Lesson summary on physical education. Physical education lesson plan. Lesson notes on physical education Ready plan for lesson notes on physical education

Lesson summary onphysical culture


Lesson topic: "Development of speed, agility and coordination."

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of interest and initiative of students in the classroom through exercises aimed at developing dexterity, speed and coordination.

Lesson objectives:

Educational objectives:

1. Teach children to play collectively, the ability to see and understand partners and rivals.

Wellness tasks:

    To develop motor skills and skills in performing exercises to develop speed, agility, and coordination.

    Formation of correct posture.

Educational tasks:

    Cultivating a conscious attitude towards physical education classes.

    Foster a culture of emotional behavior in sports and gaming activities.

    Fostering a sense of collectivism.

Developmental tasks:

1.Promote the development of speed, agility, coordination.

3.Lesson type: combined

Location: sports hall MBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. Colonel General V.P. Kapashin

IN timing: 40 minutes

Inventory: whistle, skittles, cubes, relay batons, landmark chips, hoops, small balls, w/ball.


Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part

1.Entrance to the gym, formation in a line, greeting. Reporting the objectives of the lesson.

2.Introduction to the topic and purpose of the lesson.

3. Walking around the hall with posture tasks, changing the position of the hands:

a) on socks,

b) on the heels,

c) roll from heel to toe,

4.Running with tasks:

raising the thigh high;

with the lower leg being pulled back;

side steps to the right (left);

back forward;

with sound signal:

one whistle stop

two whistles - prone position,

three whistles - run in the opposite direction.

Walking, restoring breathing.

Formation into columns of 3 to perform a set of outdoor switchgear warm-up exercises accompanied by music.

a) I. p. - hands to shoulders; - forward rotation; - reverse rotation.

b) bending forward, backward, to the sides;

c) lunges alternately with the left and right leg with springy swaying;

d) swing the leg bent and straight up;

e) I.p. - o.s.

1- sit down, arms forward;

3- sit down, arms forward;

f) jumping exercises: jumping on two legs, with turns, legs crossed.

g) restoration of breathing.

Outdoor game "To your chips."

Pay attention to appearance and readiness for the lesson.

Watch your posture and keep your distance

Breathe evenly. Inhale through your nose, exhale freely.

Watch your alignment and distance.

Run only when signaled by the teacher, observe the interval of movement.

Perform the exercises with maximum range of motion, observe the interval and rules for performing the exercises to the music.

The back leg is straight, hands are on the knee in front of the leg.

Perform the swing with a straight leg, do not bend the supporting leg at the knee.

Back straight, look forward.

Perform jumps clearly, pushing off well with your feet, keeping your body straight and not relaxing.

Students, at the command (whistle) of the teacher, must stand up faster and line up in columns to perform relay races.

Main part .

1.Moving relay races:

1) A student with a baton runs around the chip and returns to the team, passing the baton to another participant.

2) A student with a pin in his hands runs to the hoop, puts the pin in the hoop, takes the cube and returns to the team. The next student places a cube in the hoop, takes the pin and passes it to the next student.

3) The student runs to the landmark chip No. 1, runs around it, then runs to the landmark chip No. 2, takes the ball from the hoop and throws it at the target, and returns to the team.


2. Outdoor game "Shootout".

Students walk around the hall to regain their breath.

The teacher organizes students to perform relay races and helps children determine the names of their teams. Reminds you of the rules of safe behavior. Gives students the task of determining what physical quality this relay race develops.

Pass the baton exactly into your hands, follow the rules of the relay race.

Do not throw the object, place it exactly in the hoop.

Strive to hit the target, do not touch the hoop or chips.

Students help the teacher collect equipment.

Students line up. Calculation for 1-2.

Follow the rules of the game: do not run beyond the marking lines, run only along the side lines, do not snatch the ball from the players. Follow safety and behavioral rules.

The teacher determines the team that will win the game.

Final part


1. Attention game “3, 13, 33”

2. The teacher invites students to guess riddles and determine what physical qualities this sport develops.

1). Let's gather a team at school

And we'll find a big field,

Taking a corner-

We score with our heads.

And the fifth goal is in the goal!

We love very much.....(Football)

2). In this sport the players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring

The ball hits the floor loudly,

So this is......(Basketball).

Summing up the lesson.

Organized exit from the gym.

Players must put their hands on their belts on command “3”, “13” - hands to their shoulders, “33” - hands up. If the player performs the movement incorrectly, then he takes a step forward. Thus, the most inattentive players will come forward.

Children are trying to determine what physical qualities this sport develops.

Summarize the lesson, highlight the winning team in the relay race, the best students.

Homework: come up with 1-2 exercises to develop physical quality (dexterity, speed or coordination).


1.My friend is a gymnast. Grades 1-4, ed. V.I. Lyakh - M. “Enlightenment”, 2006.

2. Textbook: V.I. Lyakh “Physical Education” 3rd grade M. Education 2012.

I suggest you use the development for students in grades 10-11 on the topic “Volleyball preparation”, here you can find a presentation of techniques and a video tutorial on techniques.

Download video volleyball lesson

Curriculum section: Sport games.

Lesson topic: Volleyball

Lesson objectives:

Educational goals:

1. Study of group individual group activities

2. Improving the technique of performing an attacking strike

3. Consolidation in the technique of performing the upper pass and lower reception of the ball

4. Improvement in technical and simple tactical training in the game of volleyball.

Wellness goals:

1.Develop students’ coordination abilities

2.Development of gaming thinking through playing volleyball

Educational goals:

1. To develop in students the skills of collective action in the game of volleyball.

2. Instill a love for sports games

Lesson type: improvement of knowledge and equipment

Method: frontal, continuous, individual, gaming

Location: School gym.

Equipment: Volleyballs, whistle

Time spending:(45 min.)

p/p Dosage

Organizational and methodological instructions

I. Preparatory part
1.2.3. Organized entrance to the gym Formation, report, greeting. Communication of lesson objectives.

30sec 30sec

The duty officer submits a report to the teacher about the readiness of the class for the lesson. Pay attention: to posture
4. Drill exercises on the spot Formation from one line to two and three Activating students' attention
5. Walking with tasks and its variations in a column one at a time: Behind the guide, in a roundabout step to the left, march -1) on your toes, arms to the side;

2) on the heels, hands on the belt;

3) in a squat, hands on knees;

4) squat jumps, hands on knees

5) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

a) - rotation of the hands forward;

b) - rotation of the hands back;

6) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

a) - rotation in the elbow joint forward;

b) - backward rotation at the elbow joint;

7) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

a) - forward rotation in the shoulder joint;

b) - backward rotation in the shoulder joint;

8) Walking with straight leg swings:

I.p. - arms forward to the sides

1- step with the left, swing with the right, touch with the left


3. step with the left, swing with the right, touch with the left


Pay attention to your posture: Do not bend at the hip joint

Keep your distance

Imitation of rotation of a jump rope. Range of movements is wide.

Imitating the movement of a drummer

Simulating the movement of eating

Do not tilt your shoulders forward. Keep your torso straight.

Hold your arms forward to the sides

Do not bend the supporting and swing legs.

6. Uniform running: a) b) moving with side steps on the left, right side, simulating passing the ball with two hands from above;

c) running in a column one at a time - turn 360 0 on the whistle; 180 0 and running backwards;

d) running in a column one at a time, jumping up at the basketball backboard, touching the backboard with your hand.

