Summary of educational activities with children of senior preschool age. Topic: “How animals help humans. How it will look on the blog

Canistherapy. This method of rehabilitation and therapy usually helps people with problems of social adaptation and disabilities. Canistherapy is carried out with the participation of previously trained animals. Communication with a dog affects learning abilities and speech development, and helps to concentrate. After this therapy, visible improvements are noted. A person becomes more relaxed, better recognizes shapes, colors, and similarities.

Felinotherapy helps people using. They help overcome fears with the outside world. Cats have a beneficial effect during rehabilitation, relaxing, relieving stress and calming a person. Scientists have proven that purring reduces pain and promotes the regeneration of muscles and ligaments, tendons, and bones.

Dolphin therapy is an equally popular method of healing people. This is especially true for Down syndrome, patients with cerebral palsy, autism and other mental and neurological disorders. When interacting with dolphins, the release of endorphins increases. These hormones eliminate debilitating pain and are responsible for a good mood.

Treatment with participation (hippotherapy) helps patients with impaired psychomotor skills, hearing or eye damage. This technique is also useful with emotional disorders and mental retardation. Treatment involving horses is carried out by experienced specialists as prescribed by the attending physician. During hippotherapy, correct posture is formed and muscle tension is reduced.

Those who lost limbs could not lead a full life.

Now, thanks to technology, people are giving them a second chance.

Here is a small list of animals that have found a new life with the help of prosthetics.

Human help to animals

1. Cat Oscar

After Oscar lost his hind limb, a team of scientists from University College London, led by a veterinarian Noel Fitzpatrick(Noel Fitzpatrick) created a prosthesis for a cat so that he could continue to live an active and joyful life. This was the first operation of its kind, performed by UKL scientists who themselves created the prosthesis.

2. Motala Elephant

In 1999, Motala stepped on a mine while moving through the forest during the Burma-Thailand War. The technology that would allow the elephant to walk again arrived 10 years later, and in 2009 Motala received a new artificial limb.

3. Miniature donkey Emma (Emma)

After giving birth, it was discovered that Emma's leg was deformed, preventing it from growing. Veterinarians had to amputate the limb and create a special prosthesis for the donkey.

Now the little donkey can run and even kick with its hooves. It is also worth noting that this case has forced scientists to actively work on creating artificial limbs for donkeys and horses of all sizes and shapes.

4. Pig Chris P. Bacon

Chris P. was born without hind legs, and his owner (who is also a veterinarian) Len Lucero(Len Lucero), created a pair of wheels for the pig from Kinex toys.

The way Chris uses his "stroller" can be seen in the video that made the pig very popular. Now Lucero and Chris visit hospitals where children are also in wheelchairs. Piglet inspires children and lets them know that all is not lost and they should never give up.

5. Pony Molly

When Molly was attacked by a dog immediately after Hurricane Katrina, many veterinarians thought that she would not survive - her front legs were seriously injured and it seemed that the only humane option was to euthanize the animal. But surgeon Rustin Moore noticed that the pony was very careful about himself and his wounds.

He decided to undergo surgery and replace the affected limbs with prosthetics. In New Orleans, Molly has become a symbol of hope. They took her with them to hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers to show people that with the right attitude towards themselves, they can overcome any difficulties.

How a person helps animals

6. Sandhill Crane Bunker

When a golf ball hit Bunker's leg on the golf course, it completely destroyed the bone. The crane was taken to the doctor Ken McQuinsten(Dr. Ken Macquisten), who amputated Bunker's leg, replacing it with a temporary prosthesis, and transferred him to Elizabeth's Wildlife Center for recovery.

But the temporary prosthesis was not comfortable for the crane, and the veterinarian turned to specialists from Denver, Colorado, who created a new prosthesis. Bunker can now evenly distribute his body weight while walking. There is a chance that he will be released into the wild, and the crane will be under medical supervision.

