Onion sets for winter radar. Radar onion set is a promising winter onion variety for our estates. Argotechnics for cultivating winter onions

Not long ago, breeders developed a fresh variety onions- This is a type of Radar. Today it is already quite popular among gardeners. What this vegetable crop is, you can find out from special catalogs or from an article prepared for you by the editors of the site. Onion Radar is a winter onion and is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in care, as well as stability under adverse conditions and enormous benefits.

Description of the onion variety "Radar"

Onion Radar was created by Dutch breeders. The leaves are dark emerald green, the bulb is round in shape, very dense and large, the weight reaches 300 grams, and with proper care it can grow larger. The outer scales are described as strong and dry, golden-amber in color. Thanks to them, this variety not only stands out for its frost resistance, but also stores much better than others.

Beneficial features

Since it is widespread and in demand, hardly anyone thinks about its beneficial qualities, which have a great impact on the human body. However, with onions it is possible to get rid of many different diseases. This truth has been confirmed not only by traditional healers, but also by traditional medicine.

The presence of a specific pungent odor in onions is explained by the presence in it of a special essential oil with formations including sulfur. In addition, onions of this variety are enriched with vitamins B, PP, C, proteins, sugars, and mineral salts.

Onion Radar helps remove cholesterol from the human body, is used to prevent cancer, and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been established that people who consume onions every day have strong bones and a healthy digestive tract.

Advantages of the variety

Other benefits of this bow:

  • the bulbs have an excellent taste, they are juicy and sweet;
  • the fruits have good shelf life and do not spoil;
  • the bow does not give arrows;
  • the plant does not require watering;
  • from 1 square meter of plot you can harvest up to 7-8 kilograms of crop;
  • bulbs weighing 200−300 grams, there are specimens up to 0.5 kilograms;
  • in spring you can eat fresh greens;
  • When planted as seed, the germination rate of seeds is very high.

Harvest when the leaves are dry and the bulbs are an amber color. The photo shows the fruits of the Radara onion. The negative features of this variety are shorter shelf life and lower harvest size compared to the spring variety.

To ensure that the crop does not spoil for a long time, it should first be dried on fresh air, and then in a dry structure for at least a month.

Plant or sow

Onion Radar grows in two ways:

  • By seeds, but onion heads can only be obtained after a year.

  • Sevcom, this method is faster.
  • If you decide to plant onion sets, the following general standards should be observed:
  • Sowing is done in the spring.
  • Use only high quality seeds, you need to check them. The seeds should be black, strong and shiny.
  • Old seeds lose their properties; you need to check the expiration date.
  • When planting seeds, you must follow the recommendations on the box.

  • Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 centimeter, leaving a distance of 30 centimeters between rows.
  • In the first year, onion sets are purchased from seeds; in the second year, the resulting sets are sown, from which onion turnips are later obtained.

Landing technology

The first step is to determine the timing for planting onions before winter. You should not delay time - the best option would be to plant the seedlings a month before the expected arrival of cold weather. The dormant period of the Radar variety will end no earlier than the beginning of December, and therefore the sets will not be able to freeze or start bolting. Chernushka should be sown in August in order to be able to thin out.


In the future, you need to choose the right place - it should be a permanently sunny piece of land, well protected from draft winds. You should absolutely not plant winter onions in lowlands, since melt water will flood the plantings and the bulbs will dry out. In addition, in low beds the cold is felt much more strongly, and there is a possibility of freezing of the seedlings that have emerged from a dormant state.

It must be remembered that planting onions in the same place for more than two years in a row greatly depletes the soil, as a result of which even the most careful care will not help to grow a good harvest. Poor predecessors of onions are potatoes, celery and legumes.

The soil

2 weeks before planting, when the optimal location has already been chosen, the land needs to be prepared by digging it deeply and adding the necessary fertilizers. As a rule, humus is added to the onion beds, but for this purpose you can use wood ash, potassium salt, or superphosphate.


Before the planting operation itself, it is important to carefully check the planting material. The bulbs should not exceed 1 centimeter in diameter, then the turnips obtained in the future will last longer. There should be no defects or stains on the sets that indicate infection or rotting.


Onion Radar, namely its planting and care, is not much different from the process of planting other varieties. There is no need to dig holes for each onion set. Grooves 4-5 centimeters deep are dug. If the soil in the area is dense, it is recommended to add sand to the bottom of the row.

The planting depth of the bulb is 2-3 centimeters. It is simply lowered into the groove and installed without pressing.

The distance between rows is 20-25 centimeters, between bulbs - 5-6 centimeters. If you want to get more onions, the intervals should be larger.

If there is not enough space on the site for planting, they are planted on the greens together with the bulbs on the turnip, and in the spring they are pulled out and the onion is pulled out for a feather. At the same time, onions often sit on greens, almost one to one. The grooves can be filled:

  • compost;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Some gardeners fill it with fine rotted sawdust. You can simply fill it with soil, take a rake and level the ground.

If the climate in the region is quite harsh, it is advisable to cover the bed with spruce branches. You can cover it with cut velvet flowers and carrot tops. This will help the onions not to freeze.

Caring for Radar onions

Although Radar onions require absolutely no special skills to take care of when growing, you still need to adhere to basic rules. If you follow them, then there is a possibility that you will avoid unwanted situations when growing Radar onions.

Feeding and watering

The best fertilizer for onions is bird droppings, humus, superphosphate, potassium salt, phosphorus fertilizer, wood ash. The first feeding takes place in the spring, after removing the mulch. The second is when four leaves appear. All fertilizer applications are carried out in liquid form, in a solution with water.

Water the plant sparingly and infrequently. The required frequency of moisturizing is 1-2 times per week. Watering should only begin in mid-May. For irrigation, use water heated to room temperature.

