Therapeutic exercise for intervertebral hernia. How to treat a hernia of the lumbosacral spine with gymnastics? An approximate set of Dikul exercises for the back

Among the effective methods of treating common back pathologies, exercise therapy for hernia is noted lumbar region spine. Physical activity, agreed upon with a qualified specialist, provides an opportunity to reduce the load on the affected area, achieve stable remission, and improve the health of patients and their quality of life.

The importance and necessity of physical education for a herniated lumbar spine is beyond doubt. Exercise therapy complexes included in the list of therapy for pathologies of the axial skeleton consist of various exercises. Many years of medical practice confirm the receipt of positive results after constant and correct exercise. Moderate exercise stress for intervertebral hernia, which causes a shift of the nucleus and rupture of the fibrous ring in the lumbar region, it has a number of advantages. Prescribing exercise therapy to sick patients determines the ability to achieve the expected positive results. Among the main goals of physical therapy are:

  • strengthening the muscular frame of the back;
  • relaxation muscle fibers in the affected area of ​​the spinal column;
  • relief of spasmodic syndrome;
  • reducing the intensity of pain.

Rules for performing exercise therapy for lumbar hernia

According to doctors who implement physical therapy methods, obtaining the expected positive results after exercise therapy for a herniated lumbar spine depends 90% on the efforts, desires, and patients. Strict adherence to the instructor’s recommendations provides an opportunity to improve the health and quality of life of people who have been diagnosed with deformation of the axial skeletal discs in lumbar region. The list of basic rules for performing exercise therapy includes:

  • conducting classes every day, regardless of mood and desire;
  • mandatory exclusion of sudden movements and jumps;
  • constant monitoring of the amount of load on the spine;
  • gradual increase in the amplitude of movements and duration of exercise therapy sessions;
  • eliminating severe fatigue, which can cause a deterioration in the patient’s condition, as well as increased spasmodic and pain syndrome.

When each exercise in therapeutic exercises is performed correctly, lumbar hernia patients should experience feeling light fatigue, which is a sign of achievement good result. In addition, it is necessary to focus on the sensations in the area where the herniated protrusion of the intervertebral discs is located. If you experience discomfort, unpleasant painful sensations, or a feeling of numbness in your back and legs, you should immediately stop training and seek help from your doctor or exercise therapy specialist.

Therapeutic exercise is considered a necessary rehabilitation measure after removal of a hernia of the lumbar spine. Regular exercise allows you to restore the functionality of the affected area of ​​the axial skeleton, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, ensure adaptation and a full return of the patient to their previous life. The rehabilitation period lasts from 4 to 12 months. Therapeutic exercises for intervertebral hernia and after its removal eliminate the risk of relapse of the pathology.

Features of performing physical therapy in the treatment of lumbar hernia

Perform complexes physical therapy exercises with a hernial protrusion in the lumbar region, you can different ways. Training with a personal instructor is considered the best option health event. This type of exercise with physical exercises is guaranteed to eliminate mistakes and excess loads on the spinal vertebrae. If it is not possible to pay for the services of a physical therapy specialist, exercises for a herniated lumbar spine can be carried out independently after a detailed study of the physical therapy technique using descriptions or videos on the Internet.

Any set of exercises is carried out after pain and discomfort have been relieved. problem area axial skeleton and permission of the attending physician. It starts with breathing exercises and light load on upper limbs, shoulders, including slow turns of the head and rotation of the feet. The duration of training should be no more than 10 minutes. Repeating them many times during the day allows you to shorten the time to achieve the expected positive result. The onset of a period of stable remission allows you to increase the load on the dorsal vertebrae.

Effective physical exercises for treating pathology

Therapeutic gymnastics for a hernia of the lumbar spine consists of certain exercises. They can be adjusted by the instructor during their implementation. It is recommended to conduct the first classes in exercise therapy rooms under the supervision of a specialist. Effective complex physical therapy for vertebral hernia includes simple exercises. The frequency of their implementation is determined by the instructor and is usually 10 - 15 times. These include:

Any set of exercises for a herniated lumbar spine is prepared by a physical therapy doctor. In stable remission physical therapy can be supplemented with swimming in the pool, yoga, exercises on the horizontal bar, as well as according to the Dikul, Bubnovsky, bodyflex, Pilates systems. Independent choice of exercises for spinal pathology is strictly prohibited.