7. Sea turtle Yu Chan

For many animals, being caught in a fishing net is a death sentence. But for the turtle Yu Chang it turned out to be a salvation. She was pulled from the water and found that one limb was half missing and the other one third was damaged, believed to be due to a shark attack.

This sea turtle tested several types of prosthetics, and in the end, doctors settled on the most comfortable model for Yu Chan - a special vest created by Kawamura Gishi(Kawamura Gishi). Now the turtle is swimming freely in the Japanese water park Suma Aqualife Park.

8. Bottlenose Dolphin Fuji

Fuji had an unexplained illness that required the amputation of part of the dolphin's tail. Despite the fact that she could still swim, Japanese experts decided that for a normal life it was worth making a “normal” tail for her.

Soon specialists from Bridgestone Corp. made a full tail for a 34-year-old mammal. The material from which the dolphin's tail is made is also used in Formula 1 racing.

9. Bald Eagle Beauty

The beauty was near death when she was found shot by poachers. The end of the beak was destroyed, preventing the eagle from eating, drinking or cleaning itself.

Eagle rescuer Jane Fink Cantwell asked Kinetic Engineering Group for help, and experts created a 3-D printed beak for Beauty. After several fittings and modifications, the eagle received a second life and was able to lead a normal life.

10. Septimus the Turtle

Septimus slept so soundly that he did not feel the rats creeping up to his front legs. When Darren Strand found it under his porch, he took the turtle to the vet. The turtle's front legs were so mutilated that there were two options left: amputation or euthanization of the animal.

The life of a 23-year-old turtle was saved with the help of surgery and a prosthetic with a model airplane wheel.

11. Dudley the Duck

When Dudley was a duckling, he was attacked by aggressive chickens and lost his leg. Although he could swim he had difficulty walkingon the ground. Mechanical Engineer Terence Loring(Terence Loring) decided to help the duckling - he developed an artificial limb in his company Proto3000, which works with 3-D printers.

Over time, the duckling will grow, but Terence will have no problem "printing" larger limbs for Dudley. The engineer even posted 3-D files of his invention on the Internet for free so that anyone could create a prosthesis using a 3-D printer.

Help homeless animals

12. Macho Horse

In 2003, this horse was found emaciated and seriously injured on the side of a city in India. In most cases, she would have been euthanized, but local veterinarians decided to replace the horse's severely injured leg with a prosthetic leg. Now Macho is healthy and can move.

13. Llama Tripod (Tripod)

Sherry Hughes and Marc Field first saw Tripod near their ranch in Denver, where the llama was trying to walk on its three legs.

One of the animal's legs was badly damaged and amputation was inevitable. The ranchers took the llama under their wing and saved enough money to equip the animal with a prosthetic device created by Orthopets. Tripod now walks with the other llamas on the ranch.

14. Calf Meadow

Nancy Dickenson found the calf. She discovered that Meadow had frostbite in her ears and hind legs. The woman spent thousands of dollars to provide the calf with suitable prosthetics.

Colorado State Veterinarian Dr. Robert Callan had never heard of cow prosthetics because... most of them are raised for meat, and such prosthetics cost a lot of money. Everything will be fine for Madow, because... her new owners consider the calf part of the family and have no intention of harming her.

15. Dog Nakio

Nakio was just a puppy when he was found in a basement during a cold Nebraska winter. His tail and paws were frozen over a pile of ice. In addition, he was worried about other health problems.

When he was rescued, the puppy had to have his paws, tail and part of his nose amputated. His new owner, Christie Pace, a veterinary assistant, raised enough money for the dog to get good prosthetic limbs.

Irina Agafonova
Summary of educational activities with children of senior preschool age. Topic: “How animals help humans”

Program content:

1. In order to develop creativity, teach children:

Conceive a simple plot for your work;

Pass a figure person, animals, proportions of body parts;

Correctly position the image on the sheet;

Draw large.

2. Improve visual skills and brush skills, develop a sense of color and proportion.

3. Continue to improve children’s ability to examine work, enjoy the achieved result, notice and highlight the expressive solutions of images.

