Control in the training of athletes. Characteristics of automated methods of complex control in sports Types of control in sports

1. 1 . Sports training means.

Sports training means are an organized process aimed at developing and improving the necessary sporting qualities, formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that determine the athlete’s readiness to achieve the highest results. With its help, daily training tasks (classes) are solved. If we talk about health-improving orientation classes, then in this case the means of sports training are designed to solve similar problems, with the exception of achieving the highest results.

All sports training means are divided into 4 main groups:

1. Pedagogical means (physical exercises, methodological and practical fundamentals of training, planning and organization of the lesson process, verbal/non-verbal methods of influence)

2. Psychological means (lectures, conversations, auto-training, reasoning, etc.)

3. Medical and biological means (pharmacology, massage, self-massage, bath, hydrotherapy, etc.)

4. Additional funds(this group includes all factors contributing to the success and continuity training process– logistics, hygiene, work and rest schedule, propaganda healthy image life, etc.)

At the heart of any health-improving type classes include physical exercise. They are usually understood as motor actions with the help of which the tasks of sports training are solved. Content physical exercise(i.e., what they consist of) differs depending on the specific focus of the lesson, on the task of “launching” the necessary processes that should arise in the body in response to the use of certain exercises.

The effect of physical exercise (or in other words, the degree of impact on the body of those involved) depends on a number of factors. First of all, these are, of course, the individual characteristics of the body. It should be borne in mind that many sports characteristics have a pronounced hereditary nature. This largely explains the different degrees of “giftedness” in a particular sport. However for health activities this indicator is not so important. It is much more important to form a stable motivation in the student for constant training. physical culture. Since it is precisely this that plays perhaps the most important role in the success of classes, it determines the achievement of maximum positive effect both in terms of mastering the exercises, and in terms of execution, and in terms of their further application.

The load should be selected based on the level physical fitness student. Exercises are given according to the principle “from simple to complex” with a gradual increase in the level of complexity and intensity. You should definitely alternate between load and rest, sometimes even deviating from the lesson plan. If excessive fatigue is detected, it is advisable to increase the rest periods and slightly reduce the intensity of the load.

The effect of physical exercise also indirectly depends on the health status of those involved, on the balance diet, from the organization of the work and rest regime, etc.

Since the basis of any motor activity is the movement itself, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on its characteristics. There are 7 main groups:

1. Spatial characteristics (this includes indicators such as body position in space, trajectory and amplitude of movement).

2. Temporal characteristics (duration and pace of exercise).

3. Spatio-temporal indicators (speed and acceleration)

4. Dynamic characteristics

4.1.Internal (muscle traction force, their elastic properties, reflection force).

4.2.External (body gravity, support reaction force, resistance force of the external environment.

5. Rhythmic characteristics (rhythm, tempo, frequency)

6. Qualitative characteristics (accuracy, economy, smoothness, aesthetics, etc.)

Classification of physical exercises.

Based on the structure of movements, there are 5 types of exercises:

1. Competitive exercises (they form the basis sports activities; can be actually competitive and training).

2. Special preparatory exercises (they are a means of special physical training; may be aimed at improving movement techniques or developing physical qualities).

3. General preparatory exercises (they are a means for general physical training and improvement of the body; due to their specificity, they are widely used in physical education classes in schools and universities).

4. Imitation exercises (serve as a means of improving movement technique)

5. Ideomotor exercises (exercises aimed at creating a mental representation of the structure of the movement, its technique in order to improve the quality of its reproduction).

Depending on the compliance of the exercises with the requirements competitive activity, exercises are divided into two groups:

1. Specific (used exclusively for a given sport)

2. Non-specific (borrowed from other sports in order to enhance the training effect).

1.2. Control in sports training.

Currently, opinions are periodically voiced that any attempts to assess the level of preparedness of students in physical education classes at school and at university should be excluded. This point of view is motivated by the fact that all children have different abilities, different levels of abilities, and those less prepared will suffer psychologically.

