Mark Wahlberg blood and sweat anabolic steroids. Mark Wahlberg's Killer Workout

The most famous native of Boston does not stop there: having conquered the star world of Hollywood, he moves on to the world of business. Mark Wahlberg is the best example of how you can become a superstar without being typecast. Mark Wahlberg is the best example of how you can be reborn in a new capacity again and again. Mark Wahlberg is the best example of how at 45 you can push aside 20-year-olds and... well, you get the idea.

The musician who started modeling lingerie, then became an actor, then a producer, then a businessman (to name just a few examples of what he does), has become a role model for men since the release of Lone Survivor and The Fighter and adoration for women after advertising Calvin Klein underwear with Kate Moss. Let's give him his due and remember why Mark is considered the most serious workaholic in Hollywood.

1 // At his core, he is a sneak

The youngest of nine children, Mark was an aggressive passer on the Boston basketball team and a wide receiver in the yard. football games. Even now, a quiet family dinner at the Wahlberg house can turn into a fight without rules in the blink of an eye. “It happens that during a visit to our mother, at some point I suddenly grab my older brother by the neck and hold him, and my mother is like: “What’s the matter?”

2 // He constantly hones his acting skills

Mark Wahlberg is 45 years old. According to the IMDB website, this is the number of films he managed to appear in during his acting career. In 2006, he starred as a deputy chief of the Massachusetts State Police in The Departed, earning an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor, a Golden Globe nomination, and an award from the National Society of Film Critics in the same category. More recently, he tried himself in the comedy genre, starring in the films “Cops in the Deep,” “The Third Wheel,” “The Third Wheel 2” and “Hello, Dad, New Year!”

3 // He's not afraid to be behind the scenes

While being an actor, Wahlberg is also involved in producing. In total, he participated in 23 projects, and all of them are very impressive: for example, “Survivor”, “The Gambler”, the TV series “Entourage”, as well as “Patriot's Day”, which is due to be released in January 2017 - a film based on the events , occurring before the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings.

4 // He is in the restaurant business

Together with his brothers Donnie and Paul, Wahlberg is a co-owner of Wahlburgers restaurants located in Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York (Coney Island and Pennsylvania). It was his idea to open a restaurant in Hingham, Massachusetts; This is where we gradually come to the fifth reason: Mark began doing reality shows...

5 // He is in the television business

Wahlburgers is not just a burger chain; A television show starring Mark, Paul, Donnie and other members of his family is being filmed in the restaurants. We see the home life of Mark's (and Donnie's) family, as well as Paul's personal life and work as a chef. In May 2016, Mark said: “I'm not doing this to be on TV. Self-promotion is the last thing on my mind. But with this show I can strengthen my business and promote all my other activities.”

6 // He is a very family man.

Mark and his wife Ria Durham have four children: two boys (Brendan and Michael) and two girls (Grace and Ella." Mark says that when taking on any project, be it film or business, he thinks about the children first and foremost.

7 // He deals with drinks

Mark Wahlberg joined forces with Sean "Diddy" Combs and together they launched AQUAhydrate electrolyte drinks. While training for The Fighter, Wahlberg drank almost 4.5 liters of water a day. However, he noticed that when he started drinking water with added electrolytes and minerals, it became easier for him to start his day and recover from workouts.

8 // He started a vitamin supplement business

Together with business partner Tom Dowd (who spent 25 years at GNC Holdings Inc.), Wahlberg launched the Performance Inspired line of natural products aimed at high school and college athletes. According to him, this sports nutrition It is not designed to “build monster muscles,” but rather to burn fat, strengthen muscles, and generally strengthen the body. The first products of the line were a 25 gram protein bar, Performance 25g Whey with the addition of digestive enzymes and 5 grams. fiber, as well as pre-workout nutrition, rich in healthy, high-quality ingredients.

