Mike tyson who by horoscope. Mike Tyson: height, weight and biography of the boxer. Mike Tyson. Best knockouts

Mike Tyson (see below for height) is an American professional boxer. Multiple world heavyweight champion. Holder of several boxing records. Has three convictions. In this article, we will describe a brief biography of the athlete.


Mike Tyson, whose height is known to all his fans, was born in Brooklyn in 1966. The boy had a gentle character, and until he was 10 years old he did not know how to stand up for himself at all. Therefore, older children regularly mocked him, taking away sweets, money and so on. Sometimes Mike was even beaten.

Chance changed everything. The boy had a hobby - breeding pigeons. Once, while Mike was sitting with one of these birds, a local gang member who was older than Tyson tore the pigeon out of his hands and tore off his head. Mike flew into a rage, rushed at the enemy and severely beat him. This act led to the fact that Tyson began to be respected by all the juvenile bandits of the area.

Boxing hobby

At the age of 13, Mike went to a school for juvenile delinquents. Bobby Stewart, who was formerly a boxer, taught physical education there. The young man told the coach that he would like to do the same. Since that day, boxing has become the only hobby of the young man. Mike Tyson trained very fanatically. Sometimes he even woke up the school staff at 3-4 o'clock in the morning, practicing blows on the pear. In an interview, Stewart stated that Mike at the age of 13 was able to shake a barbell weighing 100 kilograms. Moreover, his own weight reached only 80 kg.

Carier start

Mike's amateur career began in 1981 under the leadership of Cus D'Amato. Tyson then only turned 15 years old. The athlete fought about 30 fights, of which he lost only 6. A year later, the young man won the Youth Olympic Games.

By 1984, Mike Tyson's punch had become so strong that he won all the fights. The end of his amateur career was supposed to be the Los Angeles Olympics, but the young man lost the qualifying fight. His rival, Henry Tillman, then became the champion. Tyson took revenge on him six years later by knocking out in the first round.

Going to the pro

In March 1985, the talented athlete finally switched to professional boxing. Mike Tyson spent about 15 fights, winning all by knockout. In November, he set a world record as the youngest heavyweight champion.


In 1991, the boxer attended the Miss America beauty pageant. At this event, he met one of the contestants named Desiree. The next day, the girl accused Mike of rape. There was a large amount of circumstantial evidence and testimony of witnesses confirming that everything happened by mutual consent. But in the end, the court chose the girl's side and sentenced the boxer to six years in prison. For good behavior, Tyson was released three years later.

By the way, while in prison, the athlete became a Muslim. Although before that he was a convinced Christian.

Mike Tyson: growth

With regard to this parameter, fans and eyewitnesses always talk about different numbers. The first believe that the growth of an athlete is from 180 to 183 centimeters. The latter speak of lower figures - from 175 to 178 centimeters.

To find out the true parameters of a boxer, let's turn to the primary source. Mike himself said in an interview that his height is 178 centimeters. Therefore, speculation about other meanings can be thrown out of your head.

Health problems and excess weight

As a child, Mike Tyson, whose height was mentioned above, had lung problems. Therefore, together with his mother, he often visited hospitals.

In 1989, the boxer began to abuse alcohol and gave up training. But after the first loss in the ring, the athlete signed up for treatment.

From 1990 to 2010, Tyson was a drug addict, because of which his health suffered greatly. So, Mike began to gain excess weight. In his best form, the athlete weighed almost 100 kilograms. In 2007-2009, this figure reached as much as 160 kilograms. The boxer went vegan, went on a diet and dropped his weight to 120.

Mike Tyson's personal life

The boxer had three marriages. With his first wife, an actress, he lived for only a year. The divorce cost the athlete ten million dollars.

In 1997, Tyson married Monica Turner, a doctor at the clinic. This marriage lasted six years. Monica gave Mike two children - Amir and Rein. The couple broke up because Tyson liked to go "left" and did it on a regular basis.

The third chosen one of the boxer was Lakia Spicer. In 2011, the lovers had a son.

The future star of world boxing - Mike Tyson was born on 06/30/1966 in Brooklyn, New York. Grew up without a father. He has an older brother named Rodney and an older sister Denise. Nothing foreshadowed the results that the future boxer subsequently achieved.

Mike Tyson's childhood

As a child, one of the greatest boxers of our time had a gentle disposition. Even the older brother, along with the neighboring boys, often mocked him. But this did not last long. Little Mike was very fond of pigeons, and once, when he was 11 years old, a teenager from a street gang tore his favorite bird out of his hands and twisted the pigeon's neck. Crazy with anger, Mike brutally beat the guy, and his character was broken.

Young Mike Tyson was accepted into a street gang, where he quickly won the respect of teenagers and together with them began to engage in theft and robbery. He often ended up at the police station. Once he managed to see the legendary Mohammed Ali, who attended correctional institutions for difficult teenagers. This meeting changed the whole life of the future boxing star, he had a desire to do this sport.

First coach

At the age of 13, Mike enters a special school for juvenile delinquents - at that time he was considered incorrigible. A former boxer, Bobby Steward, worked as a physical education teacher there. After Tyson once again ended up in a punishment cell, the guy decided that he would become a boxer. The steward agreed to train him, but only on condition that Mike starts to study well and corrects his behavior. Under the guidance of a teacher, Mike, considered completely incorrigible, begins to demonstrate success in boxing and teaching in school.

After some time, Bobby Steward began to understand that he could no longer give more to his talented student, and introduces him to the legend, an excellent coach, manager and person Cass D'Amato. This specialist noticed the talent of the young boxer and created an excellent team of specialists around him. After that, Mike Tyson (height, weight see below) at the age of 15 (in 1981) made his debut as a boxer at the Holyoke club in New York, where he received the nickname "Tank". Cass D'Amato replaced his father, and thanks to him, Mike became who he is now.

Mike Tyson's height and weight

For boxers, this is an important ratio. According to some reports, Mike Tyson was 180 cm tall, weighing 96-108 kg. But official figures vary. There are claims that this figure is 181 cm.So how tall is Mike Tyson really? His height is 178 cm, and his working weight in his best years is 98 kg.

Amateur career

Young Mike Tyson, whose growth was swift and fast, won the right to participate in the 1982 Youth Olympics, the final of which he won by a tough knockout over Joe Cortez. It only took him a few seconds. In 1983, Mike lost only one fight to Al Evans. Despite the defeat, the boxer won the right to participate in the prestigious Golden Gloves tournament, but in these competitions he won only a silver medal, having suffered a controversial defeat in the final from Craig Payne. This fight was very controversial, and the audience booed Craig after the winner was announced.

1984 Mike Tyson (height, whose weight is 178 cm and 98 kg, respectively) started well and won all fights. He dreamed of getting to the Olympic Games, which were to be held this year in Los Angeles. Tyson held a qualifying match against Henry Tillman and started successfully, knocking him down in the first round, but did not work out and lost to him with a score of 3: 2. According to many experts, Tyson won the fight. Then he faced this boxer in another qualifying match, and the decision of the judges was the same. Tillman won 3-2 and subsequently won the Olympic gold medal. Rumors spread that Tyson simply did not want to go to the Olympic Games because of his tough boxing style.

