Therapeutic exercise for the elderly. Physical exercises for older women: benefits of exercise, approximate weekly plan Workout after 60

Doing exercises and performing various exercises is useful not only at a young age, but also at an old age. Moreover, sports are necessary for people over 60, because they help them prolong youth, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure. Even those who suffer from heart failure can perform light exercises. Older people should try to walk more, visit the pool and (if possible) ski.

For the elderly

To “swing up” and spend the day without complaining of joint pain, older people definitely need to do exercises.
You shouldn’t try too hard to avoid overtiring your body, but various simple exercises will come in handy.


The exercise is performed standing, with your legs slightly apart.
Lower your hands, and then raise them to the ceiling, and lower them, exhaling through your mouth. You need to repeat the exercise three times.

Exercising the knee joints

Stand with your feet apart, then squat slightly and place your hands on your knees. Bring your knees together and spread them two or three times, touching each other. After this, it is advisable to sit down on a chair for a while and relax.

Another great exercise to help you maintain perfect posture. Experts advise doing it not only in the morning, but also throughout the day. To do this, you need to lean your back against a wall or cabinet and straighten up. Stand so that your heels, shoulders, pelvis and back of your head touch the surface of the wall. Having taken the correct position, stand there for about a minute, without making any movements and taking deep breaths/exhalations.

Walking the line

If you want to keep your vestibular apparatus in working condition, do this exercise at least once a day. It consists of walking, during which one leg must be placed in front of the other, as tightrope walkers do. You can walk in this way both forward and backwards. To make walking more challenging, do it with your eyes closed.

Walking in place

The simplest exercise you can imagine. It is performed with a straight back. Stand and slightly bend one leg at the knee, raising it. Then lower and repeat the same movement with the other leg. You can continue walking in place for several minutes,

The benefits of training

By exercising and playing sports as an adult, you:

  • 1) live longer;
  • 2) strengthen your immune system;
  • 3) get rid of a number of ailments.

Many residents of the country have known about the benefits of physical exercise since childhood, because I instilled this idea in my mother-in-law in kindergarten. To begin with, from an early age, addiction to physical activity begins to develop with the help of morning exercises. Later, you can add full-fledged daytime workouts. But you shouldn’t forget about morning exercises. On the contrary, many doctors emphasize that a person whose morning begins with a light workout is healthier and more resistant to various diseases. And the performance of an organism warmed up in the morning increases significantly.

For women over 60, the need to charge increases several times. Performing certain exercises at home regularly, day after day, will allow you to stay young and full of energy longer. However, in our country, gymnastics for the elderly is practiced very little. This is due to the fact that people over 60 consider themselves already deserved pensioners, for whom sport is something supernatural and unbearable. In fact, it has long been proven that morning exercises for the elderly, on the contrary, are very useful and necessary. But those who enter old age are little informed about its positive impact.

The benefits of gymnastics

Today, doctors, nutritionists, and fitness trainers are talking about the benefits for people of 60 physical activities. Even psychologists note that gymnastics for the elderly has a calming effect, making them more emotionally stable, especially in stressful situations. Not everyone knows, but facial exercises after 60 are also useful, helping to visually prolong youth.

But first, let's look at the benefits for women after 60 years of general charging.

First of all, daily morning exercises are necessary to prevent the development of:

  • heart diseases,
  • vessels,
  • blood pressure disorders,
  • sagging muscles, skin,
  • disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus,
  • joint diseases,
  • salt deposits, etc.

Daily gymnastics for women after 50 or 60 years of age significantly increases the tone of the whole body, blood circulation improves, the cells of all tissues and especially the brain receive more oxygen. As a result, women who devote at least 15 minutes a day to such an activity feel much better and younger than their peers, are full of energy, and complain less of pain.

Selection of exercises

The complex of morning exercises should be selected carefully, taking into account the presence of chronic diseases and their characteristics. Because the main goal of exercise at sixty is to improve health, and not harm it. In addition, for women over 60, the load should be gentle. At home you can start with:

  • Breathing,
  • warming up the hands, knee joints,
  • vestibular exercises,
  • walking in place

Exercises with dumbbells for mature women or daily running at the stadium are possible and optional. Even the above simple exercises will be enough to feel an improvement in your well-being.

Although, if a woman has been involved in sports all her life, at retirement age you can add dumbbells to your daily routine. Exercises with dumbbells for women allow you to train your muscles more strongly, which will subsequently affect excellent posture, a toned figure, and the general tone of the muscles of the arms, chest, and back.

