Liliya Podkopaeva: biography, personal life, achievements and interesting facts. Lilia Podkopaeva Lilia Alexandrovna Podkopaeva

39 year old Ukrainian gymnast And Olympic champion Liliya Podkopaeva is getting married for the third time. An American businessman (investments and development) Igor Dubinsky made her a marriage proposal.

Podkopaeva and Dubinsky, photo:

Note that Podkopaeva has been living with her children in the USA for a long time. It was in America, at one of the parties, that she met Igor, who has been living in Atlanta for the past 25 years, reports Viva!

The athlete herself considers this city special, since here she received two olympic gold and there I met love.

“I can now say that Atlanta is my golden and dear and to what extent fateful. It was a dinner with friends, you never know where you will meet your destiny,” Lilia recalled in the “High Life” program.

In turn, the future husband of the Olympic champion said that he proposed to Podkopayeva, to which he received a positive response. It’s interesting that he chose a special place for this - in Lilia’s native gym.

“A classic proposal was made with a ring, to which a positive response was received. We have everything planned in the future, but we don’t want to tell everything yet,” he noted.

"If I'm a gymnast, where was the explanation? gym, Yes. When I opened the box and saw the ring, my ears were burning, my cheeks were burning, my eyes were shining. Not because there's a ring. And from the very understanding that changes occur in life,” admitted Podkopaeva.

According to the Honored Master of Sports, the children accepted Igor very well and for her this is the most important thing.

The couple flew to Kyiv for a few days, photo:

The couple plans to have their wedding just the two of them and on a desert island. Liliya Podkopaeva wants to do something quiet and exclusive just for themselves.

Note that Lilia has already been married twice. In 2004, she married businessman Timofey Nagorny, whom she divorced in 2009. From this marriage there is a 12-year-old son, Vadim, whom Podkopaeva and Nagorny adopted, and an 11-year-old daughter, Carolina. In 2012, the gymnast tied the knot with businessman Viktor Kostyrko.

Liliya Podkopaeva, whose biography is described in the article, is a woman whose name has gone down in history. More than one generation will be proud of the athlete’s victories. The gymnast’s brilliant tricks will not soon be repeated by her followers.


Liliya Aleksandrovna Podkopaeva was born (biography is set out below) on August 15, 1978 in the city of Donetsk in Ukraine (then the Ukrainian SSR). Her family was not rich. The future Olympian was raised by her mother and grandmother, since her father abandoned them as soon as little Lilia was born. Since childhood, the future gymnast was very restless; the energy in the little girl was in full swing. As Lilia herself later said: “My mother didn’t know what to do with me, I kept running away from kindergarten, raced on a bicycle, I had to be taken down from the tops of trees every now and then, I was constantly running on the roofs, playing tag with the boys and could not sit in one place for a second.”

After consulting, Podkopaeva’s family decided that it was impossible to waste such a charge of energy. Therefore, they decided to send the girl to the sports section. In 1983, when little Lila was already five years old, her grandmother Evelina Mikhailovna took her granddaughter to sport Club"Dynamo" to the gym. It was from this day that it began sport life and biography of Liliya Podkopaeva. “When I first entered the hall, I felt that it would become an integral part of me,” Lilia herself recalls. “We came to work for results,” the future champion’s grandmother addressed the coach with these words. Hearing these words, the little girl took them to heart and promised herself under no circumstances to betray the hope and faith of her family in her.

Training and sports

Lilia Podkopaeva, whose biography is of great interest to her fans, is Leo by zodiac sign. A distinctive feature of Lviv is the desire to be first, the desire to defeat everyone, to prove to everyone that they are the best, to occupy the pedestal in life. It is precisely these qualities from the very early childhood and Lilia Podkopaeva possessed it, her biography confirms this. She always gathered her will into a fist and strived for her goal.

Although the little five-year-old girl who came to her first gymnastics training did not surprise the coaches with her talent, she soon amazed everyone with her hard work and perseverance. After a very short time, sport became one of the main components of a gymnast’s life.

