Athletics: what sport is this? Athletics in Russia. Football World Cup. What is it and what does this word mean? What does ana mean at the World Championships

Athletics is an Olympic sport that includes cross-country sports, race walking, all-around, running, cross-country and technical types. Athletics is usually called the queen of sports, because it is one of the most popular sports and its disciplines have always won the largest number of medals at the Olympic Games. Track and field athletes are athletes who participate in one or more types of athletics.

Athletics Federations

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) was founded in 1912 and unites national federations. The association's headquarters are located in Monaco.

The All-Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF) is engaged in the development and popularization of athletics in Russia, and also manages the holding of all-Russian competitions.

European Athletics is the European governing body for athletics.

History of the development of athletics (briefly)

Athletics is considered a very ancient sport, as evidenced by widespread archaeological finds (coins, vases, sculptures, etc.). The oldest of the athletics sports is running. By the way, the running was carried out over a distance equal to one stage - one hundred and ninety-two meters. It is from this name that the word stadium comes.

The ancient Greeks called everything physical exercise athletics, which in turn was usually divided into “light” and “heavy”. TO athletics they included exercises that developed agility and endurance (running, jumping, archery, swimming, etc.). Accordingly, all exercises that developed strength were classified as “weight” athletics.

Koroibos (776 BC) is considered to be the first Olympic champion in athletics; this date is considered to be the beginning of the history of athletics. The modern history of athletics begins with competitions in running over a distance of about 2 km by college students in Rugby (Great Britain) in 1837. Later, the competition program began to include running short distances, steeplechase, weight throwing, long jump and high jump.

In 1865, the London Athletic Club was founded, which popularized athletics.

In 1880, the Amateur Athletic Association was organized, uniting all the athletics organizations of the British Empire.

The rapid development of athletics is associated with the Olympic Games (1896), in which it was given the largest place.

How did athletics come about?

Athletics competitions have been held throughout the existence of mankind. Initially, people were interested solely in raising warriors capable of bringing victories in battles. Military interest in physical education developed men gradually began to degenerate into sport games, the main competitions in which were endurance and strength. From this moment the birth of athletics began.

Athletics rules

Winner in athletics competitions The athlete or team that showed the best result in the final races or final attempts of technical disciplines is considered.

Running athletics are usually divided into several stages:

  • qualification;
  • ¼ final;
  • ½ finals;
  • the final.

The number of competition participants is determined by the competition regulations, while men and women do not participate in general starts.

Athletics stadium

Athletics stadiums can be open or closed. Usually the stadium is combined with football stadium and the field. Outdoor stadium consists of a 400-meter oval track, which in turn is divided into 8 or 9 tracks, as well as sectors for technical disciplines. Often, javelin or hammer throwing competitions are moved outside the stadium for safety reasons.

Indoor stadiums (maneges) differ from open ones by having a shorter track (200 m) and the number of tracks into which it is divided (4-6 pieces).

Types of athletics

Let's look at what sports are included in athletics. Race walking is an athletics discipline that differs from running sports in that the athlete must have constant contact with the ground. Race walking competitions are held on a track (10,000 m, 20,000 m, 30,000 m, 50,000 m) or road (20,000 m and 50,000 m).

Running is one of the oldest sports for which official competition rules were approved; it has been included in the program since the very first Olympic Games of modern times in 1896. Running in athletics is represented by the following types: sprint, middle-distance running, running long distances, hurdles, relay race.

Types of running in athletics:

  • Short distance running (100 m, 200 m, 400 m), non-standard distances include 30 m, 60 m, 300 m.
  • Middle distance running (800 m, 1500 m, 3000 m), additionally 600, 1000, 1610 m (mile), 2000 m can be distinguished.
  • Long distance running (5000 m, 10000 m, 42195 m).
  • Steeplechase 2000 m in the arena and 3000 m in the open stadium.
  • Hurdling (women - 100 m, men - 110 m, 400 m).
  • Relay race (4x100 meters, 4x400 meters).

Jumps are divided into vertical (high jump and pole vault) and horizontal (long jump and triple jump).

