Soreness after training, good or bad. Why do they hurt after training? Main reasons. Physiology of the phenomenon of sore throat

Muscle soreness is pain in muscle tissue that occurs 1-2 days after training in those athletes who began to exercise power training after a long break, for beginners or athletes who have moved to a more complex level of load. Intense bodybuilding training techniques such as super sets, drop sets, and forced reps can also cause muscle tissue pain. Krepatura occurs due to microtraumas that appear after an unusual workout or due to inflammation in the muscles.

Muscle soreness is characterized by the appearance of pain in muscle tissue 8-48 hours after exercise. It occurs when the training load is 10% or more higher than normal volumes. Over time, the body adapts to such loads, muscle fibers become stronger, and after just a few sessions, muscle pain no longer bothers the athlete. Therefore, we can say that sore throat is a temporary phenomenon.

How to reduce pain after exercise

Krepatura is a safe phenomenon and goes away without any treatment. Helps reduce muscle pain warm-up exercises before and after workouts, stretching and massage. Regular jogging and just a break from training also work very well. If this does not help you, then in some cases anti-inflammatory gels and ointments are used.

Concerning sports nutrition, then it is best suited for reducing muscle pain, which not only eliminates pain, but also actively restores muscle tissue. Amino acid complexes will also help restore muscles. If pain bothers you greatly, it is recommended to take a hot shower after training or go to the steam room for a few minutes. Remember that soreness is a signal that you exercise very rarely or overload your muscles. To prevent muscle pain from bothering you, you need to train regularly with a gradual increase in loads.

Some athletes think that there is no pain without pain. muscle growth. This is fundamentally wrong. The muscles of many athletes have excellent recovery and adaptation abilities, and therefore pain can only occur after very long breaks in training. But if the training is systematic, then even heavy loads most often do not cause any pain, but this does not mean that the muscles do not grow.

There are many reasons why pain in muscle tissue may occur, and this is not always soreness. Sometimes the intervention of medical specialists and qualified treatment are required to eliminate pain. Here is a list of pain symptoms that are not sore throat and, if present, you should consult a doctor:

In addition, pain can be one of the signs. In this case, you need to act immediately - significantly reduce the intensity of the training or give up training altogether for several weeks.

Medicines for muscle pain

There are many safe and not so safe drugs that relieve muscle pain. The most effective, perhaps, are systemic and local drugs, such as diclofinac, but such drugs also have some negative effects that can lead to worsening of the disease. Therefore, if you suspect serious problems, you should be examined immediately. The safest drugs are anti-inflammatory gels and ointments, but if pain bothers you regularly and for a long time, then it is better to consult a doctor.

Muscle soreness usually does not cause intolerable pain and therefore most often it is not treated in any way, because it goes away on its own within a few days. But for speedy recovery muscle tissue, you need to eat a lot of protein foods, take BCAA and beta-alanine. This will help reduce the duration of the sore throat.

You've pumped your legs well, and a day later you can only move on straight limbs and holding on to the wall - is this a familiar situation? I’ll tell you how to avoid this or greatly alleviate the suffering.

Krepatura, DOMS, delayed onset muscle pain syndrome- it has many names, but the essence is one. A day or two after a well-executed workout, suffering begins. Sometimes they are so cruel that girls envy boys because they go to the toilet standing (it’s hard to sit on the toilet, and standing up is generally torture). The boys promise themselves never to go to the gym again. True, this is not a panacea and you can get soreness even in everyday situations. For example, like this:

Somewhere I suddenly tensed up, spent 20 minutes carrying bags of cement or furniture to the fifth floor, dragged a suitcase of food from the store, dug up enough potatoes for the year ahead, and hello fierce muscle pain. Especially for those citizens who, in principle, do not often physically work.

First, let's look at what kind of delayed-onset muscle pain syndrome this is, why it occurs and how it proceeds.

DOMS under a microscope

Muscle pain comes in different forms and not all of it is soreness.

Yes, during intensive execution Exercises for a high number of repetitions, you can feel a burning sensation in the muscles - this is the effect of lactate or lactic acid, which has nothing directly to do with DOMS. 20–40 minutes after physical activity the lactate level returns to normal, so its effect on the muscles is out of the question after a day or two.

Pleasant nagging pain and fatigue immediately after effective training- this is also not a sore throat, but only a momentary response of the body to stress.

