Cunei massage training. The methods of the ancients will restore health and youth: miraculous Tibetan massage. What kind of massage is this, how is it useful and how does it differ from traditional types of massage?

Everyone is well aware of the miracles oriental species massage, no wonder Thai massage has enormous popularity. It's time to get to know Tibetan massage, which has recently been gaining momentum in popularity. What kind of massage is this, how does it differ from traditional ones? Let's find out about it.

In fact Tibetan massage This is far from new. Mentions of this system are seen in literature sources about the times of the Bon religion, and this is no more or less - 8000 years ago. The healing system is very ancient. And everything that comes from ancient times is imbued with the wisdom of many teachers, honing their skills from generation to generation. Chebu Trichet- the name of the first healer (as is commonly believed) who gave the world Tibetan massage and Tibetan medicine in general. Subsequently, it was on his treatise “Boom Shi” that all subsequent practices of this healing technique were based, improving and supplementing it with new knowledge over time.

Drawing parallels, one can see a lot in common with the varieties of Ayurvedic massages (, , ,), from the also quite ancient Vedic direction "Ayurveda", which originated in Tibet's southern neighbor - India. Perhaps some teacher came down from the mountains of Tibet to India and began to practice his massage there, developing it in his own way. But let’s not fantasize :) Tibetan massage has unique techniques, for example, sound massage singing bowls.

Philosophy of Tibetan massage

All oriental medicine its own subtle philosophy. And it, of course, includes, in addition to the therapeutic effect directly on the body, also working with aspects invisible to the eye - spirit, energy, chakras. It is believed that there is a close feedback between physics (body) and spirit, the energy of the body. In other words, if there are problems with the spirit/energy/chakras, then this is reflected in the body. And vice versa, if our body is sick, then our spirit is also sick - “in healthy body, healthy mind", as they say. Here we will not delve into the side of energy -> body. We will mainly touch on the direct impact of Tibetan massage on the body.

Our body has acupuncture points, due to a competent stimulating effect on which you can influence the work of individual organs, as well as the psycho-emotional component. Rubbing, stroking skin, together with oils and herbal powders, it is possible to achieve the penetration of bioactive components into the bloodstream. Ultrasound from Tibetan bowls you can influence the cellular level, bacteria. Heated and cooled stones for muscle tone and energy. Together, these therapeutic massage manipulations work wonders.

Types of KuNye massage

Among the main known types of Tibetan massage are:

1. Rejuvenating massage for body and face

The main impact occurs due to rubbing oils into the skin, containing large amounts of vitamins that penetrate into the blood. There are a variety of oils, they can be mixtures of base oils with the addition of essential oils. Oils are selected individually. The specificity of massage techniques helps refresh the skin. In addition, the nervous system calms down, one feels cheerful and increases vital energy. Recommended for people prone to depression and insomnia. Good for relieving stress.

The highlight of this massage is also the work with psycho-emotional sphere person. If the patient has some emotional blocks, then they should be worked on so that there is no stagnation in the flow of energy. That is, work is carried out on two fronts at once, so a massage therapist working according to the Tibetan KuNye system must also be a good psychologist.

All results of massage:

    The appearance of the skin improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, and there is a rejuvenating effect.

    The swelling goes away.

    The functioning of the lymphatic system is normalized.

    Liver function improves.

    Back pain goes away.

    Blood pressure normalizes.

    The nervous system calms down.

    Positive effect on the respiratory system.

    Improved sleep quality.

    Increasing vital energy levels.

    Restoring work internal organs and normal energy circulation.

2. The magic of Tibetan bowls - sound massage

The essence of the technique is that Tibetan bowls emit ultrasound, the effect of which on internal organs has already been proven by modern medicine. Ultrasound also kills pathogenic bacteria (by the way, for this reason, in the area of ​​monasteries where bells often ring, there are no viruses - scientifically proven). The influence of ultrasound on pathological cells cannot be ruled out. And also for healthy ones. Therefore, the bowls must be selected strictly according to the KuNye massage technology with singing bowls, and they must be held in the hands of a specially trained master. Among the special requirements for bowls: a unique metal composition and only hand forging.

As the legend says, for harmonious communication with the universe it was necessary to make bowls consisting of 7 components: lead, iron, tin, gold, silver, copper and an unknown metal, which was found in fragments of a meteorite sent by the gods.

