Who wants to become a foreign player match TV episode. Legionnaire against his will. Why the football reality show doesn’t save Match TV. – So, everyone will get professional contracts

Starts on the Match TV channel new project“Who wants to become a legionnaire?” This is the first reality show on Russian television that will give participants a chance to get into professional football.

Selection participants will be held in eight large cities: Simferopol, Sochi, Rostov, Grozny, Vladikavkaz, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg and Moscow. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 25 can take part in the project. In total, 25 people will be included in the project.

The show's coaching staff will be headed by the famous Russian football player and coach Sergei Yuran. Participants in the show will undergo training, develop professional skills, meet football stars, and also take part in matches with famous football teams.

11 participants will get to the finals of the show, who will form football team. Valery Karpin will become the general manager of the team. The reality show team will play the final match with one of the famous Russian football clubs April 27 in Moscow. Scouts from Russian and European clubs will be present at the game. The main prize is the opportunity to try your hand at one of the European clubs. The reality show will be hosted by Match TV star Evgeny Savin.

“I think this is a super project! At this grandiose project, young football players from the regions will get a second chance. I see myself in these guys. After all, I had a similar situation: I played football in Lugansk, but they didn’t take me to the team there. And then they gave me a second chance at a sports boarding school, I used it and made a career in big football. When I was offered to be a coach on this project, I gladly agreed, because I also want to give a second chance to young guys. During these one and a half months I will try to convey to them the maximum of what I can and will help them get into big football. I hope that the reality “Who wants to become a legionnaire?” there will be more than one season, because this, one might say, is a social phenomenon in which we help ordinary guys achieve their dreams. “Match TV is doing a great job, I’m glad to be a part of it and will do everything in my power to ultimately be happy for the boys who will receive invitations to foreign clubs,” commented Sergei Yuran.

“Match TV” is launching a new format on the eve of the Confederation Cup and the 2018 World Cup. Football is one of the most popular types sports in Russia, and we believe that the new reality show will increase interest in this game, and participation in the project will open doors to the world for young athletes big sport“, said Tina Kandelaki, general producer of the Match TV channel.

“We will try to create on this project professional team, - emphasized Valery Karpin, editor-in-chief of football broadcasts of the Match TV sports broadcasting directorate. – We consider participation in such a reality show as a kind of social elevator for those talented guys who have motivation and sparkling eyes, who see their life in football and are ready to face difficulties, ready to overcome them in order to achieve their goal and make yourself by your own labor."

“They offered me a car and threatened to kill me for participating in the project.” How the show “Who Wants to Become a Legionnaire” works

Why is talent often overlooked in Russia? What to do with star fever? Why is reality football in Russia better than in England? Sports producers of the reality show “Who Wants to Become a Legionnaire?” Alan Prudnikov and Vadim Barlamov tell you everything you wanted to know.

From left to right: Ravil Sabitov, Vadim Barlamov, Alan Prudnikov, Oleg Shirinbekov

– Training on the project has been going on for more than a week. How was it?

“At the very beginning, we gave the guys a chance in the hope that they would show their worth and be stronger than those who remained in the reserves. So we knew the level in advance. Some are very satisfying, some are seriously disappointing and continue to disappoint day after day.

– Are you talking about the football player?

“We expected this kind of behavior from this character.” Unfortunately, this is normal for him. There are always players on a team whose discipline is poor. But in football sometimes you have to turn a blind eye to a difficult character. Balotelli and Cassano are people of monstrous character, but they are good footballers. We hope this guy will improve in better side and if he leaves the project, it will not be because of his behavior. For Sergei Nikolaevich Yuran, discipline comes first.

To be honest, many caught star fever - but, again, mostly those from whom it was expected. Even the gait of many has changed. During training, you can see how some of them change their attitude towards others and towards the work. All this manifests itself over time; in two weeks someone else will become a star. Nothing, many players of the Russian national team still could not kill the stars within themselves.

– The project participants have already held the first match.

“And, by the way, he brought many people down to the ground.” The opponent is the team that will participate in the PFL championship next season. All our guys played a full time. Based on what we saw, as well as the entire weekly cycle, we made conclusions about who is most likely to leave the project in the near future. In this sense, “Who wants to become a legionnaire?” – a good copy of the training camp of a professional club. The players train in the same way and play test matches - and the management makes a decision about their future in the team.

