Summer fishing for perch. Do-it-yourself bait for perch in summer and winter Winter what smell does perch like

Perch is hungry in winter, which is why it behaves actively and readily bites even without bait. A week after the freeze-up, he had already worked up quite an appetite.

- This predatory fish and its bait must contain elements of animal origin, such as feed or small bloodworms. A chopped worm is also suitable for bait, but in winter it is difficult to get.

You can use a clever trick and place it in a half-liter jar or transparent plastic bottle alive or . After this, such an “aquarium” should be lowered into the hole, which will attract the predator and keep it near the hole for a long time.

If you feed the fish in advance, for example, 2 days in advance, then the outcome of the fishing will always be effective. will burrow into the silt and will attract predators and other fish for a long time.

Ways to activate the bite

Today, many ways have been developed to increase the intense bite. The most common of them are:

  1. Bite activators. They are developed on the basis of pheromones and can be used as additives to basic baits and can effectively lure fish. Unfortunately, such activators may be banned in the near future.
  2. Pheromone lures.
  3. Increasing the selectivity of gear.

Recipes for catchable baits for catching perch in winter

Many fishermen do not spend time preparing baits, but buy ready-made ones in fishing stores, where there is a very wide selection. Here you can find bait for perch Senses 3000 Perch, which is intended for winter fishing.

And yet, some fishermen prepare their own bait, just for fun, and this is much more economical, because ready-made bait costs a lot of money. Fishermen are reluctant to share their recipes, but they do share them anyway, and here are some of them:

  1. Recipe No. 1. To do this, you need to stock up in the fall. To do this, you will need a vessel, like a bucket of earth, and a cool place. A cellar may be ideal for this. To make the worms feel comfortable, the soil should be watered periodically. To prepare the bait, you need to chop the earthworms with a knife and mix them with breadcrumbs in a 50/50 ratio.
  2. Recipe No. 2. This bait uses bloodworms, which are also mixed with breadcrumbs. Subsequently, when fishing, balls are made from this mixture and thrown into the hole.
  3. Recipe No. 3. This recipe requires fresh pork blood and brown bread crumbs. They are mixed until dough-like. You can make sausages from this mixture and wrap them in cellophane. They may freeze in the cold, but this is not a problem. You can simply break off pieces from the sausages and throw them into the hole from time to time.

And yet, it should be noted that perch prefers live bait that contains bloodworms.

Bait with a compact slide

When you come fishing and there is no bite, you have to use other bait methods. In such cases, special feeders are used that deliver bait to the bottom and open there. As a result of this, a neat bait slide is formed at the bottom, which collects fish near it. In this case, you can intensify the bite significantly.

At the same time, it should be remembered that this is also a tasty morsel for the ruff and it can react first and quickly cope with this pile of bait. To prevent this from happening, the slide can be sprinkled with sand.

The ideal option is when such a slide appears in close proximity to a school of perch. Then large perches will be the first to approach the delicacy and will not give the ruffs the opportunity to interfere with their meal. In this case, fishing can be very productive. Near the slide you can also catch large perches that do not rush to the slow-feeding bloodworm.

In winter, perch lacks food, so it can actively peck even without bait. And yet there are periods when he refuses to be caught, then competent recipes come to the rescue that can revive fishing.

How to feed a hole (Video)

Regarding feeding perch, heated debates often flare up between amateur and professional fishermen - some say that it is useless to feed perch, while others argue that perch, like any other fish, is not only possible, but also necessary, only it must be done correctly .

Primarily baits are used for winter fishing , because perch is a predator, and in winter the issue of food is especially acute for it. But even in summer, using bait can significantly improve your catch. There is only one condition - the bait must be of animal origin.

Winter fishing for perch

Let's start with winter fishing. Ideal for baiting perch Bloodworms, both small and large, are suitable. Perches are insatiable, and happily eat bloodworms in huge quantities. Amphipods, chopped worms and mussels are also excellent complementary foods.

