear. We understand that we have electricity. Someone has been given the ability to heal themselves and others with this energy field, and now we, with our magical hands, with our magical warmth, will lift our face up. We will now oppose the force of gravity with our hands.

We felt how they penetrated, now, slowly, we separate our palms from below and place them near the face, without touching the face. And again your sensations, feel how the warmth of your hands penetrates your face. And now, slowly, raise your hands up: hands up to the forehead, and from the forehead we spread them to the sides, and down.

Let's try again. If we can’t immediately feel the warmth in our hands, we can simply rub them. We rub our hands, and who can do all this in the previous way.

We place our hands in front of our faces, raise our hands up, slowly, and feel how a wave of warmth lifts our muscles along with our hands. This is a very comfortable exercise, feel it for yourself, repeat it again: either we find an energy field, or in our hands, or we rub our hands, put our hands in front of our faces and understand that all our lives we have been protecting ourselves from the cold, from sidelong glances, from rain, Yes?
We open only to warmth, and now our face, our muscles, all our facial cells are drawn after your warmth of your hands. We can sculpt a face with our own hands.

And for those who do not believe that this is very comfortable and useful, we will ask you to do the following experiment.


Everything is the same: we rub our hands, place them in front of our face, and now one hand is up and the other is down, and all attention is paid to your sensations. One is up, the other is down, take your time. Look quickly in the mirror. That hand that went down, do you see? She pulled the corner of her lip, the corner of her eye. Let's fix everything soon! We rub everything again. We place our hands and lift everything up, taking our time. Take your time, we go up slowly.
Feel how your face lifts, becomes younger, feels warm inside, you are beautiful and full of energy!

So, our lesson comes to an end. There we learned how to remove nasolabial folds and how to erase several years from our face, because we know that a woman is only as old as she looks.

Any woman dreams of prolonging her youth as much as possible. Every woman, regardless of age, can feel the effect of facial fitness with Galina Dubinina. All it takes is a little time and patience. Facial fitness is gaining popularity as a safe and effective way to maintain youth and attractiveness. Facial gymnastics includes a set of exercises for each problem area.

Tight and smooth face

As you know, the reason for facial aging lies in the sagging of the muscle corset. With age, muscles lose tone and elasticity, causing sagging eyelids, cheeks and chin. Few ladies want to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. In order to look younger, they resort to a set of exercises for the face of Galina Dubinina.

Facial gymnastics, performed for 10-15 minutes a day, will give a unique effect in just 2-3 weeks. You can see how the skin tightens, fine wrinkles disappear and the face becomes smoother. Regular implementation of simple procedures will be the key to a youthful face.

Removing wrinkles on the forehead.

Place the index fingers of both hands on the eyebrows, hugging the fingers and pressing them tightly. Palms are placed on the temples. Pressing your fingers tightly to your forehead, you should try to raise your eyebrows, as if in surprise. Eyebrows should be raised smoothly, without sudden movements. Do the exercise until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles of your forehead. It is worth increasing the number of approaches gradually. For starters, 5 times for 8 seconds will be enough.

We remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

Place the middle finger of each hand at the beginning of the eyebrow. Place your index fingers a little higher. In this position, we begin to wrinkle our eyebrows. The fingers are positioned strictly one above the other. We perform the first 2 approaches slowly. And 2 more approaches - quickly.

We remove the border between the cheek and the eye.

You should relax your face, neck and shoulders. We blink widely and often. Next, we make an oval with our mouth, roll our eyes up and blink widely. We devote 8 seconds to this exercise, do 4 approaches.

Removing the double chin.

The upper part of the face is relaxed. We try to reach the nose with the tip of the tongue. If this exercise is difficult to perform, you can lightly press the upper lip with the tip of your tongue. We perform this exercise for 8 seconds, do 2 approaches.

Getting rid of sagging chin.

We prop up the jaw with our fist and try to open it. Every time we try to press our chin onto our fist. Overcome resistance for 8 seconds. Do 3 sets slowly and 3 sets quickly.

We tighten the chin.

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck and chin. Using the middle of the tongue, press on the upper palate. If you look at yourself in the mirror during the exercise, you can see how your chin tightens. We perform 2 approaches for 4 seconds slowly and at a fast pace for the same amount.

