Teresa Tapp method. T-tapp exercises will make your figure slim and beautiful (photo, video). How the system works

Recently appeared new system exercise and nutrition, which is called T-Tapp. Its author is American fitness expert Teresa Tapp.

She developed her technique based on scientific principles. By repeating the same movement, you can increase muscle tone body.

You can use your body, so to speak, as a training machine, that is, perform exercises with own weight, and this will be quite effective when repeated many times. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates, therefore, this will lead to weight loss.

While performing these exercises, concentration on breathing is necessary; only in this case can you achieve greater results than simply swinging your limbs.

What is the meaning of T-tapp?

There are no miracles in this gymnastics. It will be necessary to perform bends, twists, squats, lunges, and hip abduction. You've probably already done all the exercises listed above, but haven't achieved it yet. desired result?

The whole point of the T-Tapp technique is that you must constantly be in a basic stance with your buttocks squeezed. It is this position that will allow you to strain your muscles with a fairly simple technique.

If you believe the developer of this technique, as well as American glossy sources, then we are simply faced with ideal system exercises for the fair half of humanity, which must be mastered.

Its advantage is that you don’t need any weights, you can do it at home, the gymnastics is simple, and most importantly, the results can be seen very quickly.

What advantages of this method can be considered quite real?

This technique is much simpler than most breathing exercises where it is necessary to develop a certain breathing system.

The breathing here is completely normal, as when doing simple exercises, that is, it is necessary to alternate inhalations and exhalations. You won’t have to make any strange sounds, and you won’t feel dizzy from gymnastics.

Unlike calanetics, T-Tapp will not lead the body of an unprepared person to convulsions. There are no provisions for unstable and technically difficult poses, for example, as in yoga. You don't have to jump like you do during aerobics to get your heart rate up.

You don't have to sign up for these exercises. sport Club, you can easily find videos of any level of complexity, and perform the technique in the comfort of your home. It is advisable that no one is present in the room and does not distract you from your workout.

T-Tapp is quite suitable for both beginners and those who are already involved in sports regularly. The founder of the technique is considered one of the few gymnastics manufacturers who drew attention to the fact that not everyone is in bad shape. physical fitness.

And some lessons are designed in such a way that they will really make a person tense and sweat a lot, even if he is in good shape.

The range of movements is designed for people with different torso variations, for example, long and short, which makes the exercises most effective for the muscles of the back, waist, and abs.

About the beginning of the T-Tapp training and its results

To begin with, it is recommended to purchase video lessons with basic training 1 and 2. It is quite difficult to master this gymnastics from descriptions alone, it is better to have it before your eyes clear example, this will help make the task much easier.

Mastering this technique will not take more than a week; on average, three days is enough, and then you will need to start doing a set of exercises daily, without breaks. This is necessary to strengthen muscles and increase metabolism.

Depending on the initial weight and your desire, how much weight you want to lose depends on the implementation of T-Tapp, but, in any case, at first the training should be daily, for about 14 days.

Well, after that you can exercise every other day, and the founder of this technique, Teresa, guarantees that body volumes will reach the desired values ​​in three or four months.

About nutrition during this technique

To lose more than one clothing size using this technique, you must also adhere to certain rules of a balanced diet.

You should also pay attention to the process of preparing dishes, and give preference to steam and boiled heat treatment, with the addition of a minimum amount of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.

She believes that it is necessary to eat more fresh fruits and a variety of vegetables, and you can also eat dairy and meat products in moderation, giving preference to low-fat foods.

But Teresa allows herself to treat herself to foods that are prohibited no more than once every ten days. And don’t forget to drink enough clean water, at least a liter, and the rest of the liquid can be obtained with other drinks.


Of course, if you practice daily physical exercise, and at the same time maintain proper balanced nutrition, then slim and fit figure you will be guaranteed. If you indulge in buns and lie on your side, then, you understand, the fat will not go anywhere. The basis of fat burning is muscle work and no one has canceled this!

