Maximum amount of unemployment benefit c. How much do they pay at the labor exchange? What is the benefit at the employment center? Can the benefit amount be reduced?

Minimum and maximum unemployment benefits
(prepared by experts from the Garant company)

The Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 (as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ) established that the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits are determined annually by the Government of the Russian Federation

Minimum amount of unemployment benefit

Maximum amount of unemployment benefit

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 7, 2000 established that from January 1, 2001, the minimum amounts of unemployment benefits and scholarships paid to citizens during the period of professional training, advanced training and retraining in the direction of employment service bodies should not be lower 100 rubles per month

According to the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 1997 N 1, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 1997 N 2, from January 1, 1997, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits and scholarships paid to citizens during the period of professional training, advanced training and retraining direction of the employment service authorities, are set equal to the minimum wage

Directive of the Federal Social Protection Service of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 1996 N VG-5-24-1031 from April 1, 1996 established the minimum amount of unemployment benefits and scholarships for the period of professional training (retraining) of citizens in the direction of the employment service in an amount not lower than the minimum wage labor in the amount of 75,900 rubles per month (repealed)

By order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of the Russian Federation dated November 2, 1995 N VG-5-8-13, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits is established at an amount not lower than the minimum wage: from November 1, 1995 in the amount of 57,750 rubles per month; from December 1, 1995 - 60,500 rubles per month; from January 1, 1996 - 63,250 rubles per month (repealed)

By order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of the Russian Federation dated August 3, 1995 N P-4-8-11, from August 1, 1995, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits was established at an amount not lower than the minimum wage in the amount of 55,000 rubles per month (lost force)

By order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 1995 N P-4-8-7, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits is established at an amount not lower than the minimum wage - from April 1, 1995 in the amount of 34,400 rubles per month; from May 1, 1995 - 43,700 rubles per month (repealed)

By order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 1994 N P-4-8-22 20500, from July 1, 1994, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits was established at an amount not lower than the minimum wage in the amount of 20,500 rubles per month (lost force)

Directive of the Federal Social Protection Fund of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1993 N P-4-8-20 from December 1, 1993, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits is set at an amount not lower than the minimum wage in the amount of 14,620 rubles per month (lost force)

By order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1993 N P-4-11-763, from July 1, 1993, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits was established at an amount not lower than the minimum wage in the amount of 7,740 rubles per month (lost force)

By order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of the Russian Federation dated April 14, 1993 N P-7-10-369, from April 1, 1993, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits was established at an amount not lower than the minimum wage in the amount of 4275 rubles per month (lost force)

According to the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated June 8, 1992 No. 5, from June 1, 1992, the minimum amount of unemployment benefits is set equal to the minimum wage (900 rubles per month)

The amount of unemployment benefits in 2014 will remain the same

The minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits for 2014 have been approved. The Government of the Russian Federation signed a corresponding resolution on October 30, 2013.

So, in 2014 the minimum amount of unemployment benefits will be 850 rubles, and the maximum - 4900 rubles. This benefit amount has remained unchanged since 2009.

As the press service of the Russian Ministry of Labor notes, the stability of the unemployment benefit is associated with increasing chances of employment due to low unemployment and a high need for workers. Currently, the number of vacancies reported by employers to regional employment services is twice the number of citizens registered as unemployed with employment services.

Let us recall that in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 30 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On employment in Russian Federation» unemployment benefits are paid to dismissed citizens and are set as a percentage of average earnings calculated for the last three months according to last place work. The benefit is paid if persons, during the year preceding the start of unemployment, had at least 26 weeks of paid work on a full-time or part-time basis, converted to 26 weeks of full-time work. In other cases, the benefit is established in the amount of its minimum amount.

The authority to annually determine the amount of unemployment benefits is vested in the Government of the Russian Federation (Clause 2, Article 7, Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On Employment in the Russian Federation”).