Loosening the soil

The first loosening should be done as soon as the shelter is removed. Do it carefully, so as not to spoil the roots, and shallowly. In the future, this operation is performed one day after precipitation or watering. It improves the moisture- and air-conducting qualities of the soil and prevents the formation of a strong crust on its surface.

As a result, nutrients are transported faster and in full quantities to the roots of the plant. Mulching allows you to reduce the amount of loosening. This operation limits the growth of weeds and retains moisture in the soil.


The growing season of the Dutch culture is approximately 255 days. You can plant seedlings of the same variety no more than two years in a row. It is best to plant tomatoes, turnips, or beets after Radar. The result from this will be much better. You can grow onions again in the same area no earlier than five years later.

After the cold weather has subsided, remove shelters. At this time, the vast majority of regions of Russia receive generous rainfall, so there is no need to water the seedlings. However, you will be required to constantly loosen the soil after each rain.

Just spread the entire crop evenly under the sun and leave it in the same place for 3 days. After this, place the onions in the attic or other dry place. You must have some patience, as Radar takes much longer to dry than other varieties. Don't forget that the better the crop is dried, the longer you will store it. As soon as the necks of vegetables become completely dry, they can be transferred to storage.

Harvest storage

The harvest is harvested in dry weather and kept for 2-3 days in the open sun to dry. In order to maintain freshness for a long time, it must be thoroughly dried. If harvesting is done in wet weather, the crop is rinsed and peeled. The feathers and roots are cut off and put away to dry in a well-ventilated area. As soon as the onion neck is dry, it is stored for long-term storage.

The collected and dried onions are sorted out; unripe ones and onions with a thin, juicy neck are used first, since such onions will not last long.

There are several methods for storing vegetables:

  • Boxes or bags.
  • Women's stockings.
  • Braided braid. Onion braid It will retain freshness for a long time and will decorate the kitchen.

Pests and diseases

The Radar variety was declared by its creators to be resistant to most crop diseases. This is also facilitated by the circumstances of the winter landing.

A properly selected planting location will protect the crop from peronosporosis.

If signs of the disease become noticeable, immediate action must be taken folk remedies in this situation are rather weak, they act as a disease prevention. But fungicides can help in the fight against them. The manufacturer always indicates on the packaging how to use the product.

A storehouse of vitamins

Carrying out simple recommendations for breeding and growing Radar onions, you can provide your entire family with fresh vegetables already in the last days of May, when the main supplies have already come to an end and they have not yet appeared on the shelves of shopping centers. After winter, fresh vitamins are extremely necessary and beneficial for the human body.

Kira Stoletova

Winter onions are often planted in order to obtain turnips and feathers already in the beginning or middle of summer. And harvesting can be done already when the first greenery is just appearing in other areas. But in order for the plantings to survive the winter normally and sprout on time, they must be carried out correctly. Growing winter onions is not something overly complicated, but it requires certain knowledge from the gardener, as well as compliance with all the basic deadlines and requirements for planting material.

Selection of planting material for planting

There are certain varieties of onions that are used for planting before winter. But before choosing which variety of winter onion to plant, you need to select suitable planting material. When planting before winter, two main growing methods are used. In the first case, selected bulbs are sown in the ground, and in the second, sowing is carried out using seeds. There is a third combined option: a set is grown from seeds, and its bulbs are used as planting material.

Selection of onion sets for planting before winter

With this method, onion sets are sown, which should already germinate in the spring. To grow turnips, you should select onions whose diameter does not exceed 1 cm. They do not contain enough juice so that they can germinate immediately after planting in the soil. If the size of the planting material is larger and ranges from 1 to 2 cm, then it can be planted on greenery. Then the onion feathers can be collected in the spring, in May or even in April. Larger bulbs are only suitable for food.

But here a lot depends on the specific variety. In some varieties, the sets are always medium-sized, resembling small garlic in size. It is planted entirely, often without even sorting it out, while in other varieties the seed material is quite large. And then even for turnips you have to take onions whose size reaches up to 1.5 cm. In such cases, you need to focus on the size to which winter onions of each specific variety grow.

Selection of seeds for planting as winter onions

If you decide to use seeds when growing winter onions, then there are two options. The first option is to grow winter onion sets by planting the seeds in early spring and digging up the bulbs sometime in August. The second option is to immediately sow the selected seeds in the fall, and in the spring take care of full-fledged beds. In the first case, there is no need to sort through the planting material, you just need to plant it, and then select the resulting seeding according to the method that has already been described.

If you need to plant seeds immediately in the fall, then you should select full-weight planting material. The most common method of sorting is to immerse them in liquid. In this case, hollow grains float, and healthy ones that can germinate sink. If nigella (also called onion seeds) does not sink in clean water, then salt is added to it. To ensure that planting material survives the winter, it can be washed with whey. This substance forms a film on the surface that protects from external influences.

Targeted cultivation of winter seedlings

If you want to grow varietal winter onions, they are purchased in the form of seeds. The germination rate of seeds is somewhat lower and they are not always able to survive a harsh winter, so most gardeners prefer to plant seeds in the spring, obtain seedlings from them in the fall, and sow them before winter. This method is not difficult to implement, but it produces much more plantings. Planting and caring for seed crops is simple, and the returns are very large, you just need to plant everything in time.

And yet, how to grow winter onion sets? The timing of its planting depends on each specific region. For example, in Siberia it has to be planted somewhat later than in the south of Ukraine. You need to focus on the time when the snow melts in early spring. As soon as the snow cover disappears and the soil no longer resembles a stone in strength, it is necessary to plant nigella. Shallow and wide furrows measuring 1.5-2 by 5 cm are made. Seeds are densely planted in them. You need to make a small distance between the furrows for weeding.