Equipment and material:

Sheets of paper, gouache, three brushes, rags, jars of water, audio recording.

Methodical techniques:

Verbal: - introductory conversation


Reminder, explanation, tips

Visual: - observation


Practical: - experimenting with colors, different

visual means

Gaming methods and techniques.

Individual help.

Preliminary work:


Looking at paintings and illustrations

Reading fiction

Role-playing games "Zoo", "Veterinary hospital"

-Board games: lotto « Animals» , "Zoological Lotto"

-Didactic games: "So different animals» , "Home animals»

Progress of the lesson:

Children, guess the riddles:


He's full, he's chewing,

Gives milk to little children."


"Whoever is in the heat,

Doesn’t he take off his fur coat in the cold?”

(Sheep, ram)

“There’s a patch in front,


In the middle is the back,

There are bristles on the back."


"Red Dairy"

Day chews and night chews,

After all, grass is not so easy

Turn it into milk."


“A house was built in the yard,

The owner is on the chain.”


“Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the village.”


"Who has a patch,

Not clenched in a fist?


“He walks, walks, shakes his beard,

Requests some weed:


Give me something tasty."


As you solve the riddles, post the clue pictures on the board.

Children, tell me who these riddles are about. (ABOUT animals)

Where do these people live? animals(Near person)

How can you call them in one word? (Domestic)

Right. Today in class we will talk about home animals about how they help a person.

Children, why are they called that (People look after them, and animals,in its turn, help a person)

Now we will take a closer look at each animal and play a game"Magic wand".Children stand in a circle, the teacher acts as a leader, asking the children questions. When answering a question, children convey "magic wand" each other.

Rules of the game:Only the child who has a wand in his hands can speak. The rest can express their agreement with his statement by clapping their hands, and their disagreement by stomping their feet.

Questions for children:

What kind of home animals you know?

What benefits does it bring? cow to man,sheep, pig (etc.?

(The cow gives milk and meat.

Goats provide meat, wool and milk.

Sheep provide meat and wool.

The pig provides meat, lard, skin, etc.)

Like a cat, a dog (etc.) help people?

(The cat catches mice.

The dog is guarding man and his house.

The horse carries loads and rides people, etc.)

What is the name of a baby cow, dog, horse (etc.?

What is the name of the room in which a horse, dog, pig (etc.) is kept? etc.

Right. Well done! You spoke in great detail about home animals.

Now let's rest a little.



I am a goat, Me-ke-ke, - They walk in a circle, holding hands.

I'm walking in the meadow.

Sharp horns - Show "horns"

Thin legs.

At the very top of the head - - They jump on two legs.

Velvet ears -They do "ears" from the palms

Linen tongue - Show tongue "shovel".

Hemp tail. - Show with hand "tail".

Lithuanian song

And now I want to invite you to make a gift for children in the younger group - draw what we just talked about, about how animals help people. Then you and I will make a book from the drawings, which we will call "How animals help people» and give it to little children, and by looking at your drawings they will learn more about home animals.

Children, now go to your seats and start drawing.

Music plays while working. Individual work is carried out.

Physical exercise.


You know me closely. -Walk in a circle on tiptoes, sneaking,

I'm a friendly pussy. - holding your arms bent in front of your chest.

Up - tassels on ears, - Stop, stand facing in a circle

The claws are hidden in the pillows. -do "ears" from the palms,

In the dark I see sharply, - then - "claws" from fingers

I won't offend you in vain. -They walk in a circle again, stealthily.

But teasing me is dangerous - They stop again, stand facing the circle

I scratch terribly. -and show "claws"

V. Stoyanov

After completing the work, I suggest you see what happened. I place the work on a board or table.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4" of the urban district of the city of Agidel of the Republic of Bashkortostan

“How animals help people!”

Use of ICT in OOD

On Cognitive Development

In the older group

Educator: Samatova G.R.


Target: To provide knowledge about the benefits animals bring to humans.Program content:

Educational objectives:

Clarify children's ideas about nature. Expand children's understanding of animals from different countries and continents. Promote understanding of how animals can help humans.