Several bowls of various sizes and thicknesses are installed on and around the body. After which the massage therapist skillfully taps on them, producing sounds of different tones that have a miraculous effect on the internal organs and energy of a person. With the help of ancient sound massage with Tibetan bowls, emotional balance is achieved, physical health, the space is filled with energy.

The influence of the sound of the bowls also extends to alpha-theta brain waves, as a result of which physiologically active substances are produced - as a result, after the session, a state of joy, relaxation, and stress relief. Self-regulation mechanisms are restored and healthy homeostasis is formed.

The picture shows a massage with Tibetan bowls

3. Acupressure with bamboo sticks

4. Stone massage

Alternating effects on the muscles of hot and cooled stones. This technique helps relax tired muscles and stimulates certain reactions in the body. In terms of energy impact, because stones have their own energy, such a massage helps to equalize energy in the body, harmonizes the general condition, gives a feeling of peace and a surge of strength.

5. Herbal Tai Ji massage for body and face

It is based on the point-by-point principle of influencing bioactive points, not with fingers or sticks, but with heated herbal bags. In this case, the massaged area receives thermal effects, stimulation of bioactive points, and penetration of vitamins and herbal microelements into the skin. Thus, The range of therapeutic effects of this type of massage is truly enormous: from the treatment of many diseases to a pronounced cosmetic effect, replacing dozens cosmetics. Tai Ji strengthens immune system, activating the body's own defenses. Tai-Ji increases vitality, improves metabolism in the skin and microcirculation of blood in the muscles, eliminates cellulite, and supplies the skin with nutritional components. Tai Ji is excellent for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, rheumatism, neuralgia and many other diseases.

6. Energy massage of youth from Tibetan monks

This morning self-massage technique is popular among Tibetan monks. It would be fair to call her energy gymnastics , because affects the chakras and aura (biofield). Through acupuncture points, the activity of certain organs is affected. It is also called " hormonal gymnastics", since it has a powerful effect on the endocrine system.

There is a certain legend about how this technique came to us 30 years ago. In Soviet times, when our builders went to Tibet to build power lines, they saw a monastery and monks living in it without electricity, which caused them surprise and pity. Therefore, they brought the light to them at the same time. The monks, having seen such a miracle, decided to thank our installers by giving them this equipment and finally saying: “You will be able to appreciate this equipment in 20 years.” Over time, installers using this equipment covered it in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. They were over 80, but they felt great.

This amazing gymnastics of youth helps to maintain all the endocrine glands in a young state, at the age of about 25-30 years. Gives a powerful charge of vivacity, energy, and positivity. By regularly doing this simple gymnastics, the biological age of the body will be significantly lower than that indicated in the passport. The exercises begin with diagnosing the biofield.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics video

The history goes back 3900 years of practical experience of generations of doctors and improvement of techniques. Ku Nye is a holistic therapy that benefits the healthy and the sick. Tibetan massage helps preserve high level energy, health, youth, beauty and has a preventive effect. Ku Nye allows us to become happier, more effective and more successful in life...


Rotation of the joints, combined with the breathing cycle, saturates the blood with oxygen and increases the circulation of energy, making it easier to work out and open the joints. Action massage spreads to the entire body. Joint yoga- massage is one of the traditional Tibetan technique and takes into account knowledge about the functions of various chakras. It works the 12 major joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles), neck...

More or less healthy people (ordinary massage therapists can do it) and therapeutic massage, which is done by qualified doctors or massage therapists who have undergone additional education.Tibetan massage The word "Ku Nye" itself is translated from Tibetan so: “Ku” - applying creams and ointments, “Nye” - directly massage. So, Ku Nye consists of several parts. The first part involves applying oil to everything...

Through your hands, feelings of peace, warmth, support, love. Education massage Massage- it's easy. A unique program of the international academy of traditional Tibetan medicine - intensive weekend course " Tibetan massage for everyone/for home use" will allow you to quickly master basic techniques Ku Nye ( massage– rubbing with the application of natural oils, skin rejuvenating peeling, warming...

The cycles of vital energy La, favorable and unfavorable directions for different areas of life, etc. are included in Tibetan astrology. As a result of studying Tibetan With astrology, we can learn more deeply about the duration and strength of our life, the influence of time on health, ... it also determines its energy on the external and internal level. Such knowledge allows one to act the best way. Tibetan astrology is an exact and practical science in which one does not rely on chance, but uses specific...


