Easy exercises for pregnant women 3rd trimester. Gymnastics in the third trimester. Exercises. Yoga for pregnant women at home

For many women, the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is the most difficult. During this period, it becomes difficult for expectant mothers to move, so their physical activity decreases. However, many specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology recommend that their patients turn to special gymnastics in the last period of pregnancy.

Some women doubt the benefits of exercise in the 3rd trimester, while others enjoy exercising at home. What benefits does gymnastics bring to pregnant women? What is recommended in the last months of pregnancy? Can everyone do the exercises?

Is gymnastics necessary in the third trimester?

Starts at 28 weeks The final stage carrying a baby. By this time, the woman already fully feels the load on her body: her back and legs hurt, the uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm and intestines, and swelling appears. The feeling of discomfort interferes with sleep and affects your mood.

Proper physical activity in the last trimester is designed to improve a woman’s well-being and prepare her body for childbirth. For expectant mothers, sets of exercises have been created that provide the body with a load that does not pose a danger to the course of pregnancy.

Goals for the last trimester:

  • reduction of tension in the back and lumbar region;
  • reducing joint resistance and increasing their elasticity;
  • minimizing the pressure of the uterus on surrounding organs;
  • practicing breathing skills during childbirth (see also:);
  • maintaining normal weight;
  • getting rid of swelling;
  • increased blood supply and oxygen supply internal organs;
  • eliminating feelings of fatigue and nervousness;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reducing the risk of oxygen deficiency in the fetus.

Considering all of the above, there is only one answer to the question “Is gymnastics necessary in the 3rd trimester?”: yes, it is. However, exercises in the last period of pregnancy have their own characteristics and contraindications. Before starting classes, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor the possibility of performing certain complexes.

What can you do?

Exist various techniques physical activity for pregnant women. Many women do exercises and aerobics from the 2nd trimester. However, some exercises that are allowed in mid-pregnancy are not recommended in the last period. Loads are significantly reduced, and their main direction is relaxation and relieving excess tension. Let's look at what experts recommend.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are one of the types of safe complexes for pregnant women that must be done regularly at home. The exercises are important element in preparation for the birth of the baby. Corrected breathing allows you to reduce pain, relax, and provide the fetus with a sufficient amount of oxygen.

The table describes breathing exercise techniques.

Item nameMethod of executionBenefits of exercise
Breathing from the diaphragmPlace one hand in the chest area, and the other just above the abdomen. Inhale slowly and fill your lungs as much as possible. Exhale all the air. During breathing, movements of the abdomen should be made without the participation of the chest.Accelerates the process of oxygen delivery to internal organs, has a relaxing effect, and reduces the risk of child hypoxia during childbirth.
Chest breathingHands remain on the ribs. Take a deep breath and exhale so that only the chest movements are noticeable.
Breathing like a dogAbsorption and release of air is carried out only through the mouth. Breathing is shallow and fast (like a dog breathing after an accelerated run).Eases pushing and contractions.
Breathing in jerksInhale and exhale slowly once. Take one deep breath, hold the air for 2 seconds, exhale. Take 2-3 short breaths, one exhale. Alternate several times.

Before starting breathing exercises, you should sit in a comfortable position on a chair or armchair. It is necessary to start by performing each element 2 times. Gradually, the repetition of each exercise should be increased to 10 times. It is recommended to do gymnastics for 10 minutes daily.

Fitball exercises

Fitball training is widely practiced in special sections for pregnant women (we recommend reading:). However, the exercises can also be done at home. Exercise therapy using a large ball helps to train the pelvic muscles, strengthen the arms and legs, maintain the shape of the chest, and reduce the load on the lower back and limbs. A list of popular fitball exercises in the 3rd trimester is presented in the table.

Initial positionExecution techniqueElement Goals
Sitting on a fitballArms crossed over chest. The pelvis performs movements in a circle. If you can't keep your balance, you can hold on to a fitball.Strengthens the back and gives elasticity to the pelvic joints.
You need to alternately swing left and right.Side muscle training.
Squeezing and unclenching the ball with the upper limbs.Strengthen your arms and maintain your breast shape.
Take small dumbbells in your hands. Bend both limbs in turn.
Standing in front of the ballSpread your legs wide, straighten your back. Slowly squat, leaning on the apparatus.Stretching calf muscles, preparation for stress on the joints during childbirth.
Lying on a fitballRest your upper body on the ball and spread your legs. Transfer your body weight from one leg to the other so that your body sways in different directions.
In front of the projectileGet on your knees and lean on the ball with your hands. Raise left leg and pull out the toe. Get back to the starting position and repeat the action with your right leg.Relieving tension from the lower extremities.
Lying on the floorPlace one foot on the apparatus and roll it back and forth. Repeat the movements with the other leg.Prevention of varicose veins.

Each exercise should be repeated 10–15 times. However, their total duration should not exceed 20 minutes per day.

