Fukutsuji method for weight loss. Japanese method of losing weight Who needs it, can and cannot - indications and contraindications

17.10.2015 admin

Fukutsuji method, or as it is also called, the towel weight loss method is a famous method of healing the body, developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. Being an expert in the structure of the human skeleton, he decided to propose a technique in which effective weight loss would depend only on the correct location of the bones.

He experimentally developed a number special exercises, and then described them in his book, which sold millions of copies throughout Asia.

For most girls, this is a real panacea - a wonderful technique promises to lose weight not only quickly, but also without special effort. Few people think about the possible pitfall. Let's figure out what's what, but first a little about the essence of the method.

What is Dr. Fukutsuji's method?

According to the author himself, this technique allows you to restore the correct position of the bones, resulting in the correction of individual parts of the body. For example, you can reduce your stomach already in the first session by correcting the position of the hypochondrium and pelvic bones with a simple exercise.

Achieve a more pronounced waist - with regular exercise and increasing the load by adding simple movements to the main exercise.

If everything is done correctly, during the exercise the shape of the breast improves, it becomes raised and looks elastic. In addition, the technique helps improve posture, add a few centimeters to height, and even solve some problems of the musculoskeletal system. And all this just by returning the bones to their original state, correct position. How does this happen?

The essence of the method is that for several minutes you lie on a cushion, which can be twisted from an ordinary towel.

At first glance, it seems nothing complicated, but simply lying down will not work - the recommended position of the head, arms and legs can cause discomfort. The fact is that when performing the exercise, your spine starts to straighten up, causing discomfort.

Of course, the Japanese method of losing weight is of interest, at least in terms of whether everything that the Japanese doctor promises is true. We will comment on each of the points stated in this program, based on reviews and comments from experts.

The effectiveness of the Japanese method of losing weight while lying down

As a rule, all recipes effective weight loss based on changes in nutrition and application physical activity. We do not take into account the use of weight loss medications, dietary supplements, and even more so surgical intervention. However, even the most seemingly healthy methods of losing weight do not always give desired result, and this may depend on many factors.

The Fukutsuji method is popular precisely because it eliminates the traditional approach to weight loss, and at the same time guarantees an effect that will surpass the usual diet and gym. Those who have taken the time to check the effectiveness of the method and have already tried the exercises on themselves actually note a noticeable decrease in volume in the abdomen and waist.

Some people see results immediately after the first workout - in just 5 minutes a person loses several centimeters in weight!

However, doctors advise paying attention to the fact that it is a decrease in volume that occurs, and not weight loss, which is most often associated with weight loss. They are sure that it is possible to reduce the volume, and most likely there will be a visual effect, but it will not be fat-burning. In general, as experts note, this technique is very useful and can be used as an addition to the main weight loss program.

However, “losing weight” by relieving tension from the spinal trunk and returning the pelvic bones and hypochondrium to the correct position is not the only advantage of Dr. Fukutsuji’s method. What else can you expect from the miracle of Japanese medicine?

What does the Japanese way of losing weight REALLY give?

Since the exercises of this technique are one of the varieties of static stretching, the range of their application is quite wide and is currently actively used in manual therapy for the treatment and prevention of defects of the musculoskeletal system.

While the effectiveness of this method as a way to quickly lose weight has been refuted by many doctors, its usefulness for therapeutic purposes is not even in doubt.

Those who have been practicing the exercises for a long time note the following positive aspects:

  • improving the general condition of the body and increasing vital energy;
  • normalization of blood pressure and heart rate;
  • reduction of pain in muscles and joints;
  • disappearance of clamps in cervical spine and back pain;
  • relief of diseases internal organs and much more;

However, in addition to purely physical sensations, many note the impact of exercise on the psycho-emotional sphere, in particular:

  • gaining a sense of calm and harmony;
  • improving sleep quality;
  • the ability to relax and abstract from negative aspects;
  • increased self-confidence;
  • the ability to listen to your body and sensations;

It’s quite a lot to make you want to try the technique on yourself, isn’t it?