Intervertebral hernia in the lower back requires complex treatment, and physical therapy plays an important role in therapeutic measures.

To many busy people It seems like a waste of time spent doing gymnastics, and very often they neglect this recommendation.

Let's figure out whether recovery is really impossible without physical therapy.

The benefits of gymnastics

Which part of the spine bears the most stress? On the lower back. And if the disc structure is damaged, and the cartilage is not able to fully cushion the vertebrae under load, subluxations and frequent pinched nerves occur.

How to exercise correctly

In order for the exercises to be as effective as possible, you must follow the following rules during exercise:

  1. Do all elements of physical exercise only after consulting a doctor. It is best to conduct the first sessions under the supervision of a physiotherapist. If this is not possible, then carefully monitor your well-being during the treatment complex.
  2. If severe pain or discomfort occurs, you should stop training immediately (minor pain is not a contraindication, it will gradually disappear).
  3. It is not necessary to do the entire recommended complex. If a movement causes discomfort, you can skip it.
  4. Add the load gradually: start with 3-5 repetitions and, as the muscles strengthen, increase the number of repetitions to the recommended number.
  5. for intervertebral hernia, perform only during remission.
  6. All movements are made smoothly, without sudden jolts or jerks.
  7. Don't overexert yourself. It is better to do 4-6 classes during the day, doing 3-5 repetitions of each movement, than to work out 1 time until severe fatigue occurs.

If you regularly perform a set of exercises for lumbar intervertebral hernia, you can achieve not only an improvement in the damaged cartilage structure, but also normalize the functioning of the pelvic organs.

When not to exercise

Although physical activity is necessary for the treatment of lumbar intervertebral hernia; there are a number of contraindications. It is prohibited to train under the following conditions:

  • Oncological neoplasms in the acute stage or complicated by metastases (with stabilized tumors, training is possible, but this is determined by the doctor taking into account the general condition of the patient).
  • Any bleeding.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Vascular and cardiac disorders in the stage of decompensation.
  • Acute stage of the disease with lumbar intervertebral hernia.

There are no other contraindications. For hernial deformity, regular physical activities necessary and help partially restore damaged spinal cartilage.

For those who are always in a hurry

Most people busy with work cannot allocate enough time and are looking for some super exercises, which will be useful and can be done very quickly.

There are no such movements, but for those who are always in a hurry, we can recommend three effective exercises for a herniated lumbar disc.

All of them are performed lying on your back; it is optimal to do 10 repetitions in each case:

  1. Extend your arms along your body and bend your legs slightly. Tighten your muscles abdominals and hold them in this state for 5-10 seconds, then relax.
  2. The legs are freely extended, the arms lie along the body. Raise top part torso a few centimeters above the floor, stay in this state for a short time and lie down on the floor again.
  3. Bend your legs at the knees and right hand place it on your left knee. Next, you need to pull your knee towards your chest, while simultaneously resisting the movement with your hand. Relax. Rest a little and repeat on the other side.

During gymnastics, breathing should not be interrupted; you need to take short breaks to rest. An additional benefit from these activities will be a reduction in the abdomen by strengthening the abdominal muscles.

If a complex of physical therapy is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, then when regular classes Positive dynamics of the disease will soon become noticeable. A person’s lower back pain will not only decrease, but their overall well-being will also improve.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Many people know what lower back pain is. Spinal pathologies occur for various reasons, even at a young age. In most cases, this is due to weakness of the muscle corset and impaired blood circulation and tissue nutrition. Therefore, physical therapy has become one of the main methods of treating spinal diseases.

Now there are many methods for restoring mobility. The author of one of the most popular is academician Valentin Dikul. for hernia, those recommended by him help not only relieve pain and increase the period of remission. Dikul’s technique is unique in that it helps a person to fully recover. You just need to do it right special exercises for the back.