There are also opposing opinions, the authors of which propose to seriously complicate and tighten the list mandatory standards for schoolchildren and students. This position is explained by the increasingly weaker sports results demonstrated by those involved.

First of all, you should understand the term “control” in the training process. It is most often understood as the process of assessing the effectiveness of the methods used by obtaining quantitative and qualitative data based on the results of a survey of students (trainees).

There are three main types of control in sports training: stage-by-stage, current and operational. Of course, control in the field of sports highest achievements differs significantly from control in the process of recreational activities, since the goals and objectives of the training processes are completely different. However, the terminology of the types of control is identical.

Operational control is carried out during one lesson. Current control allows you to track dynamics throughout the month. Stage control covers significant time intervals and necessarily takes into account the initial, intermediate and final state of students. It is carried out once every six months or once a year.

One of the main forms of assessment in health-improving classes is testing, which should be understood as a test (measurement) conducted in order to identify the abilities and capabilities of students to perform a particular action (dynamic or static) in given conditions. For each test, a rating scale must be developed that takes into account the age of the student and the average scores based on it. If necessary, after some time, a retest can be carried out - repeated testing.

Control questions.

1. What are “sports training aids”?

2. What groups are sports training means divided into? What do they include?

3. What determines the effect of physical exercise?

4. What characteristics of motor activity do you know?

5. What types of exercises are distinguished based on the structure of the movement?

6. What groups are exercises divided into depending on their compliance with the requirements of competitive activity?

7. What is “control” in sports training?

8. What types of control do you know? What are the features of each of them?

Scientists and practical workers of the national economy, in close creative collaboration, are systematically fulfilling the task set by the 25th Congress of the CPSU - to accelerate the pace of scientific and technological progress.
The use of numerous technical means, modern simulators, the use of the latest data from many related sciences makes it possible to significantly correct modern scientific ideas about physical culture and the capabilities of the human body.

The emergence of new instruments and techniques makes it possible to turn study places into scientific laboratories and influences the improvement of scientific, pedagogical and logistical support physical education movement. There is a fundamental change in views on the use of funds physical education depending on age, gender, living conditions. The necessary conditions are being created to strengthen the union of science and practice, to combine the possibilities of the scientific and technological revolution with the advantages of the socialist economic system.
We can say with confidence that the results of the scientific and technological revolution have successfully penetrated all spheres of human life. Nowadays, the successes of biology, medicine, and physical culture are increasingly associated with the development of various technical means. Radio electronics and radio telemetry have become one of the main research and control methods for monitoring the human condition during intensive work, during training or competition. To achieve this, scientists and engineers have developed many radio and television systems that record the physiological functions of the body and transmit information over various distances.
Modern requirements force the creation of miniature and economical radio transmitters, the development of small-sized interference-resistant, multi-channel radio telemetry equipment capable of providing the maximum amount of information about the human condition when performing various types activities. Similar devices are used, for example, on spacecraft. They are also used in sports. Soviet cyclists, who for the first time received gold medals in the 100 km team race at the World Championships in England in 1970 and at the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972, largely owe their success to the scientific support of training using radio telemetry devices.
More and more importance is being attached to the processing of received information on computers using effective diagnostic algorithms. The simplest encoding of physiological information is a cardiophone, which converts the body electrocardiogram into audio signals. Short-range telemetry devices for transmitting physiological information from body cavities - endoradiosondometry - have become quite widespread.
Achievements in sports medicine are closely related to the further development of biological radiotelemetry and the creation of reliable systems medical supervision and medical examination of athletes. Solving the main technical problems of transmitting bioinformation is aimed at reducing the weight and dimensions of sensors, increasing the efficiency and reliability of the equipment. All this creates the prerequisites for the wider use of such methods in sports practice, for the creation of radio telemetry laboratories in stadiums that will successfully solve complex problems.
The use of miniature biotelemetric sensors for monitoring athletes during training and competitions significantly expands the capabilities of the coach and puts in the hands of a sports doctor methods for objectively assessing the condition of a person located at a considerable distance from the researcher.
The study of the mechanisms of biological reactions to training load, increasing the requirements for collecting and processing information is now given great importance great importance. Registration of motor acts, electroplethysmography, studies of energy metabolism, activity endocrine system, digestion, psychophysiological characteristics of an athlete, biological control - this is an incomplete list of problems currently facing science. The time for artisanal methods of processing the information received is long gone; special equipment is increasingly being used, providing the trainer and teacher with extensive data on changes in the human body under the influence of physical exercise.
Modern scientific instruments, amplifiers, oscilloscopes, dynamographic devices are necessary research equipment that determines further successes of scientific thought. In the field of physical education, electronic devices are increasingly being used to determine basic parameters. sports movements, devices for experimental sports psychology, experimental physiology and sports medicine. Sophisticated equipment from the recent past is part of everyday practice. Nowadays, reliable radiotelemetry equipment of the “Sport” system is already widely used, which allows obtaining the necessary medical and biological information for pedagogical use.
In the performances of Soviet athletes at olympic games in Munich, Innsbruck and Montreal, much of the credit goes to Soviet scientists, doctors, and trainers. Extensive urgent information about the biological processes occurring in the human body under the influence of physical education and sports allows the coach and teacher to make educational and training work scientifically controlled, more accurately lead the athlete to high results, and those involved in physical exercises to improve health and creative longevity .
Modern technical means and instrumental control methods are used in the educational and training process in many sports. Monitoring the performance of athletes using various tests is also used.
Data obtained during scientific research, allow us to assert that modern technical means are one of the most important factors that can significantly increase the effectiveness of training. Using instrumental methods to control the quality of assimilation educational material makes it possible to better study the individual characteristics of those involved. Achievements of scientific and technological progress create the prerequisites for a qualitative improvement in the educational and training process in sports and physical education.