Severe and sharp pain when moving and persistent aching when the strained muscle is at rest may indicate an injury. Especially if the pain increases significantly with exercise and does not disappear after several repetitions or the second or third approach.

But when pain occurs 24–48 hours after physical activity, it is felt when the muscle is working, but does not bother you when it is at rest - this is what it is classic sore throat.

Depending on the muscle group, training and stress received during training or any other physical activity, the painful state of the muscles can persist from a couple of days to a week. That is, you can, in principle, do nothing about the soreness, but just endure the pain and it will go away on its own. Or you don’t have to endure it, but we’ll talk about that a little later.

Why does delayed onset muscle soreness occur?? For a long time it was believed that lactic acid, formed during anaerobic exercise, was to blame. But, as I mentioned above, and what has been proven by scientists, this is not the cause of sore throat. Within an hour, lactate levels return to normal. Although as early as 1902 the phenomenon of DOMS or “muscle fever” was described by Theodore Hawk(Theodore Hough), explaining it by the rupture of muscle fibers that occurs during intense physical activity. He turned out to be closest to the truth.

Now relevant two theories, which complement each other.

First- soreness is the result of micro-tears of muscle fibers. The injury is minimal to seriously excite the nervous system, but sufficient that over time the pain receptors inside the muscle connective tissue begin to react, causing those very unpleasant sensations when muscles are tense. Let me remind you that at rest there is no pain.

Second theory called " Enzyme efflux" The bottom line is that with microtrauma of muscle fibers, calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum begins to actively enter the muscles, accumulate there and do bad things. In particular, this atypical accumulation suppresses cellular respiration, slows down the transport of calcium back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum and, as a result, activates muscle protein-degrading enzymes (proteases and phospholipases). Inflammation occurs, accompanied by pain.

Somehow all this sounds complicated and alarming, but fear has big eyes. Let's understand further.

Krepatura - is it good or bad?

Some comrades say that if there is no soreness after training, it means that you did not train well and simply wasted your time. Others, on the contrary, talk about not the best consequences for muscle growth if DOMS hits in full. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.

Delayed onset muscle pain syndrome is neither good nor bad. He just exists and that's all.

In people who are constantly exposed to one or another physical activity, it manifests itself to a lesser extent and less frequently. After all, the body is designed in such a way that it tries to compensate for stress with a reserve. In this case, the microtraumas of the muscle fibers are healed, plus new fibers are added so that the next time the incident does not occur under a similar load.

Beginners experience sore throat more often. After all, the body is not accustomed to stress, so it reacts with violent pain after feats in gym, on a treadmill, bike or anywhere else. But this does not mean at all that DOMS alone is an indicator of a quality workout.

Damage muscle tissue- this is just one factor for muscle hypertrophy. There is also mechanical stress And metabolic stress. Let’s not forget that over time, the energy efficiency of muscles increases, more glycogen and water accumulate in them - all this also affects the final size, strength and endurance.

From my practice, I can highlight the fact that I have more than once encountered people who do not particularly complain about soreness, but at the same time have good strength results and volumes, and they work hard during training with full dedication.

I can’t say the same about myself in the sense that I still have soreness after almost every workout. Muscle pain has become a part of life, it is familiar and does not particularly bother you, except for rare cases when you return to training after breaks due to a trip to warmer climes, business trips, or a cold. But I learned to deal with this, and, in principle, over the years of practice I learned many interesting ways to alleviate or even prevent delayed onset muscle pain syndrome.

Methods for preventing severe sore throat

It's impossible to completely eradicate DOMS, it's just the way our bodies are designed, but there are many ways to relieve muscle pain to the point where it's even pleasant. Apparently, it’s true what they say that all people who train with weights are a little masochistic :).

