Therapeutic exercises for the back and neck. Exercises for the spine and neck, joints, lower back, posture, strengthening the back muscles at home. Rules for therapeutic exercises

During physical education, the flow of oxygen to the brain is accelerated, the pressure on the roots decreases. As a result, the headache disappears, attacks of dizziness become more rare, and muscle pain decreases.

Exercises that are beneficial for osteochondrosisEffectExecution MethodNumber of repetitions, times
Complex 1Improves mobility cervical We turn our heads from one side to the other.5-10
The functions of the neck muscles are restoredWe tilt our head to the chest, trying to pull the chin to it as close as possible.
We strain the neck, take the head back. After returning to the starting position, tilt it forward.
Complex 2The muscles of the neck are strengthened, their spasm is eliminated and pain disappearsWith a palm attached to the temple, counteracting the inclination of the head to the right. Relax after 5 seconds. We do the same in left side. 10
We put a palm to the forehead, lower the head, creating resistance. 10 seconds is enough.
Complex 3Strengthened shoulder girdleHolding hands on weight (parallel to the floor), we develop fingers: we squeeze and unclench. After that, shake the brushes.20
We tilt our heads to the shoulder: to one, then to the other. At the same time, we are trying to touch it with our ear.5-10
We raise our hand to the head, direct it to the side - to the opposite ear. Reaching for it with our fingers.5
Having laid the hands on the shoulders, we stretch the muscles: we make turns with the elbows forward, then back (or in reverse order).10
Pull your shoulders up. Hold them in the highest possible elevated position for 10 seconds, then lower them.

Gymnastics is done sitting on a chair without a back or standing. You can do the exercises at home (after waking up) and at work (after a long stay in a pose with a bent neck).

In case of pathology of the cervical spine, you can not sharply tilt, turn your head: dizziness, muscle injury are possible, the vertebrae may be displaced.

Video selection of exercises from Dr. Bubnovsky:

Exercises for thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis

Relieve back pain, strengthen muscles thoracic and lower back, the following exercises help to eliminate stiffness of movements:

  • We take a chair with a low back. We sit on it, lean on the shoulder blades, bend our backs. We return after 3-5 seconds to the starting position. We do this 3-5 times.
  • We go to bed. We stretch our arms, position them at an angle of 90º to the body. Turn your head to one side, legs to the other. We do 10 twists, moving symmetrically.
  • Starting position: lying on your stomach with arms extended above your head. We direct the upper and lower limbs to the ceiling. Let's raise our heads. At will, we swing from one side to the other or back and forth. Run 3 to 5 times.
  • We tilt our legs to the sides, bending them at the knees 8-10 times. It is best to do this while lying on a hard surface.
  • We lower the head, shoulders, then - round the back. Slowly bend down to the floor (you can bend your knees a little), relax. After 5 seconds, return to the starting position. After that, we bend forward, throwing our heads back and taking our shoulders back. We keep our hands on the belt. We do this 3-5 times.
  • We lie on our backs. We raise our legs, we start by the head. It is advisable not to bend them. We stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. We repeat as much as possible.
  • We pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest, wrap our arms around them. After 15-30 seconds, lower the limbs. Repeat 3-5 times in the supine position.
  • We get on our knees, we put our hands on the floor. As far as possible we bend the spine down. It is not necessary to raise up, lower your head: we keep it straight. After 5 seconds, round the back, relax the neck. Do 10 times.

Such exercises are also useful for scoliosis, kyphosis: they eliminate muscle hypertonicity, strengthen them, and prevent back pain.

I left a review on the forum about the treatment of the spine.

The effect of performing exercises to strengthen the back, increase flexibility is remarkable: muscle stiffness disappears, pain is not so often disturbed. You can also combine physiotherapy exercises with yoga: this stimulates blood circulation, accelerates the flow of nutrients to the spine.


He talks about the benefits of gymnastics on the forum about the treatment of the spine.

Even with a slight load on the back, there was pain in the lower back. Sometimes I couldn't walk properly. After the first exercise, the pain decreased, and after the fourth, they completely disappeared.

Exercises for a healthy back and neck

Exercises that prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosisExecution MethodNumber of repetitions, times
Strengthening neck and back musclesWe lay down on our stomach. The arms are located along the body (the palms “look” up), the chin is at the level of the body. Relax, turn your head to the sides. When turning, touch the floor with your ear.5-8
Feet shoulder-width apart, hands put on the belt. We lean to the left, then to the right.5-10
Lie on your back, straighten your legs. We lift them up and put them down.8-10
In the supine position, we pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest and lower them. When returning to the starting position, straighten the limbs. We do it smoothly.25-30
Lie down on your stomach, rest your palms on the floor. Without lifting from the leg, we raise the body. Relax after a few seconds.5-8
We stand with our backs to the wall, press the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks against it. The feet are located 30 cm from the wall. We raise our hands to the level of the ears. Without tearing off the wall, we move the limbs up. When they are above your head, bring them together and lower them. Repeat from the beginning, taking the starting position.30
We lay on our back, bend our legs, place them at a distance equal to the width of the hips. We lean on the floor with our feet, we place our hands along the torso and relax. Straining the muscles of the buttocks, raise the pelvis, linger for 3 seconds, lower.10-15
Designed to stretch the spineTurning back to open door, hold on to her hands (top). Bend your knees and fully straighten upper limbs, hang on the door for a minute. After rest, repeat the exercise.2-3
We close our hands in the lock and put them on the back of the head, lower our head, bring our elbows together. We raise the forearms, after 10 seconds you can relax.
We stand sideways to the wall, put our feet at a distance of a wide step (in length). We turn to face the back, spreading our arms.1-3

For gymnastics at home, you can purchase a fitball - a large elastic ball. Rolling on it simultaneously massages and relaxes the muscles, reduces the load on the spine.

