Konstantin Balakin on TV. How to train yourself to do morning exercises: sets of exercises Morning exercises on the channel

A cheerful start to the day is the key to success and Have a good mood. And physical exercise will help you with this. If you can’t bring yourself to go for a morning jog, do the suggested exercises right at home.

However, do not forget that you will see the real result from morning exercises only when the exercises are regular, writes Modney.

When doing exercise in the morning, follow simple rules:
– do exercises on an empty stomach – before breakfast and a cup of coffee. After waking up, you can drink still water;
– Most of the exercises should consist of warm-up and stretching. Strength exercises- Not the best option;
– the duration of charging is not as important as its regularity;
– secure the result of charging with a contrast shower and.

A universal set of exercises for morning exercises:

1. Get started morning exercises from walking. Walk in a circle waving your arms in different directions for 2-3 minutes. Then run in one place for 1 minute, while raising your knees high.

2. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms placed on sides. First lower your head to the right, then to the left, making sure to keep your shoulders still, then lower your head back and forth. Tilt your head to each side 10-15 times.

3. The starting position is the same: do circular movements heads. First turn your head clockwise, then counterclockwise. Make 10-15 circles in each direction.

4. The starting position remains the same, just extend your arms forward. Do circular rotations with your hands 10-15 times in one direction and the other, then rotate in elbow joints, also 10-15 times in both directions and proceed to rotating the arms in the shoulder joints.

Basic rules for morning exercises

5. Stay in the starting position, raise your arms up in the “lock”. Bend to the side. First lean to the right, then bend to the left, feel the muscles. Perform the exercise 10-15 times in each direction.

6. From the same position, lean forward. Leaning towards your right leg, imagine that matches are scattered between your legs, “collecting” them, slowly move to your left leg, return to the starting position. Do 10-15 bends in each direction.

7. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind the head, elbows pointing in different directions. Try to get your right knee to touch your left elbow and vice versa. Do the exercise 10-15 times with each leg.

8 Squats: make sure your back is straight, do 10-15 squats.

Morning exercises: a set of exercises

9. Stand up straight, place one foot on your toes and make circular movements with your foot. Do 15-20 reps with one leg and the same with the other.

10. Do several push-ups, preferably 15-20 times. Girls can do push-ups from their knees.

Hello. What associations do you have when you hear the words morning exercise? Boring procedure? You just don’t know how to do morning exercises and enjoy it. Read the article to understand how to motivate yourself to do simple but useful exercises.

From propaganda to action

Why doesn't everyone manage to exercise? Perhaps, despite the fashion for healthy image life, there are very few programs on TV and radio that motivate people to do exercises in the morning. But that’s not the only reason why I don’t want to do “arm and leg swings.”

So why? Because there is no habit of overcoming your laziness and lack of will. If there is no habit, then laziness begins to take revenge on a person with daytime drowsiness, seeming lack of sleep, lethargy, and reluctance to move either leg or arm.

Who will give the right recipe How to learn to do exercises regularly? And it will give us its trouble-free, downright magical trick - habit. We serve her like devoted servants to our master!

Notice how an ardent smoker runs to the store despite bad weather if he doesn’t find cigarettes. For its mistress is a habit, even the most harmful one.

How to make morning exercises a habit? Let's try to make gymnastics a habit in the morning.

Difficult? Who has it easy now? We choose a method for developing a habit.

  1. For two weeks, tell yourself I’m starting to exercise, and set a firm number.
  2. Then accustom yourself, as well as your brain and body, to the idea that this is inevitable.
  3. During this time, choose rhythmic music or songs that you like. Do not underestimate the role of music in waking up in the morning and revealing your inner reserves.
  4. Just don’t train while watching TV, don’t turn it on at all. He will take your energy and replace it with his own energy, which is not always positive.
  5. After 2 weeks, start exercising with one exercise. It is very important that it is the most accessible and pleasant. Then you will choose a complex for yourself, but for now, do this exercise.
  6. And no matter how lazy you are, take your time, you will always have the strength and time for a single exercise.
  7. Get used to doing one movement for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks you will feel that nothing bad is happening. There is time, strength, inspiration appears.
  8. Wait 7 days, then start adding another movement.

Your task is to acquire a habit. If today it is still difficult to overcome your laziness, then do not rush to force things - you can skip one day.