Loss of health is often preceded by a loss of vitality and energy. Tibetan healers are sure that illnesses are a consequence of spiritual imbalance. Therefore, Tibetan Ku Nye massage provides a comprehensive approach to influencing the human body, returning both health and vitality to the body.

The main principles and concepts of the Ku Nye procedure are set out in the ancient treatise of Tibetan medicine “Bum Shi”, written 4000 years ago. Healing techniques were passed down by healers from generation to generation and improved thanks to additions gleaned from practical experience. Most of them are still used by Tibetan healers unchanged.

Curious! The treatise, which describes the foundations of Ku Nye, was created a thousand years before the founding of the teachings of Buddhism.

The author of the treatise, Tibetan healer Chebu Trishe, became not just the first creator of a textbook on medicine, but an innovator who systematized the practical experience of the teachings of shamanism and the BON religion, including diagnosis by pulse.

The basis of the new direction was the doctrine that treatment with the help of practical medicine should be carried out in parallel with spiritual development. Ku Nye massage has become one of the embodiments of Tibetan techniques and practices in modern medicine.

The essence of Tibetan massage

The name of Tibetan massage comes from a combination of two words: “Ku” is oil, and “Nye” is processing, massaging. It is easy to guess that in general the name of the procedure means “massaging with oil.” Initially, female yak oil was used for massage, but later the oil composition changed in favor of herbal healing infusions.

However, the oil is not considered the main healing factor, but is regarded as an addition that enhances the effect of manipulation. The main parameter of a successful procedure is considered to be the relationship at the energy level, the achievement of harmony and balance of subtle matters.

Fact! A Tibetan massage session may additionally include spiritual practices of the East - meditation, reading mantras, ritual cleansing with smoke.

Features of the technique

The main principle of Tibetan procedures is the complex management of the body through stroking, kneading, and rubbing areas where acupuncture points are located. These areas ensure the circulation of vital energy Qi. For this reason, this technique is called point-based.

The characteristic features of Tibetan massage are rather requirements for the correct implementation of the procedure. Therefore, all of them are required to be performed during a massage session:

  1. Impact on all parts of the body, from the top of the head to the feet.
  2. The type of oil used is determined by the type of pathology being eliminated.
  3. The total duration of the session cannot be less than 1.5 hours or exceed 2.5 hours.
  4. The choice of acupuncture points is individual in each case.
  5. At the end of the session, pea or barley flour is rubbed into the massaged areas of the body. Cereal mixtures have the property of absorption and effectively eliminate toxins released through the pores, as well as oil residues.

The effect on the patient’s body occurs in two stages: first, the muscles are warmed up using specially prepared oil, then a physical effect is performed on the body by stimulating the energy chakras.

Interesting! Pressure on active points can be performed not only with fingers or palm, but also with the elbow or a special stick.

What is the benefit

A targeted effect on certain areas of the body is effective method healing through activation of natural physiological processes:

  • Restoring the functionality of internal organs.
  • Removal of waste.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Elimination of muscle tension.
  • Regulation of the lymphatic system.

The procedure shortens the rehabilitation process after sports injuries, the potential of the spine and other components of the musculoskeletal system returns, chronic fatigue syndrome goes away, sleep and the state of the nervous system improves.

Main indications

The effect of acupressure is based on the impact on pain points located throughout the human body. Groups formed by such points are responsible for the health of certain internal organs.

Important! Acupuncture points whose influence is limited to one organ are called meridians. Three main meridians run along the spine, all others are considered their branches.

The following diseases are considered indications for taking a course of Tibetan massage:

  • Neurological diseases, as well as stress and their natural consequences - insomnia.
  • Pathological dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, headaches, pain when moving, muscle tension, spasms.
  • Disorders of the genitourinary and reproductive spheres.
  • Pathologies of the liver and gallbladder, including cirrhosis.
  • Damage to the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal tract, including chronic.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (with the exception of varicose veins).

In addition, Tibetan massage is indicated for patients undergoing rehabilitation therapy after heart attacks and strokes. The procedure does not have age restrictions and is indicated for adults and children, as well as the elderly and pregnant women.


Despite the high medicinal value, there are certain contraindications for acupressure massage in Tibet. You should not undergo the procedure if:

  • High fever and chills.
  • Allergic or inflammatory processes in the skin or nails.
  • Ulcerative lesions of internal organs.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Mental disorders.