9 // He's ruthless about keeping in shape

Wahlberg is not afraid to gain or lose weight if necessary for a role. In a May 2016 interview, he talked about how director Peter Berg asked him to gain as much weight as possible for his role as an oil rig worker in Deepwater Horizon. Later, after filming ended, Berg asked him to lose weight and develop muscle definition for another film. The training was in vain, because... filming was halted, and Wahlberg had to gain weight again for Patriot's Day, in which he plays a police sergeant with a bad knee.

Before the 2013 film “Blood and Sweat: Anabolics,” Mark Wahlberg needed to gain 20 kg of muscle and tons of weight. And all this had to be done in an incredible period of time - 7 weeks. The actor trained 2 times a day and ate about 10 times a day.

Coach Brian Nguyen helped him in this difficult task. Wahlberg once said:

“I weighed only 75 kilograms after my last film. For Anabolics I had to gain 20 kg. It turns out 20 kilos muscle mass in 7 weeks. Believe me, it required a lot of physical effort.”

Mark trained five days a week and rested on Sundays and Wednesdays. The actor admitted that in this way he created “a big part of himself.”

Monday by Mark Wahlberg

The morning workout included chest, arms and abs. started training at 4 am with heavy iron. After that, he usually went back to take a nap. Here's how his classes went:

The rest break between supersets was only 45 seconds, and the superset sets were performed without any rest. Supersets were supposed to combine two types of exercises, which were performed one after the other without rest. The first exercise, as a rule, was multi-joint, the second was isolated.

The evening workout included stretching, abs and cardio. At first Mark stretched. To train his abs, the actor did 2-3 exercises of 15 repetitions per exercise. The workout also included crunches, side crunches, bicycle crunches and lateral plank raises. At the end Wahlberg switched to treadmill or an elliptical trainer.

“Warming up is the first thing any self-respecting athlete should do. And in general, at my age the body is prone to injuries. I use foam roller stretches and other similar devices. I try to protect myself as much as possible from unnecessary injuries.”

Tuesday by Mark Wahlberg

On Tuesday, Mark Wahlberg started his workout at approximately 4:30 am. He started with a heavy load on his legs and back. After which, as on Monday, he went to take a nap until lunch. After lunch, he did abdominal exercises and light cardio.

Morning workout: legs, back and biceps. The familiar supersets continued on Tuesday:

4 sets of 8 repetitions were performed. Thursday's training was divided into 2 cycles. If the actor could do more than 8 repetitions, then he increased the weight. The rest was no more than 90 seconds after completing the cycle. Mark never rested between exercises. Trainer Brian Nguyen instructed Mark to do all the exercises in the cycle without rest.

First cycle:

  • Deadlift
  • Barbell clean
  • Thrusters
  • Jerks
  • Seated overhead press

Second cycle:

  • Squats
  • Bench press
  • Deadlift
  • Inverted Row Pull-Ups

After resting from the two main circuits, Mark Wahlberg performed several finishing exercises: biceps curl, chest press on a machine, leg press on a machine, arm extensions.

“I distinguish two types of people. People who are waiting for incredible success and those who are too lazy for it. The second choice is definitely not my option. I am a person who always strives for something, I am always hungry. And my experience allows me to achieve even more."

Thursday evening training included exactly the same exercises as on Monday.

Friday by Mark Wahlberg

As you may have guessed, on Friday Wahlberg also did not lie low and went to the gym at the first rooster. On this day he focused on his chest and arms. Friday was similar to Monday's workout, but in the evening, instead of abs, Mark worked on biceps.

Morning workout: chest, deloid and triceps.

  • Superset - bench press (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and dumbbell flyes (4 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Superset - bench press incline bench(4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and dumbbell raises in front of the chest (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Superset - bench press on an inclined bench upside down (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and standing dumbbell raises to the sides (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Superset - bench press while sitting (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and bench press while standing (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Superset – dips (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and lying triceps extensions (4 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Superset – triceps extensions while sitting behind the head (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and triceps extensions with both hands (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);

Evening workout: stretching, biceps and cardio. Mark Wahlberg performed various options biceps exercises with decreasing repetitions until muscle failure. Dumbbell biceps curls included:

  • 1 set of 10 reps 20 kg
  • 1 set of 8 reps 25 kg
  • 1 set of 6 reps 30 kg

As for cardio, sometimes he tried to vary it. Sometimes he chose something completely unpredictable, such as basketball or sparring.