Unemployment benefits 2014

The legislation provides for financial support for Russians who are temporarily unemployed. It is provided with the help of unemployment benefits. They are called cash payments to Russians who have officially registered their unemployed status. This benefit is awarded only to those Russians who have completed the registration procedure at the territorial Employment Center (received unemployed status).

Registration procedure

To register with the territorial Employment Center (PEC), you must provide the following documents:

For persons who have never worked - a passport and an education diploma

Persons who worked but lost their jobs for some reason need to collect the following documents:

  1. Application form for assistance in employment;
  2. Identity card, Russian passport;
  3. A certificate documenting the average income for the previous 3 months at the previous place of work;
  4. Employment history;
  5. Diploma (certificate) of education received;
  6. Disabled people must provide individual program rehabilitation (IPR).

What are the unemployment benefits?

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation on employment establishes the amount of benefits received by unemployed Russians and assigns the amount every year. Legislation distinguishes between minimum and maximum benefits.

In 2014, the minimum benefit was officially designated - 850 rub., maximum – 4900 rub. This gradation is not accidental.

Minimum benefits are paid to the following categories of Russians:

  • they are employed for the first time;
  • have not had a job for more than a year and now want to find a job;
  • dismissed for reasons of non-compliance with labor discipline;
  • they were fired within 12 months, which were before the unemployed period, and they were employed and received wages for no more than 27 weeks;
  • they were sent by the Center for Labor Protection to courses, but they were expelled for their guilt.

These Russians will receive a minimum benefit (its value is multiplied by a coefficient calculated in a particular region, approximately - 15% )

In the case of standard reasons for deprivation of work, the benefit is calculated on the basis of average income (the period of work should last no more than 27 weeks).

It should be noted that the benefit for the first three months is 75% from average income, but not more 4900 rubles, therefore, to receive the highest benefit, you need to have average income from 6125 RUR. The other four months the benefit will be equal to 60% from the average income, at the end of 7 months from the date of assignment of the benefit, it is calculated in the amount 45% from the average salary.

The payment is also increased thanks to the territorial coefficient, officially designated in a particular region. At the end of the year, average income is not taken into account, and the unemployed Russian is paid a minimum benefit.

It should be noted that only official income is taken to calculate benefits. Payments are suspended in the following circumstances:

  • period of study in educational institutions (period of departure for sessions in other localities);
  • maternity leave;
  • calling up those liable for military service for training, involving them in military service. These circumstances increase the payout time since these events are not counted.

How is the benefit paid?

1. The benefit is paid every month. It is accrued (in total) only for less than 13 months in a period equal to 18 calendar months;

2. In some circumstances, the benefit is re-assigned, but the time period (in general) for accrual must be 24 calendar months (in a period equal to 36 calendar months).

Cases of termination of benefit payment

Benefit payments may be terminated in the following cases:

  1. The recipient is employed
  2. Moved to another place of residence,
  3. Received pensioner status
  4. Convicted (imprisonment, correctional labor),
  5. Refused to receive benefits (you need to write an application).
  6. Death of the recipient.
  7. Didn’t show up (for more than a month) to the Central Election Commission without any reason.
  8. Sent by the employment center to vocational training courses and received a scholarship.

A Russian may be temporarily (for 3 months) limited in payment:

  1. When during one unemployed period he refused 2 job offers in his profile;
  2. When he appeared in a state of alcoholic intoxication at the central registration center for the re-registration procedure;
  3. When they violated the agreement on the re-registration procedure.4. He voluntarily stopped attending training courses (on the recommendation of the Center for Education);
  4. He was fired from his most recent job for guilt (for example, violating discipline).

It is important to remember: the suspension period is added to the entire benefit accrual period.

How much do they pay at the labor exchange and what is the payment procedure?

Employment centers carry out intermediary activities between workers and employers. After registering at the labor exchange, within 10 days the citizen is offered at least 2 vacancies corresponding to his level of education and qualifications. If there are no vacant jobs, then on the 11th day of registration the person is assigned the status of unemployed.

How much do they pay at the labor exchange now?