When the young onion has sprouted, there is no need to feed it, you just need to weed and water it in time. It is also advisable to constantly loosen the soil, providing the plantings with a sufficient amount of air for further growth. This is the whole growing technology: in the spring, plantings need care and watering, but not fertilizing. There is also no need to apply fertilizer before making a bed, and already at the end of July or beginning of August it is time to dig up the resulting seedlings, then it must be sorted according to the method already described.

Autumn planting of winter onion sets

Planting dates depend on the local climate and weather forecasts made by weather forecasters. To the question of when to plant winter onions, only one answer can be given: they are sown 28-30 days before a severe cold snap begins. A severe cold spell refers to frosts that turn into permanent cold. But you can’t sow winter crops when the weather is warm. The maximum temperature acceptable for planting is 8-9°C, and preferably when the temperature drops to 5-6°C.

Onion sets for winter planting are sown on relatively cloudy days, but when there is no heavy rain or wind. Shallow trenches, up to 5 cm deep, are made in the garden bed, into which winter onion sets should be planted. The distance between the beds is up to 20 cm. Sowing is calculated based on the size of the bulbs. The larger they are, the greater the distance between the furrows in the selected area. The same rule works for individual onions in a row. Large bulbs are planted every 10 cm.

Soil cultivation for planting seedlings

Winter onions should be planted where the soil is moderately loose and fertilized, preferably with a neutral acidity level. In excessively acidic soil, unripe bulbs begin to rot and cannot ripen properly. This plant also does not like a lot of weeds, so the bed will require additional weeding. Excessive soil moisture is also considered a disadvantage. The technology for growing winter crops is not designed for swampy soils, in which the bulbs rot long before they fully ripen.

We should also talk about fertilizing the soil layer when planting winter onions. This crop does not like fresh organic matter in the soil, since such fertilizing serves as a breeding ground for various fungi. In fresh manure, among other things, there are weed seeds that germinate before the main crop, so it is better to fertilize the soil not before sowing, but about a year before the planting time approaches. otherwise, this sowing may only be a waste of time and effort for the gardener.

The soil must have a sufficient amount of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. You need to understand that an excess of nitrogen, for example, makes the rhizomes too soft, but it provokes the growth of green feathers, which is useful when growing winter crops for feathers. But if you need to dig up the crop to get a turnip, then it’s better not to overdo it with fertilizers. When planting in acidic soils, it is worth adding lime or wood ash. The second option is preferable when the soil lacks potassium.

ALL about planting WINTER ONIONS!!! Planting onions before winter

Winter onions. Seeds from Holland, varieties.

Seminis. Winter onion Balstar

Caring for winter beds

Winter onions, their planting and caring for them are inextricably linked. Immediately after the beds have been prepared, they must be covered with mulching material, which can protect them from winter frosts. Winter onion sets can suffer from cold weather, so you need to immediately decide what will be used as a shelter. Often ordinary leaves of garden trees are taken and laid on top of the plantings. But there is more good option For care, place pre-collected pine needles on the beds.

Fertilizer for winter onions must be applied in the spring, and the first application is made soon after the snow melts and the soil thaws. After this, the main care consists of timely watering and loosening the beds. If the sowing was successful, then soon after warming the first green arrows will appear in the beds, but after them pests will come that will need to be fought. Moreover, the more delicious the variety was planted, the more it will attract various unpleasant insects.

Some gardeners ask how to plant winter onions so that they suffer less from insects, and whether there are winter onions at all that do not attract pests. Unfortunately, these uninvited guests must be constantly dealt with. Before planting, it is worth treating the soil with products against tobacco thrips, onion flies and nematodes, and in the spring, plant regular carrots near the beds. At the same time, you need to constantly monitor the condition of your crops. Here's what they recommend about this on various gardener forums:

“Winter onions attract many pests when they begin to ripen. When the time for harvesting approaches - and this happens in June or July - it is worth preparing for an insect invasion. Of course, when we plant winter crops, we treat the soil against pests before planting. But it is worth preparing products such as Medvetox or Aktara for protection before harvesting. You can also prepare infusions from plants such as dope, henbane, marigold or alkaloid lupine. These environmentally friendly products have already proven their usefulness.”

Various varieties of winter onions

Many varieties and hybrids have been bred specifically for winter planting, and new varieties continue to appear, but not only specially bred onions are suitable for winter planting. Many spicy varieties can be used perfectly in this capacity. A number of long-used varieties have sufficient frost resistance for planting before winter, and in the southern regions almost any onion can be used as winter crops. Here is an incomplete list of varieties that are often planted before winter:

  • Raider, aka Radar.
  • Bow Helenas.
  • Shakespeare variety.
  • Bow Stuttgarter Riesen.
  • Siberian annual.
  • Red (or Red) Baron.
  • Variety Olina.
  • Goliath (or Goliath as he is sometimes called).
  • Ellan (also called simply Elan).
  • White onions.
  • Troy.
  • Variety Centurion.
  • Senshui elow.

And this is not the entire list of varieties that are used for sowing before winter. They differ in planting and care, or rather, in the methods of doing so. They also have different appearance and, of course, taste. These varieties are distinguished by their pungency, while others have a milder and even sweetish taste. But the description will not help here: to see all these differences, you need to plant the desired variety, and then taste the harvest. Therefore, it is worth describing several of the varieties that are recommended by experienced gardeners.

Onion variety Troy

This variety was bred in Holland not so long ago, but has already proven itself well when grown in plots. Troy onion is a so-called first-generation hybrid from which it will not be possible to obtain seeds. This variety of Dutch selection is not distinguished by large rhizomes. A dozen medium-sized bulbs rarely weigh more than 1 kg, but they are resistant to environmental influences and can be stored for a long time. And this despite the fact that the variety belongs to the medium-hot varieties.