Everyone knows that the life of athletes is incredibly difficult, and the biography of Liliya Podkopaeva is no exception. Every day the girl was forced to wake up at five in the morning, hastily get ready and run to morning training, then have breakfast on the go and run to school. After school, the girl had lunch in the school cafeteria and ran to evening workout. She returned home, tired and exhausted, only at nine in the evening, and she still had school work to do. homework. Late in the evening Lilia went to bed, and from early morning everything ran in circles again. Many of those around the teenager at that time were surprised: “How has she still not fallen exhausted from such loads, where does she have so much endurance and perseverance?”

Later, the gymnast admits that she herself doesn’t know how she managed to combine so many things, but perseverance and hard work invariably led her to success. Liliya Podkopaeva worked at the Olympic base, which was not only very honorable for any athlete, but also very difficult. Just on New Year the athletes were allowed to rest. They were allowed to go home for a week and spend time with their families. But this was the only weekend of the year.

The rest of the time Podkopaeva trained. The training lasted 8 hours a day, but the future champion, gritting her teeth, walked towards her goal. At a time when the time for summer holidays and carefree relaxation began for her peers, the young athlete was leaving for sports base to the cultural capital. She really loved the St. Petersburg training camps. During this period the girl had a birthday. The trainers took the group to the city's museums, walked and admired the beautiful St. Petersburg architecture.


Debuted on big sport event arena in 1993 Liliya Podkopaeva. Her biography was replenished with a new significant event. This was an international competition artistic gymnastics. There, great horizons opened up for her for the first time, she performed for the first time in front of a large audience and proudly, with dignity, presented herself at these competitions. What else will the short biography of Liliya Podkopaeva tell you about? Interesting facts from her life are described below.

Achievements and awards

In 1995, Liliya Podkopaeva won the European Cup and won the title of absolute world champion in artistic gymnastics.

In 1996, this Ukrainian gymnast won gold at the European Championships.

After all these achievements and victories, Lilia set herself the next goal - the Olympic Games. The young athlete’s goal was supported by her coaches: Liliya Pugacheva, Galina Losinskaya, Oleg Ostapenko and Svetlana Dubova. This was a very serious step. After all, Lilia had to represent not only herself, but also her country on the world stage. The gymnast walked towards this great achievement for 13 years through hard training, hard work over oneself and enormous moral and physical costs.

The XXVI Olympic Games were to be held in Atlanta, USA. For the young athlete, this was the most important achievement in her life. But a month before leaving for Atlanta, Liliya Podkopaeva’s grandmother died. It was Evelina Mikhailovna who brought a five-year-old girl into big-time sports 13 years ago; it was she who believed in Lilya the most and supported her throughout her entire journey, and it was she, no less than the athlete herself, who was waiting for her granddaughter to go to the Olympic Games. Despite the family tragedy, Podkopaeva did not give up, she still went to the USA. In the Georgia Dome, where the competition took place, the young Olympian was greeted with a standing ovation by 45 thousand spectators, among whom was the US President and his family.

On Olympic Games in Atlanta, Liliya Podkopaeva won two gold medals. The exercise “double forward somersault with a 180° turn” is Liliya Podkopaeva’s signature exercise. Until now, not a single athlete in the world can repeat it! Standing on the podium, the gymnast thanked her late grandmother for her success, hoping that she had seen her triumph from heaven.

Life after sports

What does Liliya Podkopaeva do after leaving sports? The biography and personal life of the famous athlete interests many people. It is known that she began working as a trainer. She teaches children gymnastics in different countries world. Among her students were Antonio Banderas. She develops in children not only sports skills, but also willpower and spirit.

Lilia launched her sportswear brand in America. She was recognized as "Woman of the Year". The gymnast also takes an active part in the fight against AIDS and became

On television

Liliya Podkopaeva starred in the entertaining television series “Lesya + Roma”. She played herself in the film “Hold Me Tight.”

Personal life

She was married to businessman Timofey Nagorny. Liliya Podkopaeva has two children. Adopted son Vadim Nagorny and natural daughter Karolina Nagornaya. Ani Lorak became little Carolina’s godmother, as she has been friends with the gymnast for a long time. They started doing gymnastics at the age of 3; in addition, they study foreign languages ​​and dance.

This is who Lilia Podkopaeva is. short biography, family, sports achivments- all this is written in the article.