Video gymnastics for the back:

Gymnastics will only benefit if you follow the basic rules for doing exercises. What you need to know:

  • At a high body temperature, exacerbation of the symptoms of osteochondrosis, it is impossible to engage in physical education: pain may increase, general well-being improves.
  • Exercises to strengthen the spinal, cervical muscles, to stretch the spine should be done slowly, without sharp jerks.
  • Warm-up should be done in comfortable, loose clothing, in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.
  • Between gymnastics and the last meal should be at least 30 minutes.
  • At the first lesson, you do not need to repeat the exercises a large number of times: this can harm. Approaches increase gradually.

A set of exercises that should be performed with osteochondrosis is compiled by a specialist on an individual basis. The first gymnastics classes are best done with him. If any exercise increases pain in the neck, back or lower back, you should inform your doctor.


  • If you strengthen the muscles, perform exercises to stretch the spine, the severity of pain in the back and neck decreases, headaches disappear, and working capacity increases.
  • It is possible to prevent the destruction of the intervertebral discs, the increase in the symptoms of osteochondrosis, by doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. But you need to do it regularly.
  • With intense pain in the muscles, therapeutic exercises can be harmful: classes should be started after their relief.

The complex of morning exercises for the back and spine contributes to the excellent study of the main muscle groups and gives the body vivacity energy, in just 15 minutes without leaving home!

The exercises in this article are borrowed from yoga practice and are included in many different sets of exercises for the spine. Performing these movements, you literally from the first time will feel their positive effect on the body.

Charging complex of 7 exercises for the spine

Performing this set of exercises will help improve or even restore the health of the spine. The charging system is focused on gentle stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back, spine and neck. An important part of it is the relaxation of the back and the relaxation of the body, which has a beneficial effect on the health and general condition of the human body.

The relaxation stage cannot be neglected - it is better to do fewer exercises, but with complete relaxation in accordance with the execution technique! Properly performed workouts can improve the blood supply to the muscles of the spine, correct posture, reduce the curvature of the spinal column, and. This therapeutic exercise in the morning has no age restrictions- Even older people can do it. It is highly recommended for sedentary work.

Carefully! It is strictly forbidden to perform the complex in the stage of exacerbation of any diseases of the spine. First of all, consult a doctor.

1. "Cat"

Stretch the muscles of the back and neck. Muscle stretching training is recommended to be included in the morning exercise complex as one of the first. "Cat" makes it possible to awaken the body and perform the rest of the exercises with pleasure. It allows you to stretch the muscles of the spine and prepare them for stress, get rid of stoop.

  1. We get on all fours and both palms. Legs shoulder width apart.
  2. While inhaling, raise the buttocks, straightening the legs. Feet should be firmly planted on the floor.
  3. The exercise at the end point is a triangle, the top of which is the buttocks. This position should be held for about a minute, while breathing is free and measured.

We rest, completely relaxing the muscles, for one minute. We repeat three times. This pose is an excellent back exercise for pregnant women, even in the 8th month.

3. "Dog face up"

Morning work-out, including this movement, contributes to a good stretch of the muscles, back, hips and abdomen. Activates work internal organs.

  1. We lie down on the stomach, bend our arms at the elbows and place them under the shoulders with palms down, straighten our legs.
  2. On the exhale, we take our shoulders back, straightening the chest.
  3. We raise our head, then, bending in the back, we raise upper part body up. In this position hold the body for about one minute. Then slowly lie down on the floor.

Rest one minute, repeat three times.

4. "Crocodile"

This exercise is extremely effective for spinal health and pain relief. It can be learned and performed at any age. from Dr. E.A. Antipko consists of 12 steps and can be used as an independent system of back healing. We will consider one of the movements.

  1. Lie on your back on the floor, arms at your sides. The palms should be turned up.
  2. Next, you need to spirally turn the spine - head to the right, hips and feet to the left
  3. Repeat the movement for the other side
  4. It is very important to move symmetrically

You need to perform 10 such twists in both directions.

5. "Boat"

Forms a muscular corset, reduces the volume of the waist, works out latissimus dorsi back. Loads the gluteus maximus, thighs and calves. The “boat” can be performed lying on your back, as well as lying on your stomach. We will use the option “lying on your stomach”.

  1. We lay down on the floor on our stomach, legs together, arms extended forward.
  2. On the exhale, we bend, trying to raise straightened arms and legs as high as possible.
  3. We linger in this position, lie down on the stomach and relax the muscles, we breathe freely.

6. "Bridge"

Such a movement, performed in the morning, strengthens the lower and works out the extensors of the back, increases the flexibility of the spine. Promotes the formation of a "royal" posture. "Bridge" loads small muscles body, which is not available to all exercises. You can perform a bridge, resting against it with your lower back.