The main thing you need to understand is that soreness is the result of microtrauma of muscle fibers. Firstly, they must remain MICRO-injuries, and not turn into MACRO injuries. To do this you need:

  • Stretch your whole body well before training, then focus on warming up the working muscle group (a couple of approaches with light weights, then gradually reaching the working weight using a “ladder”).
  • Don't forget to stretch and gently pull the working muscles after completing all the exercises for one or another muscle group.
  • For beginners, increase working weight in exercises gradually, even if doing the exercises will be easy at first. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. In the first ten workouts, in principle, it is better not to work until your muscles burn and not to reach the maximum weights. I want to test myself - ok, try it carefully, and then take 50% of the maximum you pulled and work with it. Next workout, add 10%, then another 5-10%. There is no need to rush and the final result will be much better than when trying to “pump up in a month.”
  • If there was a break in training or you haven’t worked out a certain muscle group for some time, for example, legs, then you should start working very carefully. After a break, it is best to tone the muscles with 50% loads of the maximum. If you immediately arrange for yourself impact training, Then suffering from terrible sore throat will last for a week. It has been tested more than once by personal experience.
  • Cool down after training– it’s good for the heart and muscles. The cool-down consists of 10–20 minutes of work in at a relaxed pace on an exercise bike, fast walking on a treadmill (walking along the street) or orbitrek. Work so that your breathing remains even and your pulse is 100–110 beats per minute. I noticed that this practice greatly eases the soreness after leg training.
  • In theory it helps compression sportswear, but I have not tested its effect in practice. A good kit will cost the price of a budget iPhone, and I’m not financially ready for such experiments yet.

In addition, for muscle recovery it is necessary to create favorable conditions:

  • Be sure to drink well both during the day and during training. On average, it is recommended to drink 30 ml of pure water per 1 kg of body weight per day. During training, take small sips - 0.5–0.7 l. Water is the main element in our body (muscles are 70% H2O), a solvent and transporter for useful substances and at the same time removes toxins and waste products.
  • is a guarantee that the body will recover faster, and therefore there will be less pain from sore throat. By the way, vitamins A, C and E, plus substances in green tea, have a particularly good effect on recovery.
  • before, during and after training also have a positive effect on recovery.
  • no less important than nutrition or drinking plenty of fluids. 7–8 hours is just right.

What to do if severe pain does strike

Much higher useful tips, but a person is designed in such a way that he often begins to move after he has done something. Roughly speaking, when " roasted cock pecked in the ass" Well, the sore throat is blooming and blooming and we need to do something about it, otherwise the white light is not nice.

The simplest option- light warm-up of those muscles that are sore. But it is the WARM-UP, not their load. The muscles are already injured, why stress them even more. Let's say my chest hurts like hell- move your arms forward 10–20 times in 3–4 approaches, gently tensing the muscles at the end of the movement. My feet are groaning- you can squat 10–15 times in 3–4 approaches or do an intense walk. The point is to pump blood into the muscles, which will bring useful substances for their restoration and wash away decay products.

A more complicated option- massage or self-massage. Finding a good sports massage therapist is a big problem, but if you find one, hold on to it with your hands and feet. During a high-quality sports massage, of course, you will howl and squeak, but 30–40 minutes of unpleasant sensations are worth a couple of days of suffering from muscle pain. In addition, such a massage removes excess tone from the muscles and generally has a positive effect on their recovery.

If you don’t have a specialist or money for one, then it’s worth spending money once on a quality massage cylinder, allowing you to perform self-massage using your own body weight.

Very affordable and useful option- bath or sauna. I use it very actively myself. Warming up the muscles acts in much the same way as their diligent warm-up, as well as massage - blood circulation improves, useful substances come in, and breakdown products are eliminated.

As an option - taking a hot bath. No more than 10–15 minutes, otherwise you might turn into a vegetable for a while. The effect is not so noticeable, but it is also there.

In very urgent cases apply ice packs to sore muscles, or even dive into an ice bath, if one is available.

If you treat it, it will go away in a week, but if not, it will go away in 7 days.

In fact, no in the case of sore throat, and yes in the case of a cold. Although there is some truth here. Almost any case of DOMS goes away on its own within a week at most, even if a day or two after the load you couldn’t walk like a human being and looked more like a crab. Especially on stairs. But if the pain persists, then this is a signal that you should consult a doctor, and the microtrauma in fact turned out to be a more serious injury.

The other side of the coin of ignoring sore throat and the tips described above to reduce its effects is that it is uncomfortable to train and live with such pain. And for beginners, the thought that now the body will constantly hurt is simply horrifying. So I recommend warming up, not pushing the weights, doing a cool-down, eating well, visiting a bathhouse or sauna, and everything will be fine.

“Oh, legs,” thoughts swarm in my head as my body climbs the steps. “Oh, belly!” - comes to mind when trying to repeat yesterday's shock training. “Oh, my back,” when trying to lift a weight, completes the picture. What is this? Muscle soreness, or delayed muscle pain syndrome, is a muscle reaction to excessive or unusual stress.