Students’ self-monitoring of breathing Maintain distance

Imitation of passing the ball with two hands from above;

jump up with both feet

7. In pairs, move in short steps back and forth
2-3 short steps on the toes and stop with a stopping step
8. In pairs, move with short steps forward and step back
1 time 2-3 short steps on toes and stop, stopping step - forward, side steps
9. One at a time, moving towards the posts with meek steps, running around them, etc.

1 time
Quick short steps forward and running around the posts without changing body position
10. In pairs, move forward with side steps facing each other - the hands of both students hold the ball with their fingers
1 time Wide side step, holding the ball between the doubles with the fingers
11. In a column, one at a time, movement: right-left in side steps, forward in short steps Perform at a fast pace one after another
12. Walking, performing exercises to restore breathing 1-2 - Hands up - inhale 3-4 - Bend forward, hands down - exhale.
13. Rearrange by turning on the spot in two ranks (at a distance of 5-6 m from each other). Exercises are performed frontally, in pairs.
II. Main part
1. Demonstration of a video lesson on the technique of performing an attacking strike, overhead pass and low ball reception. Teacher's comments with demonstration of techniques
2. Improving the technique of performing an attacking strike. 1.In pairs:

a) - throwing and catching the ball left and right

hand from behind the head.

b) - throws the ball by bouncing off the floor with the left and

with your right hand from behind your head.

c) – strikes with the right (left) hand on the ball,

lying on the outstretched palm

forward-upward left (right) hand,

directing it to the floor from a place;

The arm is straight, after the throw it moves freely along the body

The blow is delivered with a straight hand

Be careful and control the movement of the ball

2) Exercise in pairs: One student, after throwing the ball, performs an attacking kick from the spot,

the other receives the ball from below, directing

to his partner for another blow.

2-3 min. It is advisable to perform the exercise continuously, without catching or losing the ball. The ball flying at the level of the chest of the head is taken with both hands from above, at waist level – taken from below. After 1-1.5 minutes. students change roles.
3) The teacher holds the ball near the net, students jump out one by one in a column, pushing off from the gymnastic bridge, and hit the ball Correct push-off, hand work
Consolidation in the technique of performing the upper pass and lower reception of the ball. 1. In pairs.I.p. Sitting on the floor opposite each other, feet pressed together.

The ball is passed over the head and the ball is immediately pushed down between the legs to a friend.

Do not throw the ball high. Receive and pass the ball only with your fingers. The ball should not come into contact with your palms. While passing (throwing the ball), straighten your elbows and then continue moving with your hands. Also remember to use your feet while performing the top pass, as this will allow you to better maintain your balance and regulate the force of the ball's flight.
2. In threes.I.p. Players are positioned on the same line with an interval of three meters. The ball is in the hands of the end player - he makes an overhead pass to the middle one, who passes the ball through himself to the other end player, and that long pass to the first one.
While standing, monitor the actions of your opponents. Determine the location of the intended pass. Move there for your appointment. Long before the ball reaches you, raise your arms above your head and prepare to receive the ball. Turn your palms outward and place your thumbs and index fingers so that they form something like a triangle above your forehead. The hands should be located at a distance of approximately 20 cm from the forehead, fingers apart and tense.
3) In pairs. Players are also located in pairs opposite each other. One, standing on the floor, throws the ball for a low pass,

the other, sitting on a chair, performs a low reception of the ball and returns it back to the thrower. The second attack is taken by standing up and taking a step forward, etc.

The right leg is slightly in front of the left. Keeping your arms apart, begin to quickly move towards the ball. Be prepared to make contact with the ball. Bring your hands together with your arms fully extended forward and down. Bring your elbows together to create a firm, solid platform for receiving the ball. Reception on the forearms above the hands.
4) Individual execution: passing the ball from above into the wall and overhead reception 1 min.
5) Individual execution: standing in a small circle (can be in a hoop), upper pass overhead and lower pass (alternate) 1 min.
Improvement in technical and simple tactical training in the game of volleyball.
4) Game task: The player in zone 6 performs a long overhead pass to zone 6 on

the opposite side of the site.

Zone 6 player throws the ball

zone 3 player. Top zone 3 player

passes the ball to the attacker

zone 4 player kick.

Zone 2 player on the opposite

the site is performed by a movable block.

After completing the game task

all players do

move around the site clockwise.

3 min.
Double-sided educational and training game Improving playing technique in various game situations. Play with three touches of the ball. The second pass from zones 1,6,5 to zone 3. From zone 3, bring out players from zones 2 and 4 for an attacking strike. Practice a single block in zones 2,3,4. Upper direct ball serve for girls (at a distance of 5-6m from mesh).s
III. Final part
1.Building2.Attention game “Class”

3. Summing up the lesson

4. Homework.

5. Organized departure from the hall

Organized exit from the hall Activate students' attentionAnalysis of positive aspects

Bending and extension of the arms in a lying position (M) - 2x20 times, (D) 2x10 times

Pay attention: to discipline

Outline of a physical education lesson at GBPOU TMB No. 67

for students of group 1PK9. Date: 10/02/2017.

Teacher: Sorokin Sergey Nikolaevich

Subject: Development and improvement of motor qualities

Target:. Repeat and systematize classes on the development of motor qualities.

Lesson Objectives :

1. Popularization of physical culture and the GTO complex.

2.Develop cohesion in the group.

3. Develop coordination abilities

4.Improve general physical fitness to pass the GTO standards.

Lesson type - practical training lesson

Lesson type - lesson on strengthening physical exercises

Interdisciplinary connections - life safety, music.

Inventory : Mats, weights, jump rope, benches, hoops, basketballs, cones, whistle, laptop, speakers

Location : College gym.

Time spending : Lesson 4 (45 min).

Teacher: Sergey Nikolaevich Sorokin.


Organizational and methodological instructions.


Preparatory part

15 minutes

Formation, greeting

roll call

TB instruction. Signature of students in the journal

Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Pay attention to your posture.

Walking and its variations in a column, one at a time, around the hall.

Pay attention to your posture.

Pay attention to the distance.

Even running:

a) in a column, one at a time around the hall

b) snake;

c) side steps

d) with a high hip lift.

e) sweeping the lower leg backwards;

e) side steps with a jump up and imitation of blocking the ball at the net.

Self-control of breathing

Keeping your distance

Execution accuracy

Raise your thigh to a position parallel to the floor.

Keep your distance

Walking in a column one at a time, maintaining distance around the hall.

Raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale.

ORU. Formation in a circle

After the teacher, each student demonstrates the exercise clockwise.

1..I.P.-feet shoulder width apart. The hands are clasped. Circular movements in the wrist joint.

2. Circular movements in the elbow joint.

3. Circular movements in the shoulder joint

4.IP - feet shoulder-width apart. The right arm rotates forward, the left arm rotates back. Then the left one goes forward and the right one goes back.

5.Rotate your arms forward, alternately first in one direction, then in the other.

6. IP - feet shoulder-width apart, right

hand up, left on the belt. Tilts to the left and right sides.

7.I.P - feet shoulder-width apart. Place the palms of your hands on your knees. Rotation in the knee joint with pressure from the palms of the hands

8. Lunge your left leg forward as far as possible. Springy movements.

Sit forward with your right foot. Springy movements.

