Horse - description and characteristics. Years of birth of people, year of the animal according to the eastern calendar Finance and career

fire Horse

Earth Horse

Metal Horse

Water Horse

Wooden Horse

fire Horse

Earth Horse

Metal Horse

Water Horse

Wooden Horse

fire Horse

Earth Horse

Horse - male yang principle, sign of the third triangle, element of Fire

Horses are characterized by an inexhaustible thirst for life and passion. The horse has a bright personality, it does not play well in a team, and draws attention to itself. Sufferes without travel and movement, loves freedom of movement, adventure, freedom of expression. Representatives of this sign often experience difficulties in mutual understanding; it is more difficult for them to find harmony in a partnership, because they are not inclined to accept someone else's point of view. The horse appreciates what it has earned itself. She is thrifty and loves a comfortable, wealthy life. She is especially partial to fun and holidays, entertainment outside the home and cheerful companies of friends. She is loved in society for her cheerful disposition. The horse is talented and stands out with his clothes and style. She needs complete independence. She is in good health and physically resilient. The horse must work on himself to achieve what he wants and improve his social status. Many representatives of this sign succeed in this. A special year is the year of the Red Fire Horse When representatives of this sign go through trials, it happens once every 60 years. This year, representatives of the Horse sign should not go beyond spending, and should not plan important changes in their usual way of life, such as moving, divorce, marriage, having children, etc.

Positive qualities of the sign

The cheerful character of the Horse is popular in society. The horse thinks very quickly, is dexterous in business, and is very receptive to new things and knowledge in general. Insight borders on telepathy. A horse can adapt to any demands of a partner, but it itself will never lose personal independence, especially in financial matters. He loves and knows how to earn money, organizes a decent life for his family.

Negative qualities of the sign

The horse is fickle and arrogant towards other, weaker individuals. Prone to immaturity and dependence on people. In relationships she is often rude, but also overly trusting. Stubbornness prevents achievement high results and high status in society. Often spoils his reputation with independent opinions and harsh arguments.

In the year of the Horse a lot of active energy is released. Fatigue is increased, it is more difficult to bear mental stress, so the likelihood of conflicts is high. But diplomacy and collective wisdom will help overcome the challenges of this energetic and change-rich year. Active year for the Ox, Dragon, Sheep (Goat) and Rooster. A busy year for the Horse (especially the year of the Fire Horse), Rat, Snake and Pig. Neutral year for the Tiger, Rabbit, Monkey and Dog.

Celebrities of this sign

Socrates, Aldous Huxley, Hieronymus Bosch, Rembrandt, Roberto Rossellin, Dmitry Likhachev, Theodore Roosevelt, Daniil Andreev, Vladimir Lenin, Roosevelt, Nelson Mandel, Ivan Bunin, Isaac Babel, Thomas Edison, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Georgiy Danelia, Neil Armstrong, Jimi Hendrix , Paul McCartney, Barbra Streisand. Actors: Harrison Ford, Bob Hoskins, Vera Alentova, Margarita Terekhova, Lyudmila Savelyeva, Jackie Chan, John Travolta, Emir Kusturica, James Belushi, Leonid Yarmolnik, Helene Barkin, Helena Bonham Carter, Rachel McAdams, Ashton Kretcher.

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Horse

The most active element of the sign, which is characterized by inconstancy in relationships. It is difficult for a Fire Horse to remain faithful, and it is impossible to keep it by force. She needs complete freedom, only then will she be able to make the right choice and form a prosperous, happy relationship with her partner. She has striking appearance and physical beauty. Confuses the concepts of passion and love, which causes difficulties in partnerships.

Yellow Earth Horse

The Earth Horse has a calm character, it is easy to find a common language with her, she tends to listen to people and take into account the opinions of others. Lack of self-confidence prevents you from achieving well-deserved heights. She is attached to home and family, which makes her different from other representatives of the sign. All difficulties around her are overcome easier and more fun, thanks to the constant optimism and practicality of the Earth Horse. Representatives of this sign should rest more often - this is the key to longevity and health.

White Metal Horse

The Metal Horse always knows where to have fun. She is always invited to the best parties, she is always looking for love and lives an active, rich life. The element of metal allows you to combine fun and a business career thanks to the self-discipline that is amazing for this sign. Loves new places, interesting people and cultural events.

