Circuit training for fat people. Circuit training for all muscle groups: the best programs for home. Program with barbell and dumbbells

Circuit training is an effective and uncomplicated way to improve the body’s health and achieve excellent health. sports uniform and rapid fat loss. What is it, how to train at home, what exercises to do and in what order?

The "patent" for circuit training belongs to researchers at the University of Leeds. Year of invention: 1953. The meaning of this little fitness miracle is as follows: take from 8 to 10 exercises, perform one after another without a break, then after a very short rest (30 seconds is enough) they are repeated again in the same sequence - in a circle. And so on several times.

Gattaca (1997)

Exercises for men and women are selected for all parts of the body and the maximum number of muscles.

Circuit training is a real construction kit that allows you to create an effective individual program of the exercises that can be done at home and that you like more than others.

If a certain movement is pleasant to perform, this often means that it is the muscles and ligaments that are in a state of “stagnation” that require it.

Performing exercises without pauses is possible precisely by switching the load from one muscle group to a completely different one. Namely, continuous movement at a high pace and P allows you to burn body fat. It is no coincidence that running is so beneficial for weight loss. But loading all muscle groups is even more beneficial.


Many experts call losing fat the main, or even the only purpose circuit training. She is considered great activity for girls who want to look great and get rid of weight problems.

It is claimed that for pumping large beautiful muscles she doesn't fit.

But it has a general strengthening and health-improving effect. Thanks to which it can serve good job for beginners in bodybuilding, allowing you to prepare your body at home for serious muscle building exercises.

At the same time, this is a very good option for studying at home, since training program can be composed entirely of exercises without iron and gymnastic equipment.

Doing circuits at a good pace is also great for busy men and women who don't have time for long exercise sessions. Half an hour or even 20 minutes is enough to exercise, enjoy and benefit your own health, positively affect your well-being, and tone your body.

How to perform

The number of exercises from 8 to 10 is not necessary. A beginner athlete who has not had time to get in good shape can do 5-6. For physically developed women and girls, men and boys who want keep the body in excellent condition– on the contrary, it is possible to increase the circle to 12 “sectors”. The number of approaches – in this case, circles – is from 3 to 5. The number of repetitions when training at home without iron can only be calculated by the athlete himself; it will depend on his capabilities. With collapsible dumbbells and a barbell, you need to select such a weight that there are 10-20 repetitions “per circle”.

More repetitions - better effect burning fat, less - polishing muscles.

Increased load for experienced athletes and not for the first month conquering fat girls is also achieved by increasing the speed of repetitions. But this method can only be used without iron.

Rushing with dumbbells can lead to injury, not to mention kettlebells or barbells. With iron you need to increase not in speed, but in its weight.

The training time should not exceed 45 minutes.

Rest between circles cannot consist of lying down on the sofa; you should also not sit on a chair and generally freeze in place - the best option walk slowly around your home gym. At the end of the session you need to do the same.

Training program: do it yourself

As mentioned above, circuit training is a constructor. You will have to create a specific program for studying at home yourself. There is absolutely nothing complicated about this.

Make sure that the program contains one exercise for:

  • Biceps;
  • Triceps;
  • Deltoid muscles;
  • Chest muscles;
  • "Wings";
  • Longus dorsi muscle;
  • Press;
  • Buttocks;
  • Calf muscles.

But it is not necessary to select a separate exercise for each “target purpose”. Push-ups put stress on the chest at the same time, shoulder girdle and triceps. Pull-ups – biceps, wings and trapezius muscles. Squats work out all the leg muscles well.

It is no coincidence that the neck is not mentioned in the list above - your program will still include an exercise that does not allow it to rest. Or even two or three.

If some muscles need to be strengthened more than others, you can do more exercises for them. For girls, the beauty of their legs is important - you can, when creating your own program, pay special attention to them.

Strength exercises can be alternated with cardio.

Do what you need! And you can safely change the program every month - just not more often and not to the detriment of certain muscle groups.

Good choice

Let's name some exercises that are very well suited for circuit training without equipment or iron.