Fact! Manual practitioners believe that Ku Nyi acupressure is more effective in winter time than in summer. And during the off-season, the results of the procedures are consistently successful.

How to prepare

The first Ku Nyi procedure is carried out after examination by a doctor and diagnostics of the body; in accordance with the results of the examination, oil for massage is selected and the method of treatment is determined. The most common vegetable oils are olive, coconut and sesame. And spices are used as aromatic additives - coriander, nutmeg, ginger root, cumin.

It is better if the wellness session takes place in the afternoon. Required condition An effective Tibetan massage is considered to be preparation for the procedure. Necessary:

  1. Stop drinking alcoholic beverages a few days before the session and for a week after it.
  2. On the day of the procedure, exclude hard-to-digest foods from your diet. You can eat fruits and drink weak tea.
  3. Avoid hypothermia.
  4. Avoid cigarettes.
  5. Take a shower before the session and remove makeup.
  6. Drink a glass of water to cleanse the body.
  7. After completing the procedure, rest for 20 minutes.

Important! After a Tibetan massage, you should avoid stressful situations and tension, including driving a car.


Preparing each area of ​​the body for a massage involves warming it up. Any manipulations are appropriate only on a warm working area, and if it cools down, the warming up procedure is repeated again. To do this, use light rubbing with the palm and pressure with the wrist.

Muscle kneading is not performed during the Ku Nyi procedure. But it is welcomed as part of the preparatory stage, which is needed to warm up the skin. The most effective are considered to be manual procedures performed immediately after a person visits a bath or sauna. The full course of Tibetan massage is 10 sessions.

Main types

The sequence of Ku Nye's manipulations depends on the type of massage:

  • Tibetan facial massage. Performed with fingertips, starting from the neck. The session is based on light stroking from ear to ear, around the cheeks, the surface of the wings of the nose, eyebrows and forehead, as well as the area around the eyes. The use of sculptural technique involves working on each facial muscle.
  • Body massage using Ku Nye technique. The session begins with applying oil to the back of the head along the line of the median meridian. The movements of the fingers imitate combing. Next, the spine is worked out and shoulder joints. First of all, attention is paid to less painful areas of the body, then painful ones. The development of points proceeds smoothly and continuously, gradually moving towards calf muscles and feet.
  • Tibetan massage with singing bowls. Use special bowls different sizes and wall thicknesses, made from an alloy of seven types of metals. The bowls are placed centrally along the patient’s body and are tapped to cause them to vibrate. A high-frequency sound occurs, penetrating the tissues and restoring cell functions.
  • Hormonal energy massage Tibetan monks. Includes morning self-massage techniques of Tibetan monks. Necessary for biofield correction. Helps restore the health of the endocrine system.
  • Tibetan stone massage. Allows you to use the energy of stones to relieve tension and fatigue. Provides complete relaxation, filling the body with energy and vitality.
  • Herbal Tibetan massage Tai Ji. Herbal bags are used to influence acupuncture points. Provides strengthening of immunity and improvement metabolic processes, restores firmness and elasticity to the skin better than many cosmetic products.
  • Tibetan massage with bamboo sticks. The complex use of smooth and durable bamboo sticks to influence active points of the body allows you to restore the tone of all tissues of the body and start the processes of its regeneration.
  • Rejuvenating Tibetan massage. Relaxation and rejuvenation of the body is achieved with the help of aromatic oils and special techniques of rubbing the skin.

Video lesson: how to do Tibetan massage.

Possible complications and consequences

The human body does not always respond positively to Ku Nye massage. Not all patients experience relaxation and tranquility - for some of them, the session may cause nausea or vomiting, or headache. In such situations, the session is stopped, and the patient is given a drink of water and taken out into the fresh air.

Tibetan Ku Nye massage is a unique way of healing and rejuvenating the whole body, a simple and pleasant way to restore integrity and harmony of the spiritual and energy spheres.

Tibetan oil massage Ku Nye is one of the areas of treatment in Tibetan medicine, which goes back centuries. She is more than 8000 years old. Traditional Tibetan medicine is a holistic, natural, natural medicine, where the person is seen in unity with the world around him. Thanks to oral transmission from generation to generation, from teacher to student, we can use this unique knowledge in our time.
A program for one massage procedure can be developed during a preventive conversation with the patient. Certain oils, specific procedures, time and intensity of exposure are selected, attention is paid to current ailments and past diseases, and even the time of day for the massage may be recommended differently.