In progress integrated control in sports, specialists of various profiles (teachers, doctors, biomechanists, physiologists, biochemists, psychologists, etc.) collect a lot of information about the athlete’s condition, which largely allows for objective management of educational and training activities. The purpose of integrated control– a comprehensive check of the level of preparedness of an athlete (athlete), carried out during staged or in-depth comprehensive examinations, registration of indicators of physical and mental state, level of technical and tactical skill, features of competitive activity.

The choice of integrated control indicators depends on the purpose of testing; it also defines the criteria by which the reliability and information content of the test battery is checked. Integrated control programs in different types sports are not the same. The battery of tests for complex monitoring of athletes' preparedness should include informative indicators of health, physique, degree of development of volitional and motor qualities, technical and tactical mastery.

Approximate indicators of comprehensive control

Athlete's condition

Possible indicators


Results of medical examinations, susceptibility to colds, well-being, etc.

Body type

Body length and weight; relative masses of muscle, fat and bone components; lengths, girths and masses of body segments

Motor qualities

Reaction time; speed of starting acceleration; time to reach maximum values ​​of force and speed; maximum operating time of a given power; joint mobility

Technical prowess

Volume, versatility, rationality, efficiency, stability and sustainability of technology

Tactical Mastery

Volume, versatility and rationality of tactical actions

Strong-willed qualities

Differences in athletic performance in high- and low-responsibility competitions or in hazardous and non-hazardous conditions

The results of integrated control are assessed using a final assessment (simple or weighted) or based on the profile method.

1 Possible health monitoring indicators...

2 Possible indicators of body control…

Volume, versatility, rationality, effectiveness, stability and sustainability of the quality of the exercises performed. Results of medical examinations, exposure colds, well-being Volume, rationality and versatility of the athlete’s actions Reaction time, speed of starting acceleration, maximum time of work at a given intensity, mobility in joints Body length and weight, relative masses of muscle, fat and bone components; length, girth and mass of body segments

3 Possible indicators of control over volitional qualities...

4 Possible indicators of control over motor qualities...

Volume, versatility, rationality, efficiency, stability and sustainability of the quality of the exercises performed Results of medical examinations, susceptibility to colds, well-being Volume, rationality and versatility of the athlete’s actions Reaction time, speed of starting acceleration, maximum time of work at a given intensity, mobility in joints Body length and weight, relative weights muscle, fat and bone components; length, girth and mass of body segments