  1. Push ups. Having assumed a lying position, while inhaling, bend your arms and lower your torso to the floor, while exhaling, straighten them and return them back. Important: if you spread your arms wide, the load on the “wings” will increase; if you spread your arms narrowly, the load on the triceps will increase.
  2. Squats - simple or with raising on your toes after returning to the starting position (knees straightened).
  3. Reverse push-ups – positioned behind the chair. Sitting on it and leaning on the edges of the seat with your hands, move your pelvis forward and lower yourself down, using your triceps and back muscles to rise to the starting position.
  4. Plank. Take an emphasis lying on your elbows and toes. Alternately lift one leg and the other, lifting it off the floor, and hold for 30-40 seconds.
  5. Leg raises while lying on your back.
  6. Abdominal swing - lifting the torso from a supine position (legs are fixed).
  7. Leg lunges forward or backward. Lunges forward with torso twists.
  8. Emphasis crouched – emphasis lying down – emphasis crouched – stand up.
  9. Lifting onto a chair with one leg - each in turn.
  10. Jumping rope is great for girls.

In fact, there are a lot of exercises that can be included in circuit training. To list everything in one article - how many would be willing to master it! Our website contains information on how to pump up certain muscles at home..

Walk around the site, collect exercises and design your own training programs - the first, after a month or two - the second, and so on. If it is recommended to change the program no more than once a month, then at least once every three months.

Exercise using not only your muscles, but also the power of your mind. Let the chosen exercises give you joy, health and beauty!


What goals can this training regimen achieve? Three options for the lesson program gym and at home.

For many women who are actively involved in sports, one of the main tasks is losing weight and “creating” a real slim figure. It's real. But to achieve the goal, there must be a program at hand that allows you not only to implement your plan, but also to do it as quickly as possible.

One option is circuit training for girls. What are its features? Which options will be most effective for women?

Purpose and benefits

If strength program for women or men is aimed at increasing strength and muscle mass, then circuit training is designed to solve other problems - drying, combating excess fat and increasing endurance. In order for such fitness to guarantee muscle growth, it is worth supplementing it with strength exercises.

Why is the circular program so good? There are a number of advantages worth highlighting here:

  • Versatility. Such training is relevant for both women and men.
  • High speed of getting rid of excess fat.
  • Increases body stamina and endurance.
  • Strengthening muscle fibers without volume increase.
  • Speed ​​Boost metabolic processes, which speeds up the fat burning process.
  • Reduced training time. Due to the fact that the program does not involve long breaks, class time is reduced to a minimum. If you do everything correctly, you can finish it in 30 minutes. At the same time, efficiency is not reduced.

Operating principle

What is so special about fitness organized in a circle mode? First of all, a special approach to the training process. The program implies that the exercises are performed in strict order one after another without breaks. There is no need to be afraid of overtraining, because the muscle group that received the load in the first exercise rests in the second.

The program must take into account the above feature. For example, if push-ups are done first and the load gets top part body, then the next exercise is to do a squat. In this case, the bottom receives the load, and the top is restored. By gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts and adding new exercises, you can make this type of fitness more effective.

The situation with the number of circles may vary. Here a lot depends on endurance and level of training. At first, the number of circular repetitions can be 1-2, after which this number can be increased.

Below we will look at several examples of circuit training that have gained the most popularity and have proven effective in losing weight and increasing endurance.

Option #1

The first option is circuit training in the gym. The sequence of exercises is as follows:

  1. Squats with a load (barbell or dumbbells) – 20 times.
  2. Classic push-ups from the floor - 12-15 times.
  3. Lunges (for each leg) – 15 times.
  4. Jumping rope. The exercise time is 2-3 minutes.
  5. Swing your legs to the sides. 15-20 times for each leg.
  6. Twisting – 18-20 times.
  7. Plank stand – 40-60 seconds.
  8. Deadlift – 12-15 times.
  9. Any of the exercises for the arm muscles – 12-15 repetitions.

The program described above is universal. It is suitable for men and women, and can be carried out at home or in a gym (the second option is more preferable). Make sure that the duration of the lesson is at least 30-40 minutes, otherwise the expected result will not be achieved. In addition, muscles tend to adapt to loads, which leads to a decrease in the resulting effect.