Black (blue) Water Horse

A psychologist by nature, the Water Horse is endowed with the gift of healing souls and helping people find themselves. Independent and self-reliant, the Water Element Horse needs complete freedom to express its feelings. She is pleasant and courteous in communication, but cannot boast of constancy in love. But if she finds a response to her feelings and aspirations from her partner, she will be able to make a free choice towards a relationship. Life with a Water Horse is full of mysterious coincidences, a comfortable and emotional atmosphere in the house.

Green Wooden Horse

The element of wood gives the Horse intellectual superiority along with the desire for equality in partnerships. The Wood Horse knows how to hear the true needs of a partner, find common ground with him and will provide support in Hard time. A horse of the wood element will not be overly assertive in order to achieve what he wants. Her mind will allow her to construct the future in such a way that she will achieve her goal in any case, but perhaps through the wrong hands in other circumstances. There is never a dull moment with her. She is as fickle as all representatives of this sign.

Each of the signs of the eastern horoscope symbolizes certain character traits. They are present in the temperament of people born under the auspices of a certain symbol. Thus, the Horse embodied nobility and unprecedented hard work. Without a doubt, the brightest representatives of the sign were born in 1978. According to the horoscope, someone who can be called excellent in every sense is the Earth Horse.

If the world was waiting for a better time to give us a scattering of remarkable personalities, then it was not in vain that it waited until 1978. What kind of animal eastern calendar Fate has created a standard of solidity and charm, and this is the Horse.

The year 1978 according to the eastern calendar passed under the auspices of the Earth Horse. This is the most noble horse of all the zodiac horses. He is attracted by stands, performances and admiration. But the sign does not require love for its beauty alone. This person will seek recognition on his own.

In Chinese astrology, the symbol with hooves represents luck and the ability to achieve what you want. It is not surprising that the Horse always achieves its goals. The most assertive characters were undoubtedly born in 1978. It is difficult to say who - an animal or a mythical embodiment of endurance - the sign embodied.

Armed with “lucky” horseshoes, the sign confidently walks along the intended path life path, firmly resting on the ground.

The element of Earth helps the Horse in every possible way in the field of life. The hard work of the earthen pet is more pronounced than in others. Moreover, this is the most practical Horse of all known to the horoscope. The stability and constancy inherent in the symbol help it break through any obstacles. As you know, water wears away stones. So the sign, having taken up a task, will “sharpen” it until sparks fly.

The Earth Horse has another good trait. She always puts the voice of reason above feelings. There is logic in all the actions of the sign. The symbol never becomes a victim of its own emotions. His passions are under constant control.

Pros and cons of character

Positive features of the sign:

  • Reliability;
  • Wisdom;
  • Determination;
  • Truthfulness.

Character flaws:

  • The desire to subjugate everything in the world;
  • Self-confidence, which is not always appropriate;
  • Deafness to other people's feelings.

Characteristics of the sign

When communicating with a Horse, you will quickly discover her confidence that the world was created especially for her. She comes into it, proudly raising her mane and walking as if on a parade.

Representatives of this sign have exemplary posture. Regardless of the mood, the Horse is ready to live this life to the fullest. If things are going well, she smiles. If something doesn’t go well, he hits with his hoof. But he never loses heart. While all other signs become despondent after life's troubles, the Horse has already filled three notebooks with diagrams and graphs on how to get around this trouble next time.

At the same time, the sign rarely takes into account the advice of other people. She is ready to give away useful knowledge, but she herself never uses the experience of others. Doesn't come under influence either. He prefers to be in charge of the situation, so the eastern horse often acts as a leader rather than a follower.

Horses love life. They savor it in all its forms. On life's plate, they equally value the sweetness of success and the bitterness of failure. The sign is energetic and active. Most of its representatives are characterized by optimism and lightness. But they also have unprecedented haste. The horse gallops through life, participating in all events at the same time.

Loves the sign and everything new. She will never refuse if interesting events loom on the horizon. She is always savvy and ready for adventure. This is the only symbol that can get you ready for a trip before you have time to pronounce the name of the travel company.

The horse is in a hurry not only to rest. More than anything else, she loves to work. Work is self-realization. Work is self-improvement. The horse is a workaholic. She can work for days on end. The most valuable reward for her is respect. She is ready to move mountains for the sake of recognition, although she does not lack self-esteem, and confidence too.

It is not known why the Horse needs so much universal love, but he always receives it. It is simply impossible to be seriously offended by her. Even when the sign discovers those who disagree with his opinion and rears up, he does not lose his nobility and always treats his opponent with respect. It is very difficult to be at enmity with a person who does not need enemies.

