Literary sources on swimming writers on i. List of used literature. Swimming test: “Tasks and characteristics of swimming”


1. Alekseev to overcome! - M.: FiS, 1982.

2. Biomechanics of swimming (foreign studies): Trans. from English/Ed. . - M.: FiS, 1981.

3. Bogen for motor actions. - M.: FiS, 1985.

4. Bulgakova near the water, on the water, under the water. - M.: FiS, 2000.

5. Bulgakov. - M.: FiS, 1999.

6. Bulgakov: swimming. M.: FiS, 2002.

7. Bulgakov directions scientific research in competitive swimming. - M.: GCOLIFK, 1983.

8. Bulgakov swimming: Textbook for universities physical culture. – M.: FiS, 1996.

9. Bulgakov and preparation young swimmers. - M.: FiS, 1986.

10. Vaitsekhovsky training of a swimmer. - M.: FiS, 1976.

11. , Platonov swimmers high class. - M.: FiS, 1985.

12. Velitchenko V. How to learn to swim. - M., 2000.

13. Verkhoshansky and organization training process. - M.: FiS, 1985.

14. Verkhoshansky special physical training of an athlete. - M.: FiS, 1988.

15. Vikulov. - M.: Vlados-press, 2003.

16. , Oleynikov active nutritional supplements in specialized nutrition for athletes. - M.: Sportakadempress, 2001.

17., Owl selection - M.: FiS, 1983.

18. , Solomatin long-term training of young swimmers: Guidelines And. - State Sports Committee of the USSR, VNIIFK, 1990.

19. Gorbunov sports. - M.: FiS, 1986.

20. Gordon sports swimming. - M.: FiS, 1978.

21. , Isaev's skill as a coach. - M.: FiS, 1981.

22. , Isaev coach. - M.: FiS, 1982.

23. Dobrovich about psychology and psychohygiene of communication. - M.: Education, 1987.

24. Donskoy with the basics sports equipment. - M.: FiS, 1971.

25. and others. Biomechanical bases of endurance. - M.: FiS, 1982.

26. Councilman swimming: Transl. from English - M.: FiS, 1982.

27. Councilman about swimming. - M.: FiS, 1971.

28. Kolemeytsev in sports team. - M.: FiS, 1984.

29. Lopukhin dissertation works on swimming in the light of trends in the development of modern science. - M.: GCOLIFK, 1980.

30. Makarenko and the structure of long-term training of young swimmers. - M.: GCOLIFK, 1985.

31. Makarenko swimmer. - M.: FiS, 1983.

32. Makarenko - pedagogical skills of a youth sports school swimming coach. - M.: GTSOLIFK, 1986.

34. Serova psychodiagnostics in sports. - M.: Education, 1984.

35. Science and sport: Transl. from English/Ed. . - M.: Progress, 1982.

37. Swimming: Methodological recommendations (curriculum) for youth coaches sports schools and schools Olympic reserve/ Under general ed. . - M., 1993.

38. Swimming: Lesson program for youth sports schools, sports schools, sports schools. - M., 1983.

39. Swimming: Textbook for universities / Under general. ed. - M.: FiS, 2001.

40. Swimming: Textbook / Ed. - M.: Education, 1967.

41. Swimming: Textbook / Ed. - Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 2000.

42. Swimming: Textbook for physical institutes. culture / Under the general ed. - M.: FiS, 1965.

43. Swimming: Textbook for IFC / Ed. - M.: FiS, 1984.

44. Swimming: Textbook for Universities / Ed. – M.: Vlados-press, 2004.

45. Swimming: A textbook for students of physical education universities. – Malakhovka, 2001.

46. ​​,Vaitsekhovsky high-class swimmers. - M.: FiS, 1985.

47. , Platonov. - Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 2000.

48. and others. Business games in the training of specialists in physical culture and sports. - M.: GCOLIFK, 1983.

49. Rumyantsev sports swimming (Hydrodynamic resistance during swimming). - M.: GCOLIFK, 1982.

50. Rumyantsev patterns of the technique of stroke movements during human swimming. - M.: GCOLIFK, 1984.

51. Stankin and the education of teenagers. - M.: FiS, 1983.

52. Competitive swimming: Program for specialization of the coaching faculty of physical education institutes. - M., 1991.

53. Competitive swimming: Textbook for universities of physical education / Ed. - M.: Fon, 1996.

54. Utkin aspects of sports tactics. - M.: FiS, 1984.

55. Eagle owl and methods of youth sports. - M.: FiS, 1987.

56. Firsov for everyone. - M.: FiS, 1983.

57. Formation of professional and pedagogical skills among students during the learning process at the Institute of Physical Education. - M.: GCOLIFK, 1981.

58. , Kaal techniques of sports swimming methods with methods of improvement and control. - Tallinn, 1986.