Don't forget about the importance of warming up, which should last at least ten minutes. Thanks to this, joints and muscles are prepared for work, and the likelihood of injury is minimized. As a warm-up, you can use exercises that are provided for in the training process, but they must be performed slowly and with minimal load.

In order to burn as much fat as possible during the training period, it is worth taking short breaks between approaches. Break – up to 1.5 minutes. This kind of fitness gives results if you train regularly and control the intensity of the exercises.

Option No. 2

Below is a circuit workout at home. Its advantage is that there is no dependence on dumbbells and barbells. The total number of laps is four, that is, the entire program must be repeated four times. The rest time between each approach is 25-30 seconds and 90-120 seconds between circles. To achieve effective weight loss, you should take minimal breaks.

No one forbids combining exercise options, alternating with each other, adding or removing them. For example, there are many squats alone, with an emphasis on certain muscle groups. Before starting classes, a 10-15 minute warm-up should be done. The total time for the entire workout is about 30-40 minutes.

The program itself:

  1. Squats. There are several dozen options here. It is possible to replace the classic execution with other variations; experiment with the width of your legs and implements. If a dumbbell or barbell is connected to the work, then the weight should be such that you can do at least 20-25 repetitions with it.
  2. Plank. As in the first case, there are a lot of options. The “side” option, which is done with emphasis on the elbow, gives an excellent effect. You can alternate it with the classic (straight) on straightened arms or elbows. The benefits of the plank are excellent workout of the abdominal and back muscles. You need to start with 30 seconds, after which you should consistently increase the time by 10-15 seconds.
  3. Stand ups and lunges. These exercises are not performed one after another; the best option is cross-execution. That is, in the first and third circles you need to do lunges, and in the second and fourth circles you need to do chair lifts. For greater load, you should take weights in your hands, which will increase the efficiency of working out your leg muscles.
  4. Pull-ups and push-ups. Here, as in the previous case, we are talking about alternation. If experience in training process no, then push-ups should be done from your knees, which will reduce the load on your arms (this recommendation is more for women). As for repetitions, you should not overdo it. You can start with 4-5, and then increase their number to 15-20. Over time, complication is allowed - push-ups with clap, on one leg, on fists, and so on (suitable for men).
    Pull-ups can be performed in different ways - wide or narrow grip, palms to either side and on one arm (if there is enough strength). Women or men who cannot pull themselves up need to place a chair and push off from it. If classes take place in a gym with appropriate equipment, then it is worth using a pull-up machine - a gravitron. It is necessary to alternate exercises in the following way: in the 1st and 3rd circles you should do pull-ups, and in the 2nd and 4th circles you should do push-ups.

If you find it difficult to complete four circles, you can start with two, using the above alternation in the same way.

Option #3

Let's look at an example of another workout in which the main emphasis is on the back and legs. Thanks to this, exercises can be performed almost without interruption. Once the first round is completed, you need to repeat it twice more. This activity allows you to deplete your glycogen supply (the main source of energy) and start the fat burning process.

Girls who dream of losing weight should consider the importance of following proper diet. If you give all your best in class, but at the same time fill your stomach with sweets, then there will be no results from fitness.

The program itself looks like this:

  1. Traction upper block to the chest. The main task is to try not to sway and not to pull your shoulders to the top of your head. The number of repetitions is 12-15.
  2. Leg extension in the simulator. In the upper position, the thigh muscles should be tensed as much as possible for 1-3 seconds. The number of repetitions is 20-25.
  3. Lower block – row to the waist with a narrow grip. The back is straight, no slouching, chest forward. The number of repetitions is 12-15.
  4. Squat on each leg alternately – 15-20 times.
  5. Triceps extension (kick-back) – 15-20 times. When performing the exercise, make sure your shoulders are parallel to the floor.
  6. Lifting dumbbells for biceps with rotation (supination) at the top point. The number of repetitions is 15-20.
  7. Press raises with a turn to one or the other edge. Number of repetitions – 20.

The fitness options described above work for men and women subject to the following conditions:

  • Regularity of training (3-4 times a week).
  • Proper nutrition (more protein, but less simple carbohydrates).
  • Good warm-up (at least 10-15 minutes).
  • Minimum rest time.