The earthly element in the person of the Horse man showed itself very harmoniously. This is a purposeful and enterprising character. He is confident, slightly proud, but always open and friendly. He is characterized by wisdom unknown to other signs. And by middle age, this person manages to form his own philosophy, which he follows throughout his life.

The Horse man is the bearer of wisdom in any team. Both beginners and experienced people come to him for advice. Capable of inspiring, inspiring and helping, without demanding anything other than sincere gratitude.

Prudent. Despite his love of adventure and adventure, he prefers to quickly think through and weigh everything. Careful both in work and in love.

Horse man in love- romantic and knight. For the sake of his beloved, he is ready to build castles, imprison his chosen one in them, and then heroically release her from custody with his own hands.

Love is the only area where the Horse’s thrift and prudence melts away like an ice cream. He is ready to shower his beloved with flowers and gifts, even if he had to save money for all this for weeks.

After getting married, the man of the sign settles down. It re-introduces practicality, economy and restraint. This man needs the opportunity to lead more than air. The chosen one of such a wise leader will have to come to terms with his management style. He will not pay attention to whims, but will implement his plans, no matter what the cost. She who agrees to his patronage will be provided with the highest quality of life and reliable protection from an unjust world.

The compatibility of this character with other signs is very favorable. The chosen one should take into account only a few nuances of the relationship:

  • The horse is diplomatic and courteous. She will do everything not to incite conflict. But it is not recommended to use this. It is unlikely that there are people who can escape the wrath of a horse.
  • The other half of this person will have to come to terms with his desire to lead. Don't try to boss him around. The Earth Horse is not a working horse, but a thoroughbred stallion. And definitely unbroken.

Character of the Horse Woman

A woman under the sign of the Horse sometimes forgets that ladies are supposed to be gentle and fragile. She is not used to carrying the banner of the “weaker sex” and prefers to fight her way through the jungle of life. She is strong, resilient and persistent. This life is not for the weak, so the maned lady has no time for fatigue or illness.

She quickly and beautifully climbs the career ladder. Sincerely adoring work, a woman is able to amass capital that the Dragon, the Tiger, and even the Bull will envy. Her activities are always connected with communication, because she draws inspiration from adoration. Nothing can cheer up a Horse woman more than a good compliment.

He is not afraid of responsibility, and even demands it. He has a dimensionless cart in which he puts a lot of obligations. At the same time, I’m not ready to follow the lead. She only does what she considers necessary. It is unlikely that you will be able to throw things into its cart that the horse is not interested in.

No matter how efficient and hardy a Horse is, the best role for it is still a leading one. She is wise, knows how to listen and respect. You are unlikely to find a more responsive boss. But she doesn't like to hang medals on the undeserving. Praise from this boss can be heard only after truly high-quality execution of his instructions.

In love, a lady prefers harmony, and therefore does not want to put up with the role of “accompanying”. In relationships he strives for equality. And he's doing well. She may or may not work in the same field with her man, but she always achieves his respect.

In relationships, he prefers to be a friend first, and only after that proceed to love. Earth signs are distinguished by the fact that they do not expect money or luxurious gifts from their chosen one. Actions are much more valuable to them, so even before the start of a relationship, the Horse girl will drag her partner into several scrapes in order to test his strength.

IN family life The Horse woman represents motherhood and care. After getting married, he devotes exactly the same amount of time to his family as to his work. Having become a wife, the Horse woman sheds her careerist costume and devotes herself to her family.

Horse and zodiac sign

The characterization of any Eastern representative would be inaccurate if one did not take into account the zodiac sign under which he was born. The Horse was no exception. Each of the symbols in the horoscope has absorbed the qualities of the Earth Horse to one degree or another. Some got more hard work, others got a proud disposition.

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Having endowed them with such a patron as the Horse. Moreover, the element of Earth accompanies this symbol, thoroughly permeated with the male energy of Yang. This is a strong animal that can easily overcome any obstacles in its path and make human labor easier.

Personality qualities

These are sociable and inquisitive people. They can be the life of the party. They quickly and easily perceive and process information, highlighting the main thing. They know the value of praise and give it only if someone deserves it. Appearance is sometimes of fundamental importance to them. Therefore, looking after him is not only a pleasure, but also hard work every day.

After all, being constantly in the center of attention - both among friends and at work - is incredibly difficult. Considering 1978, no matter what Horse it may be, we can say that this is a gift for newborns. It was Zemlyannaya who managed to collect all the qualities most necessary for a full life:

  • Practicality.
  • Ability to concentrate on work.
  • The ability to finish what you start.
  • Loyalty both to the spoken word and to the person who is nearby.