Developmental tasks:

Develop curiosity and cognitive activity. Expand words knowledge.

Educational tasks:

To form the idea that man is part of nature and that he must preserve, protect and defend it. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.

Preliminary work:Conversations about animals from different continents, reading fiction, didactic games, looking at illustrations of animals.

Materials and equipment:Laptop, netbooks (5pcs), screen,presentation “How animals help people”, didactic games “The Fourth Wheel”, “Find out by Description”, tape recorder, emoticons.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Guys, we have guests! Are you surprised? Guests are welcome!

D: Yes!

Q: Say hello, give them your smiles!

D: Hello!

Q: Let’s go to our seats and sit down quietly! Sit down correctly, guys!

Listen carefully!

You are all ready for class!

D: Yes, ready!

Q: Guys, look at the map. We live on planet earth. The land is beautiful and rich. Who lives on planet Earth?

D: People, birds, animals, fish, plants.

Q: You have named many inhabitants of the Earth, but how many have not yet been named. Today we will talk about an amazing kingdom - the animal kingdom. Another B will help us with this: slide 1.

Hi guys! Hedgehog, Nyusha, Krosh and I want to know how animals help people? Please tell us!

Look, I need to move this haystack. I can't do it myself. So I’m going to see my friend in the village. You will find out who he is from the riddle and tell us about him.

Q: Guys, listen to the riddle.

Legs are shod,

Runs along the road;

The mane is arched,

And the tail is like a broom!

D: Horse.

Q: Look at the screen.

Slide 2. That's right, it's a horse! Guys, what benefits does a horse bring to people?

D: conversation with children.

Q: Look at the screen.

Slide 3. Rider galloping on a horse.

D: conversation with children.

B: Slide 4. A horse carrying a load.

D: conversation with children.

B: Slide 5. Kumis is produced from mare's milk.

D: conversation with children.

B: Slide 6. I also learned about my friend. But can you tell us how animals help people in other contexts? For example, in Africa?

Q: You will learn about them by solving riddles.

A mountain walks across the sand,

He drinks two buckets of water.

Here is a rich, good-natured,

And in the desert it is very necessary.

D: Camel.

Q: Look at the screen. Slide 7. Yes, this is a camel.

D: conversation with children.

Q: Look at the screen, how does a camel help people?

B: Slide 8. The driver rides a camel

D; conversation with children.

Q: Slide 9. A camel carries cargo.

D: conversation with children.

B: Slide 10. Mittens, socks are knitted from wool,

making pillows and a blanket.

D: conversation with children.

Q: Well done guys!

Listen to the next riddle.

The giant lifts

The load is heavy to the clouds.

And if it gets stuffy,

He will pour himself from the shower.

D: Elephant

Q: Slide 11. Look at the screen, it's an elephant. What benefits does an elephant bring to humans?

D: conversation with children.

Q: Slide 12. Look at the screen.

The mahout rides an elephant.

D: conversation with children.

Q: Slide 13. An elephant transports people.

D: conversation with children.

B: Slide 14. Guys, I’m sitting here and thinking: all animals help people, and me? How am I useful? I don’t give milk, I don’t transport anything, I can’t even bring myself hay. I felt something sad...

D: conversation with children.

Q: Guys, let's cheer up Barash? Let's do a fun workout!

Dynamic pause.

B: We’ve rested, let’s continue our lesson.

Let's play the netbook game “The Fourth Wheel”

Slide 16. Guys, you need to find an extra picture. Look carefully. What's extra?

D: Ant.

Q: Why is it superfluous?

D: conversation with children.

Q: That's right, this is an insect, and the rest are animals.

Slide 17. Look at the next task. What's superfluous here?

D: Butterfly.

B: That's right, butterfly. Why is there an extra butterfly?

D: conversation with children.

Q: That's right guys. A butterfly is also an insect, and the rest are birds. Well done boys! You have completed this task.