All that remains is to choose a suitable plan and get down to the main thing - achieving your goal.

Circuit training is considered very effective in burning fat. In just 30-40 minutes they help to work out all the muscles and activate the weight loss process. By using this type of training, we get all the benefits of increasing strength and endurance along with active cardio. Let's look at what circuit training for weight loss is and how it can be done.

Circuit training for fat burning is an excellent option for losing weight in combination with a healthy diet. Muscles make the most of the body's glycogen stores and force the body to use stored fats as an energy source. The essence of circuit training is as follows:

  • The workout includes 6-10 exercises, repeated one after another.
  • Each exercise is done a certain number of times or over a certain time interval.
  • Exercises within a cycle are separated by a short rest period. Between individual cycles the rest will be longer.

The total number of cycles performed during training can range from two to six and is determined by the following:

  • Fitness level.
  • Duration training stage(preparatory or before the competition).
  • The purpose of the training is to lose weight, dry, increase endurance.

Circuit training for fat burning: advantages and disadvantages

Please note that circuit training is very intense, and it is recommended to consult a doctor first, especially if you have hypertension, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

During exercise, blood glucose levels decrease, which can be dangerous for diabetics and people on a low-carb diet.

People with arthritis should choose exercises that don't put too much stress on their joints.

Also, circuit training may not be suitable for people with knee or back problems. After a recovery period and consultation with a specialist and trainer, you can adjust the program to minimize the risk of re-injury.

Concerning benefits circuit training, they are as follows:

  • Development of strength and endurance;
  • Versatility – Circuit training can be used for most types of activity.
  • The training can be adjusted depending on your health, age, and physical fitness.
  • Circuit training exercises are quite simple.
  • A large selection of exercises, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable ones.
  • Time efficiency.
  • Opportunity to work out both in the gym and at home.

Of the minuses As for circuit training, the following can be distinguished:

  • For many exercises you need this or that equipment: a ball, dumbbells, a bench, a barbell, certain exercise machines.
  • Exercises require space depending on the type of exercise.
  • Intense training has a number of contraindications, which we discussed above. Therefore, a figure is a figure, and you need to treat your health responsibly.

The principle of constructing circuit training

Circuit training for girls should be structured so that each part of the body is worked out in one cycle in a specific order. It could be as follows:

  • full body;
  • upper body;
  • lower body;
  • frame.

For convenience, write down 3-4 cycles on a piece of paper, including 6-10 exercises that can be performed with the resources you have. Each cycle should not include more than two exercises for the same muscle group. For example, don't do push-ups after lifting weights overhead.

Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up. It will help prepare the muscles and body for the upcoming loads. Cool down at the end. It may include simple exercises for stretching.

The duration of each exercise in a cycle can be determined by one of two methods:

  • based on a fixed time, for example, 30 seconds;
  • Based on half the number of repetitions of an exercise you can perform in a minute using maximum effort.

If your training is based on repetitions, then to ensure progress, take a repeat test every four weeks to determine the maximum number of repetitions you can perform for each exercise in a minute.

Training can be organized as follows in a four-week cycle: light, medium, difficult week and then a week for test/recovery. The load is adjusted by changing the number of exercises, duration of execution, number of approaches and recovery period.

The optimal frequency of circuit training is 2-4 times a week. More often it is not necessary, since they are very intense.

Circuit training: program and exercises

Circuit training for fat burning for girls and men can be designed individually. It is recommended to first coordinate it with a specialist. Classic exercises for such activities are as follows:

  • Squats. The exercise is aimed at developing gluteal muscles. You can use only your own body weight or increase the load with dumbbells or a barbell.
  • Push ups. During push-ups, your arms and pectoral muscles. Use your own body weight.
  • Emphasis crouching. The starting position in this case will be the same as for push-ups, and after jumping you need to move to the squatting position.
  • Jumping "starfish". During the jump, you need to spread your legs and arms to the sides and jump as quickly as possible.
  • Abs pumping. This exercise helps strengthen your abs. You need to pump up both the upper and lower abs.
  • Jumping rope. A wonderful exercise that works the leg muscles.
  • Shuttle run. During the entire time allotted for this exercise, you need to run from one end of the room to the other, while you need to sit down and touch the floor. It's better to run as fast as possible.