Symbols of different elements according to the eastern calendar

Answering the question: “What year of the Horse is 1978?” - you need to figure out what their types are. After all, in addition to the basic qualities, each of them also has individual characteristics.

Career success

In 1978, what color does a Horse have? The answer is yellow, representing the sun, ripened wheat and gold. Such people reach heights in their careers. Their superiors listen to them and their subordinates respect them for their professionalism. However, it is almost impossible to prove anything if the opinion differs from their own. They will be convinced that they are right to the end. They will defend this with aggression and pressure. Having an analytical mind and the ability to calculate the situation in advance, laurels are predicted for anyone who is not afraid of work.

Perfect couple

Finding out which 1978 is the year of the Horse and its compatibility with other signs, we get the following scenario. Ambitious Tigers, who look heroic in her eyes, are suitable for an independent and self-centered nature. She tries to help them in everything.

The Cat will be an ideal friend, but the love of freedom of both will not allow them to build strong relationships. The Earth Horse loves love and affection. It is important for her to hear tender words from her partner, and constantly. This is the only way to calm her down. She will love madly and stand up for her partner if only she receives the return in full. A woman who is successful in her career will achieve a lot in relationships if she only pacifies her egoism and becomes less demanding of her chosen one. Here is 1978 - what a year of the Horse!

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1978 is the year of the yellow Horse, the element of the year is Earth.

Beginning of the Year of the Horse Chinese calendar– February 7, 1978, year end – February 14, 1979. A person born before February 7, 1978 belongs to the sign of the Snake (the previous sign in the horoscope).

Character of the year 1978 according to the Chinese calendar

According to the Chinese horoscope, the element of 1978 is Earth, and the element of Horse (patron of the year) is Fire. The interaction of these two elements, Earth and Fire, largely determines the character of the year, as well as the character of people born in 1978.

In the Chinese horoscope, the interaction of the Fire-Earth elements is considered very successful. According to the Eastern worldview, Fire, or rather the ashes it leaves behind, is the creator of the Earth, so these two elements work closely together and have the most positive impact on the character of the year 1978 taking place under them.

A person born in 1978 is endowed with purposefulness, practicality, courage and determination by the elements of Fire and Earth. The influence of Fire, according to the Chinese horoscope, is manifested in character by irrepressible imagination, adventurism, activity and impulsiveness, but the element of Earth smooths out all the sharp corners. The earth gives a person born in 1978 a sense of responsibility and discipline, honesty and hard work, patience and kindness. When these elements are combined, a person prefers to lead a rhythmic and planned lifestyle. By clearly setting priorities and having certain principles of life, it is easier for him to express himself and his talents.

Character of a person born in the year of the Horse

A person born in the year of the Horse according to the Chinese horoscope knows how to enjoy life! His energy is in full swing, and he strives to be in the thick of events. The world around him seems so interesting that he is always impatient, always in a hurry to get somewhere: if he is at home, then to meet with friends, if in a company, then to a new meeting, to the theater or cinema. A horse rarely refuses to try something new, be it the taste of a new dish, the new kind sports or new love.

Years of the Yellow Earth Horse:

(People born in these years, according to the Chinese horoscope, are “heavenly twins,” that is, they have many similar character traits and outlooks on life).

Perseverance is the main trait of your character, which allows you not only to achieve your goals, but also to sweep away everyone who gets in your way. You don't like conflicts, but you unwittingly provoke them. You strive to get the most out of life, so you are rarely satisfied with little, and strive to expand your own capabilities.

Characteristics of a man born in 1978

Despite your creative spirit and romanticism, you are very practical and calculating. You will never engage in creativity for the sake of creativity - it is important for you to earn good money from activities that interest you.

In love, you strive for romance, but clearly distinguish between serious and frivolous relationships. You do not like frivolous actions, you cannot stand recklessness, but at the same time you manage to maintain a good relationship with those you don't accept. You have enough friends, you value family relationships, but you will never allow them to be lost for the sake of a frivolous love affair.

Characteristics of a woman born in 1978

You are romantic, but you never plunge into the deep end without protecting yourself. Frivolous actions are not typical of you - even if you do them, you calculate all the consequences and never get into trouble.

In life, it is important for you to feel the taste of impressions and events, so routine and monotonous work is rarely your choice. In relationships with men, you can hesitate, think for a long time and decide what is best to do, change partners, but you will never allow yourself to be treated frivolously and disrespectfully.