The bulbs of this hybrid are round in shape, with smooth and dense shiny scales of a golden hue. They are very reluctant to shoot. For this reason, Troy has a long shelf life and excellent germination: the onions do not begin to go into the feather ahead of schedule. It can be planted not only before winter, but also in spring. This variety does not suffer from fungal diseases and has good resistance to various viruses, bacteria and pests. Great choice both for the novice gardener and for the experienced summer resident.

Bow Centurion

Another first generation hybrid, which, like Troy, was bred by breeders in Holland. These varieties also have a certain external similarity, but Centurion has slightly more elongated bulbs, and its scales are lighter, with a bright straw hue. The weight of one rhizome rarely exceeds 100 g, which is generally average, but this is compensated by the high yield and excellent germination of Centurion onions. It ripens in three months, so in warm regions the winter crop is harvested as early as June.

The bulbs of this hybrid do not contain much moisture. For this reason, they can be stored for six months, and under suitable conditions this period may increase. The fruits have a moderately pungent taste, so they are used both for salads and for preparing various canned foods. Due to the dense and durable scales of the outer cover, the onion retains its presentation for a long time, which simplifies its successful sale. If you look at the reviews, you will find out that this hybrid is considered one of the most popular varieties at present.

Winter onion Radar

The Radar onion, also known as the Raider, is another hybrid that has been successfully grown as a winter onion. This variety has one difference, for which all knowledgeable gardeners appreciate it: it is resistant to very severe frosts, even compared to many other winter varieties. The radar can withstand temperatures down to -15°C, and this is in the absence of snow cover. Under the snow, it is able to withstand frosts even down to -23°C. These are very respectable indicators.

Frost resistance is not the only advantage of this hybrid. The weight of its bulbs ranges from 150 to 300 g, and in some cases can reach half a kilogram. They have a classic round shape and a golden hue to their scales. At the same time, they are able to ripen quickly. Some summer residents manage to harvest their crops already in May, when other gardeners are just beginning to see greens. At the same time, Radar has a pleasant pungent taste, thanks to which it is successfully used in various cooking.

Bow Stuttgarter Riesen

This variety was bred in Germany, but it is in no way inferior to the brainchild of Dutch breeders. This onion can be used both for obtaining green feathers and for growing turnips. In both capacities, he shows himself excellently. When grown for turnips, its yield is 4.5-5 kg ​​per 1 sq. m of beds, although here a lot depends on the quality of the soil and planting density. Stuttgarter Riesen also has a high ripening speed: 100 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to harvesting.

This variety is characterized by large bulbs, the weight of which ranges from 120 to 250 g. They have a somewhat flattened, neat shape, dense golden scales and white flesh. They also have a medium-sharp taste, which is characteristic of many varieties of winter onions. The variety is resistant to a number of fungal diseases, in particular to all types of powdery mildew. It is stored for a long time and retains its presentation, which is why it is convenient for growing, both for home use and for sale.

Winter onion variety Shakespeare

This variety can be used very successfully both for planting before winter and for classic spring cultivation. This hybrid belongs to the ultra-early varieties. Its average ripening period is 2.5 months, which is one of the best indicators in principle. As with Radar, the bulbs can be harvested as early as May or early June. At the same time, the bulbs are very resistant to bolting and will not germinate ahead of time, so this variety is excellent for storing not only the harvest, but also the planting material.

The average weight of one bulb ranges from 80 to 100 g - an average figure when compared with other varieties, but these bulbs tolerate frost well and can withstand temperatures as low as -18°C. This happens thanks to the strong and dense scales that make up the outer cover of the rhizome. These scales have a golden hue, while the flesh of ripe fruits is white.

Another advantage of the Shakespeare variety is that it does not require abundant watering.

Variety Senshui yellow

Senshui elow, or Senshui yellow, is a very convenient hybrid for growing, the distinctive feature of which is the color of the rhizomes. Its scales have a yellow tint with a brown tint, which is easy to recognize in the photo. But Senshui is popular not because of the color of the bulbs. This variety is distinguished by its fast ripening time - harvesting occurs already in mid-June, and in warm regions it can be done even in May, if climatic conditions permit. Moreover, this variety has excellent germination.

The taste of the bulbs is somewhat sweet, without any pronounced pungency, so they are convenient to use in preparing salads and other similar dishes. But there is one problem with this: Senshui does not have the best shelf life - the bulbs last no more than 3-4 months, after which they begin to deteriorate. But the variety has excellent disease resistance, which has a positive effect on the harvest.

Winter onion Ellan

This variety is one of the first winter onion varieties bred by domestic breeders. According to many gardeners, Ellan is perfect for growing in central Russia. Moreover, it can be grown with short daylight hours, which allows it to be planted in some northern regions. The average weight of one bulb is 110 g, although individual rhizomes can reach a weight of 0.4-0.5 kg. It all depends on the conditions of detention and some luck.

The rhizomes are round in shape, with dense yellowish scales, sweet in taste and without pronounced pungency, but because of this the crop cannot be stored for a long time, so it should be sold immediately or used for food, which is not difficult, given that turnips are harvested already in the first place. half of June.


Onion varieties for planting before winter can interest many gardeners and dacha owners, because their cultivation does not require much time and money, and the harvest is easy to realize, and they are in no way inferior in taste to spring varieties.

Recently, breeders have developed a new variety of onion - this is the Radar species. Currently, it is already quite popular among gardeners. You can find out what this vegetable crop is from specialized catalogs or in a specialized store from sales consultants. An onion variety such as Radar is a winter variety and is characterized by unpretentiousness in care, as well as stability under adverse conditions and great benefits.