5 Possible indicators for monitoring technical proficiency...

Volume, versatility, rationality, efficiency, stability and sustainability of the quality of the exercises performed Results of medical examinations, susceptibility to colds, well-being Volume, rationality and versatility of the athlete’s actions Reaction time, speed of starting acceleration, maximum time of work at a given intensity, mobility in joints Body length and weight, relative weights muscle, fat and bone components; length, girth and mass of body segments

6 Possible indicators of monitoring tactical skill...

Volume, versatility, rationality, efficiency, stability and sustainability of the quality of the exercises performed Results of medical examinations, susceptibility to colds, well-being Volume, rationality and versatility of the athlete’s actions Reaction time, speed of starting acceleration, maximum time of work at a given intensity, mobility in joints Differences in sports results shown in competitions of varying difficulty

7 Purpose of integrated control

Registration of physical fitness indicators Study of the features of competitive activity Study of the features of training activity Comprehensive check of the level of preparedness of an athlete (athlete)


Based on the Unified All-Russian Sports Qualification, rank standards and rank requirements. Discharge standards exist in sports where the result is measured in scales intervals or relationships, and the main conditions for holding competitions are strictly standardized (athletics, swimming, etc.).

Bit requirements are established in those sports where the result is determined by the number of victories, place taken, or measured by a ratio scale, but strongly depends on the conditions of the competition: the profile of the distance or route, sliding, etc. (for example, in games, martial arts, skiing, sailing, etc.). The results shown in different competitions cannot be directly compared in these sports.

The metrological validity of rank standards and requirements guarantees the fairness of assessments of achievements in different sports.

Previously operating in the country physical training complex of physical exercises TRP and the current complex - “Presidential competition” characterize:

    level of development of basic motor qualities(strength, speed, endurance, etc.);

    possession of some vital applied skills.

These complexes are designed taking into account the following requirements:

test results must be easily measurable; the test result should not be unduly affected by body type; tests should be simple, not require special expensive equipment, and be suitable for mass examinations in the field.

1 Rank standards exist in sports where the result is objectively measured in ...

Name scale (nominal scale) Interval scale Order scale Ratio scale

2 Control exercises of physical education complexes characterize...

Level of sports readiness Possession of some vital applied skills Level of health Level of development of basic motor qualities Level of all motor qualities

3 Control exercises of physical education complexes must meet the following requirements: ...

Must be suitable for mass examinations Must be comprehensive Must be multi-circuit The results of control standards must be easily measurable The measurement result should not be unduly affected by body features


Monitoring technical readiness consists of assessing what the athlete can do and how he performs the mastered movements. There are two main methods of monitoring technical skill: visual And instrumental. Using these methods, such important features technical skill like: volume of technology, versatility of technology, efficiency of technology.

Volume of equipment determined by the total number of actions that the athlete performs on training sessions and in competitions. The training volume of an athlete’s technique indicates his potential capabilities. The competitive volume of technique is variable and depends on the qualifications of the opponent, the tactics of the fight, etc. For example, with a weak opponent you can show more technique, and with a strong opponent you can show less. The ratio of competitive volume to training volume indicates the realization of the potential capabilities of technical mastery.

Diversity of technical readiness An athlete’s performance is determined by the degree of variety of motor actions that the athlete possesses. Training versatility is usually higher than competitive versatility. A special case of the versatility of the technique is the ratio of techniques performed on the right and left sides.

Efficiency of technology sports movement is determined by the degree of its proximity to the individually optimal option. There are three groups of technology efficiency indicators: absolute, comparative, and implementation. In principle, the most effective movement technique should be the one that ensures the achievement of the highest results.

Control over sports tactics. Tactics is called a set of methods of conducting wrestling. Elements of tactics are tactical moves: technical and tactical actions, as well as methods of psychological influence on the opponent, choosing a position and masking intentions. Combinations of tactical moves are called tactical options. Tactical thinking called the ability to quickly assess a situation and make the optimal decision.