The essence of facial exercises

A person over 60 needs active care. It is generally accepted that it is enough to use creams, masks, scrubs to look good. Those with higher incomes can afford a facial after 60 different lifts, injections, laser corrections, etc.

In fact, no matter what anti-aging cosmetics are, they themselves will not give the effect that can be achieved together with special exercises for the face after 60.

These exercises are aimed at training the facial muscles, increasing their tone and improving blood circulation. If you do facial exercises every day after 60, you can reduce the rate of wrinkle development and prevent:

  • drooping of the eyelid
  • depression of the cheeks
  • appearance of a double chin, etc.

Facial training after 60 should preferably be carried out after morning or evening washing. All you need to implement it is your own hands and the desire to look great.

The simplest exercises will be the following:

  • with the middle and index fingers, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, you should make smoothing movements for several minutes,
  • with your index finger you need to lift the tip of your nose up, while pulling your upper lip down (15 times),
  • You need to place your fingers in the corners of your lips and use them to stretch and compress your lips for several minutes,
  • pulling the cheeks between the teeth, or one and a half minutes, or 20-30 times,
  • when closing the eyelid, use your index fingers to press on their corners, preventing them from lowering calmly (provide resistance 15 times),
  • stretching your lips you need to pronounce letters such as a, i, o, u, s, e,
  • You should draw circles with your chin and “write” letters or numbers.

These exercises are very simple and quick to perform. But for a person over 60, they play a very important role, as they significantly eliminate age-related imperfections. Regular facial gymnastics after retirement age often gives an effect that is several times greater than the results from expensive creams and even injections. And most importantly, this form of anti-aging treatment is absolutely safe and free.

And considering that facial skin after 60 is more susceptible to the negative effects of external factors, this method can be a salvation for many.

You can see such classes in more detail in practice using videos useful for women on the Internet, which contain step-by-step instructions and a visual demonstration of the entire complex.

To summarize, we can conclude that for a 60-year-old lady it is possible to stay young and healthy without leaving huge amounts of money at the pharmacy. Sometimes it’s enough just to forget about your laziness and give your body a few minutes to develop immunity from aging.

But if at a younger age it is not difficult to lose a couple of kilograms, then follow diet after 60 years much more difficult:

  • metabolism slows down
  • health complaints appear,
  • body tone is reduced.

Nutritionists are of the opinion that the norm is the weight at which a woman gets sick less and lives longer. Therefore, dear women, if you are plagued by various diseases caused by those unfortunate extra pounds, start fighting for your health and beauty immediately!

This call probably sounds most appropriate today! Many of us dream of starting a new life on Monday... Let's start it with the New Year!

Of course, someone will say that they didn’t find anything new in this article, but for some, I’m sure it will become a new page in rethinking the nutrition system, physical activity, and generally life after 60 years!

Very often, when talking about a weight loss system at any age, we need to start weight loss diary, in which you scrupulously write down everything you eat during the day, counting the number of calories, and not forgetting to write down what kind of physical activity you did during the day. You, of course, can do all this if you already have at least a little experience losing weight. But, in my opinion, these are still the main rules.

How to lose weight after 60 years:

First of all, we identify the causes of excess weight.

And also, dear ladies, your mood is an important cog in the mechanism of your mood and well-being! Find something you like, get a favorite pet, read poetry, learn languages, master a computer, so that apathy and laziness do not take over your beauty and youth!

If you follow these simple tips diets after 60 years, you will not only get rid of excess weight, but also significantly improve your well-being. And remember: the main thing is to really want it, and then even the most impossible task will turn out to be easily solvable!

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


A diet in old age must be chosen carefully; it is better to lose weight after 60 – where to start and what foods to eat, was determined by a specialist nutritionist. An independent choice of technique can lead to negative consequences for the entire body. As a rule, the system for losing weight after 60 years for a woman is slightly different from the method that is suitable for a man.

How to lose weight after 60 years

Any woman, regardless of age, wants to always remain attractive and look 100 percent. 60 years is a difficult age, which is associated with hormonal changes and menopause. At the same time, it can open up many prospects for caring for the body, because the children have already grown up and there is a lot of free time. Therefore, many ladies begin to wonder how a woman can lose weight after 60 years old?

Modern methods of losing weight involve the use of the services of beauty salons and a plastic surgeon. Although, according to experts, in order for a woman to remain beautiful after retirement, it is important to feel interesting to others, take an active position in society, play sports, adhere to the basics of proper nutrition - then weight loss after 60 years will occur naturally.