Other exercise therapy complexes

In the third trimester, an important element of maintaining body tone is morning work-out. Exercises can begin with breathing, and then move on to physical activities. In the morning you can do the following:

  • Straighten up on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. After 2 seconds, fold your limbs on your chest in the form of a cross. Several of these approaches help strengthen the pectoral muscles.
  • In a standing position, rotate your body in different directions.
  • Sit on the floor and fold your legs so that your feet touch each other. Spread your knee joints in different directions without opening your feet.
  • Remaining in the accepted position, place your arms along your body. Raise one arm and tilt your body in the opposite direction. Try to lower the elbow joint of your second hand towards the floor.
  • Lie on your side and clasp your legs at the knees. Place the shin of the upper leg on the knee of the lower leg and rotate your feet to the right and left. Lie on the other side and repeat the action with the second foot.

One of the most popular methods of exercise therapy during pregnancy is positional gymnastics. In the last period of pregnancy, it allows you to relieve the condition of internal organs compressed by the uterus, reduce tension in the back, and improve the elasticity of the perineal muscles. Positional gymnastics include:

  • Exercise "Cat". To perform, you need to kneel down and put your hands in front of you, tilt your chin to your chest and arch your back. After a few seconds, you need to stretch your arms forward and bend, as cats do.
  • "Butterfly". Take a sitting position “Turkish style”. Place your hands on your knees and, with little effort, try to press them to the floor and let go. During this, the muscles that experience tension during childbirth are stretched.
  • "Twisting" Body position is the same as in the previous exercise. The arms are spread to the sides, the body turns alternately to the right and to the left. Legs must be kept motionless.
  • Kegel exercise. The gymnastics element is aimed at training and strengthening the vaginal muscles. It can be performed in two positions: sitting or standing. The essence of the Kegel exercise is to tense and relax the muscles of the perineum. During execution, the buttocks and thighs should not be involved.

Many pregnant women also do water aerobics. Exercising in the pool makes you feel light because the water supports your weight. However, water aerobics during pregnancy is carried out only with the participation of an experienced trainer.

Some aerobics and fitness complexes, which are also carried out by a specialist, are useful. Rhythmic movements to music not only tone the body, but also improve the mood of pregnant women. Aerobics uses elements with a ball, positional and gymnastic techniques(we recommend reading: ). The video below shows a popular set of exercises that can be performed to music.

Be careful when performing exercises!

When working with various sets of exercises, a woman must take into account that careless actions may not only not bring benefits, but also cause harm to her and the baby.

After consulting with a doctor and jointly discussing with him a suitable set of exercises, it is useful for a pregnant woman to attend classes that will describe in detail the techniques of physical education and gymnastics. You need to start classes only when the expectant mother is in a positive mood and feels well.

The following precautions should be taken:

  • avoid sudden and rapid movements;
  • stretching should be done carefully, as the muscles can be easily pulled;
  • monitor your breathing;
  • measure your heart rate before and after training (pulse should be between 110–120 beats per minute);
  • exercises on the back should be short-term and alternate with other positions;
  • preference should be given to elements on all fours, standing or sitting;
  • no need to overwork (if fatigue appears, you should finish the lesson and rest);
  • you need to plan your loads in the morning;
  • the maximum duration of physical activity is 30 minutes per day;
  • Do not put pressure on the stomach;
  • clothes for classes should be selected as comfortable as possible;
  • Do fitness and aerobics no more than 2 times a week.

If during gymnastics the expectant mother feels unwell, she must stop the exercises immediately. You should abandon an element of physical education when the following manifestations occur during its implementation:

  • the muscles of the uterus tense;
  • increased pain in the back or limbs;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • pulse quickens;
  • dizziness occurs.

If abdominal pain or uterine contractions appear after physical exertion, you should stop daily exercise and consult a gynecologist. The appearance of unusual vaginal discharge is also a signal to immediately consult a doctor.

When is it better to abstain from physical activity?

Despite the obvious benefits of physical activity, there are many contraindications to any of their types. It is not recommended to do gymnastics if the following factors are present:

  • there is a risk of premature birth;
  • the previous pregnancy ended unfavorably;
  • the woman has late toxicosis;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • during pregnancy, bleeding from the vagina appeared;
  • natural progesterone levels are reduced;
  • placenta previa;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • the woman has chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory processes are observed in the body;
  • periodic abdominal pain.

Expectant mothers carrying more than one baby should be treated with special caution when applying exercise therapy. If during pregnancy a woman’s blood pressure decreased or increased, she needs to monitor its indicators every time after doing exercises.


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Pregnancy requires special preparation, both in terms of fortifying the body, psychologically, and physically. In order for the period to proceed without complications, it is necessary to do gymnastics for pregnant women. Doctors recommend doing exercises in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters at home.

Gymnastics for pregnant women helps during labor. It is more likely that the birth will occur successfully, without complications. Some women regularly exercise before pregnancy.

It is important to understand that pregnancy is not a disease and there is no need to interrupt classes during this period. You just need to adjust them a little together with your doctor and master them special exercises, which are indicated for pregnant women.

It has long been proven by medical specialists who observe pregnant women that gymnastics for pregnant women, regardless of trimester, benefits not only the mother, but also the baby:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • gives strength to ligaments and muscles;
  • helps to improve mood and vigor;
  • improves the well-being of the pregnant woman;
  • promotes active burning of calories;
  • thanks to it, the volume of oxygen supplied to the child increases;
  • pain in the spine associated with heavy workload subsides.