To perform the exercises, you will need a roller, which you can make yourself by simply twisting a towel and wrapping it with tape, 5 minutes of free time and, possibly, relaxing music. Now let's get down to the technique itself.

Instructions for using the Fukutsuji method

  1. Sit on a hard surface with the bolster behind you so that when you lie down on your back, it is under your lower back.
  2. Lie down slowly, holding the bolster with your hands.
  3. Make sure the position is correct, the roller should be strictly under your navel, and your body should not experience tension.
  4. Relax and tune in to the exercise.
  5. Spread your feet so that thumbs were together, but the heels were apart. For convenience, you can secure them with an elastic band.
  6. Place your hands behind your head without bending them.
  7. Point your hands toward the floor with the back of your hands, trying not to overexert them, and try to connect the little fingers of both hands together.
  8. You need to spend 5 minutes in this position.
  9. Monitor your sensations; if it becomes difficult to lie down or severe pain appears, then the exercise should be stopped.
  10. Rise gently and slowly.

After the session, you will probably feel pleasantly weak throughout your body, making it difficult to get up. The main thing is don't do it sudden movements.

Remember, even after 5 minutes of lying in this position, the bones move out of place. Get up very carefully, first turn over on your side, then, helping yourself with your hands, sit down, and only then get up. The sensations you will experience after performing the exercise are absolutely indescribable!

However, no matter how enthusiastic the reviews may be, it should be borne in mind that the technique is not equally safe for everyone. There are a number of contraindications and recommendations that must be taken into account in order to avoid possible problems.

Safety of the technique and contraindications

Before you start exercising, make sure that you do not have problems with the spine, back or hip joint. Scoliosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and other diseases of bones and joints is a reason to consult a doctor about the usefulness of this procedure specifically for you.

Otherwise, instead of strengthening the body, there is a chance of getting an exacerbation of some disease. Even for a healthy person, experts, noting the usefulness of this technique, recommend that it be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

If the exercises of the technique are not contraindicated for you, follow simple precautions:

  • leisurely exercise and relaxation;
  • time control;
  • observing the sensations of your body;
  • avoiding overvoltage;
  • consistency and regularity of exercises;

On initial stage during exercise, you should feel slight tension, but in no case pain, otherwise you can stretch so much that, at best, you will have difficulty standing up later.

As the body begins to get used to the load, you can begin to increase it, focusing on greater stretching, but this must be done gradually. To do this, increase the diameter of the roller, but do not exceed the recommended 10 cm.

The Fukutsuji technique can be used either independently or in combination with other healing methods. Of course, its effect on weight loss is individual for everyone. But here are the reviews of those who have already experienced its effectiveness.

Did you know that Japan is fighting obesity at the legislative level? In 2008, the country published the “Metabolic Law”. The document indicates the waist size: for men - 85 cm, for women - 90 cm. If a person’s parameters exceed the permissible limits, a fine is imposed and a condition is imposed on taking weight loss courses.

With the country's obesity rate at 3.5%, the techniques the Japanese use to maintain a thin waist work wonders. One of them was developed by Dr. Fukutsuji ten years ago.

Towel - gymnastic equipment

The Japanese towel roll technique is described in Fukutsuji's book, which became a bestseller.

The idea is to correct the human skeleton. The scientist conducted research and found that the waist “spreads” due to the divergence of the bones - the hypochondrium and pelvis. To restore slimness to your body, the Japanese recommends... lying for 5 minutes with a cushion under your back.

The lower back rises, causing the contours of the body to change. After regular classes, as the author of gymnastics assures, the figure acquires elegance.

How to “lie down” with a towel?

To charge, you will need a minimum set of equipment - a gymnastic mat and a towel. The towel is rolled into a tight roll with a diameter of 8–10 cm, secured with elastic bands, a tourniquet or rope.

The rolled towel is placed under the lower back at the level of the navel.

Perform the exercise in the following sequence:

    Sit on the floor or other hard surface - a couch, bed, put a cushion.

    Lie on your back so that the rolled towel appears under the lower back at the level of the navel.

    The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the toes are joined (clubfoot effect), the heels are spread apart at a distance of 20–25 cm.