At the end of the workout you can go for a short run.

Circuit training at home

Circuit training for women

A huge advantage that circuit training has for women is its accessibility and the ability to do it at home. Of the most popular and effective exercises With own weight the following:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • jumping;
  • press raises;
  • swing your legs;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • lunges;

Circuit training in the gym

Circuit training for women and men in the gym can produce more lasting and quick results through the use of various equipment. The main exercises that can be used are the following:

  • Dumbbell press for chest and arms;
  • upper block thrust;
  • squats with a barbell or dumbbells;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • jumping rope;
  • deadlift with a barbell.

Circuit training example

Circuit training for fat burning can be designed so that you work a specific muscle group during one session. For example, on Monday you work on the chest, on Wednesday – buttocks and legs, on Friday – abs and arms. Using this scheme, you will achieve greater results. Now let's look at the circuit training program for a week.


  • Dumbbell chest press in a lying position;
  • Upper block thrust;
  • Static curls with dumbbells;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Hand spreads on a crossover;
  • Bent-over dumbbell row;
  • Push ups;
  • Running at the end of the lesson.


  • Squats with dumbbells;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Walking on an orbit track;
  • Lunges with dumbbells;
  • Leg curls;
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Swing your legs;
  • Leg curls;
  • Running at the end.


  • Static curls with dumbbells;
  • Arm curls on the upper block;
  • Arm curls on the lower block;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Tilts;
  • Swinging of the upper and lower press;
  • Walking on an orbit track;
  • Finally, run.

Regular circuit training helps build endurance and accelerates combustion processes. subcutaneous fat and metabolism. In addition, due to the principle of repetition, muscle elasticity increases and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves. By independently determining which area of ​​the body needs more work, you can achieve ideal physical shape. Thanks to the constant flow of oxygen into the blood, the body actively starts recovery processes that slow down aging.

Circuit training is ideal for both women and men. The former can choose easier exercises without weights, which help to lose weight, while representatives of the stronger sex often use weights in their training. Where to practice - in the gym or at home, decide for yourself. The only important thing is regularity and safety - control your condition, and if training provokes Negative consequences in the form of dizziness, joint pain, and so on, if possible, consult a specialist and adjust the load. In addition, remember that it is very important to achieve results proper nutrition. A balanced healthy diet combined with regular exercise will help you achieve excellent results.

Circuit training in the gym for girls on video

Hi all! Today we will tell you about a very popular and highly effective way to combat excess fat deposits - this is circuit training. You can find out what it is and how it works, as well as choose a convenient program for yourself at home or in the gym in this article.

What it is

Circuit training is a technique designed to combat overweight and to increase the strength and endurance of the body, but not to build muscle mass. This is also an excellent workout option while drying the body, because weight loss does not occur through muscle loss.

The main benefits of circuit training:

  • effectively fight fat deposits;
  • increase strength and endurance of the body;
  • increase metabolic rate, which is especially necessary for healthy weight loss;
  • strengthens muscles, but does not build them up;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • save time (usually training takes about 30 minutes).

The basic principle of circuit training is to perform a set of exercises on different groups muscles. Moreover, the break between exercises is minimal; rest occurs when you use other muscles. After training on the upper body (for example, push-ups), immediately switch to bottom part(squats). Thus, the whole body is worked out, the intensity of the workout increases, and the execution time is reduced.

You don’t need to come up with a bunch of different exercises; it’s enough to use 5-6 that load many muscles at the same time. By performing them in a circle, you spend a lot of energy, due to which fats are burned and a weight loss effect occurs.

Before you start circuit training, be sure to do this to prepare your muscles and joints for the load.

It is very important not to rest between exercises, but to perform them one after another without a break. Rest between circles for 2-3 minutes until the heart rate returns to 110-120 beats per minute.

If you are new to this business, then do not try to immediately take the maximum program. To begin with, perform 3-4 sets of 4-5 exercises, only gradually increasing the load with each workout, increasing the number of exercises or the number of executions, and then circles. The weight should be such that you can complete the entire program. But you shouldn’t relax either, because the result of the training will be when you no longer have the strength to continue it.

