Maxim Trankov and Tatyana Volosozhar: “We have already given our daughter her first skates. — Coaching work

Famous figure skaters spoke about their family everyday life with their new work.

— Your daughter Anzhelika is already 1 year and 4 months old. The first child makes parents worry. Who do champions call for advice?

Tatiana Volosozhar:“I worry even about minor things, so I often call our pediatrician for advice. She knows how to calm me down, sort out all the information, and I act on her advice. A lot of useful information I got it from Dr. Komarovsky’s video lessons.

Maxim Trankov:“I was always worried about Tanya. Despite the fact that she is physically tough, and mentally, perhaps even stronger than me. She's so fragile! Now I'm worried about my daughter. For example, when they are delayed even for a short time from a walk. If we are not together, then we call each other forty times a day.

— Gadgets make parenting much easier. What helps you out?

T.V.:— Sometimes “white noise” helps us (a special device makes sounds that calm the baby. — Author). Recently, during a long flight, at some point I had to turn it on for Angelica. A radio/video baby monitor is an indispensable assistant at home: when the child falls asleep in the nursery on the second floor, I can go down to the first floor and calmly go about my business. Sometimes you have to turn on cartoons on your tablet to feed your daughter. Well, in the evening before bed we calm her down by turning on classical music.

M.T.:— Now there are devices that disinfect baby bottles with steam, even diaper recyclers. I love our baby car seat - it fits in a backpack and converts to a stroller.

Rest at home: Volosozhar, Trankov and Pomeranian Spitz Dexter. Photo: Mikhail FROLOV/KP - Moscow

- All attention now to the baby. Don't have time for a romantic weekend together?

T.V.:— We recently went on tour with an ice show - so Maxim and I finally managed to be alone. Angelica stayed with her grandmother, and I constantly kept them under control by phone.

— Do you manage without nannies? From July to mid-September you will be on tour in Sochi. Who will help there?

T.V.:— We are going to Sochi with the whole family. The grandmothers will come one by one so that in the evenings, when Maxim and I go to the show, they can stay with their granddaughter. The child is very attached to me, I trust her only to grandmothers for now.

- Does your husband help? Or is the head of the family freed from household chores?

T.V.:— When Maxim is at home, I can turn to him with any request for help. But usually, if I see that he is very tired, I try not to burden him. Maxim never refuses to help - he can get up at night and warm up milk for Angelica. True, in the morning he doesn’t always remember that he got up.

First trip to Sochi with the whole family a year ago. photo: Personal archive

M.T.:— Tanya took care of her daughter and all household chores. Angelica and I play, hug, and communicate. Maybe three times a week I manage to change diapers. But with the birth of my child, my life took on real meaning. Now I am ready to work 24 hours a day to make Angelica’s childhood happy. I try to provide as much as possible for both my daughter and my wife, so I started working a lot more. I'm still at home this morning because we have a photo shoot and interview planned. And usually at this time you can find me at the skating rink, or on the set, or at a master class, or in a television studio. When Tanya and I lived together, I was a homebody, because in my youth I traveled a lot. Now I have organized a very eventful life for myself, the only drawback of which is that I am torn from my family. Previously, Tanya and I were together 24 hours, but now we miss each other during the day. I don't know which of us has it more difficult. Tanya takes care of the child - we don’t have nannies, and I have to work all the time to earn money. Plus we ride together, so we need to have time to practice.

— Will you take your child to kindergarten? Or won’t you entrust your daughter to strangers?

T.V.:— Grandmothers are ready to sit with their granddaughter, but the child needs to be socialized, she must learn to communicate with children. Therefore, a little later we will send Anzhelika to kindergarten - not to a private one, but to a municipal one. While we go to play and socialize on the playground, we have a children’s party there.