Dikul: photo and history of the technique

Now many doctors and rehabilitation centers for patients with hernia use this system. Academician Valentin Dikul created it based on his own experience, so the effectiveness of each exercise has been tested. This man was a former circus performer and received serious injury spine. Doctors believed that Dikul would remain disabled for the rest of his life, confined to a wheelchair. But hard work and a desire to heal helped him avoid this. He not only returned to the circus arena, but also became a circus acrobat.

Subsequently, this prompted him to study the problem of rehabilitation of patients with spinal pathologies. Valentin Dikul became an academician. He developed a system of exercises for various categories of patients, even for children with cerebral palsy. The simulators he created allow you to return to active life even those for whom doctors have predicted disability.

The academician’s own healing experience helped him prove that nerve tissue capable of regeneration, which makes it possible to restore the functions of the spine in any pathology. Physical activity triggers complex biochemical processes, activates blood circulation and metabolism. This returns the muscles to their functions, relieves spasms and pain.

Features of the Dikul technique

This is perhaps the only system of exercises that helps patients with spinal pathologies not to come to terms with their illness, but to completely get rid of it. And Valentin Dikul himself is an example for patients. for hernia, he created taking into account the causes and characteristics of the disease. Specially designed simulators help recover even for patients with severe pathologies, after injuries or spinal surgeries.

This whole system is based on regularity of classes, a gradual increase in load and strict adherence to the rules. The essence of Dikul’s gymnastics is to perform strength exercises and stretching exercises that help strengthen muscle corset and improve blood circulation. In addition to them, the complex includes elements of yoga, Pilates and breathing exercises. Therefore, it sometimes contains exercises for the back that are unusual for some. Dikul believes that the neurons of the spine can be restored with the help of a properly selected load. But the success of the classes depends, first of all, on the efforts of the patient himself and his positive attitude.

For what diseases is it used?

This system is aimed at treating various pathologies. Valentin Dikul strives not just to teach a patient to live with an illness, but to completely cure him. Back exercises for osteochondrosis can stop the destruction of discs and vertebrae, prevent the appearance of a hernia and salt deposition. A specially selected load improves blood circulation and nutrition of tissues, which restores their functions. The method created by Dikul is aimed at preventing complications and returning the patient to normal life.

Back exercises for scoliosis are also very effective. Poor posture is most often associated with muscle weakness. Therefore, strengthening them helps return the spine to its correct shape. And normal posture and a strong muscle corset are best prevention lumbar hernia.

But Valentin Dikul created his system not only to prevent serious pathologies of the spine. Back exercises for a hernia help get rid of it at any stage of development. Even after operations, a person can return to a normal, full life. Such exercises are also effective for cerebral palsy and for rehabilitation after injuries.

Spinal hernia: causes and treatment

Most often, such restoration is required for pathologies of the intervertebral discs. This may be their slight displacement or protrusion, which is called protrusion. Or the hernia itself with damage or complete rupture of the fibrous ring of the disc. These conditions lead to severe back pain, impaired innervation of the limbs and limited mobility.

A hernia appears for various reasons, but most often due to a violation metabolic processes in tissues, as well as due to weakness of intervertebral muscles and ligaments. Disc protrusion can be caused by injuries, increased loads, excess weight, sedentary image life. Before starting treatment for a hernia, you need to find out the reasons for its appearance and try to eliminate them. Therefore, therapeutic methods are always chosen individually. Treatment must be comprehensive and necessarily include exercise therapy.

Why gymnastics is effective for hernia

Specially designed exercises strengthen the muscle corset, which ensures proper fixation of the spine and relieves stress from the lumbar region. In addition, movement improves blood supply and tissue nutrition. Namely, metabolic disorders are often the cause of spinal pathologies. Valentin Dikul adhered to this concept when creating his system. Exercises for the back with a hernia were developed by him taking into account the characteristics and location of the disease. The academician also believes that it is very important to strengthen the abdominal muscles and hip joints.