Improvement of the body

After 60 years, a woman’s body tries to switch to a mode of saving resources. Therefore, the riot of hormones, which forced a person to live at the limit of physical capabilities, loses its relevance at this age. At the same time, you should pay attention to your health and not forget that a woman in any situation should be attractive and desirable, even when she reaches the age of sixty. Basic recommendations on how to maintain health after 60 years:

  • Nutrition for weight loss. A woman should definitely increase her calcium intake and limit her intake of animal fat from food. It is recommended that women over 60 years of age reduce the caloric content of food to 1600 kcal.
  • Movement for effective weight loss. To avoid gaining extra pounds, reduce muscle weakness and improve the health of the body, a woman needs to devote 40 minutes to physical activity a day.
  • Timely visit to a psychologist. You should learn to enjoy any event and use new opportunities to cheer yourself up.
  • High-quality cosmetics. Women need to choose creams with a mark of 60+. They should contain lightening components and substances that smooth out wrinkles.

Proper nutrition

A nutritionist knows best about how to lose weight after 60 years for a woman. Therefore, before starting the weight loss process, you should consult a specialist. The older the body, the more susceptible it is to what enters the gastrointestinal tract. An important rule for women over 60 years of age is to regularly check their sugar and cholesterol levels. When preparing your diet, you should avoid foods that leach calcium. Proper nutrition after 60 years for women should not contain the following products:

  • coffee and sweet drinks;
  • salt and sugar;
  • canned foods.

Active lifestyle

Nutrition for women aged 60 plays an important role in losing weight, but we should not forget about sports. It must be remembered that not all exercises are safe for this age. You can exercise in the gym, but you should protect your joints with special bandages. It is better to make an individual plan with a professional trainer. As a general rule, women over 60 years of age are advised to:

  • ride a bike;
  • visit the pool;
  • do not give up weight training;
  • go for a morning jog;
  • To do yoga.

Nutrition after 60 years for women

When thinking about how to lose weight at 60 years old, a woman should definitely adhere to the rules of dietary nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to remove everything spicy, fatty, salty, and sweet from the diet. This will help restore the functioning of organs and force the body to gradually get rid of extra pounds. Women over 60 years old should include fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet for proper bowel function. Also, don’t forget about fermented milk products. Proper nutrition after 60 years for women includes the following recommendations:

  • you need to drink more clean water;
  • eat small portions;
  • you need to give up meat and eat more fish;
  • remove semi-finished products and sausages from the diet;
  • table salt should be replaced with sea salt;
  • exclude all canned food (even homemade);
  • coffee can be replaced with delicious herbal or green tea;
  • vegetables and greens can be eaten in any quantity;
  • oil should be chosen unrefined;
  • Instead of fast carbohydrates, choose foods that are rich in dietary fiber.

Weekly menu for weight loss

When losing weight, nutritionists do not insist that you should completely exclude some harmful foods from your diet. You can eat all natural healthy foods, but at least once a week you need to cleanse your intestines with herbs, kefir, and decoctions. An approximate menu for losing weight after 60 years for a woman is presented in the table:

Days of the week


vegetables, boiled fish, green tea.

vegetable salad, vegetarian soup, boiled meat, any fruit.

carrot-curd casserole, kefir.

cucumber salad, buckwheat porridge, boiled meat, green tea.

baked apples, rye bread, borscht.

cottage cheese with dried fruits, fermented milk product, herbal tea.

omelette, tea.

grilled fish, baked potatoes, vegetable salad, apple.

stewed vegetables, herbal tea, a handful of dried fruits.

tomato salad, boiled meatballs.

fruit salad, vegetarian soup.

cottage cheese casserole, herbal tea.

rye bread with cheese, oatmeal, tea with honey.

stewed vegetables, dietary meat, orange.

carrot puree, meat soufflé, herbal tea.

rice porridge, bread with cheese, green tea.

fish, vegetable stew, kiwi.

zucchini fritters, banana, light yogurt.


omelette, vegetable salad, piece of cheese, herbal tea.

vinaigrette, boiled chicken, apple.

cottage cheese, herbal tea with honey.

Gymnastics for women after 60 years

It is very difficult to fight extra pounds at an advanced age, because metabolism is slow. Women aged 60 should choose their sport very carefully. It is better to seek recommendations from a professional trainer. It is necessary to select a health-improving set of exercises with a gradual increase in load. The intensity of the workout depends on your health and the presence of chronic illnesses. When losing weight, the following physical exercises are acceptable after 60 years for women:

  • Shoulder rotation. We perform rotational movements with our shoulders back and forth, 4 turns each.
  • Bend forward. Your arms should be lowered and your feet should be shoulder-width apart. We do 2 inclinations for each leg.
  • Walking along the line. You need to put one foot in front of the other. You can walk forward this way or backwards.
  • Circular rotations of the pelvis. No need to bend or bend over.
  • Head tilts. Hands on your waist, feet shoulder-width apart. We tilt our heads left, right, left, down, right, down.