M.T.:— Our daughter will go to a regular kindergarten and a regular school. I will try to protect the child as much as possible from spoiled children and the influence of golden youth. You can stick to the golden mean and be more modest. Although now I spoil the child with gifts. But when she begins to understand more, we will begin to educate differently.... I’m already trying to be stricter than Tanya: I don’t give in to my daughter’s tricks. Angelica can manipulate her grandmothers and mother a little, but with me such tricks are much more difficult.

photo: Personal archive

T.V.:- Of course, I want to dress my daughter up and buy toys. Yesterday, on her birthday, I bought a gift for my daughter - I saw an interesting box and couldn’t resist. I’m currently decorating a children’s room, and this little thing fits in well.

— Skaters often don’t let children on the ice: they don’t want them to repeat their difficult path. What are your thoughts about Angelica’s sporting future?

T.V.:- The genes are already making themselves felt - Angelica has a fighting and persistent character, she is very purposeful - until she achieves her goal, she will not retreat, and she moves a lot - she does not sit still, like a top. The child has a sports core. If she wants to skate seriously, I will support my daughter.

M.T.:- Naturally, if we skate in front of Angelica, she will want to try. And then we will see. First, you need to at least understand her anthropometric data - what she will be like: big or small, thin or plump. But my daughter already loves it when I do lifts with her - about the same as on ice. I twist it, twirl it, do flips, tosses - the child laughs and is happy. She comes up to me and tries to climb up my legs - so she asks for my hands so that I can twirl her. She inherited her love for high strength elements from her mother.

Two-time Olympic champions Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov know how to surprise with beautiful lifts. Photo: Chuck MYERS/

Now Tanya and I are skating in an ice show team, and our troupe has a family atmosphere - almost all pairs of skaters have children. Before your eyes different examples older comrades whose children have already grown up. Alexey Yagudin wants to give his daughters the best education, so that they can play the piano, be included in secular society, and so on. With Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina, Nastya dances at Todes and plays tennis. Roma loves tennis very much - he dreams that his daughter will achieve success in this sport and the girl has all the data for this. And Petrova and Tikhonov’s daughter studies figure skating— Lesha gets up every day at six in the morning and takes her to the skating rink. So different options are possible. I can only say that we definitely won’t have any music school...

T.V.:- And I would like Angelica to play the piano and dance - this is necessary and useful for a girl. There is also a dream for my daughter to know foreign languages.

M.T.:- Agree.

"I accepted a new challenge"

— Tanya, after giving birth, did your body quickly return to its previous athletic form?

T.V.:— I’ve never been on a diet, but as I approached 30, my body began to change, and I had to watch my diet. Even during pregnancy, I didn’t allow myself to eat donuts at night. After giving birth, I wanted to get back on the ice quickly - I walked a lot with a stroller around our village, went jogging when Anzhelika was sleeping, and worked out on the playground. A month and a half later she returned to the ice.

— You left big sports and skate in ice shows. These productions are interesting to the viewer. But does Olympic champions maybe the excitement comes from such performances?

T.V.:— In the show, I like the opportunity to open up emotionally and as an actor. There are many different roles you can play. Even at championships and Olympic Games, I competed primarily with myself. That’s why I still get the adrenaline I need. It seems like you can already make mistakes on the ice, but I want to show myself, first of all, that I skate perfectly. I still want to perform more and more often.

“Tanya and I used to be together for 24 hours, but now we miss each other...”

M.T.:“I had no thoughts of returning to big-time sports or competing at the Olympics. Because I achieved the goal that I set for myself - Tanya and I won Olympic gold. I had nothing more to say competitive ice, we need to develop further.

— Coaching work?

T.V.:- I'm not interested in this.

M.T.:— I have now started training Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov. In 2015, we already started the season with the guys, but then it was a test of the pen - I was recovering from an injury and helped the couple a little. As a result, that season became successful for them - that’s probably why they turned to me.

— They are European champions, silver medalists at the Olympics in Korea. Now their goal is an Olympic medal?

M.T.:— There are four years until the Olympic Games - of course, this is the main goal. The guys and I agreed to try to work together for one season, and then we will decide whether to continue or not.

— They say that coaches are not paid enough. Is this really a problem?

M.T.:— The main problem in figure skating now is the lack of coaching staff. Many athletes would like to work as coaches, but cannot afford it. Figure skating coaches are real altruists and heroes. I didn't take this job for the money, it's a challenge for me. I decided to accept it and see what happens.