9. IP - legs as wide as possible. Arms with elbows bent. On the count of one, we raise our arms up, bend back, on the count of two, three we bend forward

10. I.P. - feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your right leg at the knee and make eight circular movements with your thigh to the inside, then eight circular movements to the outside. Do the same with the left leg.

8 times to the right and 8 times to the left

8-10 times forward, eight times back

8-10 times forward, 8 times back.

8-10 times one way and 8-10 times the other

Make sure that the body does not lean forward

Back straight

Make the tilt as low as possible.

Apply pressure with your hands to the knee joint

Do not bend your legs at the knee joint.

Try to keep your balance


Main part

25 min

1 .

Circuit training

The number of stations is indicated depending on the number of students. .. Exercises are performed in pairs or one at a time.

1 station– squats

2 station- pushups

3 station- lifting the body by catching your feet on the wall bars.

4 station– pull-up on the bar

5 station- jumping rope.

6 station– crouching emphasis, lying position while jumping.

7 station- I.P – feet shoulder-width apart, stand in front of the bench, step onto the bench with your hands forward, then step back to the starting position.

8 station– work in pairs and throw a medicine ball to each other.

9 station– lifting a 16 kg weight upwards.

Girls with dumbbells (2 kg) spread their arms to the sides

10 station– lunge forward with your left leg, hands on your waist. Two springy movements. After the second springy movement in the jump, we change legs. We repeat the exercise.

5 times right, 5 times left

When squatting, we raise our arms forward.

Make sure your back is straight

With your feet resting on the crossbar. Make sure your chin is higher than the bar.

When receiving the ball, bend your arms at the elbows.

We alternate hands every five lifts of the weight.

The back is straight, arms forward parallel to the floor.

Back straight

Relay races

1. Running (Pass the baton). Participants are divided into two teams. They sit on benches with their heads at the back of their heads. On the march command, each participant runs to the counter, runs around it and runs to the end of the back end of the bench, runs around it and again runs to the counter, runs around it, runs to the end of the bench, runs around it and passes the baton to the person in front. The salted participant performs the same actions.

2. Throwing a tennis ball.

On the march command, each participant runs to a certain line, throws the ball at the wall, catches it and runs with the ball in his hands to the next participant and passes the ball to him

The next participant does the same.

3. Jumping rope.

On the command “March”, the first participant runs to the rope, jumps over it 4 times, puts the rope in place, runs around the counter and runs to the next participant, flips his hand and sits back.

4. “Shuttle run.”

On the command “March”, the first participants run to the first white line and touch it with their hand, then run back and touch the starting line with their hand, then run and touch the second line with their hand, then run back and touch the starting line again and run to the counter, run around it and runs back, shakes his comrade’s hand and sits back. etc

5. Jumping on one leg.

Participants jump on one leg to the counter, run around it and run back.

6. "Locomotive". On the command “March”, participants run to the counter, run around it and return back. He takes the hand of the second participant and both of them, holding hands, go around the stand, return back and the second participant takes the hand of the third and already three of them run and go around the stand. They go back, take the hand of the fourth participant and do the same thing with four of them. If there are more than five people in a team, then a maximum of four people team up.

7. Caterpillar.

The participants of each team sit on all fours one after another, placing their right hand on the shoulder of the person in front. On the command “March” they begin to move on all fours until the last participant crosses the second white line.

Summing up the relay race.

Time from 2 min to 3 min

From 1 min to 2 min

The group forms in columns

The team that completes the relay first wins.

Make sure that the throw is away from the line. If you don’t catch the ball, you need to take the ball in your hands and return to the throwing location.

Make sure that the jump rope is put in place.

Touch the line with your hand

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

You can jump on either leg

Do not release your hands.

There is a maximum of 4 people in the "Locomotive"

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Do not take your hand off the shoulder of the person in front

The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Final part

5 minutes



Walking in a circle while restoring breathing


Homework. Make the same outdoor switchgear as in the lesson.

Organized care.

Keep your distance.

Evaluation criterion:

Rating 5 - the exercise was performed in accordance with the task, correctly, without tension, confidently. The student demonstrated knowledge of the relay race, the ability to use the learned exercises to quickly achieve individual and collective goals.

Score 4 - the exercise was completed in accordance with the task, correctly, but with some tension, not confident enough; in relay races, the student showed the rules, but is not confident enough in using the learned movements to quickly achieve results.

Rating 3- The exercise was performed correctly, but not accurately enough, with a lot of tension, and minor mistakes were made.

When assessing preparedness in physical education, a physical education teacher implements not only the evaluative function itself, but also stimulating and educational functions, taking into account the dynamics of changes in the development of physical qualities over a certain period of time, and not at the moment, and the individual characteristics of students (body types, mental and physiological peculiarities). At the same time, one must be as tactful and attentive as possible, without humiliating the human dignity of the student, taking care of increasing and further developing interest in physical culture.

Lesson plan in modern pedagogy

Undoubtedly, modern teachers need the ability to improvise, but high-quality improvisation comes with experience.

The lesson plan is extremely important both for students of pedagogical universities and for experienced teachers.

A physical education lesson plan will allow the teacher to adequately assess the quality of each student’s work in the lesson and plan corrective work to practice certain exercises for individual students.

In modern pedagogy, lesson plans play a very important role. This is an obligatory element of pedagogical activity in a modern school.

The lesson plan is a document that reflects the plan of the pedagogical process for each lesson.

Obviously, the lesson plan is the most detailed description of the lesson, which is certainly necessary for the objective management of the educational process in a modern school.

Currently, there are many simple and complex definitions of a lesson plan within the framework of pedagogical science, but they are, for the most part, too scientific to give a clear idea of ​​a lesson plan.

A lesson plan is a schematic representation of the main points of the lesson, a reflection of the teacher’s creative thought, aimed at activating the cognitive, mental and creative activity of students to master the necessary knowledge.

The outline of any lesson (as an example we consider), as a rule, has the following structure:

  • Lesson topic. The name of the topic is taken from the approved calendar-thematic plan for physical education.
  • Serial number of the lesson. Its name is written out from your lesson planning.
  • Lesson objectives. When drawing up a physical education lesson plan, the content of educational, developmental and educational goals is briefly listed.

How to make a physical education lesson plan

In this article, I consider it necessary to offer simple, but, in my opinion, useful instructions for drawing up a lesson plan.

  1. Provide a clearly defined topic for the lesson.
  2. indicate the type of lesson based on the following classification: a lesson on introducing new information or a lesson on consolidating the material covered, a combined lesson, a repetition-summarizing lesson, a control lesson and others.
  3. outline the goals of the upcoming lesson. As a rule, a well-developed outline of a physical education lesson (and not only) reflects several goals.
  4. it is necessary to formulate the objectives of the physical education lesson, that is, what exactly you intend to do to achieve the above-mentioned lesson goals.
  5. indicate the material and technical equipment of the lesson.
  6. in the outline of a physical education lesson, describe the course of the lesson: what methods and techniques you will use in teaching, what is required of students.

Lesson plan on physical education for 7th grade students

Lesson topic: “Improving the technique of previously studied basketball material using the game method”

The purpose of the lesson: to repeat and consolidate previously learned material on basketball.

Lesson objectives:

1. Improving the technique of holding, dribbling the ball and throwing into the hoop.

2. Formation of correct posture, development of various muscle groups.

3. Fostering discipline, collectivism, and a sense of camaraderie.

Venue: sports hall.