Usually, beginners who have just started training, athletes who have returned to training after a break, and in general all those who have “overloaded” their muscles become familiar with soreness. No one is immune from it - a banal bike ride can result in oohs and aahs the next day when getting out of bed.

What is this and where does it come from?

So, sore throat. What kind of syndrome is this and where does it come from? On this moment There are several versions about the reasons for this phenomenon: accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, partial damage (microtrauma) and a combination of the first and second.

Lactic acid theory

This theory is quite old, its essence is this. During training or other intense physical activity, the muscles lack oxygen supplied by the blood. To obtain energy, the body turns on a reserve mechanism, and as a result, lactic acid is produced in the muscles, and possibly other substances. We call the resulting sensation krepatura.

Microtrauma theory

This second theory states that in muscles that are not trained, muscle fiber components (myofibrils) are of different lengths - both long and short. During exercise, short myofibrils are torn. These microtraumas cause inflammation, and as a result, a person feels pain - this is soreness after training.

Large and unusual loads cause severe soreness; the “bouquet” of sensations depends on what type of load was given to the muscles.

With regular and proper training, the myofibrils become the same length, and severe pain no longer appears. The key word here is “correct”.

There is no soreness if the training is done correctly

There is another very common cause of microtraumas - improper training. The athlete missed the warm-up, cool-down, or both. The result is injured muscles and sore throat. What does it mean?

Proper training Be sure to start with a warm-up. Warm-up - preparing the body for stress; at this stage, body temperature rises, metabolism accelerates, and the overall performance of the body increases. In addition, the following happens:

  • sympathetic tone increases nervous system and the amount of adrenaline in the blood, this helps to train more intensely;
  • capillaries expand, which accelerates the delivery of oxygen to tissues;
  • the speed of nerve impulse transmission increases;
  • the elasticity of ligaments and muscles increases;
  • this is a reliable way to avoid injuries and sprains that an athlete receives due to the fact that the muscles are not warmed up enough.

Warm-up increases the efficiency of working better, more intensely and safer.

After training, a cool-down is definitely necessary - it allows you to calm the body after exercise, prevent or reduce pain, and normalize body temperature. Proper training and muscle soreness will not bother you.

Ways to “remove” sore throat

Most often, soreness occurs on the second day after exercise and lasts 3-7 days, and this depends on the level of training and on what kind of exercises the person did. If the loads are unusual, there will be sore throat. What to do if there is simply nowhere to reduce the load?

Good stretching

The warm-up and cool-down are done, but the next day I still have soreness. What to do? Well, that means the training was useful. And the pain can be removed or reduced with stretching.

Stretching, that is, stretching the muscles, relieves soreness very well. Easy charging also gives a good effect. If an athlete has trained his shoulders, stomach and arms, light running will help him.

If leg soreness appears, the same stretching exercises and squats will help. Most best effect gives a combination of exercises: warm-up, then stretching.

Everything must be done gently and carefully. At first, the pain will interfere, but as the muscles warm up, the soreness will recede and weaken. Moving will become much easier and simpler.

Hot bath or shower

A hot bath warms up muscles very well, speeds up blood flow and helps with sore throat. The shower is also good, but worse than the bath. Hot water warms and relaxes muscle fibers, relieves soreness and makes it possible to relax well, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in body.

How to get rid of sore throat? You should take a shower immediately after training, and a bath or shower the next day. Afterwards - a good warm-up and stretching: warmed muscles will work easier, and the warm-up will bring the desired results.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is the best way to stay healthy. It is also a recipe for quick and complete nutrition depends on the goal - to build muscle, lose weight, achieve something else. If your goal is to lose weight, then you should not eat in the first 2-3 hours after class. To maintain muscle mass, it is advisable to take protein and BCAA amino acids.

If you don’t have a goal to lose weight, then in the first 2-3 hours you need to give your body carbohydrates and proteins. Suitable sources of carbohydrates include buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, oatmeal, White rice, honey, bananas, fresh juice. As a source of protein - poultry, cottage cheese, eggs, lean fish.

After and during training, it is advisable to replenish water balance. Regular plain water is suitable for this - no need to drink soda, sweet water, coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate drinks and anything that contains caffeine.