Liliya Podkopaeva is the absolute record holder of Ukraine in artistic gymnastics. The talented athlete became an Honored Master of Sports at the age of sixteen, and throughout her career Podkopaeva earned 14 bronze, 21 silver and 45 gold medals at various championships, including international competitions. At the age of seventeen, the girl becomes the world champion and in the same year receives the European Cup. After completing her sports career, Podkopaeva did not disappear from view: she participates in various television projects, does charity work, and attends social events.

The artistic gymnast was born in Donetsk in August 1978. There were no men in the young champion’s family, but Lily’s mother and grandmother gave the girl everything they could - not only a good upbringing, but also care. Lilya was very small and thin, so her mother decided that the girl would like to practice in the gymnastics section. The trainers immediately drew attention to Podkopaeva and trained her in individual program for several hours every day. Lilia did not miss a single training session and became a master of sports at a very young age. On international competitions the gymnast performed with adolescence, and at the age of 18 she took part in the Olympic Games. In Atlanta, she became an absolute triumph, receiving two golds in the floor exercise and in the overall championship. Podkopaeva is a record holder and the only athlete (even men could not “overtake” her) who performed a double somersault with a 180 degree flip.

Lilia was married once. Together with her husband Timofey Nagorny, a famous businessman in Donetsk, Podkopaeva decided to adopt a little boy. A few months after Vadim found new parents, a daughter was born into the family. Carolina was born in 2006. Lilia did not choose the name for the girl by chance: her best friend and godmother to her daughter is. When Podkopaeva finished gymnastics, she began to develop sections for this sport in her hometown and opened a production sports uniform Abroad.

The gymnast has been involved in social activities for many years and is a Goodwill Ambassador for AIDS, as well as a European Ambassador for fair play and sports. Eight years ago, Lilia received an award for her active fight against AIDS. Every year the capital of Ukraine hosts the Golden Lily sports festival, organized and created by Podkopaeva. After finishing her sports career, Lilya received a good education. She studied at the Faculty of Management at the Donetsk University of Management, and also received a specialty as a trainer-teacher at the Kyiv Physical Education Institute.

Currently, Podkopaeva can often be found at social events. The girl is also a frequent guest on television. In 2008, she participated in the Eurovision Dance Contest, where she came third, performing with Sergei Kostetsky. Two years earlier, Podkopaeva won the “Dancing with the Stars” project. Lily is very loved by photographers and editors of glossy publications. Photo shoots with a slender athlete can be seen in many popular magazines.

A few months ago, Podkopaeva finally told reporters about her divorce from Timofey Nagorny. According to Lilia, she did not intend to file for divorce - her husband did this. Moreover, Timofey informed Lilia about his desire in a letter! At that moment, the couple were at home, and Lilia saw a message from her husband in her email. Nagorny never dared to talk to his wife about the reasons for the divorce. Podkopaeva did everything in her power - she persuaded Nagorny to leave for a while to think about everything, but the businessman was adamant. The gymnast had a hard time with the breakup, and found the strength to talk about it only five years later.

Lilia recently said in an interview that she has a weakness for expensive accessories. Her wardrobe contains several dozen different stoles, scarves and scarves. According to the athlete, such simple wardrobe items can be used to create unique and elegant looks. Podkopaeva never passes by departments with scarves self made and admits that he tries to buy the brightest and most unusual models.

In January of this year, Lilia vacationed in the Caribbean. After a trip to an exotic resort, the athlete posted several pictures on the Internet. Users immediately noted that at 36 years old, Podkopaeva remains slim and fit. Lilia doesn’t need Photoshop to remove her figure flaws, because they simply don’t exist. Despite the fact that the gymnast has long since finished her career in sports, she continues to devote a lot of time to training.

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The Mossad is looking for 100 thousand coronavirus tests all over the world, and 10 million tests are flying to Ukraine like manna from heaven. This was very surprising, because I was filled with pride in my power, which had achieved such

A native of Donetsk, Liliya Podkopaeva was raised in a female environment by her mother and grandmother. Despite the absence of men in the house, she grew up purposeful and resilient.