Lesson duration: 40 min.

Equipment and supplies: tape recorder, basketball, hoop (6 pcs.).

Lesson parts

Organizational and methodological instructions


Formation in one line, checking the availability of sports uniform.

Form a column one at a time. Make sure you have correct posture, hand position, and foot placement.

The class moves in a column one at a time. Ensure correct foot placement when performing the task.

Formation in one line around the perimeter of the hall. The form of organization is frontal, the method of execution is simultaneous. The teacher is located in the center of the hall. Pay attention to the interval - arms to the sides, posture when performing the exercise. Watch the position of your hands.

1. Formation, greeting, communication of lesson objectives

2. Walking:

On socks;

On the outer arch of the foot

Roll from heel to toe.


Backward forward;

4. General development exercises (GDE) on site:

1) I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands on your waist. 1 – head tilt to the left; 2 – the same to the right; 3 – the same forward; 4 – the same back.

2) I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands on your waist. 1-4 – rotation of the head to the left; 5-8 – the same to the right side.

3) I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands on your waist.

1 – hands to shoulders; 2 – hands up, stand on your toes; 3 – hands to shoulders; 4 – i. P.

4) I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 – clench your fingers into a fist; 2 – unclench; 3 - clench your fingers into a fist; 4 – unclench.

5) I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 – rotation of the hands forward; 5-8 – the same back.

6) I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 – rotation of the forearms forward; 5-8 – the same back.

7) I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands to your shoulders. 1-4 – rotation of shoulders forward; 5-8 – the same back.

8) I.p. - left hand up, right hand down. 1-4 - jerking the arms back with changing the position of the arms.

9) I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands on your waist.

1-2 – two tilts of the body to the left, right arm above the head; 3-4 – the same to the right, left hand above the head.

10) I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands on your waist.

1 – tilt of the body towards the left leg; 2 – the same in the middle; 3 – the same to the right leg; 4 – i. P.


Rearrange the class from a column one at a time into a column of three with an interval of 2 m. The form of organization is alternate, the method of implementation is by several students at the same time. Students in the first line begin the exercise when the teacher whistles. After completing the exercise, students line up in a column of three on the other side of the hall. Monitor the correct placement of your feet when performing running exercises and the position of your hands.

The form of organization is alternate, the method of execution is by several students at the same time. Remind the technique of dribbling the ball. Pay attention to the placement of your feet when performing basketball movements.

Students run around the counter and return to their starting position, passing the ball from hand to hand.

For 7th grade students using the Kervonen formula

The ITP should be approximately 150 beats per minute.

The form of organization is gaming. The exercise is performed at a distance of 20 m back and forth, running around the counter. Provide musical accompaniment for relay races.

1. Running and jumping exercises:

Running with high hip lift;

Running with shin choking;

Side steps left and right side;

Backward forward;

Jumping on the left and right leg;

Starting acceleration from the position of jumping in place on two legs.

2. Special basketball exercises:

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hands in a straight line;

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hand in a straight line;

Driving with a change in direction of movement.

3. Measuring individual training heart rate (ITP)

4. Relay races:

1) come up with a name and motto for your team;

2) bring your friend’s shoes;

3) running with two balls - put a ball in each hoop - run around the counter - collect balls from the hoops;

4) dribbling the ball straight with the right hand to the post - back with the left hand;

5) dribbling the ball while changing direction between the hoops;

6) dribbling the ball with a hoop;

7) jumping on two legs with the ball between the legs - back to smooth running;

8) throwing the ball into the ring by the team in turn in 30 seconds (the number of hits is counted).


The winners run one lap to the applause of the relay participants.

Formation in one line. Homework: repeat the rules of the game of basketball. Turn right, exit the hall.

1. Rewarding the winners of the relay races.

2. Construction, summing up the lesson.

The physical education lesson plan can be used for self-preparation.

Lesson summary COURSES.doc


Lesson summary

according to RO motor action

high jump using the “Stepping over” method

Sports-motor training is a continuous process in which constant components can be identified that are repeated at an increasingly higher level of movement improvement.

I will give an example of teaching in a spiral using the example of a high jump using the “Stepping Over” method.

Lesson location: A gym or sports ground with a high jump section.

Inventory: Two high jump stands, a high jump bar, gymnastic foam mats, gymnastic jump ropes,

Purpose of the exercise: Mastering the ability to jump high using the “Stepping Over” method.

During the classes:

Students receive information about the place to jump, the condition of the take-off surface, the height of the bar, where to land, etc.

At the next stage, the student analyzes and summarizes information with existing motor experience (it is assumed that the student already has certain experience of different types of jumps, jumps, which allows him to better understand the jump using the “Stepping Over” method).

Based on the cognitive and emotional components, the student moves on to design: planning the upcoming action and deciding to implement this plan.

The student then moves on to detailed programming, such as which leg he will use to push off with, what movements he will make while flying, and how he will land. The optimal option is selected and the final form of action is established.

Finally, the process of transforming the mental program into motor actions begins and is carried out by performing a jump using the “Stepping over” method.

Based on the feedback information, the completed jump is compared with the goal that the student pursued when performing it. Feedback is internal and external information (for example, information from a teacher who observes a student as he crosses the bar)

Such comprehensive information about the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the jump gives the student the basis to move on to the next round of learning, but at a higher level, gradually approaching the goal, i.e., mastering the motor skill of high jump using the “Stepping Over” method. This motor action has been studied for several years in physical education lessons in the “Athletics” section.

One of the most important criteria for learning motor skills is self-assessment. It is on their basis that motor action can be improved at the next stage or the next “learning spiral”, the “information channel” of communication between teacher and student, the social and material environment, and combinations of teaching methods in further attempts by the student to perform a motor action can be clarified.

Information during the learning process can come from different people or be the result of introspection. As a result, there is an improvement in the activities of all components (functions) on the next “spiral of learning”

In teaching motor actions, the main link is the student. The effectiveness of the training will largely depend on what goals he will set for himself, how he will overcome the difficulties that arise (manifestation of strong-willed qualities), what his attitudes are and the necessary motivation.

Part of the lesson



additional information



8-10 min.

1. Construction, greeting, communication of the lesson objectives.

1 min.

Check the availability of students on the list, readiness for the lesson

2. Drill exercises: turns right, left, around.

30 sec.

3. Walking to prevent posture and flat feet:

    on toes, arms to the sides, up;

    on your heels, hands behind your head, behind your back;

    on the outside of the foot, hands on the belt.

1 min.

Keep your back straight, don't lower your head

4. Running and special running exercises:

    side step with the right and left side;

    running backwards;

    running, sweeping the shin back.

1 min.

Maintain a distance of 2 m. Move exactly to the side, Look over your left shoulder, Do not lean forward

5. Walking to restore breathing.

At 1.2, inhale at 3.4, exhale

6. Change from a column of 1 to a column of 3 in motion.

7. A set of exercises with a gymnastic rope.

Exercise No. 1.

I.p. – basic stance (o.s.), the rope is folded into four hands in the hands below
1 – jump rope up, right leg back on toe;
2 – i.p.;
3-4 – also from the left foot.

4 times

Arch your back

Leg straight back

Don't bend your arms

Exercise No. 2.

I.p. - Same.
1 – jump rope forward,
2 – jump rope up,
3 – bend your left hand behind your head, right hand behind your back to your thigh,
4 – jump rope up,
5 – bend your right hand behind your head, left hand behind your back to your thigh,
6 – jump rope up,
7 – jump rope forward,
8 – i.p.