– What is the level of the project team?

– In terms of physics and teamwork, it’s still at the KFC level, in about two weeks it will be the second league. We will choose our opponents progressively so as not to burn out. If they play with a First League club now, the guys will be taken out in an ambulance. Calmly, in measured doses, we need to increase the level of difficulty - after all, 90 percent of the project participants are kids from the street and have never played in professional teams in their lives.

– What are you doing on reality TV now?

– We are the main scouts of the project, we keep it on the pulse, specifically – sports part. You can call us curators, although the credits say “sports producers.” Our task is to control the players’ behavior, psychology, we are always in dialogue with the coaches. We must bring the players to the final in maximum condition. It depends on whether scouts will look at them at the super final and whether they will sign contracts.

– How close is the project to real football?

– About 80 percent. The media and sports parts do not yet fully contribute to discipline, and most importantly, to the regime. Guys often fall asleep long after midnight and come to training lethargic. Blood pressure problems overweight... Filming still takes the guys more time than they should, and greatly interferes with football itself. There are a lot of cameras, a lot of director’s ideas, and a lot of guys too. According to the schedule, they wake up at 8:30, lights out at 23:00, and we don’t fit into this schedule yet. Now everything goes by the hour, but we want it to go by the minute.

Together with Valery Karpin and Sergei Yuran, we are coordinating this issue with the channel. Ideally, the television part of the process should adapt to the football part. Then the work will go as planned.

– Where do Yuran’s powers end and Karpin’s powers begin?

– Karpin is a great support for us. He - main man in the sports component of the project, a higher position than general manager. Karpin's voice is the most important; he makes key decisions. When we had a “50/50” opinion on some of the casting participants, Valery Georgievich had the final say.

– Introduce the other scouts of the project.

– Ravil Sabitov has extensive experience working with youth: he coached the Russian Olympic team. He, like Oleg Shirinbekov, is an irreplaceable figure in the project. Shirinbekov is a former brilliant player, one of the best midfielders in the history of the Russian Championship. Look for a video with Oleg, it's awesome. He also scored against Schmeichel.

Shirinbekov and Sabitov see football the way we need it. It rarely happens that you need not months, but minutes to watch. Shirinbekov was not just responsible for scouting work at CSKA. He scans defenders at the speed of light. Oleg, by the way, was one of the first to see Messi. He was sent to watch the Argentina U-15 or U-16 national team - and there he noted Messi. He could not lure Leo to Russia: his career was predetermined from childhood.

– Did scouts pay attention to the participants whom the camera loves, or only to their football skills?

– The selection group was not guided by the opinion of television. Ribery is not Alain Delon in appearance, but he is a brilliant footballer. There is a lot of writing on social networks that the participants were selected somehow dishonestly. We had seven selectors, everyone voted; you won’t be among the 25 participants with two votes. Karpin, Yuran, Savin, Nigmatullin - we all put our names on this project and respond with our reputations.

– What else do you get complaints about?

- They write about queues. Yes, there may have been delays in registration, we knew about this and increased the speed of work in each new city. But the number of casting participants kept growing. A person came at eight, even at six in the morning, and got to the field at 11. Register 700 people, enter everyone into the system, hand out numbers... I’m sure the problems are the same in shows where they dance or sing. At the same time, in St. Petersburg, football players registered at nine, and already at ten they went out for tryouts. We were phenomenally pleased with this. In four and a half hours we saw all 500 participants and managed to film everything in sunlight.

– More than a thousand people came to the casting in Moscow.

– Was it particularly difficult to select?

– On the contrary, it’s easier. In principle, from the 80 percent warm-up, it’s immediately clear that it will be very difficult for them further: no coordination, nothing. When the guys switched to playing in a shortened space of 8 by 8 or 10 by 10, all the problems were immediately visible.

– It was more difficult for defenders to prove themselves during the casting than for attackers: they couldn’t dribble or score. Is this problem over?

– It’s more difficult for defenders to get the Ballon d’Or. And in Russian football The hardest thing now is with the central defenders. Berezutsky and Ignashevich are finishing up - the guys have done too much for our country to torment them further. And who remains? There is no replacement. For us, Shirinbekov selected four good central defenders and the same number in reserve. And you can’t find just one in the whole country, but we found eight and hope to bring at least one to a serious level.

