Masha Efrosinina advises how to be slim. Masha Efrosinina advises how to be slim Rules for a good figure

Surely each of us remembers the admirable feat of Masha Efrosinina, when literally in a matter of months she turned from a curvaceous brunette into an elegant model-looking beauty.

We tend to attribute such achievements everywhere to their special trainers, exclusive weight loss programs and expensive pills.

In fact, their path to beauty is just as thorny and difficult as the efforts of any other woman. As you can see, no amount of money or masters helps well-known individuals who are lazy look good. And hardworking and disciplined women will achieve their goal, regardless of their type of activity.

So, how did Masha lose weight? Here are 5 main principles.

1. No hunger!

Feel the difference between fasting days and complete starvation. A sharp reduction in calorie intake already replaces metabolism, and a complete refusal of food, as is customary during fasting, enhances this effect many times over. What do we have as a result? Every salad that you eat when you come out of a hunger strike will go straight to the form of fat deposits on your thighs and tummy. Is this what you were striving for? I think no.

Yes, and there are doubts that after 1, 2, 3 days of complete hunger strike it will be just an “innocent” salad. Most likely you will just attack the food and it will be very difficult to stop you. Why do you need such adventures?

“An incomparable cleansing of the body,” some will say...

- So don’t pollute your body! - I will tell them in response! — Masha comments on this rule.

2. Carbohydrates only until 15.00!

No carbohydrates in the afternoon. Masha insists on this rule, and, looking at her incomparable figure, it is difficult not to believe her.

And by the way, we hasten to remind you that fruits are also “very much a carbohydrate.” And if we talk about a field for the figure, then a plate of grapes or apples before bed is much more likely to turn into overweight than lettuce and turkey.

“So eat your favorite chocolate for your health (just not bars), but in the first half of the day and enjoy!” - advises the famous TV presenter.

3. Fresh juices and fruits - only before meals

On this point, as on the previous two, nutritionists completely agree with Masha Efrosinina. The thing is that fruit juices and similar drinks (fruit drinks) are digested in a matter of minutes. Digesting a full meal will take, to put it mildly, much more time. Just imagine how long this explosive mixture will ferment in your stomach, bringing nothing good.

4. No buns, cakes or dumplings!

Masha Efrosinina does not eat flour at all. For many years in a row, Masha has adhered to this rule and has never regretted her decision.

“This is exclusively my point, my unbreakable rule and my head start for other violations. For many years I have absolutely not consumed flour - baked goods, muffins, cakes, pastries, dumplings... Rarely bread, but only from durum varieties!” - admitted Masha.

5. Masha Efrosinina does not drink milk

That is, absolutely, absolutely, in no way. She explains, on the one hand, the suspicious quality of modern dairy products and stores, which can be stored for months. On the other hand, she also does not like the high fat content of milk “from under the cow”.

So it turns out that Masha is much more willing to eat a piece of hard cheese than to drink milk. And many scientists have long been saying that milk simply cannot be absorbed in an adult’s body and is a rather heavy and “stupid” product.

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Ukrainian TV presenter Masha Efrosinina told on social networks how she struggled with overweight many years.

Maria said that at the time she moved to the capital, she had an ideal figure thanks to regular classes dancing. After the first years of student life, Efrosinina gained excess weight, the struggle with which brought the TV presenter to bulimia, reports

"Over all these years, before your eyes, I have changed several weight categories with a somersault of 20 kg. I have no secret! But I have an experience of 17 years (exactly half of my life! I am from a girl with perfect body The dancer turned into a big-breasted appetite in the first years of life in the capital. I practically brought myself to bulimia during the glorious times of the Rise! And yes, there is no diet or method (even the most dangerous) that I wouldn’t try!” said Maria.

“Today, at 35 years old, I am many times healthier than at 23, when doctors refused to even take care of me! All my knowledge about healthy image lives were taken not from magazines and manuals, but from tests, visits to special clinics, studying the principles of nutrition, mistakes and observations that I made after studying my body thoroughly! Not only that, I continue to do it! I admit, in order to be in shape, I have to follow a strict regime every day - I am not given this happiness - to eat everything I want and not gain weight! ", Efrosinina shared.