  • High jump is an athletics discipline that refers to vertical jumps of technical types. A jump consists of a run-up, preparation for take-off, take-off, crossing the bar and landing.
  • Pole vault is a technical discipline that refers to vertical jumps. In this jump, the athlete needs to go over the bar (without knocking it over) using an athletics pole.
  • The long jump is a horizontal jump and requires athletes to have sprinting qualities and jumping ability.
  • A triple jump consists of a run-up, three alternating jumps and a landing.

Throwing is an athletic exercise that requires “explosive” muscle effort. The goal in this form is to move the projectile to the maximum distance from the athlete. Types of throwing in athletics:

  • Throwing a grenade or ball, grenade weight - 700 g for men, women and middle-aged boys throw a grenade weighing 500 g. Balls weigh 155-160 g.
  • Shot put, the men's shot weighs 7.260 kg and the women's 4 kg.
  • Hammer throw, the men's hammer weighs 7.260 kg, and the women's hammer weighs 4 kg.
  • Discus throwing, men's discus weighs 2 kg, women's - 1 kg.
  • Javelin-throwing. A man's spear weighs 800 g and has a length of 260-270 cm, a woman's spear, respectively, 600 g and 220-230 cm.

All-around is a sports discipline that includes competitions in several disciplines of one or different types sports

What does athletics include?

Running events, race walking, all-around events, runs, cross-country events and technical events.

Today, the Olympic Games program includes 24 events for men and 23 events for women. Athletes compete in:

  • running 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 5000 and 10,000 meters,
  • marathon running (42.195 km),
  • 110 m hurdles (women's 100 m),
  • 400 m run,
  • steeplechase - 3000 m steeplechase,
  • race walking 20 and 50 km (men only),
  • high jump,
  • pole vaulting,
  • long jump,
  • triple jump,
  • shot put,
  • discus throwing,
  • hammer throwing,
  • javelin throwing
  • all-around events - decathlon for men and heptathlon - for women,
  • relay races 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 meters.

Cyclic types of athletics include: race walking, sprint, middle and long distance running. Technical types of athletics include: throwing, vertical and horizontal jumps.

The new ban for Russian athletes who will compete at the World Athletics Championships under neutral status became known from the special IAAF regulations for the tournament. It states that the Russian anthem should not be performed not only in the stadium and in the warm-up area, but also in the hotel of the national team.

“The national anthem of a neutral athlete may not be played by sound or a cappella in the vicinity of any event-related facility, including the competition stadium, warm-up arenas, registration areas, practice arenas, and hotels,” the document states.

It sounds funny, but even singing the anthem a cappella, for example, in the shower, is prohibited. I am curious what punishment awaits the violator in this case and whether the quality of singing will be taken into account? Earlier, world 110-meter hurdles champion Sergei Shubenkov said that domestic athletes in London would not be allowed to play the anthem even on their own mobile phones.

“They even clarified: it is prohibited for the ringtone of the Russian anthem to play on the phone. I understand that this all sounds terribly stupid, but you shouldn’t be surprised. This fits well with the logic of the IAAF. They believe that our country should not be involved in athletics at all. This is how they implement this idea. Again, this is not surprising,” the athlete said in an interview with RT.

At the same time, performing the anthem is prohibited not only for the athletes themselves, performing under the status of neutrals, but also for accompanying persons. They, in turn, are not allowed to appear near the stadium with flags and banners. This ban looks funny and absurd only until you remember that it is far from the first of its kind.

IAAF against rubber bands and nails

Thus, in June it became known that neutral athletes from Russia are prohibited from wearing any equipment in the colors of the Russian flag. Even rubber bands and flags painted with nail polish were banned! Domestic high jumper Maria Lasitskene noted that one has to put up with such rules.

“We are not allowed to wear anything that hints at the Russian tricolor. So far there has been no control, but I think this will be checked very seriously at the World Championships. In order not to provoke or draw attention to myself, I try not to do anything like that, although I really want to wear elastic bands and bracelets. But since we have been striving for at least this for a long time, we will be patient,” TASS quotes Lasitskene as saying.

Actually, the IAAF was unhappy with the gesture of long jumper Daria Klishina, who entered the start of the European Championships in Belgrade with a hair tie in the colors of the Russian flag.