— So the salaries are not the same as in football?

M.T.:— For example, the salary that they could pay me as a mentor to two-time European champions is less than 10 thousand rubles a month. I earn money from other work. We have many champions and specialists who work abroad. We cannot return them due to financial problems. For example, I would really like our double Olympic champion Ekaterina Gordeeva, who lives in America, began counseling a Russian couple. Maybe even Tarasov and Morozov. But this is hampered by bureaucratic and financial obstacles. If large companies took at least one pair of skaters under their wing, the costs would be a pittance compared to football. But then in figure skating we would have made a leap forward in a short period of time. Still, they see that it is the skaters who regularly win medals for our country. Of course, there is a lot of money allocated, but there are also a lot of skaters.

“Genes make themselves felt - Angelica has a fighting character”

— Have you been offered to go abroad?

M.T.:— There were proposals from the USA and other countries to supervise couples or begin to develop pair skating. It’s not difficult for Tanya and I to pack up and move to train in another country, but for now I feel needed in Russia. I'm not going anywhere.

T.V.:“We not only have work here, but also mothers.”

— Recently, the most discussed topic in your sport is from coach Eteri Tutberidze and moving to Canada. Why did people attack her?

M.T.:- Because throughout for long years Before their eyes, people had an ideal picture of the relationship between Eteri Georgievna and Zhenya Medvedeva, the result of their work. But any athlete wants to develop further after the result obtained, for this he has to make some decisions. Sometimes they are associated with a change in coach. If Zhenya loses, then she will lose this duel with the fans. But as soon as Zhenya wins the next World or European Championship, people will start loving her again. Criticism will stop after the first big victory. We athletes are accustomed to the fact that Russian fans are angry and demanding. Therefore, we treat him with respect, but try not to react to provocations.

— Have there been a lot of provocations?

M.T.:— Different things happened. Now Tanya and I have a book coming out, “Two Sides of the Coin.” At one time, I liked the autobiography of tennis player Andre Agassi for its frankness: he was not afraid to lose advertising contracts and talked about his relationship with drugs, tennis federation. In this book I also tried to be frank. For example, for the first time I’m telling you how my friends in St. Petersburg tried drugs and how I resisted the temptation.

— You recently became a mentor in the “” project for the first time. Your students won in one of the categories. What's good about this experiment?

M.T.:— I didn’t have a single couple from Moscow. It turned out that these guys skate 45 minutes a day at home. And in dancing you need to skate for 5 - 6 hours. No free ice, because there is hockey and something else. Skaters in the regions are sorely lacking ice. In Moscow, my guys from Kirov and St. Petersburg got the opportunity to ride as much as they wanted. They got to the ice, the area at Luzhniki was completely at the disposal of the “Ice Age”. After two months, their skating became noticeably better. Maybe the management of the Kirov Figure Skating School will see that the guys are competitive and will reconsider their attitude towards them? Or they will be noticed and invited to train in Moscow. Shows on television are not always just entertainment. It happens that this is a chance to change your life.

Private bussiness

Tatyana Volosozhar was born on May 22, 1986 in Dnepropetrovsk. She has been skating since she was 4 years old, but they didn’t want to take the girl into the section. But Tanya, at the age of 7, had already won her first competition. Together with Stanislav Morozov, she is a four-time champion of Ukraine. After finishing her partner’s career, she teamed up with Maxim Trankov. The couple decided to perform under the Russian flag. On August 18, 2015, Tatyana married Maxim Trankov.

Private bussiness

Maxim Trankov was born on October 7, 1983 in Perm. From the age of 4 he was involved in the figure skating section. At the age of 8 he quit training, but a year later he returned to the ice. Since 2010 he has been skating with Tatyana Volosozhar. The couple are two-time Olympic champions in Sochi 2014, four-time European champions, and world champions in 2013. Maxim and Tatyana are raising their daughter Angelica (1 year 4 months).