An unemployed citizen has the right to receive unemployment benefits. However, how much the employment center pays the unemployed in 2018 will differ depending on the salary received from the previous employer, the grounds for dismissal, and the status occupied by the unemployed citizen.

Schemes for calculating unemployment benefits

  1. 75% of previous earnings in the first month of registration as unemployed.
  2. 60% of previous earnings in the next 4 months of being on the labor exchange.
  3. 45% of previous earnings for the next 5 months.

Next year, an unemployed citizen also has the right to receive unemployment payments, but they will be paid in a reduced amount - at the established minimum rate.

What payments are due when registering at the labor exchange for someone who quit voluntarily or who has never worked anywhere before?

After receiving the status of unemployed, a citizen is entitled to unemployment benefits. It is paid over two periods of time and in the amount established by law.

The first payment period is 12 months from the date of registration as unemployed. This is the total length of time the benefit was paid. Out of 18 months of job search, an unemployed person is paid for only 12.

If the first period of receiving payment has expired and a job is still not found, unemployment benefits are re-assigned according to the same rules. In total, the total period for receiving benefits is 24 months over three years.

Benefits for persons who are voluntarily dismissed and have worked for at least 26 weeks before dismissal and at full-time work are paid as a percentage of average earnings.

For those who can confirm the amount of income, in the first period the benefit amount will be:

  • 75% of the average earnings at the last place of work - the first three months;
  • 60% - next 4 months;
  • 45% - remaining time.

In the second period, the amount of payment to the unemployed is equal to the minimum benefit amount (in 2018 - 850 rubles), increased by the size of the regional coefficient, if the applicant lives in the regions of the Far North, Siberia, the Far East or regions equivalent to them.

Amount of benefits for those laid off due to redundancy

Persons who have lost their jobs as a result of the liquidation of an enterprise, termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur or reduction in staff or numbers receive benefits in the amount of average earnings during the period of employment, but not more than 2 months. How much they cost at the labor exchange after layoffs is determined by law (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Payments are made by the former employer. Moreover, if the dismissed person registered with the employment center within 2 weeks from the date of layoff, he has the right to receive average earnings for the third month if work is not found. To do this, he provides the former employer with a certificate from the Employment Center about registration, and a copy of the work book, where there is no record of employment. The payment is made from the employer's funds.

An employee who is not employed within three months after layoff has the right to receive unemployment benefits from the Employment Center until he finds a new job, but no longer than the period established by law.

How much the labor exchange pays during layoffs depends on average earnings and the duration of the job search. The benefit amount is calculated as a percentage of average earnings, but not more than the basic value established by the rules - 4,900 rubles maximum.

The benefit is assigned and paid provided that the person dismissed due to redundancy:

  1. Registered as unemployed within 2 weeks after dismissal.
  2. Provided the Employment Center with all the necessary documents giving the right to assign the status of unemployed.

Watch a video about how to join the employment center

The amount and duration of payment of benefits for persons laid off after the expiration of three months from the date of dismissal are established according to general rules(see above).

The benefit is paid monthly if the applicant undergoes re-registration in a timely manner (usually 1-2 times a month). If an unemployed person is not registered with the Center without good reason, the payment of benefits is suspended.

After layoffs, benefits are paid on the exchange for the time it takes to find a suitable job, but not more than 24 months from the date of assignment of unemployed status for three years.

Minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits

Current legislation sets the minimum and maximum amounts for how much people pay at the labor exchange. The minimum benefit amount is 850 rubles. for all subjects of the Russian Federation. The maximum payment amount is set separately for regions. So, in Moscow it is 6,940 rubles, in the Moscow region – 4,900 rubles.

Citizens in the first 6 months from the date of registration have the right to a minimum benefit, increased by the regional coefficient, if:

  • searching for a job for the first time;
  • worked for the previous employer for less than 26 weeks;
  • did not work for a long period - more than 1 year;
  • were fired for wrongdoing;
  • left their previous place of business without good reason;
  • were sent by the employment agency to study or improve their qualifications, but were expelled.