Sauna, steam bath and phytobath

A wonderful remedy is a herbal bath, or a cedar barrel, especially if you supplement its steam with medicinal plants. Anti-inflammatory and relaxing herbal infusions are suitable as a supplement. The same applies to saunas and steam baths, since they can help relieve soreness even better than in a phyto-barrel. Steaming is much more pleasant than stretching through pain. Perhaps, thanks to the bath, the soreness will disappear completely, perhaps it will only weaken, but in the end it will still become easier than “before”.

And the sauna, and the cedar barrel, and the bathhouse accelerate metabolism, blood circulation and restoration of the body. You can’t go to the sauna or bathhouse immediately after a hard workout (your heart is already stressed), but the next day is what you need.

The Russian bath is a magical remedy for everyone who plays sports, effective method regulate weight, restore muscle elasticity and strength. It tones the skin, regulates blood pressure in people with hypertension and hypotension, relieves nervous tension, and relieves sore throat. What does this Russian invention not do?

According to scientific research, the body copes with the heat in the bathhouse in the same way as with heavy physical activity. The capillaries expand, blood flows to the muscles and skin, and the cardiac output increases by 150%. The contrast of heat and cold (cold pool, snow) puts maximum stress on the cardiovascular system.

Exposure to steam, a broom, and high temperature has a very good effect on the muscles. Moreover, the effect of the bath is much stronger if you add massage to it.


The massage itself is very good remedy. It is worth using even if there are no special reasons. Proper massage helps you achieve faster sports uniform and support it, it is able to significantly develop the flexibility of joints and muscles, improve blood circulation, relieve minor inflammation and muscle tension. This is an excellent remedy for sore throat, but you should use it not when you already have it, but after training.

How to remove sore throat with massage? The most effective and best thing here is sports massage. It may relieve the soreness completely, maybe not completely, but it will definitely become easier. This type of massage helps relieve muscle tension and improves well-being, reduces inflammation in the muscles that occurs in the body in response to microtrauma.

Sports massage uses different techniques, the choice of a specific one depends on the purpose of the training and its type. It should be carried out by a person who knows how and what needs to be done in each specific case. It is most effective to do this massage 1.5-4 hours after training. It is undesirable - after 8-10 hours or the next day. But there is another way to cope with such a phenomenon as sore throat. What kind of method is this?


There are no special medications for sore throat, but there are anti-inflammatory ointments and painkillers. There are no “best”, “average” or “bad” among them; each person has his own preferences. One thing helps some, another helps others.

How to get rid of sore throat using ointment? From what is sold in pharmacies, you can use the products “Ben-gay”, “Ketonal”, “Dolobene” (gel), “Voltaren” (gel). Espol ointment works well. In general, you can use any ointment for myositis, but first you should carefully read the instructions (as with any medicine).

Gels, and especially painkillers, should not be abused - it is more useful to “treat” sore throat with a bath, massage and exercise.

Muscles become clogged with toxins when physical activity is excessive or unusual for the body. In sports medicine, this process is called sore throat. How to distinguish ordinary fatigue after training from muscle soreness?

Muscle soreness and muscle pain after training: what's the difference?

If the training was effective, you may experience the following sensations over the next 24 hours:
feeling of “fullness” and “bloating” of the muscle;

  • inability to do a regular exercise with a strained muscle;
  • a feeling of light and pleasant aching and heaviness in the muscles.
How to distinguish this pain from sore throat? Just! In the second case, the pain comes with a delay. and even two after classes. At the same time, soreness manifests itself during strength (anaerobic) and cardio (aerobic) training. Stretching exercises can also lead to muscle soreness. A distinctive sign of sore throat is that the pain comes late, but everything can hurt: the back, hips, ankles, abdominal muscles or arms. It all depends on which part of the body you paid too much attention to before. Krepatura can “affect” a variety of parts of the body, of course, it depends on the load. Try to exercise so that your muscles have time to recover. Excessive exercise can lead to overtraining and constant pain.

The pain will last about three days, but can last a week. The muscle will swell a little and begin to hurt a lot from any exertion (for example, climbing stairs). This pain occurs from muscle damage, and not from lactic acid, as previously thought.

Running and other cardio exercises clog muscles with toxins

Causes of muscle soreness

There are four main hypotheses about the appearance of sore throat:

  • muscle damage or rupture;
  • connective tissue damage;
  • osmotic pressure and swelling (metabolic accumulation of toxins);
  • exposure to lactic acid.