Description and characteristics of the winter variety: Radar onion

The Radar variety is a hybrid bred by Dutch breeders. The bulb has dark green leaves, slightly covered with a coating of wax, a dense and fairly large, rounded head, slightly flattened in shape. It grows up to 300 grams, and with the necessary care it can reach large sizes.

The outer husk is described as hard and dry with a golden yellow hue. The presence of such scales allows the fruit to last longer than other onion varieties and withstand frost. If there is no snow cover, then the Radar variety can withstand frosts down to 15 degrees, and with thick snow cover it can survive at minus 23 degrees.

Other varieties of winter onions are described in this article.

Onion Radar is a hybrid that can reach a mass of 300 grams or more

In addition, this vegetable crop is resistant to the appearance of arrowheads. Also, Radar onions are almost completely unaffected by diseases, do not require complex care and are not afraid of pests.

If this type of onion is planted for the winter, then in May the harvest will be ready for harvest.

Beneficial features

Since onions are common and popular, hardly anyone thinks about their beneficial qualities that affect the human body. However, with the help of onions it is possible to get rid of many different diseases. This truth has been confirmed not only by traditional healers, but also by traditional medicine.

The presence of a characteristic pungent odor in onions is explained by the presence in it of a special essential oil with formations containing sulfur. In addition, onions are enriched with vitamins B, PP, C, proteins, sugars, and mineral salts.

Onions help remove cholesterol from the body, are used to prevent cancer, and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been established that people who eat onions daily have strong bones and a healthy digestive tract.

Onions are also used to relieve ear pain, as a remedy for mosquito bites, and in some cases even work as an aphrodisiac.

Reproduction: planting in winter

There are many distinctive characteristics that are in favor.

First, short time for planting - when planting and caring for the Radar onion, no special knowledge is required, which takes a long time to describe, and a technician for special care.

The second plus is that bulbs that have sprouted in spring are characterized by a healthy harvest. While diseased root crops die during the winter. It is worth planting in the fall, since planting material is much cheaper than in the spring.

The features of planting winter onion varieties are practically no different from each other.

Before planting, it is better to choose a plot of land where legumes, potatoes, grain crops, corn, cucumbers and tomatoes previously grew. The place should be level, fairly sunny and hidden from strong winds. You should not choose a site in a lowland, because in the spring it can be flooded with melt water and the onions will dry out. It is better to plant seedlings and on a high piece of land. In addition, the soil must rest from onions for at least 5 years if you want to get high yields.

The soil should settle slightly and be compressed. To make it more convenient, draw grooves and add nigella according to the diagram - 1x10 at a depth of 3 centimeters. However, when the soil has been empty for quite some time and has had time to cool, then you need to sow at a depth of up to 6 centimeters. In the spring, you will already harvest the seedlings, and in the fall you will have the opportunity to plant your own material for the future harvest, rather than buying it in the store. The dug-up harvest of sets should definitely be dried in the sun, leaving it directly on the garden bed.

Although Radar onions do not require any special skills to care for when growing, you still need to follow simple rules. If you follow them, then there is a possibility that you will avoid unpleasant situations when growing onions Radar:

  • Although this onion variety is resistant to pests, like any bulbous variety, it is susceptible to attack. To avoid this problem, treat the area with an insecticide in the spring and fall. In addition, you can sow marigolds or marigolds around the area.
  • This onion variety is also susceptible to a specific disease - downy mildew (in common parlance - downy mildew). To avoid downy mildew, winter onion varieties are treated with specialized fungicides twice a month.
  • In order to take proper care of the future harvest, it is worth weeding the beds regularly to prevent the appearance of many weeds.
  • In the case when the planted seedling was covered for the winter, it must be removed in the spring, but only after the snow cover has completely melted. However, the Radar variety does not require mandatory coating.

The ripening period of the winter onion variety Radar is approximately 250-260 days.

However, do not forget that planting for more than two years in one place is not permissible.. The soil must rest for at least five years before the next planting of bulbs. If you do not comply with this requirement, you will not get a good harvest, even if you properly care for it and apply enough fertilizer.

Radar onion harvesting is carried out in the same way as with. We leave the dug up bulbs in the garden for at least three days, then transfer them to a cool place to dry completely. And only then we determine it to a place for winter storage.

Onion care

If you find yellowed, dried ends on the onion feathers, it is quite possible that the bed is affected by the onion fly. To check, pull one onion out of the ground and carefully examine the root crop. A diseased bulb will contain fly larvae that burrow a canal in the middle of the vegetable and eat the inside.

Onion fly

You need to fight the onion fly in several stages. To do this, do the following: dilute 250 grams of table salt in seven liters of water. It is worth noting that seedlings taller than five centimeters should not be treated with this solution. On ungrown plants, after such disinfection, after 6 hours, it is necessary to wash off the remaining salt from the onion feathers. Seven days later, the procedure is repeated, only now you need to dissolve 500 grams of table salt in the same volume of water.

If white or cream-colored spots appear on the bulbs, and they become larger every day, then this may indicate signs of peronosporosis (downy mildew). This disease develops quickly during the hot season with heavy rainfall. In order to protect onions from the manifestation of this disease, carefully inspect the nigella for sowing. The seeds should be a rich shade without spots. If you find diseased seedlings, you can do the following:

  • water the seedlings with a 0.1% Nexion solution at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 sq.m.
  • After 10 days, water again.
  • It is necessary to remove infected bulbs and always with soil.
  • the area with onions should be treated with a 65% Fentiuram mixture.
  • seven days later, treatment is carried out with table salt diluted in water.