Tibetan medicine defines health as the balance of all body systems, as well as subtle energies. Accordingly, diseases are a consequence of disruption of this balance. Therefore, Tibetan massage is aimed at the entire body as a whole, and not just at individual organs or problem areas. Thus, literally every centimeter of your body is involved in the Ku Nye massage - from the top of your head to your toes.

Ku Nye massage restores the balance of subtle energies, which allows you to influence the causes of the disease. Changes occur at the deepest level, and the results obtained are stable. Distinctive feature Tibetan massage Ku Nye is an individual approach.

Another feature of Ku Nye external therapy is its deep connection with spiritual traditions and philosophical teachings East. Tibetan medicine is inseparable from spiritual practice, and doctors, as a rule, pay serious attention to this aspect, which helps maintain physical and mental health and strengthen spiritual strength. During a massage, the doctor not only carries out direct physical impact, but also works with the so-called subtle anatomy at a deep level.

Ku Nye procedures

The massage begins with applying the composition to the entire body, starting from the crown, including the scalp, and ending with the toes.

Ku Nye Chi - the full name of Tibetan massage, refers to three stages of massage: Ku - oil; Nye – massage; Chi – removal of oil.

First stage Ku involves applying oil to the entire body. This is necessary to open the skin pores and ensure uniform relaxation. The oils used contain many nutrients and vitamins, have a pronounced calming effect, have a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and hormonal systems, and also rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

Second stage Nye consists of working with muscles, tendons, joints, spine, as well as points and channels, depending on the patient’s condition. Oil for massage is selected depending on the typology of the person.

And final third stage of Chi– remove oil using pea or barley flour. The oil is removed so that the toxins that were released through the pores during the massage do not begin to be absorbed back after a while.

Tibetan Ku Nye massage is rich in its variety of techniques and techniques, methods of influencing the human body. Each type of massage can be used separately or in combination with oil massage.

Oil massage

Oil massage has an amazing rejuvenating and cosmetic effect.

This is a very pleasant and relaxing type of massage that is suitable for everyone. Oil massage has a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and nourishing it, giving good mood and energizes, improves metabolism, corrects figure and posture, strengthens the immune system and tones all functions and systems of the body, best relieves stress, depression and fatigue, helps with insomnia and excitability, and has a gentle effect on the whole body.

Oil massage is recommended as a form of rest and relaxation for people prone to stress and nervous disorders. Thanks to his amazing rejuvenating and cosmetic effect, indicated for pregnant women and children (over 5 years old) due to its softness. Effect of oil massage:

  • calms and relaxes, relieves stress and depression
  • tones all body systems
  • intensively rejuvenates, strengthens the immune system
  • corrects figure and posture
  • helps with insomnia and excitability
  • relieves pain in the lower back, back and neck
  • improves mobility
  • restores after serious illnesses, after childbirth
  • improves metabolism
  • has an anti-cellulite effect
  • useful for pregnant women and recommended for children due to its special softness

Head and face massage

Gently moisturizing the scalp with natural oil promotes hair growth and eliminates dry skin.

Head and face massage is a very pleasant procedure. It relaxes, brings a feeling of freshness and peace, therefore it is recommended for stress and other emotional disorders, for restoring memory, relieving fatigue, for refining perception, hearing and taste, and for improving vision.

Massage of the head and face using acupressure can replace a massage of the whole body. There are more than 50 special points on the head and face, connected to the entire body, which are used during a healing massage.

Gently moisturizing the scalp with natural oil promotes hair growth and eliminates dry skin, and also has a deep relaxing effect.

Massage has a pronounced cosmetic and rejuvenating effect.

Muscle massage

There are several groups in our body muscle tissue with various functions. Mainly 45 major muscles are massaged. In this type of massage, the muscles are first treated at a superficial, medium and deep level to gradually release blockages and tensions.

Working with muscles helps improve their general condition and functions, unblocking tension, and balancing energy. Since all muscles are interconnected, working with the 45 main muscles also affects the deeply located muscles.

Damage to one or more muscles can have serious effects throughout the body, disrupting overall balance. By applying Ku Nye to these muscles, we help loosen the blockages and prevent further dysfunction. Tibetan massage is mostly used on the back muscles, then on the front of the body, on the limbs and on the head.