Physical exercise is necessary for all patients with a herniated disc. Indeed, with a lack of motor activity, muscles and ligaments will atrophy, which will lead to the progression of the pathology. A weak muscle corset will not be able to hold the spine in correct position, the discs will continue to deform. After all, the entire load during movement and even during normal holding of body weight will fall on the bone and cartilage tissue.

What not to do with a hernia

Any physical activity for this disease should begin during the period of remission. First, the exercises are performed under the guidance of an instructor. After all, a lumbar hernia is a condition in which careless movement can lead to serious complications. The slightest displacement of the disc puts even more pressure on the nerve endings, pinches blood vessels or damages the spinal cord. Therefore, Dikul’s exercises for the back with a hernia are specially designed taking into account the characteristics of the pathology. And during classes there are certain restrictions, about which the patient must be warned:

Gymnastics problem

Why are Dikul’s exercises for the back with a hernia so effective? Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, a long study of patients with various pathologies of the spine and his own experience in overcoming the disease allowed this man to create an exercise system that performs the following tasks:

  • relieves pain and muscle spasms;
  • strengthens the muscular corset of the spine;
  • normalizes blood supply and tissue nutrition;
  • forms correct posture and stretches the spine, helping to release the discs from pressure;
  • increases mobility, returning the patient to the ability to perform normal activities normally.

Basic rules of classes

Dikul's exercises for the back are very effective. They help patients return to normal life. But to do this you need to follow certain rules:

  • the academician recommends starting classes immediately after the pain disappears;
  • exercises must be performed daily, the total time spent on them should be at least an hour, it is best to do them 2-3 times a day;
  • repetition of each exercise should be done no more than 10 times, and the number of repetitions should be increased gradually;
  • the load also increases gradually as the muscles strengthen;
  • when practicing, you need to carefully listen to your feelings;
  • You can only perform those exercises that are recommended by your doctor;
  • If pain or discomfort occurs, you need to reduce the intensity or stop doing the exercise altogether.

Features of classes using the Dikul method

The most important condition for the effectiveness of classes is an individual approach to each patient. Therefore, it may take one person six months to heal, another several years. This depends on the severity of the pathology and the degree of muscle training of the patient. When starting classes, you need to prepare yourself for long-term work. A hernia rarely appears unexpectedly; most often it is preceded by long years pathological processes and tissue destruction. Therefore, it also takes a long time to restore them. It is very important that the patient sets himself up for success and does not interrupt his studies.

The entire system of exercises created by the academician is divided into three stages.

  1. First, the body prepares for subsequent loads. This stage is especially important for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and have weak muscles.
  2. At the second stage, exercises are performed to increase muscle tone, to strengthen ligaments and joints.
  3. Only after this the complex includes exercises to develop the intervertebral muscles, to increase the mobility and flexibility of the spine. Such an intensive course helps prevent further progression of the disease and in most cases promotes complete recovery.

You can exercise for any pathology. But the earlier classes start, the more effective the system created by Valentin Dikul will be. Back exercises for disc protrusion can completely return them to normal and prevent the development of a hernia. By spending no more than an hour a day on exercise, a person can ensure a healthy spine for many years.

What exercises are effective for lumbar hernia

Several different complexes were created by academician Valentin Dikul. Exercises for the back for a hernia of the lumbar spine, thoracic or cervical spine are slightly different, as they are aimed at strengthening different groups muscles. Be sure to include stretching exercises, for example, hanging on the bar, breathing exercises, elements of yoga and Pilates. The complex is selected individually. It may include different exercises for the back. Dikul recommends these:

An approximate set of Dikul exercises for the back

Most exercises for lumbar disc herniation are performed while lying on your back on a moderately hard surface. Some require additional equipment - rubber bands. Other exercises involve sliding on the floor, which can be made easier by using cellophane. What could be the complex for a hernia?