When fishing for perch, bait should be fed in small portions at regular intervals of 15-20 minutes. This fish excellent sense of smell, and the “goodies” in the water will definitely attract her attention. However, one thing to consider important factor– current. If there is a current, use a special feeder, otherwise “lunch” will be served somewhere completely different, but it will have nothing to do with your fishing.

The use of secondary feeding is also quite effective.– when they feed not the perch itself, but a small fish, and it then attracts the perch. For such complementary feeding, you can use bran, cake, or regular breadcrumbs.

When catching perch with a jig, the hole should first be caught with a spinner; the perch is unlikely to be caught on a spinner, but this process is certain will attract his attention to the hole.

There is another way to attract perch to a fishing spot, it is called “aquarium” or “TV”. A closed jar with several fry is lowered into the hole. Even if this method does not improve the bite, it will certainly keep a school of perch in place.

Bait for perch in summer

Now let's move on to fishing in the summer. In summer, bait is used less often, but in vain, because in summer all the methods listed above are just as good. And in the summer, perch will certainly be attracted by bloodworms, chopped worms and mussels, pond snails and amphipods. And due to the natural curiosity of the perch, it can be attracted to the fishing spot by simply throwing a handful of sand or small stones into the water.

The use of secondary feeding in summer remains just as effective, as in winter fishing. Some fishermen use fresh coagulated blood to bait perch; it can be bought at the regular market.

Fresh blood can be successfully replaced with the dried blood product Albumin. You can simply pour it into water, add it to the bait mixture, or soak foam rubber with it. This method can also be useful for winter fishing.

Perch bait mixture

Effective mixtures for baiting perch you can cook it yourself. The basis for the mixture can be finely ground dry clay, preferably white. To 4 parts of the dry base, add one part of raw blood and crushed eggshells, 3 parts of crayfish or fish meat, and 0.5 parts of finely chopped tinsel. The finishing touch will be 5 parts of chopped worm, previously soaked in a mixture of goose fat and camphor oil.

Can be used as bait for perch and such a mixture: to five parts of dry ground clay, add 0.5 parts of dry blood (“Albumin”) and finely chopped tinsel, 3 parts of molting crayfish meat and small bloodworms, one part of small fish scales. To this we will add 0.5 portions of chopped worms, previously soaked in honey and camphor oil, and 2-3 drops of lavender oil.

In a dispute over baiting perch, the one who catches the most will win, and the one who feeds the best will catch the most. So good luck with your fishing at any time of the year!

Perch is a predatory fish and has its own characteristics not only in fishing, but also in feeding it.

The key to a good bite and catch is correct selection and preparation of complementary foods. Therefore, the fisherman must know not only what to feed the fish with, but also how to prepare this bait himself, how it differs from each other depending on the time of year, and, of course, how to feed it correctly.

Experienced fishermen claim that perch is a capricious fish that is difficult to feed, but still possible. The omnivorous nature of the perch plays a big role in this; earthworms, maggots, offal, bloodworms and much more. The main thing is that the bait mixture contains residues of animal origin.

To feed this predator, you can use bait with a strong odor. Suitable camphor oil, goose fat, honey, which are added to the main bait mixture. Another old but proven method is to lower a jar of live fish to the bottom. The rushing fish are great for attracting predatory perch.

Bait for perch at different times of the year

In summer

In summer, perches more often live in thickets, near snags, in stones, in holes and pools. The most suitable and accessible feeding for this time is earthworms. Leftover meat and offal are also suitable. It will attract bloodworms, mussels, amphipods, and pond snails.

The natural curiosity of a perch can lure it if you throw some river sand into the water. For secondary feeding, clotted blood is suitable. You can use the drug “Albumin” in its simple dry form or soak a piece of bread in it.

in winter

With the arrival of winter, when the first ice appears, the perch slows down its movement, and only closer to the middle begins its movement throughout the entire reservoir.