Makeup and hairstyle by Tatyana Volosozhar - Anastasia Kulagina(instagram@kulaginamakeup) - a agency of stylists Valeria Koshkina KO&CO

0 16 February 2017, 18:33

The two-time Olympic champions figure skating, 30-year-old Tatyana Volosozhar and 33-year-old Maxim Trankov, a joyful event: the couple became parents for the first time! The couple had a daughter, whose name is still unknown. The birth took place in the Lapino clinical hospital near Moscow, which is so beloved Russian stars. Both the new mother and the newborn baby feel great.

Many people have already reported information about the addition of athletes to the family. Russian media, but the young parents themselves have not yet commented on the news. However, this does not stop fans of athletes from showering them with congratulations.

Let us remind you that the skaters began performing together in 2010. The duo proved successful, and the athletes won many awards, including two gold medals at the Sochi Olympics.

Maxim and Tatyana dated for several years, and in August 2015 they played, with many celebrities as guests. In September 2016, it became known that the couple were expecting a child. Volosozhar did not hide her pregnancy from the public and often published photographs from the maternity hospital on her Instagram page.

the site congratulates Tatyana and Maxim on the joyful event and wishes health to mother and baby!

These two talented skaters gave us unforgettable emotions and the joy of victory in 2014, when the Olympics were held in Sochi. Then Tatyana and Maxim won gold medals in both the team and individual competitions.

Then there were many events in their lives. Treatment of Maxim's injury, wedding, birth of a daughter and such a difficult decision to leave big sport. The athletes came to Tula with Ilya Averbukh’s show.

We met Tatyana and Maxim at the Armenia restaurant. Tatyana Volosozhar, small and fragile, next to the tall and strong Maxim Trankov seems even smaller. And a happy smile never leaves the faces of both - the smile of people who are immensely in love with each other.

— How did you feel when you came to our city today? Which number did you choose for the Tula residents?

Tatiana: - We came to you in a very good mood!

Maksim: - Yesterday we were at the other end of the country - in Vladivostok, and today we arrived in Tula. We prepared one of the new numbers, but already run-in. Beautiful, romantic, in our style.

— Did you manage to see the city, did you like anything?

Maksim: - We were taken on a bus with a short sightseeing tour. There wasn't much time to delve into local history. But the city left a pleasant impression.

Tatiana: - We walked around the square a little...

— You left big sport, which greatly upset your multi-million army of fans.

Maksim: - Everything has a beginning and an end. As they say, no matter how much the rope twists (laughs). I was already approaching my age; I didn’t want to rest on my past successes and merits. Our task was to win the home Olympic Games in Sochi. To do this, Tatyana and I partnered up, we went towards this goal and we achieved it. We had young guys on our team who were ready to take full responsibility for medals and victories. True, not everyone succeeded...

At that time, it seemed to us that the young people were very promising and we would only hinder them from developing, achieving success and winning medals for our country.

Moreover, the guys and I have always been not only rivals, but also friends. And Tanya and I wanted something new. When you are 30-32, you realize that you have half your life ahead of you, and you want to develop in a different direction. This is a chance to do something more in life besides working out every day...

Tatiana: - And live in a tight schedule...

Maksim: - Competing in competitions and winning medals is all very cool. But life is so varied and so interesting, and I don’t want to stand by the side until I’m old and devote myself entirely to figure skating. I admire those who do this, but I would like to learn something more. Therefore, now I am trying to work on television, commentating on figure skating, acting as an expert on Match TV.

Short program at the Olympics in Sochi:

-Where will we see you now?

Tatiana: - Mainly in ice shows, since we no longer take part in competitions. Thanks to Ilya Averbukh for taking us into his project. We started performing after my pregnancy, in the summer of 2017, in the ice show “Romeo and Juliet”. Now we continue our cooperation, taking part in a big tour of cities in Russia and Europe. And here we are today.

— Maxim, you have already commented on two Olympics. What is it like to look at the ice from the commentary booth?

In Sochi, I commented on Adelina Sotnikova’s victory live on Channel One, and recently also on Channel One - more than half of figure skating is from South Korea.