“There are many ways to try to circumvent the system, but this type of behavior from an athlete who has a neutral status is inappropriate and does not demonstrate his positive attitude. Especially in a situation where Russia is trying to regain membership in the IAAF,” the communiqué reads.

“You may like it or not, but these are rules that must be followed.”

What else the IAAF can ban Russian athletes performing under neutral status, one can only guess. The prohibitions of the international federation look so ridiculous and discriminatory that they can include anything, for example, eating cabbage soup. Indeed, what kind of cabbage soup can we talk about when “Russia is trying to regain its membership in the IAAF”? What about the balalaika? Will Russians be banned from performing songs to her accompaniment? And can the Russian flag be displayed by an athlete or a member of the delegation of another team?

A member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF), Mikhail Butov, in an interview with RT, said that the IAAF rules look somewhat strange, but Russian athletes have no choice but to follow them.

“This news is nothing new. On the official IAAF resources there are conditions for athletes to compete in neutral status. And this applies not only to Russia, but to everyone who has such a status. Unfortunately, we cannot prevent this. I don’t know what the IAAF will do if athletes from other countries display the colors of the Russian flag during the World Championships. We all remember how the story ended at the Paralympic Games, when the Belarusian delegation showed the Russian flag at the opening ceremony. The IAAF has established clear rules in this regard. You may like it or not, but these are the rules that must be followed,” Butov emphasized.

Let us remind you that the World Athletics Championships in London will be held from August 4 to 13. An invitation from the IAAF was received by 19 Russian athletes who have individual admission to participate in international competitions from the IAAF and have fulfilled the standard for admission to the World Championships.

Every 4 years football fans gather around the TV to cheer for their team at the World Cup. This tournament was founded more than 80 years ago and has not changed its traditions since then. Everyone who managed to get to this football event remembered it for the rest of their lives. Millions of people come to the countries that host the championship to support their national team and see how they will perform against the main favorites of the tournament.

Origin of the word "Mundial"

Recently, the phrase “World Cup” is increasingly being replaced by the word “Mundial”. What is it and when was this concept first used? In 1982 the world football tournament Spain hosted. It was she who became the birthplace of this word. The fact is that “mundial” translated from Spanish means “worldwide”, and the word is read as “mundiale”. Interestingly, the official name of the world football tournament did not contain the word “Mundial”. The International Football Federation gave the name to the Copa del Mundo de Futbol tournament - Espana 82. It was the fans and commentators who contributed to the birth of the new name for this tournament. That year, the tournament was attended by more than two million people, supported by 24 football powers.

The fans composed various chants and songs, and television commentators supported them and began their broadcasts with greetings from the word “Mundial.” Spanish football players experienced what it was like for the first time, because they were entrusted with great responsibility. At that tournament, the Spanish team did not yet have the same power and greatness, unlike today's Spanish team, which has won many trophies on the European and world stage. In 1982, the “red fury” only reached the second stage, where it took third place in group “B” and was eliminated from the championship. Other teams shone at the Spanish World Cup.

Triumphant Italian team

Champions football world became the Italians, who amazed with their attacking and defensive lines. It was the Italian scorer Paolo Rossi who was listed as the main goalscorer when the World Cup ended.

He felt for the first time what it was like to be the main scorer of the national team and become the idol of millions of Italians. That year Rossi received the title best player Europe and the World. In the final of the tournament, the Italians managed to defeat the German team with a score of 3:1, and then Rossi scored his last, sixth goal, which became decisive for him. The Germans reached the final thanks to a successful penalty shootout, where they won over the French.

Brazilian World Cup

As already noted, “mundial” means “world”, that is, this name has been used exclusively in the name of the world championship since 1982. As you know, in addition to the World Championship, which takes place every four years, there is also the European Championship, which also determines its winner every 4 years. However European tournament for national teams has not gained such popularity, so it does not have a special name. What the word “Mundial” means could be understood when watching the last world football tournament, which took place in Brazil.

Fans from all countries in the stands chanted chants dedicated to their idols. In most football reviews, the unofficial name of the tournament was already used constantly, because readers, even without knowing the origin of the word, understood from the first sentence what would be discussed.