We tighten our cheeks.

This exercise trains the zygomatic muscles. We smile widely, raising the corners of our lips. If folds form under the eyes, you should press your upper lip to your teeth and smile in this position of your lips, allowing the corners to rise. This exercise should be done for 8 seconds, 2 slow and fast approaches.

Raise your upper lip.

We smile, showing our upper teeth. Let's feel the tension in the upper part of the cheeks. After this, we stretch our mouth, pronouncing the sound “O”, leaving tension. Next, we raise our cheeks and blink. Performed in 4 sets of 8 seconds.

Facebook building: beautiful eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear earlier than all others and very well reveal a woman’s age. Thanks to Galina Dubinina's exercises, you can tighten the skin around the eyes and make your eyes radiant.

We tighten the upper eyelid.

You should open your eyes as wide as possible. After this, four fingers of each hand, except the thumb, should be placed on the forehead. So that the little fingers touch the eyebrows. With tension, we try to open our eyes as wide as possible and raise our eyebrows as high as possible. Next, open and close the upper eyelid. The tension remains. About 5 approaches of 4 seconds are done to fix the open and closed eyelids.

Removing bags under the eyes.

We place our index fingers at the outer corner of the eye, and the middle fingers at the inner corner on the bridge of the nose. In this position, you should squint as hard as possible, raising the lower eyelid. This exercise is performed for 10 seconds, 2 approaches. Next, we leave our fingers in the same position, and our eyes look at the ceiling. Raise the lower eyelid first at a fast pace, then at a slow pace for 8 seconds. Then we do the same exercises, but with our eyes closed.

These simple facial exercises will help you look younger and get rid of wrinkles.

It does not take much time and does not require costs. Galina Dubinina's facial fitness is the best alternative to facial plastic surgery.

There are different ways to combat age-related changes in the skin, swelling, bags under the eyes and wrinkles that become noticeable by the age of 40. The set of exercises according to the “Facelifting” program, developed by Galina Dubinina, has long become popular among the fair sex due to its effectiveness and high performance. Simple facial gymnastics with elements of yoga will help tighten the skin, remove cosmetic imperfections that appear with age, and will also be an excellent preventive measure to prevent skin aging.

Origin story

Facelifting (from the English face - “face”, lifting - “pulling up”) is a special set of exercises that includes several different gymnastic techniques and is aimed at improving the condition of the skin. Back in the early 2000s, yoga trainer Galina Dubinina, concerned about age-related changes that appeared on her face after 30 years, began developing this technique. The resulting program absorbed effective techniques from bodyflex, yoga, fitbuilding, and was also supplemented by Dubinina’s own author’s developments.

Galina Dubinina divided her methodology into several courses with different focuses. The following Face Lifting complexes stand out:

  • massage of bioenergy points;
  • special exercises for the visual organs;
  • a program aimed at working on the problematic facial area and neck;
  • a set of procedures for the stronger sex;
  • express charging;
  • a complex of morning and evening manipulations;
  • exercises for the skin combined with breathing exercises Bodyflex, etc.

Beneficial features

To improve the condition of your skin and restore your former youth, it is not necessary to undergo many complex plastic surgeries. Face Lifting will help to cope with many problems that arise on the skin by the age of 40 (and sometimes earlier). This procedure helps improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues, contour modeling and strengthen the facial muscles.

  • facial wrinkles in the eye sockets, nasolabial, nasolacrimal folds, eyebrow creases;
  • bruises, bags under the eyes, swelling, swelling of the eyelids;
  • dull skin;
  • unclear facial contours, sagging cheekbones and cheeks;
  • uneven lip contour, etc.

Face Lifting is also able to prevent age-related changes that have not yet affected young women.

Benefits of gymnastics

Facelift, compared to other anti-aging procedures, has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the effect of Face Lifting gymnastics is comparable to the result of complex plastic surgery;
  • regular manipulations according to the “Facelift” program will not only eliminate cosmetic imperfections, but also make the face fresh, well-groomed and very beautiful;
  • breathing exercises, as one of the components of Face Lifting, will help improve the general condition of the body and normalize the functioning of many of its systems;
  • Facelifting has no contraindications or age restrictions; every woman who wants to achieve excellent results can do it.