  1. Lie back on the floor, arms extended up.
  2. Leaning on the hands and feet, we begin gently lift the body lifting it off the floor.
  3. When you get into a bridge, your back should be in an arc and your buttocks should be above your head. Not everyone gets such an ideal bridge the first time. But with perseverance and some effort, it can be mastered by developing stretching and flexibility.
  4. When performing a movement breath cannot be held.

We repeat three times. Rest time between sets is one minute.

7. "Child Pose"

Such a morning exercise stretches the muscles of the hips and relieves fatigue in the back after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, relaxes the muscles of the back and neck. It relieves tension, promotes the development of mobility of the hip, knee and shoulder joints.


  1. Get down on your knees, feet together.
  2. We place the buttocks on the heels.
  3. As you exhale, lean forward, stretch your arms along the body with palms up. We rest on the floor with our forehead.
  4. We focus on how the spine is stretched.
  5. You can be in this relaxed position. from one minute to three minutes.

A variant of the exercise is stretching the arms forward. This allows you to stretch your back muscles even more.

Attention!“Child Pose” is recommended to be performed last in the morning exercise system, as it promotes rest and relaxation.

Advantages and benefits of this complex


  • This set of physical therapy exercises for the back includes movements borrowed from the practice of yoga. They are great way bring all body systems into harmony.
  • It is not recommended to include active exercises in morning exercises, since the body has not yet fully woken up. This complex gives a gentle load and at the same time contributes to a thorough study and stretching of the muscles.
  • To overcome a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended that you follow this system. She is does not take much time performed without significant loads, and at the same time heals the body and charges you with a good mood.
  • Choice of movements. Of everything morning complex you can choose from three to five exercises that are most suitable for you and perform them. After doing morning exercises, you feel cheerfulness and pleasant sensations in the muscles and throughout the body.

An indicator that you correctly observed the execution technique morning exercises, there will be pleasant sensations in the muscles and cheerfulness. Morning exercises are necessary for everyone - both those who have active physical work and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Without physical activity adverse changes occur in the body: this applies to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the musculoskeletal system, and the work of internal organs.

Do not forget that in addition to training, there is also

Attention! If, for some reason, you did not have time to complete the complex in the morning, you can complete it in the evening. The only condition is that two and a half hours must pass after eating.

Fast charging while sitting at the workplace for the back (in pictures)

If you cannot afford to perform the above complex, we present you with express exercises while sitting on a chair.

Do this quick system at least once a day. But if possible, do it more often. Ideally, every hour or two.

Is it possible to perform these movements with various diseases of the back?

A common cause of spinal diseases is weakness and underdevelopment of the muscles of the spinal column. Perform a complex for diseases of the back is a must. This is in a good way treatment and prevention of exacerbations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In this case, certain recommendations must be observed:

  • When the acute process subsides, you need to perform exercises, but at a very slow pace gently stretching the muscles. Gradually, you can proceed to the implementation of the entire set of exercises.
  • From this system you need choose the movements that suit you the most. They must be performed smoothly and measuredly, at a slow pace. After each movement, give the back muscles time to relax to prevent spasm.
  • For hernias and scoliosis it is necessary consult a doctor physiotherapy exercises, which will be able to choose the most effective exercises from this complex for you.
  • With hernias and varying degrees of severity of scoliosis, it can be recommended different workouts with different loads. Properly selected exercises for each patient individually evenly distribute the load on the spine, relieve muscle spasm and release the pinched nerve root.
  • , and .

This system, despite its apparent lightness and simplicity, gives a good study of the main muscle groups and energizes the body! Performing these exercises regularly in the morning, you will feel a positive effect on the body and, once you get used to it, you will no longer be able to refuse them.

Exercises for the muscles of the spine and neck will help maintain youth, strength, beauty and health. Classes are useful at any age and have practically no restrictions for health reasons. The spine is like a rod that collects all parts of the human body into a single system.

Sedentary image life can lead to the development of scoliosis, kyphosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine. The first signs of osteochondrosis are increasingly common even at the age of 30, and by the age of 50 the disease reaches an advanced stage as a result of concomitant complications.

With the progression of osteochondrosis, disc protrusion or rupture of the fibrous ring occurs, as a result, an intervertebral hernia appears, which can only be removed surgically. Instability of the vertebral sections leads to pain and limited mobility of the affected parts of the body.

Exercises for the spine and neck

A person has 33 vertebrae, fastened together by ligaments and intervertebral cartilage (discs). By performing sets of exercises, each person can increase their own flexibility, strengthen the muscular frame that protects the spinal column.

A properly selected complex allows you to avoid surgery in case of onset of the disease. Often, it is with the help of exercises that you can completely forget about an unpleasant diagnosis and avoid the risk of being in a wheelchair.

Complexes for the formation of a flexible and reliable muscle corset around the spinal column require preliminary warming up of the body and warm-up.

When redundant sudden movements with a strong amplitude, the connections of individual vertebrae can be broken. Often, injuries lead to damage to the intervertebral discs or infringement of the nerve endings passing inside. For this reason, before starting the exercises, preparation for training is necessary. You need to start with a little warm-up.

It may include:

  • side bends;
  • forward bends;
  • back bend back;
  • tilting the head back and forth, left and right;
  • circular motions heads.

To prepare for the next active classes, warming up the muscles, ensuring blood flow, it is enough to do each exercise 10-15 times. Two approaches can be taken.