    Hands are moved behind the head. Palms point down, little fingers connected.

    Maintain the position for up to 5 minutes, the back is relaxed.

    They don’t rise sharply immediately after the exercise! Slowly turn on their side and carefully get up from the floor.

Move the roller to adjust the effect. So, a rolled towel under the lower line of the ribs makes the waist more pronounced, and under the chest it will lift this part of the body.

Gymnastics is performed in the morning or evening. In the first case, the body is charged with energy, in the second, sound sleep is ensured.

Safety precautions

Before using the technique, it is recommended to consult a doctor and examine the spine. Possible exacerbation of osteochondrosis and increased pain in the ridge. It is contraindicated to practice the Fukutsuji method if there is a herniation or protrusion of the intervertebral disc (protrusion of the disc beyond the ridge).

In order for Japanese gymnastics with a towel roller to bring results, the following rules must be followed:

    First use a small roller, increase the diameter gradually. Adjust the size according to your feelings: there should be no comfort or pain.

    Charging duration is up to 5 minutes, beginners start with 2–3 minutes.

    If you can’t align your little fingers, at first you hold them as best you can.

Although the exercise seems simple, it requires mastering the technique. When performed correctly, a trembling and vibration is felt in the body - this effect is achieved by tonic muscle tension. You should listen to your body and sensations.

Breathing when “lying down” is uniform, deep, slightly slow. This helps regulate life processes in the body. Experts in the Fukutsuji method recommend switching to Japanese diet to bring spirit and body into harmony.

What is good and bad about the method?

The method of losing weight is also called gymnastics, which is wrong. This is a static stretching exercise that, according to Fukutsuji, returns the bones to their natural position. Without normalization of nutrition and exercise, weight will not decrease.

Japanese method solves the following problems:

  • improves posture;
  • relieves “tightness”;
  • increases growth;
  • Reduces waist size and belly size.

The advantages include the fact that charging requires a minimum of props. Fukutsuji claims: the result is noticeable after 2-3 sessions.

Doctors say that there is nothing special about this technique. Similar methods are used in therapeutic exercises. And that is why classes should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or at least after consultation.

Video on the topic:


But what do users and doctors think about this technique? What are the reviews?

Tatyana, 40 years old: “I’ve been practicing the Fukutsuji method for a month, my waist has decreased by 11 cm, my stomach has gone away. Previously, my height was 163 cm. Over ten years, I have become “shorter” by 2 cm due to my stoop. Now it’s back to its previous level.”

Vera, 65 years old: “The back towel technique helped me lose 6 cm at the waist in 4 months. I wore an 85C bra, now it’s 75C. The stoop went away, the gait became confident. But the weight doesn’t come off.”

Alexander, 50 years old: “I did Japanese gymnastics for two weeks. Height increased by 2 cm, waist size decreased by the same amount. I stopped working out, and the centimeters in my waist returned. I didn’t feel any changes.”

Andrey Ivanov, doctor: “I doubt the effectiveness of gymnastics, as well as the medical education of its author. Fukutsuji's method would fail if it were considered by a board of doctors. Obesity develops due to metabolic disorders, which needs to be influenced, and not due to bone discrepancies. For those who have spinal diseases, performing the exercise is dangerous. If you have problems with overweight and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you should consult a doctor, and not look for a panacea on the Internet.”

Dmitry Alekseev, reflexologist: “Weight loss will not happen. The waist circumference may decrease, but this is a visual effect due to improved posture.”

Another Japanese exercise with a towel

And finally. Another Japanese technique offers a towel as sports equipment. Its creator Imbari suggests using the accessory twisted into a rope as an expander.

Here are some exercises with this apparatus.

    Take the edges of the tourniquet and place it at chest level. Stretch with maximum effort. Such movements strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms.

    Hands with a rolled towel above your head. Perform side bends to burn fat around the waist.

    The towel is held behind the back. They try to stretch the tourniquet as much as possible. This will straighten your back.

You can try to do a set of exercises that are designed for a stretching expander.