From the moment of fertilization to the moment of childbirth, changes occur in a woman’s body every day: the body, muscles and bones change. A woman quickly gains weight, her muscles become elastic, and the entire load falls on her joints and bones. You can help your body cope with such a load only by keeping your muscles toned and doing special exercises.

When not to do gymnastics

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters brings great benefits, but there are times when engaging in any type of sports activity is contraindicated, even at home.

A pregnant woman should not do gymnastics in the following situations:

Regardless of the recommendations of medical specialists who have approved preventive gymnastics, it is important, when starting exercise, to first of all listen to your body. If something goes wrong or pain is felt, you should urgently stop all exercises and consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Why do you need a warm-up and how to do it

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester at home includes several sets of exercises. Their difference depends on the trimester of pregnancy, but there is one common and important feature between them - warming up before any type of exercise. It helps warm up the muscles of the body and prepare the ligaments. Warm-up exercises must be careful and unobtrusive.

Light exercises for warming up before gymnastics can be like this:

After the warm-up is done, you can safely move on to the basic gymnastic exercises.

A set of exercises for the 1st trimester in pictures

Gymnastics for pregnant women, regardless of trimester, be it 1st, 2nd or 3rd, always provides positive impact on the body of mother and baby, performing it especially responsibly at home. It includes many exercises of varying degrees of stress.

For each trimester of pregnancy, there are different activities and techniques for performing them. You need to understand that the first trimester is an adjustment period. During this period, the vital organs of the fetus are formed. Therefore, it is necessary to select exercises with a specialist who knows all the nuances and techniques.

During this period of pregnancy, calm and moderate loads are indicated, such as:

You need to do all the exercises no more than 20 minutes, preferably some time after breakfast. If discomfort or pain occurs, you should stop training. You can start them only after consulting a doctor.

Exercises for the 2nd trimester with photos

The second trimester of pregnancy begins in the fourth month and ends in the sixth. Of all, he is the safest and most conducive to physical activity. By this time, toxicosis has passed. Now physical exercise useful, they will help prepare the body for the process of childbirth.

You have gained a lot of weight and need to lose it gradually. They will help with this active activities sports. Exercising during pregnancy will later help to easily restore a woman’s body after pregnancy. Be sure to do a warm-up before any type of sports activity.

Sport exercises:

  1. You need to raise your arms up and stretch, using all the muscles in the body. It is useful to tilt in different directions. Actions are careful and slow. Do the exercise 3 times and rest.
  2. Sit on a hard surface, legs crossed, back straight. Perform smooth turns of the head and body in different directions. The arms are spread to the sides, perform rotational movements with the hands, then with the elbows, shoulder joints. Repeat 8 times and rest for a minute.
  3. Take a sitting position, palms clasped together, elbows should be at chest level. Perform pressing movements one by one. Continue without stopping 8 times. Perform several approaches.
  4. Sit down on the side of your thigh, stretch your legs forward, leaning on one hand. The other is pulled up and moved slightly to the side. Smoothly lower it down and return it back. The same is repeated on the other side of the body. You need to do it 10 times.
  5. While lying down on a hard surface, stretch your arms forward and place one on top of the other. Turn the body to one side with the arm abducted as much as possible, but not less than 180 degrees. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Breathing exercise. You should sit up straight and straighten your back. One hand rests on the abdominal area, the other on the chest area. Inhale - raise your stomach, exhale - lower it. After 5 repetitions, change the chest with the stomach. Inhale – the chest rises, exhale – lowers.
  7. This exercise will help you relax. It's better to do it at the end. You should sit on the floor. Legs are under the buttocks, knees should be spread apart. Perform smooth maximum forward bends. Do the movement 5 times.

It is important when performing all exercises to be in good mood and think about how useful they are at this time.

Gymnastic complex - 3rd trimester: instructions with pictures

The third trimester is the final one. It is during this period that heavy loads are placed on the woman’s spine and back muscles.

Gymnastics gives tone to all the muscles of a pregnant woman and prepares the body as much as possible for the upcoming birth. Sports loads of a moderate nature help to increase the elasticity of the body, develop the muscles of the perineum, increase joint mobility, give strength and increase elastic properties pelvic floor.

In order to engage in physical activity without fear, you need a qualified consultation with your doctor and a fitness specialist for pregnant women. You need to exercise every day for 20 minutes. It is necessary to dress only in comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement.

Important exercises:

These are the most important exercises that women should do in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Breathing exercises: basic exercises for any period

Proper breathing during pregnancy is extremely important. During this period, the body of the child and mother must receive a large volume of oxygen, which facilitates the supply of nutrients.

Benefits of breathing exercises:

  • Blood circulation in the uterus and placenta improves.
  • The good functioning of all organs of the child and mother is ensured.
  • There is preparation for proper breathing during the birth process.
  • The muscles of the chest and abdomen are strengthened.