5 times

Maintain correct posture

Exercise No. 3.

I.p. – stand with legs apart, jump rope doubled down.
1-2 – circular movement of arms backwards,
3-4 – circular movement of the arms forward.

6 times

Don't bend your arms
adjust the length of the rope
on one's own

Exercise No. 4.

I.p. – o.s., the rope is folded in four in the hands below.
1 – right leg to the side, jump rope up,
2 – tilt to the right,
3 – right leg to the side, jump rope up,
4 – i.p.
5-8 - also in the other direction.

4 times

Tilt exactly to the side

Exercise No. 5.

I.p. – stand with legs apart, jump rope four times behind your back.
1-3 – bend forward, jump rope up – forward,
4 – i.p.

6 times

Bend your back
look ahead

Exercise No. 6.

I.p. – o.s., rope four times below.
1 – right foot forward on the heel, grab the toe with a jump rope,
2-7 – forward bends,
8 – i.p.
9-16 – also to the other leg.

2 times

Don't bend your knees
reach your forehead to your knee

Exercise No. 7.

I.p. - Same.
1 – lunge to the right, jump rope forward,
2 – turn to the right, jump rope up,
3 – turn left, jump rope forward,
4 – i.p.
5-8 – also in the other direction.

4 times

Maintain correct posture Lunge deeper

Exercise No. 8.

I.p. – sit your feet forward, grab your toes with a jump rope in fours,
1-8 – forward bends.

2 times 8

Reach your chest to your knees,
don't bend your knees

Exercise No. 9.

I.p. – sit your legs apart, grab your right toe with a skipping rope
1-8 – bends towards the right leg,
9-16 – bends towards the left leg

8 times for each

Reach your chest to your knee,
rope length

Exercise No. 10.

I.p. – o.s. Jumping rope:

    on the right leg;

    on the left leg;

    on both legs.

8 times
8 times
16 times

Active footwork




High jump using the “Stepping over” method

Repeat with the students everything that they already know about high jumps (You can play a game to see who can name the most exercises necessary for a high jump - work in groups)

1. Footwork when crossing the bar

2 minutes

5-6 ave.

    Theoretical introduction of children to leg movements when crossing the bar

    a series of jumps with a 3-step run-up through the anthem. A bench with “walking away” from it.

    Jumping exercises. Jumping over a bench on both legs, on one and from foot to foot.

Frontal work with children imitation of swinging movement with arms and then legs in one step

Jumping can be done with the help (individual work with children

2. Run-up and push in high jumps using the “Stepping over” method

Takeoff run

Leg swing


1 min

5-6 r.

5-6 r.

5-6 r.

1. Theoretical introduction of children to the placement of feet during a straight run-up: (feet are placed straight along the run-up line without turning the toes)

2. Run-up with 3 steps along a line at an angle of 35-40° to the bar, height 50-60 cm.

3. Jumping at a height of 50-40 cm with a running start of 1-3 steps with a high lift of the fly leg

4. Showing the run-up and push together (Energetic push-off with the swing leg extended to a horizontal position parallel to the bar)

Remind the student that in take-off when jumping high, the consistency of the swing movements of the arms and but

Performing swings with your free leg, rising lightly on the push leg (standing sideways against the wall and holding on to it)

It is necessary to ensure that in the last two steps the feet are placed on the heel.

Imitation of setting a pushing leg for take-off

3. Crossing the bar and landing

Crossing the bar


5-6 r.

Learning to cross the bar

Landing on the swing leg on a line drawn on the mat that continues the run-up line (One end of the bar is lowered down to the floor)

The toe of the swing leg and knee should be slightly turned towards the bar. This helps to quickly move the pelvis away from the bar.

When learning individual elements of a jump, pay attention to the ability to maintain balance when landing and gently extinguish the force of gravity of the body in the event of a fall.

4. Increasing the take-off run and performing the jump using the “Stepping over” method

5-6 r.

Teacher's demonstration. Students performing a jump

5. Analysis and analysis of errors.

1-3 min

group work

Each student, observing each other, identifies mistakes made during execution in various phases of the jump.




IV. Relay races to develop coordination abilities.

1. From a supine position

    roll to the edge of the mat;

    running while touching the wall;

    in the “crab” position with your feet forward, return to the team.

2. Same thing, but return backwards.

3. Walking around the hall, exercises to restore breathing.

4. Construction, summing up the lesson, grading for work in the lesson, homework.

1 time each

1 time each

1 lap

3 min

Divide students into teams. Opposite each team
put 2 mats.

Evaluate each student's work.

Group work

Competition method.

More than one student who puts in maximum effort should not receive a mediocre grade. The effectiveness of the learning process largely depends on positive emotions, and positive emotions are the basis for faster and more durable mastery of motor action.

The main functions of sports-motor action in the learning process:

    Reception of information, its collection and pre-processing;

    Processing of incoming information, its preliminary analysis and generalization;

    Evaluating this information by identifying and comparing it with information stored in memory;

    Designing a motor action, the emergence of a general plan of action and decision making;

    Establishing an action program and choosing the optimal option;

    Translating the program into real action;

    Evaluation of results, comparison of the result of an action with a previously set goal.

Information during the learning process can come from different people or be the result of introspection. As a result, there is an improvement in the activities of all the above components in the next “spiral of learning.”

The peculiarity of RE technology is that it is built in the joint actions of teachers and students. Working methods and techniques can be created directly in the lesson, students have the opportunity to choose certain forms of interaction. All this makes RO technology very functional, i.e. learning in a spiral. (Today I do it with help, tomorrow I do it I'll do it myself).

Scheme for teaching motor actions in a spiral:

Document selected for viewing Summary of a gymnastics lesson with rhythmic elements.doc


Physical education lesson summary.

, physical education teacher

Lesson topic. Gymnastics with rhythmic elements.

Lesson type: lesson on improving motor skills.

The purpose of the lesson: improving rhythmic gymnastics exercises, versatile physical development of students with the help of UGG exercises, strengthening their health.

Lesson objectives:

Improving the elements of rhythmic gymnastics without apparatus and with

objects (ball, flags);

Development of endurance, coordination and tempo of movements, sense of rhythm,

formation of correct beautiful posture;

Cultivate diligence, organization, and collectivism.


Balls, flags, hoops.

The date of the: 05/17/2014

Location: Gym

Part of the lesson



I. Preparatory part

10 min

1. Formation, greeting, lesson objectives

2. Turns left, right, around

3. Walking, types of walking with completing tasks (on your toes, arms up; on your heels, arms to the sides; in a half squat, hands on your belt; in a full squat, hands on your knees)

4. Running "Locomotive"

5. ORU (sitting on gymnastic mats).

5-8 – the same to the right

5-8 – the same in the other direction

1 – turn the body to the left
2 – i.p.
3-4 – in the other direction

1 – hands up
2 – tilt to the right
3 – tilt to the left
4 – i.p.

2 – i.p.
3-4 – the same in the other direction

1 – raise your legs
2 – legs crossed
3 – legs apart
4 – i.p.

1 – bend over, arms up
2 – i.p.

6. Reorganization by departments

30 sec

30 sec

3 min

1 min

5 minutes.