Facelift: basic information about anti-aging gymnastics

Method developer Fitness trainer Galina Dubinina
Basic principles of the method Facial gymnastics with elements of yoga, bodyflex, fitbuilding, etc.
Indications – wrinkles, nasolabial, nasolacrimal, eyebrow folds;

– uneven lip contour;

– swelling, bruises under the eyes;

– unclear contours of the face;

– dull skin, etc.

Is it suitable for preventing age-related changes? Yes
Contraindications No
Age restrictions No
Session duration 15-20 minutes
How often should it be done? Daily
Full course of procedures 2-3 months

Basic exercises

Learning to perform exercises using the Face Lifting technique is not difficult at all. You need to start useful gymnastics by kneading your earlobes, because it is in these areas that there are biologically active points associated with many organs and systems of the human body. After a simple procedure, you need to move on to the gymnastic techniques themselves.

The Facelift complex of exercises, aimed at working out problem areas of the face and neck, includes several basic manipulations that help in the fight against such cosmetic flaws on the skin as:

  1. Double chin. You can remove it like this:
    – you need to straighten your head, stick your tongue forward, then lift your tongue up;
    - tilt your head back, pull out your tongue and try to reach your chin.
    Repeat both Face Lifting gymnastics exercises at least 20 times.
  2. Expression wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, drooping eyelids, puffiness, bags under the eyes. It is possible to cope with these problems using the following techniques:
    – place your index fingers on the outer corners of the eyes, use your fingers to pull the skin towards the temples, making the eyes narrow, while quickly raising and lowering the eyelids for 2-3 minutes;
    – raise your eyebrows upward (“an expression of surprise”) and quickly blink your lower eyelids for 30 seconds.
  3. Sagging cheeks, swollen face contour. The following steps will help tighten your skin:
    – you need to smile 15-20 times, then place the pad of your finger in the middle above the upper lip and smile the same number of times;
    – hold your upper lip between your teeth and smile 15-20 times in this state.
  4. Drooping corners of the lips, irregular lip shape. You can fix these problems as follows:
    – purse your lips tightly, place your fingertips on the corners of your lips, press lightly, and in this position, tense and relax your lips at least 20 times;
    – push the lower jaw forward, place the upper lip on the lower one, and then swap the lips, alternately repeat all this 20-25 times.
  5. Loose skin on the neck. You can strengthen flabby neck muscles and improve your décolleté with the following exercises:
    – lie on your back, pull your legs clenched at the knees to your chest, stay in this position for 1-2 minutes;
    – lie on your back, carefully, without jerking, begin to raise your head up to the maximum possible amplitude and lower it down, do the procedure 20 times.

Regularity is key when performing exercises. It is best to perform pull-up exercises daily (any time of day). If this is not possible, you need to charge at least every other day. A facelift session should last about 15-20 minutes. The full course is 2-3 months.

You can learn more about the effective exercises of Face Lifting gymnastics from the video lessons, which show in detail Galina Dubinina’s technique.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noticing age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

Just the thought of aging scares women, because everyone dreams of maintaining a youthful face, and the appearance of new wrinkles, jowls, and changes in oval shape become big problems that spoil the mood and emphasize the age that one wants to hide.

Of course, now more and more people are turning to plastic surgeons for help to regain their lost youth.

Facelift techniques - an alternative to plastic surgery

However, various methods of face lifting and getting rid of wrinkles are a good replacement for operations. Complexes performed daily, called facelifting, will help maintain skin tone and will be an excellent preventative measure to prevent age-related changes.

Today's story is about an interesting technique that has been tested by thousands of women and has become incredibly popular due to its high efficiency.

What is a facelift?

A simple set of exercises was invented by Galina Dubinina. Facelifting is a simple gymnastics created as an excellent preventive measure against skin aging. The face lift video program incorporates the most effective techniques from yoga, bodyflex and is supplemented with original exercises developed by a former fitness trainer.

Galina Dubinina's facelift gives amazing results that preserve youth and beauty - these are exercises that contribute to changes in the general hormonal background and subcutaneous fat layer, having a comprehensive effect on all problem areas.

The essence of the method

The effective complex developed by a fitness trainer has become widespread. The essence of the “Facelift with Galina Dubinina” method is regular training of the facial muscles, because facial movements are not enough to maintain tissue elasticity at the proper level. And this is what determines how we look.