– The main problem during the casting?

- Weather. The casting was supposed to take place in mid-February, but was eventually postponed to March. We look at the cities we want to visit, and there it’s minus 15, minus 20. And all filming should take place outdoors, not in an arena.

– What was your best impression of casting in the regions?

- Fire in the eyes of the guys. It's irreplaceable. Imagine: a guy has no coordination, he runs incorrectly, but he gives himself 150 percent, even two hundred. One deaf and mute participant came and still gave his all. There were players 35, 37, 40 years old. One 15-year-old boy came to Sochi, very talented.

But overall the level was serious. The casting turned out to be a project within a project. Local coaches in the cities looked at us as if we were some kind of eccentrics: why did we come here, what will we see here? When we started, these coaches grabbed their heads: “Wait, can we bring you more? We didn’t know that everything was so cool.”

– Dissuade those who believe that in “Who wants to become a legionnaire?” everything is done by pull.

– We were at the Ramzan Kadyrov Academy in Grozny. Her boss sat at the table with us and saw how the voting and selection of participants was going on. He told us: “I’m surprised that everything is honest with you.” We explained to every dissatisfied football player why he didn’t hit the target. It was different in different regions: they threatened to kill, there were attempts at bribery. The minimum amount is three hundred thousand rubles. The car was delivered brand new. But how can you cheat football? Pay whatever you want, but you can still see it on the field. I just feel sorry for these people. If out of eight scouts not one gave you a “plus”, maybe you need to dig into yourself? No, they say: “Yes, everything was bought from you, we will wait for you and then we will talk.”

– How did the idea of ​​the show “Who Wants to Become a Legionnaire” come about?

“It all started two and a half years ago. Vadim flew from America with ten years of breeding experience and infected me with the idea of ​​such a project,” recalls Prudnikov. – The idea was transferred to Match TV, a company. It’s nice that such a brand is interested in seeing something fresh and interesting appear around football; without them, everything would remain at the level of an idea.

“The system of open screenings is the norm in the USA,” says Barlamov, “Not only in soccer, but also in American football, baseball, basketball. Every year, in the off-season, anyone can come to professional club for open viewing. Someone is then invited to the training camp and contracts are signed with them. The system is tenacious, tested over the years. I organized tryouts for two Serie A clubs, MLS and NASL, the first North American league.


Our initial concept is global, with 36 cities across Russia. This is still something cumbersome, and we initially wanted to do reality - we needed media support. Our sports structure We integrated the selections into the television project. I hope the story survives.

We adapted the American viewing system to our conditions. We divided the field into four parts, each with a ten-on-ten game and one scout, who graded all the players. Every seven and a half minutes, the scouts change, and the next one gives ratings, and then in a circle, only half an hour. The best take part in the game on a large field, and the scouts evaluate again, this time in a new way, not focusing on previous votes.

– Can everything planned be realized?

- Almost everything. This makes me happy.

– Was the experience of foreign football television projects useful to you?

– We were guided by one British show, but purely visually, based on the picture. The structure there is completely different: 15 people were selected, all this took place in Italy, at Inter, and the winner received a contract there. Every week participants dropped out, no one was added - that is, a competition of individuals. Inter offered us the same show, the same main prize. But we are not interested in such a project.

- Why? This is Inter.

– We looked at several thousand football players, and now 50 guys – including the reserve – have a chance to get a contract. Each of 50! And Inter has one prize. What then should the other 49 do?

The winner of that British show started off very cheerfully and actually signed a contract with Inter. But then he went on loan somewhere in Serie D. As a result, he returned to his semi-amateur English team, where he came from for the project, and now plays in the second Scottish league. Let's be honest: this is a failure. We don't want contracts for show. Let it not be Inter, but some small Serbian, Slovenian, Lithuanian, whatever club - as long as the boys play there.

– How many winners will there be?

– Ten, fifteen, twenty – we ourselves don’t know. Potentially – at least all twenty-five. Scouts from all over the world will come to the super final and can offer a viewing or a contract right away. Each of the finalists has a chance.

– So, will everyone get professional contracts?