If a citizen has been deprived of work due to staff reduction, he must register at the employment center within 2 weeks from the date of termination of employment. In this case, the former employee retains his salary for the next 2 months after the layoff. If after 2 months he is not employed, then, according to the decision of the exchange, the payment of benefits in the amount of average earnings is extended for 3 months.

How long can you receive benefits?

The benefit is accrued from the date of application. For those who were previously laid off due to staff reduction and received the right to a two-month payment, unemployment benefits are assigned immediately after the end of this period, provided that a new place of business has not been found.

Payment is made in two equal periods of 18 months each. Of this time, benefits are paid for 12 months, in any installments.

Situations where the applicant:

  1. did not work anywhere before registering at the labor exchange;
  2. worked, but the break in work was more than a year;
  3. dismissed for offenses, etc.;
  4. sent for training, but expelled for violations.

In these cases, each benefit payment period is no more than 6 months out of 12 possible.

In this case, the total benefit payment period cannot be more than 12 months out of 18.

If, at the end of one benefit payment period, no job has been found, the applicant receives benefits again for the same period of time, subject to all the rules established by law.

How many months unemployment benefits are paid is regulated by the law “On Employment in the Russian Federation” in Article 31.

As a rule, the exchange requires mandatory visits at a specified frequency, 1-2 times every 30 days. This rule cannot be ignored.

Termination or suspension of payments to unemployed citizens

Payments to the unemployed at the employment center are terminated on the grounds established at the legislative level:

  • Official employment of a citizen;
  • Referring a person for retraining or requalification;
  • Using illegal methods to obtain benefits;
  • Death of a person;
  • Assignment of a pension (based on length of service, in connection with reaching retirement age, early);
  • Moving to another subject of the Russian Federation;
  • Absence from re-registration.

Watch the video about the procedure for paying benefits.

If you are convinced that the accrual of unemployment benefits has ceased for illegal reasons, then you can challenge the decision made by the employees of the employment service. To do this, a complaint is filed with the labor exchange; if there is no response, the claim is submitted to the court for consideration.

In addition, the law establishes the grounds for suspending the accrual of unemployment payments for up to 3 months if:

  • Refusal of 2 offers from the employment service;
  • Appearing for re-registration while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxication;
  • Refusal to undergo training by a person looking for a job for the first time;
  • Violation of terms and conditions of re-registration;
  • Termination of training at personal request.

The benefit assigned to unemployed citizens is not paid to women on maternity leave, as well as when a person is involved in military training or compulsory military service.

Thus, a citizen who has received the status of unemployed has the right to receive unemployment benefits. It will be credited to an open bank account or bank card, the details of which are provided to the employment center.

Minimum unemployment benefit in 2018 - what awaits us?

The amount of financial payments for citizens recognized as unemployed in accordance with the procedure established by law for 2018 was announced back in September 2016. The Public Council under the Ministry of Social Development decided not to change the current level of unemployment benefits for 2018. Accordingly, the figures approved back in 2009 will remain relevant:

  • 850 rubles minimum;
  • 4900 rubles maximum.

As for increasing the size of benefits in the future, officials are in no hurry to reassure recipients.

In 2018, the level of payments will not be adjusted, but in subsequent years it is possible to increase the amount of benefits by revising the mechanism for assigning them.

The Deputy Head of the Ministry of Labor mentioned this in an interview in 2015
Alexey Vovchenko.

The minimum wage (minimum wage), which in 2018 is equal to 9,489 rubles. does not affect the level of unemployment benefits.

The mechanism for calculating unemployment payments is fixed in the text of Art. 33 “Amounts of unemployment benefits” of the government document “On employment in the Russian Federation”). The calculation features vary depending on the payment period.

If a citizen is registered with the employment center for the first year, the starting point for the calculation is the average monthly salary or allowance at the last workplace (the calculation takes into account the amounts for the last 3 working months):

  • from the 1st to the 3rd month inclusive, the benefit will be 75% of the average monthly salary;
  • from 4 to 7 - 60%;
  • from 8th to 12th - 45%.