Profession: gymnast
Date of Birth: August 15, 1978
Height and weight: 162 cm. 48 kg.
Place of Birth: Donetsk, Ukraine
Best works:"Golden Lily"
Awards: World champion in artistic gymnastics
Social network: Facebook , Instagram

Lilya began playing sports from early childhood, giving preference to a sport such as artistic gymnastics. From the age of five, little Podkopaeva persistently pursued her goal, training daily and three times a day. Thanks to hard work and perseverance, Liliya Podkopaeva has established herself as a very promising athlete.

In 1996, already an Honored Master of Sports by that time, she went from Ukraine to the XXVI Olympic Games in Atlanta, where she managed to win two gold medals at once - in the absolute championship and floor exercise. One of its elements, the “double forward somersault with a 180-degree turn,” is something that so far none of the athletes, including men, can repeat.

A year later, the Ukrainian gymnast won the European Cup in artistic gymnastics, and a year later she became the European champion in artistic gymnastics. She has taken part in more than one competition and almost always became a winner. In total, Podkopaeva has 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals - and this is only at international competitions, not to mention national championships.

In 2001, Liliya Podkopaeva graduated with honors from the Kiev Institute of Physical Education with a degree in Trainer-Teacher. A year later, in 2002, she entered the Donetsk State University of Management, Faculty of Management.

The Olympic champion also founded and headed the International Charitable Foundation "Health of Generations". She organized the Golden Lily sports festival, which takes place annually in Kyiv.

In 2004, Liliya Podkopaeva became a national ambassador to the Council of Europe on issues of sport, tolerance and fair play. And in 2005, she took on the responsibilities of UN Goodwill Ambassador on AIDS. In 2007, she received a UN award for the fight against HIV and AIDS.

Now the athlete leads a secular lifestyle and is actively involved in charitable activities. She often appears on the pages of fashion magazines and in various television projects. In 2006, Lilia won the Ukrainian version of the project “Dancing with the Stars”, and two years later, together with Sergei Kostetsky, she represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Dance Competition 2008, where they took third place.

After graduating sports career, Lilia organized her own business for the production of sportswear in the USA and set about creating a network of gymnastics schools in the Donetsk region.

Personal life

She was married to Donetsk businessman Timofey Nagorny, together with whom they adopted an 8-month-old orphan Vadik in 2006. At the end of the same year, the couple had a daughter, Caroline.

Interesting Facts

In 2006 she won the Ukrainian version of the project “Dancing with the Stars”

In 2008, together with Sergei Kostetsky, she represented Ukraine at the Dance Eurovision 2008, where they took third place

In 2011, she became one of the hosts of the sports and entertainment show “I am a Hero!”

Her best friend is singer Ani Lorak, who is also the godmother of her daughter Caroline

In 2005, she became a UN Goodwill Ambassador for AIDS.

In 2007, she was recognized as “Woman of the Year” in the national program “Person of the Year”

The Olympic champion went to Crimea for a month to prepare for the dance Eurovision, where she will represent Ukraine together with Kirill Khitrov

In preparation for Eurovision, Liliya Podkopaeva took sports dance lessons in America, and now, together with her husband and two children, she went to Crimea for a month. The athlete does not risk taking her children abroad. While son Vadim and daughter Caroline bask in the sun and splash in the sea under the supervision of grandmother and father Timofey Nagorny, Lilya plans to train hard. She took with her sneakers for daily jogging and golden dancing shoes, which were given to her by singer Andrei Kravchuk.

“After Dancing with the Stars 3, I asked for forgiveness from those I offended.”

How did you agree to participate in Eurovision? After all, after the project “Dancing with Star-mi-3”, in which you failed to become a winner, you said that you would no longer take part in competitions?

At that moment I really thought so. I didn’t expect to be kicked out of the project. There were a lot of emotions and grievances. I couldn’t restrain myself and threw a huge bouquet of roses right at the audience. Then she asked for forgiveness from those she had offended. But time has passed, and now I have no complaints against anyone. Now, remembering this, I laugh at myself. And why was there so much worry?

Are you even more worried now?

I feel great responsibility. I will represent the country. When the President of the National Television Company of Ukraine Vasily Ilashchuk called me and offered to take part in the dance Eurovision, I didn’t understand him at first. I thought I was called to comment on the competition during the broadcast. She agreed: “I can try if one of the professionals will help.” Ilashchuk says: “Should I perform myself?” I decided it was a joke. Vasily talked for a long time about how serious it all was. Then I called my dance partner Kirill Khitrov. He was so happy that he agreed to postpone his own wedding, scheduled for September 23. We immediately met and decided to prepare seriously.