Russia is the host of the 2018 World Cup

Separately, it is worth mentioning the fact that the next football world championship will be held in Russia in 2018. All Russians will finally feel what it is. 11 Russian cities will host 32 teams in their football arenas, who will fight for their country to receive the title of the best football power in the next four years. Who knows, perhaps it will be the captain of the Russian national team who will lift the main World Cup trophy over his head...

LONDON, August 4 - R-Sport, Andrey Simonenko. The World Athletics Championships kick off on Friday in the UK capital. Both current Russian world champions will perform there - high jumper Maria Lasitskene (before Kuchina's marriage) and sprint hurdler Sergei Shubenkov. However, neither they nor the 17 other Russians allowed to start at the world championship will see the white-blue-red tricolor on the scoreboard opposite their name and will not hear the national anthem if they win.

Everything was taken away except honor

Two years ago, at the World Championships in Beijing, the Russian team already competed in a somewhat shabby state. Films from the ARD television company thundered in which Russian runner Yulia Stepanova and her husband, ex-employee of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) Vitaly Stepanov announced the existence of a doping system in athletics, in which the leadership of the All-Russian Athletics Federation (ARAF) and senior coaching compound. Long-time ARAF President Valentin Balakhnichev resigned, taking the blow upon himself.

And, of course, athletes were suspended from competitions and subjected to disqualifications. It got to the point of being funny: after almost all of them went into doping exile Russian team in race walking, the only walker worthy of competing at the World Championships in Beijing was found - Alexander Yargunkin, who did not belong to the Mordovian school of Viktor Chegin. But he was also removed from the plane flying to the capital of China after EPO was found in his possession.

But still, the Russian team competed at the 2015 World Championships under its own flag. And the Russian anthem sounded twice over the Bird's Nest Olympic stadium - after the brilliant victories of Maria Kuchina in the high jump and Sergei Shubenkov in the 110-meter hurdles. The Russians also won two other medals - bronze through the efforts of Anna Chicherova (high jump) and silver by Denis Kudryavtsev (400-meter hurdles). And few people then could have imagined that in less than three months the Russian flag and anthem would be “banned” from the world’s athletics arenas - as well as the Russian athletes themselves. Well, it’s unlikely that anyone would have believed that the return would take so long two years ago.

Actually, this return has not yet taken place. On Thursday, the Congress of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) voted to extend the temporary disqualification of ARAF. That is, to perform as the Russian national team at international competitions still can't. The same 19 Russians for whom the IAAF approved individual applications for admission to starts under the auspices of the organization are registered in the start protocols under the abbreviation ANA, which means “authorized neutral athletes.” A white rectangle will be displayed opposite their names on the scoreboard, and if they win over the stadium, the IAAF anthem will be played.

These are not all the conventions associated with the concept of an "authorized neutral athlete." Attached to it is a whole set of rules of conduct, which essentially boils down to one thing: completely ban the mention of Russia as a country at the World Cup. The uniform should not contain national colors, hairpins, makeup, tattoos and other accessories with their elements are prohibited, the national anthem cannot be performed in any form (even on a mobile phone), let alone in a stadium or in a hotel.

And yet everyone national symbols No one can deprive Russian athletes. What remains is the Russian character, the Russian spirit and Russian honor. It is they who must remind the whole world in London what country these 19 people came from.

Gold is close

Both current champion world - or rather, the champion and champion, Shubenkov and Lasitskene, will perform in London. And the likelihood that they will be able to defend their title is high. And if we talk about Lasitskene’s chances, they are almost one hundred percent. Since her first start at the Diamond League stage in Eugene at the end of May, Maria has not lost a single tournament. Over and over again she cleared heights of two meters, her best result was 2.06, and at two tournaments the jumper tried to break the world record.

However, to hang it around Lasitskene’s neck gold medal It’s not worth it in advance, if only because high jumping is a type of athletics in which psychology plays almost the most important role. Yes, Maria’s coach Gennady Gabrilyan created a training system in which the conscious mind is close to giving way to the subconscious. But, no matter how trite it may sound, Lasitskene is also a person. And anything can happen.

Moreover, there were examples of this, including with the participation of Mary. The most striking one that can be remembered is associated with the famous Croatian Blanka Vlasic, who was considered a 100% favorite for the Olympic Games in Beijing. And in the end, a jumper named Tia Ellebo, whom not everyone will remember, rose to the highest level.