When studying the T-Tapp system, confusion may arise as to what and how to do in order to quickly get rid of unnecessary centimeters. Many people have gone through this, so we will try to make the task of a newbie easier by sharing our practical experience with T-Tapp. Where to begin? Let's see what the official website of the system offers.

This is a 15 minute T-Tapp miracle. Most of the results for many tappers are associated with this program and its variants. The complex gives a clear understanding of what T-Tapp is, designed for 15 minutes a day or so. Suitable for those who want results, but do not want to spend a lot of time on daily training. The advantage is also that some of it can be found on the Internet for free access or bought on Amazon along with Teresa’s book for 10-15 dollars.

Total Workout

This program has already lasted about 40 minutes (plus or minus 10 minutes). This is already a somewhat expanded basic course, which is the foundation of many of Teresa’s subsequent programs. There is information on the official website that this complex can replace any other T-Tapp programs and is a must have, no matter what DVD you started with. The cost of the original disc is equal to the cost of a six-month subscription to a fitness club.

Step Away The Inches

Training with movement. One of the most popular, as many women like active activities. And although T-Tapp is effective in any type of exercise, “walking” workouts are often used to diversify the program. This course is also recommended for those who walk a lot (for work or just because), the special T-Tapp movement technique will help additionally burn carbohydrates during a regular trip to work or grocery shopping.

Core For The Developmental Body

This program is convenient and accessible even for classes with children. In the original format, you can download the exercises separately, without additional explanations and in any order. American “tapers” recommend the program for beginners as the main one as a replacement for boring basic training.

On forums where the effectiveness of T-Tapp programs is discussed, it is recommended to start with introductory videos (instructional 1,2). They come to understand the system and get used to the technology. Another option is the same 15-minute basic training, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. It is supplemented with individual exercises that are performed on the floor (they are also included in free videos from Teresa and on her official website). For those who already have experience and some physical training They recommend the Tempo Intermediate Exercise Program. The exercises last 50 minutes and give good load along the entire line of the body. Tempo Intermediate includes everything that is in the basic fifteen-minute program, as well as various exercises for feet (including inside hips), arms, torso and back. They are performed in fast pace, so it will be quite difficult for a beginner to cope. But you can choose the most interesting exercises and do them together with basic complex at a comfortable pace.

T-Tapp helps speed up the consumption of carbohydrates, but if you change your diet a little by reducing the consumption of sugar and baked goods, you will get results even faster. And final advice for beginners from our site: since the system affects the functioning of the lymphatic system, eliminating stagnation, during classes you need to give up smoking, alcohol, taking energy drinks and food chemicals to help the body cleanse itself naturally. Only consumption of dry wine in small quantities is permissible.

If your age has exceeded 35, then maintaining an ideal figure becomes more difficult - poor eating habits, laziness and a sedentary lifestyle take their toll. Moreover, it is difficult to choose a set of exercises on your own that would reduce your figure in the right problem areas.

Relatively recently, on the Internet, the t-tapp system of fitness exercises has increasingly begun to be preached, which allows you to quickly and effectively tighten your muscles and make your figure chiseled. The author of this system is considered to be trainer and part-time nutritionist Teresa Tapp. The idea put forward by Teresa is not new - she proposes to consider the body as a machine. In order to get a guaranteed result, it is necessary to rely on physiological data and work with the body in accordance with the data of this particular science. The system of exercises developed by Teresa Tapp was quickly dubbed the t-tapp system. She allows for a month active training significantly reduce body volume - in the area of ​​the waist and hips, losses can be up to 2 cm. Losing weight by one size with the help of this gymnastics is quite possible.

The blocks take 15 minutes each and consist of 1-3 exercises aimed at specific areas of the body and which must be performed at least 8-20 times. There is a block aimed at burning carbohydrates accumulated during the day (for example, from eating a piece of cake). The carbohydrate block takes a minimum of time - 3 minutes and is recommended to be performed at the beginning of classes, as a kind of warm-up. Blocks can have names like " thin waist", "slim stomach".

The t-tapp system does not use weights in the literal sense of the word - all kinds of dumbbells. The exerciser’s body acts as a weight; to do this, it is necessary to keep your own muscles in constant tension while performing the exercise. Thus, the load on them increases greatly.

