Manny Pacquiao win and loss statistics. Biography. Left high, left low

Emmanuel (Manny) Pacquiao was born on December 17, 1978 in the Philippine city of Kibawe. At the age of eleven, he saw the fight between Mike Tyson and Buster Douglas, which amazed him to the core. It was after him that he decided to go to boxing training. Young Manny's new hobby was met with hostility by his mother, and at the age of 12 he ran away from home, which, in turn, led to vagrancy. Almost nothing is known about those times of his life, because... the boxer himself doesn’t like to talk about it. But there is enough information about the subsequent periods of his life.

Boxing career

Until his sixteenth birthday, Pacquiao competed exclusively in amateur fights. Then he had 64 fights, of which he won 60. After this, he makes his debut as a professional: in the very first fight, where his opponent was Edmund Ignacio, Manny wins on points. Then ten more victorious fights follow, but in the eleventh the Filipino loses to another Filipino fighter, Rustico Torrecampo. But this defeat only adds passion to the persistent athlete and in subsequent battles he continues to win victories.
In June 1997, Pacquiao defeated the experienced Thai boxer Chokchai Chokwiwat, thanks to which he received a small regional title among flyweight fighters, and some serious boxing organizations are beginning to show interest in him. In December 1998, "Pac-Man" fights for the WBC title in weight category up to 50.8 kg against the Thai professional boxer Chatchai Saksakul, and defeats him by knockout in the eighth round. But already in September 1999, in a fight against another Thai, Medgoen Singsurata lost to him in the third round.

After this, the Filipino boxer rises to two weight categories and in December 1999 competes in the first featherweight division against WBC champion Reinante Jamili, and wins TKO. This victory is followed by several more, and the victorious fighter is noticed by the American promoter Murat Mohammed. He enters into a contract with the boxer and promises to arrange a serious fight for the championship belt. And in June 2001, a lucky chance brings Manny to a fight with IBF champion Lehlohonolo Ledwaba. Before the fight, the Asian athlete is training with famous trainer Freddie Roach. As a result, Pacquiao enters the ring as a completely different boxer - more technical. In the first round, he makes it clear to his opponent Ledvaba that he will not have it easy. Until the sixth round, “Pacman” amazes everyone with the manner and tactics of his fight, and in the middle of the round he knocks out Ledwaba, who will no longer be able to continue the fight. Pacquiao becomes the new IBF champion.

In the next fight, a native of the Philippines competes against WBO champion Agapito Sanchez. But this time luck was not so favorable to Manny, and Sanchez managed to retain his title - the fight ended in a draw by decision of the judges. Although, it was repeatedly noted that Sanchez was playing a “dirty” game, but in fact, this did not play a role. After the fight with Sanchez, Pacquiao meets in the ring with Colombian Jorge Eliser Julio, a two-time world bantamweight champion. The Filipino hero wins in the second round. Next fight was even shorter. In the first round, Manny knocked down three times and then knocked out the contender for the IBF belt, Thai Fakprakorb Stikvenim. The Thai boxer was passed out for more than 20 minutes and was hospitalized. And “Pacman” won his next bright victory in July 2003 over the Mexican fighter Emmanuel Lucero, whom no one could defeat before. He defeated the Mexican by technical knockout in the third round.

Around the same time, Pacquiao’s promoter is negotiating a meeting between his protégé and the legendary Mexican, Marco Antonio Barrera. It took place in November 2003. Almost the entire fight, Emmanuel suppresses his opponent with his powerful onslaught, and in the eleventh round the fight is stopped by Barrera’s seconds, throwing in the towel. After this fight, the Asian warrior becomes a boxing superstar in the Philippines and gains great popularity in the United States. Some time later, he decides to win the featherweight title. His opponent is Juan Manuel Marquez, the WBA and WBF champion in this weight category. The fight took place in May 2004 and ended in a draw.

Having won another victory against Thai boxer Fasang Por Tawach, Pacquiao again moved up the weight category, and in March 2005 he met with boxing legend, Mexican Erik Morales. In this battle, the Mexican won. The next meeting of the same fighters took place in January 2006. Pac-Man won at the end of the 10th round. In July 2006, he defeated another Mexican, Oscar Larios. And in November of the same year, the third meeting between Pacquiao and Morales took place, in which at the end of the third round the referee stopped the fight - the Filipino completely suppressed the Mexican, who was no longer able to continue the match.