There are five groups of quantitative indicators of tactical skill: total volume, versatility, rationality, efficiency And mastery of tactics.

Total volume of tactics is a list of tactical moves and options that an athlete or team has.

Versatility of tactics shows how diverse the tactical arsenal of an athlete or team is.

Rationality characterizes a tactical move (option) regardless of a specific athlete. In sports with objectively measurable results, there are two types of tactics, depending on what goal the athlete sets for himself: to show the best result for himself or to win these competitions against very specific opponents.

Effectiveness of tactics characterizes the tactical skill of a particular athlete. The closer it is to the individually optimal option, the more effective the tactics. The method of monitoring the effectiveness of tactics coincides with monitoring the effectiveness of individual technical and tactical actions. Ideally, every tactical move should be executed successfully.

1 The total number of actions that are performed during training sessions and competitions determines...

2 The degree of variety of motor actions determines...

Efficiency of technology Volume of technologyVarsity of technical readiness

3 The degree of closeness of the technology to the individually optimal option determines...

Efficiency of technology Volume of technologyVarsity of technical readiness

4 Observing the actions of an athlete directly is called ...

5 Observing the actions of an athlete using video tape recording equipment is called ...

Visual inspection Instrumental control

6 The use of film photography equipment to record movement techniques is called ...

Visual inspection Instrumental control

7 A tactical move (option) with a “result” or “win” mindset determines...

8 The number of tactical moves (options) owned by an athlete or team determines...

Total scope of tactics Efficiency of tactics Versatility of tactics Rationality of tactics

9 The variety of tactical moves (options) of an athlete or team determines ...

Total scope of tactics Efficiency of tactics Versatility of tactics Rationality of tactics

10 The correspondence of the tactical skill of a particular athlete to the rational (optimal) option determines...

Total scope of tactics Efficiency of tactics Versatility of tactics Rationality of tactics

The measuring equipment system in sports includes information sensors, a communication line and a recording device, and may also include a computing device (for automatic information processing).

Sensor is an element of a measuring system that directly perceives changes in the measured indicator. Information from the sensors is transmitted via a communication line to a recording or computing device. Almost all elements of the measuring system determine the quality of registration of the studied parameters.

Depending on the incoming signals, all sensors are divided into - bioelectric process sensors And sensors of biomechanical characteristics.

Instrumental methods for monitoring the condition of athletes comprise two groups:

    optical and optical-electrical methods(where information is transmitted to a recording device by rays of light or heat);

    mechanoelectric methods(where information is transmitted by electrical signals over a wire or radio).

Optical and optoelectronic methods designed for remote and non-contact monitoring of the athlete. Optical methods are based on photography (photography and filming). The results of photography and filming are intended for visual study of movements or for determining kinematic characteristics. There are several types of photography and cinematography: cinemagram, strobophotogram, cyclogram, stereo filming and others.

Filmogram called a piece of film printed on photographic paper.

Strobe photo motion is usually called a combined image of several poses of a moving object.

Cyclogram is a set of broken lines that reproduce the trajectories of the links of a moving body (due to the attachment of markers to the biological links of the body or joints).

Stereo photography is carried out by two (maybe more) synchronously operating filming devices and allows recording the athlete’s movements in three-dimensional space.

Optoelectronic methods movement registrations are based on converting an image into an electrical signal. They are divided into television And photoelectronic methods.

Mechanical-electrical methods collecting information about the athlete are designed to register bioelectric processes and measure the most important biomechanical characteristics.

Bioelectric process sensors allow recording bioelectric phenomena in the body: electrocardiogram - ECG, electroencephalogram - EEG, electromyogram - EMG, cellular potentials, etc.

Biomechanical sensorsdynamic(force, moment of force) and kinematic(position, speed, acceleration) indicators.