If diseased bulbs are found in an area with overgrown vegetables, it should be sprayed with an 80% solution of Cuprosan or Ditan. After seven days, repeated treatment is carried out. How to process onions before planting in the fall is described.

Onions infected with downy mildew

To get a positive result, you can add liquid soap to the solutions.

Infected bulbs must be pulled out immediately upon detection.. If a disease does appear, then onions are planted in this place after at least 4 years.

If you cannot purchase the above products, you can use Bordeaux mixture. To treat the beds, you need to dilute 50 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water. The area is sprayed every 10 days.

Bordeaux mixture is used to treat peronosporosis and scab.

Radar onions are also susceptible to cercospora blight, a fungal disease of onions. Infected onion feathers become dark at the tips and are covered with gray-brown spots with a yellow border. This disease is quickly transmitted by wind from other infected people. vegetable crops. The fungus overwinters in seeds and plant debris. You can fight this disease using the same means as for treating peronosporosis. In addition, ash and tobacco dust, which are sprinkled on the onion bed every 5 days, are of great help.

Another fungal disease is anthracnose.. Infected onion feathers become covered with black or dark green “pads” surrounded by dark “cilia.” In addition, they become deformed and die. To combat this disease, the same means are used as for peronosporosis. But it is worth slightly increasing the dose of chemicals, since the fungus that causes this disease is stable to the action of chemicals.



When choosing winter onions for planting for the winter, pay attention to the Radar variety. It is quite unpretentious in planting and care. If you plant and care for the seedlings correctly, you can get a high yield. Other varieties of white onions can be read in. Especially different is the Turbo bow, about which.

Planting winter onions is recommended in order to get the harvest at least two months earlier. In addition, onions planted before winter are more resistant to disease and are inaccessible to pests. In this article we will look at how winter onions are planted in the fall, what the planting and cultivation scheme is.

What are the advantages of winter varieties

Autumn planting of onions is convenient for the following reasons:

  • There is no need to create conditions for storing seed material - sets - all winter. For autumn planting in the ground, special seeds called wild oats are used. Their size does not exceed 1 cm in diameter and over the winter they can lose their quality and dry out.
  • Early shoots are not susceptible to common onion diseases, since cold soil does not promote the spread of fungi, pathogenic bacteria and pests. By the time they come into force, the onion will have already reached its condition, and then the bute will be removed.
  • For planting in autumn, special varieties of onions have been developed that are characterized by frost resistance and resistance to bolt formation.
  • Planting in the ground in the fall allows you to get green onions already at the end of April or beginning of May. And a commercial onion can be grown by June. For comparison: when planted in spring, the bulb ripens only at the end of July or beginning of August (depending on the region).
  • Cultivation area is saved because after harvesting winter onions, some vegetables can be grown. This property is especially valuable in the south of Russia, where the warm period lasts longer than in the middle zone.
  • Most of the growing season occurs in the spring, when the soil is still moist. As a result, winter onions need to be watered less often than in summer.
One of the advantages of growing winter onions is that the heads grow large

Where can I get seedlings for winter sowing?

Since the bulbs of winter onions are not large - up to 1 centimeter in diameter, they are not able to form arrows, since they do not have enough energy to deliver nutrients to the height of the formation of new seeds. However, they have enough strength to form a juicy green feather, and then a bulb.

Sorting of seed according to bulb size is carried out according to the rules given in the table.

Material name Landing time Bulb size
"Ovsyuzhka" Winter Less than 1 cm
First category Winter, spring From 1 to 1.5 cm
Second category Spring From 1.5 to 3 cm
"Selections" Spring More than 3 cm

Usually seeds are purchased in specialized stores. The assortment of sellers includes such varieties as: “Wolf F1”, “Kip-Well”, “Senshui Yellow”, “Buffalo”, “Avanti”, “Augusta”, “Radar” and “Radar F1”, “Sturon”, “ Danilovsky", "Odintsovets", "Stuttgarten Riesen", "Ibis F1", "Imago F1", "Balstar F1", "Extra Early Gold F1", "Music F1", "Panther F1" and others. They are frost-resistant, not susceptible to bolting and produce high yields.. In some varieties, the sets are larger than the usual size of a winter bulb, 1 cm.

Sets of the Sturon variety. It is better to buy sets in advance during the period February - March, when you can find any variety

Experienced gardeners prefer to grow winter seedlings on their own. The process looks like this:

  • In the spring, after the snow melts, nigella - onion seeds - is sown thickly in strips up to 5 centimeters thick.
  • The row spacing is formed so that it is convenient to weed.
  • The crops are covered with a small (2 centimeters) layer of sifted soil, rolled slightly to prevent wind erosion of the soil and mulched with humus, straw or other suitable material.
  • The crops are watered, which is repeated after the first shoots appear, and then when the soil dries out.

Every time after heavy rain, the beds should be loosened to facilitate air access to the roots.

This is what the buds in which nigella is formed look like in the middle of the growing season.

Tip #1 It is not recommended to heavily feed grown onion sets. Otherwise, there is a risk of loss of seed properties.

After the onion leaves turn yellow and lie down, the plant is removed from the soil and left on the ridge to dry. Then the bulbs are separated from the dried leaves and sorted: all that are less than 1 centimeter are intended for planting in the fall, all that are more than 1 centimeter are set aside for planting in the spring of next year. All damaged seed material is disposed of.

What predecessors will not harm onion crops?

Before planting winter onions, you should carefully look at their predecessors. It is preferable that the following grow in the chosen place:

  • peas, beans and other legumes;
  • grain crops (rye, corn and others);
  • various types of salads and cabbage;
  • early ripening potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrots and beets.

The best results are achieved when the previous crops on the site were corn, potatoes or white cabbage. It is not recommended to plant winter onions after oats.