“Elliptical trainers and treadmills get boring very quickly. So sometimes I chose something more fun and exciting: jumping rope, basketball, sparring...”

Mark Wahlberg's Saturday

Morning workout: legs and back. The familiar supersets on Tuesday were repeated on Saturday.

  • Superset - barbell squats (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and squats-lunges (4 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Superset - leg press on the machine (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and again squats-lunges with jumping (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Superset – step-lunges (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and calf raises (4 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Superset - bent over barbell row (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and leg curls on the machine (4 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Superset – pull-ups (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and one-arm dumbbell rows (4 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Superset – pullover on a block (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and rows on a horizontal block to the waist (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);

Evening workout: stretching, abs and cardio. 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions per exercise. The workout included crunches, bicycle crunches, side crunches, lateral plank raises (Hip-Ups) and others. At the end of the day, the actor trained on a treadmill or elliptical trainer within 30 minutes. The week is over.

Mark Wahlberg's diet

In many interviews he stated that prefers to eat 3 times a day and also have snacks 3-4 times. He usually eats chicken, steaks, pasta, protein, and berries and fruits (raspberries, blueberries, apples, bananas.)

“On Sunday I open the refrigerator and eat whatever I want. Eggs, pancakes, corn, potatoes, beef. I’ll let you in on a little secret: I was obsessed with chocolate chip cookies for a while.”

Mark Wahlberg uses a protein/carbohydrate/fat ratio in his diet according to the 30/40/30 formula. He tries to get his carbohydrates from whole wheat, legumes, fruits and vegetables and eats only healthy fats.

Before Blood and Sweat, Wahlberg ate 10-12 times a day. For two weeks, he tried to stick to natural foods and also consumed supplements and gainers. The actor said that it was fun to “eat as much as you want,” but immediately noted that after filming he gave up such food, otherwise the weight would have continued to grow.

Mark Wahlberg's preparation for the film "Blood and Sweat: Anabolics" (video)

Mark Wahlberg - in a sense "sponge man". It costs him nothing to gain almost 20 kg for the role of an athletic fitness instructor, and then lose even more for the role of an ordinary person.

How does he do this? The actor has been involved in sports, in particular bodybuilding, for many years, so he has excellent discipline and extensive knowledge in nutrition. Although, we will not argue that sudden weight loss and weight gain are not very beneficial for health. Perhaps this is slightly compensated by the moral pleasure from the fees for the star-studded films with Mark Wahlberg, for which he made such sacrifices.

Consider Mark's nutrition for both weight loss and weight gain

Film "The Fighter" (2010)

For leading role in this film, Mark Wahlberg, who with a height of 173 cm in normal life weighs 85-90 kg, had to lose noticeably weight. After all, in reality, boxer Mickey Ward, played by Wahlberg, competed in the welterweight division (up to 66.7 kg).

Mark Wahlberg. Still from the film “The Fighter”

He included a lot of aerobic exercise in his training program (shadow boxing, sparring, pad work, regular jogging, jumping rope, swimming) and sat on strict diet, which allowed me to eat some carbohydrates (oatmeal) only in the first half of the day. The rest of the day was supposed to eat only protein and green vegetables. To get enough protein, he, like , used protein shakes with all his might.

Mark Wahlberg in the ring in The Fighter

It is not known for certain how much Mark Wahlberg weighed in the film “The Fighter,” but in our opinion, he did not reach 67 kg. But it turned out to be somewhere around 73-75. Well, okay - he looked quite lean in the film, but there was still no sign with his weight hanging on him.