Conclusion. To develop a good habit you need:

  • Seriously tune in.
  • You don’t need to do the whole complex at once.
  • Connect with it the bodily joys of the movements performed.

Looking for time for morning exercises

How to find time to exercise? Try to allocate one minute to an exercise that replaces the whole complex. Are you surprised? This is the famous “bar”. For now, only one thing is required of you - stand in the “plank” position.

Start with a small amount of time, maybe just 10 seconds! Add a few seconds a day, then you’ll get to a minute.

What is the effect of the “bar”? In just 1 minute it uses the largest number of muscles. Even the most busy man will find one minute for such morning exercises.

Try it and you will feel an incredible feeling of energy, as if you drank 3 cups of coffee. You won’t have to force yourself to do this “plank” because your body will want to feel that magical feeling of vigor again.

Tabata method

In the morning we are in such a hurry that we have no time for anything. But we want to lose weight! Then pay attention to the Tabata method, created specifically for weight loss.

The complex will take only 4 minutes. Can't you find 4 minutes for your health? Studies have shown that people who exercised using this method lose weight 9-10 times faster than those who exercise for 40-45 minutes. Did you notice the difference in duration?

The method is called Tabata Protocol, which is already known throughout the world. This is an intense interval training that gives top scores than regular aerobics.

The secret of the technique lies in performing the movements in the very fast pace for 20 seconds, followed by a break for 10 seconds. You need to repeat 7-8 times.

The greatest effect of this workout begins after it is completed. It has been determined that within 3-4 days after exercise, a person’s metabolism continues to increase, that is, without performing movements, you still lose weight.

Tabata Protocol

The technique is suitable even for those who cannot find time to exercise, because per day you can perform only one movement according to the scheme:

  • Sprint phase – 20 seconds
  • Rest phase – 10 seconds
  • Number of repetitions – 7-8
  • You can turn on a special timer.

A set of exercises for charging according to the Tabata Protocol is such that you can perform different exercises– squats, push-ups, with dumbbells.

The main thing is to use as many muscle groups as possible. Alternating between days, or performing the entire complex, do the following movements:

  • climb bent legs;
  • , kneeling;
  • lifting the pelvis up and down;
  • Abs swing.

  1. To increase effectiveness, breathe correctly: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. One inhalation/exhalation for one push-up (squat, etc.). That is, when you press from the floor, you inhale, when you press toward the floor, you exhale. We inhale when the body is relaxed, and exhale when it is tense. The frequency of inhalation/exhalation should be equal to the number of movements performed. If you don’t do this, you can “harden” your heart.
  2. Before performing Tabata, do not eat anything for an hour and a half or an hour, do a short warm-up.
  3. Record the number of movements you make in a notepad. For example, you do one type of movement, count their number, and write it down during a 10-second break.
  4. At the end of the workout, catch your breath and walk around.

The advantage of Tabata is that you don’t have to practice every day, because the load is so heavy that it takes 2-3 days to recover.

Therefore, you need to exercise NO MORE FREQUENTLY 2-3 times a week! The system is good for both men and women.

After just a minute of training, a beginner will begin to feel as if he has no strength to continue training. At the end of the rounds, an unbearable burning sensation is felt in the muscles. This is not scary, since at high tension all the body’s reserves are turned on.

Practitioners recommend strictly following the time: 20 seconds load, 10 seconds rest. No more and no less! Within 20 seconds it is necessary to do the maximum number of repetitions, and in the 10 seconds allotted for rest, it is important to mentally prepare for the next round.

Within 4 minutes you can perform 8 types of exercises. What should they be? At your discretion. You can take only one movement and repeat it for all 8 rounds. Who has not achieved the required physical fitness, it is better to start with one movement.

The Tabata protocol has contraindications:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Heart failure

Morning - gymnastics or jogging?

This question interests those who do not set themselves the goal of breaking a world record, but simply becoming healthier and more active. If you look at the opinion of doctors, they recommend doing 20 minutes of exercise in the morning.

It should include movements that involve the main muscle groups and joints:

  • tilts,
  • squats,
  • stretching,
  • turns,
  • you can jump rope.

In addition, all doctors have the following opinion: you should start exercising only 20 minutes after getting up, that is, before breakfast. Studies have shown that those who do morning exercises do not suffer from excessive appetite and do not snack during the day.