3-4 times
in each direction

5-6 times
in each direction

3-4 times
in each direction

7-8 times

5-6 times
in each direction

7-8 times

7-8 times

1-1.5 min

Pay attention to appearance.
Monitor correct execution.

The guide (train) selects any movement around the hall so as not to intersect with the “cars”

When bending, do not bend your legs

Maximum amplitude

“Two to the left – march.”

10 min

4. Outdoor switchgear without an object with musical accompaniment

1) IP - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

1-2 - with the right foot two steps forward with alternating movements of the arms

3-4 - two steps back

5-6 - step with the left foot to the right side with simultaneous rotation of the arms in the elbow joint,

7-8 - step with the right foot to the left side with simultaneous rotation of the arms at the elbow joint outward

2) i.p. feet shoulder-width apart, arms to chest

1-2 - right knee to left elbow

3-4 - left knee to right elbow

5-6 - right leg to the side, left arm up

7-8 - left leg to the side, right arm up

3) i.p. - legs together, hands down

1-2 – left foot forward, clap under the foot

3-4 – right foot forward, clap under the foot,

5-8 - legs to the side, clap overhead.

4) i.p. - O. With.

1-2 – left lunge forward, arms to the sides

3-4 - right lunge forward, arms to the sides

5-6 - lunge to the right, hands in a cross

7-8 - lunge to the left with your arms into a cross.

5. Outdoor switchgear with an object (with a ball) to music


1)-i.p. - o.s. feet shoulder-width apart ball below

1-2 - ball up right leg to the side

3-4 - ball down, feet together, ball up, left foot to the side

2)-i.p. – o.s.

1-2 - deep lunge to the right, intercepting the ball from under the knee, 3-4 lunge to the left, intercepting the ball from under the knee

3) - i.p. sit your hands behind you, hold the ball between your feet, legs at a 45-degree angle

1-4 - ball rotation clockwise

5-8 – ball rotation


4) - i.p. lying on your left side,

right hand up

1 – leg up, touch hand

2 – i.p.

3-4 - the same.

7. Outdoor switchgear with an object (with flags) accompanied by music

1) -i.p. - feet together, hands down,

1-8 - stepping from foot to foot, simultaneous opposite flexion - extension of the arms at the elbow joint

2) - i.p. - legs together, arms down

1-8 - stepping from foot to foot, alternately arms forward, up, to the side, down

3) -i.p. feet together, arms forward

1-8 - stepping from foot to foot, imitation of “scissors” with hands

4) - i.p. o.s. feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the side

1- left to the side on the toe, arms up

2 – i.p.

3 - right to the side on the toe, arms up

4 – i.p.

8. A game

"Relay race"

Jumping in a squat into a hoop with further transfer of it forward by a rotational movement of the hands;

Jumping through a hoop in motion;

Walking while rotating the hoop with your right (left) hand.

2 minutes.

8 times

8 times

8 times

8 times

2 minutes

16 times

16 times

16 times

Then change gender

2 minutes

16 times

8 times

8 times

8 times

9 min

Perform movements in time with the music

Shoulders turned back straight

Knees touch elbow

Arm straight, foot on toes

Do not bend your knees, arms up to the side

Back straight

The pace is slow, the movements are smooth

Back straight

Do not bend your knees

Maximum amplitude

Legs straight, do not touch the floor

Leg straight, body straight

Perform exercises to the beat of music, energetic movements

Maintain correct posture, arms straight

Be careful, maintain interval and distance.

Emotionally support team players



5 minutes

9. Stretching

1) - i.p. - gray hair, hands behind

1-2 - springy tilts of the body towards the left leg

3-4 - tilt the body towards the left leg, hold

5-6 - springy tilts of the body towards the left leg

7-8 - tilt the torso towards the left leg, hold

2) - i.p. - wide stance, hands down

1 - lean forward, arms back up

2 – i.p.

3 – tilt back, arms up

4 - i.p.

3) i.p. - sitting, legs apart

1 - tilts to the right leg

2 - tilt towards the middle

3 – tilt to the left leg

4 - starting position

4 min

4 times



Legs straight, in

hold in the maximum stretch position for 2-3


Legs straight, maximum amplitude

Formation in one line.

Summing up the lesson.


improving the movements learned in the lesson

1 min

Explain what movements need to be repeated

Document selected for viewing gymnastics grade 7.docx


Lesson plan for gymnastics in 7th grade

, physical education teacher

Lesson topic. Gymnastics.

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson: training, consolidation and improvement of gymnastic exercises on apparatus, versatile physical development of students with the help of gymnastic exercises, strengthening of health.

Lesson objectives:


Boys –

Teach lifting with a double push on a low bar.

Strengthen the headstand and a combination of acrobatics exercises.

Improve the combination of exercises on parallel bars.

Girls –

Improve the combination of exercises in balance on a low beam.

Strengthen the back somersault into a half split and a combination of acrobatics exercises.

Learn to swing one and push the other to lift up, turning point-blank onto the lower pole with support on the upper pole.


Develop the vestibular apparatus, arm muscle strength and coordination of movements.

Form correct posture.


Create favorable conditions for developing self-control and self-assessment of achieved results.

To foster in children independence, discipline, and a sense of teamwork.

Location: gym.

Inventory: gymnastic mats, low crossbar, parallel bars (male and female), floor beam (low), gymnastic benches, high crossbar, ladder, horse, goat, musical accompaniment.

Benefits: educational cards (see appendices).

Parts lesson




Preparatory part

1. Formation, greeting, lesson objectives

2. Turns left, right, around

2. Walking, varieties of walking with performing tasks (on toes, arms up; on heels, arms to the sides; in a half-squat, hands on the belt; in a full squat, hands on the knees)

3. Running like a train

4. ORU (sitting on gymnastic mats).

1) I.p. – sitting on the mat in support from behind.
1-4 – circular movements of the head to the left
5-8 – the same to the right

2) I.p. – sitting on the mat, arms forward.
1-2 – circular movements with hands inward
3-4 – the same in the elbow joints
5-8 – the same in the other direction

3) I.p. – sitting on the mat, hands behind your head.
1 – turn the body to the left
2 – i.p.
3-4 – in the other direction

4) I.p. – sitting on the mat, hands behind your head.
1 – hands up
2 – tilt to the right
3 – tilt to the left
4 – i.p.

5) I.p. – sitting on the mat, hands at the back.
1 – bend over, turn left, right hand up
2 – i.p.
3-4 – the same in the other direction

6) I.p. – sitting on the mat, resting on the back of your elbows.
1 – raise your legs
2 – legs crossed
3 – legs apart
4 – i.p.

7) I.p. – lying on your stomach, arms up.
1 – bend over, arms up
2 – i.p.

8) I.p. - sitting on the mat.
1 – roll back stand on shoulder blades
2 – lower your legs behind your head, touch the floor
3 – shoulder blade stand
4 – i.p.

9) I.p. – crouching emphasis
1 – forward somersault
2 – i.p.
3 – back somersault
4 – i.p.

5. Reorganization by departments

12 min

1 min

20 sec

20-30 sec

1 min

7-8 min

3-4 times
in each direction

5-6 times
in each direction

3-4 times
in each direction

7-8 times

5-6 times
in each direction

7-8 times

7-8 times

3-4 times

2-3 times

1-1.5 min

Pay attention to appearance
Monitor correct execution
Pay attention to your posture: back straight, shoulders back, chin raised

The guide (locomotive) selects any movement around the hall so as not to intersect with the “cars” and not jump over the shells

Back straight, perform with maximum amplitude

When bending, do not bend your legs

The torso is straight, do not bend while supporting your arm

Legs straight, raise 50-60 cm from the floor

Maximum amplitude

The torso is straight, legs are straight when touching the floor

Perform somersaults in a tight group

“Two to the left – march.”