Mike Tyson (height, weight in the best years was small for such a category) in 1990 will take revenge on this guy, but already in the professional ring, knocking him out in the first round. Mike will win another landmark Tammer tournament, held in Tampere in 1984.

The meteoric rise of Mike Tyson's professional career

On March 5, 1985, the professional career of a boxer begins, which will be talked about for many years all over the world. This is the person who will change boxing beyond recognition, his name will become the most popular. All of this is Iron Mike Tyson. The rise in his popularity was incredible. In 1985, Mike had 15 fights and won everything, brightly and swiftly attacking his rivals, knocking them out in the first rounds.

The first rival who could hold out in the ring with Iron Mike until the 5th round was Jameson, but, most likely, this was influenced by the fact that Tyson fought only 13 days ago and did not have time to fully recover. In 1986, Tyson fights against Jesse Fergusson and breaks his nose with a beautiful uppercut at the end of the 5th round, but Jesse miraculously managed to withstand the brutal pressure of the young fighter and was ultimately disqualified for unclean work, since he constantly kept Tyson's hands in the clinch. This decision was subsequently revised and re-qualified as a TKO victory.

July 1986 will be remembered by boxing fans for the fight that many have been waiting for. The son of legendary boxer Joe Fraser, Marvis and Mike were considered the most promising boxers at the time. Mike Tyson's height and weight for heavyweight boxers was considered small, but Iron Mike was able to knock out an opponent in 30 seconds, and this fight became the fastest in his professional career.

1986 was the best year for Mike Tyson in his career, he was able to win the title and become the youngest professional heavyweight champion in the world at the age of 20. But his legendary coach Cass D'Amato did not manage to live before this fight - he died shortly before the championship fight. Everyone thought that Mike would not be able to box, but he was able to pull himself together and devote the victory to his coach. Before this fight, his new mentor was Kevin Rooney, who received the title of the youngest coach who raised the world champion. His rival was the reigning world champion in the most prestigious version of the WBC - Trevor Berbick. Mike was just fine and was able to knock out an opponent in the 3rd round. The meteoric rise of Mike Tyson at the age of 20 as a heavyweight boxer has aroused great interest among all the world's experts.

Personal life

The great boxer has been married several times. His first wife was actress Robin Givens. The marriage of the famous boxer and actress did not last long, about 1 year. It was marked by a large number of scandals and caused great psychological trauma to Mike. And also the divorce cost a round sum - $ 10 million. Then Tyson married two more times. Monica Thorner and Lucky Spicer became the chosen ones. From his second wife, Mike had a daughter, Raina, and a son, Amir. Mike cheated on his wife and led a riotous lifestyle, which logically led to a divorce. After that, Tyson began to live with his mistress, who gave birth to his daughter Exodus, but her fate was tragic. She accidentally hanged herself from a rope loop that was attached to the simulator.

In 2009, at 42, the legendary boxer marries again. From this marriage he has a son who was born in 2011. Mike also has illegitimate children: Mickey, Lorna, Deamata and Kilrane.


1991 completely undermined the boxer's career. Mike met a girl named Desiree Washington, who competed in the Miss Black America beauty pageant, and Tyson visited him. The very next day, the girl accused the boxer of rape. The ex-champion, despite the unconfirmed charges, was sentenced to 6 years in prison. While in prison, the great boxer converted to Islam and received the name Malik Abdul Aziz. In 1995, Tyson, who had been in a correctional facility for 3 years, was released early (for exemplary behavior).

Health problems

Mike had lung problems since childhood, and he was hospitalized quite often.

The famous boxer also had problems with drinking, which began after his divorce in 1989. There was a period when he even stopped training. After Mike fought against Douglas, he decided to sign up for treatment.

Mike also had a strong drug addiction in the mid-90s and until 2010. In this regard, the boxer had problems with the law, and the result was a severely traumatized psyche. His weight increased dramatically and he was in great discomfort.

In 2007-2010, Mike Tyson, whose height is not too tall, weighed 160 kilograms. Therefore, starting in 2009, the boxer decided to become a vegetarian and began to train intensively, thanks to which he lost almost 50 kg.

The end of the career of a great boxer

In the 90s of the last century, the decline of the great champion's career began. After he lost to Buster Douglas, and the protest related to the result of the fight from Mike's promoter, Don King, was not accepted, in addition, the opponent refused to hold a rematch, Tyson had to act as a contender for the title of world champion. Thomas Hearns set tough conditions for the boxer for the fight. Mike needed to lose weight up to 90 kg. Tyson's rival was the Olympic champion Tillman, and Mike successfully took revenge from him for the defeat in the amateur ring.

Further, Mike Tyson tried to box for a long time, but constant scandals, as well as alcohol and drug abuse did not give the great champion a chance for a successful return to the ring after imprisonment. There were the famous 2 fights with Evander Hollyfield, in one of which Mike bit off a piece of his ear. There was a fight with Briton Lenox Lewis, but Tyson was losing consistently and could not do anything about it.

In 2006, Tyson planned to conduct a farewell world tour, but was able to hold only a single fight against the little-known boxer Corey Sanders (not to be confused with South African Corey Sanders) and won. Thus ended the career of the legendary boxer. Mike Tyson (the height, weight of a celebrity did not seem to bode well for achieving such high results in the heavyweight division) forever inscribed his name in boxing history as one of the greatest boxers who ever lived on the planet.

More recently, the world said goodbye to the greatest boxer of our time, Muhammad Ali, whose fame has not faded even 35 years after he left the ring. But the story of Mike Tyson is more like an explosion, from which only traces of ash remained.

But in the early 80s, Tyson was lifted to heaven and put almost above all the other legendary heavyweights. Then the frantic Mike beat one of his opponents after another in the first round, setting records for the rate of fire. All in all, the "beast" won nine super-fast victories, when it took him less than one minute for knockouts. And once, at the Youth Olympic Games, he laid down an opponent in as much as 8 seconds, with the first series of blows.

But paradoxically, these same magnificent results soon began to work against him as well. Who cares to pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for tickets to a fight that lasts 30 seconds?

The first of these "shortened sessions" took place 30 years ago, in July of the now distant 1986. Then "Iron" Mike Tyson in just thirty seconds knocked out Marvis Fraser, the son of the famous heavyweight champion Joe Fraser. This fight and this knockout were the fastest in Mike's entire career. At that time, Tyson was twenty years old, his height is slightly more than one meter and eighty-one centimeters, his weight is almost ninety-eight and a half kilograms. And two-meter giants continued to fall from his fists.

This was followed by a champion fight with Trevor Berbick, which lasted 40 seconds, after which all boxing fans began to recall with nostalgia the protracted and super-fought fights of Muhmed Ali.

At the same time, Tyson's fees still continued to grow to exorbitant heights. And when the multimillion-dollar sums began to be divided by the seconds spent in the ring, it turned out that he earned hundreds of thousands in an instant. So, in a fight with Michael Spinks, Tyson set a kind of record: he received $ 22 million (at that time the largest fee in the history of boxing) in the shortest time - 91 seconds! That is, Mike at that moment was earning 240 thousand dollars per second!