  • First, a warm-up is performed to warm up the muscles. This can be bending, turning, stretching. All movements are performed smoothly and slowly.
  • Lie on your back, secure your legs with loops. Without lifting your shoulders from the floor, slowly raise your left thigh and try to turn it to the right. Repeat on the other side.
  • Lying on your back, cross your arms over your chest. Without lifting your upper body and legs from the floor, take several side steps in one direction and the other.
  • A similar exercise is that this time Bottom part The body is motionless, and the upper one bends to the sides, sliding along the floor.
  • Standing, arms down, stick in hand. Slowly bend down, keeping your back straight and your arms down. Bend your legs slightly.
  • Standing straight, in your left hand rubber band, the end of which is fixed with the foot. Place your right hand on the back of your head and slowly lean to the right, overcoming the resistance of the tape.
  • hands are pressed to the hips, legs are fixed. Slowly raise your upper body, holding the upper position for a few seconds.
  • Lying on your back with your legs bent, slowly pull your knees towards your chest.

Treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine is a very complex and lengthy process. Besides drug therapy Physical therapy is considered a very important component of it.

Exercise therapy task

Special exercises for the spine are not only necessary prevention of hernia, but also effective method her treatment. They allow:

  • Create a muscular corset of the back and spine.
  • Relieve the patient of pain.
  • Ensure proper nutrition of the spinal tissues.
  • Form correct posture.
  • Relieve muscle spasm.
  • Stabilize blood circulation in spinal tissues.
  • Stretch the spine, thereby relieving the pressure on the discs.
  • Restore mobility to the body.


Exercise therapy is a therapy that requires constant and long-term implementation. You shouldn’t give up on gymnastics after the first visible results.

Basic Rules

Before starting training, the patient needs to learn several important rules Exercise therapy:

1 A set of exercises is selected by a professional. The exercise therapy instructor must be aware of the nature of the disease. To do this, he needs to provide a card from the clinic or recommendations from the attending physician, since some forms of hernias are contraindications to the use of exercise therapy. 2 If you plan to perform exercises independently at home, it is advisable trial classes work with an instructor. Its main task is correct positioning body position and error correction. 3 The patient needs to find out from the instructor the list of prohibited exercises. 4 It is advisable to start exercising after the pain symptoms disappear. 5 Starting exercises should be light - the load should be increased gradually. 6 It is recommended to start gymnastics with easy exercises (warm-up), gradually moving on to more complex ones. 7 The duration of the first workouts should not exceed five minutes - each subsequent workout can be increased by one minute. 8 Exercise therapy requires smooth, slow execution - sudden movements and jerks are unacceptable. 9 Gradually, it is necessary to include exercises that involve other parts of the complex into the complex. This practice will allow you to avoid complications and overloads in the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, and will also prevent their diseases. 10 Exercises must be performed regularly - once or twice a day every day. 11 In the process of doing gymnastics, the patient needs to listen to his body. If pain occurs, it is recommended to reduce the load or even cancel this exercise. 12 When performing exercises, you must lie on the floor on something soft and warm, avoiding drafts.

Examples of exercises

The instructor selects a set of exercises based on data about the stage of the disease, age and condition of the patient. During the period of exacerbation, it is allowed to do gymnastics only in a lying position. In a state of remission, exercise therapy can be supplemented with exercises “on all fours.”

Exercises for spinal hernia


Whatever the stage of the hernial protrusion in the lumbar region, exercises in the “sitting” or “standing” position, especially with the use of additional weights, are strictly prohibited.

Gymnastics during an exacerbation

The period of exacerbation requires exercise therapy to be carried out only in a supine position in order to maximize relaxation of the spine and reduce intradiscal pressure. At this time, you should also not use exercises that involve twisting or rotating the spine. Such manipulations can lead to displacement of the affected discs.

Set of exercises:

1 We lie on our backs, bend our legs at the knees and place our feet on the floor, put our hands on our stomach. We inflate our belly, taking a deep breath, and then exhale slowly. This exercise will serve as an excellent warm-up for the diaphragm and core muscles (the muscles that control the movement of the spine, hips and pelvis). 2 Take the “lying on the floor” position. We point the toes of our feet away from ourselves and pull them for about five seconds. We change the direction of the socks in the opposite direction - towards ourselves. We also pull them for 5 seconds. 3 The starting position is the same. Raise each leg in turn to a distance of about 20 cm above the floor and hold for 10-20 seconds. 4 In the same “lying down” position, slowly pull your feet towards your buttocks, without lifting them from the floor surface. We return the feet to their place. 5 From the “lying” position with the heels attached to the buttocks, we alternately pull each of the knees to the chest - the help of hands is allowed. We make sure that the spine, head and pelvis are completely pressed to the floor.