In this case, the accrued amounts cannot be less than the minimum unemployment benefit multiplied by the regional coefficient.

If a citizen is registered with the Central Bank for more than 12 months, the amount of monthly payments due to him will be calculated based on the “minimum wage” fixed by law - 850 rubles. This amount, multiplied by the regional coefficient, will be the monthly payment.

For residents of Moscow, a regional supplement of 850 rubles is provided. Thus, the minimum wage for the capital’s unemployed will be 850 + 850 = 1,700 rubles. At the maximum, a Muscovite registered with the Central Bank will be able to receive 5,750 rubles (4,900 + 850).

Every year, the Russian Ministry of Labor prepares a draft Decree of the Government of the country, in accordance with which the minimum and maximum possible amount of unemployment benefits is determined - which is why in 2013 and 2014, for this reason, it will be slightly different. The approved amounts become the so-called “fork”; within its limits, the established benefit to citizens will be accrued during the coming year.

Low unemployment rate in the country last years and the excess of the number of vacancies offered by employers over the number of potential workers (officially registered unemployed citizens) significantly increases a person’s chances of finding a job by 2 times. Taking these circumstances into account, the draft Resolution sets the minimum and maximum allowable amount of benefits paid to the unemployed at the same levels: that is, at the level of 850 rubles and 4,900 rubles, respectively.

Please note that the maximum amount of this benefit has not changed by a penny since 2009.

For citizens permanently residing in the regions of the Far North, but also in other areas equated to them, the amount of labor compensation increases by the size of the corresponding regional coefficient.

As of September 1, 2013, the average benefit paid to an unemployed person in Moscow was 2,995 rubles; in August 2013, about 39% of Moscow unemployed citizens received state benefits of the minimum amount, and 59% of the maximum amount.

Unemployed status

In order for a citizen to be recognized as unemployed, he must:

  • be able to work, have no job and no income;
  • register with special employment services to actively search for work.

It is worth remembering that registration of a citizen as unemployed is carried out at the place of residence in the relevant employment services. The decision on registration should be made, by the way, no later than, quite a bit, 11 days from the date of presentation of the documents.

From the first day of making a decision recognizing a citizen as unemployed, this state unemployment benefit is accrued.

Employment centers

There is the so-called Federal Service for Labor and Employment, which is a federal executive body. Employment centers (services) are local departments of the Federal Service. The centers were created to solve certain government problems, namely to ensure state guarantees in the field of employment of the population and to provide citizens with government services for protection from unemployment, for providing information about current situation in the labor market, and, among other things, also in vocational training or retraining of unemployed citizens.

Employment centers perform intermediary functions between employers and employees. They own an extensive database of vacancies at various enterprises and institutions, as well as a database of job applicants.

To register in the database, a citizen must present:

  • passport;
  • work book;
  • documents on education and professional qualifications.

Persons who have not yet reached the age of 16, as well as persons with an old-age pension and persons who knowingly provide false and unreliable information cannot be unemployed.

Help for benefits

A certificate of average wages, necessary for the assignment of unemployment benefits, is issued free of charge by the organization where the person recently worked or served. If it is not given to the former employee at his verbal request, then he must draw up a written statement on the same day and register it in the journal of incoming documents. The registration number and date are affixed to the copy of the application that remains with the former employee.

A certificate of average wages is issued on the company's letterhead, with a round seal, but, among other things, it is also certified by the signatures of the manager and chief accountant (with a transcript). Certificates with corner stamps of enterprises are also accepted, where the legal address, telephone number and TIN of the organization are clearly printed.

The text of the certificate indicates the surname, name, patronymic (in full) of the former employee, the duration of the employment relationship (from which date to which), the amount of average earnings for the last 3 months of official employment before dismissal. This value must be indicated in words.