Basic exercises:

A set of exercises based on the Alice Stockham method

Gymnastics at home for pregnant women from writer Alice Stockham is more suitable not for the 1st trimester, but for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

  • Take a standing position, counting to four, tilt your body as far forward as possible, without lifting your heels. Do this exercise 6 times.
  • In a standing position, bend to the left and to the right side. It is important not to bend your knee joints. Repeat 6 times.
  • While standing, place your hands on your hips, slowly lower your body forward and, also slowly, return to the starting position. Perform 5 approaches.
  • In a standing position, take a full breath, touch your shoulders with your fingers, and slowly bring your elbows together at chest level. They make a circular motion and return to their original position. Perform 6 approaches.
  • In a kneeling position on a pillow, spread your legs wide. Raise your arms up and bend forward as much as possible without changing the position of your legs. Return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  • Take a supine position. They rest their elbows on the floor and perform rocking movements from side to side with their legs bent at the knee joints. Perform 6 approaches.
  • IN supine position rest on their toes and elbow joints lift the body. Perform 4 approaches.

A set of Kegel exercises for pregnant women

The purpose of Kegel exercises is to ease the labor process. They are aimed at increasing the strength of the internal muscles of the vagina for easy advancement of the baby.

When performing these exercises, only the muscles of the reproductive system, namely between the vagina and anus, should be maximally involved:

  1. In a lying position on a gymnastic mat, bend your legs in knee joint and spread apart. This is reminiscent of the position during the birth process. It is necessary to relax and inhale and exhale evenly, as deeply as possible. The perineal muscle is tensed as much as possible and held in this state for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Starting position – lying on a gymnastic mat. They put lower limbs on the support. Make tensing and relaxing movements with the muscles of the perineum. Perform tension smoothly.
  3. Sitting on the mat in the “lotus” position, you need to hold your breath and gently push. The vaginal muscles must be moved outward. While inhaling, contract the muscles of the perineum.
  4. When sitting, bend your legs slightly. They compress the vagina, moving deeper, as if dividing it into segments. You need to hold each compression for 3 seconds. There is no need to suddenly relax; you need to act gradually.

Yoga for pregnant women at home

Yoga for pregnant women is very beneficial. By performing all of its exercises correctly, you can achieve peace of mind and peace of mind. They can be performed at home.

  • Lotus pose. Take a sitting position on a gymnastic mat, bringing your legs together. Place your hands palm to palm at chest level. You need to sit in this position for at least 15 seconds.
  • Mountain pose. Take a standing position. Hands are placed along the body. Perform tension and relaxation upper muscles bodies.
  • Cat pose. Take a straight standing position with your arms extended upward. Raise the right leg and bend it at the knee, placing the foot on inside hips. You should stand like this for a few seconds.
  • Hero pose. Sitting on your knees, with your legs brought together, carefully and slowly perform straining movements.
  • Butterfly pose. In a sitting position with a straight back on the mat, the feet are placed as close to the body as possible and turned outward. The knees are directed in different directions.

It is better to perform such exercises after consulting a doctor and trainer.

Exercises on a ball (fitball)

By doing gymnastics for pregnant women on a fitball, a pregnant woman at any stage (in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester) takes care of the proper functioning of the heart, improves mood and helps stabilize blood pressure.

There are many exercises that are easy to do and can be done at home. The optimal ball size is 65 cm in diameter. For stability, the fitball should be lowered slightly.

Gymnastics for pregnant women on a fitball is allowed for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester at home

Simple exercises:

Exercises you should not do during pregnancy

In addition to the permitted exercises, there are periods when certain exercises cannot be performed:

  1. In the first trimester When the fetus is forming, under no circumstances should you perform exercises aimed at the abs.
  2. In the second trimester you need to remove from the list exercises where you need to transfer weight on one leg. All activities must take place in a bandage. It is also better not to do exercises while lying on your back.
  3. Regarding the third trimester, almost all exercises are allowed, the main thing is that there is no tone.

Gymnastics for pregnant women at home is very useful activity. No matter what trimester of pregnancy - 1, 2 or 3, there are always suitable exercises to maintain the health of mother and baby. In order not to harm yourself when performing exercises, it is necessary to take into account contraindications, doctor’s recommendations, and restrictions.

Video on the topic: gymnastics for pregnant women

Exercise complex for pregnant women in the second trimester:

Gymnastics for pregnant women 3rd trimester. Set of exercises:

In the last 3 months of pregnancy, a woman’s mobility noticeably decreases: the tummy increases, the baby constantly makes itself known, and the load on all organs and systems increases. The body is actively preparing for childbirth, and it definitely needs to be supported by physical exercise.

A little about gymnastics

Gymnastics (if we are not talking about Olympic sports sport) is a type physical culture, aimed at strengthening health and improving the emotional state of a person. Absolutely all people, regardless of age, are recommended morning exercises taking into account health characteristics - a set of exercises to awaken the body, maintain joint mobility and muscle tone. To work with specific problems, there are separate types of gymnastics - respiratory, visual, intimate, postural (to cleanse the respiratory system), articulatory (to improve the functioning of the speech apparatus), etc. Pregnant women, unless strictly prohibited by a doctor, must follow special gymnastics which will reduce the load on the back, help strengthen the pelvic muscles, practice proper breathing, etc.

Gymnastics in the third trimester

Regularly performing a set of physical exercises will help a pregnant woman:

  • Unload the spine and lower back, improve joint mobility.
  • Coping with swelling.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Stretch and prepare the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor for childbirth.
  • Cope with constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.
  • Load the respiratory system, which will be actively involved in the birth process.

It is believed that women who take care of their physical fitness, they recruit much less excess weight, and after childbirth they restore their figure faster.