Perch winters in small schools and it is more difficult for them to obtain food. Therefore, proper feeding is very important at this time. It allows you not only to stir up the fish, but also to attract it to one place for several days.

Bloodworms are suitable for this; it is better if they are alive, but feed ones are also suitable. A few days in advance, you should throw pre-prepared, molded lumps of bloodworms into the hole, or sprinkle them in small portions every 15 minutes.

It will sink to the bottom and mix with silt. This will allow the perch to feed in one place for several days. In winter, you can also use amphipods and chopped worms. The bait “Albumin - dry blood” has also proven itself well. It is used both in pure form and in addition to the mixture.

Autumn and spring

Already in the fall, perches tend to unite in small schools. They prefer quiet places without strong currents, in sandy slopes and flooded trees. This allows it to feed on small fish that live near the shore.

Before winter, perch wants to eat thoroughly, so it constantly moves along the shore in search of food. That is why during this period, more than ever, additional feeding is needed to keep the fish in one permanent place.

In the spring, when the snow melts, perch also rushes to the shore in search of the same small fish. At this time, the larvae of insects, dragonflies and butterflies become excellent subcortex. This type of food is familiar to him, which is why he responds to it quickly. You can’t do without bloodworms and chopped earthworms in spring.

DIY complementary feeding mixture

Perch, like a predatory fish, has a keen sense of smell and excellent eyesight. Therefore, bait is made with the addition of various oils, tinsel or glitter.

Fishing stores offer a huge selection of specialized baits, but experienced fishermen prefer to make them themselves.

A properly prepared perch mixture must contain:

  • basis;
  • food base;
  • additive;

The base is often made from oatmeal, bread, crackers, cake, and bran. It makes up the majority of the total mass.

Depending on the season, a food base of maggots, bloodworms, worms, and tubifex is added to it. And the final component is a spicy and aromatic additive in the form of oils or herbs. And also sunflower seeds, toasted hemp and flax seeds.

There are basic rules that must be taken into account when preparing:

  1. Dry blood, sawdust, dry milk and daphnia produce abundant turbidity.
  2. River sand, bloodworms, worms and maggots make the complementary feeding mixture more crumbly.
  3. Egg powder, oatmeal, clay are cemented.
  4. First, all the dry ingredients are mixed, and then water is added and small portioned balls are molded.

Best Recipes

  1. Fish fillet twister. Suitable for catching large perch. To do this, fish fillets are cut into small strips of about 5 centimeters, securely fastening it to the jig head. Leaving at the same time a small free end, which will play attractively under water, luring a predator to itself.
  2. For winter fishing. Mix finely chopped chicken or pork offal with bloodworms. Add a small amount of flour for viscosity. Roll into balls the size of a chicken egg and place in the freezer until completely frozen. Place in the hole three days before fishing.
  3. Finely chopped worms, bloodworms and crayfish meat are mixed with pork blood. Add a few drops of camphor and lavender oil and honey. Mix thoroughly, add fish scales. Then clay, you will need enough of it to make dense, non-crumbly balls.
  4. Mix fish meal with corn pulp, you should get about half a bucket. Add 150 - 200 ml pork blood. Mix the resulting doughy mixture thoroughly. Finely chop worms, crayfish meat, mussels, crabs, oysters, your favorite perch larva, bloodworms. Mix into flour mixture. Knead everything well. For viscosity, you can add a little clay, preferably if it is white.

How to properly feed perch?

If you use bait such as worms or maggots, then it is more convenient to use it in a feeder. To do this, small worms are placed in a small box with holes, which after a while begin to gradually emerge from them, thus attracting prey to the selected place. You cannot do without a feeder if there is a large current at the fishing site.

Dry mixtures are also used to attract predatory perch to the desired location.. They are intended for small fish, which, in turn, become excellent bait for predators.

To catch perch above the bottom, bait thrown into the water should crumble in it, forming a cloud.

To constantly maintain it and keep the predator in place, it is necessary to regularly throw in small portions.