Tyson, of course, had protracted fights, which he usually won on points.

And then his career went downhill. At the very end of the 80s, Mike went all out - he became addicted to alcohol and periodically got into police reports. He will beat someone at the gas station, then he will quarrel and divorce his wife. And in the summer of 1991, the boxer was completely accused of raping 18-year-old "Miss Black America" ​​Desiree Washington, after which Tyson thundered into prison.

And then there was a resounding return, several more fights with varying success, in which the heavyweight who had lost its former shape was more likely a victim than a hunter. The most striking of them was the duel with Evander Holyfield, in which the beaten Tyson miraculously reached the final bell. And, although Tyson received $ 30 million for this fight, and Holyfield only 5, Mike realized that money was getting harder and harder.

And then there was a rematch that turned into the most scandalous fight in boxing history.

Mike Tyson, feeling that he was again inferior to Holyfield, pounced on him and bit off a piece of his ear ...

Further about the boxer Tyson, to whom a license was returned a couple of years later, it is not worth talking about ... Since he was known as a bad guy, Mike, even in such a seemingly bloodthirsty sport, began to be avoided. Tyson's career ended and he quickly lowered all his millions, in parallel finding himself on trial a couple of times.

Today, a somewhat settled Tyson makes money on his name. He publishes books about his life, hosts TV shows. And even participates in politics.

For example, yesterday, world agencies broadcast the news that the former undisputed world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson will support US presidential candidate Donald Trump. Tyson will deliver a speech at the GOP national convention, which Trump is running for. The convention will be held in July this year in Cleveland.

During his campaign, Trump repeatedly mentioned that he has the support of sports stars, including Tyson: “Mike Tyson supports me, and I love it. All the cool guys support me. "

Well, not the worst continuation of the career of a scandalous athlete, with which we congratulate him on his anniversary. Mike, hold the punch in life the way you held it in the ring.

And do not blame me if in the encyclopedia opposite the word "boxer" you see a portrait of Muhammad Ali. And your own, rather, in an article about not the most pleasant characters ...


Tyson is still the youngest world heavyweight champion (he became him at the age of 20 for 144 days); he is the youngest undisputed heavyweight champion of the world (at 21); the boxer who spent the least time since his debut to win the titles of champion and absolute world heavyweight champion (1 year 8.5 months and 2 years 5 months, respectively); the first and only undisputed champion to win three major titles in succession, one after the other; the highest paid heavyweight in history; of the ten most expensive fights in the history of boxing, Mike Tyson took part in six; the only one who defended the title of absolute champion 6 times (WBC, WBA, IBF)

Mike Tyson. The best knockouts.

Mike Tyson is an American professional heavyweight boxer. Multiple WBC, WBA, IBF and The Ring world champion.

Childhood and youth

Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson was born on June 30, 1966 in Brooklyn. Mike's father left the family even before the boy was born, so the future athlete inherited his last name from his mother's first spouse. Tyson also has an older brother, Rodney, and a sister, Denise.

As a child, Mike was weak of character and absolutely could not stand up for himself. He was bullied not only by his classmates, but even by his older brother. A fracture occurred in Tyson's mind when, in front of the boy's eyes, a local bully tore off the head of a pigeon.

An enraged Mike lashed out and brutally beat the teenager, which immediately earned the respect of the young bandits. Together with new friends, Tyson soon began to steal, for which he more than once ended up in correctional facilities for juvenile offenders.

During his next visit to the colony, Tyson was lucky enough to see the famous professional boxer Mohammed Ali, who arrived there to talk to troubled teenagers. After meeting with the great master, Mike first thought about the profession of a boxer.

At the age of 13, Mike, who by that time was already considered incorrigible and even mentally retarded, fell into the hands of the legendary coach Cus D'Amato. It was then that Mike chose his unique style - the fighter entered the ring without musical accompaniment, without a robe, in black shorts and boxers on bare feet.

Sports career

In 1981, Mike earned his first title - a teenager became the champion of the youth Olympic tournaments. Tyson repeated his success the following year and then won gold medals in 1983 and 1984 at the national championships. In the spring of 1985, Tyson made his professional debut. This year, the athlete took part in 15 fights, winning by knockouts.

The rise to fame took place in 1986, after successful fights against such strong opponents as Mike Jameson, Steve Zouski, James Tillis, Reggie Gross, as well as Mitch Green, who, after the fight with Tyson, did not enter the ring at all for seven years. The popularity of Mike was brought by a fight with the most promising fighter at that time, Marvis Fraser, who at that time had only one defeat. In the first round, Tyson sent his opponent into a heavy knockout. After this loss, Marvis left boxing almost immediately.

In November 1987, the athlete won a fight against WBC world champion Trevor Berbick, which earned Tyson $ 1.5 million and the title of the youngest heavyweight champion. Moreover, Mike set a record in this fight, forcing his opponent to fall and rise three times.

This was followed by a victory in a fight against ex-champion Pinklon Thomas (who until that moment had never even been knocked down) and the title of the youngest undisputed heavyweight champion after fights with Tony Tucker, Tyrell Biggs and Larry Holmes. In addition to loud triumphs, Tyson also had unsuccessful fights - as, for example, with a seemingly weak rival James "Buster" Douglas in 1990.

In 1991, Mike was charged with the rape of 18-year-old "Black Miss Rhode Island" Desiree Washington and after 3 years (instead of the original 6) was released on bail. The fighter was destined to return to the ring only in 1995, and this moment was dubbed the "event of the year" by the media. After his release from prison, the boxer's style changed significantly, which brought the athlete many victories, money and the title of three-time world champion.

In the summer of 1997, the famous boxer fight against Evander Holyfield took place, during which Tyson bit off part of the opponent's right ear. The fight ended in a scuffle, Mike was deprived of his boxing license and paid a fine of $ 3 million. Perhaps this particular case will always be associated with the name of this scandalous athlete.

Fight Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield

Mike returned to the ring in 1999, however, according to critics, it was not the same Tyson. In addition, the fighter began to have problems with obesity, drugs and, again, the law. Subsequently, Mike admitted that he often used other people's urine tests to get doping tests before fights.

Fight Mike Tyson vs. Lennox Lewis

In 2002, the highest-grossing fight took place against British boxer Lennox Lewis, who knocked out Mike. And after the defeat to the completely unknown Irish athlete Kevin McBride in 2005, Tyson announced his retirement from the sport. During these years, Mike experienced serious financial problems and even filed for bankruptcy.

Further career

To improve his deplorable financial condition, in the following years, Tyson tried himself in all kinds of fields of art and business in order to stay afloat. He began to actively act in films and TV shows - Mike could be seen in "Rocky Balboa" (2006), "Hangover in Vegas" (2009).

In total, from 1993 to 2017, Mike starred in more than fifty films and TV series. The athlete also participated in an autobiographical show in Las Vegas and television wrestling programs. In 2012, Tyson was inducted into the WWE Best Wrestler Hall of Fame.

Mike Tyson. Best fights and knockouts

In the same year, Tyson created his own foundation, whose mission was to "give children a chance to fight." Soon, Tyson, along with Harry Jonas, founded Iron Mike Productions, a boxing promotion company.