So it is here. Lasitskene, of course, is considered the favorite, but among her rivals there are enough people who can catch the courage. Lithuanian Airine Palshite also has a two-meter jump this season (2.01). And then there is the Spaniard Ruth Beitia, Kamila Litsvinko from Poland, the German Marie-Laurence Jungfleisch, the American Shante Lowe, the Italian Alessia Trost and another Russian Irina Gordeeva - they all overcame the psychologically important two-meter barrier at different times, although this season they are doing well a little worse.

As for Shubenkov, he started noticeably less often - and the very first start of the world champion, it is worth recalling, was disrupted due to the slowness of the American embassy, ​​which did not issue him a visa on time. But according to tradition, he moved from relatively average results to elite ones. His best time this season - 13.01 seconds. Only Omar McLeod from Jamaica ran faster (12.90).

A difference of 0.11 seconds for such a distance seems significant. But here's what you need to consider: the season ranking list is based on one-day competitions. And Shubenkov is a great master of delivering results at competitions that take place in several stages (first round, semi-final and final). Actually, this was brilliantly demonstrated two years ago in Beijing, when the Russian’s main rivals were “wiped out” ahead of time, and Shubenkov managed to gather strength and will into a fist precisely at the moment when it was most needed.

New hopes

In several other disciplines, Russians have medal chances - and, with a successful combination of circumstances, chances for gold. So, in the decathlon Ilya Shkurenev, who was fourth in Beijing two years ago, will compete for the podium. But then the inimitable American Ashton Eaton performed, with whom no one could compare. Now Eaton will not be there - he has retired. And it’s quite possible to fight with Canadian Damian Warner and German Rico Freimuth, to whom the Russian lost at the 2015 World Championships. This is evidenced by the top list of this season, in which Shkurenev is second.

In the men's 20-kilometer walk, after the well-known sad events, Russia does not have the same bench as before. Then Viktor Chegin, now disqualified for life, pulled out more and more jokers from his deck. Now our team has only one representative in men's race walking at the World Championships - Sergei Shirobokov. But he is quite capable of competing with the traditionally strong Chinese and Japanese.

The most representative Russian event at the World Championships is the men's hammer throw. True, it will be difficult for quantity to develop into golden quality, because in this discipline there is an obvious favorite - Pole Pavel Fajdek, who owns the nine longest throws of the season. But Russian Valery Pronkin, who is steadily progressing and improving his personal best, can compete for silver or bronze. It will be more difficult to do this for Sergei Litvinov and Alexei Sokirsky, whose best results of the season are somewhat behind the 80-meter mark, at the level at which the fight for medals will most likely be fought.

The prospects of being on the podium with Danil Lysenko, a 20-year-old high jumper who has a result of 2.34 meters this season, look very good. Qatari Mutaz Essa Barshim achieved 2.38, but knowing the instability of this athlete, especially at the biggest competitions, we can say that this means nothing. Olympic champion from Canada Derek Drouin and 2015 world champion Ukrainian Bogdan Bondarenko are still “in ambush” this season, and it is these rivals that should be feared. The second Russian in this discipline, Ilya Ivanyuk, with a season’s best result of 2.31, will have a more difficult time fighting for medals.

Finally, another jumping discipline could bring the Russians a medal. 2013 world champion Alexander Menkov has gotten into good shape this season, with his best result being 8.32 meters. This is only two centimeters less than the potential bronze medalist (according to the top list), Tyrone Smith from Bermuda. The favorite in this discipline is Luvo Manyonga from South Africa with a very good season's best result in the world (8.65).

Three more Russians will qualify for the finals for their successful performance. Neither Ilya Mudrov (pole vault), nor Alexander Lesnoy (shot put), nor Viktor Butenko (discus throw) are in the world top 12 with their best results of the season. It’s worth remembering that only a dozen are selected for the final competition.

When beauty is not omnipotent

Jumping disciplines traditionally carry hope for Russian fans and women. In addition to Lasitskene, European outdoor and indoor pole vault champion Anzhelika Sidorova can also achieve success. True, in terms of results she is somewhat inferior to her strongest rivals - the Greek Ekaterina Stefanidi and the Americans Sandy Morris and Jennifer Suhr, but the gap is not so critical that it is impossible to talk about chances. And the “steering wheel” at the recent Russian Championship should not be misleading - it was, in fact, a training start. Another Russian pole vaulter Olga Mullina will also perform in London.