A set of exercises for hernia of the lumbar spine.

Exercises during remission

The rules for doing exercise therapy during the period of remission remain the same - movements are slow, smooth, no more than 15 times with breaks. The difference is the addition of the complex with exercises in the “on all fours” position, turns and twists.

Set of exercises:

1 Take the “lying on the floor” position. Raise your legs and bend them at the knees. We begin to perform movements similar to pedaling a bicycle. 2 In the “lying” position, bend your knees, placing your heels close to your buttocks. We pull both knees to the chest with the help of both hands, pulling the chin towards the knees. We fix the position for five seconds. We return to the starting position. 3 We stand in the “table” or “on all fours” pose - straight arms and legs, bent at the knees, placed perpendicular to the floor, aligned the back, pointing the top of the head forward. As you inhale, we round your back, tilting your head forward; as you exhale, we bend, tilting your head back a little. 4 Starting position – “table”. Raise your right arm and pull it forward parallel to the floor. In contrast to it, we raise left leg and we pull it back - it feels like we are being stretched from both sides. We hold this position for about ten seconds, then replace the arms and legs with opposite ones. 5 From the “on all fours” position, we begin to move the pelvis to the right until it is completely lowered to the floor. Then we return to the starting position and move the pelvis to the left. We repeat the exercise five times in each direction. 6 While in the “table” position, we slowly pull our right knee towards our chest and point our head there too. At the point of maximum twisting, we fix the pose and return back. We repeat the exercise for the left leg. 7 From the “on all fours” position, we try to sit the pelvis on the heels of the feet. We return to the starting position.


Exercises for hernia of the lumbar spine.

  • Swimming
  • Pilates
  • Yoga


Running is considered one of the most useful and effective types of physical education. However, if there is a hernial protrusion in the lower back, this sport may be prohibited. During running, the spine has to perform additional function– depreciation of its disks. Such a load is undesirable in the presence of a hernia.

Prohibited exercises

A spinal hernia can be called an unpredictable disease - any incorrect movement, overload or sudden change in body position can lead to complications. That is why during the execution of all physical exercise you need to know which of them are included in the list of prohibited ones:

  • Any exercise that causes pain.
  • Rotational (twisting) and kyphosis (turning) movements during an exacerbation.
  • Jumping.
  • Tremors.
  • Exercises with weights.
  • Blows to the lumbar region.
  • Sudden movements.

For people professionally involved in heavy sports (powerlifting), the presence of a hernial protrusion in the lumbar region is a reason to refuse the following exercises:

  • Leg press on a platform - there is too much load on the lower spine.
  • Squats with a barbell are an excessive load on the entire spine and the lumbar region in particular.
  • Deadlift– is contraindicated even for people with a healthy spine.
  • Hyperextension.
  • Bench press.
  • Weighted bends.
  • Exercises with a gymnastic ball.
  • Swinging the oblique abdominal muscles.

Prohibited exercises for lumbar disc herniation

Gymnastics after surgery

Exercise therapy plays a very important role in the rehabilitation of patients after surgery to remove a hernial protrusion of the lower spine. It allows:

  • Eliminate pain syndrome.
  • Restore the functions of the operated area of ​​the spine.
  • Stabilize the functioning of the entire spine.
  • Create a muscle corset.
  • Prevent back muscle atrophy.
  • Eliminate restrictions in the patient's movements.

The patient must understand that rehabilitation after such a complex operation can take quite a long period of time - up to a year. In this case, a person will need to engage in physical therapy for the rest of his life in order to avoid relapse or complications.

All exercises in the postoperative period should be selected exclusively by a rehabilitation physician and performed under his strict supervision. As a rule, exercise therapy can be started one month after surgery. In some cases, after two weeks the patient is allowed to perform some basic, lightweight movements.