Methods for measuring the biomechanical characteristics of sports equipment

Measured Variable

Physical phenomena underlying the measurement method

Tenso effect

Piezo effect

Electromagnetic induction

Ohm's law

Doppler effect



Linear movement

Angular movement

Telemetry systems serve to transmit information from the sensor to the recording device. There are many types of telemetry systems that differ from each other, primarily in the physical nature of the information carrier. For example, in wired telemetry This role is played by the flow of electrons, in radiotelemetry- radio waves, in hydrotelemetry– ultrasonic vibrations propagating in water. The main advantage of wired telemetry is its simplicity and high noise immunity; The disadvantage is the limitation of the athlete’s mobility when taking measurements. Radio and hydrotelemetry also have their advantages and disadvantages.

Registration of measurement results carried out using indications And registration.

Indication can be carried out visually (using a dial, digital, oscilloscope indicator) or auditorily (when the measurement result is converted into a sound of a certain volume and tone).

Registration Most often it is carried out in an analogue way, for this they use recorders with pen, inkjet or thermal recording. Recorders with photo recordings have special resolution capabilities, unlike those listed above.

The choice of one or another recording method is determined by the objectives of the study and the required accuracy of measuring time, amplitude-frequency components, etc.

1 On what part of the measuring system does the quality of registration of the studied parameters depend?

Sensor Communication line Recording device Computing device

2 Which part of the measurement system perceives changes in the measured indicator?

3 Which part of the measuring system performs the function of transmitting information?

Sensors Communication lineRecording deviceComputing device

4 Depending on the incoming signals, all sensors are divided into ...

Biomechanical characteristics sensors Dynamic characteristics sensors Force sensors Bioelectric process sensors Electrocardiogram sensors

5 Instrumental methods of monitoring athletes are divided into two groups. Which?

Optical and optical-electrical Neurophysiological Cardiographic Mechanoelectric Filming methods

6 A filmogram is called...

7 A cyclogram is called...

A method for recording the movement of an athlete in three-dimensional space A set of broken lines reproducing the trajectories of the links of a moving body A piece of film printed on photographic paper A combined image of several poses of a moving object

8 Stereo photography is called...

A method for recording the movement of an athlete in three-dimensional space A set of broken lines reproducing the trajectories of the links of a moving body A piece of film printed on photographic paper A combined image of several poses of a moving object

9 Strain-strain effect as a measurement method...

10 Piezoelectric effect as a measurement method...

Forces AccelerationSpeedLinear displacementAngular displacement

11 Electromagnetic induction as a method of measuring ...

Forces AccelerationSpeedLinear displacementAngular displacement

12 Ohm's Law as a measurement method...

Forces AccelerationSpeedLinear displacementAngular displacement

13 The Doppler effect as a measurement method...

Forces AccelerationSpeedLinear displacementAngular displacement

14 Photoelectric effect as a measurement method...

Forces AccelerationSpeedLinear displacementAngular displacement

15 The flow of electrons acts as a carrier of information when...

16 Radio waves act as a carrier of information when...

Hydrotelemetry Wired telemetryradio telemetry

17 Ultrasonic vibrations act as a carrier of information when...

Hydrotelemetry Wired telemetryRadio telemetry

Pedagogical control is a means of identifying the impact of the means and training methods used on the athlete’s body. Managing the process of training development and acquisition sports uniform is based on the constant collection of reliable, complete and timely information about the condition of the athletes and the team.
The method of assessing preparedness based on sports results, which is often used in practice, is not only limited in its capabilities (can only be used during the competitive period), but is also not reliable enough, since sports games the result of the performance is determined by the addition of two components - the preparedness of the two competing parties. In addition, the sports result itself (the difference in the score) cannot in any way be classified as a standard of level of preparedness. Therefore, the effectiveness of the educational and training process can be assessed only by identifying preparedness in its various components. For this purpose, comprehensive pedagogical control is used.
During the training process, monitoring is carried out continuously. Its forms are different:

operational control- it allows you to judge the effect on the athlete’s body of a single execution of the exercises proposed to him;

current control- with its help, information is collected about the athlete’s condition after each training session or performance at a competition;

stage control- it helps to assess the impact on the body of a relatively longer stage of training and performance in competitions.