T-tapp exercises can be safely done at home. They help you quickly get rid of excess fat, model the body, do muscular frame more dense. The amplitude of the exercises is low; There are practically no jumps in the complex. This is suitable for those who have problems with the spine and overweight. Even completely unprepared people, beginners, can start training using the t-tapp system and quickly get results, since during the training the load is not very high, heart rate indicators change little. What attracts beginners and lazy people is that to maintain the results achieved there is no need to increase the load or the intensity and duration of the workout. Naturally, the more trained the body becomes and the denser the muscles, the greater the effect the exercises bring.

Initially, the t-tapp system, due to its emphasis on muscle tension, leads to pain in them. The weight loss effect begins when the set of exercises is fully mastered.

Disadvantages of t-tapp - the same exercises get boring over time. If you refuse to train, the effect quickly fades away.

Exercise for the buttocks and against the breeches

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, extend your arms above your head and slowly squat as low as possible, while tilting your body forward. Do everything very slowly, tensing your muscles.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs

Standing on your left leg, pull the knee of the other leg towards your chest towards your left shoulder. Lower and raise, turning 90 degrees.

Leg exercises

Lie on your back. Raise your legs up and bend them one at a time at the knees. Then we change the exercise - we spread our legs to the sides. In this case, you need to pull your toes and tense your muscles strongly throughout the entire exercise. The exercise is very effective - in terms of the level of load on the muscles, it is comparable to a multi-kilometer ski run.

T-tapp is designed primarily not to burn fat, but to strengthen muscles, thereby tightening the figure and making it seductive. After two weeks of daily exercise for 15 minutes a day, the muscles become visually noticeably denser, which leads to a decrease in volume. It is recommended to use t-tapp 3-4 times a week as maintenance exercises.


T-Tapp is a physiotherapeutic approach to sports, in particular to fitness. This system is designed to increase muscle density, and not at all their volume. The distinctive properties of T-Tapp include the ability to restore performance in case of lower back pain, diseases of the knees, and hip joints. T-tap promises a reduction in pain and a gradual improvement in the condition of the upper spine: neck, shoulders, upper back.

At first glance, it may seem that the movements are too simple and will not bring the desired effect, however, this is not so. They have a complex structure, and each exercise is aimed at using both ends of the muscle, instead of one end or its belly.

In the T-Tapp system, the fundamental factor is complex muscle movement, occurring in a specially designed and thought-out sequence, which takes into account the neuro-kinetic flow of energy. It also provides for an anatomically correct arrangement of body parts in space, which helps to comply with the principles of isometric rather than isotonic muscle work. Stimulation of lymphatic flow also plays an important role. At this time, such areas as yoga, power training, aerobics, are based on isotonic work (they do not work with the entire muscle).

By doing T-Tapp, you can achieve high aerobic exercise without resorting to jumping or lifting dumbbells with loads. The main thing is to work hard at the beginning of the journey, because the more resilient a person becomes and the stronger his muscles, the less effort needs to be spent on maintaining the standard form and the results achieved.

Other systems use the opposite principles: the stronger you are, the harder you need to work and increase the load in order to jump up a step and lose more weight. The T-Tapp approach cannot be called a system for the lazy, however, its mechanisms work for your benefit: you do not need to repeat one exercise many times or rely on barbells. The exercises will put the necessary stress on the muscles of the body as your endurance and tone increase.

Is T-Tapp effective?

Unique features and positive effect After classes, not only athletes, but also people who lead an inactive sedentary lifestyle notice this. This complex is suitable for almost everyone without exception and has virtually no contraindications. T-Tapp is designed to “stir up” your muscles as much as possible and distribute the load so that everything depends solely on your level of training, giving you the opportunity to move on.

Medical research in the field of sports physiology proves that T-Tapp helps to burn fat productively. This process starts within 7-10 minutes of training, while regular fitness requires 25-30 minutes to start burning excess fat.