Circuit training can be done either in the gym with dumbbells or a barbell, or at home, using only your own weight.

Circuit training at home

When studying at home, all you need is a free place where you can study comfortably without disturbing yourself or your household. Therefore, choose clothes that will not restrict movement and tune in to intense workout. Go!

Set of exercises No. 1

  • Push-ups (17 times)
  • Squat emphasis (10 times)
  • Raising your legs up onto the press (15 times)
  • Jumping up from a sitting position (15 times)
  • Plank (30 sec)

Push-ups (17 times) Squat push-up (10 times) Leg raises (15 times) Jumping up from a sitting position (15 times) Plank (30 sec)

Set of exercises No. 2

  • Squats (20 times)
  • Upper crunches (20 times)
  • Push-ups (17 times)
  • Side plank (15 reps on each side)

Repeat the complex for another 2-3 laps

Set of exercises No. 3

  • Starfish jumps (10 times)
  • Lifting onto a chair (15 times from each leg)
  • Press (20 times)
  • Push-ups (17 times)

Repeat the complex for another 2-3 laps

Circuit training in the gym

Before you start training, prepare everything necessary equipment and make sure that the necessary exercise equipment is available. In general, you won't need too many of them. Let's begin!

Set of exercises No. 1

  • Lunges with dumbbells (15 times)
  • Raising dumbbells onto your shoulders (15 times)
  • Horizontal back row (15 times)
  • Dumbbell chest raises (15 reps)
  • Dumbbell curls for biceps (15 reps)
  • Incline press (15 times)

Lunges with dumbbells (15 times) Dumbbell shoulder raises (15 times) Horizontal back rows (15 times) Dumbbell chest raises (15 times)
Dumbbell curls (15 times) Incline press (15 times)

Set of exercises No. 2

  • Vertical back row (15 reps)
  • Abduction of dumbbells straight in front of you (15 times)
  • Dumbbell chest raises (12 reps)
  • Triceps push-ups (15 reps)

Rest 2-3 minutes and another 2-3 circles.

Set of exercises No. 3

  • Barbell squats (15 reps)
  • Deadlift (15 times)
  • Barbell Trapezium Row (15 reps)
  • Raising dumbbells on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees (15 times)
  • Dumbbell rows behind the head for triceps (15 times)

Rest 2-3 minutes and another 2-3 circles.

So that's all for today. We have selected 3 complexes for you universal exercises, calculated for a week (taking into account the fact that you will study 3 times a week). Exercises can always be adjusted, the main thing is to understand the principle. Therefore, do not be lazy, because the result will not keep you waiting long, and a slim beautiful body will delight you very soon! Good luck!

There is a huge variety of fitness practices, each of which has its own purpose: to increase muscle mass, give your body more definition or lose excess weight. For those who want to lose weight and at the same time tighten their muscles, circular training is the best choice, the basic principles of which were developed by British scientists more than half a century ago.

Circuit training - what is it?

Circuit training is an intense form of fitness practice designed to combat extra pounds, increase the overall endurance of the body, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

All circuit training is built on the same principle: the selected exercises are performed one after another and continuously in a circle, without stopping for a break. At the same time, there are no strict criteria when choosing exercises: they are compiled solely based on personal preferences and goals.

As a rule, each circle should contain about 5-10 exercises, and the circles themselves should be 2-3, but no more than five, it all depends on general physical fitness.

The main goal of such a workout is to work out the main muscle groups in one training round. To ensure that completing such a circuit is not too tiring, it is recommended to alternate exercises on the lower and upper body.

For achievement maximum effect When completing each circle, it is recommended to alternate cardio exercises (step, treadmill, jumping rope, bicycle) with strength training (working with dumbbells or your own weight). At the same time, you should not be afraid of strength loads: cyclic training simply will not allow you to build muscles, no matter how hard you try. In order for the muscles to become voluminous and prominent, it will take a long time to work with really heavy weights.

Benefits and Benefits

Circuit training is good, first of all, because it allows you to keep muscle corset in good shape, and at the same time burn excess fat deposits. All exercises can be chosen according to your own taste, be it working with your own weight, exercise machines, dumbbells or other sports equipment.