Such exercises are equally shown to completely healthy people for the prevention of possible diseases and to those who already suffer from osteochondrosis.


The condition of your spine should be treated with care.

It is required to perform complexes for the spine and neck with the obligatory consideration of contraindications:

  • they are not recommended during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, therapeutic exercises are performed in remission;
  • it is recommended to treat the beginning of classes with caution in the presence of thrombosis, a complete ban is imposed in case of bleeding;
  • exercises are recommended only after consultation with the attending physician in case of diagnosing oncological diseases;
  • classes may be contraindicated with increased mobility of the cervical vertebrae.

Given the large number of complexes therapeutic gymnastics, you can always choose the optimal list of exercises. Gymnastics is indicated for general health promotion, the formation of a reliable muscle frame, and increased flexibility.

Exercises for the cervical and spinal regions

For joint pain

In this case, various complexes focused on increasing flexibility and stretching help well. Classes will help get rid of pain in the neck and back, from intervertebral hernias.

The need to conduct such classes will show a simple test of several tasks:

For back pain

Gymnastics, including tasks for the development of stretching and flexibility, is indicated in case of back pain. A significant part of the complex can be performed on a rug spread on the floor.

It is important to do each task carefully and at a slow pace:

Exercises are beneficial for the spine and neck by relieving tension and stretching.

For posture

good posture makes every person confident and beautiful. Get rid of stoop in short term everyone can, regularly performing at home simple gymnastics tasks for the formation of a healthy posture:

  1. The simplest and most accessible task is to simply fix the position of the body in a standing position near the wall. You need to touch the surface of the wall with your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head. A straight position must be maintained for at least one minute. As the posture is restored, the duration can increase to several minutes.
  2. Stand against the wall, straighten up, raise your arms up, keeping the connection with the surface of the wall, and stretch. Fix the position for 20-30 seconds.
  3. Sit on a chair or stand up, straighten your back, raise your head in straight position, pull the head forward with the effort of the neck muscles.
  4. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, put your hands on your knees, bring your shoulder blades together and hold the position for 30 seconds - 1 minute.
  5. Raise a bottle of water or a dumbbell in front of you. Maintain the position for up to 30 seconds, do 5-7 times.
  6. Perform torso rotations with maximum amplitude in both directions 10 times in each direction.

To strengthen back muscles

Exercises to strengthen the spine and neck are convenient to perform at home to create a strong muscular frame of the back.

Complex effective exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back includes tasks performed while standing, sitting on a chair, lying down. Additionally, dumbbells are used.

It is best to form a separate small complex from them, in which may include the following tasks:

There is also a large list special exercises, which are part of the exercise therapy complexes.

Such exercises for the spine and neck are included in specialized complexes recommended for doing at home or under the supervision of a doctor.

A set of effective exercises

Neck circumference with hands

Exercises for the spine and neck include girth of the neck with hands. To perform it, you need to sit on a stool, straighten your back, raise your head and chin. You can do the task while standing. Hands wrapped around the neck thumbs hands are located under the chin.

Hands become a kind of collar for fixing the cervical region. Next, you need to do slow tilts to the sides. With each tilt, the head should remain in this position for several seconds.

Support with hands on the table

For the formation of a reliable muscular frame, the task "support with hands on the table" can be used. During its implementation, you need to go back to the table and lean on the edge with your hands and gluteal muscles. To stretch and train the muscles, you need to, leaving your hands on the table, reach up with your torso, bending in the lumbar spine. Performed up to 20 times with fixation for 30 seconds.

"Pendulum Head"

To complete the exercise, you will need to take a hardcover book and try to carefully place it on top of your head. Next, you need to lower your hands and try to maintain the position.
Then they begin to press on the head with their hands, achieving a slight resistance.

Flexion and extension of the neck

The muscular skeleton of the cervical region is well formed when performing flexion and extension of the neck.

This exercise has two parts:

  1. Standing or sitting, straighten your back and press your forehead against your palm until resistance.
  2. Put the palm of one hand on the forehead, put the palm of the other hand on the back of the head. Pressure is applied with both hands at the same time.

Turns of the neck and head

It contributes well to the formation of the muscular frame by performing neck tilts with your hands. In this case, it is required to resist an attempt to turn the head to the side, preventing the turn with the palm of the hand applied to the cheek.

Palms on temples

Exercise for the spine and neck "Palms on the temples" - simple to do on your own. Hands need to squeeze the temples, as if clasping the head on both sides so that the fingers look up.

Fingers on the temples

Exercise "fingers on the temples" - part of the complex recommended for the spine and neck. In this case, fingers are placed on the temples. The fingers are spread out, the palms are pressed to the cheeks. Then they begin to do a soft facial massage with multidirectional up and down movements. At the same time, the head is tilted forward and backward.

Neck stretch

Perfectly stretches the spine and strengthens the muscular frame of such an exercise as stretching the neck. To perform it, you will need to lie on the roller. Hands are located under the neck.

When performing the task, the muscles of the cervical region are tensed, the neck is slightly pulled up with overcoming the resistance of the palms.

Also, therapeutic exercises are used to form a healthy muscular frame of the neck and spine in all areas.


According to Bubnovsky

Exercises for the spine and neck are specially designed to be performed at home. The author of the system is Sergey Bubnovsky. In this situation, the main idea is to perform gymnastic tasks with overcoming pain.