Exercise therapy after removal of a hernia of the lumbar spine

During the first recovery stage during exercise therapeutic exercises the patient is prohibited from:

  • Lifting weights.
  • Classes without using a special corset.
  • Using any type of massage or acupuncture.
  • Sit.
  • Ride a bike.
  • Rotation and kyphosis exercises.

The subsequent rehabilitation period is characterized by the following prohibitions:

  • Long trips in transport.
  • Any load without preheating.
  • Hypothermia of the back.
  • Prolonged use of a corset.
  • Lifting weights over eight kilograms.
  • Adopting any forced position for a long period.

In the early rehabilitation period, the following exercises can be used:

1 We accept supine position on the back. Gently pull your knees towards your chest. We fix the pose for 30-45 seconds. We return to the starting position. 1 The starting position is the same. We spread our arms to the sides and place them on the floor. We bend our legs at the knees and place them on the floor. Raise your pelvis as much as possible. We fix the pose for 10-15 seconds. We return to the starting position. We gradually increase the time the pelvis is in the air. 1 Roll over onto your stomach. Raise each leg in turn above the floor without lifting your pelvis from it. We fix the straight leg in the air and return it to the starting position.

During the first time of rehabilitation after removal of a hernial protrusion in the lumbar spine, you can also perform exercises from the list of exercise therapy for the period of exacerbation of the hernia. Over time, with the permission of the doctor, it will be possible to switch to exercises indicated during the period of remission of the disease.

Exercise therapy is a very important component of therapy aimed at combating spinal hernias. Regular, correct execution similar exercises can lead the patient to recovery and prevent the development of complications.

Questions - Answers

If a person has been diagnosed with a hernia of the lumbar spine, therapy should be comprehensive. In addition to taking certain medications, it should include physical therapy. In some cases, exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine help prevent the need for surgery, prevent complications and exacerbations. Gymnastics helps relieve stress from the back, get rid of pain in the spine, restore flexibility and improve mobility.

Therapeutic exercises for hernia of the lumbar spine: necessity and effectiveness

To speed up the healing process for a hernia, you need to ensure an active blood supply to the tissues in the spine. The load just helps to improve it. They also help strengthen the muscle corset and minimize the load on the lumbar region.

Pathological processes in the spine are a consequence of metabolic disorders, therefore, with a diagnosed intervertebral hernia, exercises are necessary. Due to insufficient motor activity, the muscles atrophy, and the disease therefore only begins to progress.

To keep the spine in the correct position, it needs a strong muscle corset. Due to lack of activity, this is not possible, and the discs may become deformed as a result, causing the clinical picture to become worse. Special gymnastics for lumbar intervertebral hernia is aimed at preventing this. It helps to normalize the condition, relieve pain and prevent complications in the future.

Exercises for lumbar intervertebral hernia: rules and recommendations

First, we need to talk about the limitations that gymnastics for the spine implies for a lumbar hernia. First of all, you need to start exercising at the stage of remission. At first, it is recommended to perform all exercises under the supervision of a specialist. Remember that an intervertebral hernia is a pathological lesion, and every wrong movement with it can be fraught with serious complications. A careless sharp turn can put pressure on nerve endings, causing further damage. spinal cord. With a diagnosis such as intervertebral hernia, The following must be taken into account:

  • Exercises should be performed easily, pain, discomfort and difficulty should be excluded.
  • On initial stage twisting is excluded.
  • It is forbidden to jump or make sudden movements on the lumbar region.
  • Start with minimal loads.
  • Exercises should be performed after consultation with a specialist. It is necessary to consult an orthopedist and a neurologist, who should be familiar with the patient’s medical history. A physical therapy trainer needs to clarify the exercises that are prohibited and clarify how to correctly perform all the prescribed manipulations. In certain cases, exercise therapy is contraindicated in principle, and this also needs to be taken into account.
  • You need to increase the load gradually, proportionally increasing both the complexity and duration of the lesson. Too intense exercises should be excluded from the program.
  • First, a complex of the most simple exercises, lasting five minutes, and with each session increase the time by one minute.
  • A set of exercises for a herniated lumbar spine should include exercises for various parts of the back (general strengthening) and exercises aimed specifically at treating the lumbar spine. This will help make the load as complete as possible.
  • Exercises should be performed without sudden effort. If your back pain gets worse, stop exercising. Discomfort after execution is not allowed. If you have back pain, the load should be minimal.