In April 2007, Manny met in the ring with another athlete from Mexico, Jorge Solis, and defeated him in the eighth round. In October, a second fight with Barrera takes place, in which Pacquiao again becomes the winner. The second meeting with Marquez took place in March 2008 and the unstoppable “Pac-Man” won. In June 2008, he fought for the WBC world title against David Diaz, winning in the ninth round. The next fight took place in the welterweight division, because Pacquiao moved up two weight classes again. The fight took place in December 2008. This time the Filipino star's opponent was Oscar De La Hoya. Manny won after eight rounds. Then in next year in the junior welterweight he defeated Ricky Hatton, and his knockout was the best in the entire 2009. At welterweight, Pacquiao defeated Miguel Cotto and Joshua Clottey. In the junior middleweight he beat Antonio Margarito. For this victory he got championship title in a new weight category.

Manny "Pac-Man" Pacquiao's style

Manny Pacquiao a truly unique boxer who gained fame in long years. As you know, he is left-handed. His fighting style is characterized, first of all, by the highest speed and accuracy of strikes, excellent reaction, endurance and excellent footwork, as well as his signature “hurricane” - an incredible number of combinations thrown at his opponent. In addition, he has excellent strategic thinking, which allows him to always find the best position. It is also unique that, moving from flyweight to heavier weight categories, “Pac-Man” increased the power of his punches, but retained his lightning speed. Left-handed boxer Manny Pacquiao can easily be considered one of the greatest athletes of our time, and the fiery “cocktail” of speed, power and the most effective combinations is a real confirmation of this!

Manny Pacquiao Video

Manny Pacquiao - Timothy Bradley 2

And perhaps Pacquiao's best fight

Manny Pacquiao - Miguel Cotto

Each famous person paves the way to his own fame and recognition of millions of people in his own way. For some, this path is short and easy - the stars are just somehow well aligned, while others go ahead, despising a cunning life strategy, while others, for example, the famous Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao, have to withstand the blows of fate directly and figuratively.

Now the eminent professional boxer competes in the welterweight category, and once upon a time, back in 1995, the young boy’s career began with fights between flyweight athletes (up to 50.8 kg). Manny Pacquiao's height is 169 cm, the athlete's weight changed, which allowed him to compete and win in different weight categories: flyweight, second bantamweight, featherweight, second featherweight, lightweight, first welterweight, welterweight, first welterweight and again welterweight.

Winners build their character from childhood!

The statistics of Manny Pacquiao's fights can be called a record: out of 65 fights, the athlete emerged victorious 57 times. Now the persistent, smiling Filipino with attentive black eyes and a gaze is a recognized idol of many fans; he is known and respected in all countries of the world. But no one from his family could have imagined that the career of a brave and cocky provincial boy from Kibawe would soar so high.

Manny Pacquiao was born - Emmanuel Dapideran Pacquiao on December 17, 1978 in a large family from which his father left when the boy was still a very young teenager. If before the boy did not show much interest in studying, preferring active participation in street fighting, then now he had to go to work to help his mother feed the family. Trading products did not inspire the future star; after a hard day of work at the market, the 13-year-old teenager enthusiastically boxed at night, almost always his nightly earnings turned out to be more than his daily earnings.

Professional career of Manny Pacquiao

Manny took his first conscious step towards his future titles in 1992, when at the age of 14 he went to the capital city with the goal of studying boxing professionally. At first, his life remained virtually unchanged: hard work in a landfill during the day, fighting at night. Since there was not enough money, the boy spent the night right in the gym. Despite all the hardships of life, the desperate and persistent young man, who earned money for his family without betraying his dream, achieved great victories.

Of course, this did not happen overnight. American coaches did not believe in success and simply ignored the representative of the Asian boxing school, but Manny Pacquiao had the willpower and skill to overcome all obstacles. The signature left hook or left cross had to be remembered by many boxers who met in the ring with a technical left-handed Filipino seasoned in street fighting. The boxer considers his acquaintance as a great success, which determined further cooperation with - legendary coach the odious Mickey Rourke.

Pac-Man - boxing legend

Pacquiao met in the ring with legendary boxers of its time. He looked only for strong partners, and almost always the meetings ended in Manny's victory. He participated in fights against Marco Barrera, Erik Morales and other current champions and legendary boxers.

World champion Manny Pacquiao won his first of more than two dozen world titles at age 20. Holder of the title " Best Athlete" 2009, the titles "Boxer of the Decade" and "Boxer of the Year" 2006, 2008, 2009 are deservedly considered a boxing legend. Fans of the charming athlete lovingly call him Pac-Man.

An open smile and attractive appearance evoke sympathy and trust not only among people involved in sports. In 2005, Manny first appeared on screen as an actor and the directors liked him so much that they systematically invite professional boxer for leading and episodic roles in films.

The laurels of an athlete and an actor are not all the achievements of a talented person with an active life position. The boxer, representing the Liberal Party of the Philippines, is politically active; in 2010, he ran for and won the elections to Congress.

And now, after May 2, 2015, in which Pacquiao fought with an injured shoulder, the world community is waiting for a rematch.