In the long jump, as always, a lot of attention will be focused on the Russian Daria Klishina, despite the fact that she is not objectively among the favorites. The reason can be characterized by one common expression: beauty is a terrible force. Alas, this beauty will not allow Daria to compete for medals. It would be nice to add another jump of seven meters - but Klishina hasn’t had it for a long time. But Serbian Ivana Spanovic and Americans Brittney Reese and Tianna Bartoletta have.

Finally, two more athletes from Russia who will compete at the World Championships will have a hard time competing for medals, judging by the best results of the season, but a surprise cannot be ruled out. Vera Rebrik’s javelin doesn’t fly very far this summer, but if it flies to the level of her personal best (67.30), a medal is possible. Well, 21-year-old Klavdiya Afanasyeva (race walking), who won two weeks ago youth championship Europe, with a certain amount of luck, is able to compete with three Chinese women aimed at winning the entire podium.

If we talk about important events at this World Championship not related to Russian athletes, then there will be two of them. These are farewell performances in big sport eightfold Olympic champion from Jamaica Usain Bolt and four-time Olympic champion British Mo Farah, who in last time will try to make a golden double at distances of 5,000 and 10,000 meters.

On the first day of the tournament, the winner in one discipline will be known - the men's 10,000 meters. The main favorite is the same Farah, the local hero whose victories five years ago on the track Olympic Stadium Many of those who will come to the stands on Friday will probably remember.

The Russians will compete on this day in qualifying competitions of three disciplines. Viktor Butenko will compete to reach the finals of the discus throwers tournament, Alexander Menkov - long jumpers, and Anzhelika Sidorova and Olga Mullina - pole vaulters.

The “Athletics” report summarized in this article will help you prepare for the lesson.

"Athletics" report on physical education

What is athletics?

Athletics is Olympic form sports, it includes race walking, running events, runs, all-around events, technical events and cross-country events. She is rightly called the queen of sports, since she is considered the most popular sport, and in terms of the number of medals in her disciplines, the largest number of medals have always been awarded. In 1912, the International Association of Athletics Federations was founded with its headquarters in Monaco.

Athletics: history of development

Athletics is very ancient look sports, as evidenced by numerical archaeological finds. The earliest athletics event is running. This sport originated in Ancient Greece. The Greeks, by the way, called all physical exercise athletics, dividing it into “heavy” and “light.” They classified exercises that developed strength as weightlifting, and exercises that developed endurance and agility as light athletics. The first Olympic athletics champion was Koroibos, who received this title in 776 BC. By the way, this year is considered the birth date of athletics.

The modern history of this sport began in 1837, when running competitions took place over a 2-kilometer distance in the city of Rugby. Later, his program included sprinting, weight throwing, steeplechase, high jump and running long jump.

In order to popularize athletics, the London Athletic Club was founded in 1865, and in 1865 the Amateur Athletic Association. Its rapid development is associated with Olympic Games 1896, when she was given the largest place.


  • The winner is the team or athlete who showed the most best result in the final technical disciplines or final heats.
  • The number of participants is determined by the competition regulations, with women and men participating in different starts.
  • Stadiums come in open and closed types, often combined with football field. The outdoor stadium consists of sectors for technical disciplines and a 400 m track divided into 9 lanes. Indoor stadium consists of a 200 m track with 4-6 sectors.

Types of athletics

  1. Race walking. The athlete's feet are in constant contact with the ground. Distances are 10,000 m, 20,000 m, 30,000 m and 50,000 m.
  2. Run. It is represented by the following types: long-distance running, middle-distance running, sprint, relay and hurdles.
  3. Jumping. They are divided into horizontal (triple jump, long jump) and vertical (pole vault, high jump).
  4. Throwing. Athletes move the projectile to the maximum distance from themselves. Types: shot put, throwing a ball or grenade, throwing a discus, hammer or javelin.
  5. All-around. Includes competitions of one discipline or several sports.

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