Main part

1. Boys – Teach lifting with a double push and a push on a low bar (see card No. 12)
1. Girls – Improve the combination of exercises in balance on a low “beam” (see card No. 75)

2. Boys – Strengthen the headstand and combination of exercises in acrobatics (see card No. 13; No. 70)
2. Girls – Fix a back roll into a half-split and a combination of acrobatics exercises
(see card No. 17; No. 73)

3. Boys – Improve the combination of exercises on parallel bars (see card No. 71)
3. Girls – Learn to swing one and push the other to lift up, turning point-blank onto the lower pole with support on the upper pole (see card No. 74)

4. Obstacle course (see card No. 137)

25 min

10 min

5 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

10 min

5 minutes

During training, boys perform both sections together with the teacher -
girls work independently in departments

Strong students help weak students

Boys work independently in departments

Girls perform exercises in both sections together with the teacher

Those released provide assistance and insurance


Final part

1. Construction, relaxation and recovery exercise
2. Summing up the lesson
3. Homework

3 min

Card number 4 (exercise 1.4)

Tag the best students
Perform flexibility and arm muscle exercises

Document selected for viewing athletics lesson.docx


Summary of the preparatory part of the athletics lesson.

, physical education teacher



Organizational and methodological instructions

Introductory and preparatory part

22 min.

Organized entrance to the gym. Formation, greeting.

Reporting the objectives of the lesson.

1.5 min.

Pay attention to your posture

On-site drills

0.5 min.

Activating students' attention

Walking and its variations in a column one at a time:

On your toes, arms to the side;

On your heels, hands behind your head;

On the inner arch of the foot, hands on the belt;

On the outer arch, feet of the hand on the belt;

Toes to the sides, hands locked behind your back;

Toes pointing inward, hands locked behind back;

Roll from heel to toe, with the opposite hand moving forward upward;

Walking in a half-squat on your toes, arms to the sides;

Walking in a squat, hands on knees;

5 minutes

Pay attention: to posture. Do not bend at the hip joint

To keep distance

Accented calf raise.

Uniform running in a column one at a time:

running "snake"

Mincing running - running in small steps (the foot stands on the toe, followed by a slightly noticeable touch with the heel, the supporting leg is fully straightened);

Side steps left, right side

Running with high hips
- with choking of the lower leg,
- “wheel” (combine exercises 1 and 2).
- jumps on 2 legs up and with the hip of one leg (with a change of legs).
- jumping from foot to foot.

Running by jumping with full straightening of the pushing leg and sweeping movements of the arms.

- “deer” running

5 minutes

4-6 times


30-40 m.

Students’ self-monitoring of breathing, keeping distance

When pushing off, the supporting leg must be fully straightened, not

tilt your torso back, do not spread your knees to the side;

jump up with both feet

When pushing off, the pushing leg is completely straightened in all joints.

Walking in a column one at a time while performing exercises to restore breathing

1-2 – Hands up – inhale

3-4- Bend forward, arms down, exhale


3-4 times

Inhale deeply, exhale quickly

General development exercises (GDE) in motion:

1) I.p.: main stand.

1 - left step, right hand forward;

2 - step right, left hand forward;

3 - step left, bend your arms forcefully at the elbows;

4 - scion step, hands down;

2) i. p.: basic stance, hands to shoulders .

1 – left step, arms up;

2 – step right, hands to shoulders;

3 – 4 – the same;

3) I.p.-o.s., arms straight at the waist.

1-4 - circular rotation of the arms forward;

5 – 8 - circular rotation of the arms back

4) i. p.: basic stance, arms to the sides

1 - left step, tilt to the left, right hand up, left hand behind the back;

2 - step right, straighten up and tilt to the right, left hand up, right hand behind your back

5) i. p.: main stand.

1 - lunge forward with the left, arms arcing upward;

2 - standing on the left and placing the right one, tilt, bending forward, touch the ground with your hands;

3 - straightening up, lunge forward with your right hand, arcing your arms upward;

4 - standing on the right and placing the left, tilt, bending forward, touch the ground with your hands

6) i. p.: basic stoic, hands in front of the chest .

1 – step left, turn the body to the right;

2 - step right, turn the body to the left;

3 - left step, lean forward, touch your left toe with your right hand, left hand to the side


4 - right step, lean forward, touch your right toe with your left hand, right hand to the side


5) I.p. - o. s., hands on the belt.

1 - step forward with your right foot,

2 - left leg bent at the knees, raised above the waist, toe down;

3-4 – the same thing.

6) ex. No. 5 from the left leg;

7) I.p. - o.s., hands in front of you.

1 - step forward with your right foot,

2 - left leg swing upward movement

3 – 4 – the same.

8) ex. No. 5 from the left leg;

5 minutes


6 – 8 times

arms straight, watch your posture

arms are straight, amplitude is large

amplitude is large

watch your posture

in a deep lunge, in a bend over - do not bend your knees

Bent over - do not bend your knees

watch your posture

General development exercises (GDE) on site:
№ 1. Starting position (i.p.): basic stance, hands on the belt. Head tilts to the right, forward, left and back

For 4 counts, one tilt in each direction;

5 minutes

6-8 times.

The pace is low; gently tilt your head to each side with a short pause

2: I. p. basic stance, hands on the belt. Circular rotation of the head left and right

For 4 counts in one direction;

6-8 times.

The pace is low; perform movements smoothly

3 : I. p.: basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight to the sides. Circular rotation of the arms in the elbow joint inward and outward

For 4 counts, 4 inward rotations; for 4 counts 4 outward rotations;

6-8 times.

The pace is average; During rotation, the shoulder remains motionless, parallel to the floor

4 I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest.

1–2 – jerks with arms bent at the elbow joints.

3–4 – jerks with straight arms across the side and back.

6-8 times.

5 : I. p.: basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight to the sides. Circular rotation of the arms in the shoulder joint forward and backward

For 4 counts, 4 spins forward; for 4 counts 4 spins back;

6-8 times.

The pace is below average; the amplitude of rotation should be maximum

6 : I. p.: basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Rotation of the upper body to the right and left

For 4 counts: for 2 counts 1 rotation to the right and 1 rotation to the left; repeat 6 times

6-8 times.

The pace is average; maximum amplitude of movement; back straight;

7 : I. p.: basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Circular rotation of the body to the right and left

For 8 counts: 4 rotations for 4 counts to the right; the same to the left;

6-8 times.

The pace is below average; maximum amplitude of movement; back straight

8 : I. p.: basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Bend the torso forward alternately to the left leg, between the feet, to the right leg

For 4 counts: for 3 counts 3 tilts, for “four” take IP; repeat 4 times

6-8 times.

9 : I. p.: basic stance, legs as wide as possible, hands on the belt. Squats alternately on the left and right leg;

For 4 counts: on “one” squat on the left leg – right leg straight to the side, on “two” take the IP, on “three” squat on the right leg – left leg straight to the side, on “four” take and .P.

6-8 times.