In 2013, Fox Sports 1 launched the Mike Tyson Secrets animated documentary series about the life of the famous boxer. In November of the same year, Tyson published his autobiographical book Mike Tyson: Indisputable Truths, which made it onto the New York Times bestseller list.

In January 2017, Tyson launched his YouTube channel with Shots Studios, a comedy video production company with renowned viners such as Lele Pons and Rudy Mancuso. On Tyson's channel, you can find parody music videos and sketches.

Mike Tyson's personal life

Tyson was married three times: to actress Robin Givens (1988-1989), to pediatrician Monica Turner (1997-2003) and Lakia "Kiki" Spicer (since 2009). Tyson's third wife met a boxer at the age of 18 - her father, an influential Muslim cleric, often took his daughter to boxing competitions.

Her relationship with the controversial boxer took a serious turn in 2008, when Kiki was sentenced to prison for being in the company of her father, who was accused of fraudulent fundraising activities. A week before jail, Kiki learned that she was pregnant with Tyson. The girl spent six months in prison, and soon, at large, she gave birth to Mike's daughter Milan.

First of all, let's decide on the format of the battle. 15 rounds. Both fighters are taken not as champions, but as contenders.

Which boxers are we going to compare - the way they were or not? And when will we play the match - in the best years of Ali or Tyson's performances?

Until 1980, a boxer weighing over 175 pounds (79.4 kg) was considered a heavyweight, but then the WBC, and then the WBA, and the newly formed IBF introduced the category up to 190 pounds (86.2 kg).

Between the first peaks of Ali and Tyson, a little over 20 years. Over these 20 years, the heavyweights have grown by an average of about 5 cm due to a change in their composition. Of the last ten champions in the main versions, only two are higher than Ali (Lewis and Klitschko). Ali, with his 191 cm, would be the mid-sized title contender today. He is 12 cm taller than Tyson. What does it mean that Tyson did not live in his time?

Many analysts believe that Mohammad Ali "needs to add growth" in a hypothetical fight during the Iron Mike era. This means that if Ali was born 20 years later with the same genes, he would eat better and therefore would grow 5-6 cm taller than he actually was.

Why 5-6 cm? Because the average heavy has become so much higher.

Meanwhile, over the past 20 years, the average height of Americans has increased by less than 1 cm (about 6 millimeters).

Not all men born in the United States are in heavy weight, but a small, select portion of them, who are, on average, higher than the average American.

The heavyweights have gotten taller on average thanks to the influx of taller guys.

Therefore, Ali can add a height of no more than 0.5 cm - the daily growth error. Mohammed will still remain slightly lower than Douglas, who was 192 cm.

Over the past 20 years, heavyweights have not only grown, but also gotten heavier. This is noticeable when you compare the opposition of Tyson and Ali. Tyson's average rival is more than 5 kg heavier than Ali's average rival. But Ali himself in some of his best fights had a weight almost identical to that of Tyson in his best fights. Again, the logic behind which Ali should add weight is ridiculous.

The most important point is different. By adding Ali's height and weight to that carried over at the same time as Tyson, analysts overlook the change in Ali's speed and stamina, implying that they have not changed. Raising Ali himself should raise all his rivals, and MUCH MORE than Ali himself, who was already closer in size to the average elite boxer of our time. Ali, who is over 191 cm tall, has no experience of boxing with such a weight. Ali 1967 has no experience of boxing over 100kg. With such height and weight, Ali did not fight a single fight and, probably, not a single sparring. According to the logic of analysts, an absurd thing turns out: the grown-up Ali, who has no boxing experience, has more chances than the usual Ali ?!

Analysts increase Tyson's predecessor champions to the middle size of the 90s, while forgetting that Mike Tyson himself had a height, according to various sources, from 178 to 180 cm, that is, he was smaller than any of them except Marciano. This means that Iron Mike himself, according to the same logic, should be increased when transferred to the era of Vladimir Klitschko.

And if Tyson is transferred to the era of Ali, Mike needs to reduce his height and weight? But why? He is initially shorter than average, and his weight is strictly related to his height: Mike at 13 weighed under 90 kg.

Over the past 20 years, the boxing technique has changed and improved somewhat, and Ali supposedly could have learned it in the time before the fight with Tyson.

It should be noted here that the technique has improved from the middle heavyweight, and its arsenal is borrowed from the lighter weight classes. Back in the middle of the 20th century, almost all of the technical arsenal known today was used by average weights. Separately, nearly every element of nature's technique and tactics has been used by heavyweights since the days of Jimmy Corbett. Another thing is that the best technique was not used and is not used by boxers because of their individual physiological and mental deficiencies. The overwhelming majority of heavyweights avoided using protracted, multi-hitting combinations and generally using sharp movements, since they either quickly exhaust them or require extraordinary mental and mental qualities. Many performing elements are so complex and require increased concentration of attention that their incorrect or ill-considered performance can lead to your own knockout. Suffice it to recall the bitter experience of James Douglas, who at random applied an uppercut against his very well-prepared opponent.

The question arises, what prevented Ali from mastering various techniques known at his time to middleweights and lightweights? Lack of energy supply, that is, highly productive chemistry? But the peak of the uncontrolled use of doping by heavyweights falls on the time of Ali's performances, not Tyson's.

Therefore, we discard the question of improving Ali's technique and take him as he was.

Could Ali, based on modern cuisine and bodybuilding techniques, gain weight within some limits of deterioration of reflexes, speed and endurance.

And what prevented him from doing this in his years of performances? And why do you think he didn't do it? Take a look at Ali's photos and videos, see how his appearance changed from the first days of his career to the 70s. Mohammed was almost always an athlete.

The barbell and deadlift exercises in particular were not invented in the 80s, but long before Cassius Clay was born.

Going forward, let us assume that Ali could effectively gain no more than 2 kg to his optimal 96 kg.

Weight gain usually has a negative effect on functional condition. For example, Tyson dramatically lost his condition while gaining only 2 kg.

Ali stopped dancing and working hard as soon as he became heavier than 98 kg.

Ali's best years are 9 years: 1964-1967, 1970-1974.

In total, Ali's career should be divided into six periods:

  • 1960-1965 years - not too clear period in which early Ali either weighed very little, or his opponents were light, or he himself was knocked down by an 83-kg boxer, or his opponent avoided continuing the fight;
  • from March 29, 1966 to March 22, 1967- the best young Ali;
  • 1970-1974 - Ali, regaining his form after 3.5 years of absence in the ring: not too bright victory over the skinny 37.5-year-old Patterson, defeat from the strong middle peasant Norton and then victory over him also SD 12, the period ends with a victory over Foreman,
  • 1975-1977 - Ali's slow withering away, defeating title contenders without sparkle.
  • In the period 1964-1966, Ali met only 3 times with 2 boxers, and one of the fights was ridiculous, and in the third fight his opponent weighed 89 kg, and Ali himself weighed 93-95 kg in all fights. It is very difficult to judge all the qualities of Ali by these fights, except for his endurance and speed with his weight of 93-95 kg. That's the weight of early heavyweight Holyfield. Yes, early Holyfield would be very mobile on his feet, fast, rapid-fire, enduring, throwing a lot of punches. At the same time, early Holyfield, comparable in strength to Ali, was on the verge of knockout defeat in almost every fight. Therefore, the question is reasonable, what would this Ali of 1964-1965 look like if someone younger than Liston and heavier and stronger than Patterson had come up against him?