  1. Performing workouts through overcoming the pain threshold.
  2. Mandatory training on a daily basis, the rarest - once every two days, otherwise muscle memory is lost.
  3. At the moment of effort, to reduce pain, you need to exhale.
  4. The completion of each session to relieve swelling of the joints becomes mandatory wiping with a cold wet towel.

Exercises can be performed even in case of severe back pain. Among the options, there are types of complexes for patients with severe pain. They are carried out with an expander and various weights.

According to Norbekov

Another well-known author of exercise complexes is Academician Norbekov. The basis of the practice is a combination of impact on the physical and spiritual body. Academician Norbekov in his complexes for the spine and neck uses the mandatory use of the power of self-hypnosis.

The author of the technique is sure that the ability to feel joy from every movement becomes the basis of health. Health gives self-confidence, the ability to control one's own mood and body. You can use the practice even in case of severe pain.

By Carl Levitt

Another specialist who created an exercise program to strengthen the muscular frame of the spine is the Czech chiropractor Karl Levit. Complex exercises are able to develop each department of the spinal column. An important part of recovery is manual therapy. All tasks are adapted for self-fulfillment at home.

Tasks are aimed at loading the problematic blocks of the spinal column.

Karl Levit urged to give a dosed load on problem areas. The degree of load is determined by the first signs of the appearance of mild pain. At correct execution the pain threshold gradually increases. During classes, it is important to monitor breathing, making an entrance at the stage of muscle tension, which lasts no more than 10 seconds.

  1. by the most simple option classes becomes a warm-up of the neck. You need to sit on a chair, straighten your back and relax your neck. The arms are bent at the elbows. The palms are wound on the back of the neck. Fingers are placed on the seventh cervical vertebra. It is clearly visible if you tilt your head forward. During classes, you need to press on the back of the neck with your hands, while tensing the muscles, resisting pressure. While inhaling, they turn their heads to one and the other side, holding their breath at the maximum turning point for 5-7 seconds.
  2. Keeping the position and pressure of the hands on the seventh vertebra, tilt the head back and forth. The slope is performed at the entrance. Fixation lasts up to 10 seconds.

By Paul Bragg

When planning to improve the condition of the spine, you can try to perform exercises for the neck and spine according to Paul Bragg. All assignments are completed in leisurely pace without too much stress. Exercise helps to relieve muscle tension in the eyes, relieve headaches, soothe pain in the stomach.

  1. The first is a kind of "bar". You should lie on your stomach, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Bending the lower back, raise the pelvis above the head, resting on the floor with the palms and toes of the toes. The pelvis is raised to the level of inclination forward. The knees can be left slightly bent. The second stage is the lowering of the pelvis to the floor with the arching of the lower back.
  2. To stimulate the nerves that go to the kidneys, an exercise with turns of the pelvis to the side will help. You need to lie on the floor on your stomach, rest your palms and toes on the floor and turn left and right, keeping the fixed position of the palms and feet.
  3. To start next exercise you need to sit on the floor, lean your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart, bend your legs at the knees. Next, you need to raise your hips, bending in the lower back, until the torso is in a horizontal position to the floor surface, elbows and knees need to be straightened. This exercise strengthens the spine in the lumbar region.

Regardless of the chosen treatment system, it is worth paying attention to following some simple and understandable useful advice:

  • You need to do it only if you understand the meaning of training.
  • Each exercise for the muscles of the spine and neck is selected in accordance with one's own well-being.
  • It is not recommended to start training in the stage of serious exacerbation and alarming symptoms, pain. At this stage, an experienced doctor should supervise the order of classes.
  • Begin each workout with a warm-up and a light warm-up. It is advisable to practice in a constant mode and without interruptions. This will help keep muscle strength and spinal health.

A feature of each workout is the slow and careful execution of each exercise. This is required to maintain the integrity of the intervertebral connections. Tasks must be completed carefully.

Video about exercises for the spine and neck

Exercises for the muscles of the spine:

Technique for performing exercises for the spine and neck:

Diseases of the spine can cause symptoms such as cephalgia and dizziness, chest pain, decreased vision, and others. Gymnastics for the cervical spine helps to cope with the disease and improve the quality of life. In addition, physiotherapy exercises can be used as a prevention of back diseases along with classical massage.

Exercise efficiency

The results obtained from the exercise can be divided into long-term and short-term. Some remain for a long time, others pass after a few hours.

Long term effects Short-term effects
Reducing pain in a specific area Improving blood circulation in muscles: outflow of venous blood and inflow of arterial
Strengthening the body's defense response Tonic effect
overgrowth muscle fibers Metabolism activation
Reducing the stiffness of movements and pathological mobility of the vertebrae Measured change in skeletal muscle tone
Increase resistance to fatigue Increasing the energy reserves of the body
Restoration of nerve fibers
Improvement of metabolic processes in muscles and intervertebral discs
Improvement of the general and psycho-emotional state

In order for long-term effects to come as soon as possible, it is necessary to perform therapeutic exercises regularly for at least 15–20 days, without missing a single lesson.