Other benefits of this type of fitness practice include the following:

  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the functionality of the cardiovascular system improves;
  • muscles become stronger and more resilient, but do not increase in size;
  • in a relatively short period of time (only 30-45 minutes) the main muscle groups are worked out;
  • equally suitable for beginners, experienced athletes and older people;
  • Possibility of training at home.

What muscles are involved in circuit training?

Since circuit training is a complex variety of exercises, then during its implementation the main muscles of the arms, back, chest, abs and legs.

However, the result will largely depend on what goals are being pursued.

  • Getting rid of fat and strengthening the muscle corset

Alternation strength exercises with cardio, that is, one exercise with power load need to alternate with cardio. Each exercise is performed for one minute. The entire workout will take 36 minutes: 3 circles of 12 minutes (exercises) each.

  • The main goal is beautiful terrain

If the main task– to get beautiful, sculpted muscles, then all exercises in the circle should be only strength ones. Moreover, each exercise also lasts one minute, but there should be no breaks between them. Repeat each circle 4 times.

  • Task No.1 – burn as many calories as possible

If necessary in as soon as possible to lose excess weight, then during circuit training you need to focus on cardio exercises, each of which is repeated for 5 minutes, then take a short break and proceed to the next one.

Who is suitable for circuit training?

This type of fitness practice will be an excellent start for beginners who are just taking their first steps in the world of sports. Circuit training will be an excellent springboard to more serious areas of fitness. Simple basic exercises are not difficult for people with even the most minimal physical training. An additional bonus will be the development of coordination of movements and endurance.

Many trainers offer this type of training to girls and women who, with little training, want to tone their bodies and get rid of extra pounds.

However, circuit training will be very useful and professional athletes, and just people in good physical fitness who want to increase their strength and endurance. If you choose the right exercises, pace and level of load, then with any level of training you can quickly achieve the desired result.

Which form to choose

There are no strict criteria when choosing sportswear for circuit training. The main condition is that clothes should be convenient, comfortable and in no case hinder movement. It is better if it is made of breathable fabrics, since circuit training is very intense and is accompanied by increased sweating.

Shoes should also be as comfortable and convenient as possible. Preference should be given to sneakers with good cushioning - they are much more comfortable and enjoyable to perform aerobic exercise(jumping rope, running in place, etc.).

How long does circuit training last?

A special feature of circuit training is the almost complete absence of stops between exercises. Thanks to the large number of exercises and approaches, the intensity of the workout increases significantly, which allows you to reduce the time it takes to complete.

The thing is that after each completed exercise there is no pause, or it is very insignificant - no more than 5 seconds. A new exercise on a different muscle group immediately follows, without a recovery period.

It is not surprising that when using such a circular system, the training time is reduced, but the fatigue from it will be no less than with a full 1-1.5 hour workout in the gym. On average, the time to carry it out ranges from 35-50 minutes.

If you don’t do this, then, firstly, you can greatly overload the muscles, and secondly, you won’t get the desired result from the workout.

What you need to study at home

If you don’t have the time or financial resources to work out in a gym with a trainer, training at home is a good compromise.

First of all, you should decide on the choice of exercises. Various crunches for working the abdominal muscles, squats, push-ups, as well as all sorts of jumping options with and without jumping rope, and running in place are quite suitable as basic ones.

It is very important to combine exercises in such a way that the muscles of the whole body are involved. That is, an exercise for the lower part of the body must be alternated with one where the upper part will be involved. Only the right combination of them can give the desired result.

When conducting circuit training at home, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Before starting classes, it is very important to warm up to warm up the muscles and prepare them for further stress. 5-10 minutes will be enough for this.
  • At low physical training You shouldn’t immediately load a fragile body to the maximum. You should complicate the exercises and increase the load moderately and gradually.
  • When performing strength exercises, you should not choose the largest possible weights. For efficient combustion fat will require less weight and more repetitions.

If you have the desire and opportunity to learn the intricacies of circuit training, improve the technique of performing exercises and simply spend time in the company of like-minded people under the guidance of an experienced trainer, you can always order the appropriate one from professionals.