We take the underlined period.

Ali from March 29, 1966 to March 22, 1967 weighed once 97 kg, once 91 kg, once 92 kg and 4 times 95-96.8 kg.

That is, Ali's body weight changed dramatically from 91 kg to 97 kg over several months! Whereas in Tyson's best years, the change in weight did not make 2-3 kg, but most often in the region of 1 kg.

During these years, Ali grows miserable.

Tyson's best years are 8 years: 1985-1991, 1995-1997, in which six periods should be distinguished:

  • 1985 - early inexperienced Tyson
  • first half of 1986 - early enough experienced Tyson,
  • second half of 1986 - 1989- the best Tyson,
  • 1990 - 1991 - an experienced, slightly degraded Tyson, rarely hitting series, throwing fewer punches per round and fight,
  • 1995-1996 - experienced, a little degraded, with stamina hooked Tyson, not hitting the series at all, throwing out punches even less per round and fight,
  • 1997 - mentally unstable Tyson, but able to defeat anyone until the late rounds.

We take the underlined period. 1989 Tyson is tormented by injuries, in addition, he completely changed his entire team, and is also going through a divorce and various litigation.

Therefore, we stop at 1988.

Only 2 times in the period from August 17, 1986, Mike Tyson weighed less than 98.4 kg - in a fight against the almost two-meter Ribalta, very mobile on his legs, and also against Holmes (97.9 kg).

By the way, it is very significant that even against the 38-year-old great boxer, Tyson drove the weight to 97.9 kg.

Mike lost only to boxers weighing more than him. Exclusion of the first fight from Holyfield (the second fight had no sporting end).

Of course, in the fight against Ali, it is not the post-prison Tyson and not Tyson who is on an emotional decline after a series of high-profile fights.

The same is true about Ali, it is not Ali, who missed several years due to a lawsuit, and not Ali, who spent a series of battles in a short time, is taken.

Let's say Tyson and Ali have 7 fights in one year. Ali's weight changes in the range of 91-97 kg, and it is unpredictable, for Tyson in the range of 98-99 kg.

Let's say all battles end with the same result.

Consider the case: Ali defeats Tyson.

This means that Ali does not care how much weight he has to achieve a successful result, and Tyson does not care how much weight his opponent has to lose.

But at the same time, for real rivals, the difference was how much weight Ali had. With a weight of 93.9 kg, Ali was knocked down by Cooper, who weighed 83 kg. At 92 kg he fought 12 rounds with Mildenberger, who weighed 88 kg. Tyson usually knocked them out in 1 round.

With a weight of 95-96 kg, Ali quickly beat four: London, Williams, Foley and Kwari, and some of the three due to dissections. Moreover, only one of them had equal weight with Ali - Williams, all the others were much lighter and would be cruisers today!

BUT!! Ali fought all 15 rounds with Terrell, who had the same weight as Ali, and also all 15 rounds with Shuvalo (March 29, 1966), who had almost the same weight as Ali!

And why could Ali, in his best period, beat Tyson, who weighs more than Ali ?! Answer: because Holyfield could do it (while we are silent that Tyson beat 1996 with his stamina and withered mental readiness for the later rounds, as many predictors wrote BEFORE the fight, and that the cuts had a strong impact on the course of the fight with Holyfield, received from MULTIPLE head collisions; again, the dissections fueled Tyson's mental unpreparedness; mind you, I'm not trying by all means to slip Ali-1978 under the peak Ali).

Ali met with more weighty boxers (over 98 kg) after his absence.

In his early years, Ali had no experience of meeting boxers weighing under 100 kg and having Tyson's mobility at the same time.

Early Ali had no experience with boxers like Tyson, who work at close range and hit the body all the time.

This does not mean at all that Ali has no chance against Tyson. This only means that Tyson himself has these chances, and very high.

It is noteworthy that Holyfield is remembered as a trump card by those analysts who, whenever they contradict them, edify about the "grandmother with the eggs." According to their logic, seven common rivals and six other fights cannot be a yardstick for assessing the outcome of the Tyson-Holyfield fight in 1991, and the three Tyson-Douglas, Holyfield-Douglas and Tyson-Holyfield fights in 1996 can be a yardstick for how the Tyson-Holyfield fight Holyfield in 1991 and the Tyson-Ali fight !?

Holyfield and Ali are very similar boxers, indeed. Both of the amateurs performed in light heavyweight, and at the beginning of their professional careers they weighed about 80 kg, then they began to rapidly gain muscle mass, only Mohammed did it faster. At the same time, Holyfield's cruise line was called a cruise line, and Ali's cruise line was called a heavy division.

Both showed good movement on their feet while weighed less than 95 kg. And both got up as soon as they began to weigh under 100 kg.

Of the differences: Ali is 2 cm taller than Holyfield, has a longer arm and his optimal weight is about 2 kg more.

Adding the statement “Holyfield is a worsened analogue of Ali”, some experts immediately conclude that Ali would always beat Tyson.

First of all, it is incorrect to assume that Holyfield would always beat Tyson. As a cruiser, Evander barely had a serious chance against Iron Mike. In November 1991, instead of Tyson, who received a rib injury in training, Really Cool fought with 180-cm Bert Cooper and was almost knocked out by him. Without sparkle, Holyfield beat the other kids - Chez and Bean, and he lost to Bird and Tony.

Really Cool met Iron Mike during the period of his career when he became a specialist in short-range opponents. From 1994 to 1998, Holyfield defeated only one heavyweight over 185 cm - Michael Moorer - and this at a time when the average weight of the elite heavyweight exceeded 188 cm.Holyfield will lose for the first time to a fighter who is less than 185 cm at only 40 years old (Chris Byrd) - and this despite the fact that he tried to conduct almost all of his battles against low heavy weights. Young Holyfield was only once knocked down by a fighter below 187 cm, and this rule was broken by him when he was 41 years old.

In his entire career, he defeated only three boxers with a height of 190 cm and taller, who are at their peak of their careers, and all the others who were taller than 185 cm, he won mainly in a short period of his career in 1988-1990. In other periods of his career, he also scalped two veterans (Foreman and Holmes) and from the second or third attempts of Moorer and (counting the actual, not judicial results of the trilogy) Ruiz.

Thus, Holyfield went to a duel with Tyson with the understanding that he would fight in a weight and size niche, where he is the king, where only Byrd can challenge his greatness.

On the other hand, Tyson himself was very cool about Holyfield, since his demo version, Cooper, was playing him. Before Holyfield, Mike had only one problem fight with a fighter below 190 cm - Tillis (whom he knocked once, but lost to him 2-4 rounds out of 10). It was believed that heavy weights with a height of 188-190 cm had no chance at all against Tyson, since his technique and dimensions were ideal for killing opponents with such dimensions.