To be honest, I like commentating and watching figure skating more than skating myself.

I worry mostly about certain guys, to whom I once had a hand as an assistant and coach. For example, I support our pair Tarasov - Morozov. When the pair Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov competed, Tanya and I were always worried about Fedor. This is our family's best friend, our daughter's godfather. They ask us why we never celebrate Ksenia. We root for Ksenia just like the rest of our team. It’s just that we especially root for our best friends.

- This year, it seems to me, everyone was happy about Alena Savchenko’s victory, even though she competes for Germany and not for Russia...

Tatiana: - It is worthy of respect! She went to this medal for so many years, so much work was invested: a change of citizenship, several changes of partners, five Olympiads... Finally, Alena received gold medal. The whole world at that moment was very happy for her.

— How were you, newcomers, received in Ilya Averbukh’s team?

Maksim: - Actually, it’s hard. Some are very jealous of us, others are calm, with an open soul. We have known most of the guys for a long time, we are neighbors with some, we live in the same village, we even competed with someone.

Tatiana: - My first Olympic Games were in 2006. That’s when I saw Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov for the first time, for me it was wow! (Laughs) Such people are heroes, Olympic champions in the end.

Maksim: - I trained with many people: Maria Petrova and Alexey Tikhonov, Maxim Marinin and Tatyana Totmyanina.

Tatiana: - We always rooted for and worried about Alexei Yagudin. It’s nice that such a team has gathered under the wing of Averbukh. Now there is a renewal, young athletes are being added. It's great because everyone brings something different, something new. Figure skating does not stand still.

free Olympic program in Sochi:

Maksim: - Her husband just loves her very much (smiles).

Tatiana: - Thank you for the compliment (smiles). Yes, Maxim loves me very much. And the birth of a child is also beautiful for a woman. I started taking better care of myself. When I was in big sport, there were some restrictions, but not as strict as those of the other girls. When I became pregnant, I began to watch my figure so as not to gain extra pounds.

I even skated when I was pregnant - I missed the feeling of ice. After giving birth, I wanted to quickly get in shape and get on the ice.

After the birth of Angelica, I really took care of myself - I wanted to start performing for the public as quickly as possible.

— Angelica is already a year old. What is more difficult - being an Olympic champion, an outstanding athlete or a mother?

Tatiana: - Everything is complicated, but both inspire me. It’s difficult to be a mother, but you want to spend all 24 hours with your child. And at the same time you understand that work does not stand still. We must ride, appear in public, continue to do what we love. I want to be as productive as possible both at work and with my daughter. Maybe also because I am a maximalist in life.

- Who does your daughter look like?

Maksim: - Fifty fifty. They say it's more like me, but Tanya also has some traits.

— Tatyana, your bridesmaids at the wedding were actress Anastasia Zadorozhnaya and Olympic champion in figure skating Adelina Sotnikova. Do you even believe in female friendship?

I believe in female friendship. My best friend is with me kindergarten, we studied together at school. At that time, we communicated very closely with Adeline and Nastya, I invited them to be bridesmaids, and I was pleased. We still maintain relations.

Maksim: - Nastya is constantly filming, we are also constantly busy. Plus, we had a child, we can’t always go somewhere in the evening, meet, sit. Nowadays such communication is more telephone.

Tatiana: - But we look after each other and support each other in all situations.

— If you suddenly have a day free from training and performances, how do you spend it?

Tatiana: - Now we prefer to stay at home. If Angelica goes to bed, then it’s ideal if the grandmothers let Maxim and me go to the cinema... (laughs)

Maksim: - We probably haven’t been to the movies with Tanya for a year.

Tatiana: - There aren’t enough days when you can just relax and go somewhere with peace of mind, realizing that everything is fine with your daughter, that someone is watching her.

Maksim: - An ideal day off is at home with the child. Let's go for a walk together, she really likes to ride a snow scooter now, I take her around the village.

— How do you see your life in 10 years?