59. , Khrushchev - biological aspects of sports orientation and selection. - M.: FiS, 1984.

This The book is the simplest, most effective and, perhaps, the most accessible way not only to learn to swim, but also to constantly improve your once acquired skill. So, if, in principle, there can be a universal swimming tutorial, then it is in front of you.

The textbook provides a detailed description of swimming techniques and methods for technical improvement of swimmers, examines the basics and different stages of selection and orientation, as well as the construction of the process of their preparation. Presented modern theory and development methodology motor qualities, non-training and non-competitive factors influencing the effectiveness of training of swimmers, etc. are characterized. For students and teachers of universities of physical education and sports, coaches and athletes and researchers.

Do you want to learn to swim? Do you dream of diving into rivers, seas and oceans without fear? This is more than possible. Can a book replace a coach? Yes, if it is a training book. This publication is unique: about 1000 photographs and realistic 3D models will show all the subtleties in detail various techniques swimming. The book is suitable for both those who are just learning to swim and experienced swimmers who want to achieve high results. It covers all swimming styles, features of training to increase speed and endurance, strength and stretching exercises outside the pool. You will also learn about the history of the development of swimming as a sport and greatest champions past and present.

“Like a fish in water” - now it’s about you. People who have mastered Terry Laughlin's Total Immersion method are able to swim tirelessly for hours, enjoying every movement. In this book you will find explanations and exercises that will lead you step by step to good technique, which, according to the author, determines 70 percent of your swimming performance. This book is necessary for everyone who wants to learn to swim freely and correctly, and especially for those who are preparing for long and ultra-long distance competitions.

  • 1. Bulgakova, N. Zh. Teaching swimming at school / N. Zh. Bulgakova. - M.: Education, - 2004. -191s.;
  • 2. Bulgakova, N.Zh. Selection and training of young swimmers / N. Zh. Bulgakova. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1978;
  • 3. Vaitsekhovsky, S. M. Coach’s book / S. M. Vaitsekhovsky. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2004. -311 p.;
  • 4. Vaitsekhovsky, S. M. Physical training swimmer Ed. 2nd, revised and additional / S. M. Vaitsekhovsky. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2006. -140 p.;
  • 5. Vasiliev, V. S. Teaching children to swim / V. S. Vasiliev, B. N. Nikitsky. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2003. -240 p.;
  • 6. Vorontsov, A.R. and others. Methodology for long-term training of young swimmers. M., 1989;
  • 7. Vrzhesnevsky, I.V. Swimming: Textbook for secondary physical education institutions. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional / I. V. Vrzhesnevsky - M.: Physical education and sports, 2005. - 301 pp.;
  • 8. Gordon, S. M. Sports swimming technique / S. M. Gordon. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2008. -200 p., ill.;
  • 9. Ivanchenko, E.I. Theoretical and methodological foundations for preparing and leading swimmers to the main competitions of the season at the senior stage sportsmanship/ E. I. Ivanchenko. - Minsk, 1990;
  • 10. Councilman, D.E. The science of swimming / Transl. from English - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2002.- 431 p.;
  • 11. Councilman, D. E. Competitive swimming / Transl. from English - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2004. -208 s, ill.;
  • 12. Makarenko, L.P. Training of young swimmers / L.P. Makarenko. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2004. -128 p. ill.;
  • 13. Matveev, L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture / L. P. Matveev. M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991;
  • 14. Scientific support for the training of swimmers: Pedagogical and medical-biological research, ed. T. M. Absalyamova, T. S. Timakova. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2003, -191 p., ill.;
  • 15. Nikitsky, B. N. Swimming: A Textbook for Faculty Students. physical education ped. institutes for special 1№ 2114 " Physical education" - M.: Enlightenment, 2007.- 303 p.;
  • 16. Onoprienko, B. I. Biomechanics of swimming / B. I. Onoprienko. - Kyiv: Health, 2002.- 192 p.;
  • 17. Parfenov, V.A. and other components competitive activity high-class swimmers: A manual for coaches and athletes. - Kyiv, 1990. - 176 p.;
  • 18. Parfenov, V. A., Platonov V. N. Training of qualified swimmers. -M.: Physical culture and sport, 2006. - 166 s., ill.;
  • 19. Swimming / Ed. V.N. Platonov. - Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 2000. - 496 p.;
  • 20. Platonov, V.N. General theory of training athletes in olympic sport/ V. N. Platonov. - Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 1997. - 496 p.;
  • 21. Sports swimming: Textbook. for universities of physical culture / Under. ed. prof. N.Zh. Bulgakova. M.: FON, 1996;
  • 22. Features of the structure of competitive activity [electronic resource] -
  • 23. Types of sports [electronic resource] -
  • 24. Chertov, N.V. Swimming [electronic resource] -

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