The average earnings for filling out a certificate to the Employment Center are calculated in accordance with the “Procedure for calculating average earnings” approved by the Ministry of Labor on August 12, 2003. This “Procedure” regulates the amounts of allowances, additional payments, payments and remunerations that are accepted and not taken into account. The calculation of average earnings provides for calculation features in various situations, for example:

  • If the billing period has not been fully worked out;
  • If the employee did not receive income during the billing period;
  • if the employee has been assigned part-time working hours;
  • if the employee was given a so-called summarized recording of his working time in the pay period;
  • other possible situations.

Determining the amount of benefit

The minimum amount of state benefit will be paid to persons recognized as unemployed in cases where:

  1. they have not previously worked and are looking for work for the first time;
  2. they have not worked for a long time (more than one year) and
  3. are eager to resume work;
  4. they were fired for violations of labor laws;
  5. they were previously engaged entrepreneurial activity, and now the individual entrepreneur has been closed (read also:);
  6. in other cases in accordance with the procedure established by law.

In other cases, the amount of compensation is calculated as a percentage of income considered average, calculated based on the last 3 months of work and increased by the regional coefficient.

Procedure for calculating benefits:

  1. In the first period (based on a duration of 12 months) payments will be:
  • For the first 3 months – at the level of 75% of the average monthly income,
  • the next 4 months – in the amount of 60% of average monthly earnings,
  • next 5 months – 45% of average monthly earnings.

Persons who remain unemployed and unemployed after the expiration of the first period of payment of the corresponding benefit are entitled to receive the benefit again.

  1. In the second (also 12-month) period, the benefit is paid in the minimum amount allowed for this benefit (read also:).

Citizens who are left without work due to the liquidation of a company (organization, enterprise), due to a reduction in the number of employees, are paid severance pay equal to the average monthly earnings, and in addition, they retain the right to receive income in the amount of the average monthly earnings for the period of employment , but no more than 2 months from the date of dismissal. True, in exceptional situations, by decision of the relevant employment service body, the average monthly income of a dismissed employee is also maintained throughout the third month from the date of dismissal.

To determine the timing of payment of the required benefit, it is necessary to take into account the category of the unemployed, as well as a number of circumstances related to the basis for his dismissal from the organization in which he recently worked, with his compliance with the requirements for re-registration within the established time frame.

Benefit payment procedure

Unemployment benefits are a material means of maintaining an unemployed citizen at a decent standard of living while he is looking for a suitable job. It is calculated and paid for the actual number of days of unemployment (both work days and days off).

This very valuable unemployment benefit must be paid monthly, however, with the condition that the person left without work re-registers within certain deadlines established in advance.

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Unemployment benefits cease to be paid, and the citizen is simultaneously deregistered as unemployed in cases where:

  1. The citizen is considered employed.
  2. A citizen undergoes vocational training, as well as advanced training or retraining courses at the direction of the relevant employment service authorities with periodic payment of a stipend.
  3. Long-term (more than one month) failure of an unemployed citizen to appear at the relevant employment service authorities at the place of residence without a valid reason.
  4. Relocation of an unemployed citizen to another area.
  5. The citizen was convicted and was deprived of his liberty as punishment.
  6. The citizen was assigned an old-age (age) pension (read also:).

2. Benefit provided

Additional social and material support for unemployed residents

The maximum and minimum unemployment benefits in 2014 will remain the same.

The maximum benefit amount remains RUB 4,900., and the minimum - 850 rub..

The legislation of the city of Moscow contains a number of regulations that provide citizens looking for work with additional social and material support.

According to these documents, additional social and material assistance is provided in the form of:

  • supplements to unemployment benefits;
  • reimbursement of expenses for using city services public transport;
  • material assistance during the period of temporary incapacity for work of an unemployed person who has lost the right to unemployment benefits;
  • one-time financial assistance in the event of the death of a family member of an unemployed person, as well as one of the family members of an unemployed person in the event of the death of the unemployed person himself.
  • additional payment to the assigned unemployment benefit is made in the amount of the minimum amount of unemployment benefit established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the corresponding year.
  • Compensation for expenses for using the services of urban public transport during the period of job search is paid to unemployed citizens (with the exception of persons entitled to free travel on all types of urban passenger transport) in the amount of half the cost of a single monthly ticket for urban public transport.
  • Additional material support in the form of payment of financial assistance in the event of temporary disability is provided to unemployed citizens upon the occurrence of temporary disability who have lost the right to unemployment benefits due to the expiration of the established period for its payment.

