Crafting horse armor in minecraft. Minecraft PE: Complete horse guide. Features and usage

So, today we will talk to you about how to make armor for a horse in Minecraft. It would seem like a trivial matter - and without her it would be good. However, this is a rather important and necessary element of protecting your faithful friend. Let's see why it is needed, what it is made of and where everything is mined necessary materials for our event.

For what?

Before you make armor for a horse in Minecraft, you should learn more about this item. Maybe you can do without it? So let's begin our acquaintance.

So, if you have a tamed horse, you will have to protect it from taking damage. After all, she could die. No one wants to lose a horse, so you’ll have to make horse armor. How effective the protection will be directly depends on the material of the item. So if you are preparing for battle, you need to make sure that you have the best raw materials. Then you won't have to constantly think about protection. Let's see how to make armor for a horse in Minecraft, and where to get the necessary resources.


So, the first material you will need is wool. You can get it from sheep. This resource can be changed using dye. You will be given a palette of 16 different colors.

Wool blocks are fairly easy to break. You can do this with any tool, but scissors do the job best. Or a sword. White sheep's wool can be made from several units of thread. To obtain this resource, you need to shorn a sheep. Otherwise, upon death, these cattle “drop” one required block at a time. So armor for a horse in Minecraft can only be made when you obtain this basic material for work. Afterwards, choose what strength you want to get, and then start searching for the remaining items. Let's see what you can choose from.

iron ingot

So, now it’s time to look at the additional materials that are required to create armor for a horse in Minecraft. The very first path that can be taken is to find an iron ingot. Iron armor is the very first type that can be built.

If you put this “chain mail” on your horse, you will receive 5 armor points and 20% protection. For the first stages this will be enough for you. But first you need to find iron ingots. Where to get them and where to get them from?

Learning this item is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. When working with iron blocks you get an ingot. There is a lot of iron hidden in the world of Minecraft, so getting it won’t be a huge problem. In addition, if you burn it, you will end up with the necessary item for Minecraft. Crafting armor for horses will now be available. However, if you want, you can look for other items and make something more durable.


Are you not satisfied with this type of protection? Want to try something different? Then go in search of gold bars. You can also make “armor” from them.

Players perceive this item as very valuable. So try to collect it in the right quantity. You can get it in several ways. The first is remelting in a furnace. This is probably the simplest method. True, if you find a gold block, you can simply destroy it, receiving the necessary item in return. Ingots are also obtained by creating gold nuggets.

If you are wondering how to make armor for a horse in Minecraft from gold, then you can fight a little with skeletons - they also sometimes drop the necessary items. In addition, look for chests in mines, caves and deserts - you can also stumble upon

When you have decided on the type of armor, combine wool and 6 units of the required metal. Afterwards you will have excellent protection for your horse. Put it on and use it.

Good evening. The sailor is with you. Now I'll tell you how to make armor for a horse in minecraft.

Horse armor

When Minecraft 1.7 was released, the developers added two new animals. Horse and donkey. Several items have also been added. Some of them are armor for horses. They are made of iron, diamond and gold.

Crafting armor is quite simple. First you need to get wool. We craft scissors and look for a sheep. After that, we go in search of the animal. We take the scissors in our hands and right-click, aiming at the sheep.

Next you need to decide what the armor will be made of. Let's take gold for example. We will need six ingots. We go to the workbench and lay out the craft: in the third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth slots we put the metal itself (in our case, gold), and in the fifth, one wool (no matter what color).

It can also be found in dams or abandoned mines. You come across them there very often. Easiest to find in an abandoned mine. While you are mining ore, you may come across chests. They may contain armor for our animal.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend reading other articles on our forum. You will find a lot of useful information.

The horse is a friendly mob that has appeared in the game since version 1.6.1.

Types of horses.

There are 35 breeds in the game. The breed is determined by external characteristics, such as the location of spots on the body and face, coat color and leg color. Horse characteristics such as speed, jumping height and health also depend on the breed. White horses jump higher than other species, and light chestnut horses run the fastest.

Donkey, mule and other types of horses.

The rarest type of horse is the donkey. It can be tamed just like a horse and can be ridden in the same way, but unfortunately, you cannot use armor on it. Crossing a donkey and a horse will result in a mule. Mules don't reproduce.

You can also find a zombie horse and a skeleton horse. Such animals are not tamed.

Capabilities and use.

Horses are found only on the plains.

Horses can wag their tails, chew grass, and rear up.

A tamed horse can be used as a means of transportation. You will not be able to control an animal bareback, so before you set off, put it on.

You can take your favorite pet by the bridle and lead it along with you; using the same leash, you can tie the horse to a fence or post. A leash is possible.

Horse armor, which can be iron, gold or diamond, provides additional protection to the animal.

The horse can jump over blocks. Depending on your physical capabilities she will jump from one to five blocks in height.

Chests with cargo can be transported on a donkey and a mule.

When a horse dies, what remains is its skin and skin.



In order for your pets to have foals, you need to feed them golden apples or golden carrots. Horses wearing armor cannot be reproduced.

A foal in captivity is immediately born tame. The cubs are fed hay, apples, wheat and sugar. It will take about twenty minutes for the foal to become an adult.

Horse armor.

Horse armor gives the horse additional protection from damage. Armor can only be worn on a tamed horse. Armor, like the saddle, can be found in dungeons - treasuries. Or craft it using a special mod.