Gymnastics for lumbar hernia at the acute stage

If the intervertebral hernia has worsened and the patient’s condition has worsened, the doctor may prescribe gymnastics. In this case, exercises for the spine for a hernia in the lower back should be as simple as possible, and their number should be limited. The exercises are performed in a supine position, since the spine does not experience stress in it, therefore the pressure inside the discs decreases.

In case of exacerbation of intervertebral hernia, rotational and kyphosis exercises are prohibited, that is, those that involve rotation or flexion of the spine, since there is a high probability of disc displacement.

Exercises for a hernia in the lumbar spine are repeated 5-15 times. After each approach, you need to rest - lying flat on your back and breathing deeply. The exercises will be as follows:

  • Starting position – lying on your back. Pull your toes for five seconds lower limbs from yourself, then for the same time - to yourself.
  • The starting position is similar. Stay on your back, lift your left leg 20 cm above the floor, hold for 10 seconds, then change legs.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees, and then bring your heels as close to your buttocks as possible (while keeping your feet flat on the floor). Then also smoothly straighten your limbs and return to the starting position.
  • Remain on your back, but bend your knees and press your buttocks toward your heels as described in the previous exercise. During this exercise, you can help yourself with your hands, slightly clasping your knees with them. Right bent leg pull it to the chest, then return to the starting position. Keep your back straight and press it as close to the floor as possible. Do the same with your left leg.

Gymnastics for a hernia of the lumbar spine in remission

If the intervertebral hernia is not aggravated, then manipulations on all fours can be added to the exercises already listed in the supine position. These exercises for lumbar hernia are aimed at stretching the spine through extension, rotation and flexion. The exercises are repeated 5-15 times.

These movements are contraindicated during exacerbation of the hernia. They need to be performed slowly and smoothly.

Exercises for a herniated disc in the lumbar spine will be as follows:

  • Starting position – lying on your back. Raise your legs slightly and bend your knees. Simulate the motion of riding a bicycle as if you were spinning virtual pedals.
  • Remain on your back, but with bent knees and buttocks pressed to the heels. Grab both legs by the knees and pull them towards your chest, trying to touch your chin to your knees. Thus, lying on your back, you seem to curl up into a ball. Fix your body in this position for five minutes. After this time, smoothly return to the starting position.
  • Starting position – standing on all fours. Bend and flex your spine as much as possible. When bending, it is recommended to tilt your head back slightly. It is important to monitor your breathing while performing this exercise.
  • In the same starting position, pull forward left hand and lift your right leg. Try to hold for ten seconds, then do the same with opposite limbs.
  • Remain on all fours, but tilt your pelvis to the right and sit down, then do the same in left side. It is recommended to repeat the exercise up to five times for each side.
  • Standing on all fours, tilt your head down as much as possible and pull your right knee towards it, then change your leg and do the same with your left knee. For each leg, repeat the exercise 8 times.
  • In the same starting position, move your pelvis back as much as possible and try to sit on your heels, then return to the original position. Repeat ten times.

If an operation was performed to remove a hernia, then the load on the spine should be eliminated. Therefore, exercises for the lower back with a herniated disc can be prescribed no earlier than 2-4 weeks after surgical intervention. There is no universal exercise program that can suit all patients. Rehabilitation and its measures will be determined by the degree of complexity of the disease, the method of surgical intervention, and the individual characteristics of the body. For each rehabilitation period, its own set of exercises is selected. At the same time, it is important not to exceed the permitted load and generally adhere to a gentle regimen, which will help prevent relapse.

Exercises for lumbar hernia of the spine may not help get rid of the disease completely, however, it is a proven and effective method control your health and improve your condition. We invite you to watch a video with sets of exercises.