Could Tyson have treated Ali with such coolness? No. Mohammed is Holmes's weight, size and style prototype, and it was in the fight with Larry that Iron Mike had the least weight in all his championship fights (with Holyfield, on the contrary, the greatest, not counting fights after 35 years).

By the age of 29, Ali had already wiped the canvas twice from fighters 183 cm tall and below, and lost to one of them. He was always uncomfortable with smaller opponents, as he felt insecure due to the loss of timing superiority, which he usually had against tall weights like Foreman and Bugner, or bumpers like Liston. Tyson, on the other hand, is the owner of perhaps the most advanced timing among all the heavy weights.

You have to realize that for Holyfield, Tyson, Fraser or Tua (Evander's sparring partner in his preparation for Tyson) were always the best choices, and for (young) Ali - Bowe.

In scientific analysis, extreme results are thrown away, that is, the victories achieved in the earliest round and the stupidest defeats.

Holyfield has only three wins with a clear lead in the early rounds (not counting stoppages due to rejections, injury and suspension). And here, along with the elite heavyweight, the owner of four champion scalps, Douglas, there are Brazilian Rodriguez, who had many knockout defeats from fighters of 3-5 echelons, and the No. 27 cruiser McDonagh.

Obviously, Douglas is an extreme outcome in Holyfield's career, which tends to defeat opponents in a protracted stubborn duel.

The same extreme outcome is the defeat of Tyson from Douglas, since he lost to him for the first time.

It should be noted that Douglas should not be in the career of either Tyson or Holyfield at all.

On February 11, Tyson was supposed to fight Ruddock, and Holyfield would never have chosen Douglas in a voluntary match, because he fought with the big guys only in champion fights (one exception - the third fight with Bow).

In terms of weight and size characteristics and style, not only Holyfield is similar to the early Mohammed Ali of 1966-1967, but Michael Spinks. [Of course, for Spinks himself, the fight with Tyson was extreme and he does not count when comparing him with other boxers. But for Tyson himself, this outcome was not extreme, since there are plenty of KO1 victories in his asset.]

Michael Spinks is an Olympic champion and an absolute champion in light heavyweight (that is, up to 79 kg), who collected all three main belts one at a time and spent two of their defenses all TKO (10 defenses in total), then immediately a heavyweight.

For our days, this transition from light-heavy to heavy-duty is very unusual. But for Ali's period, Spinks 'light heavyweight weighed the same as Patterson and Cooper, because, taking into account the artificial weight cut on the eve of weighing, Spinks' combat weight was in the region of 83-85 kg.

Of the 27 light heavyweight fights, Spinks won 21 by knockout. As a heavyweight, he beat the tough heavyweights Tangstad TKO 3 (97.4 kg) and Cooney TKO 5 (108 kg) - comparisons to heavyweight starter Holyfield in favor of Spinks.

Spinks is 190 cm tall, Ali is 191 cm tall.

The striking difference between Curse and the Greatest is the span of the arms. Here Ali has a significant advantage: 82 'against 76'. That is, the attack distance of Mohammed, assuming the width of the shoulders of the compared boxers to be the same, is almost 8 cm more. This is a very significant trump card against a short fighter, such as Tyson. Douglas also has an arm span of 82 'and defeated Tyson. Lewis's arms were even longer. Rich Holyfield - 77.5 '

This does not mean that Tyson lost to all fighters with hands longer than 77 'or 81'. Iron Mike had the tallest and longest-armed opposition of all champions, and he only lost to two long-armed fighters (not counting his slapstick career decline in 2004-2005). Suffice it to recall that Tyson had no problems with Holmes, Ruddock, Bruno and other top-class weights.

In movement on his feet, Spinks was not inferior to Ali, moreover, he surpassed him, even taken in the 60s.

The relatively short-haired Spinks had to stay closer to him than Ali would have needed to get at Tyson. However, Spinks' problem with Mike was different. He could not tear himself away from Tyson, he overtook him everywhere and finished with him in a minute and a half.

Usually, from the fact that Spinks was playing in light heavyweight Dwight Covey, and Tyson quickly knocked him out, they deduce that Curse had a weak jaw or simply not enough stances.

Ali hasn't met Tyson, so let's subtract Tyson from Spinks. Did Ali have an early (and late) experience of meeting with boxers making a hurricane in the ring from the 1st round? No.

Fraser ?! You are wrong. Joe started slowly (primarily in terms of concentration of attention, mental entry into battle) - this is what ruined him with a confrontation with Foreman.

Tyson figured out Spinks, and in a couple of tens of seconds. No one could have tracked Michael down so quickly.

Spinks faced 30-year-old Kawi in the light heavyweight division of the Chainsaw weight class when he was close to his peak. Holyfield fought Covey on a cruise the first time three and a half years later, and the second time when Covey was nearly 35 years old. In the first fight, Evander hit the floor, seemingly slipping near a wet corner.

Michael was in the same unpleasant position from an opponent, who showed 78.9 kg at the weigh-in. Since this is a limited weight class, Kawi's weight was artificial and in combat he weighed about 85 kg.

Cassius Clay was dropped to the floor:

1) Sunny Banks- height 183 cm

Weighed 86.7 kg versus 88 kg of Glue.

2) Henry Cooper- (in the first battle)

Weighed 83 kg versus 93.9 kg of Glue.

3) Joe Fraser(in the first battle) - height 182 cm

Weighed 93.2 kg versus Ali's 97.5 kg.

4) Chuck Wepner

Weighed 102.1 kg versus Ali's 101.40 kg.

In addition, Clay-Ali almost cut down Doug Jones - weight 85.3 kg, height 180 cm (in the first round, Ali lost his balance, backing away under the blows of his opponent, and miraculously stayed on his feet).

Jerry Quary- weight 89.6 kg, height 183 cm, and others.

Of all the opponents who dropped Clay-Ali, he was able to send only ONE to the floor - Sunny Banks!

Of all the opponents who dropped Clay-Ali, he weighed less than ONE - Chuck Wepner!

Who is Chuck Wepner? Check out his record. The man from the street whose feat inspired the movie Rocky.

And mind you, these 5 fights of Ali took place in his best period of his career, and not in the last 2-3 years.

Ali had no motivation, he relaxed, did not prepare well for these fights? Okay, let's write off these 5 fights of his, and at the same time the 5 worst fights of the boxer with whom he is being compared.

During the first and second heavyweight fights, Spinks twice outboxed 36- and 37-year-old Holmes (48-0-0 and 48-1-0), weighing 90.6 kg (first fight) and 93 kg (second fight). - and did it no less convincingly than Holyfield, who was fighting his 10th heavyweight fight against 43-year-old Holmes (54-3-0), bearing the brunt of a crushing defeat at Tyson-1988.

At the time of the meeting with Tyson, Spinks had more meeting experience than Tyson, and a similar weight to him, which he had consistently had for the 3rd year.

Spinks' weight against Tyson is 96.4 kg - that is, the same as Ali in 3-4 out of 7 fights in his best years, and Ali had a maximum of 97 kg.

The only excuse for the opposing camp was that Spinks was intimidated. Very interesting. How could you tell by the number of eye blinks? How many fights have you seen Spinks? One. Total. So, the shaking Spinks enters the ring and makes 9 attempts of the right cross in half a minute. But it does not work - and not because his opponent is good, but because he himself is intimidated. Flawless reasoning!