The first hypothesis was put forward at the beginning of the 20th century. Doctors and scientists suspected the presence of microcracks in the muscles due to “intense contractions while the muscle is in a contracted state” or sudden and uncoordinated movements. The first evidence of this assumption was found only in the 70s, when photographs showed that sarcomeres were destroyed due to physical activity. The sarcomere is the basic contractile unit of striated muscle, consisting of a group of proteins with three fiber types. During training, the system of these elements is deformed and destroyed, and may be accompanied by an increase in the number of sarcomeres with the destruction of intermediate filaments (intracellular filaments).

Biochemical testing, in turn, showed that the process of changing sarcomeres is associated with the release of the protein myoglobin into the blood from the torn muscle, which leads to the appearance of delayed muscle pain a day or two after visiting the fitness center or stadium.

“No pain, no gain” is a dangerous and harmful myth

Damage to connective tissue as a source of pain began to be considered in sports and fitness quite recently - the first studies appeared in 1977-79. Tests have shown a high connection between hydroxyproline and muscle strength.

Hydroxyproline - released during the breakdown of connective tissue and indicates collagen metabolism. Its level in urine increased sharply after frequent muscle contractions and greater passive tension on the tissue.

Excessive stretching of muscles leads to microtrauma and pain

The metabolic accumulation hypothesis is based on what occurs in the muscles - a consequence strength exercises), extracellular potassium and other metabolic products that increase internal and external pressure on muscle fibers. This causes a delay in hydration (water exchange in cells) and the appearance of edema.

The increased volume of fluid creates passive tension on the muscles and (while moving, a person seems to have to “squeeze” water out of the connective tissue).

This hypothesis is not particularly popular, since a number of tests have shown that during contractions, pressure in the muscles can increase significantly, but not lead to pain.

Increased concentration of lactic acid is the most popular and “folk” theory about muscle pain. This is usually how physical education teachers at school explain muscle strength. Lactic acid is formed only in the absence of oxygen. By clogging muscles, it impairs blood flow. However, this does not cause pain. That is, the “folk” theory turns out to be incorrect.

How to get rid ofsore throat?

So, the reasons are more or less clear. However, what to do with muscle soreness? If you do not start this disease, i.e. do not allow systematic repetition, then the sore throat will be relatively safe. This means that the pain may “go away” on its own without treatment. But this does not mean that you need to endure pain; you can alleviate your condition. So, get rid of the sore throat initial stage without medications you can use:

  • Light warm-up. Reduce the intensity of the exercises that caused this pain and repeat them in fresh air.
  • Massage and stretching.
  • Hot bath.

If you want to avoid the occurrence of this disease, then you should always warm up before playing sports and cool down after each exercise. In addition, training should be systematic, without interruptions. If you increase the load, do it slowly and gradually. Avoid dehydration!

Why is muscle soreness dangerous?

Remember that sore throat is not as harmless as regular muscle pain; it negatively affects all aspects of an athlete’s life, including:

  • work intensity;
  • muscle strength and mass;
  • body composition;
  • hormones;
  • anabolism/catabolism.

In this regard, soreness requires serious treatment. Don't fall into the dangerous delusion that pain is good. In fact, muscles can grow without pain. But painful sensations that occur regularly in some cases can become a serious problem.

In what cases does pain become really dangerous:

  • pain occurs often, suddenly and without reason;
  • the sore spot swells greatly;
  • the joint “clicks” and “cracks”
  • the pain not only does not go away, but also intensifies;
  • pain lasts more than a week;
  • pain shoots through the body;
  • pain comes from inside the joint.

At the same time, the strength after training really indicates that the chances of building large muscles are increasing. The fact is that microtrauma in the muscles actually leads to hypertrophy (muscle growth). In your body, due to stress, the level of hormones increases, which leads to hypertrophy. But does that mean you should aim for constant muscle pain? Of course not. Don't rely on pain when trying to build muscle; it's not the most accurate measure of performance.
Remember that muscle growth occurs due to two other factors:

  1. mechanical tension;
  2. metabolic stress.

That is, under the influence of these factors it will increase muscle mass even without microtraumas and pain.

How to treatsore throat?