Effect of muscle massage:

  • relieves muscle pain after heavy physical labor or emotional stress.
  • eliminates blocks and clamps in the body
  • balances muscle tone
  • imparts elasticity and plasticity to the body
  • increases physical strength

Joint massage

Joint massage improves mobility and flexibility of the whole body. Combined with the breathing cycle, it saturates the blood with oxygen and increases energy circulation.

Joint massage - “passive yoga” for general wellness, as well as to improve mobility, flexibility of the whole body and posture associated with breathing exercises. Joint massage is perfect for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, as well as for relieving stress from training (in gym, fitness, yoga). It is also useful for those who practice yoga, as it makes your development in yoga faster and more comfortable.

Tibetan joint massage works on the 12 major joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, neck and small joints on the hands and feet). It involves rotations combined with a breathing cycle. When the joints move, the blood is saturated with oxygen, as well as increased energy circulation as a result of special breathing. Joint massage makes it easier to work and open the joints. The effect of massage extends to the entire body.

This massage is especially recommended for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle to prevent stiffness in the joints. To those who lead sedentary image life, as well as people engaged in physical labor, but using only a certain set of “professional” movements. Joint massage is very useful for relieving excessive physical and mental stress.

Effect of joint massage:

  • restores joints
  • eliminates pain and discomfort in the joint area
  • relaxes and improves body mobility
  • improves the elasticity of ligaments
  • relieves excess tension after exercise and during stress
  • gives strength and lightness
  • recommended for children to improve posture and prevent scoliosis

Joint massage can be performed alone or in combination with oil massage.

Additional Ku Nye massage treatments

Meridian massage.

When massaging the meridians, special heat, sticks, stones and shells are used.

Massage of the superficial meridians relaxes and tones the body, relieves stress, restores mobility of the limbs, relieves pain in the back, lower back, arms, legs, neck and shoulder girdle. It is especially recommended after hard work and under stress. Meridian massage restores mobility, including after strokes and paralysis.

The Tibetan tradition has unique knowledge about the system of surface meridians - they are called “channels that control the movement of the limbs.” There are six of them, and there are key points on them, the impact on which opens the flow of energy through these channels, releases blocked areas and eliminates stagnation that forms as a result of lack of activity, stress and overload.

In meridian massage, the master can use special heating, sticks, stones and shells.

Meridian massage is useful in the following cases:

  • for recovery after injuries, fractures
  • rehabilitation after strokes, heart attacks
  • paralysis
  • pain in the back, lower back, joints, muscles
  • neuralgia
  • radiculitis, sciatica, lumbago


Acupressure is used for ailments that exclude the possibility of a general oil massage; it is also useful for prevention and strengthening the immune system.

A special benefit from acupressure appears in cases of ailments that preclude the possibility of a general oil massage. It is indicated for fears, imbalance, stress, memory and nervous system disorders. Acupressure is also useful for healthy people for the prevention and strengthening of the immune system.

An acupressure session is very individual and the choice of points depends on each specific case.

Tibetan massage of the main points of the body is performed using special oils or ointments, as well as sticks, stones and shells. At many points, special warm-ups are performed, which are called “horme” or “moxa”. More than a hundred different points are used in Cu Nye.


  • disorders of the nervous system, psyche, memory
  • imbalance
  • stress
  • shiver
  • fainting
  • fears, phobias

Oil heating – “Horme”

Warming up is one of the most useful procedures for a modern person. It helps with various diseases, stress, insomnia, fatigue, forgetfulness, stress from working at the computer, excessive intellectual activity, etc. Clarifies and improves the functioning of the senses, slows down aging.

Moxa– warming up with wormwood or charcoal cigars improves blood circulation and energy, helps with poor digestion, excess weight, and many diseases of the internal organs. In Tibetan medicine there are different kinds warming up and special points for them.

Warming up helps perfectly with:

  • fatigue and stress
  • diseases of various organs
  • inelasticity and stiffness of ligaments
  • arthrosis
  • arthritis
  • periatritis
  • rheumatism
  • neuralgia
  • depression
  • mental and emotional disorders.
  • Moxibustion helps with all diseases of cold Mucus (Kapha) and Wind (Vata).

Warming up is not used in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases
  • flu
  • high temperature
  • inflammation
  • fever illness
  • anemia
  • blood diseases
  • Bile disorders

Who is Ku Nye massage recommended for?