On days when the perch is not active, several types of baits and baits should be used at once. This will allow you to find the ones that are most suitable for him at this time.

If you can only catch small fish with a worm, but larger ones don’t bite, then you should try changing the bait. Small fish are perfect for this; they are more noticeable and interesting for a large predator, but for a small perch it will be simply too much for them.

Experienced fishermen have proven that perch, as a predatory fish, prefers moving bait.

To do this, they use the following method: after casting the bait, it is left motionless for some time so that the fish notices it. Then, with slow, smooth movements, with short stops, they gradually pull her towards them.

With a quiet splash, bait balls fall near the float and cause small waves on the calm water surface of a small quarry lake. This is not ordinary baiting, because what is being caught here is not roach, but perch. I saw purposeful luring of perches using bottom bait for the first time in England, where I attended a competition several years ago. But I didn’t dare try this method until a fishing salesman I knew thrust under my nose a special perch bait that he had just purchased for his trade. The action of the bait was so convincing that I increasingly left the spinning rod at home when I went hunting for perches. Instead, I picked it up float rod, natural bait and, of course, perch bait. And today it should lure striped robbers to the chosen fishing spot. Our quarry lake is home to plenty of bass, which most anglers catch using twisters and spinning spoons. So I, together with my friend Thomas Engert, decided to try drifting a little differently, in order to catch trophy fish. Since Thomas is an experienced floater, I trust him when preparing the bait and moistening the mixture.

Fish and shrimp meal

The first thing I want to note before starting making bait I need to wash my hands, for this I take liquid soap. Thomas makes no secret of the composition of the bait. He tells me that it, first of all, consists of fish and shrimp meal, which, with the help of a special binder, is processed into bait that is well preserved in water. The easiest way is to use a ready-made mixture. If you are fishing on a river, then the bait should be enriched with “weighting agents” such as corn flour or clay to protect it from the current. But the ready-made mixture alone will not lure perches onto the hook. It rather serves as a carrier of odorous substances. Only the addition of live food makes it attractive. Finely chopped red or dung worms and crushed casters (pupated maggot larvae) make perch bait particularly effective. The worms should be cut and the casters should be crushed so that their aroma quickly spreads in the water and so that the perches do not get satiated immediately. In addition, crushed casters are not easily carried away by the current. Perch bait should have a dense consistency so that the balls disintegrate slowly when immersed in a pond. If feeding is carried out on a river, the balls should disintegrate only at the bottom.

Feed sparingly

It is important not to overfeed the perches or drive them away from the fishing spot with additional feeding. Therefore, at the beginning of fishing, we throw in most of the food so that a significant food carpet forms on the bottom as soon as possible, and an attractive cloud of bait appears at half-water. You can refuse additional feeding in the future, even if the perches are already in place. Only if the intensity of the bite decreases, you should carefully throw loose bait or small balls into the water using a slingshot. If you catch perch in the current with a pole tackle, you can quietly and very accurately feed with the Pole Cup without disturbing the perch. Pole Sir is a cup for feeding, which is simply attached to the tip of a plug rod or on a specially designed one. this place in the upper section of the rod. Live food or small balls of bait are placed in a glass and tipped over the fishing point. This creates an accurate stern trail in which it will later drift. bait.

Rivalry is the law

When feeding perches, in most cases maggots or worms are used as bait. I put a red worm on the hook and a finger-length dead fish on the hook of the second rod. I have often observed how small perches in a food cloud scoured in all directions, grabbing small particles of food, while - large perches hardly moved. I have repeatedly observed that large perches were more interested in their smaller relatives than in maggots or worms. Therefore, if I purposefully catch large perches, I prefer small perches as bait, which I serve directly in the food cloud. When I fish with maggots, after the first biting phase is over, I treat them with a special attractant to once again stimulate the fish’s appetite. As an attractant I use the aromas of shellfish, crayfish or fish. I don’t use an attractant right away at the beginning of fishing, because I want to have a trump card in stock with which I can persuade the perches to bite when there’s no bite. The outstanding bait is, naturally, the worm. While many anglers rely on crawlers, I prefer red or dung worms, which have a strong odor of their own. I present the bait on a hook on a thin float rig, which is weighted so that the perch feels minimal resistance when biting. The worm lies almost at the bottom, where most of the particles are located. bait. On the contrary, I offer dead fish on a float rig in half water - the carrying capacity of the float is quite enough for this.