The main cause of aging is the gradual sagging of the muscle corset. Dubinina’s technique allows you to maintain the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, because during exercise the synthesis of elastin and collagen increases and blood microcirculation improves.

Removable signs of aging

“Facelift with Galina Dubinina” has long become a popular technique for women over forty years old - a common age for clients of plastic doctors.

And daily exercises eliminate even the most pronounced manifestations of skin aging on the face and neck:

  • sagging cheeks and eyelids;
  • flabbiness;
  • double chin;
  • floating oval face;
  • expression wrinkles.

Exercises for a beautiful oval face

The unique technique “Facelift with Galina Dubinina” at home, which does not require any costs and does not take much time, is an excellent alternative to a face in a plastic clinic.

The exercises are very simple and easy to do on your own. For example, an ugly person who has gained several years of age is corrected by the following exercise, the essence of which is that the protruding tongue is pulled towards the tip of the nose for about eight seconds. After a short break, a new approach is made.

A flabby chin can be eliminated by propping up the jaw with a fist while simultaneously trying to open the mouth, overcoming natural resistance. Do three sets of eight seconds each.

Exercise to tighten sagging cheeks

To prevent your cheeks from losing their elasticity, it is recommended to regularly perform the following exercise, which Galina Dubinina suggests. Facelift involves training the zygomatic muscles: you should smile with tension, making sure that the corners of your lips do not droop. After eight seconds there is a short break, after which the exercise is repeated.

Eye exercise

To remove bags under the eyes, place the index fingers at the outer corner, and the middle fingers at the inner corner of the bridge of the nose. After squinting strongly, the lower eyelid rises. The exercise is done in two sets of ten seconds. The complex is also performed with the eyes looking up and closed.

In a few months, a young and toned face will surprise you with a healthy glow and the absence of external signs of aging. This is the result of the methodology that Galina Dubinina developed for all ages.

Facelift: reviews

First of all, it must be said that there are an incredible number of reviews and opinions about exercises that maintain youthful facial skin. And most of them are only positive.

It’s easy to practice Dubinina’s technique at home, and within a month the results will be visible. Clear and easy-to-repeat exercises and ten minutes allocated for yourself are the key to the success of the complex that Galina Dubinina presented 15 years ago. Facelifting, according to women, is the same as fitness for the body, because even a toned and slender figure without physical activity will turn into a flabby one.

Therefore, in order to consolidate the result and remain an outwardly attractive person for a long time, you should not quit classes after the first results obtained. This is exactly what Galina Dubinina emphasizes in her video course. Facelifting is effective when all exercises are constantly performed without much fanaticism.

Having tried this technique yourself, you will be surprised by your reflection in the mirror. Even skin tone, absence of facial wrinkles and shining happy eyes - this is what makes every woman attractive.

Gymnastics for the face, or face building, is bodybuilding and fitness for the face. It is a very effective alternative to modern expensive cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery. But, people often call facial gymnastics facelifting (from the expression face lifting), which is translated into Russian as “facelift.”

The essence of facelifting is that using special techniques (very simple and not taking much time), facial exercises are performed that help tighten muscles, which leads to a long-term effect of facial rejuvenation (a person begins to look 5-10 years younger on average).

The proposed video gymnastics exercises for the face with Galina Dubinina have shown their highest effectiveness, as evidenced by numerous reviews from specialists and people who have rejuvenated their faces thanks to these exercises.

The effect of facial rejuvenation becomes noticeable within the first two to three weeks after starting the exercises. Facial rejuvenation exercises can be done independently at home.

For more detailed information about facelifting with Galina Dubinina and her teaching methods, see 30 video lessons on facial gymnastics, which can be downloaded from Galina’s website for free as a gift.

30 free facial gymnastics lessons

Biography of Galina Dubinina

Galina Dubinina is originally from St. Petersburg. Starting from the first grade of school, I seriously studied dancing for nine years. She had many tours around Russia. I even went to Germany to perform once.

After school, Galina studied at the Lensovet Technological Institute, graduating from which she received a degree in chemical engineering. However, she did not have to work in her specialty, since Dubinina married a military sailor and went with him to live in a military town in the north of the country. There she taught shaping courses for women in this town.