The basis for paying financial assistance to an unemployed citizen during a period of temporary incapacity for work is the provision of a “certificate of incapacity for work” of the established form, issued to the Employment Department government agency employment center administrative district city ​​of Moscow.

3. Registration procedure

  • Receiving a work book from your previous place of work on the day of dismissal
  • Contacting the employer at your previous place of work to obtain a certificate of average earnings for payment of calculations and unemployment benefits
  • Selection of the applicant’s educational documents (qualifications)
  • Preparation of a copy of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Preparation for presentation to the employment service at the place of residence of the birth certificate of the child (children) - in the presence of minor children (original + copy)
  • Contacting the employment service at your place of residence during office hours and days necessary documents to register for job search purposes
  • Presentation of other (additional) documents at the request of the employment service
  • Recognition of the applicant as unemployed and an order to pay benefits (in case of impossibility of employment within 10 days from the date of registration)

4. List of documents

  • Employment history
  • Certificate of average salary at previous place of work (done within 3 days)
  • Documents on education (qualifications) - diplomas, certificates, etc.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Birth certificate of the child(ren)
  • Personal application for registration with the employment service for the purpose of finding a job
  • Other documents as required by the employment service
  • Order recognizing a citizen as unemployed and assigning unemployment benefits (done 10 calendar days after registration)


  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2003. No. 62 "On approval of the Procedure for calculating average earnings to determine the amount of unemployment benefits and scholarships paid to citizens during the period of professional training, retraining and advanced training in the direction of the employment service authorities"
  • Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 27, 2009. No. 47-PP "On approval of regulations on the procedure for providing additional social and material support"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2012 N 1031 Moscow "On the amount of minimum and maximum unemployment benefits for 2013"
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2012 N 891 “On the procedure for registering citizens in order to find a suitable job, registering unemployed citizens and requirements for selection for a suitable job”
  • Clarification on benefits and payments for job seekers
  • List of territorial employment services in Moscow
  • Federal Law No. 1032-1 of January 19, 1991 "On employment in the Russian Federation" (as amended on December 27, 2009)
  • Form of certificate of average earnings

The minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits for 2014 have been approved. The Government of the Russian Federation signed the corresponding agreement on October 30, 2013.

So, in 2014 the minimum amount of unemployment benefits will be 850 rubles, and the maximum - 4900 rubles. This benefit amount has remained unchanged since 2009.

As the press service of the Russian Ministry of Labor notes, the stability of the unemployment benefit is associated with increasing chances of employment due to low unemployment and a high need for workers. Currently, the number of vacancies reported by employers to regional employment services is twice the number of citizens registered as unemployed with employment services.

Let us recall that in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 30 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1, unemployment benefits are paid to dismissed citizens and are set as a percentage of average earnings calculated over the last three months at the last place of work. The benefit is paid if persons, during the year preceding the start of unemployment, had at least 26 weeks of paid work on a full-time or part-time basis, converted to 26 weeks of full-time work. In other cases, the benefit is established in the amount of its minimum amount.

The authority to annually determine the amount of unemployment benefits is vested in the Government of the Russian Federation (Clause 2, Article 7, Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1).

Unemployment benefits are payments in cash equivalent to citizens, in accordance with the established procedure, recognized as unemployed.

After reading this article, you will find out the size of the maximum and minimum benefits in 2018-2019, who is entitled to receive benefits, the timing of their payments, what documents are needed to contact the employment center and get answers to other questions raised in this topic.

Unemployment benefits in 2018-2019

Losing a job in our turbulent times is a serious reason to think about what to do, sometimes a person does not have the money to go to an interview. The state provides dismissed citizens with certain social guarantees. In particular, the employment service pays unemployment benefits.