The No. 1 man in the Philippines: Boxing legend Manny Pacquiao received this honor in his home country. When Manny enters the ring, the streets of Philippine cities are empty, and the police record a decrease in the crime rate.

Having started his career in the minimum weight category, Pac-Man became the first and so far only boxer to become a world champion in 8 weight categories. “Boxer of the Decade” according to the Association of Boxing Journalists and “ Best boxer regardless of weight category" according to Ring magazine.

Childhood and youth

Emmanuel Dapidran "Manny" Pacquiao, the future Pac-Man, was born in the Philippine province of Bukidnon in December 1978. The fourth of six children worked since childhood - the family barely made ends meet.

Mom dreamed that Manny would become a priest, but the boy had other plans for life: he was so carried away by boxing that he could not think about other activities. He boxed everywhere - on the way to school, which made him regularly late, during breaks, and returning home after classes.

Soon, Manny Pacquiao left school: his father left his family and the 13-year-old had to earn money for food. But the guy found time for boxing even then. During the day he sold water and bread on the city streets, and in the evenings he went to the ring.

Soon boxing brought the first money: for a fight the young athlete was paid $2 - a lot of money, the price of 25 kg of rice. And then the woman, who hated her son’s hobby, allowed Manny to leave street trading.

At 14 Pacquiao, dreaming of sports career, went to Manila without his mother's permission. But the path to success turned out to be thorny: the teenager cut scrap metal at a landfill during the day and boxed at night. Slept in the gym. Later, the brilliant Pac-Man purchased it and opened a sports school here.

Manny Pacquiao felt the taste of fame at 16: the owner of a sports club arranged a talented student in a boxing TV show, where the guy became a star. At that time, Pacquiao was far from the technique of professional boxing and simply fought in the ring, but he did it so passionately that he delighted the audience.

Having gained fame in Asia, the athlete set off to conquer America, where no one was waiting for him. At first, coaches avoided the puny 1.69 m tall Filipino. Guessed the guy's star Freddie Roach: short fight with Pacquiao convinced the coach that the short Asian youth had a bright future. Thus began the stellar biography of Pac-Man.


As an amateur, the Filipino fought 64 fights, losing 4. Knocked down young star sent by compatriot Rustico Torrecampo, but the defeat forced Manny Pacquiao to work on his technique even more, giving 100% in training. In 1997, in a fight with the famous boxer from Thailand, Chokchai Chokwiwat, Manny won and rose to the top of the rankings. The following year, the Filipino knocked out his colleague Chatchai Sasakul.

In the winter of 1999, Manny signed a contract with American promoter Murad Mohammed. The American kept his word and turned Pacquiao into a champion. This happened in a fight with Lelohonolo Ledwaba. The Filipino athlete was trained by coach Roach: in the ring, Pacquiao distinguished himself with brilliant and thoughtful tactics. The enemy received 5 blows to the head from Pac-Man. In the 6th round, Ledwaba was knocked down, and the audience cheered for the new IBF champion.

In November 2003, Manny Pacquiao fought Marco Antonio Barrera, the strongest featherweight boxer. The Filipino, who did not give in to authority, defeated Barrera and became a celebrity at home and in the United States. Pac-Man stopped at featherweight and soon became champion.

In 2005, Manny Pacquiao moved up the weight category and met the famous Erik Morales in the ring. A strong opponent defeated the Filipino, but with a minimal margin.

A fight with British boxer Ricky Hatton in 2009 brought Pacquiao to new heights. Pac-Man knocked down his opponent twice, but the opponent stayed on his feet until the end of the first round. In the last minute of the second round, Hatton was knocked out, called the knockout of the year.

In 2012, the undefeated southpaw Pac-Man was defeated by Timothy Bradley, but the victory was controversial: the judges were divided in opinion, and the audience sided with Manny Pacquiao.

In the spring of 2015, the boxer entered the ring with. According to experts, the fight became the most anticipated and lasted 12 rounds. Mayweather won, but the victory was not easy for him. The American boxer, who competed in the welterweight category, called his Filipino colleague “a hell of a fighter.” The amount of fees for the two strongest players for the fight reached $300 million: 180 for Mayweather, the rest for Pacquiao.

In the spring of 2016, Manny fought Bradley for the third time. For the first 3 rounds, the championship passed from one boxer to another, but from the 4th round the Filipino became more active, and in the 7th he sent his opponent to a slight knockdown.

Manny Pacquiao won, and at the final press conference the rivals spoke warmly about each other. But most importantly, at a meeting with the press, Pac-Man announced that he was giving up boxing for the sake of a political career: in the spring he ran for the post of congressman in the Philippine Senate.

In August of the same year, fans welcomed Pac-Man's return to the ring: Pacquiao announced a fight with current champion Jesse Vargas for the WBO world title. The fight took place in November 2016 and resulted in Manny’s victory.