Tatiana: - It’s better to move step by step. I'm on this moment I can’t plan what will happen even in five years. If there are any proposals, we consider them. Based on our interests, we try to select what is most necessary for us. For example, I graduated from Moscow State University. I'm interested in sports management. Perhaps I'll go in a different direction altogether.

Maksim: - I love creativity more. There are some goals and ideas. But life is such that everything changes, twists of fate arise that do not depend on us, and it is difficult to predict 10 years in advance. I would really like to connect my life with television.

Tatiana: - What if you see us in some other sport? (Smiles)

— Your advice to parents who want to send their children to sports: what should they be prepared for on the path to success?

Maksim: - First of all, it’s patience. Both adults and children. All parents need to clearly understand that not every child can become an Olympic champion. The child must be loved in any case. Whether he wins or loses, whether he succeeds or not, it is important to support him in any situation.

— Your wishes to all our readers.

Tatiana: - Happiness, health, peace, goodness in hearts.

Maksim: - The most important thing is peace at home, peace in our heads, so that there is order and peace everywhere.

On March 28, the World Figure Skating Championships starts in Boston, in which Russian figure skaters, two-time Olympic champions in pair skating Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov are participating. On the eve of the championship, Maxim and Tatyana decided to break away from the close embrace of sports for a few days and relax alone in the Alps. They willingly told HELLO! about this holiday in Switzerland, their new home, the 2018 Olympics and their future children. But about the championship itself, the skaters, who at the beginning of 2016 won a gold medal at the European Figure Skating Championships in Bratislava - already the fourth in their lives, speak cautiously for now:

Our task is to run the program as cleanly and without errors as possible.

Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov in Zurich

Maxim, Tanya, congratulations once again on your gold at the European Championships in Bratislava.

You have a lot of victories to your credit. You have already proven everything in sports a long time ago. Does the desire to fight still persist?

Maksim. Indeed, we have achieved a lot. There is a feeling of satisfaction, a feeling that we are absolutely successful in our profession. But goals and aspirations still remain. I would like to continue to compete for my country high level. We, of course, also think that generations of athletes must change: we need to give way to the younger ones. But young athletes cannot have any complaints against us: we do not perform at all competitions. Only at Russian, European and world championships.

Looking ahead: what are your plans for the 2018 Olympics? Are you going to participate?

Tatiana. There is a desire, but we'll see. After all, there are many factors that can influence our decision: from pregnancy to, for example, injury. You may simply not qualify for the team. So athletes, being superstitious people, never say: “Yes, I’m going to participate in the next Olympics.”

I wonder if preparations for the competition begin and this very unplanned “pregnancy factor” suddenly arises, will it become a pleasant surprise?

Maksim. Definitely pleasant. Gold olympic medals We already have one, but we don’t have a child yet.

After another victory and successful performance in the European ice show Art on Ice, was it doubly pleasant to relax in a luxurious Swiss hotel?

Tatiana. Of course, it's very good here. This is probably one of the best spas we have ever been to. But still, we really missed home. Most of all I want to return home as soon as possible.

Can I congratulate you on your housewarming?

Tatiana. Yes, we now have our own nest, our little family lives in it. No children yet, but with animals. (Smiles.)

Maksim. We have a dog - a German Spitz, which Tanya got before our relationship began. Then it was her dog. Now she is ours. And recently we got a cat. In winter, mice began to attack us, and we had to do something about it.

Who looks after the animals when you are not at home?

Tatiana. My mother is coming. And Max's mom too. Have friends. We have such a changing of the guard that you don't have to worry about anything.

Six months ago you became husband and wife. Has anything changed in your relationship since then?

Tatiana. We became a family. One whole.

And before that, weren’t they one whole?

Maksim. We met, spent the night at each other's houses, but each had their own territory. It seems to me that even after the wedding we continued to live separately for some time, because there were no, so to speak, conditions for living together. So when the renovations were completed, we moved in together. So family life We only started in September.

You didn’t want to rent a house on principle?

Tatiana. No, we each had an apartment, which was rented for us by the Russian Figure Skating Federation.