Unemployment benefits 2015

It is completely legal, citizens can receive it:

  • those without work or other income;
  • not registered as entrepreneurs;
  • who are not founders;
  • not full-time students;
  • those who do not receive old-age or long-service pensions.

Established benefit amounts

The minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits are determined each year by government decree, so for 2014 the minimum benefit was approved in the amount of 850 rubles, the maximum - 4900 rubles.

Maximum size– received by citizens who, during the year before registration, worked for at least 26 weeks.

Dismissed citizens are paid monthly unemployment benefits as a percentage of the average monthly salary accrued over the last three months at their last place of work, but not more than 4,900 rubles and

is in the first period (first 12 months):

  • from 1-3 months - in the amount of 75 percent of the average monthly earnings of a citizen,
  • in the next four months - 60 percent;
  • for the remaining period - in the amount of 45 percent.
  • If, while unemployed, you were unable to find a job, at the end of the first period (first 12 months), you have the right to resume receiving unemployment benefits.

In the second period (second 12 months), the citizen receives a minimum benefit (850 rubles), increased by the size of the regional coefficient.

Minimum size— paid to citizens who are looking for work for the first time, who have had a long break from work for more than a year, who have been fired under an article, were sent for retraining, and expelled for absenteeism or other misconduct.

In these cases, unemployment benefits are accrued: in the first (6 months) period - in the amount of 850 rubles, plus the regional coefficient, in the second six-month payment period - in the amount of the minimum amount of unemployment benefits (850 rubles), plus the regional coefficient .

List of documents for the central control center

Benefit in America

You are unemployed, where to start? Collect documents to apply to the employment center at your place of permanent registration (registration).

For citizens with experience— registration is carried out if the following documents are available:

  • passport or document replacing it
  • work book or document replacing it;
  • a document certifying professional qualifications;
  • a certificate of average earnings for the last three months at the last place of work;

For citizens looking for work for the first time those who do not have a profession (specialty), registration is carried out upon presentation of the following documents:

  • passports;
  • educational document;
  • individual rehabilitation program for persons with disabilities.

What responsibility awaits a person for illegally receiving unemployment benefits?

Basically, people applying to the employment service have no income and are legally looking for a new job. Another category of clients is not so much interested in finding a job, but rather in the possibility of appropriating money, and government money, fraudulently.

People who received unemployment benefits fraudulently may be subject to not only administrative, but also criminal liability.

If a citizen is officially recognized as unemployed, then in cases where the facts of receiving unemployment benefits and official wages (income) are revealed, his actions are qualified as fraud, in other words, theft of someone else’s (state) property. In this case, the illegal activity of a citizen falls under Art. 159 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by:

  • a fine of up to 120 thousand rubles for a period of up to 12 months;
  • compulsory work for a period of up to 180 hours or correctional labor for a period of 6-12 months;
  • arrest for a period of 2-4 months or imprisonment for up to 2 years. When the fact of fraud is confirmed, the citizen is asked to voluntarily return illegally received unemployment benefits. If there is a refusal to reimburse it, on a voluntary basis, materials on this fact are transferred to law enforcement agencies.

Are unemployment benefits expected to increase in 2018?

Will the benefit increase?

The draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the size of the minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits for 2015” is posted on the Unified State Portal.

The project proposes to set a minimum unemployment benefit of 850 rubles for 2015. and the maximum amount of unemployment benefits in the amount of 4900 rubles. The minimum and maximum unemployment benefits have remained unchanged since 2009.

The constant amount of unemployment benefits is dictated by an increase in employment opportunities for citizens, due to the constant decrease in the unemployment rate and the increase in the need of enterprises for qualified personnel. There is an imbalance between supply and demand in the labor market. The number of vacancies reported by employers to regional employment services is twice the number of citizens registered as unemployed, noted a representative of the press service of the Russian Ministry of Labor.

If you are unsuccessfully trying to find a job, but nothing is working out, we suggest you read our article