T-Tapp differs from other systems in that it “burns” excess calories and is able to “repair” and improve the functionality of your body. It comes to the point that after the first classes, digestion and intestinal function noticeably improve and return to normal. metabolic processes. In addition, there is an increase in vitality and clarity of consciousness after just one week of T-Tapp practice.

How the system works

The system does not work to reduce weight, but focuses on reducing body volume. Your muscles contract and there is an immediate decrease in the volume of your body. This has a beneficial effect on the development of muscle density, tightens them and gives tone. As a result, you confidently shape the contours of your renewed body. The rapid development of muscles leads to the rapid “burning” of excess weight and a reduction in volume. Statistics show that T-Tapp practitioners lose centimeters at the waist, in the abdomen and hips up to 3 cm in 7 days. Naturally, as you reduce your 90-60-90 size, you will soon need a smaller clothing size. As a rule, this happens very quickly. After 30 days, participants in the T-Tapp system partially stop restricting themselves in food.

The main desire in the first month is to stimulate your body, to “repair” your metabolism in such a way that excess weight went off easily, but muscle mass was gaining. And all this without intensive training and a strict diet.

In addition to adults, T-Tapp is also applicable for children's training. It shows itself perfectly as a way to develop activity, mobility in children, and also correct posture. Great for group classes different age categories regardless of physical fitness.

T-Tapp is indispensable for women after 30, as it helps maintain hormonal balance. Mature women note an improvement in their menstrual cycle and a more comfortable passage through menopause. The system is also applicable on critical days. It helps get rid of unpleasant obsessive pain in the lower abdomen, swelling lower limbs and lower back, mood swings and everything related to female hormones.

The founder of T-Tapp is Teresa Tapp, an American, a trainer by profession. She became famous for proposing a way to fit a fashion model into fairly small size clothing within a week. In the process of losing weight, the body is not subjected to strict diets and grueling physical activity. All you need is T-Tapp. Teresa draws on her years of experience as a fitness trainer, sports physiologist and nutritionist. Having combined all her knowledge and experience, she developed a unique method that allows you to lose weight and create an attractive body shape without any effort. great effort, studying for a month.

This method custom-made reduces body parameters to the required extent. Teresa resorted to such tricks when she professionally trained models before shows, “suturing” where necessary. She achieved such results in just a week. In the vastness of America, this brought her unprecedented fame.

T-tapp - this training system is talked about in the states; it has proven its effectiveness in practical combat against overweight and volumes using the example of hundreds of American women. And today this program is being increasingly popularized in Russia, which is quite justified, given the incredible results that can be achieved with the help of properly selected exercises.

The name T-tapp is an abbreviation for the founder of this sport, Teresa Tapp, who has been a professional aerobics trainer for many years. Teresa’s main motto is “Yes, you can!” And she confirms this with the effectiveness of her weight loss program. Imagine if you could drop one clothing size in just one week, without exhausting yourself with hours of training and strict dieting! It seems incredible, but the T-tapp allows you to achieve just such a result, so this system is suitable not only for long-term use, but also for quick figure correction when you need to fit into your favorite dress or jeans that have not been taken out of the closet for a long time.

Before creating the personal T-tapp program, for which today there are many books and video courses, Teresa was preparing for fashion models to appear on the catwalk. Before important shows, models needed to quickly get in shape so that there would be no problems with changing clothes and trying on clothes, so the training had to be as effective as possible. This became the impetus for honing the program for rapid volume reduction, and subsequently led to the emergence of T-tapp.

The main principle of training in this program is to focus on volume, not weight! The latter takes much longer, but to disperse the hated problem areas, smooth out angularities and cellulite, tighten your shape, you can more short time. Speaking in simple language, having lost 2-4 cm in volume, you may not lose a single gram of weight.

To achieve high results for her weight loss program, Teresa developed special stances and rules of movement.