How to prepare the soil for planting winter onions?

For winter onions, a dry, ventilated area is allocated. Wet soil, especially in winter, will ruin the plantings. The best soils for onions are humus mixed with sand or loam. . If the site has close groundwater, it is necessary to make drainage.

The soil is prepared in advance, for which purpose the area allocated for onions is dug up, humus or fertilizers given in the table are added.

Immediately before planting the seeds, wood ash is poured into the holes.

However, it is better if the humus is applied under the predecessors, then by the time the onion is planted it will completely acquire the soil structure.

When choosing an area for planting onions, one must also proceed from the fact that it is undesirable to plant onions in one place for more than two years in a row. Then a plot of at least five should be occupied by other crops. If this condition is not met, the soil becomes infected with pathogenic substances that even frost cannot destroy.

The planting scheme for onion sets is as follows. Plant the bulbs at a distance of 12 cm between seedlings and 25 - 30 cm between rows. Onions are planted with their roots down and covered with soil.

When to plant winter onions?

Before winter, onions are planted in September if the site is located in the southern regions of the country, in August if in the middle zone. Bulbs must be planted in the ground at least a month before the onset of persistent frosts. Usually they focus on a stable temperature of +5°C; when it lasts for a long period, it’s time to plant winter onions. If the specified conditions are met, the plants manage to produce 4-5 leaves, and the diameter of the neck reaches 5 millimeters.

However, varieties have appeared that should be added to the soil before the end of August. The main condition remains one thing - to collect 3-4 sheets before frost. Such plants have a slightly longer growing season, allowing them to take root thoroughly before the cold weather.

How to plant winter onions?

The rules for planting winter onions are as follows:

  1. Furrows 5 centimeters deep are cut in a thoroughly loosened area. The distance between furrows is from 10 to 25 centimeters. The planting depth of the bulbs can be greater (up to 10 cm) if the growing region is characterized by severe frosts.
  2. The bulbs are laid in ridges at a distance of 4 to 10 centimeters from each other. The size of the gaps depends on the size of the bulb sets.
  3. The bulbs are covered with a mixture of garden soil with sand or humus. The ridges are watered and in the future the soil should be moist before the onset of frost.
  4. The ridges are mulched with autumn leaves, straw, etc. to protect them from severe frosts and snowless winters. The mulch layer should be thicker the more frost is expected. In spring, the mulch layer is partially removed and used for other purposes.

Shoots in autumn shortly before frost. In the spring, planting onions is sprinkled with mulch, which prevents the onions from drying out in the sun. Mulch consists of pine needles, leaves and dry grass

Tip #2: When planting before winter, the neck of the bulbs is not cut off to prevent rotting.

Tip #3: The ridges should be raised slightly above the main area. Then the onion will not be in danger of flooding.

How to properly care for crops?

In the fall, the main thing is to monitor the seedlings and cover them in time in the winter.

In the spring, the following activities should be carried out:

  • Reduce the mulch layer on the ridges or remove it completely if the quality of the soil allows.
  • Thin out the crops intended for growing onions if severe thickening is observed. The distance between individual plants depends on the expected size of the finished bulbs.
  • Loosen the ridges, if possible in conditions of dense crops.
  • Feed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Water your crops regularly if the soil dries out quickly.
  • To combat pests and diseases, treat green onions with chemicals several times. It is worth using folk methods of confronting negative factors, if you have any in your arsenal. Mole cricket, onion fly, powdery mildew, etc. can get a decent harvest of winter onions.

Tip #4: Fresh manure cannot be applied to onion crops. Otherwise, they will either die from an excess of nitrogen or produce a crop unsuitable for storage.

Mistakes gardeners make when planting winter onions

Here are the most common mistakes gardeners make when planting onions in the fall:

  1. The necks of winter onion sets are cut off, which leads to rotting of the bulb in early spring.
  2. In the fall, self-grown seedlings larger than 1 centimeter in size were planted. In spring, you should expect the appearance of many arrows and, as a result, crop losses. Larger sets can be planted before winter only if they belong to purely winter certified varieties.
  3. When growing seeds yourself, nigella is sown too thickly and picking was not carried out. It will not be possible to obtain high-quality seedlings in such conditions.

Recommendation from practice. What variety of winter onions should I plant for storage?

Among the varieties of winter onions, we highlight Kip-Well. From the practice of gardeners:

The weight of the set reaches 10 grams. It is planted in October and has time to take root and produce several leaves before frost. Due to the size of the bulbs, the distance between them is up to 10 cm, between the rows 25 cm. The final bulbs declared by the developer do not amount to 300 grams, but getting an onion of 150 grams is realistic. Well preserved and justifies the translation of the name from English.

Answers to pressing questions from gardeners

Question No. 1. Why is it necessary to use only seedlings smaller than 1 cm when sowing in winter?

Such seeds, due to their small size, are not able to provide nutrition to the green shoots turning into arrows. Their strength is only enough to form a small feather, and then to create a bulb that goes into food. If you bring in a bulb larger than 1 cm in the fall, it will inevitably try to shoot out first in the spring and then form seeds. She has enough energy to feed her offspring in the form of future blacklings.

Planting winter onions when planting, if the set was larger than the required size. The image shows dangling arrows.

Question No. 2. How long after treatment with chemicals can green onions be picked?

When chemicals are used to control pests and diseases on onions, it takes time for them to decompose in the tissues of the plant. For onions to become safe, 7 to 10 days must pass from the date of processing. More is possible, less is not.

Question No. 3. Is it possible to do without chemicals at all when planting in winter?

You can do without chemicals when planting; you will only need the drugs in the spring, when the active growing season begins. But even then you can eliminate chemicals using manual labor (weeding, weed cutting) and traditional methods of combating negative factors.