Maksim. But how to live together in a rented apartment? There was simply nowhere to put things. I have a whole apartment of things, and Tanya does too.

Tatiana. Not counting the dog. (Smiles.) But now life, as they say, is streamlined. We can invite both guests and relatives.

What does the status of a family man give?

Maksim. There is more responsibility. We have become more serious about everything, such as spending. If earlier I could go and buy myself something expensive, now I’ll think a hundred times: maybe with this money I need to buy something necessary for the house or Tanya needs something?

Who is your “family treasurer”?

Maksim. We do not have a cash register as such. We earn the same amount: fifty-fifty. Although, if we talk about which of us is more in charge of money, it is Tanya, of course. I believe that a woman should be in charge of family finances.

Are you Spartans or do you like comfort?

Tatiana. All athletes have been Spartans since childhood. They wander around training camps, competitions, and camps. As you age, you want coziness and comfort. For example, I like to do housework. Cleaning, washing, ironing - it doesn’t tire me, on the contrary, it’s how I relax.

Did you do the repairs yourself?

Maksim. After an injury, I had to miss the season, and I devoted my free time to repairs. Fortunately, I studied design courses, I really like it all and it’s interesting, I decided not to invite a designer. I thought: if there are errors in the layout or anything else, I will correct it all myself. But, to be honest, everyone who comes to visit us really likes it.

Tatiana. Maxim spent his nights sketching how to lay out the room, combining colors, where to put what wallpaper. He is creative in everything. Not only on the ice.

You spend quite a lot of time training.

Maksim. Six hours a day.

When you come home, you probably immediately run to different corners?

Maksim. No no. We don’t run around in corners, but everyone has their own things to do. For example, if Tanya takes care of herself, she does not need my presence. While she is doing this, I can, for example, watch football or do something around the house.

Tatiana. The fact that we are a couple both on the ice and in life has its pros and cons. We can behave more emotionally and openly with each other, and this is a plus, but the minus is that we probably spend more time together than many married couples. But we don’t get tired of each other at all. We always feel good together.

Style: Anastasia Korn. Make-up: Jana Muller. HELLO! expresses gratitude to The Dolder Grand Hotel, Zurich, for assistance in preparing the material

On October 28, Ilya Averbukh will come to Moscow with his ice show “Romeo and Juliet,” which has been successfully running in Sochi for the past three months. In his production, the director brought together seven Olympic champions, including Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov, who relatively recently became parents of their daughter Angelica. In an interview with the site, the skaters told how they combine caring for a child with sports and what attracted them to Averbukh’s production.

This year, the famous production director Ilya Averbukh again surprised the Russian audience by presenting a new ice show based on Romeo and Juliet. The site editor was at one performance in Sochi, which we already talked about in a special report.

Averbukh's performance, as always, is distinguished by its scope and splendor. This time Ilya exceeded all expectations - in one production he involved seven Olympic champions. Among them are famous figure skaters Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov, who play the princess and prince of Verona.

On October 28, the ice show will “move” to Moscow, but we had the opportunity to communicate with the athletes back in Sochi and ask them a few questions that interest us...

website: Tatyana, Maxim, you have been living in Sochi for about three months. “Romeo and Juliet” is shown regularly, who is your daughter Angelica with all this time?

Tatyana Volosozhar: With our mothers. They take turns looking after their daughter.

Maxim Trankov: For the first half of the summer, Anzhelika was with my mother, and the second half with Tanina.

website: Tatyana, was it easy to return to sports after giving birth?

T.V.: Being pregnant, I was already thinking about recovery after childbirth. As soon as the doctor cleared me to play sports, I started training. I set myself the task of getting back into shape as quickly as possible, and a month and a half after giving birth I had already fully recovered.

website: Today you are taking part in a large-scale ice show. What does it mean to you to be part of such a project?

M.T.: This is a kind of challenge, something new for us - before this we have not taken part in such global performances. We took part in ice shows, but they cannot be called full-fledged performances - everyone has their own number. Here we are all one big organism. From an acting point of view, this is also something new for us.