Who is prohibited from exercising

Any physiotherapy treatment has a number of contraindications. This is due to the fact that it can provoke an exacerbation or cause various kinds of complications. To find out if you belong to a risk group, you must consult with a specialist in advance. Performing gymnastics for the neck is prohibited with the following deviations:

  • increased body temperature;
  • pronounced soreness of the cervicothoracic region, which is not relieved after taking an anesthetic and NSAIDs;
  • the first signs of edema or pneumonia;
  • exhaustion and dehydration of the body;
  • chronic cardiopulmonary insufficiency;
  • acute violation of cerebral circulation (cerebral infarction);
  • malignant neoplasms of 3 and 4 degrees;
  • transferred infectious diseases less than 2 weeks ago;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • transferred extensive myocardial infarction;
  • dementia and severe mental disorders.

Before you start doing gymnastics, you must completely eliminate the cause of the pain. In no case should you do the exercises right away, you should start little by little and gradually increase the load.

Various techniques for the treatment of the neck

Cervical gymnastics is a mandatory method for treating cervical instability in osteochondrosis. It is very important to do everything regularly and not miss a single lesson.

This is a specially designed set of exercises in which the muscles are tensed without contraction. That is why during work several effects are achieved at once: an increase in muscle strength and their complete relaxation. Most often, such gymnastics is prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis, protrusion, hernia, spondylarthrosis, etc.

The founder of isometric exercises is Igor Borshchenko

The main exercises are:

  • Collar - starting position sitting or standing. Fingers need to wrap around the neck so that the thumbs are in front and the rest behind the neck. A moderate neck girth occurs and a pivot point is created. The lesson begins from the upper part of the neck, i.e. affects the upper cervical vertebrae. Do not squeeze the trachea and larynx. It is necessary to slowly bend and unbend the neck, then tilt the head to the side and hold in these positions for 5 seconds. After that, the brushes slowly go down and so all parts of the neck are worked out.
  • Pendulum - the starting position is sitting, with a book placed on the head. Perform head swings back and forth, while trying to hold the book. When you find a position in which the book lies flat, you need to remember it and try to hold the object like this for at least 3 minutes. Gradually it is necessary to increase the time.
  • Consent - the starting position is sitting on a chair, hand on forehead. First you need to try to tilt your head forward, while the hand creates resistance. The duration of the exercise is 15-20 seconds. Another stage of the exercise is a slight tipping of the head back, while the hand needs to create support under the neck. There is a stretching of the anterior muscles of the neck. You need to freeze in this position for 5-7 seconds;
  • Sky - sitting position on a chair, hand on the back of the head. It is necessary to try to throw your head back, while creating resistance with your hand. Isometric tension it is important to save at least 10 seconds. The neck bends down, thereby stretching back muscles back.
  • Oh-oh - the starting position is sitting, hand on the temple and ear. It is necessary to perform the exercise, tilting your head to the side and creating resistance with your hand for about 15–20 seconds. Repeat the same on the other side.

Gymnastics Shishonin-Bubnovsky

These are not only effective exercises for the cervical spine, but also for the entire back. It has a patent, all possible permissions and is the official medical method of treating diseases. In addition, it contains many advantages: universal, safe, no gender contraindications, no age restrictions prevents the recurrence of the disease, healing effect persists over a long period. In addition, patients note a general positive effect on the body.

Seven exercises used for cervical chondrosis:

  • Spring - the starting position is standing, hands down. Slowly lowering the head forward and a hitch for a few seconds. Then tilt the head back with the same delay. Return to i. P.
  • Metronome - starting position standing, hands down. Tilts of the head to the right and left to the shoulders with a delay at the end. Important! If severe pain occurs during exercise, it is necessary to reduce the pause time, and the task itself should be carried out more slowly.
  • Review - starting position as in previous exercises. Head turns 90 degrees to one and the second shoulder with delays in the final position for a few seconds.
  • Goose - starting position standing, hands on the belt. The chin is raised up and stretched forward, parallel to the floor. The head turns to the sides, touching the shoulder with the chin with a slight turn of the body.
  • Heron - starting position sitting, head straight, hands on knees. Hands look forward, then are pulled back with a simultaneous tilt of the head backwards. Return to i. P.
  • Difficult review - sitting position with hands on knees. Turning the head to the right, left palm on the right shoulder, elbow parallel to the floor. The right hand should remain in place, on the knee. Return to i. n. and repeat with the other hand.
  • Fakir - starting position sitting on a chair, arms above the head, bent at the elbows. The head turns to the side and lingers for a few seconds. Do the same on the other side. With a cervical hernia, discomfort may appear, which quickly passes.

Regular exercises will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of pain in the cervicothoracic spine.

All tilts, turns are performed 20–30 times with a break between exercises of at least half a minute.

Norbekov exercises

This is not a charge, but a complex special classes, selected to stretch the intervertebral discs, so that the gait becomes even, the head stops hurting and memory improves. All exercises are performed slowly and carefully. Chin close to chest. It is necessary to alternate stretching exercises with relaxing ones. With each lesson, it is necessary to increase strength and gradually bring it to the limit.

The chin is lowered to the chest. It is necessary to slowly tilt the head to the right, then to the left. Chin down. The head turns slowly to the sides, with the chin touching first the left shoulder, then the right. We tilt our head to one side, then to the other, raising our chin up. It is very important to concentrate on the work of the state of mind. At the time of their implementation, you need to think about the pleasant and be in a good mood.