From my own experience, I can note that gymnastics is an excellent pastime for a pregnant woman, because in the third trimester a woman is usually already at home and not working. This good way fill the void and get rid of boredom. Anyone can find time for gymnastics accompanied by pleasant music when pregnancy is already at the “finish line”.

Gynecologists usually do not recommend any physical activity in the first trimester, when there is a risk of miscarriage. We can say that doctors are “making straws for themselves” by giving such recommendations to everyone, even physically strong women or those whose pregnancy is proceeding without threats. Each case must be considered individually. General recommendations women's doctors to start gymnastics - no earlier than 12 and no later than 32 weeks. It is ideal to start classes in the second trimester, and adjust the load in the third. If, in the second part of pregnancy, gymnastics did not work out, then it is better to start before the tummy begins to sharply increase in volume.

You can exercise at all stages of pregnancy, but the program and loads will be different.

Sports doctors, exercise therapy instructors, and trainers in such situations usually rely on gynecologists: to exercise in fitness clubs or swimming pools, a pregnant woman will need a doctor’s certificate. Having studied it and the recommendations given by the gynecologist, the specialist will select the optimal load.


Usually, doctors do not give an unequivocal ban on gymnastics; they only limit certain exercises and poses that may be unsafe. Each pregnant woman may have her own “list” of potentially dangerous exercises. But there are also general contraindications that every woman should take into account when expecting a baby:

  • Threat of miscarriage.
  • Late toxicosis (gestosis).
  • Severe swelling.
  • Increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus.
  • Low location of the placenta, shortening of the cervix, wearing a gynecological pessary.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Miscarriages that have happened in the past.

In addition, pregnant women should not physically strain themselves if they have a cold, ARVI or any other ailment.

All these situations are dangerous in their own way, because... may cause premature birth or general deterioration of the condition.

Daily gymnastics for women in the third trimester of pregnancy

There are many different variations of physical activity for “very pregnant” women. This could be exercise therapy in a clinic or at a maternity hospital, Pilates, yoga, water aerobics. Such classes are prepared by an instructor who carefully monitors the technique of performing the exercises.
We will look at the simplest gymnastic techniques that you can do at home yourself. Much is borrowed from yoga, Pilates and physical therapy.

"Butterfly Pose"

You need to sit down with your back straight. You can sit against a wall to have support and keep your back straighter. The knees bend and the feet touch each other in front of you. The closer the feet are to the perineum, the better, but you should not pull your feet towards you through pain. The position should be as comfortable as possible. You can clasp your feet with your hands. In this position, you can sit and breathe deeply and calmly for as long as you want. Additionally, you can periodically “flap your wings” - i.e. raise and lower your knees.

This exercise helps to stretch the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor - very useful during childbirth.


This exercise, familiar since childhood, is one of the most beloved by pregnant women at all stages. It perfectly relieves the back and strengthens its muscles.
The “cat” is done like this: the starting position is on all fours. As you inhale, bend your back down and stretch your neck. As you exhale, go back and arch your back, lowering your head. “Kitty” is done slowly, smoothly, with controlled breathing.


Another exercise to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and unload the lower back. You need to get down on your knees, spread apart and lower your body forward, on your arms bent at the elbows. You can stay in this position for a long time as long as it is comfortable.

Photo gallery: how to correctly perform basic positional gymnastics exercises

In the “Cat” exercise, the position of the head is important: it should move up and down, together with the back. In the butterfly pose, you can not only “flapping your wings”, but also roll from side to side. In the frog pose, you can put a pillow under your head - it will be very comfortable

It is useful to do light stretching exercises, for example:

  • Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible. Carefully bend first to the right, then to the left leg, trying to reach the foot with your hand. If there is no discomfort, you can fix the stretch for a while.
  • Standing on the floor, legs together, lower your body down, trying to clasp your legs with your hands. You should feel a muscle stretch back surface thighs and legs.

In the absence of contraindications, you should definitely do intimate Kegel exercises. The vaginal muscles strengthened with these exercises will recover much faster after childbirth. Daily gymnastics can include:

  • Basic exercise. Lying on the floor, you need to separate bent legs to the sides (approximately as in the process of childbirth) and, breathing deeply and calmly, squeeze the muscles of the perineum. They need to be held in this position for 8–10 seconds.
  • "Wave". Sitting on a chair or on a fitball, you need to squeeze the muscles of the perineum from front to back - i.e. from the vagina to the anus. When this becomes good, you can complicate the exercise by doing a “wave” back - from the anus to the vagina.
  • "Elevator". Sitting on a chair or fitball, you need to squeeze the muscles of the vagina, moving up and down. Use your imagination to imagine squeezing your muscles: this will make the process easier.

By the way, you should definitely get a fitball: it not only helps during pregnancy, but will also be useful for the baby. It will be possible to do gymnastics with the little one, and you can also use the fitball to rock the baby to sleep.

The simplest exercises with a ball for expectant mothers:

  • Sitting on a fitball, do circular movements pelvis. To maintain balance, you can keep your hands at chest level. Such “circles” improve blood circulation in the pelvis.
  • To strengthen your back and relieve stress on your lower back, you can do the following. Place the fitball against the wall and sit down, leaning your back on it. As you inhale, arch your back and roll backwards and upwards. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Sit on a fitball and catch your balance. Raise your arms up, spread them to the sides, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Return to starting position.