“Blood and sweat: Anabolics” (2013)

Here, Mark was faced with a completely opposite task: to gain as much muscle mass as possible. In this film, Wahlberg plays a fitness trainer who decides to go into crime by getting involved with a group of bodybuilder businessmen.

Naturally, in order not to get lost in the background of his huge co-star Dwayne Johnson, Mark had to weigh at least 90 kg. This is exactly the task the director set for him. Ironically, the thin actor, after the next filming, weighed only 72 kg. He needed to dial 18 kg in 2 months! And he coped with his task in full.

Here's how Wahlberg himself talks about his daily routine at that time:

I get up at 4 am. I go to the kitchen and make breakfast. At 5 am I am already in the hall. At 6:30 I have a shake. I drop the kids off at school at 7:30 and eat a couple of turkey burgers on the way. At 9 o'clock I have my next meal and by this time I have already been to church and already started working. I feel like there is nothing I can't achieve.

Taking into account protein-carbohydrate cocktails, Mark Wahlberg ate 12 (!) times a day. He ate huge amounts of meat (beef), poultry (chicken, turkey) and fish. Mainly oatmeal and pasta were used as carbohydrate components. Eating half a kilo of pasta a day is not a problem for Mark. 🙂

His training also changed its character: aerobic exercise have practically disappeared, giving way to strength and general strengthening ones. In the video you can see how hard Wahlberg trained to prepare for the role:

Mark Wahlberg workout video

And where would we be without photos of Mark, who had grown fat at that time:

Mark Wahlberg on the set of "Pain & Gain", in our box office known as "Blood and Sweat: Anabolics."

“Boy, is there food? What if I find it?

Still from “Blood and Sweat.”

"The Player" (2015)

After “Blood and Sweat,” the actor lost weight to 80 kg for the film “2 Smoking Barrels,” but will that really impress us now? Now Mark Wahlberg is participating in the filming of the film “The Player” and intends to lose weight to 65 kg! In this film he will play the role of a literature teacher suffering from a morbid addiction to gambling. The estimated release date of the film is 2015.

For this role, Mark undergoes a rigorous training program that includes basketball training 6 times a week and a lot of running. Here's what he says about his diet:

Every time I smell food I go crazy. One day my daughter was eating a blueberry muffin and I wanted to steal it. I was literally going to rob my almost 4 year old daughter.

I started losing weight liquid diet. Then he completely changed his training regimen and gave up wine, bread and pasta. Now I eat small portions of protein foods, it helps me lose weight.

Looking at these photos from the set, I really want to feed poor Mark Wahlberg some blueberry muffins:

Mark Wahlberg on the set of The Player. Compare with the previous photos, how much thinner the face has become!

Even his clothes don't hide how much weight Mark Wahlberg has lost!

Now you know everything about Mark Wahlberg's weight loss and weight gain, as well as his willpower and discipline. The only thing we advise is not to repeat his extreme diets in real life - this can be fraught with health consequences.

Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg - born June 5, 1971, Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA. He stands out from other Hollywood stars with his biography of his youth. Wahlberg was the most youngest child in a family of 9 people, as you understand, the luxury and wealth that he has achieved now did not even smell in his childhood.

At the age of 11, his parents divorced and already at adolescence Mark began to "get a little rowdy." He was a rapper, and even made it to the top of hit parades, but he did not achieve much success there. He ended up in the police station dozens of times, dabbled in drugs and even robbed a pharmacy on this case. At the age of 16, Mark spent 1.5 months in a correctional camp on charges of robbery and a year later he was sentenced to 2 years in prison for brutally beating a Vietnamese man.

On this moment he is married, has four charming children, whom he tries in every possible way to protect from the mistakes of his youth, goes to church, has his own charitable foundation, and even found a Vietnamese man whom he beat up in order to apologize and make sure his health was all right. Thanks to his athletic physique, Mark Wahlberg was a lingerie model for the Calvin Klein brand in his youth, and thanks to him, Mark was given the opportunity to star in such films as “Blood and Sweat: Anabolics,” in which he gained 18 kg in less than 2 months ... How did he do it? Let's find out now.