Gymnastics Butrimov

Suitable for people suffering from degenerative diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis of the chest and lower back, scoliosis, minor back injuries, curvature of the spine). The main task of the gymnast is to influence the spinal column and muscles with sparing physical exercises. There is a test complex that helps determine the flexibility of the neck and shows the ability to perform exercise therapy.

Tilt the head forward, it is necessary to touch the chest with the chin. In a standing position, arms along the body, you need to throw your head back, looking up. Tilt the head to the side so that a straight line from one ear to the other vertically is even. You need to draw a mark on the wall at the level of the nose. Turn to it with any side and slowly turn your nose to the mark, if it is at the proper level, then the result is excellent.

If it is impossible to complete the test exercises, do not be upset. Daily training will definitely benefit and show a positive result after a while. To properly perform the exercises, you can watch video tutorials on the Internet. All exercises are very well combined with massage of the collar zone.

Gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis is the simplest and most accessible method for everyone, not only for prevention, but also in part for the treatment of this disease. Osteochondrosis, like sciatica, as well as arthritis and arthrosis, seriously limit the mobility of the joints, including intervertebral discs. This contributes to the occurrence of associated complications in the form of hernias, metabolic disorders in the body, a drop in immunity, and ultimately a decrease in the overall level of health.

The cervical region plays a special role here - it is the first link through which the signals of the central nervous system. The possibilities of breastfeeding and lumbar. Therapeutic exercise of the neck (exercise therapy) is the best way to maintain the functionality of the entire spine and vitality in general.

The first indications for physical therapy are neuralgic pains in the head, chest, arms and legs. They are provoked by osteochondrosis - organic changes in the spine:

  • Salt deposits in the intervertebral space;
  • Dehydration and decrease in elasticity of shock-absorbing disks;
  • Clamping by the vertebrae of the radicular nerves that regulate the functions of internal organs and limbs.

If you leave everything without attention, the pathological symptoms will constantly increase. To resist these destructive processes and called therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis. The procedure does not require a medical hospital, sports hall, simulators and masseurs attracted from outside. Charging for cervical osteochondrosis is available to everyone at home.

  • Read also:

What is required for classes

Before exercising for the neck with osteochondrosis, you must:

  • Consult with a doctor, coordinate with him the regimen of classes, as well as exercises of the medical complex;
  • Well ventilate the room for gymnastics;
  • Lay a mat for doing exercises in the “lying” position;
  • Put on a comfortable (preferably sports) suit.

When performing with osteochondrosis, you should:

  • Do not overexert yourself on the first lesson. Each subsequent load should increase as it adapts to the previous one;
  • Constantly monitor the pulse;
  • Alternate exercises in the cervical region with gymnastics that restore breathing;
  • At the slightest pain in the chest or a sudden change in heart rate, stop immediately. strength training or replace them with lighter exercises.

Acute pain in the heart area is a contraindication for exercise therapy. Continuation of classes is possible with complete rehabilitation of cardiac activity only with the permission of the attending physician.

The most common technique

A set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis consists of a set of dynamic and static procedures aimed at the therapeutic development of the cervical spine. All of them complement each other and optimize the final result. dynamic gymnastics with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is based on the alternate use of the muscles of the contracting and relaxing groups. Exercises are performed in strict sequence. Each of them should be repeated at least 5 - 15 times. Starting position - the body is located vertically, legs together, hands at the seams.

The sequence of exercises:

  • Hands on a slow breath rise up;
  • Stretch on tiptoe;
  • Look at your fingertips;
  • Hands on a slow exhalation fall down;
  • Starting position.
  • We recommend reading:
  • The right hand on a slow breath is retracted to the side with a simultaneous rotation of the torso;
  • The gaze rushes to the tips of the fingers;
  • Return to original position.

The same exercise is repeated with the left hand.

  • The head slowly turns first to the right, then to the left - until it stops;
  • The chin is pulled up as far as possible, then lowered to the chest.

IP No. 2 - standing position, legs together, elbows at shoulder level.

  • Take your elbows as you inhale back to the attention of the shoulder blades;
  • On exhalation, return to PI No. 1.

IP No. 3 - the body is located vertically, the legs are slightly apart, the arms are extended forward at shoulder level.

  • While inhaling, tilt the body sharply to the right (while turning the head to the left);
  • On exhalation right hand rises above the head with a return to the starting point.

In the same sequence, the exercise is done with an inclination to the left side.

hip joint is not activated.

IP is the same.

  • Be sure to read:

On the inhale:

  • Stretch out on toes (arms up, backbend, look at fingers);
  • Hands to the side, then - on your knees;
  • Squat down sharply.

On the exhale:

  • Press your head to your knees.
  • Both outstretched arms turn to the left side, while focusing on the fingers;
  • Put the right leg behind the back;
  • Bring the left leg behind her;
  • Make circular turns with your hands clockwise, then in the opposite direction.
  • Return to IP No. 3.

In a similar order, do the exercise when turning the arms to the right. The hip joint is not involved in the movements.

IP number 4 - is carried out lying on the stomach, legs are closed together, arms are extended forward.

  • In the process of inhalation, the hands rise up to the limit along with the gaze;
  • Return to the starting position occurs on the exhale.
  • Take the right leg to the side, turn the head to the right;
  • Jump up on your left foot.
  • Then put aside left leg, turn your head to the left and jump on your right foot.
  • Finish the exercise by walking in place with a gradual decrease in pace to a complete stop.

The starting position is the same.