Now let’s play another game “Find out by description”

Slide 18. Find out the first animal. This is a domestic animal: with horns, with a hoof, loves grass and gives milk.

D: Cow.

Q: Correct.

He has large horns, long legs, and of all animals he is huge, but not a predator.

D: Elk.

Q: This is a moose.

B: Loves nuts, jumps from branch to branch.

D: Squirrel.

Q: That's right, it's a squirrel.

B: Slide 19. What a great fellow you are! You know everything! Thanks everyone! I'll go tell my friends everything!

Slide 20.Thank you for your attention!

Q: Guys, I really liked you today, you were active and inquisitive.

Guys, on the tables in front of you are two circles, what is drawn there.

D: Smileys.

Q: Tell me, what are they?

D: One is cheerful, the other is sad.

Q: Guys, if it was easy for you in class today, clearly show a cheerful emoticon, and if it was difficult for you to answer, show a sad emoticon.

D: (raise emoticons).

Q: What new have we learned?

D: conversation with children.

Q: The lesson is over,

See you soon.

To all friends and adults,

Let's say "Goodbye!"

Entry text:

People and animals have been together since time immemorial. It turns out that animals perfectly sense the mood and emotional state of a person, whether the person is sick or not.

And by contacting a person, they heal him. Animals are more successful than psychiatrists. What is their secret? This is, of course, not pharmaceuticals. It is rather their nature, a warm, open, selfless character. In the West, animals are involved as key players in nursing homes and institutions for homeless or mentally retarded children. Daily interaction with a pet helps reduce risk in the outside world, strengthens a sense of self-sufficiency, and instills reliability and optimism. It cannot be said that little brothers give their owners unconditional love and attention, no matter how old or sick, rich or poor their owner is. But there are other facets of animals helping people; let’s look at the most interesting and unexpected forms of help.

Mini horses

These little horses, which by the way have nothing in common with ponies, work as guides for the blind. They have a number of advantages over traditional guide dogs: in particular, they live longer than dogs, and they can be taught more.


In Madagascar, these insects are used in the production of fabric from which local residents make clothes. This fabric is incredibly durable and shines in the sun like gold.


In addition to traditional “professions” - guards, defenders, hunters - dogs are also geologists: they participate in the search for minerals. According to their human colleagues, dogs are almost more effective in this matter than all other search methods.


In Thailand and Malaysia, thousands of macaques are used to collect coconuts. Much faster than humans, they climb the long smooth trunks of palm trees and drop coconuts to the ground. One monkey collects up to one thousand fruits a day. And in Singapore, monkeys have mastered the profession of plant hunters. They search for the rarest specimens of flora in the impenetrable jungle and bring them to their owners.

Eagles and pythons

In England, there is a fashion for feathered guards - eagles. They live in private houses and do not allow intruders inside by pecking them. And in Las Vegas, a python works as a security guard in one of the stores. He crawls freely around the room, but does not touch anyone during the day, but at night, after closing, he can strangle uninvited guests, as the sign at the entrance kindly reports.


75 long-eared animals were “employed” by the largest agricultural producer in the Netherlands. Rabbits, it turns out, do not like the taste of tomato bushes, and therefore they are used for weeding in the greenhouse: they eat the weeds clean, but do not touch the tomatoes.


In addition to the already mentioned rescue and search service for the military, dolphins also work as watchmen at resorts off the coast of the United States. Continuously cruising back and forth along the coast during the day, they keep sharks away from the beaches where people swim. Moreover, smart dolphins try to lure sea predators into traps set by their human trainers, from which sharks cannot escape on their own. Caught predators are taken further from the beach.

Love animals, because often in the eyes of our pets, we see emotions familiar to us: melancholy, joy, some kind of shame. And it seems that he’s telling you how much he loves you, and listening carefully to what’s hurting in your soul. This cannot be just an illusion, this is reality. Once this creature lives with you a quarter of your life, it ceases to be just a family member, but moves into the honorary status of a friend. Don’t lose friends and helpers, even if it’s just an animal