  • Height: 173 cm
  • Weight: 70-95 kg depending on the film
  • Regular Weight: 77 kg
  • Biceps: 40 cm
  • Bench press: 152 kg
  • Foot size: 43



Mark Wahlberg has 2 workouts a day, the first starts at 4:30 in the morning, the second closer to lunch. The morning workout is strength training, the second is more stretching and cardio. Morning workout takes 60-90 minutes.

  • Stretching
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Side crunches


Mark performs all exercises in 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. The rest breaks between supersets were 45 seconds. In supersets, there is no rest between exercises. Supersets combine two types of exercises that are performed one after the other without rest.


  • Stretching
  • Exercises with TRX loops
  • Treadmill or elliptical trainer for 30 minutes.


  • Rest.


On Thursday, Wahlberg works all muscle groups. The training is performed in 2 cycles, the entire cycle is done without stopping, rest between cycles is 90 seconds. Each exercise is performed for 4 sets of 8 repetitions each, if it is easy for you, increase the weight.

Morning Workout: Full Body Workout:

First cycle

  • Deadlift
  • Barbell clean
  • Thrusters
  • Jerks
  • Seated overhead press

Second cycle

  • Squats
  • Bench press
  • Deadlift
  • Inverted Row Pull-Ups

After these cycles, Mark finishes the workout with exercises for the chest and arms. Performs 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions

  • Biceps curl
  • Chest press on a machine
  • Leg press on the machine
  • Arm extension

Evening workout: stretching, abs and cardio:

Mark Wahlberg's ab workout consists of 2-3 sets of 15 reps.

  • Stretching
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Side crunches
  • Side plank raises (Hip-Ups)
  • Treadmill or elliptical trainer for 30 minutes.


Morning workout: chest, arms and abs:

Mark performs all exercises in 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. The rest breaks between supersets were 45 seconds. In supersets, there is no rest between exercises. Supersets combine two types of exercises that are performed one after the other without rest.

  • Superset - bench press and dumbbell flyes
  • Superset - incline bench press and dumbbell raises in front of the chest
  • Superset - bench press on an inclined bench upside down and dumbbell raises to the sides while standing
  • Superset - bench press above the annual sitting and bench press above the annual while standing
  • Superset – dips and triceps extensions
  • Superset – seated overhead triceps extensions and two-arm triceps extensions

Evening workout: stretching, biceps and cardio.

  • Stretching
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps 3 sets: first 10 repetitions 20 kg, second 8 repetitions 25 kg, third 6 repetitions 30 kg.
  • Exercises with TRX loops
  • Treadmill or elliptical trainer for 30 minutes.


Morning workout: legs, back and biceps:

  • Superset - barbell squats and squats-lunges
  • Superset - leg press on the machine and again squats-lunges with jumping
  • Superset – lunges-steps and calf raises
  • Superset - barbell rows and leg curls on a machine
  • Superset – pull-ups and dumbbell rows with one arm
  • Superset – pullover on a block and rows on a horizontal block to the waist

Evening workout: stretching, abs and cardio:

Mark Wahlberg's ab workout consists of 2-3 sets of 15 reps.

  • Stretching
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Side crunches
  • Side plank raises (Hip-Ups)
  • Treadmill or elliptical trainer for 30 minutes.


  • Rest.

As we know, nutrition plays 70% in gaining muscle mass and building a body, and Mark Wahlberg also knew this by this and ate an incredible 10-12 times a day. How he was faced with the difficult task of gaining 18 kg in 7 weeks. From 4:30 in the morning until 12 at night he ate. Mark went to bed at 9 pm, then woke up at 12 am and ate again. His diet also included various sports supplements. This is taking into account the cocktail. Mark had up to 12 meals per day, but mostly he ate natural foods. If protein is chicken, meat, fish, poultry, legumes, as in his interview he said that he ate several chickens a day. The norm was approximately 3 grams of protein per 1 kg of body. I got carbohydrates from oatmeal and pasta, a lot of pasta. He also had enough fat from meat products. The approximate scheme of BJU is 30% proteins 30% fats 40% carbohydrates.