  • Stretch your arms forward at shoulder level, turn your palms towards each other;
  • On a sigh, spread your arms to the sides;
  • Exhalation is accompanied by their reduction back and closing of the palms.

Therapeutic exercise for cervical osteochondrosis is based on the maximum mobilization of the muscles of the neck, back, abdomen, limbs. All the physiological energy of the body is concentrated at one point and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine allows you to stimulate metabolic processes in the cervical region, regenerate weakened nervous tissue, increase the elasticity of intervertebral discs, restore flexibility and mobility to the neck. In static version exercise therapy complex with cervical osteochondrosis complements dynamic gymnastics. This technique has a number of characteristic functional features:

  • Main power load in physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical region, it is produced by one's own efforts;
  • Complex exercises can be performed with the use of an additional load or volitional muscle tension;
  • All the energy in the body exercise with cervical osteochondrosis, it is concentrated only on the cervical spine;
  • The pace of head movements is minimal;
  • The tension of the cervical muscles should be extreme;
  • The achieved posture of deviation from the starting point is held for as long as there is enough patience.

Kinds static exercises against osteochondrosis of the neck:

IP number 5 - sitting on a chair.

  • All exercises are performed while inhaling. Each position of the head is fixed for at least five seconds. As you exhale, the muscles relax.
  • Tighten the neck muscles, turn your head to the right, look down over your shoulder;
  • Return to starting position, relax.
  • Repeat the exercise with a turn to the left.

Cycle frequency - 5-10 turns to the right and left.

  • Tighten the neck muscles, tilt the head to the left with the ear approaching the shoulder;
  • Starting position, relaxation, head tilt to the right.
  • 5-10 times.

IP is the same.

  • Tilt the head back with a touch of the back of the head to the back;
  • Starting point, muscle relaxation, head tilt forward with the chin touching the chest.

5-10 repetitions.

IP No. 1 - standing position, arms extended forward at shoulder level, legs closed.

  • Spread your legs to the sides;
  • Spread your arms palms up, bend in elbow joint, strain your biceps;
  • Extremely reduce the shoulder blades.

Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

IP is the same.

  • Raise outstretched arms up, slightly spread to the sides;
  • Rise on tiptoe, bend back, focus on the fingers;
  • Sit down slightly, put your palms on your knees, touch your chest with your chin.

The frequency is the same as in the previous exercise.

  • Close the palms, attach them to the left cheek;
  • While inhaling, press your head strongly on your palms, straining the lateral neck muscles (while the head should not move);
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position and relax.
  • Rearrange the palms to the right cheek, produce the same force onslaught.

In total - 5-10 times.

  • The starting position is the same as in exercise 6.
  • Squeeze your hands, press your fists on your forehead;
  • Press your head on your fists for a few seconds, tensing the back muscles of your neck.

The force operation is repeated 5-10 times.

  • Tightly clasp the neck and head behind the palms;
  • Tighten the front neck muscles and press hard on the palms with the back of the head 5-10 times;
  • Relaxing massage of the neck, neck, temples, forehead, jaws. It is done while sitting on a chair.

Hand movement technique:

  • muscle stroking,
  • light pat,
  • Circular rubbing.

Lying on stomach:

  • Press the chin firmly against the chest,
  • Fix the back of the head with the palms behind,
  • Try to raise your head, overcoming the strong resistance of the hands.

The starting position is the same. Hands also fix the back of the head. The head is raised above the floor.

  • Using the tension of the anterior cervical muscles, press the back of the head on the palms.

Exercises 10 and 11 are performed at least three seconds 5-10 times in a row.

IP number 7 - lying on the right and left side.

  • Turn on the right side, put the left palm on the front wall of the abdomen;
  • Gradually gaining air into the lungs, inflate the stomach, overcoming the resistance of the palm;

As you exhale, relax and repeat the exercise on the left side.

IP number 4 (lying on the mat down with your stomach).

  • With your right hand, support your chin with your bent hand;
  • With your left hand, press your head down from behind.

Then change the position of the hands and repeat the power pressing at least 5 times.

Starting position as before (with mat)

  • Turn your head to the right with a touch to the floor;
  • Without raising your head with the effort of the lateral muscles of the neck, try to tear your ear off the mat.
  • Straighten your head, relax.

Repeat the exercise with the head turned to the left.

exercise results

Exercises against osteochondrosis of the neck with regular exercise give a very pronounced and lasting therapeutic effect:

  • The processes of blood supply and metabolism in the cervical spine are accelerated;
  • Pain is eliminated;
  • The innervation of the surrounding tissues is restored;
  • The muscle layer is growing;
  • The elasticity of the intervertebral discs and the mobility of the neck increase.

The end result significantly speeds up the use of physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis. Local UHF irradiation promotes splitting. The use of special compresses impregnated with pharmacological preparations is also aimed at this. These procedures should only be used as directed by the attending physician to avoid possible allergies.

Contraindications for gymnastics cervical osteochondrosis in women, pregnancy may also apply. Strong tension of the muscles of the pelvis and abdomen can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

Pain in the neck and its low mobility is not at all the final verdict that crosses out healthy life. A lot can fix physiotherapy. It is only important to know how to treat osteochondrosis with exercises. Something can be fixed regular classes fitness. But the optimal result is possible only with the use of therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This is something that should not be put off by any means.

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