Video lesson: a set of exercises for the 3rd trimester from trainer Maria Porosinskaya

On my own behalf, I can recommend a Pilates exercise for pregnant women, which perfectly relieves the load on the lower back. You will need a yoga and Pilates roller for this. You can use a tightly rolled towel or plastic bottle with water. Starting position - lying on your side, resting on your elbow, second hand in front of you. Bottom leg straight, bend the top one at the knee and place it on a roller that lies on the floor, near the knees. As you inhale, roll the roller forward with your foot so that your lower back stretches forward. As you exhale, smoothly return it back. Then change legs. Even just lying in this position, with a roller under your knee, is very pleasant for your back, especially when your tummy is already large. In this position you can watch a movie, for example.

The third trimester is a great time to do yoga, but it's good for those who are a confident practitioner. If a woman has not practiced yoga before pregnancy, it is better to start in the 1st–2nd trimester and do it under the strict supervision of an instructor.

I tried pregnancy yoga at 33 weeks: it was physically challenging and my lack of basic skills made it difficult to relax my mind.

What is prohibited to do

There are a number of exercises that are definitely prohibited for pregnant women, especially in the last trimester. This is first of all:

  • Running - regular or on the spot, on a treadmill.
  • Jumping.
  • Sharp turns of the body.
  • Squats - regular and “plie”, when the legs are spread in different directions.
  • Standard exercises for pumping up the abs, such as crunches (twisting), reverse crunches, "bike".
  • Planks.

Pregnant women should also avoid contact sports and weight-bearing exercises.

For those who were actively involved in gym before pregnancy and does not have any pathologies, there are special programs in the gym, but they should only be carried out with the permission of a doctor and under the strict supervision of an instructor!

You should do stretching exercises very carefully because... under the influence of hormones, tendons become prone to rupture.

How to conduct a lesson correctly

The key to success is regularity! If you decide to exercise, then you need to do it on a schedule and try not to miss “training” without a good reason. Ideally, classes should take place every day at the same time. If a woman practices at home, this is easy to do. If you have the desire and means to go to the gym, then this should also be regularly - 2 or 3 times a week. By the way, when the complex is well mastered, on the remaining days you can repeat it at home yourself.

The optimal time is the first half of the day, when the body is still full of strength. Gymnastics should take 20–30 minutes. This is enough to load your body, but not to exhaust yourself. After training, a woman should feel pleasantly tired and be in a good mood.
You should not exercise on an empty stomach. Optimally - an hour and a half after breakfast. During classes, if you want, you should definitely drink water or green tea.

The room must be ventilated. If the weather permits, the window can be opened wide.

If you travel out of town in the summer, be sure to train outdoors!

You should definitely buy a beautiful mat and comfortable trousers for exercise with a soft elastic band. These little things create the mood and motivate you to practice every day.

Monitor your breathing and pulse. Exercise should not cause shortness of breath, and the heart rate should not rise above 100-110 beats per minute.

If possible, you need to choose a time for classes when the woman is not alone in the apartment.

Of course, training with a trainer in the gym will be effective, because a specialist can change the load depending on the woman’s condition. If finances allow, and you don’t have to travel to the other end of town to get to the gym, great. And if you want to save money, good option would be, for example, one workout a week in the gym and repeating the complex at home.

Gymnastics plays a big role during pregnancy. Since it has a positive effect on the entire body of the expectant mother, it helps normalize blood pressure, relieve swelling, and prevent the development of preeclampsia. On recent months pregnancy gymnastic exercises prepare a woman for the upcoming birth. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what exercises exist for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester.

Basic rules for fitness

Before starting training, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main rules for performing exercises so that they only bring benefits to the health and well-being of the expectant mother. Rules for performing the exercise:

  1. It is forbidden to perform physical activity if there is a real threat of premature birth or a low-lying placenta. If during training you feel dizzy, have pain in the lower abdomen and have scarlet discharge, go to the doctor immediately;
  2. Don't overuse stretching exercises lower parts body, so as not to injure the softened tendons and ligaments in the pubic joint. Prohibited dangerous species sports;
  3. During any exercise, carefully monitor your breathing;
  4. If there is tachycardia or a burning sensation in the heart, avoid cardio exercise. When playing sports, your heart rate should be no more than 110 - 120 beats per minute;
  5. It is advisable to perform gymnastics in a quiet home environment.

Allowed exercises

In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is better to do exercises in sitting position. To relieve back and lower back pain, gymnastics on a large ball is an excellent option. To do this, if you don’t have a fitball at home, you need to purchase one. You can do the same exercises that you did in the first two trimesters of pregnancy.

Prohibited exercises

In the last stages of pregnancy, it is forbidden to jump, run, stand for too long, lie on your back for a long time, perform exercises that require maintaining balance, or physical activity that can lead to a blow to the stomach.

You need to move smoothly. Exercises during this period are aimed at stretching and strengthening the muscles to prepare them for childbirth.
Any physical activity is contraindicated:

  • For chronic diseases;
  • With severe toxicosis;
  • When there is bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • For toxicosis in the later stages;
  • With polyhydramnios.