– It would be naive to promise this. This doesn’t happen in real football. But one or two players are potentially ready to get a really good contract. We have them in mind, and if their progress continues, in a month and a half we will provide them with a tryout at a Premier League club or abroad. Of course, it’s too early to name names, but professional level neither one nor the other has played yet.

Even the second Russian league– a definite step forward for many. 90 percent of the guys have never played professional football, and half are from the backyard. They didn’t know what real training was, especially two times a day. At the project, they were given the first football uniform in their lives.

– The academies of big clubs almost never accept players over 15 years old. In “Who Wants to Become a Legionnaire” the age limit is 25 years.

– Because of this, there are concerns, but life does not end at 20-25 years old. A bunch of good football players at this age they were just starting - remember Yartsev. The most striking example of everything in the world is Shirokov: he grew from KFK to the Russian national team. There are many such cases. Anton Grigoriev won the UEFA Cup with CSKA, Sergei Davydov played for Rubin and Dynamo. Zhirkov did not pass trials at Spartak, at Lokomotiv, and even got into CSKA on the second try. Even Arshavin got into football from the student league. Alexander Zinchenko recently played here in exercise therapy, and now Manchester City signs a contract with him.

We understand: the most a big problem for novice football players - in principle, to be visible. The chances of a guy on the street getting an appointment for a viewing are close to zero. We found this bug in the system and are working to find it. After all, guys are often rejected undeservedly. Someone was injured, someone mentally could not cope with the transition from youth football into adulthood, some were prevented by their parents, others by agents. We listened to hundreds of stories from those who came to the casting.

- Tell me one.

“I asked one guy: “Why haven’t you played with such potential yet?” And it turns out that he was once called up to the national team - and his value was multiplied by three. The club asked for about 240 thousand dollars for him. And who will sign him for that kind of money? Every six months he tried to get a job in the club - to no avail. And after a couple of such years, who will need it without practice? To no one in the world. Romka Eremenko will return, but this kid hasn’t even shown himself.

Based on the results of reality, we expect successful, complete stories. They will become a beacon for children who were unable to take part in this season of reality, did not understand what it was, but are looking for options to watch. Then in each city more than a thousand people can come to the casting. We already have tens of thousands of applications for the next season. Do you understand how many such guys there are all over Russia? But the project, in fact, has not yet begun.

Text: Alexander Muizhnek

" " - from March 26 on Match TV

Our goal is to find a truly talented football player and give him the opportunity to prove himself at a professional level. The host of the show is Evgeny Savin, the general manager of the project is Valery Karpin, the team coach is Sergey Yuran.

2017-03-04 09:05:16

Applications begin today, March 4 at 9:00, at the Ramzan Football Academy. Sports events Casting starts at 15:00.

Reality show “Who Wants to Become a Legionnaire?” gives you a chance to get into professional football.

According to the press service of FC Terek, anyone between the ages of 18 and 25 can take part in the project. The selection of participants will take place throughout Russia, but only the 25 best will get into the project: they will learn the details and realities of life of professional football players. Exhausting training awaits them, developing professional skills under the guidance of coaches led by Sergei Yuran, meeting football stars, and upon reaching an acceptable level of training, matches with famous teams.

The final match of the project will take place on April 27 in Moscow. Scouts from Russian and European clubs will be present at the game. The main prize is the opportunity to try your hand at one of the European clubs.

Registration is carried out at the address: Grozny, st. Zhukovskogo, 11, Football Academy "Ramzan". Registration starts: 9:00.

Bring your passport and (preferably) a doctor’s certificate with permission to play sports. Free form, doctor's signature.

Guys, we are writing this article because an important show is starting on Match TV - “Who wants to become a foreign player?” coming from March 26, can change everything. Here we decided to think and figure out what the situation is in football from a knowledgeable person.

Russian football is in total crisis. To realize the depth of the knockout, Imagine if Apple hasn't released a single iPhone in 9 years.

Here everything is exactly like this: after bronze at Euro 2008, the Russian football team did not make it to the World Cup in South Africa, then failed at the 2012 European Championship, then did not make it out of the group at the World Cup in Brazil, and after that it became one of the worst teams on Euro in France.

European clubs do not need our players. Our teams are consistently eliminated from European competitions in the early stages.

How to save our football?

Considering that there is just over a year left before the World Cup in Russia, the situation raises enormous concerns. You can't screw up at home, so Match TV figured out where to get new players.

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