The competition program has changed compared to last year. Previously, it was necessary to present two dances: from the Latin or standard program and a free dance. Now all participants show only one dance, with the presence of national elements in it. And one of the participants must be a non-professional in ballroom dancing.

Lilya, there are two months left before the competition, have you already decided how you will surprise Europe?

The work is in full swing. I just returned from America, where I have been teaching at a sports camp for 12 years. In addition, she visited the United Nations as a goodwill ambassador and gave a short report. I even sat in the place of the UN Secretary General.

Are you going into politics?

I've been offered this more than once. And in the elections the mayor was called to support one of the parties. I don't want to do this. To do good and help children, it is not necessary to have the status of a people's deputy or official. I am ready to cooperate with those who will support the programs of our “Health of Generations” foundation.

How did you prepare for Eurovision in America?

I took modern dance lessons, such as breakdancing, and trained every day. I received encouragement from young athletes. They do this. I looked at them and thought that I couldn’t do such tricks anymore.

Have you made the costumes for the competition?

This issue is dealt with by stylist Olga Seymour, who has worked with all the participants in “Dancing with the Stars.” We haven't decided for sure yet. I want an original outfit, perhaps white and definitely with some kind of focal point! We are thinking about how best to express national motifs in costumes. I don’t want to wear a banal embroidered shirt and a wreath.

Did you consult with Eurovision participants Verka Serduchka and Ani Lorak?

Andrey Danilko is an expert in this case. He understands the European public, trends, and tricks well. We will meet him in Crimea, I want to show him musical sketches. And Carolina advised not to take a world hit, but to come up with your own original song. The composition is almost ready. We'll dance the jive. This fast dance suits our character and matches our emotions with Kirill. The number is choreographed by Polina Komysova, who danced together with Alexander Ponomarev.

We also met with the director of the show ballet “Constellation Aniko”. Of course, I also prepare my own signature tricks, adapted to rock and roll. When I was negotiating with the coaches, the first thing I asked was: “Will it be possible to lay down mats?” It turns out that you need to train without special protective equipment; elbow pads and knee pads are out of the question! Now I’m in good shape, I’ve lost three kilograms. The main thing is not to be afraid and trust your partner. I have the same mood as before the Olympic Games, when you walk like in a dream and don’t understand what’s happening. And only when it’s all over can you say: “Yes, we did it!”

“I buy my outfits in America. Prices are exorbitant in Kyiv"

You will again meet on the floor with your competitor - Polish actor Marcin Mroczek. Aren't you afraid that the situation will repeat itself and he will bypass you again?

Before the 1996 Olympics, I was already a world champion and absolute champion Europe. Before going to Atlanta, I was asked a question: “Aren’t you afraid of losing at the Olympic Games?” After all, world champions, as a rule, do not become Olympic winners. I said that I would do my best, and then we’ll see. So it is here. Let's see how the stars align. For now, I want to get the thrill of fighting. But I can say for sure that I will not repeat my mistakes - throwing a bouquet into the hall.

Are you not used to losing?

Before becoming a champion in sports, I lost so many times! And every time it was so embarrassing! I tried not to show myself anywhere, I just wanted to lock myself in my room. I really don't like it when people feel sorry for me. At my first world championship in 1993, I failed all the apparatus except one. In the final, among the eight participants, she was eighth. I was so nervous that I couldn’t even do a vault. You can’t imagine how ashamed I was then! I was terribly worried about what the coach would say. After all, how much money was spent on packing for France, on tickets, hotels. The country sent me, but I did not live up to expectations. I was biting myself like that. But then I trained with even greater persistence, I just worked hard. I fell to the bottom to push off with my feet and swim to the surface.

Lilya, they say you have an excellent student complex. Are you fighting him?

Let them talk. If you don't have these qualities, you will never achieve high results. I always strived to be the best. And now I can’t help myself. If I take on something, I give it my best. I just can't do things half-heartedly. It was like that in childhood, and it’s like that now.