How Mark Wahlberg gained weight for his films: A practical guide.

Before the film “Blood and sweat: anabolic steroids” Mark Wahlberg had to lift tons of weight and gain 18 kg of muscle. And all this had to be done in 7 weeks. The actor had to train 2 times a day and eat 10-12 times a day.

Mark Wahlberg worked with coach Brian Nguyen. Before the movie Pain & Gain, he returned to his old workout routine. However, he did less cardio and ate more. He had just under 2 months to prepare for his role. Wahlberg says:

“I weighed 75 kg after my last film, but I should have weighed 93 kg. It turns out that I needed to gain 18 kg of muscle mass in 7 weeks. It required a lot of physical effort."

Mark Wahlberg I trained 5 days a week and rested on Wednesdays and Sundays. The actor admits that in this way he created “a large part of himself.” You need to train hard, lifting heavy weights, and this is the only way to quickly gain muscle mass.

Monday by Mark Wahlberg

Morning workout: chest, arms and abs. Mark Wahlberg starts training at 4 a.m. heavy scales. Afterwards, he often goes to take a nap and “grow up” before doing ab workouts and cardio in the afternoon. Mark says that in the mornings he bench pressed 152 kg. This is what it looked like:

Rest breaks between supersets were 45 seconds and were performed without rest. Supersets combine two types of exercises that are performed one after the other without rest. The first, as a rule, is multi-joint, and the second is more isolated.

Evening workout: stretching, abs and cardio. At first it stretched well. For abdominal training Mark Wahlberg did 2-3 sets of 15. The workout included crunches, bicycle crunches, side crunches, lateral plank raises (Hip-Ups) and others. Finally, he worked out on the treadmill or elliptical machine for 30 minutes.

“I make sure to warm up. You know, at my age the body is prone to injury. I use foam roller stretches and other similar devices. I want to avoid unnecessary injuries."

Tuesday by Mark Wahlberg

On Tuesday Mark Wahlberg starts his workout around 4:30 am. He starts by loading his legs and back heavily. After which, as on Monday, he goes to take a nap until lunch. After lunch, he does abdominal exercises and light cardio.

Morning workout: legs, back and biceps. The familiar supersets continue on Tuesday.

Mark Wahlberg does exercises with a maximum weight that allows him to do 8-12 repetitions per set. Supersets are performed to keep the intensity of the workout high. This is suitable if you need to achieve the maximum in a short time.

“I would wake up at 4:30 every morning, warm up and then lift heavy weights, depending on the day of the week. But training always includes working with heavy weights."

Mark Wahlberg does many variations of exercises for biceps. The workout begins with 10 repetitions, and then the number is gradually reduced until failure. In the afternoons, he often worked out with TRX loops. Dumbbell biceps curls included:

1 set of 10 reps 20 kg

1 set of 8 reps 25 kg

1 set of 6 reps 30 kg

Cardio traditionally involved running on a treadmill or elliptical for 30 minutes. On days when he trains with heavy weights, the entire morning workout takes about 60-90 minutes.

Mark Wahlberg's Thursday

On Thursday, the actor focuses on his chest and arms. And he does abdominal exercises with light cardio after noon. Mark Wahlberg has its own Gym Houses. However, while preparing for the filming of the film "Blood and Sweat: Anabolics" in South Florida, he was forced to visit sport Club. He left the hotel at 4:30 and went to the gym.

Morning workout: full body workout. Performs 4 sets of 8 repetitions. Thursday's training is divided into 2 cycles. If you can do more than 8 reps, increase the weight. Rest 90 seconds after completing the cycle. Don't rest between exercises. Trainer Brian Nguyen instructed Mark to do all the exercises in the cycle without rest.