Do you know why? Because the body regulates hormones that are responsible for the level of appetite, and this level decreases so much that appetite does not increase during the day. This is another argument in favor of morning warm-up.

Important! Physical activity for 20 minutes in the morning is as effective as 40 minutes physical activity after lunch.

Attention! Before breakfast, it is safe to warm up with moderate exercise, but you can give the body a full load only an hour after breakfast.

Another warning from doctors: after sleep, the blood is still thick, so blood circulation is slow in the morning. This means that due to slow blood circulation, active physical activity early in the morning can overload the heart, and this is bad for health.

What doctors say about morning jogging

They name several reasons not to go jogging in the morning.

  1. If there is the slightest heart problem.
  2. Jogging in the morning is a serious strain on the nervous system, especially when nervous system I didn’t have time to rest.
  3. Due to high blood clotting in the morning, running can create a blockage of blood vessels in the brain (that is, provoke a stroke).
  4. For any kidney or liver diseases, jogging is best done in the evening, when the tissues of these organs are restored.
  5. Running in the morning is useful only for people with the “lark” chronotype, and it is contraindicated for “night owls”.

Physical education and sports - what is the difference

Friends, I’m posting a video of the broadcast to which I was invited, oh benefits of morning exercises on the Russia 1 TV channel in the TV program Morning of Russia.

Of the 11 minutes of the original filmed video, 30 seconds were inserted into the air :) Well, nothing, in my opinion, it turned out well.

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of morning exercises. But is it really that useful?

On the TV channel “Russia-1” in the program “Morning of Russia” they filmed a story about how useful or harmful morning exercises are. I was invited to star in this story. I defended the opinion that morning exercises are good for health. But Canadian scientists believe on the contrary that morning exercises harmful to human health.

The copyright holder of this story is the TV channel Russia 1. The material is taken from the broadcast of the TV program Morning of Russia on May 2, 2017. Live link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPszOoiXavA

Full video text:

Great news for those who are too lazy to do exercises in the morning. It turns out that it can be harmful to health. Daria Tiunova found out what is the danger of physical activity immediately after sleep.

I run in the morning when I have time. Yes, I really love running.

I run in the summer. Gives a boost of energy.

Perhaps everyone knows about the benefits of morning exercises. But recent research by scientists has led to a different opinion: they say, physical exercise immediately after sleep is harmful to health.

Konstantin Balakin does not agree with the opinion of scientists about the dangers of morning warm-up. Every morning the young man starts with a light jog and stretching. The set of exercises includes both pull-ups and push-ups. Konstantin does not hide: according to his chronotype, he is a “night owl” - getting up early, although not easy, has already become a habit.

Konstantin Balakin: If a person exercises regularly in the morning, then he fills this minimum portion of physical activity, thereby maintaining our muscles in normal tone and the general condition of the body is maintained at a good level.

Daria Tiunova: Doctors say that it is very important not to confuse morning exercises with full exercise. physical training. Morning exercises should consist of exercises aimed at flexibility, mobility and breathing. They need to be done slowly and without sudden jerks. But strength and endurance exercises should be excluded, since the body is not yet ready for heavy loads after waking up.

So what are the dangers of overcharging?

Scientists claim that due to heavy loads in the morning, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which in turn reduces testosterone, causes muscle frailty and provokes the growth of fatty tissue. In addition, experts say, tension of cardio-vascular system during class physical exercise poses a risk of heart attacks. According to statistics, their number from 11 am to 1 pm is several times higher than at any other time. Much depends on human biorhythms. Thus, “larks” will endure morning exercises much easier than “night owls.”

Mikhail Miller, psychologist: Our biorhythms are set by the sun. Lighting greatly affects the production of hormones. But there are people whose rhythms are shifted due to certain innate, genetic properties. It is easier for them to study at night and work.

Doctors say that each person's body is unique, and what is good for one may be dangerous for another. However, there are recommendations from specialists that will definitely not make anyone worse.

Tatyana Lisitskaya, professor of the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism: These should still be calm exercises, accompanied by cheerful favorite music. For example, stand on one leg, rub your joints, do something like this joint gymnastics in yoga style at a relaxed pace, bending forward, slightly bending to the side. And that will be enough.

Whatever set of exercises you choose, the main thing is that it is suitable for your age, gender, character and general physical condition. Do everything in moderation and control the load.