To put protection on an animal, you need to hold the armor in your hand and right-click on the horse. Or while sitting on horseback, open the horse's inventory and then select the item you need.

The strongest diamond armor, it gives 11 armor points - 44% protection. Then comes the gold one, which gives 7 armor points - 28% protection. And finally, iron, which increases the horse’s defense level by 20% and gives 5 armor points. There is no leather armor for horses.

Armor cannot be enchanted. If the “Invisibility” effect is applied to a horse wearing armor, then the armor becomes transparent.

0.15.0, as many know, horses, donkeys and mules were added, which you can tame so you can ride them! This is very useful for traveling in the game world. And since many people don’t know how to tame a horse and ride it, we decided to make this small guide =)

Taming a horse

First you will need to find the horse itself. I think it won’t be difficult to do this, because it can be found in the Plains and Savannah biomes. Then you need to get closer to her and sit on her, but note that you will not be able to tame her the first time, so we recommend feeding her apples or wheat before that, and then try sitting on her again to tame her. This may take several tries.

If you manage to tame her, then heart particles will appear near her and she will no longer try to “throw you off”.

You can also put armor on a tamed horse: leather, iron, gold or diamond. At the same time, you can craft only leather armor at the workbench; other types can be found in treasuries, etc.

To put on armor you need to open the horse interface (hold it for a long time or press the “open” button). In the interface just below the horse saddle slot you should see an armor slot.

Now just click on a piece of armor and it will automatically be in the right slot and the armor will appear on the horse.

You can also attach the chest to a mule or donkey by pressing your finger on it with the chest in your hand.

Remember that after this you will no longer be able to remove the chest and it is almost 2 times smaller than the inventory of a small chest, but it is still very useful.

To open its interface you just need to mount your horse and press the " open". The horse interface will open, in which a chest icon will appear. You can put all sorts of “junk” there.

Horse riding

The horse's parameters (speed, jump height and health) do not depend on its color, but depend on its pedigree. Horses and donkeys can jump over the fence.

To ride a horse, you just need to sit on it and control it like a regular character, using the control buttons.

You can even jump on it by simply holding down the jump button. The horse can jump over two blocks high, which is very useful!

And to get off the horse you just need to double-click the squat button on the right side of the screen.

Painting horse armor

For painting horse armor you will need leather horse armor (craft it a little higher). Get a cauldron and place it in any place for you, and then tap on it with a bucket of water.

Now tap on this cauldron of water with one of any dyes (you can also mix colors), after which the water in the cauldron will be recolored.

All that remains is to tap the horse armor itself and it will immediately be repainted in the desired color.

To put on armor you need to open the horse interface and put the item in a special slot by simply clicking on it.

Your horse will immediately acquire the new kind and it will become even more beautiful =)

To breed, you need to feed tamed horses with any golden apples (both simple and enhanced) or golden carrots. When breeding horses, it may be necessary to remove their saddle and armor. You can cross donkeys and horses to create a mule. Mules cannot be bred.

Foals cannot be ridden or equipped with armor or a saddle. They can be raised by feeding them wheat, apples, sugar or bales of hay.

The offspring may have better characteristics than the parents, such as greater maximum health. When breeding tamed horses, the subsequently raised offspring must be tamed.

Horses can be treated with food. In addition, food accelerates the growth of the horse (if it is a foal). Undead horses cannot be fed or raised, even if spawned.

Note: a newborn horse grows into an adult in 20 minutes.

Advice: If you want your horse to grow faster, it is better to feed it one piece of wheat at a time than to immediately give it a sheaf of hay.

In the game, just like in the PC version, there are these types of horses, which unfortunately cannot be found in the world and cannot be tamed. This can only be done using commands that are not in the game or mods.

  • If you throw an explosive enhanced speed potion at a horse, the movement on the horse will be faster than flying in creative mode.
  • Horses are the only friendly mobs that can have more health than the player.
  • Skeleton Horse, Zombie Horse, and Rider Horse are related to the undead, just like Zombie and Skeleton. However, if an instant healing potion has a negative effect on zombies and skeletons, it has a positive effect on an undead horse. Also, undead horses are attacked by the wither.


  • You can ride a horse
  • Gives leather (from this leather you can craft horse armor, some kind of knackering :/)
  • Runs fast and jumps high
  • Easy to feed


  • Quite rare
  • Need a saddle and armor
  • Difficult to breed
  • Resets if it gets into deep water

There are many animals in Minecraft, but most players try to tame the horse, as it can help in the battle against evil mobs. However, enemies can cause serious harm to the animal, so you need to try to protect it.

Crafting armor for a horse

It is worth noting that horses appeared in Minecraft v. 1.6, this attribute was modified before v. 1.6.2. In later versions of the game, the developers made it so that armor cannot be enchanted and, most importantly, crafted. However, it can be found in treasuries and caves, so you should carefully look through abandoned chests, and perhaps you will get lucky. Most often, armor is found in the infernal fortress, so you should definitely look there.

If you install a later version of the game, you can craft armor from iron, gold, diamonds and wool. You will need to place 6 minerals on the crafting bench and 1 block of wool in the central cell. It is worth noting that diamond armor is the most durable, followed by gold and iron. You should not skimp on materials, since the life of the animal depends on their quality.