No matter how loud it may sound, Ku Nye is shown to almost everyone (see contraindications) and below will be the rationale for this. Tibetan Ku Nye massage is considered in Tibetan medicine as an external therapy for the treatment of Wind disorders, which is directly related to nervous system(imbalance of emotions, confusion of thoughts, problems with the musculoskeletal system, spasms, cramping of limbs). In the modern world, there are an infinite number of reasons for such a disorder: accelerated pace life, constant stress, drinking coffee, tea, alcohol, all this throws wind energy out of balance. Ku Nye massage is a panacea for all these factors.

Massage is also recommended for children and adolescents under 15 years of age, as well as for older people over 70, because They have a predominant vital principle - Wind. Ku Nye is one of the few types of massage that, due to its softness, is suitable for pregnant women!

The effect of Tibetan massage Ku Nye

Here are not all the results that are achieved with the help of Ku Nye massage:

  • Deep relaxation of body and mind for chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia
  • general health of the body
  • increasing immunity and restoring vitality
  • solving problems with the spine and joints
  • development of muscles and tendons
  • recovery from injuries, stroke, serious illnesses, after childbirth
  • normalization of metabolism and digestive system functioning
  • skin improvement and rejuvenation
  • improves, tightens and smoothes the skin
  • improves mobility of arms and legs

How does a massage session work?

At the first meeting, a diagnosis is carried out, as a result of which the specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client, selects massage oil, a combination of certain Ku Nye methods and the intensity of their use, as well as the optimal number of sessions.

To recover from serious illnesses or during treatment, it is recommended to undergo 10 procedures in a row and then 1 procedure per week for 3 months.

Contraindications for Ku Nye massage

Infectious diseases in the acute stage, skin disorders, fresh injuries or bruises, spinal injuries, neoplasms.

Brief biography of Lama Yonten Gyamtso
Lama Yonten Gyamtso received his degree from the University of Traditional Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation of the Jonang Tradition in Amdo Province of Eastern Tibet. He also studied and practiced medicine in 1991 with the well-known physician Dr. Sherab, who is reviving Tibetan medicine.
Lama Yonten Gyamtso will be teaching KuNye Massage Therapy from Saturday 9th May to Saturday 23rd May.
What is Tibetan Kunye massage? Kunye therapy is traditional system external therapy, which is taught in the Tibetan science of medical tantras.
The main goal of Cunje therapy is to relax tension, establish balance in the body's elements, and therapeutically alleviate many diseases. Treatment with Kunye therapy includes massage, treatment of critical points, the use of hot and cold stones and compresses, medicated oils and gemstones, and the use of medicinal baths and steams. Thanks to the use of Kunye massage, the balance of elements and subtle energies in the body is restored.
Learning and applying the beneficial effects of Kunye practice is accessible to everyone and is very useful for illnesses and for everyday life.
Tibetan Kunye massage
In the Kunye Therapy Study Program, students will develop a basic understanding of various aspects of Tibetan cultural heritage. Specifically, students will specialize in Tibetan medicine through proper understanding of the origin, concept, principles, physiology, features, purposes, contents, classification, birth, life, death, prevention and diagnosis, treatment and application of Tibetan medicines for the relief of physical and mental suffering. One of the goals of this program is to conduct scientific research on the effectiveness of Tibetan medicine.
Diagnostic tools:
Observation: Patient's urine and observation of the shape of the body, face, eyelids, ears, eyes, tongue, skin and nails.
Palpation: Reading the pulse, palpating and distinguishing temperature, sensation, and various changes.
Interview: Patient survey: age, gender, general health, subjective assessment, environment, health status and its causes.
Students will understand the basic concepts of tastes, properties, food and the aftereffects of types of digestion, and will be able to modify and apply appropriate treatments.
Principles of treatment.
Treatment in Tibetan medicine follows the guiding principle which states that “the body, diseases and their treatment follow principles which are an element of theory.” By following this advice, students will be able to diagnose and treat diseases correctly.
How to massage points.
How to use oils.
Kunye massage is indicated for healthy people.
Cunye massage is indicated for sick people.
Kunye massage for neurological disorders.
Kunye massage for muscle problems.
Cunye massage for people with mental disorders
How to massage points associated with internal organs.
Medical properties of the use of cold and hot compresses and stones, their use and benefits of use.