Operational control makes it possible to more accurately individually dose training loads. Current control allows you to more accurately plan the content of training in microcycles. The selection of means and the nature of training at individual stages and during periods of year-round training help to clarify stage control.
The objectivity and value of the information collected during the process of pedagogical control is ensured by scientifically based control methods, and in particular control exercises.
During the training process, pedagogical control is established in the following sections:
1. Attitude of athletes to educational and training work. To do this, attendance at training sessions is taken into account, behavior and participation activity (discipline, hard work, etc.) are assessed. The trainer records all this data in a diary.
2. Efficiency of using training tools. Here the discrepancies between the planned and actual state of affairs are taken into account. The volume, intensity, complexity of the exercises and their tolerability by those involved are taken into account. For this purpose, pulsometry, timing, and content recording are most often used.
The effectiveness of the means used is assessed separately by type of training. Physical and technical readiness evaluated when performing special control exercises. The level of tactical readiness can be determined using episodic assessment of the effectiveness of competitive activity, performing learned interactions in model exercises (game 1 x 1, 2 * 2, etc.), as well as setting special tactical tasks on simulators.
Mental preparedness systematically assessed in the process of observing the behavior of players in difficult exercises, in conflict situations and difficult moments.
3. The state of fitness is assessed using control exercises, during which various characteristics of the functional activity of the body, functional tests, self-monitoring data and other methods of medical control are recorded.
In practice, various methods of pedagogical control are used: pedagogical observations, questionnaires, expert assessments, objective assessments using control exercises, etc.

Accounting- the most important compound element in the system of pedagogical control. All results of pedagogical control are subject to accounting. Based on the records, you can get an idea of ​​the quality of educational and training work, the implementation of training plans and performance in competitions.
Accounting should cover all sections of the educational and training process and at the same time remain simple in form, sufficiently complete and visual.
There are several types of systematic accounting: preliminary, current, stage and final.

Preliminary accounting involves collecting initial data for the upcoming planning and organization of educational and training work. It is necessary to collect information about the athletes ((size of the group, its preparedness, health status, employment in educational or production activities), about the conditions and logistics of the training process (condition of halls and grounds, inventory and equipment, etc.).
Current accounting is carried out constantly and allows you to identify deviations from planned plans, accurately evaluate the actual work performed, take into account the results of performances at competitions, etc.
Stage accounting consists of summing up the results of educational and training work for a certain stage or period of year-round training. It includes general data about the work performed in each workout, microcycle and month of training. These results are compared with the planned ones and used to plan the next stage of training.

Final accounting represents a generalization of the results of all types of accounting. It is carried out at the end of a six-month and one-year training cycle. The final report analyzes the implementation of the plan for all its sections. This analysis allows us to identify strengths and weak sides in the organization and methodology of educational and training work, justify changes that will form the basis for future plans. Based on the final accounting, an annual (semi-annual) report on the work of the team (group) and athletes is drawn up.

Coaches and athletes constantly and necessarily maintain Accounting documents. They serve as the main form of control of the educational and training Process. These include the group journal, coach diary and athlete diaries.
The group journal is the main current accounting document. It includes a list of students, medical examination data, records attendance and academic performance, results of passing standards, control standards and performances at competitions.
The content of each lesson, competition and its results are immediately recorded in the trainer’s journal and diary.
A trainer's diary is the main working document in which planning and recording of all his activities is carried out. Here are the results of observations, data from pedagogical control, the content of all training, results and analysis of performances at competitions. The diary is usually calculated for the entire period of validity long-term plan.
Diary of an Athlete. It includes individual plan, accounting of work performed, results of self-control and control competitions. The athlete notes his results in it, analyzes his performances and outlines ways for self-improvement. Systematic journaling allows an athlete to quickly find the reasons for his failures and identify ways to improve. The coach needs to teach athletes how to keep a diary, and then analyze it with them.