T-tapp training rules

To perform all the exercises in the T-Tapp program, it is important to maintain the basic position - a stance specially designed for more effective development muscles. In order to take the correct position, stand up straight, legs slightly apart, so that your feet are exactly the width of your pelvic bones. Toes point outwards. Next, squat down, slightly bending your knees and pushing your tailbone forward, that is, your back and lower back are in the same plane and create a flat surface. Having fixed the position, in a circular motion move your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together, leaning slightly. In this case, the knees do not look exactly forward, but slightly outward. Thus, you should spread your knees until you feel that your buttocks are tightened as much as possible. You should not feel any discomfort in this pose. In fact, it is a natural position and does not create a strong load on the knees and spine, but allows you to perform the exercises suggested by Teresa with greater practical benefits for developing muscles and burning fat deposits.

Teresa also advises standing in this stance and holding it every day for one minute to train posture, prevent and treat back diseases associated with overwork, sprains, and overexertion. Before performing the selected set of training, this stance must also be held for one minute in order to develop the correct position.

Some T-tapp exercises can be performed while sitting, for example, complexes for the arms. But you also need to sit correctly. To do this, you need to fix your position on a chair or stool in a natural position - your back is straight, your shoulders and pelvic bones are in the same plane, you maintain your posture due to the internal frame, your legs are on the floor in a relaxed state, so your knees are slightly apart.

It is worth noting the fact that T-tapping is a workout for unprepared individuals, that is, if you have been involved in sports professionally and for a long time, then your muscles today are already too adapted to such loads, and training will not bring the desired result, although in This system can still be used as general strengthening exercises. The situation is different if you have not played sports for a long time - the muscles will actively react to the load they receive.

There are also some precautions. Due to the specifics of the main position, T-tapping is not recommended for pregnant girls and women in the first half of the year after childbirth.

When performing a set of exercises, do not rush and try to clearly and correctly perform each movement, conscientiously following all the recommendations, then you will be able to achieve high efficiency of your efforts.

Losing weight with T-tapp

T-tapp is great way losing weight for several important reasons:

  • minimal load on the joints and spine, which will protect you from unpleasant pain and additional tension in those areas that are already overstrained during the day due to work and household chores;
  • you can and should start exercising even without the slightest experience of any physical training;
  • quick practical results;
  • deep effect of exercises - not only the main muscle groups are worked out, but also small deep muscles;
  • normalization of metabolism and blood circulation;
  • prevention of sagging skin rapid loss weight loss and correction of existing sagging and folds;
  • effective fight against cellulite;
  • helps to correct the shape and appearance of the body even for mothers of many children, who often suffer from problems such as a sagging tummy, loss of shape of the breasts and buttocks.

For the exercises to be effective, it is enough to follow only two main rules:

  • correct execution of each exercise;
  • regularity of classes.

Let's look at a few basic exercises for body correction according to T-tapping.

1. Strengthening the buttocks. In the basic position, spread your arms to the sides, palms straightened, fingers extended. Start lifting your leg with right side. Try to get your knee to chest level. Then lower your foot, lightly touching the floor, and immediately move the same leg to the side. In this case, the body weight is concentrated on the left leg. The duration of the exercise is one minute on each side. This exercise actively develops hip joints, tightens the buttocks, shapes the hips, and also engages the oblique abdominal muscles, helping to burn body fat in this area.

2. Beautiful hands. In the starting position, spread your arms to the sides at shoulder level, so that your palms look up. In this case, the hand is not clamped, the fingers are straightened and closed together. Slowly bend your arms, touching your shoulders with your fingertips. Important! The elbows continue to be at the same level and do not fall down. Then return your hands to the starting position. Repeat 4-8 times. Despite the simplicity of execution, this exercise fulfills its role - this is the whole essence of T-tapp: to do it simply, but effectively.

3. Slim stomach . Sit on the floor or a special mat, stretch your legs in front of you. Straighten your back and spread your shoulder blades as in the basic stance so that your elbows reach towards each other. Keeping your back straight, pull your legs towards your chest, slightly spreading your knees and tensing your buttocks as much as possible, then slowly lower and straighten your legs forward. Lightly touch your heels to the floor and pull your legs toward your chest again. Thus, perform the exercise ten times. Rest for ten seconds and perform the entire cycle again.

The regularity of T-tapp training is 15 minutes daily or half an hour every 2 days. In this case, you choose the classes and muscle group that you will train on a given day arbitrarily, depending on your needs.