By doing gymnastics according to Imbari, you can be sure that overweight will leave faster. But if desired and there are no contraindications, no one bothers to use both techniques.

Everyone wants to be beautiful, but few can boast slim body. Many scientists strive to identify and eliminate the cause of obesity. Nutritionists point to poor nutrition, psychologists look for reasons in the mind, geneticists blame heredity. The eastern scientist Fukutsuji studied the human skeleton and found the reason for the fullness in the divergence of certain bones, namely the pelvic and hypochondrium. To correct the discovered problem, he developed a Japanese method of losing weight.

The book written by a Japanese has become one of the most popular in Asia, and the technology described in it has been helping to lose weight for more than ten years. The technique does not involve performing exhausting physical training, compliance strict diets, taking medications, attending expensive procedures.

The Japanese method of getting slim is to do just one stretching exercise every day. Place a cushion under your back and lie on the floor. The arms are extended above the head and connected with the little fingers. The soles of your feet should touch your big toes. You need to lie in this position for five minutes.
This method is not aimed at burning fat. It helps the skeleton take its natural position. Nature originally created man with thin waist And correct posture. You just need to remind your body of this.

Features of stretching

So that the exercise brings maximum benefit and it does no harm, it must be performed correctly. You first need to prepare the place for the lesson. You need to lie down on a hard surface - a couch or floor; a soft bed or sofa will not work. The place should be free of unnecessary objects and spacious enough to stretch out your whole body.

The roller can be made from a towel, secured with a rope. The dimensions of the roller are selected individually. You can start with a small diameter and gradually increase it. You need to focus on your feelings - your back should not hurt, but there should not be complete comfort.

When performing the exercise, you should not make sudden movements. You need to take a horizontal position slowly: first sit down and put the cushion behind your back, then smoothly lower yourself onto it. There are three options for the position of the roller:

  • under the navel to reduce the volume of the abdomen;
  • at the beginning of the ribs to create a defined waist;
  • under the chest to straighten your posture.

Having assumed a horizontal position, you need to stretch your legs and arms. The legs should be slightly apart, the big toes pressed together. The arms are placed above the head, palms on the floor, little fingers touching each other.
After five minutes, it leaves with a smooth roll on its side. supine position. If pain occurs in the lower back, the exercise ends earlier, but also smoothly.


Not everyone can lose weight using the Japanese method. It is prohibited in the following cases:

  • spinal diseases have been diagnosed;
  • back pain is felt;
  • after childbirth or surgery.

When losing weight according to the Japanese system, you need to prepare for the fact that after performing the exercise your muscles may ache. This is due to changes in the skeleton and muscle corset. After a few days, the discomfort should go away.


Depending on the initial physical training on different people the method works differently. Some people notice a decrease in waist size and an increase in height after the first session. Some people don't see results even after a week.
It should be borne in mind that the Japanese method of Dr. Fukutsuji is not for instant weight loss. Results may take a few days to appear. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Is it possible to lose weight while lying down and doing nothing? Fitness trainers will smile incredulously, but this method exists. The Japanese method of body contouring is ideal for anyone who wants to get rid of a bulging belly and gain beautiful waist. And all you need is a towel, or rather, a roller made from it.

Read about how Japanese gymnastics works and who it is recommended for in today’s material. You will also get acquainted with the opinions of doctors about the miracle method, read positive and negative reviews losing weight, master the technique of doing the exercises using the videos.

The Japanese Fukutsuji method for weight loss is rapidly gaining popularity. And this is not surprising. Who wouldn’t want to lose weight and get a slimmer silhouette in just 5 minutes a day?! Let's try to figure out what the secret of this method is.

How did the Japanese system come about?

The know-how in the form of a towel roll for weight loss was invented by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. He decided to make every person’s dream come true - to lose weight and do practically nothing for it. Moreover, the doctor promises that in addition to reducing your waist size, you will receive as a bonus a few centimeters in height, excellent posture and lifted breasts. How is the effect of the miracle technique explained and why such impressive reviews? There's really no magic here.