How to lose weight after 60 years for a man

Processes in the body of an elderly person begin to slow down, so after 60 years of age it is very difficult for a man to lose weight. The blood vessels are clogged with cholesterol, many already have a tummy and other signs of excess weight. Normally, a man’s weight at 60 years old should be between 65 and 95 kg, based on height. Anyone who wants to lose weight should radically change their diet. Often, excess weight is caused by consuming large amounts of fried, fatty foods, and lack of physical activity. Basic rules that will help in the process of losing weight:

  • You need to balance your workouts. There is no need to get carried away by one sport. Create a schedule along with strength and aerobic exercise.
  • Don't go hungry. After all, instead of losing weight and getting rid of fat, your body will begin to actively accumulate it.
  • Use aerobic exercise more often, which helps you lose weight and get rid of the maximum amount of calories in a short period of time.
  • Find yourself a teammate who can support you in your fight against excess weight. Losing weight together stimulates and prevents the risk of stopping halfway.

Diet for men after 60

A weight loss program for older men should be individual. Moreover, if the problem with extra pounds is serious, then you will need a professional consultation with a nutritionist, if you have a mild form of obesity, a therapist. Nutrition after 60 years for a man requires compliance with several rules:

  • you should avoid carbonated sweet drinks, alcohol and coffee;
  • it is necessary to minimize sugar consumption;
  • fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities;
  • You should drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • Only unrefined oil is allowed;
  • meat should be replaced with fish;
  • It is better to use sea salt instead of table salt;
  • the amount of fat per day should not exceed 70 g;
  • It is better to replace vegetable oil with flaxseed or olive oil;
  • You should stop eating processed foods, sausages, and canned foods.

Sports after 60 years for men

Retirement age is a good opportunity to get in shape. Simple physical exercises and health procedures will have a beneficial effect on the body and help active weight loss. Regular exercise by people over 60 years of age leads to normalization of blood pressure, dilation of blood vessels, and improvement of general health. The level of load must be individual; only a specialist can determine it. To effectively lose weight, you can use the following set of exercises for men over 60 years of age:

  • “Plank” pose;
  • bend to the sides, you can use dumbbells;
  • push ups;
  • twisting the body on a fitness ball or bench;
  • exercise "Bicycle".

Age-related changes in organs and body systems are an integral part of human life. With each passing year, their natural functionality decreases, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of life. Special exercises designed for older people help slow down this process. They stimulate blood flow, allowing organs to receive more oxygen and nutrients. Proper and regular physical activity strengthens muscles, ligaments and joints. They improve well-being and lift your spirits.

How to exercise for older people. A few rules

Even with the great desire of older people to lead an active lifestyle, you need to understand that in old age, exercise should be dosed. Such measures are associated with the following reasons:

  • Reduced metabolism;
  • Due to the high content of decomposition products, rapid fatigue occurs;
  • The skeleton is modified;
  • High tone against the background of reduced muscle mass;
  • Due to a shift in the center of gravity, the gait is changed;
  • Poor blood flow may cause balance problems;
  • Decreased lung capacity;
  • Changes in the heart muscle;

All these age-related changes are aggravated by various pathologies. Therefore, they are selected and performed, taking into account the following rules:

  • Before and after training, pulse and blood pressure are measured;
  • Training duration is half an hour, 2 times a week;
  • You can use all starting positions, but you need to do fewer standing exercises than all the others;
  • It is forbidden to make sharp or fast tilts or turns; slow and smooth movements are recommended;
  • The complex necessarily includes exercises that stimulate balance and the vestibular system.


You need to exclude from your workout exercises that can cause falls! In old age, they most often lead to fractures.

Classes are carried out only when the person is in good health.


The use of physical education for older people should be avoided if they have the following health conditions:

  • Pathologies of internal organs during the period of exacerbation, characterized by depression of their natural functionality;
  • Aneurysm of the heart and large vessels;
  • Changes in the psyche associated with memory loss, inability to navigate in time and space, reactions inadequate to the situation;
  • Muscle thinning;


To perform this you will need a fixed support on the floor. Lie on your back so that you can grab it with your hands. Then lift your straightened legs up and lower them smoothly. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, the exercise is done 5 to 10 times.

All training ends with relaxation. To do this, take any comfortable position and rest for a few minutes.

Very easy gymnastics for those over 60 (video)