A cinematic biography of the boxer started in the late 1990s. In 2005, the Filipino played the first main role in the cinema (the film “License Fist”). And in the spring of 2015, the premiere of the film “The Invincible Manny Pacquiao,” an autobiographical film about the famous boxer, took place in Manila.

The athlete entered politics in 2007 and represents the Philippine liberals. In 2010, Pacquiao won the congressional elections. He is the only millionaire in the country's parliament: in 2014, Manny's fortune reached $38 million. In 2016, the boxing legend and politician expressed his views on same-sex marriage, saying that their approval puts people below animals.

Personal life

Manny met his future wife Jinka Jamore in a shopping center: the beauty was selling cosmetics. They got married in the spring of 2000 and created a strong family in which five offspring were born - 3 sons and 2 daughters. Jinki and the children have long dreamed of the head of the family leaving the ring forever.

Jinkee Pacquiao has been the vice governor of the Philippine province of Sarangani since 2013. The history of her career in politics is curious: at the request of two friends to support them in the elections in Sarangani, the boxer nominated his wife, and she won, leaving her competitors far behind.

Manny Pacquiao now

In the summer of 2017, the boxer fought with Jeff Horn for the WBO welterweight title. The victory went to Horn.


  • 2006, 2008, 2009 – boxer of the year according to The Ring magazine
  • 2009, 2011 – ESPY award for best fighter
  • 2008 – Philippine Legion of Honor
  • 2004, 2006, 2008 – Athlete of the Year according to the Association sports journalists Philippines


  • 1998-1999 – World champion in the flyweight category
  • 2001-2003 – World champion in the 2nd bantamweight category
  • 2003-2005 – World champion in the featherweight category
  • 2008 – World champion in the 2nd featherweight category
  • 2008-2009 – World champion in the lightweight category
  • 2009-2010 – World champion in the 1st welterweight category
  • 2009-2012, 2014-2015, 2016 – World champion in the welterweight category
  • 2010-2011 – World Champion in the 1st middle weight category

Emmanuel Dapidran "Manny" Pacquiao- a famous professional boxer who was born in the Philippines and became not only the most famous representative of his country in the world, but also one of the most best boxers in history. Manny Pacquiao currently holds championship belts in eight weight categories, he is “Boxer of the Year 2006, 2008, 2009”, “Boxer of the Decade” according to the Association of Boxing Writers, and Athlete of the Year 2009 according to the American Academy of Sports. However, the path of this wonderful athlete to all these honorary titles was not at all easy, and the story of his life deserves a separate story.

Manny Pacquiao was born into a poor Filipino family December 17, 1978, and was the fourth of six children. Since childhood, Manny was fond of boxing, and loved to box on the streets of his hometown in front of an interested public. The future champion’s mother, who dreamed of him becoming a priest, did not like this activity very much. In addition, Manny was sometimes so keen on street boxing that he was late for school.

However, Manny Pacquiao's life soon changed dramatically for the worse after... 13 year old their family was abandoned by their father. After this event, the guy had to forget about his studies altogether in order to start selling food on the streets of the city. Manny was forced to work during the day, and continued to devote the night to his favorite pastime - boxing. In his free time, he boxed so enthusiastically that he soon began performing in local rings and even received 100 pesos for every fight. This money (about 2$ USA) was enough for whole 25 kg rice, thanks to which Manny's mother allowed him to no longer sell on the streets.

Important decision

Manny Pacquiao makes one of the key decisions in his life very early - in 14 years he secretly travels to the capital of the Philippines, Manila, in order to take up boxing in professional level. However, first he has to get a job as a metal cutter at a local junkyard in order to enter the boxing ring in the only free time - at night. At night, Manny trains and sleeps in the capital gym, due to lack of money for housing. Much later, having already become a famous boxer, he will buy this gym to open his own school in it. Vladimir Klitschko at one time started from school Olympic reserve Brovary.

Only two years later, master sports club finally decides to send 16 year old Manny Pacquiao in a boxing show on TV. Here the young boxer had the opportunity to fully demonstrate his character. Then he fought, perhaps more than boxed, but life forced him to act this way, because the money he earned in the ring was needed for the education of his sisters and brothers. Asian boxing school La was an important stage in Pacquiao’s professional growth, as it gave him the opportunity to receive his first titles here in order to later continue his career in the United States.

Exactly at United States the technique of the future champion has seriously changed in better side, but for this he had to work hard. American coaches were not eager to work with a Filipino unknown in their country and simply refused to cooperate. Manny Pacquiao's life changed when he met Mickey Rourke's trainer - Freddie Roach. After watching the Filipino spar for just a few minutes, he realized that he had an extraordinary boxing talent in front of him. And since then they started working together.