Unlike most nutritionists or fitness trainers, Fukutsuji focused on the human skeleton, not fat tissue. According to the Japanese, most people have a bulging belly not because of excess weight, but because of the discrepancy between the hypochondrium and pelvic bones. That is why this figure defect occurs even in thin women and men. There are also many such people among Hollywood stars. They bring themselves to the point of anorexia, but their stomach sticks out as before. This may be due to both body type (apple body type) and the discrepancy of the above-mentioned bones. It is by lying in the position proposed by Fukutsuji that you can tighten your abdominal muscles and make your waist thinner.

Why are overweight people more likely to lose weight than those who are thin or slightly overweight? Agree that women and men who have shouldered several dozen extra pounds, much more difficult to move. Under the weight of its own weight, the back bends, and even talk about beautiful gait and there can be no posture. Using the exercise, you can stretch the spine and make the abdominal and waist areas visually tighter.

How to correctly use the method for losing weight?

  1. Roll the towel into a tight roll. If you are just starting to practice this method of getting rid of belly fat, it is best to use a small towel. The roller made of it should be at least 5-7 cm and no more than 15 cm in diameter.
  2. Tie the rolled towel with a rope or thick thread.
  3. Lie down on a hard surface (preferably on the floor, you can lay a gymnastic mat).
  4. Place the roller under your lower back (ideally it should be directly under your belly button).
  5. Now you need to straighten your legs and place them shoulder-width apart, bringing your clubfoot together so that your big toes touch. The width between the heels should be about 20 cm.
  6. Your hands should be placed behind your head, palms down. Connect the little fingers together. If you can't straighten your arms completely, it's okay. Every day you will do better.
  7. You need to lie in this position for 5 minutes, but at the beginning of training for weight loss, listen to your feelings. Don't try to last the entire 5 minutes. Start gradually and then increase the time you spend in this pose. At the same time, make sure that your fingers and toes are connected.
  8. Try to relax your spine and feel the stretch in your back.
  9. After 5 minutes you can get up from the towel, but you need to do it correctly. Under no circumstances should you climb as usual. While in this position, the bones and joints move, so you need to stand up very carefully after completing the workout. First, turn on your side and lie in this position for a while. And only then rise slowly. It is very important that all your movements are smooth. This will help avoid dizziness, pain in the back and lower back, and arms. Try not to make sudden movements. Reviews from several women suggest that you can even dislocate your shoulder if you try to immediately take a vertical position.
  10. After the procedure with a weight loss roller, it won’t hurt to perform several static exercises (for example, “Chair”) and take several yoga poses (“Cat”, “Downward-facing Dog”).

People with significant excess weight and diseases of the musculoskeletal system should treat the Fukutsuji method with special caution. If you have a spinal hernia, you cannot use this method of losing weight!

Lose weight and grow up. Japanese technique: video

Agree that the technique for doing this static exercise is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. We invite you to watch a video about the method of losing weight using the Fukutsuji method. From it you will learn not only how to correctly perform the procedure, but also get acquainted with the opinions of specialists and ordinary people about this know-how in the field of weight loss.

Reviews from doctors

According to some doctors, the Japanese method is really of interest. By regularly stretching the spine using a towel roller, you can visually reduce your belly. Please note, visually, because this figure correction system does not promote weight loss at all.

Other experts are wary of this weight loss system and say that it can even cause harm. Doctors advise that before you start practicing the Japanese method of losing weight, you should consult a specialist. First of all, this applies to people with a diseased spine. It also wouldn’t hurt to visit an orthopedist to be sure that you won’t develop health problems with this exercise.

Some nutritionists consider gymnastics with a towel absolutely useless. They argue that a person gains weight not because of bone discrepancies, but because of metabolic disorders. But massage therapists say that this figure correction method is ideal for straightening the spine, making the silhouette more toned and the waistline defined. And all this thanks to the roller. Or rather, the effect it has. The connective tissue clamps are broken, the bones return to their place, it becomes easier to move, and stooping disappears. Many massage therapists use the Japanese method in their practice and report good results.