Question No. 4. After how many years can I return to planting onions on my property?

To completely restore the soil quality suitable for planting onions, at least 5 years must pass.

Question No. 5. How much nigella seedlings will come out, and what kind of harvest can be obtained from one hundred square meters?

Directories give the following data: 100 grams of nigella contains about 30 thousand seeds. In the future, everything depends on the planting density.

From one hundred square meters, the harvest of winter onions can be harvested according to the standards established by agricultural producers, up to 300 kg. In reality, of course, the harvest is smaller, but it all depends on the conditions created on the site.

01.10.2017 6 702

Varieties of winter onions - which is better to plant on turnips and to obtain thick feathers?

Winter onion varieties are very popular among both experienced gardeners and beginners. On the market today you can buy specimens of Dutch selection, as well as local types of vegetables that are not inferior in quality to foreign brands. Before choosing, you should find out the characteristics and description, clarify the features of cultivation, and most importantly, decide whether you are going to grow a vegetable for a large turnip or a green feather...

Winter onions and features of their cultivation

In the summer, all kinds of greenery is one of the first to appear in the beds, and it is also the first to end, freeing up those same beds. To prevent them from becoming empty, about 3-4 weeks before the onset of stable cold weather, they can be filled with winter onions, which means that in the spring you can enjoy fresh and tasty green feathers before the spring ones.

Winter onion is a vegetable bred by breeders for wintering in open ground. Some varieties of winter onions are grown for plumes, while other varieties of vegetables are planted by gardeners specifically for harvesting bulbs - such onions tolerate winter well in the ground, in the spring they are the first to produce young green shoots, and the harvest can be harvested several weeks earlier than summer varieties.

Varieties of winter onions of Dutch selection need to be grown, following some simple rules:

  • Plant in the ground winter bow should be a month before the onset of permanent frosts
  • In Siberia, the Urals, in the North-West and Far East and other regions with harsh climates, it is recommended to use special agrofibre to cover winter onions; in regions where the temperature in winter does not drop below -15 ْС, shelter is not required
  • If you plant onions in a bed where something was already growing, be sure to loosen the soil well and clean it of roots
  • If the soil in which winter onions are planted is not rich in nutrients, feed the plantings using organic or

The most popular varieties of winter onions and their characteristics

The varieties of winter onion sets are very diverse, each with its own characteristics. Gardeners identify a number of varieties that are especially popular, here are some of them:

Shakespeare- an early variety of onion for winter, its main feature, this is an almost complete absence of arrows. Winter onion Shakespeare tolerates winter well due to its dense husk, characterized by long-lasting shelf life, its bulbs are large, brownish in color, the onion pulp is juicy and white in color;

Shakespeare onion - pictured

Radar– one of the most popular varieties of winter onions, but cannot be stored for a long period of time. As a rule, winter onions Radar are grown for eating raw; their peculiarity is excellent resistance to flowering and the formation of arrows;

onion variety Radar - in the photo

- also one of the varieties in demand among housewives, which appeared on the territory of our country a long time ago and during this time has managed to prove itself. This is the best option for those who are looking for a variety with high performance keeping quality and good yield, this is an early type of onion;

onion variety Stuttgarten - in the photo

Centurion– a disease-resistant variety that is perfectly stored all winter. Centurion bulbs are neatly shaped with a small bottom, have a beautiful straw color, practically do not bolt, this is one of the most productive varieties of onions before winter;

onions of the Centurion variety - in the photo

Baron- a variety of early ripeness, characterized by a high content of vitamin C in its composition, the weight of the onion is approximately 150 grams, the taste characteristics of the onion facilitate its consumption in raw form - it has a slight pungency;

onions of the Baron variety - in the photo

Ellan- a variety that ripens already in June, when last year’s reserves have already been exhausted, and new spring plantings have not yet ripened, the bulbs are round in shape, golden in color, white flesh, slightly sweet in taste, weight can vary from 80 to 120 grams;

onions of the Ellan variety - in the photo

Senshui– early sowing with high yields, tolerates even very low cold in the soil, does not bolt, is well stored, the fruits are medium in size, brownish in color, slightly pungent in taste;

Of course, these are not all the varieties of winter onions that breeders have managed to develop, but they are the most productive and resistant to wintering in the ground.

Advantages and disadvantages of planting onions before winter

Like any vegetable, winter onions have certain advantages, thanks to which they are so in demand among gardeners, and some disadvantages that must be taken into account when growing. So, the indisputable advantages of the vegetable can be considered:

  • Excellent shelf life, winter onions last well all winter if they are stored properly, and will not begin to rot or mold, which cannot be said about summer varieties of vegetables
  • Onions that overwinter in the ground will, by the time of harvest, bear much larger fruits than those planted in the garden in the spring. When planting in the spring, many gardeners miss planting time, and the onions do not have time to gain strength and form to the desired size
  • Varieties planted before winter do not need to be watered until the second half of May - the soil still retains natural moisture. Instead of watering your onion bed, you can do other gardening chores
  • Winter onions ripen 3-4 weeks earlier than varieties planted in spring, which means that you can eat fresh vegetables in late spring - early summer. It is during this period that our body requires vitamins

Planting winter onions - pictured

Winter onion varieties have their own disadvantages. So, the main drawback is that the yield of onion sets is slightly lower than those planted in the spring. This is due to the fact that during the winter some individuals cannot withstand severe frosts, sudden temperature changes, high humidity, etc.

However, today scientists involved in the breeding of this vegetable are trying to take these factors into account when developing new winter-resistant varieties. As you can see, onions that are planted in the ground before winter have many more advantages. Have a good harvest!