What else? Spinks is a "beefy light heavyweight". Indeed, back in June 1985, at the weigh-in, he showed 78.1 kg, and in June 1988 (against Tyson) already 96.3 kg. That is 16.2 kg in three years. This is the difference between WEIGHTS. How much Tszyu weighs four months before the fight. 80 kg. How much is weighing? 63.5 kg. How much did Spinks weigh between fights? About 90 kg. How much has he gained in three years since June 7, 1985? No more than 10 kg.

At the time of the fight with Tyson, in comparison with the first fight against Holmes, Spinks gained 5.7 kg. Over the undefeated Holmes, Spinks won UD by 3 rounds.

[Holmes is the 1980 Ali winner, winning 10 rounds out of 10 on all three judges' cards.]

Mohammed Ali could change his weight from 91 kg to 97 kg during his ONE best year (1966-1967), and a jump of 6 kg was in the order of things for him. But to Michael Spinks the same thing, but for a much longer period of time (THREE years) it was supposedly against him ?!

Cruiser weights are highlighted in red, as well as cases when Ali exceeded his opponent in weight by 5 kg or more.

The line underlines the strangest weight distributions in Ali's favor.

  • Muhammad Ali 107.20 Trevor Berbick 98.88
  • Muhammad Ali 98.70 Larry Holmes 95.90
  • Muhammad Ali 100.20 Leon Spinks 91.20
  • Muhammad Ali 101.70 Leon Spinks 89.50
  • Muhammad Ali 102.10 Earnie Shavers 95.80
  • Muhammad Ali 100.40 Alfredo Evangelista 94.90
  • Muhammad Ali 100.20 Ken Norton 98.70
  • Muhammad Ali 99.80 Richard Dunn 93.70
  • Muhammad Ali 104.30 Jimmy Young 94.80
  • Muhammad Ali 102.50 Jean-Pierre Coopman 93.40
  • Muhammad Ali 101.80 Joe Frazier 97.50
  • Muhammad Ali 101.80 Joe Bugner 104.30
  • Muhammad Ali 101.80 Ron Lyle 99.30
  • Muhammad Ali 101.40 Chuck Wepner 102.10
  • Muhammad Ali 98.20 George Foreman 99.80
  • Muhammad Ali 96.20 Joe Frazier 94.80
  • Muhammad Ali 98.70 Rudi Lubbers 88.90
  • Muhammad Ali 96.20 Ken Norton 93.00
  • Muhammad Ali 100.20 Ken Norton 95.30
  • Muhammad Ali 98.50 Joe Bugner 99.30
  • Muhammad Ali 100.40 Bob Foster 81.60
  • Muhammad Ali 98.90 Floyd Patterson 85.50
  • Muhammad Ali 98.70 Alvin (Blue) Lewis 101.40
  • Muhammad Ali 98.20 Jerry Quarry 89.80
  • Muhammad Ali 98.70 George Chuvalo 100.20
  • Muhammad Ali 99.80 J? Rgen Blin 89.80
  • Muhammad Ali 103.00 Buster Mathis 116.10
  • Muhammad Ali 100.00 Jimmy Ellis 85.70
  • Muhammad Ali 97.50 Joe Frazier 93.20
  • Muhammad Ali 96.20 Oscar Bonavena 92.50
  • Muhammad Ali 96.80 Jerry Quarry 89.60
  • Muhammad Ali 95.90 Zora Folley 91.90
  • Muhammad Ali 96.30 Ernie Terrell 96.30
  • Muhammad Ali 96.50 Cleveland Williams 95.50
  • Muhammad Ali 92.30 Karl Mildenberger 88.10
  • Muhammad Ali 95.00 Brian London 91.40
  • Muhammad Ali 91.40 Henry Cooper 85.30
  • Muhammad Ali 97.30 George Chuvalo 98.00
  • Muhammad Ali 95.30 Floyd Patterson 89.20
  • Muhammad Ali 93.40 Sonny Liston 97.60
  • Muhammad Ali 95.50 Sonny Liston 98.90
  • Muhammad Ali 93.90 Henry Cooper 83.00
  • Muhammad Ali 91.90 Doug Jones 85.30
  • Muhammad Ali 93.00 Charley Powell 97.10
  • Muhammad Ali 92.50 Archie Moore 89.40
  • Muhammad Ali 90.26 Alejandro Lavorante 94.35
  • Muhammad Ali 88.90 Billy daniels 85.70
  • Muhammad Ali 89.10 George logan 93.00
  • Muhammad Ali 88.50 Don warner 86.00
  • Muhammad Ali 88.20 Sonny banks 86.70
  • Muhammad Ali 87.50 Willi Besmanoff 93.10
  • Muhammad Ali 85.30 Alex Miteff 95.30
  • Muhammad Ali 87.30 Alonzo johnson 85.70
  • Muhammad Ali 88.20 Duke Sabedong 102.10
  • Muhammad Ali 87.30 Lamar clark 82.30
  • Muhammad Ali 86.18 Donnie fleeman 83.46
  • Muhammad Ali 87.80 Jimmy (Jim) Robinson 80.30
  • Muhammad Ali 88.50 Tony esperti 89.40
  • Muhammad Ali 87.50 Herb siler 86.60
  • Muhammad Ali 87.10 Tunney hunsaker 84.40

For comparison, Mike Tyson: 7 fights out of 57 fights, when he weighed 4.5 or more kg more than his opponent, and 3 out of 4 were the first fights of 19-year-old Tyson on prof. ring.

  • Mike Tyson 102.40 Clifford Etienne 101.00
  • Mike Tyson 101.20 Orlin Norris 98.88
  • Mike Tyson 100.70 Evander Holyfield 97.50
  • Mike Tyson 98.40 Henry Tillman 97.50
  • Mike Tyson 99.50 Carl Williams 98.90
  • Mike Tyson 99.00 Michael Spinks 96.30
  • Mike Tyson 99.20 Pinklon Thomas 98.80
  • Mike Tyson 100.40 Trevor Berbick 99.10
  • Mike tyson 100.47 Alfonso ratliff 91.17
  • Mike Tyson 98.40 Marvis Frazier 95.48
  • Mike Tyson 98.40 William Hosea 97.52
  • Mike Tyson 97.50 James (Quick) Tillis 94.20
  • Mike tyson 100.00 Steve zouski 95.30
  • Mike Tyson 98.40 Jesse Ferguson 96.05
  • Mike Tyson 98.40 David Jaco 95.25
  • Mike tyson 98.00 Mark young 93.90
  • Mike Tyson 100.20 Conroy Nelson 97.98
  • Mike Tyson 99.30 Eddie Richardson 96.16
  • Mike tyson 99.60 Mike johnson 88.90
  • Mike tyson 96.84 Lorenzo canady 92.31
  • Mike tyson 98.40 Ricardo Spain 83.69
  • Mike tyson 97.18 Trent singleton 90.04
  • Mike tyson 97.10 Hector Mercedes 90.61

Ali has always been the ABC for amateurs - something that is achievable for an amateur. Mohammed had an excellent left jab and straight right. He hit mostly in the head. His crown is a deuce - jab cross. He beat quickly, unexpectedly, but still repeated. The worst Tyson knocked out Botha who was hitting a deuce with one blow. Ali is much better than Bots in many respects, but Tyson-1988 is probably even much better than Tyson-1999.