Galina was drawn to get a second higher education related to sports and dancing, which she loved very much. Therefore, in 1991, Dubinina graduated from the Lesgaft Institute and received a diploma in aerobics.

Galina Dubinina gained fame after she developed the Face Forming program, which is based on specially designed aerobics exercises for the facial muscles.

Galina herself admits that when she was already over 30 years old, she began to notice wrinkles and bags under her eyes. Cosmetic procedures helped hide facial defects for a short time. Therefore, she intensively began to study face-building exercises, which were developed by the German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz back in 1930.

She then studied the works of American cosmetologist Carol Maggio, who created a very effective system of facial gymnastics exercises that proved to be so effective that it was called a “non-surgical facelift.”

Based on these works, Dubinina developed the Face Forming program, which showed amazing results and received the best reviews, both from face-building specialists and from people who used this anti-aging gymnastics for the face.

After this, Galina Dubinina founded the now very popular School of Youth, in which such talented trainers as Evgenia Belyaeva and Evgenia Bobrovskaya work with her.

As you can see, the biography of Galina Dubinina is the biography of an ordinary person who, thanks to her work, intelligence and determination, became popular and now benefits people by teaching face-building to everyone who wants to look young and beautiful.

Thanks to her system of gymnastics exercises for the face, Galina Dubinina looks much younger than her age. Therefore, many are interested in her age. However, Galina, like any woman, does not advertise her year of birth. But, what she herself writes for forty years on the School of Youth website.

« When I turned 40, I began to notice that there is no escape from age, and diseases of the joints and spine can strike anyone. I began to develop the Senior’s program, which will help us get rid of diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, prevention of radiculitis (inflammation), pinched nerve roots, hernias and other back diseases... The program turned out to be interesting and varied. It combines dynamic, static and isotonic exercises.”

If you want to learn more about facial gymnastics with Galina Dubinina, which she has been teaching for more than 10 years, then watch the video, which is offered free of charge to popularize the School of Youth, which successfully operates not only via the Internet, but also conducts various training sessions and seminars in St. Petersburg.

30 video lessons on facial gymnastics from Facebook building guru Galina Dubinina as a gift

Attention! Galina Dubinina's courses have been withdrawn from sale. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with exercises from Inna Nefedovskaya, as well as courses on gymnastics for the face of a face-building coach.

Facebuilding exercises at home give:

  • fast guaranteed facial rejuvenation;
  • huge real money savings compared to expensive trips to a cosmetologist and plastic surgery;
  • long lasting result;
  • the absence of any side effects and health risks, since this is a natural process;
  • great time savings, since facial gymnastics at home using Galina Dubinina’s methods takes only 5-10 minutes a day.

Paid video webinars of facial gymnastics with Galina Dubinina

We present to you inexpensive paid video classes from the School of Youth for facial massage using the methods of Galina Dubinina. In order to buy these webinars, you need to go to Galina Dubinina’s selling website and, going to the very bottom of the page, select the exercises (or set of exercises) that interest you in facial gymnastics.

Exercises can be purchased electronically. Payment is accepted by bank cards, electronic money (Yandex Money, WebMoney), as well as numerous other methods.

Attention! Galina Dubinina's courses have been withdrawn from sale. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with exercises from Inna Nefedovskaya, as well as courses on gymnastics for the face of a face-building coach.

Webinar 1. Removing nasolabial folds.

Webinar 2. Removing a double chin.

Webinar 3. Drooping of the upper eyelid.

Webinar 4. Problems of the lower eyelid.

Webinar 5. Vertical folds on the forehead.

Webinar 6. Longitudinal folds on the forehead.

Webinar 7. Spoon massage.

Webinar 8. Maintaining the shape of the nose.

Webinar 9. Creating the shape of the lips.

Webinar 10. The lower edge of the cheeks or jowls.

Webinar 11. Shiatsu acupressure.

Webinar 12. Neck and décolleté.

Attention! Galina Dubinina's courses have been withdrawn from sale. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with exercises from Inna Nefedovskaya, as well as courses on gymnastics for the face of a face-building coach.

You can also purchase sets of exercises by Galina Dubinina. Three sets of exercises consist of the four webinars listed above. The fourth set of exercises includes all 12 webinars.