What can help you:

  1. Alternative medicine. Acupuncture will help soothe the muscles and restore their tone. Even professional athletes often resort to this procedure, because... she removes the tension from the muscles.
  2. As mentioned above, massages. It is better, of course, to use the services of a specialist. The massage should be intense and perhaps a little painful, this will help you relax.
  3. Long rest. Take a break of two to three to five days, at your discretion. Let your body deal with the pain on its own. It is not worth working out with muscle soreness.
  4. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory. Below we will examine this topic in more detail.
  5. Sports supplements and food. Certain amino acids and glutamine will reduce muscle pain and speed up muscle recovery.
  6. Another excellent remedy for muscle soreness is baths. The body will warm up, blood flow will improve, and the muscles will relax.

Medicines that help with sore throat

We list the main medications that can help get rid of sore throat.
  1. Often, anti-inflammatory drugs are used first to relieve pain, for example: ibuprofen, ketorol, ketonol, etc. Yes, such drugs will help relieve inflammation, swelling and pain in the muscles and nerve trunks. But they also have negative effects: metabolism in the articular cartilage is disrupted (this can aggravate the disease and destroy the cartilage); possible damage to the gastric mucosa.
  2. Based on this, we can conclude that such drugs should only be used as a last resort. And obviously you shouldn’t take them systematically, the body quickly gets used to them.
  3. There are other remedies, for example, ointments (Nise, Ketonal, Voltaren gel). Such funds have less risk side effects. One could object by saying that they do not last long. But in fact, there are already drugs with a prolonged period of action. But due to the small amount of the drug on the sore spot, the effectiveness of these drugs remains relatively low.
  4. Local irritants (capsicam) are also used;

Tablets for muscle soreness should be taken only as a last resort, otherwise there is a high risk of addiction.

For severe spasms and pain, local muscle relaxants are used, their action is based on botulinum toxin. In fact, everything here is purely individual and what helps to fight soreness for one may not work for others.

We recommend that you use medications only as a last resort. First, try to warm up well, give yourself a massage, relax, take a bath. Your body will relax, spasms will subside, which means that very soon you will feel good.

Krepatura (delayed onset muscle pain syndrome) is muscle stiffness or pain that occurs 1-2 days after training. Soreness most often occurs when you start a new program, change exercises, or increase the time and intensity of exercise.

What causes soreness and muscle pain after physical activity?

Muscle soreness is the result of microscopic tears in muscle fibers. The number of tears (and resulting pain) depends on how hard and how long you play sports and what exercises you do. Any movements and exercises that you are not used to can lead to muscle soreness. Krepatura or Delayed Onset Muscle Pain Syndrome (LDMS) usually appears within the first 2 days after new and vigorous physical activity, then slowly subsides over the next few days.

The strongest soreness is caused by exercises that are aimed at eccentric muscle contractions (the phase of lowering the weight during, etc.).

Krepatura – good or bad? Should your muscles hurt after every workout?

There is nothing wrong with muscle pain after exercise; soreness is a normal reaction to unusual tension and is part of the recovery process that will lead to muscle strength. This pain is a good indicator that you have had good workout the day before! When you no longer experience this type of pain, it is a sign that your body has already adapted to the training program. For best results training program need to be changed approximately every 2-3 months.

How to get rid of soreness and muscle pain after training?

There is no one universal way to prevent and treat sore throat. In fact, discussions about the treatment and prevention of sore throat continue to this day. In the recent past, it was one of the most recommended ways to reduce soreness, but a study by Australian scientists published in 2007 proves that muscle stretching is not effective in preventing soreness and muscle pain.

How to relieve soreness and muscle pain:

  • Useactive recovery. The effectiveness of this strategy has been scientifically proven. Performing light aerobic exercise increases blood flow, which reduces the appearance of soreness and pain. After intense workout, use this technique to combat sore throat.
  • Massage. Some studies have shown that sports massage can help reduce soreness, but it does not affect muscle function.
  • Cold and hot shower. Although there is no clear evidence regarding the effectiveness of this method, many fitness enthusiasts use it and claim muscle pain is significantly reduced.
  • Do a littlewowstretchat. Although the research is not on the side of stretching, for many people it simply helps them feel a little more comfortable.
  • Try non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium may help temporarily reduce pain, although they will not actually speed up healing. Be careful, as taking these drugs before training is not recommended!
  • Rest and recovery. If you just wait it out, the pain should go away within 3 to 7 days without special treatment.

*If pain persists longer than 7 days or even increases, consult a doctor.