T.V.: But we are absolutely glad that we tried our hand at such a project. But how well we succeed can probably be judged by our coach Ilya Averbukh.

website: You noted that this is a new acting experience. How does acting in a play differ from your acting during a performance?

T.V.: First of all, in the performance we interact not only with each other - we are not alone on the ice, there are many other skaters around, each of whom plays his own role. That is, it turns out to be collective skating. Of course, it is difficult, but at the same time interesting.

M.T.: The main difference is probably that when we skated in sports, we conveyed our story to the viewer exclusively with the help of each other. Now this is a whole collaboration - we interact with other skaters, use theatrical gestures, communicate with each other.

T.V.: Yes, there is interaction with everyone, and it turns out to be a beautiful picture for the viewer.

“It even happens that when, having skated many, many performances, you may not finish playing somewhere, but then you look at your neighbor, see that he is in character, and immediately pull yourself together, completely immersed in your game. This is an interesting moment."

website: Just about this: from performance to performance you play the same thing. Don't you get bored? Does it happen that you seem to switch off from the process?

M.T.: No, we definitely don’t switch off. We are always focused, because this is figure skating after all. Of course, sometimes we get tired, sometimes we get bored, but still we try to improve our role and choreography every performance so that everything is clear to the audience. There are no identical performances - one way or another, somewhere you play differently, a lot depends on the mood.

website: Do you ask to record your performances so that you can look at yourself from the outside?

T.V.: Honestly, no. We have been waiting for the release of the disc with our ice show. I don’t remember exactly which performance we were filmed at, but it was one of the first.

“We recently reviewed the disc and noted that during this time a lot has changed and been added. In general, the performance played differently, so we invite everyone who has already been to our performance again.”

M.T.: Yes, Ilya makes adjustments, changes the light, redoes certain scenes, changes the picture. This is such an ever-changing machine that will never be completely finished.

Yes, Ilya lives by this project and makes his own adjustments every time. That’s how we recently started having rain, even though there wasn’t any initially. And this is great, interesting. The performance lives on, is modernized, improved.

website: You live and work in a resort city. Do you have time to relax and swim in the sea?

M.T.: Yes, we have time, we have a great rest.

T.V.: We feel good here and the weather is wonderful.

“Summer in Sochi really is summer, and we don’t regret working here one bit. My favorite job has already turned into a kind of vacation.”

M.T.: Plus, it is also useful for the child to be in such a climate, and not just for a couple of weeks, but to spend almost the entire summer here. Grandmothers also benefit from the sun and sea, so our emotions are entirely positive.

website: You live and work together, that is, literally 24 hours a day you are next to each other. Don't you get tired of each other's company?

M.T.: Well, Tanya changes clothes in the women's locker room, and I change in the men's locker room. This is enough to take a break from each other (laughs).

T.V.: We don't get tired of each other. Besides, now my daughter takes up most of my time, Max and I even have time to miss each other. In the morning, for example, I leave early for a walk with the baby, while Max goes about his business. We have time to miss each other.

Previously, indeed, we were together 24 hours, but now with the addition to the family, our life has changed dramatically. Tanya spends a lot of time with the baby, I need to work more.

“While Tanya was pregnant, I was concerned about the family budget - I skated in Ice Age, commentated on figure skating, acted as an expert on Match TV, helped some couples as a coach, that is, we had time to miss each other to a friend. Now we perceive working together as a positive thing, and at home we enjoy spending time with our daughter and the whole family.”

website: Who is Angelica more like?

T.V.: For dad.

M.T.: Everyone says it’s like me, but I see Tanya’s features in her too.

website: Do you see your daughter as a figure skater in the future?

M.T.: She will definitely be able to skate. I take this for granted - since parents spend so much time at the skating rink, then the child should also be interested in it. We see this in the example of the daughters of Alexei Yagudin, Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov. All their children skate.

T.V.: The shine of the blade is already attracting our daughter. If she sees skates, she reaches for them, she’s interested.

M.T.: But how much she wants to engage in figure skating professionally will depend only on her. However, one way or another I would give her to some sport - this good school life.