Yoga as a sport

Yoga will help expectant mothers learn how to breathe correctly to soften the entire birth process. Thanks to breathing exercises a woman will be able to avoid stress or fear, relieve pain, and normalize her heartbeat during childbirth.

When performing all yoga exercises, it is important to keep your back straight and the back of your head pulled up. As you pull yourself up, inhale deeply through your nose, slowly inflating your stomach, then you need to inflate chest. As you exhale, slowly relax first your chest and then your stomach. This exercise, performed 15 times in a row, will help cope with anxiety and panic.

Warm-up before gymnastics

To warm up, you need to take a Turkish pose. Warm-up exercises are as follows:

  1. Turn your head right and left 10 times in each direction;
  2. Twist your hands, arms, bent elbows, shoulders and twist your torso;
  3. Swing one way and the other. Bend backwards in a sitting position, slightly arching your back and leaning on your hands behind you;
  4. To stretch bone muscles stomach, sit on your heels and lean to one side, and then to the other. At the same time, you need to pull your hands up and behind your head.

Exercises during the third trimester of pregnancy

Do exercises only when you feel well and after consulting a doctor. Basic exercises:

  1. Sitting on the ball, take turns bending your arms with light dumbbells weighing no more than a kilogram;
  2. Taking the Turkish pose, squeeze the ball with your hands with light and rhythmic movements;
  3. To prevent varicose veins, you can do the following within two minutes. You need to lie on your back. Place your foot on the ball and roll it back and forth. Or roll it in a circle;
  4. Place your palms in front of your chest. You need to press them on each other, moving your hands away from your chest. Thanks to this exercise, blood flow to the mammary glands is activated;
  5. Kneeling down, rotate your pelvis around its axis. Do it without straining. If you can, do 10 times in each direction;
  6. While kneeling, you need to rest your hands on the floor. Bend your back down and then up. With your arms stretched forward, lying down, place your head down and your buttocks up. By adopting child's pose, you will feel the tension release from the spine, lower back and sacrum.

If you feel unwell during exercise, stop exercising and rest.
After the basic exercises, you can perform breathing exercises:

  1. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest, inhale and exhale deeply. When you inhale, only your stomach should rise. At diaphragmatic breathing you need to breathe through your nose;
  2. With your palms on your ribs, your elbows should be spread to the sides. While breathing, slide your elbows to the sides, and your stomach and chest should be in their places;
  3. Place one hand on your chest area and the other on your stomach. When inhaling, only the chest should rise.

When performing breathing exercises, do not hold your breath too much so that the baby does not experience hypoxia. Each lesson should last no more than 40 minutes.

Exercises for a gentle birth

So that the birth of the baby passes the best way During pregnancy, it is important to perform the following exercises:

  1. Place your back against the wall. Bend your legs at the knees. Exhaling, press your pelvis against the wall, lifting it up. Repeat 15 times;
  2. Get on all fours. As you exhale, round your back, while inhaling air, bend at the lower back. This exercise is called “cat”. It is also useful for better bowel function;
  3. holding on to big ball or behind the back of a chair, squat, keeping your back straight, without lifting your heels from the floor;
  4. When watching TV, sit in the butterfly position. Sitting cross-legged, bring both feet together and lower your legs all the way;
  5. It is also useful to do Kegel exercises - rhythmically tense and relax the muscles of the perineum.

Walking during pregnancy

Walking is very useful. At the end of pregnancy it is important to spend a lot of time fresh air. If possible, go for a walk in the forest once every 14 days. Nature and forest air will have a positive effect on the well-being of the expectant mother and the health of the baby.

While walking in the park, you can walk either slowly or quickly. Choose a new walking route each time. Be sure to take your friends or family with you so you don’t get bored, or listen to pleasant music on your phone or birdsong in the park.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic exercises of the third trimester of pregnancy, perform them every other day for 10–30 minutes. But if your doctor forbids you to exercise for medical reasons, don’t despair. Rest more and enjoy your pregnancy time, when you can still lie quietly with your favorite book or do your favorite handicraft. After all, after the birth of the baby, you will devote most of your time to him.

While waiting for the baby, the expectant mother experiences slight excitement and really wants the birth to go quickly and without complications. This usually happens if a woman is well prepared for the physical exertion that is inevitable. Great way To achieve this - gymnastics for pregnant women. The 3rd trimester is not a reason to give up classes, but the best time for them!

What are the benefits of gymnastics for pregnant women?

Many women, having heard the myth that fitness can harm the baby, refuse sports during pregnancy. Certainly, intense loads needs to stop. It is better to choose activities with moderate activity, which helps keep muscles toned.

Fitness on a fitball, Kegel exercises, light gymnastics have a positive effect on health, reduce back pain, prevent the appearance of stretch marks, excess weight and help prepare for childbirth. In addition, physical education in the third trimester:

  • increases the elasticity of the hip joints;
  • improves blood flow to all organs and normalizes intestinal function;
  • strengthens immune system and reduces the risk of varicose veins veins

Properly selected gymnastics has a positive effect on the baby’s intrauterine development and gives a woman a boost of energy during pregnancy. Scientists have noticed that exercises on a fitball greatly reduce postpartum complications and help quickly restore shape after childbirth.