First cycle:


Barbell clean


Seated overhead press

Second cycle:



Inverted Row Pull-Ups

After a break from the two main cycles Mark Wahlberg performed several finishing exercises: biceps curls, chest press on a machine, leg press on a machine, arm extensions.

“There are 2 types of people. People who are waiting for success and those who are too lazy for it. The second choice is not my option. I am a person who is always hungry. I know that I can achieve more. I know that with my experience I have something to show people."

Evening workout: stretching, abs and cardio. That's what Mark did on Monday. The workout includes crunches, bicycle crunches, side crunches, lateral plank raises (Hip-Ups) and others. Finally, he worked out on the treadmill or elliptical machine for 30 minutes.

Friday by Mark Wahlberg

As you may have guessed, on Friday he also doesn’t stay late and goes to the gym with the first roosters. On Friday he focuses on the chest and arms. Friday is like training on Monday, but in the evening instead ab workout mark does biceps.

Morning workout: chest, deloid and triceps. This workout resembles exercise Monday.

Superset - bench press (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and dumbbell flyes (4 sets of 8-12 reps);

Superset - incline bench press (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and dumbbell raises in front of the chest (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);

Superset - bench press on an inclined bench upside down (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and standing dumbbell raises to the sides (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);

Superset - bench press while sitting (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and bench press while standing (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);

Superset – dips (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and lying triceps extensions (4 sets of 8-12 reps);

Superset – triceps extensions while sitting behind the head (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and triceps extensions with both hands (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);

Evening workout: stretching, biceps and cardio. Mark Wahlberg performs various variations of biceps exercises with decreasing repetitions until muscle failure. Dumbbell biceps curls included:

1 set of 10 reps 20 kg

1 set of 8 reps 25 kg

1 set of 6 reps 30 kg

When it comes to cardio, sometimes he tries to vary it up. Sometimes he chooses something completely unpredictable, such as basketball or sparring.

“The treadmill or elliptical trainers get boring quickly. So, I can choose something more fun: basketball, jumping rope, sparring..."


Mark Wahlberg's Saturday

Morning workout: legs and back. The familiar supersets on Tuesday also make their way onto Saturday.

Superset - barbell squats (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and squats-lunges (4 sets of 8-12 reps);

Superset - leg press on the machine (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and again squats-lunges with jumping (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);

Superset – step-lunges (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and calf raises (4 sets of 8-12 reps);

Superset - bent over barbell row (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and leg curls on the machine (4 sets of 8-12 reps);

Superset – pull-ups (4 sets of 8-12 reps) and one-arm dumbbell rows (4 sets of 8-12 reps);

Superset – pullover on a block (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions) and rows on a horizontal block to the waist (4 sets of 8-12 repetitions);

Evening workout: stretching, abs and cardio. 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions in the exercise. The workout includes crunches, bicycle crunches, side crunches, lateral plank raises (Hip-Ups) and others. Finally, he worked out on the treadmill or elliptical machine for 30 minutes. The week is over.

Mark Wahlberg's diet

In his interviews, the actor said that he prefers to eat 3 times a day and also snacks 3 times during the day. He usually eats chicken, steaks, some pasta, protein, as well as berries and fruits (blueberries, raspberries, bananas, apples).

“Usually on Sunday, I eat whatever I want. Pancakes, eggs, corn, beef and potatoes. I was obsessed with chocolate chip cookies back in the day..."

Mark Wahlberg in her diet she uses a protein/carbohydrate/fat ratio according to the formula 30/40/30. He tries to get his carbohydrates from whole wheat, legumes, fruits and vegetables and eats only healthy fats.

However, for the film “Blood and sweat: anabolic steroids” Mark Wahlberg ate 10-12 times a day. He ate mostly natural foods and also consumed mass gainers and supplements. He says it was fun to “eat as much as you want.” But after a couple of weeks, it was necessary to give up this way of eating, otherwise the weight would continue to grow.