For Ali, one can find an uncomfortable and convenient rival for him. Tyson is not among Ali's comfortable rivals. Tyson's approximate model, the short Fraser was more inconvenient than comfortable for Ali.

Ali is very dangerous for those boxers who are challenged by a skillful jab and a right opponent. Therefore, Ali is very dangerous for Lewis, who had difficult fights with Bruno and Mercer (he lost to them in jabs and power ones from the right), who was knocked out by punches from the right by far from rapid-fire McCall and Rahman.

Ali beat often:

  • jab,
  • right cross,
  • deuce (left jab - right cross).

Ali rarely hit:

  • uppercuts (much less often than Douglas and Lewis, not more often than Holyfield),
  • swings (no),
  • blows to the body (very few) and especially the series (almost none).

Tyson most often missed uppercuts due to some pumping of the shoulders and the peculiarities of confrontation against tall boxers, who often have no choice but to beat uppercuts on a short squatting opponent. In addition, Tyson could be suppressed with a series of blows, at a high pace, as Douglas managed. Not to leave Tyson, but to put pressure on him all the time. Or vice versa, fight at a ragged pace and regularly knit and flog, as Holyfield did. Not a second to stand by the ropes, not a second to be inactive. If you do not strike, then conduct effective aggression, like Holyfield.

Ali's disadvantage as a standard of amateur boxing is standing by the ropes in his later years.

Ali's drawback of all time is that he misses left hooks (side hooks) if the opponent knows how to do it quickly and often. Ali fell from the left hooks of Cooper, Fraser.

Left side - Tyson crown. It is the left side that remains in his arsenal with the very last blows with complete degradation and a knockout setting. The fight against Douglas is indicative, in which, even with his left eye closed, Tyson did not stop throwing a left hook.

Ali is one of Tyson's handy rivals. After all, he is a tall dancer, whom D'Amato taught Tyson to beat. Ali has the same height - 191 cm, on which Tyson's blow was put.

The average height of all the elite heavyweights defeated by Tyson in 1986-1991 was about 191 cm! Douglas was not only above average (in opposition to Mike), but also heavier.

Who ran away from Tyson? 188 cm Tillis (94 kg) and 198 cm Ribalta (96 kg - almost ran off until the later rounds). All others were knocked out in the first rounds, with the exceptions 196 cm Green (102 kg), 193 cm Smith (105.7 kg) and 196 cm Tucker (100 kg).

Obviously, for Tyson, the critical parameters were first of all - the opponent's height is above 191 cm, and the higher up to a certain limit (196 cm), the more critical.

The shortcomings of the post-prison Tyson are a drop in stamina and ineffective mental readiness, her crisis in the last rounds, which was shown by the fight with Holyfield. It was the first fight of the post-prison Tyson, which went into 10-11 rounds.

Prior to that, he boxed 10 rounds in 1987 against Smith and Tucker, with Douglas in 1990 and Ruddock in 1991.

Tyson gave 4-5 rounds out of 36 to Smith, Tucker and Ruddock for three (Tyson won all other fights of 1987-1991 by knockout).

Tyson's two worst fights have always been and remain the yardstick of Tyson versus Ali. The reasoning is based on the fact that neither Tucker nor Smith is lying next to Ali, and Tyson was already that way - that is, a cowardly alarmist. Therefore, it is worth Ali to bring the fight to the later rounds - and Mike supposedly breaks himself. However, this is probably why Ali's chances increase after the 8th round. That being said, many insist on Ali's incredible ability to take punches and survive into the later rounds. Moreover, it is believed that Ali will defeat Tyson if the fight lasts until round 15.

Fraser and Tyson are similar boxers in height, fighting style, variety of striking elements and infrequent use of the jab. (Although in the fight on August 1, 1987 against Tony Tucker (height 196 cm and reach 84 "), in round 9-10, the short-armed Tyson (180 cm and reach 71", that is, 30 cm less (!), And taking into account the short legs and torso for a total of about 50 cm), beat accurate straight punches, including a jab).

The Spinks brothers are the real link between Ali and Tyson. Ali, 36, met with the eldest of them, and Tyson, 22, met with the youngest.

Other connecting links are Berbick and Holmes.

Almost 40-year-old Ali met with Berbick, almost 39-year-old Ali with Holmes. Almost 20-year-old Tyson met with Berbick, almost 22-year-old Tyson with Holmes.

Ali failed to knock out any of them, losing to three.

Tyson knocked out all of them.

It is not Ali, who is many over 36 years old, who will meet with young Tyson. But from this it should be clear that at least Ali over 35 years old Tyson could win EASY.

Moreover, I'm not trying to bring young Ali and Tyson together after his 35 years.

1990 year. Young Tyson is defeated by the rather mediocre Douglas.

Young Ali did not lose to anyone. Yes, its undoubted plus is high mental readiness always and everywhere.

2005 year. Defeat of 39-year-old Tyson to the ordinary McBright (No. 21 in the WBC rankings). Mike has nothing to blame, he had no injuries.

1978 year. Ali, 36, with Parkinson's illness, lost to Leon Spinks, the older brother of Michael Spinks. He fought only the 8th fight in the pro and barely the 3rd fight in the heavyweight division and weighed 89.5 kg.

Fraser and Tyson are similar boxers in height, fighting style, variety of striking elements and infrequent use of the jab. (Although in the fight on August 1, 1987 against Tony Tucker (196 cm tall and 84 "rich), in the 9-10 rounds the short-armed Tyson (180 cm and 71" rich, that is, 30 cm less (!), And taking into account the short legs and torso by about 50 cm in total), in some rounds he surpassed the giant in the number of accurate left straight punches).

Ali had tough fights - with Doug Jones 180 cm, Oscar Bonaven 183 cm (squat low and looked even smaller), Jerry Quary 183 cm, George Shuvalo 183 cm, Joe Fraser 182 cm, Rudy Lubers 183 cm and other weights.

What is it? REGULARITY !!!

And how Ali could “easily knock out” Tyson in any round of his choice, even if he knocked out even a short (183 cm) crystal head weighing 85 kg with a kettlebell in Patterson's underpants in round 12 (30 years old) and 7 rounds (37 years old) ), having lost several of them to him ?!

Of course, there is always a CASE, and Ali COULD knock out Tyson in one of the later rounds, since Tyson lost to “some” Douglas, and at the end of his career he fell even from “no” 122-kg Williams?

If we really outline the parameters of the Ali-Tyson fight "both fighters are taken at their best", then we should assume the following:

  1. Ali will not be able to knock out Tyson in the early and middle rounds;
  2. Even having won the fight on points, Ali will not be able to win all rounds against Tyson, he will win with a slight advantage;
  3. Tyson can knock Ali out in any round;
  4. Tyson can defeat Ali, losing 2-3 rounds out of 12 to him.

Article taken from http://heavyweight.ru/

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