The pace is low; legs straight at the knees; smooth movements

10 : I. p.: basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Double leg squats

On the count of 4, 2 squats: on the count of “one”, take a crouching position, on the count of “two”, take and. P.;

6-8 times.

The pace is average; back straight; squat without lifting your heels off the floor

11 I.p. – sit on the right leg, hands clasped in front of the chest.

1-2 - transition from right foot to left.

Venue: sports hall.

Equipment: volleyballs, rectangular fiberboard device, music center




Organizational and methodological instructions


2 Greeting, message of lesson objectives

With one foot placed next to the other;

Roll from heel to toe;

With a high hip raise on your toes.

3. ORU in place: “Game of hands.”

In i.p. standing still;

Exercises suggested by those involved,


1.Improving moving skills.

a) moving with an added step and jumping.

I greet you, my friends!

Among team sports available to schoolchildren and adults, volleyball is especially popular. The rules of this game are quite simple. And its emotional impact has great attractive power. Playing volleyball contributes to the development of the muscular system, helps to develop such vital qualities as reaction speed, agility, and endurance. Volleyball has a positive effect on the body without overloading its main systems and organs. It teaches you to take collective action, the ability to subordinate your personal interests to the interests of the team, teaches you to be disciplined and to help your partner. Today we will continue to work on improving our moving technique and will learn how to pass the ball over the top with both hands.

Exercises are performed with your head raised to see everything that is happening on the site. Watch your posture, keep your back and shoulders correctly and straight.

Exercises for attention and balance: when given a signal (claps), stop, maintain balance and repeat the number of claps performed by the teacher.

Musical accompaniment: “It’s fun to walk together.” They play in pairs. The group is calculated on the first-second, rearranged into two ranks facing each other.

The teacher keeps score:

1.2 – with one clap in front of you;

1.2 - with one clap behind the back;

Squat down while performing the clap in front of you.

Perform each series 3 times.

What other outdoor switchgear can be included in this game?

Options: jumping in place, turning and bending the body left-right, forward-backward, with a clap under the foot, etc.

Musical accompaniment: the same composition.

The exercise is performed in a circle in pairs, holding hands, and at a signal (claps) change the direction of movement, without releasing the hands, to the opposite.

b) moving with side steps in pairs:

Facing each other, holding hands;

Facing each other, foreheads touching;

With their backs to each other, holding hands;

Backs to each other, shoulder blades touching;

2. Learning to pass the ball with two hands from above:

Explanation of the technique of passing the ball using a visual aid;

Simulation of passing the ball on the spot;

Passing the ball in pairs:

Lifting a ball lying on the floor, with

correct placement of the hands and fingers on it, followed by a pass with both hands from above

Passing the ball using

devices made of fiberboard;

Exercises with DVP,

proposed by participants


Construction, summing up.

Repeat the number of claps performed by the teacher and continue moving.

Pairs are combined into fours, then into sixes, etc., until everyone is in

one line, performing the same task. When performing a turn, you need to not only follow the signal, but also carefully watch your partners.

At the same time, perform an attention exercise with clapping.

A prerequisite for the correct execution of the pass is timely access to the ball and choice of the starting position. The most convenient and accurate are top gears from a high position, when the legs are shoulder-width apart, the knees are slightly bent, the torso is in an upright position, the arms are extended forward and upward and bent at the elbows; Elbows are apart and at shoulder level. The palm surface of the hands is facing the approaching ball. The hands are in contact with the ball near the face, the hands are in a dorsiflexion position, the fingers are slightly tense and bent, they cover the ball with the first and second phalanges, forming a kind of funnel. The main load during transmission falls mainly on the index and middle fingers. At the moment of passing, the legs and arms are smoothly extended and the ball is sent with a gentle movement of the fingers in the desired direction.

The class from the column, one by one, is rebuilt into two ranks along the side lines facing each other, an interval of 2 meters.

The ball is approaching - straighten up and raise your arms up (1); reduce the speed of the ball by bending your elbows (2); pass the ball - stretch forward and upward, straightening your arms and legs (3); accept IP(4)

One line performs lifting, passing and catching the ball in an individual position. above the face, and

the second is passing with the help of a device made of fiberboard: the student holds the device with both hands at head level and hits the ball by smoothly straightening his bent knees and then straightening his arms.

After completing 5-6 passes, the ranks change roles.

What other exercises with this device can you suggest to improve the technique of passing the ball overhand with two hands? For what purpose will you use them?

Options: - do not throw the ball, but hold it on the board (the skill of being able to reduce the speed of the ball is being practiced);

Throw the ball above you and perform a pass (smooth and synchronized movements of the legs, torso and arms are practiced);

What was new in today's lesson?

What did you like?

How do you evaluate your work?

How do you evaluate the work of your couple, the group as a whole?

Every person wants to be happy and I wish you a nice happy day. We experience the greatest happiness when we do something for others. That’s how it is today: you helped each other, supported each other - and this is also happiness. Keep these passionate boys and girls inside you who are capable of joy! And then you will always be happy! Thanks everyone!

Fast walking followed by slow running – up to 2 minutes.

Special running exercises for a track and field athlete: running with a high hip lift, sweeping the shin back, jumping from foot to foot, mincing run - each exercise is 20 - 25 meters.

Acceleration - 3x25 meters.

Main part- 30 min.

1. Starting acceleration technique – 10 min

Running from a low start under the bar – 3 × 25 m.

Run from the start along the marks (first step - 3.5 feet from the front foot, second - 4, third - 4.5, fourth - 5, fifth - 5.5, sixth - 6 feet) - 4x25 m.

The same, but with a run of 15 - 20 m by inertia, maintaining the acquired speed - 3 × 30-35 m.

2. Technique of throwing a ball at a horizontal target and at a distance – 9 min.

Explanation and demonstration of the exercise – 1-1.5 minutes.

Throwing the ball at a horizontal target 1x1 m (conditional trench), located at a distance of 8 m, standing facing the direction of throwing (ball above the head), - 6-8 times;

The same, with the shoulder girdle turning to the right and moving the ball back - 6-8 times.

Throwing is performed in two to three ranks.

3. Development of motor qualities – 8 min.

The class, divided into 6 groups, works at six stations. Change in 1 minute.

    1st – jumping up from a crouching position with legs spread back and forth;

    2nd – raising the legs into a corner and lowering them from a position in support from behind;

    3rd – lying position from a sitting position;

    4th – jumping rope - 100-120 times;

    5th – flexion and extension of the arms in support - 3×9-10 times;

    6th - i.p. – lying on your back, legs together, arms extended. With a quick simultaneous movement, “fold”, touching your palms with your feet, and return to the starting position.

4. Running in segments up to 100 m, alternating with walking – 3 minutes.

Performed by the whole class.

Final part.

Relaxation exercises:

I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent. Take a deep breath (hold your breath for 6-7 seconds) and squeeze your knees forcefully. Exhaling slowly, freely “drop” your knees to the sides – 8-10 times;

I.p. – legs apart, arms up. Shaking the arms, followed by relaxed lowering of the arms and bending the torso – 8-10 times.

Summing up the lesson.

Homework assignment.

Municipal educational institution

Shuryshkar comprehensive secondary school.

Physical education lesson.

Section: athletics.

Subject: Throwing a ball horizontally

target and range.

6th grade.

Teacher: Pyrysev Gennady Vasilievich.

c. Shuryshkari, 2008.

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