First the little ones, then...

But let's go back to our quarry lake. After the bait balls hit the water, about an hour passes. Finally the float starts to move. After a short retrieval, the first perch lies on Thomas's hand. It is followed by other small perches, then palm-length roaches. However, we came here to catch large perch. As soon as this thought flashed through my head, the float of the rig with a dead fish on the hook dived into the water. I waited three seconds and hooked. After fishing with fountains of spray, a magnificent perch lies in the landing net. Now it became clear to me why the fish suddenly stopped biting at the worms - large perches had conquered the feeding area. In a matter of minutes, Thomas and I were able to catch several kilogram perch. It should also be mentioned that the anglers who tried to fish with artificial bait that day went home with nothing. For this reason, we will continue to use perch bait in reservoirs with strong fishing pressure.

This fish (perch family) is very common throughout Russia. And it is a desirable trophy for those who like to catch perch in the summer.

Catching perch in the summer in any way is an extremely exciting activity.

Description of the species

Freshwater perch is an unusually beautiful fish with a variety of colors. The back is dark in color on the sides, slightly lighter and the belly is even lighter. There are 5-7 vertical stripes running along the body, the color of which varies from light gray to black. The lower pectoral and anal fins are bright red.

The scales are very dense and small. The lateral line consists of 62-68 scales. The body shape is flattened laterally, the height is 1/3 of the body, which gives the individual a massive appearance. In older individuals, a hump forms.

There are two varieties of fish of this breed:

  • deep;
  • herbal.


The deep variety of perch, in accordance with the name, spends most of its life in the lowlands of the bottom. The growth rate is quite fast and largely depends on the food supply in a given reservoir. This perch lives in free areas of the reservoir, reaching a weight of up to 100 grams by the age of 3 years. Further annual growth can reach 50-80 grams, which also depends on the abundance or lack of feed.

The most common specimens of this medium-sized species are 250-300 gram specimens, but you can often find perch weighing up to 3 kilograms, and the record catch was 4.8 kilograms. The life cycle of fish of this species is up to 18 years, but it has happened that a 24-year-old handsome fish has been caught.

The main food item is small fish of carp species, but perch does not disdain representatives of its own species. This is one of the reasons for the phenomenon that individuals of the same size gather in a flock for hunting. Capable of active collective action, when a school of perch surrounds a school of small fish and drives it to the surface, arranging a feast for itself. The phenomenon is known as the “perch boiler”. In spring, it prefers to consume worms and larvae from meltwater streams. Both satisfying and not troublesome.

Grass perch grows slowly and reaches a weight of 75-80 grams. At the same time, by the third year of life, it becomes sexually mature and reproduces successfully. Its habitat in the reservoir is grassy areas, the main food item is small invertebrates. When hunting, it often goes to shallow water areas to feed.

Features of summer perch fishing

At this time of year, this predatory species is most active and you need to look for it in habitats of small fish. It usually collects in shallow water areas, but other characteristic signs of the presence of perch cannot be neglected. The presence of seagulls in a certain area, attracted by the presence of small fish close to the surface, indicates the possibility of its appearance under the influence of a predator. Therefore, this area needs to be fished.

Large individuals of perch love places near hydraulic structures or bridge supports, stone embankments at the bottom, in snags. The young often live in thickets of aquatic plants in shallow bays.

During the hottest part of the day, perch seeks protection from the sun in the thickets, ambushing prey.

Being a daytime predator, perch is most active in the morning.