Reviews of those losing weight

There are not many reviews on the Internet about the towel roller for weight loss. We have published some of the most interesting ones that will help you decide whether to try the miracle technique for yourself.

I have been practicing this simple exercise for more than two months. I can tell that my stomach is after caesarean section noticeably tightened up. I saw the first results after 2 weeks. I personally recommend gradually increasing the lying time using the Fukutsuji method to 7-10 minutes.
The very next day after this procedure, my back hurt as if I had been beaten. But after a couple of weeks the pain went away, and it seems to me that my posture has improved. The stomach also began to “go away”.
After giving birth, I was completely unhappy with my protruding belly. So I tried a lot of ways to remove it. When I came across Japanese gymnastics with a towel, of course, I didn’t pass it by! However, the first time I couldn’t lie on the cushion for more than 3 minutes. Then I began to increase the procedure time to 8 minutes a day. After 2 months I see good results. Minus 5 cm in the waist, straight posture and the lower back pain went away.


I decided to try this method to stretch the spine. At first it was very painful to lie down. My back ached like crazy. But after some time the pain went away. I don’t see that I have become taller, but it seems to me that my breasts have risen and my waistline has become more beautiful. By the way, I additionally used a roller specifically for the chest.
After getting married, my belly started to get bigger. About a month ago I tried to practice the Japanese method with my wife. After all, losing weight using a towel roller is very interesting. After three weeks, I noticed that my stomach had really tightened up and no longer stuck out in my clothes. Of course, this procedure does not help you lose weight, but it stretches the spine and makes the abs look flatter. Yes, and this exercise is good for the back.


Fukutsuji's method attracted me due to its apparent simplicity. The reviews from those losing weight were promising, so I decided to try to lose weight without doing anything, placing a cushion under my lower back. But in reality, these 5 minutes last forever. Initially, I wanted to improve my posture and narrow my waist, so after studying reviews on various sites, I took action. After a month of torment, I stopped lying on the towel roll. This is terribly inconvenient and ineffective. The waist remained 70 cm, and my posture did not improve.
When I first started doing this exercise, my lower back was very sore and my arms couldn’t straighten. After several procedures I also got a headache. But I persistently continued my studies. After 1-2 months, the discomfort in the lower back stopped, the headaches went away. I can lie down now as long as I want. With the help of this system, my stomach tightened up very well and my back became much straighter.
After several weeks of “lying” on the cushion, my osteochondrosis became so worse that one day I simply could not get out of bed. Then I rubbed myself and gave injections for 2 weeks to make the pain go away. Perhaps the reason is that I initially had problems with my lower back, but I would recommend not to risk it.
I lay with a towel for a week, but realized that it was all just self-hypnosis. Losing weight without sports and proper nutrition, in my opinion, is impossible! But it really helps me.

Of course, it would be great to lose 10 kg a month without doing anything and just lying on a towel. But fortunately (or unfortunately) this is impossible. Of course, the procedure with a roller deserves attention. It can help visually make your waist thinner, but only externally. The Japanese method does not burn fat. We recommend using the Fukutsuji method in combination with proper nutrition and active sports training. And then you will truly become the owner good body and graceful gait.

The towel will tighten your stomach

From this video you will learn how to properly lie with a towel under your lower back. You will also see the results of real people who did the exercise for one month. The trainer repeatedly emphasizes that lying in a stretching position according to the Fukutsuji method does not contribute to the loss of extra pounds. Reducing abdominal volume can be achieved by improving posture.

No weight loss

There is nothing difficult in this exercise, so I decided to try it. For a whole month, regularly, every evening, I lay down on a rolled-up cushion and lay there for my own pleasure. I am not very overweight, 7-8 kilograms, the main fat is in the abdominal area. When you stretch out on the floor, you feel a slight pain in your lower back and arms. Muscle tension in the abdominal area is felt.
I haven’t lost a bit of weight, so I haven’t lost any weight. The most annoying thing is that the fat on my stomach did not melt either. My posture has only improved a little. When you stand straight, your stomach is visually less visible - everyone knows this. This exercise is good for posture, especially for those who sit a lot.
It seems to me that if a person is too obese, it will probably be difficult for him to do this exercise and he will be able to lose a kilogram through effort and expenditure of calories. The exercise didn’t give me anything special. You can lie down without a cushion just as well.