Despite the benefits therapeutic exercises, do not forget that pregnancy is individual and progresses differently for everyone. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before starting exercise. A competent specialist will choose the right technique.

Sometimes physical condition expectant mother does not allow her any stress. Then the gynecologist can prohibit any activities. In the third trimester, the culprits for this are:

  • gestosis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus and the threat of premature birth.

Ball exercises

Doctors often advise expectant mothers to do light exercise on a fitball. To do this you need to purchase a special gymnastic ball. It should be comfortable and strong. Before purchasing, be sure to sit on the ball; you should feel stable and comfortable on it.

Fitball exercises are especially useful in the third trimester. With their help, the abs, muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor are quickly strengthened. But they are the ones who actively participate in pushing and need stimulation. Training with a ball is an excellent prevention of diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. They greatly reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids, which often occurs during pregnancy.

In the seventh month, a woman often feels constant fatigue. An enlarged belly makes it difficult to move freely and do gymnastics. And smooth rocking, turning and bending on the fitball is easy and pleasant. They do not require grueling repetitions and are not painful. During exercise, you can sit, lie on the ball and use it as a support.

It is best to carry out during pregnancy physical training in a special group. An experienced instructor will closely monitor your condition and distribute the load correctly. But if you want to exercise on your own, and your doctor has cleared you to do so, be sure to warm up your muscles before exercising. To do this, just tilt your head several times, wave your arms and stretch upward.

Start with simple exercises.

  • Sit comfortably on the ball, place your feet on the floor and start swinging on the fitball, performing springy movements. After a few days, complicate the exercise and do it with your arms extended upward if you manage to maintain your balance. When this is problematic, always hold onto the ball to avoid falling.
  • For next exercise You will need to sit on a fitball and slowly make circular movements with your hips forward, backward and to the sides. This strengthens the perineal muscles well.
  • Lie sideways on an exercise mat, wrap your feet around the ball and squeeze it for a minute. You will quickly strengthen your internal and external muscles hips
  • Under the supervision of loved ones, you can lie on the ball with your back, placing your feet shoulder-width apart, and smoothly swing on it from side to side. This exercise on a fitball trains your legs.
  • The pectoral muscles are strengthened by rhythmically squeezing the ball with both hands. This is convenient to do while sitting on the floor.

You need to slowly increase the intensity of exercise on a fitball during pregnancy. Start with a few minutes and gradually add time until it reaches a quarter of an hour.

If during training you feel discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, stop immediately. physical activity and call a doctor for consultation.

The famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel in the middle of the last century developed a unique set of exercises that strengthens the muscles of the reproductive system. It prevents hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence and many other diseases.

Kegel exercises during pregnancy are necessary for women. It helps prepare the body for the birth of a child, prevents ruptures during labor and reduces pain during contractions.

The third trimester is a great time for exercise if you have no contraindications to it. Therefore, be sure to check with your doctor about their absence and start training only with his permission.

  • To perform the exercises comfortably, sit in a comfortable position, bend your knees and slightly spread them in different directions. As you inhale, begin to squeeze the muscles of the perineum. As you exhale, relax. This must be done within 5-7 seconds.
  • Sit on a chair and begin to slowly inhale air. At the same time, squeeze the vaginal muscles. Imagine that you are moving on an elevator and with each new stop you are straining your muscles more and more. As you exhale, gradually relax.
  • In the next lesson, in addition to the vaginal muscles, you need to use the muscles of the anus. Squeeze them alternately, first the vagina, then the anus, and immediately relax them in turn.
  • Take a comfortable position and begin to push so that not only the muscles of the anus, but also the vagina, take part in the process. After a few seconds, try to relax completely. The exercise trains muscles that will actively work during childbirth.

Regularly performing Kegel exercises during pregnancy will help a woman train her pelvic muscles. This skill will be useful during labor and will help subsequently improve your intimate life.

Useful exercises

If the doctor does not object, you should do exercises every day. Fitness for pregnant women eliminates severe stress, so the load should be minimal.

  • Some physical exercises can be done while sitting. Straighten your back, relax your shoulders, and begin to slowly turn your head in different directions. Continue the exercise for several minutes.
  • In the third trimester, fitness should be relaxing. Try doing tasks on all fours. Get into this pose with your back arched, tucking your chin toward your chest. Then begin to stretch slowly, lowering your back down, bending as low as possible.

If there are no contraindications, it is good to visit the pool. Bathing is a kind of massage for the skin, which reduces the likelihood of stretch marks. Water improves blood circulation, swimming strengthens the spine and back muscles.

Ideal fitness for expectant mothers is water aerobics. She can give many pleasant sensations in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. To make sure your pool sessions are effective, don’t skip them. Go swimming several times a week. During training, try not to hold your breath for too long and drink plenty of fluids.

Don't forget to master breathing exercises. They will help you survive childbirth easier. It is better to study the technique under the supervision of a specialist. During the courses for pregnant women, you will definitely be taught different methods. correct breathing, so take the time to visit them.

Light fitness in the later stages will improve your well-being, reduce swelling, normalize sleep and calm you down. Be sure to do exercises for pregnant women, the 3rd trimester will fly by quickly and without problems. See for yourself!