Your 30th anniversary is coming soon, how will you celebrate?

I will go with my family and friends to Kid `s camp at the Svyatogorsk Monastery. We transferred him money for the car sold at auction, which Kostetsky and I won in “Dancing with the Stars 2.” We have been going to this camp for four years in a row. The children are always waiting for me, preparing a concert program, sewing costumes

I want to invite my friends from show business and sports so that the children can hold on to the star and experience pleasant emotions. We'll barbecue right on the street, buy vegetables and fruits, swim in the Seversky Donets, and run barefoot.

What about a social party? Won't you arrange it?

I do not want anything.

There is a danger of losing the title of the most party person.

I often attend various events because I put myself in the place of the organizers. This is also work.

How many outfits do you need for this? There are several events a day, right?

I don't have that many things. I can’t go to the store and buy something right away, most often I can’t find it the right size. Suitable evening dresses for me simply do not exist in finished form. I try to combine them and complement them with accessories. I really like to shop in America, where both the quality and the cost suit me. Prices in Kyiv are sky-high! So this time I went shopping in America. Lately I've been drawn to jewelry. Well, just forty! I can't get past the shoes either. Although it is very difficult to find something suitable. Because of sports loads my joints hurt, my legs are twisting due to the weather. Even now my knees are twisting.

What about heels?

I endure! With my height, I can’t live without them! I sew shoes with heels and platforms to order so that they are as comfortable as indoor slippers.

“Eating after six in the evening is taboo for me.”

Do you currently follow a special diet?

Is it really obvious that I've lost weight? Given my height, plus or minus three kilograms plays a huge role. If I gain half a kilogram, it’s immediately visible on my cheeks. The rest goes to the “lifebuoy” - to the waist. In America, when I was invited to dinner at a restaurant, I would order a dish for myself, but wouldn’t even touch it. I didn’t want to attract attention so that they wouldn’t ask unnecessary questions. I just took this dinner with me and ate it the next day. Eating after six in the evening is taboo for me. I stick to separate meals. Cheese is a must for breakfast. Before training I can eat a piece of chocolate. To this day, I carry a bathroom scale with me everywhere and weigh myself in the morning and evening.

If it's not a secret, what is your weight?

Now 47 kilograms! The other day we met with Ani Lorak, she said: “You’re like a child! IN " Children's world“Are you buying clothes now? Lilya, you can’t lose weight anymore!” But I know that the one who appears on television seems much larger. TV “adds” 5-7 kilograms! And it works better on an empty stomach. I don’t know where the strength comes from, I want to tear and throw.

Do you find time for children?

Certainly. I try to walk with them a lot. On the playground near the house we got to know all the children. Vadim is a kind soul and treats everyone to crackers. Children love to ride in cars. As soon as Timofey drives up to the house, the two of them rush off shouting: “Hurray! Masinya, let’s go BB!” Children literally change every day. While I was in America for a month, I missed you so much! Every day I talked with the kids on the phone. True, I did most of the talking, they just snorted into the phone. And on the day of my arrival, Vadimchik said a whole sentence: “Hello, pivet, mom, how are you sharing?” I almost collapsed. Karolisha already says “asiba” (thank you). For me, this is the greatest happiness - to see them grow up. They say that other people's children grow up quickly, but it seems to me that mine just grow fast.

Do they get along?

There are times when a toy cannot be shared. Otherwise everything is fine. Vadim is our defender. When Timofey and I are fooling around, having a playful fight, he immediately stands up for me. So funny. He gives his hand to the girls in the kindergarten and to me too when I get out of the car. And Karolinka follows him everywhere and repeats everything. When we ask our son: “How do you love Caroline?”, he begins to hug and kiss her. Once in the kindergarten, both of them fell to the floor from such hugs.

Where do you see them in the future?

Timofey and I have already discussed this issue. Children will definitely do gymnastics. It allows all muscle groups to develop well. This is the basis necessary not only for any sport, but also simply for life. I like the discipline that is instilled in sports, the team spirit, and struggle. But I don’t want children to do gymnastics professionally, experience malnutrition, lack of sleep, and break their arms, legs, and ribs. No, I don't regret or complain. But it's very difficult. And it’s even more difficult to find yourself after finishing your sports career.