The kilograms have not gone away, but the waist has decreased in size

It is also called the Fukutsuji method. The idea is to lie on a roll of towel. To put it very briefly, I lie down on the floor, in winter on a mat, put a towel roll under my back so that it is at the level of my navel and lie there for 5 minutes. It’s no longer necessary, and it won’t work. It's important to lie in correct posture To ensure that your arms and legs are in a special position, you can google and look at photos of how this is done. My roller diameter is about 10 cm, it can be smaller or larger, it’s individual, the main thing is that it’s comfortable. You need to breathe slowly, deeply, calmly.
Using this method you won’t be able to lose weight, but your waist will become narrower, mine has decreased by 14 centimeters, everyone will lose it body fat. Plus, my posture has improved and my stoop has gone away. When I got the waist I dreamed of, I started strengthening my back muscles, this time placing a bolster under my shoulder blades. And after several such classes, the second chin became smaller and the neck became longer.
This is a free and easy way to tighten the core muscles of the abs and back, does not take much time and does not require special skills. You just need to train yourself to do this exercise every morning.

Zero effect

A newfangled method, easy and simple, promising without diets, fasting or physical exercise. exercise in just 5 minutes a day will help you lose weight. There may be benefits from such exercises, but not in losing weight. Lying flat on your butt, the kilos will not go away; for this you need to work and sweat. Perhaps there will be some effect on posture, but provided that everything is done correctly, following the technique. It seems nothing complicated, rolled up a towel, placed it under the lower back and lay down, but you need to take into account the position of the towel, exactly under the navel, take into account the correct position of the feet, correctly stretch and strain your arms. The first week I couldn’t stand it for 5 minutes, it was difficult for me, I gradually increased the time. In a month, no changes, the same weight, the same swollen waist. In addition, when climbing sharply there were frequent clicks in the joints, which is not good. Still, during classes they shift, you must definitely consult a doctor, otherwise you can easily harm yourself. And don’t forget that the towel method is an Eastern technology; they have a different worldview on health problems.

Not a bad stretch

I decided to try the Japanese method more in order to straighten the spine. Losing weight was also a good idea, but I didn’t have a lot of extra kilos. It’s difficult to call lying down for five minutes a workout; rather, it’s a relaxing rest on a roller. You can't miss a single day. If 3 times a week is enough to work out in the gym, then in this method regularity comes first. She rolled up a lightweight, low roll from a towel. High can be used by those who have healthy back. I can’t understand why the cushion needs to be made from a towel, why not from a thin children’s blanket, for example.
I stretched for 1.5 months, at first the position seems uncomfortable, but gradually you get used to it. After some time the roller moved with lumbar region under the chest to affect the entire spinal column. Result: after 1.5 months, the height increased by 1 cm, stretching really helped to straighten the spine a little, the skeleton took the desired shape, but the extra pounds did not disappear. Rather, this technique is better suited for the prevention of scoliosis than for weight loss.

May be dangerous

Almost no one, when describing the method, writes that lying on a rolled up towel should not last longer than 5 minutes. So, out of ignorance, to enhance the effect, I sometimes lay for 10-15 minutes, after which my seemingly healthy back began to ache and ache. It’s good that I stopped in time, otherwise I could have gotten myself a curvature. It turns out that I spent 2 weeks in time, but in total I completed the full course in minutes. My back ached for another 2 weeks, I applied warming ointments to it, then everything went away.
In addition to this danger, the method is also quite cunning; it assumes “unity of spirit and body,” so classes must be accompanied by proper nutrition. It turns out that at the same time as this technique you still need to follow a diet. Lying on one towel will not help you lose weight - the hidden meaning of the method. Of course, in combination with PP a positive result is possible.
The only advantages of the Fukutsuji method are its accessibility and simplicity. Well suited for the lazy and for those who do not have the funds for fashionable diets and dietary supplements. I didn't find any other advantages.