The presenter and mother of two children, Masha Efrosinina, looks great, manages to work, go to the gym, walk with her children, and organize social projects. How does she do this? Maria pays great attention to healthy eating.

instagram @mashaefrosinina

What exactly does she mean by “ healthy eating", Masha Efrosinina does not hide it, and on the microblog she told everyone what products she refused and why.

mashaefrosinina Probably the questions “what do you eat?” And “Do you eat at all?” will haunt me longer than I thought!))
I will answer the second question briefly and quickly: “I eat, and quite enough - 5 times a day!”
It’s not very interesting for me to write about this often - I talk a lot about my system at master classes!
But filming forces me to observe the regime and food discipline so extremely in order to be resilient, not lose my mental acuity and have strength, that I thought that it’s all about not only my lifestyle, but also some of my food constants, which are also very "hold"!

An active user of social networks, every time he comes up with a new format for communicating with subscribers. So, some time ago she launched a series short videos in Instagram stories under the tag “#myfive”, where she shares 5 principles, rules and personal ratings. Masha dedicated her last “five” to her dietary taboos.

instagram @mashaefrosinina

mashaefrosinina I announce to all the admirers and watchers of #myfive that all my five (no, six!) food taboos have already been posted in stories!
But girls, dear ones, pay attention!!! These are MY personal rules, keep in mind! I follow them because they suit me! They help me not to follow painful diets (I don’t follow them at all), to look the way I like and to be energetic even in the toughest schedules!
Here, as they say, it comes down to taste :)

Masha completely abandoned everything made from flour, not only wheat, but also rye and any other. It is extremely rare that she allows herself to eat rice cake.

No dough, never - no pastry, no loaf, no bread. Nothing. No pasta, no bread.

No meat

The presenter gave up meat - she has been a complete vegetarian for quite some time. At the same time, he claims that he feels great without meat, both physically and mentally.

I haven't eaten meat for many years. I probably won’t remember the taste of pork and veal at all; I very rarely eat poultry, but I don’t eat meat. I don't feel good with him. Without him it’s easy, wonderful, ethical for me. I feel better without meat!

instagram @mashaefrosinina

No sweet soda

Complete and categorical refusal of any sweet carbonated drinks. At the same time, Masha is also trying to teach children to live without soda - while this should not be difficult with little Alexander, then adult Nana is already ready to make her choice consciously.

I never drink any sweet carbonated drinks. Not under any pretext. Not just if you really want to, not just on a visit, not just just in case: “what if he drops by,” or to check how things are going inside. I don't let them in. I don’t give it to children either.

Life without conservation

Products are only fresh or, in extreme cases, frozen. Maria refused any canned food and products in factory vacuum packaging. And also from shelf-stable products

Nothing canned, ever! Neither bagged, nor in these packages, which are stored in for 3 years. Canned food... I believe that this is dead food, it will not bring you any benefit, only harm.

instagram @mashaefrosinina

Only healthy sweets - no sugar

Refusal of sweets is not so categorical. Masha Efrosinina chooses only the most healthy sweets, and has completely excluded industrial confectionery products from her diet.

My sweets are kept to a minimum. Sometimes I ate chocolate and marshmallows, but recently I’ve practically given that up too, because I found an absolutely harmless and very tasty alternative (dried fruits, organic fruit candies, marshmallows)

Smoked products under no circumstances

Masha’s diet has not included any smoked meats for a long time; she considers industrially produced smoked meats to be especially harmful to the body (and here it’s hard to disagree with her)

Smoked meats – by no means. These smoked sausages... You can torture me with smoked hunting sausage!

Slender legs, a wasp waist - this is exactly how we are used to seeing the Ukrainian presenter. However, there was a period when she had more curvaceous forms.

Masha Efrosinina

Efrosinina admitted that she was prone to being overweight, and maintaining perfect figure- hard daily work. And in my student years, the struggle with excess weight led to bulimia.

“I went from a girl with a perfect dancer’s body to a big-breasted appetite in the first years of my life in the capital. I practically brought myself to bulimia during the glorious times of the Rise! And yes, there is no diet or method (even the most dangerous) that I would not try!” Maria commented on this period of her life.

Masha Efrosinina

The TV presenter also said that she has to follow a strict regime, but the main thing for her is to be healthy, because, according to her, a healthy person cannot be fat. She noted that despite the fact that men liked plumpness more, it is important that every person feels comfortable with their weight.

Masha Efrosinina “before” and “after” weight loss

Let us remind you that Russian TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova recently shared with fans the results of her weight loss. The actress weighs more than 25 kg. She told how she managed to lose weight and become happy.

Watch the video in which Masha Efrosinina shares her secrets of losing weight: