Kulakova Galina Alekseevna residential address. Kulakova Galina Alekseevna. Biographical information. Youth and the beginning of a sports career

Galina Alekseevna Kulakova (April 29, 1942, village of Logachi, Votkinsk district, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - Soviet skier, 4-time Olympic champion, 9-time world champion, World Cup winner, 39-time USSR champion. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970), Honored Trainer of Russia. She advocated for the Trud society.

She was born into a large family (2 brothers and 7 sisters). Galina's father died at the front. In her youth she worked as a milkmaid at the Votkinsky state farm. She began to train seriously under the guidance of Pyotr Naimushin. In 1962 she graduated from Izhevsk Pedagogical College. Also graduated from Prokopyevsky Technical School physical culture. Udmurt by nationality.In the USSR national team since 1967.

  • Won every possible gold medal at the 1972 Olympics in Sapporo (10 km, 5 km and 3x5 km relay);
  • 1976 Olympic champion in the 3x5 km relay;
  • Vice champion Olympic Games 1968 (5 km, only Kulakova’s fall 500 meters before the finish allowed Swede Toini Gustafsson to get ahead of the Soviet skier) and 1980 (4x5 km relay);
  • Bronze medalist at the 1968 Olympic Games (3x5 km relay) and 1976 (5 km);
  • Won all possible gold medals also at the 1974 World Championships in Falun (10 km, 5 km and 4x5 km);
  • Two-time world champion in 1970 in the 5 km and 3x5 km relay;
  • 39-time USSR champion: 5 km (1969, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1979), 10 km (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1982), 20 km (1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981), 30 km (1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980), 4x5 km relay (1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 19 76, 1978, 1979, 1981).
  • Winner of the very first World Cup 1978/79

Before the 1970 World Championships in the High Tatras, she was “given” all the world gold in advance, but the unexpected happened. Galina was taken straight from the USSR Cup race track to one of the Sverdlovsk clinics, where she underwent surgery, after which she could not recover for a long time. And when I arrived, I began to learn to walk again. Skiing was out of the question, since after such operations it was necessary to lie down for about three months and gain strength. But Galina couldn’t wait that long and did everything possible and impossible to get back into action as quickly as possible. Contrary to all forecasts and laws, Galina got up within a few weeks and began training, incredibly amazing the entire medical staff of the hospital. And when she won her five kilometers at the World Championships in Czechoslovakia, few people knew what this fantastic victory from the point of view of traditional medicine cost her.

In 1976, at the Innsbruck Olympics, she took third place in the 5 km race, but was deprived of a bronze medal for using ephedrine (the IOC found that she put it in her nose for a cold). The award went to Soviet skier Nina Baldycheva, who took 4th place. However, Kulakova was not disqualified for the next races (10 km and relay).

She completed her sports career in 1982.

In 1984, IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch awarded Kulakova the Silver Olympic Order.

Currently, Galina Kulakova lives in the village of Italmas, where her house-museum is located. In 2007, in Izhevsk, on the 14th kilometer of the Yak-Bodinsky tract, a “Sports and Fitness Center” was opened ski resort them. Galina Kulakova.

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On the topic: “Kulakova Galina Alekseevna. Her sports achivments and awards"


3rd year student of group Yu-31/z

Lebedeva Daria Vladimirovna


Ivanova R.S.

Izhevsk, 2014

1. Biography

2. Sports career

4. State awards

5. Other awards and titles


1. Biography

Galina Alekseevna Kulakova was born on April 29, 1942 in the village of Logachi, 30 kilometers from Votkinsk. She never got to see her father, who died at the front. In addition to Gali, the family had six more sisters and two brothers.

Galina has been skiing since childhood. She used them to run to school in the winter. 3 kilometers there and 3 kilometers back. Perhaps, given a choice, she would do something else. But there was no choice in the village.

She started working early. At first I helped around the house. At the age of fifteen she was already a calf raiser. At seventeen she became a milkmaid. At five in the morning she had to milk her eighteen cows. I had to get up even earlier.

She studied in the ski section of the Votkinsky state farm. Sometimes she competed. But without much success. Chance played a huge role in her fate. In 1964, at the very beginning of winter, she found herself in Sverdlovsk - she competed there in competitions for rural athletes. She didn’t do anything special, however, on her way back home, she went to visit her sister Lida in Votkinsk. And she had regional competitions. Lida had not trained for a long time and invited Galina to participate for her. She agreed. She won 2nd place and went home.

2. Sports career

Everything could have remained this way, but the city entered the team into regional competitions. We turned to Lida and she admitted that it was not she who ran, but her sister... And here again Kulakova’s big debut might not have taken place if Master of Sports Pyotr Naimushin had not been the trainer in Votkinsk. He noticed her far from perfect, but powerful run. Naimushin went to Stepanova and found Kulakova. A year later in Smolensk, she - an unknown skier - won the 5 and 10 kilometer races at the Trud championship.

Kulakova could become Olympic champion back in Grenoble in February 1968. Swede Toini Gustafsson was just lucky there.

Kulakova won the five-kilometer race. She walked to the finish line, ahead of the Swede in time. Five hundred meters before the finish she suddenly fell. Galina understood that she lacked not only luck, but also that her equipment failed. skier athlete kulakova award

After the Olympics in Grenoble, a new senior coach, Ivanov, joined the USSR women's national team. The team was going through a difficult period of generational change. Ivanov was looking for skiers who could replace those who had left the ski track and quickly restore the leading positions of our skiing that had unexpectedly been lost in Grenoble. Kulakova, like no one else, responded to his aspirations and views. She could train tirelessly, was proud of her strength and ability to withstand a load that was beyond the strength of others. Kulakova began to work hard to eliminate shortcomings. Then her technique will become a model, a standard.

The following winter after Grenoble, Galina did not lose a single race - neither in our country nor abroad. The new coach of the country’s women’s team, Viktor Aleksandrovich Ivanov, began to introduce rowing into Kulakova’s training, skiing and other sports.

It seemed that she simply could not lose at the upcoming 1970 World Championships in the High Tatras.

But... a month and a half before the competition, an accident happened to her. Galina was taken straight from the USSR Cup race track to one of the Sverdlovsk clinics... An operation... Loss of consciousness... And then she learned to walk again... there was no talk of any training or competitions. After such operations it was necessary to lie down for 3 months, but she could not wait that long. doing everything possible and impossible

A few weeks later, Galina Kulakova started skiing... and won the 5 km race, greatly surprising the doctors.

On February 6, 1972, the women's ten-kilometer race was scheduled to start at the ski stadium in the Japanese town of Makomanai. Kulakova had strong rivals: Finns Maryatta Kajosmaa and Hilka Kuntola, 1968 Olympic relay champions - Norwegians Inger Aufles and Verit Merdre-Lammedal, their young compatriot Aslaut Dahl, racer from Czechoslovakia Helena Shikolova, athlete from the GDR Renata Fischer.

She has no equal in the mountains. And there on the highway, after the fifth kilometer, climbs began, and among them two were very serious. Everyone knew that if Galya entered the climbs as a leader, then there she would no longer yield to anyone. However, reality exceeded expectations - from the two-kilometer mark before the finish it was reported that Kulakova beat Olyunina by 30 seconds, and Kaiosmaa by 40! It became clear that two climbs - at the sixth and eighth kilometers - put Kulakova as a contender for gold Olympic medal out of competition.

In 1974, Kulakova triumphantly competed at the World Championships in Falun. She won both individual events and the relay.

In 1976, at the Innsbruck Olympics, Kulakova took 3rd place in the 5 km race, but was stripped of her bronze medal for using ephedrine (the IOC found that she was putting drops in her nose for a cold). The award went to Soviet skier Nina Baldycheva, who took fourth place in this competition. But Kulakova was not disqualified for the next races (10 km and relay).

Four years later in Lake Placid, as at the previous Games, experts and journalists, assessing the results of the pre-Olympic year, compiled their own “horoscopes”, trying to predict future winners. In them - in one way or another - the names of two Soviet skiers appeared - Kulakova and Smetanina. And how could it be otherwise, if in 1979 Galina was thirty-seven years old! - became the winner of the World Cup in skiing. Kulakova’s chances were highly valued. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out. In personal races, Galina did not rise above fifth place. And in the relay this time, the USSR team lost to the GDR team.

3. Completion sports career

She completed her sports career in 1982. At the age of 40. She really wanted to win the fortieth anniversary gold of the national championship, but it didn’t work out. They offered to give her a bronze medal in order to round the number of medals to 40, but Kulakova refused it, saying that it was not fair.

She was invited to Moscow to work as a coach, but she decided to stay in Udmurtia.

In 1984, IOC President Juan Antonio Samarang awarded Kulakova the Silver Olympic Order.

In 2000, Galina Alekseevna was chosen as one of the fifteen Legends at the All-Russian Olympians Ball domestic sports who made the greatest contribution to its development in the past century.

Currently, Galina Kulakova lives in the village of Italmas, where her house-museum opened in 2001. In 2007, in Izhevsk, at the 14th kilometer of the Yak-Bodinsky tract, a “sports and recreational ski complex named after Galina Kulakova” was opened. This was the fulfillment of her dream.

In 2008 she received the title “Honored Worker of Physical Culture” Russian Federation».

4. State awards

Order of Lenin (1972)

3 orders “Badge of Honor” (1970, 1976)

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class (1997)

Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation (2008)

5. Other awards and titles

Silver Olympic Order

Honorary citizen of the city of Izhevsk (1988)

Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Udmurt Republic

Badge “For Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports” (1992)

Knight of the Order "Hope of the Nation"

Knight of the Order of the Peacemaker, 1st class

Honored Master of Sports of the USSR

The best athlete of Udmurtia of the 20th century

Moneybox of medals

Olympic Games

4-time champion

1968 Grenoble (France). “Silver” - 5 km, “bronze” - relay race.

1972 Sapporo (Japan). Three “golds” - 5 and 10 km, relay race.

1976 Innsbruck (Austria). “Gold” - relay race, bronze - 10 km.

1980 Lake Placid (USA). "Silver" - relay race.

World Championships

9-time champion

1970 High Tatras (Czechoslovakia). Two gold medals - 5 km and

relay race, “bronze” - 10 km.

1974 Falun (Sweden). Three “golds” - 5 and 10 km, relay race.

1978 Lahti (Finland). “Silver” - 20 km, “bronze” - relay race.

1980 Falun (Sweden). "Silver" - 20 km.

1982 Holmenkollen (Norway). "Silver" - relay race.

6. Interesting Facts from the life of Kulakova

In the year of the Olympic Games in Izhevsk, the Friendship of Peoples monument was inaugurated. After Galina Kulakova became the absolute Olympic champion in Sapporo, Japan, local residents, as a sign of respect for the famous compatriot, gave the monument an unofficial name - “Kulakova’s Skis”. The athlete considers this the best compliment.

The village where Galina Kulakova was born went under water after the construction of the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station. And the place where Galina Alekseevna’s home stood remained an island of land.

During the period of active sports, Kulakova’s pulse at rest was 36 beats per minute.

It is estimated that the total length of its sports routes is three times the length of the equator.

She wrote the book “To Whom the Ski Track Submits.”

The poet Robert Rozhdestvensky dedicated the following lines to the Olympic champion:

Fatherland is the champion again

Incredibly steep at a distance

everyone was running along the snowy track,

As always,

Kulakova Galina - gold.

In 2014 she took part in the relay race Olympic flame in Izhevsk.

Having won countless medals and earned numerous orders and titles, Galina Kulakova did not become proud and remained just as modest. She does not need either luxury or wealth; solitude and measured village life are much closer to her heart.


1. V.L. Steinbach: “Great Olympic Encyclopedia”, Ed. Olympia Press, 2006

2. Internet resources:

3. http: //dic.academic.ru

4. http: //ru.wikipedia.org

5. http: //interpretive.ru

6. http: //www.people.su

7. http: //izhlife.ru

8. http: //murzim.ru

9. http: //iz-article.ru

10. http: //www.calend.ru

11. http: //bestpeopleofrussia.ru

Posted on Allbest.ru

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At the Olympics in Sapporo in 1972, after Galina Kulakova’s victory in the 10 km race, one of the restless Japanese journalists persistently tried to find out the specific reasons for the success of the Soviet skier. But I never received an answer. “For this it was necessary to tell my life,” Galina Alekseevna admitted to her coach.

In one film (unfortunately, I don’t remember the name) there was an episode when the daughter-in-law praises her mother-in-law for a deliciously prepared dish and wants to know the recipe.

- Nothing complicated, 100 grams of this, 50 grams of that and... 25 years at the stove.

So it is here. Well, what's the reason?

- Yes, it’s simple. A pair of skis, a pair of poles and your whole life is in the struggle.

Honestly, “in the fight” is not a catchphrase. The way it is.
Now, studying the biographies of the first Soviet Olympians, I am more and more coming to the conclusion that only the habit of fighting the enemy, poverty, hunger, fear, frost and even the system itself made these people not just persistent, but ironclad.

Well, an ordinary person cannot become Olympic champion in hockey and become famous throughout the world after he was shot in the leg during the war and the doctors wanted to amputate it! But Nikolai Sologubov did it!

It is useless to expect a feat a la Vedenin from an ordinary person, when at his stage he beat the strong Norwegian for more than a minute and brought relay gold to our team.

And, of course, it is difficult to imagine a modern skier who, after a severe injury a month later, despite the persuasion of doctors, would take to the ski track and win the world championship.

Galina Alekseevna Kulakova did it! And I don’t care that after the operation I had to learn to walk again. And, “dahusim” that as the doctors said: “this has never happened in medical practice,” she ran a month later. So much so that she became the world champion in the High Tatras in 1970.

So where does this will, character, vitality come from? No matter how banal it may sound, but...

Life forced.

Biography of Galina Kulakova. "Goodbye kiss" from mom and dad.

Galochka became the last 11th child in the family. She was born on April 29, 1942 in the village of Logachi, 30 kilometers from Votkinsk. “A goodbye kiss,” as her mother called her.

I didn't know my father. He died in the year of her birth somewhere near Yelnya, never knowing that he had another daughter.

Deja vu! Now I’m writing and I notice that the story is one to one with!

And my father died in 1942, and hunger and hard work almost from the cradle.

In the same way, Galina started skiing, or rather something like skis. Two boards, two sticks. I had to use something to get to school, which was 3 km from home.

So Kulakova didn’t have much of an alternative to skiing.

That's how she started her career. First medal.

Our heroine received her first medal for second place at regional competitions in Votkinsk. In today's language, it was a substitution! Galya ran instead of her older sister Lida. Well, Lida didn’t want to run; she hadn’t trained for a long time. So I asked my sister... Thank you Lidiya Alekseevna.

Well, skis are skis, but you have to milk the cows. So Galina returned to her Logachi to continue her career as a milkmaid. But it didn't work out. But a brilliant sport began.

A team was formed for regional competitions. After the “deception” with the substitution was discovered, Galina was invited. She did not win any valuable metals there. But her powerful running drew the attention of Pyotr Naimushin, a master of sports and coach.

A year later, the “dark horse” won the 5 and 10 km races at the Trud society championship.

Fell, rose, lost. Galina Kulakova's debut at the Olympic Games

The future champion made her Olympic debut in Grenoble in 1968. And even then he could have become gold, if not for an offensive fall 500 meters before the finish in the 5 km race.

And she fell, as they say, out of the blue! A simple descent, no “surprises”. A very disappointing loss. Although I shouldn’t have called “silver” a loss.

Or maybe it's for the better? No, I am far from thinking that young Galya Kulakova would not have passed the test with copper pipes. I would have passed. She's a different breed.

I'm talking about something else. A fall is not always just a loss of concentration and vigilance. Often athletes are let down by equipment, and often by lack of technique.

In any case, Galina herself thought so and began to work on improving it. As a result, her running became the standard classic move. It was a joy to watch.

So, Grenoble not only brought Kulakova 2 medals (there was also bronze in the 3x5 relay race), but also became a kind of starting point for further self-development.

And, it’s still a pity for the lost “gold”.

And then there was Sapporo

In 10 days. 3 races – 5 km, 10 km and relay. 3 "gold".

Here, to be honest, I don’t know what to say. How to comment. Finest hour? Yes, of course! In short, everything is somehow calm. Well, 3 gold, so what? There didn’t seem to be anything super heroic on the track. Yes, it happened, Kulakova won back 6 seconds from the formidable Finnish woman in the last kilometer of the 5 km race (unthinkable!) and so what?

Yes, everyone was ready for this. The fact is that Kulakova did not lose a single start after Grenoble. Neither in the Union, nor in the world. And here in Sapporo, Galina Alekseevna simply once again confirmed her status as the best racer in the world.

This is the case when, in response to the epithets and exclamations of enthusiastic journalists, commentators and fans, you want to chuckle and say: “Well, what’s special here, what else were you waiting for? This is Kulakova!”

If you dream of a bull, nothing good will happen

Just like in Sapporo, Kulakova rode number one at the XII Olympic Games in Innsbruck. But it was not possible to repeat the previous success. Illness intervened.

In the end, “just” gold in the relay. There was also bronze in the 10 km, but it was taken away. The IOC convicted her of doping. And it doesn’t matter that before the start, Kulakova simply dripped Galazolin into her nose (well, the person had a cold). The test showed the presence of prohibited ephidrine in the blood.

In general, the topic of doping is very extensive and requires complete and thorough coverage. Perhaps later I will try to piece together and analyze this near-sports phenomenon.

It’s interesting, but Galina Alekseevna guessed that the race wouldn’t work out. I dreamed about the bull. What? Why? But if a bull appears in a dream, it is not good. And so it happened. The race didn't work out. Just like the entire Olympics.

It's my opinion. Sorry, Galina Alekseevna, but for you, a person charged only with winning, even third place is a loss. I understand, it's a cold. But still. Maybe, indeed, the skier’s finest hour is quickly passing?

Briefly about the important things.

Now the skis are in the storage room

Any ski track near Izhevsk leads to Italmas. And this is understandable. After all, the 39-time USSR champion, nine-time world champion now lives in Italmas and four-time Olympic champion Galina Alekseevna Kulakova.
He runs his own farm and occasionally goes skiing. Health, unfortunately, is not the same. And there are enough chores to worry about. Constantly shovel snow and look after the chickens.

Now her skis are in the closet between pickles and bear skins.

Galina Kulakova is a great Soviet skier who won victories at the Olympics, world championships, national championships and other various competitions many times. She amazed with her technique, endurance and will to win. Kulakova left sports at the age of forty.

Childhood and family of Galina Kulakova

Galina Kulakova’s homeland is the village of Logachi, located near the city of Votkinsk. Currently, this village does not exist; it was flooded during the construction of the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station. Because of this, the family was forced to move to the village of Stepanovo in the same region. Kulakova was raised in a family of nine children. His father, a school teacher, died at the front. girl with early age She began helping around the house, later went to work on a state farm as a laborer, and at the age of fifteen she became a calf raiser. At seventeen she was already a milkmaid and every day at five o’clock in the morning she had to milk eighteen cows.

As a schoolgirl, the girl went on skis, which were actually two boards. She got real skis in the fifth grade. The school was located three kilometers away; Galya covered this path twice a day.

The first victories of skier Galina Kulakova

Kulakova was involved in the ski section, she was good at skiing, and participated in competitions, however, without much success. The turning point occurred in 1964, when, at the request of her sister Elena, she went to the competition in her place and took second place there. After such results, Galya was chosen to participate in regional competitions. There, coach Pyotr Naimushin drew attention to her; he was amazed by the skier with a powerful run. Galina moved to Votkinsk, where she worked as a glosser at a factory and practiced cross-country skiing every day under the guidance of Naimushin. A year later, Kulakova took first place at competitions in Smolensk, winning the five and ten kilometer races.

In 1968 in Grenoble, a talented athlete could easily become an Olympic champion. Being still inexperienced, five hundred meters before the finish, she failed to cope with the descent and flew off the ski track. She didn't have enough three seconds for victory. And yet, the skier did not leave her first Olympics without a medal. She returned home, bringing two medals.

Galina felt that she lacked not only experience, but also technology. Having realized her shortcomings, she began to work hard to eliminate them. Soon, her skiing became impeccable.

Galina Kulakova - champion: health problems and great success

Preparing for the 1970 World Championships, Kulakova won victories in all races. She was already seen as a future Olympic champion, but something bad happened and the athlete ended up in the hospital. She was taken there straight from the highway. Galina underwent surgery, after which she had to learn to walk again.

Nobody thought that Kulakova would be able to get on skis. She not only returned to active training, but was also able to win every single Olympic gold medal in Sapporo in 1972.

In 1974 in Falun at the World Championships, the skier won both the relay race and both individual races. The athlete came to the 1976 Olympics, one might say, number one. However, illness made adjustments; Galina caught a cold. Before the start, she put drops on her nose, which is why the anti-doping commission found a prohibited drug in her body. Kulakova was stripped of her bronze medal.

In 1979, at the age of thirty-seven, the Soviet skier won the World Cup. It was expected that in the next Olympics Kulakova could show good results, however, she did not rise higher than fifth place. Our team also lost in the relay race, losing to the team from the GDR.

At the age of forty, Galina Alekseevna decided to leave the sport. She ended her career in 1982.

Personal life of Galina Kulakova

Kulakova studied at the Izhevsk Pedagogical School, which she graduated in 1962. She also graduated from the College of Physical Education in Prokopyevsk. Higher education Galina Alekseevna received her degree at the Tchaikovsky Institute of Physical Education.

Two years after the end of her sports career, Kulakova received the Silver Olympic Order from the hands of Juan Antonio Samaranch. This is how the skier’s services to world sports were noted.

Kulakova was repeatedly offered to move to Moscow, but she always refused. According to her, a skier needs to live where there is snow, and besides, she considers herself a villager. The multiple champion now lives in the village of Italmas, not far from Izhevsk. Her house-museum is also located there. It was presented to the athlete on her sixtieth birthday. In the museum she receives people, shows awards and cups.

Galina Kulakova currently

In 2000, during the All-Russian Olympic Ball, the name of Galina Kulakova was named among the legends of national sports.

Galina Kulakova was married to her first coach, Pyotr Naimushin. They divorced in the late seventies. Now Kulakova lives alone. She does not consider herself a happy person. According to the athlete, her happiness is that she has many friends.

Galina Alekseevna Kulakova. Born on April 29, 1942 in the village. Logachi Votkinsk region of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Soviet skier, four-time Olympic champion (1972, 1976), nine-time world champion, World Cup winner. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970). Honored Trainer of Russia.

Galina Kulakova was born on April 29, 1942 in the village of Logachi, Votkinsk region, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a peasant family. Later, the village of Logachi, where she was born, went under water after the construction of the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station. And the place where her home stood remained an unflooded island of land.

Udmurt by nationality.

Father - Alexey Nikolaevich Kulakov, died in 1941 in the battle near the city of Yelnya, Smolensk region.

Mother - Daria Arsentievna Kulakova (1901-1982), collective farmer.

The family was large - 2 brothers and 7 sisters. Galina was the youngest. She never saw her father - she was born after his death at the front, the death of a hero.

WITH early years she went skiing - this was a vital necessity in the conditions in which Galina grew up: she had to get 3 kilometers to school, and the same amount back. The region is harsh and snowy, so from autumn to spring skis were her faithful assistant and means of transportation.

From the age of 15 she worked as a calf shepherd and then as a milkmaid at the Votkinsky state farm. It was for her native state farm that she began competing in ski racing.

In 1962 she graduated from Izhevsk Pedagogical College. She also graduated from the Prokopyevsk Technical School of Physical Culture.

She attracted the attention of a serious coach quite by accident: in 1964 she came to Votkinsk to visit her sister Lida, who worked at a machine plant. That day Lida was supposed to participate in the factory ski races, but fell ill. Galina was asked to run for her. She recalled: “Nobody knows you, no one knows me. You’ll say: “I’m Kulakova,” and that’s it.” I ran and even took second place. I returned home, and the next day a telegram: “Come urgently.” I think something happened to my sister. I rushed to Votkinsk. It turned out that coach Pyotr Fedorovich Naimushin noticed me on the ski track and decided to send me to competitions in Izhevsk."

Galina Kulakova with her sister Lida

At that moment, Pyotr Naimushin was preparing the city team for regional competitions. He saw that although Kulakova’s technique was far from perfect, the athlete walked the distance powerfully.

She supported the Trud society.

In 1965, Kulakova participated in the first major competitions in Smolensk. She recalled: “On the very first day I won a five-kilometer race, beating more than 70 masters of sports, and then I didn’t even have any rank. My rivals became worried: “The Udmurts brought some kind of milkmaid who beats everyone.” The next day ten ran kilometers, and I again came to the finish line first. And everyone started talking: “The Udmurts have found a nugget!”

In 1967, at the USSR Championship, Galina Kulakova won her first all-Union gold medal, winning the 4x5 km relay. Thanks to this success, the skier became a member of the Olympic team of the Soviet Union.

At the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble Kulakova claimed olympic gold in a 5 km race. The athlete confidently led almost the entire distance, but 500 meters before the finish Kulakova lost her balance and fell on the descent, losing precious 10 seconds as a result. Swedish skier Toini Gustafsson took advantage of this and became an Olympic champion. At the Games in Grenoble, she won another medal - bronze in the 3x5 km relay.

In 1970, Kulakova became the world champion in the 5 km race for the first time, and with her team she also became the champion in the 3x5 km relay race. In addition to two gold medals, Kulakova won bronze at a distance of 10 km.

At the 1972 Sapporo Olympics Galina Kulakova became a triumphant. Galina Kulakova won her first Olympic gold medal at a distance of 10 km. The skier from Stepanovo was in the lead almost the entire distance, and the gap between the rivals only increased. Kulakova confidently finished first, with a margin of 37 seconds from her closest pursuer. A more intense fight took place in the 5 km race, where Kulakova beat her main rival Marjatta Kaiosmaa by 5 seconds, winning her second Olympic gold. The athlete won the third highest award with the team in the 3x5 km relay race, leaving the representatives of Finland and Norway far behind.

In 1974, Kulakova triumphantly performed at the World Championships in Falun, Sweden. She repeated the achievement of two years ago, winning three out of three gold medals.

In 1976, Galina Kulakova took part in the third Olympic Games in her career. This time the competition took place in Innsbruck (Austria). There she first encountered the problem of doping and lost her Olympic medal. The fact is that on the eve of the Olympic Games, the athlete caught a cold and decided to drip her nose with Galazolin, without knowing it, signing a verdict for herself, which, fortunately for her, turned out to be loyal. Having come third at the 5 km distance, Kulakova was awarded a bronze medal and was required to undergo a doping control. To the great surprise of the athlete and the entire Soviet team, remains of a prohibited drug, ephedrine (which is part of Galazolin), were found in Kulakova’s body. After lengthy proceedings and commission meetings, it was decided to deprive Kulakova of the bronze medal, but not to disqualify her and allow her to take part in the 10 km race and relay. Thanks to this, the skier brought two more medals to the Soviet team - bronze in the 10 km distance and gold in the 4x5 km relay. The relay medal was the last gold Olympic medal in the career of an outstanding skier.

At the World Championships in Lahti (1978), Falun (1980), Oslo (1982), Galina Kulakova overall won 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.

Winner of the very first World Cup 1978/79.

39-time USSR champion: 5 km (1969, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1979), 10 km (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1982), 20 km (1977, 19 78, 1979, 1980, 1981), 30 km (1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980), 4x5 km relay (1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1978, 19 79, 1981).

The skier was again one of the favorites at the Olympic Games in Lake Placid. At the age of almost 38, she won silver in the team relay.

In 1982, Galina Kulakova officially ended her sports career.

In 1984, IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch awarded Kulakova the Silver Olympic Order.

After leaving the sport, Kulakova could not part with her skis and to this day is actively involved in cross-country skiing, leads an active lifestyle, and takes part in various events.

In 2007, in Izhevsk, on the 14th kilometer of the Yak-Bodinsky tract, the Sports and Fitness Ski Complex named after Galina Kulakova.

She was one of the guest stars at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

In Izhevsk, on the shore of the Izhevsky Pond, there is a monument “Friendship of Peoples”, which is popularly called “Kulakova’s Skis”.

Galina Kulakova's height: 160 centimeters.

Personal life of Galina Kulakova:

Former husband - Pyotr Naimushin (December 31, 1936 - August 13, 1995), her former coach. International Master of Sports in cross-country skiing, participant in the IX Winter Olympic Games (1964 in Innsbruck), Honored Coach of the RSFSR.

Divorced in the late seventies.

Petr Naimushin - coach and ex-husband Galina Kulakova

Currently, Galina Kulakova lives alone in the village of Italmas, where her house-museum is located.

Filmography of Galina Kulakova:

Olympic Games:

Silver - Grenoble 1968 - 5 km
Bronze - Grenoble 1968 - 3x5 km relay
Gold - Sapporo 1972 - 5 km
Gold - Sapporo 1972 - 10 km
Gold - Sapporo 1972 - 3x5 km relay
Gold - Innsbruck 1976 - 4x5 km relay
Bronze - Innsbruck 1976 - 10 km
Silver - Lake Placid 1980 - 4x5 km relay

World Championships:

Gold - Vysoke Tatras 1970 - 5 km
Gold - Vysoke Tatry 1970 - 3×5 km relay
Bronze - Vysoke Tatras 1970 - 10 km
Gold - Falun 1974 - 5 km
Gold - Falun 1974 - 10 km
Gold - Falun 1974 - 4x5 km relay
Bronze - Lahti 1978 - 4x5 km relay
Silver - Lahti 1978 - 20 km
Silver - Falun 1980 - 20 km
Bronze - Oslo 1982 - 4x5 km relay