Spinning fishing

Taking into account the behavioral characteristics of perch and its food preferences, the selection of fishing gear must be carried out with particular care. It is necessary to take into account own characteristics reservoir

At the same time, we can say with confidence that a low-rigid light-class spinning rod is suitable for such fishing. A blank with a test load of 12-15 grams will be optimal with a spinner or crank wobbler. And for twitching wobblers, a medium-fast rod action is suitable. An ultralight spinning rod is suitable for migro-jigging, and you can also use micro-oscillators and micro-spinners with it.

If you have a choice of form, it is better to prefer a length of 1.8-1.4 meters, depending on the area and fishing characteristics. Hunting from a boat close to the shore and fishing the edge from the water require different approaches. When choosing a reel, they give preference to models 1000 and 2000, preferably Shimano. Recommended wiring is jerky.

The debate about the main fishing line does not subside and will never subside: which is better - braided cord or fishing line. The cord responds better to bites, and when used, the likelihood of losing the bait on the hook is reduced. On the other hand, the fishing line, due to its elasticity, softens the jerks of the predator, increasing the fishing efficiency. The choice depends on the angler, his habits, experience and skills.

The attitude towards leashes is also ambiguous, but it is still recommended to use 0.16-0.5 mm fluorocarbon; for all its aggressiveness, the perch is sometimes very careful.

Fishing with a float rod

For this method of fishing, you can use two types of fishing rods:

Baits and groundbait

What to use to catch perch? One of the favorite delicacies and desired prey of perch is the earthworm. It should be placed partly on the hook with a stocking, then pierced and attached with an accordion. There is no need to hide the end of the hook.

A catchable bait is live bait. Fish up to 3-4 cm long are suitable for this purpose. Important! For successful fishing, you need to use live bait from the same reservoir where you will catch the perch. The following types of fish are suitable for this bait:

The bait is attached to the tee through the back in the area of ​​the dorsal float. There is no need to mask the hooks of the tee in any way - the perch does not react to them. But the likelihood of the trophy getting caught when biting increases greatly.

It must be remembered that this bait must be alive and active at all times while fishing.

What to use to catch perch is a matter of bait availability. The worm is easy to find or buy in a specialized store. And stocking up on live bait is another fishing trip.

Bait for perch in summer is used in the same way as for any other fishing, especially when fishing with a float rod. It only acts indirectly, actively collecting small fish around itself. This is what the perch reacts to, starting the hunt.

A good bait is made from a dried piece of bread. It needs to be thrown into the fishing spot. So that it does not swim away under the influence of wind or current, taking the fry with it. It must be loaded in an accessible way. Casting the tackle should be done in close proximity to the bait. Before placing the bait, you need to make sure that the depth in this place is no more than 2-2.5 meters, and load the bait accordingly.

If during fishing you notice signs of a hunting perch, you need to throw the tackle to this place.

Perch calendar

June is a quiet time for catching any fish. At this time, the maximum filling of reservoirs with natural biomass occurs and fish activity decreases.

Perch fishing in July is characterized by maximum efficiency, but the main signs of the summer period still remain - maximum activity occurs in the morning.

But perch fishing in August gradually begins to take on a different character. Feeling the approach of cold weather, perch in August begins to gather in schools, the number of which ranges from 10 to 100 individuals of the same size and peck more actively, preparing for wintering. At this time, they are located in thickets of vegetation, continuing active hunting throughout the day. Flocks may migrate over quite significant distances in search of food.

The peculiarity of the movement is the constancy of the route; when returning, they pass through the same places and the return of the bite is very likely.

Fishing for perch in August can be very effective if you know the habits of this fish. The perch bites quite actively and effectively at this time.

You can catch perch quite effectively in August using spinning rods and even bottom fishing rods.

Fishing is not an activity or a vacation - it is a state of mind. It must be remembered that the time spent fishing does not count towards your life. Good luck to you!

What to do if the fish don’t bite in the summer?

How many times did I have to return home without a catch, and if I did catch something, it was only enough for the cat. Bad place, bad weather, should have come yesterday...